The Chukchi had two types of dwellings: portable and permanent. The “sedentary”, or sedentary, had winter and summer dwellings. In winter they lived in half-dugouts, the type and design of which were borrowed from the Eskimos.

The most detailed information about the structure of half-dugouts of sedentary Chukchi is reported by Merck: “The outside of the yurts are covered with turf, rounded and rise several feet above the ground level. There is a quadrangular opening on the side through which you can enter. Around the entrance there are uprights placed around the entire circumference of the dugouts, except for only a place for passage, whale jaws... up to 7 feet. On top they are covered with whale ribs, and on top of that with turf. Through the mentioned entrance you first find yourself in a corridor the length of the entire dugout, about 6 feet high, about a fathom wide or more, and slightly deeper than the floor level of the dugout.

The dugout itself is always quadrangular in shape, its width and length are 10-14 feet, and its height is 8 feet or more. Closer to the walls, the height of the room decreases due to the bending of the ceiling. The dugout was sunk 5 feet into the ground, and on top of that, an earthen wall was laid three feet high, with whale jaws on top, mounted on all sides. On the mentioned whale jaws rest four separate identical whale jaws, laid lengthwise from the entrance itself at some distance from each other and forming the ceiling of the yurt.

Whale ribs are laid across them across the entire ceiling. At a height of three feet from the floor level, one rib is attached to the four corners of the yurt, which rest on supports in the middle of their bend, and boards are laid on them along all four walls. They represent the bunks on which the Chukchi sleep and sit. The floor is also covered with boards, and under the bunks, instead of flooring, walrus skins are placed. Near the entrance there is a lattice opening in the ceiling covered with a whale liver bladder.

Near the window there is another small hole in the ceiling in the form of a vertebra pressed into the roof; it is intended to release smoke from the lamps located at the four corners of the yurt. Some of the whale ribs that form the roof are painted white on the sides and figures are depicted on them, such as whales, canoes, etc.... The canopy is illuminated by the same window built into the ceiling near the dugout itself" (MAE Archives. Col. 3. Op. 1. Item 2. pp. 15-17).

When comparing this description with materials from archaeological excavations, a striking similarity is revealed with the dugouts of the Punuk period (VII-XVII centuries AD). The material from which the dugouts were built also coincides. The modern population of Chukotka has preserved the memory that there used to be two types of half-dugouts: valkaran (“dwelling of jaws”) and klergan (“men’s dwelling”). Clergan, despite this name, was simply a winter dwelling in which several families of close relatives settled. Valkaran is also a winter home, but for one family. According to informants, orphans or strangers lived in the Valkaran, whom a large family could settle near them. Summer dwellings of sedentary Chukchi in the 18th century. differed in that their inhabitants were usually members of the same family. According to K. Merk, for one winter yurt there were several summer yarangs. For example, in Uelene there were 26 summer yurts and 7 winter ones (Ethnographic materials, 1978. P. 155). Approximately this ratio of winter and summer dwellings is typical for all sedentary Chukchi settlements.

The yarangas of the coastal Chukchi in appearance and internal structure resembled the yarangas of the reindeer Chukchi2. While retaining the structural basis of the reindeer herders' yaranga, the summer home of the sedentary Chukchi also had some differences. It did not have a smoke hole. In the treeless area, the Chukchi did not even build a fireplace. Food was prepared on fat lamps or in specially constructed “kitchens” near the yaranga, where they burned the bones of sea animals and doused them with fat. During voyages, if necessary, canoes were used for shelter from bad weather for temporary housing. They were pulled ashore, turned upside down and placed under their shelter.

At the end of the 18th century. winter dugouts began to fall out of use. Later A.L. Lazarev noted: " We did not see winter yurts among the Chukchi; summer ones are quite round at the bottom, from 2 and a half to 4 fathoms in diameter, and convex at the top, which is why from a distance they look like a haystack. We were told that the Chukchi live in these yurts in winter, which we did not believe at first, but they assured us that it is not cold in them in winter"(Notes on navigation, 1950. P. 302).

In the 19th century The semi-underground dwellings of the Valkaran and Klegran finally disappear. Instead, in winter, yarangas with sleeping canopies made of deer skins are used. F.P. Wrangel, who rode on dogs from Cape Shelagskoye to Kolyuchinskaya Bay, saw only the ruins of old dugouts, but nowhere does he say that the Chukchi live in them. " Sedentary Chukchi live in small villages, he wrote. - Their huts are built on poles and whale ribs, covered with deer skins."(Wrangel, 1948. pp. 311-312).

The reindeer Chukchi lived in yarangas both in winter and summer. The only difference between them was the quality of the skins from which the tire and canopy were made. Descriptions of the dwellings of Chukchi reindeer herders of the 18th century. indicate that with the development of production and changes in social relations, the yaranga also underwent a change, primarily its size.

“In yarangas they unite in the summer, as well as in winter, during long stays in one place, all connected by at least distant kinship. Such yarangas contain several canopies made of reindeer skins and therefore have significant dimensions” (MAE Archive. Col. 3. Op. 1. P. 2. P. 5-14). Community yarangas of the reindeer Chukchi existed in some places in the first quarter of the 19th century. By the 40s and 50s of the 19th century. the individual family becomes the main economic unit of Chukotka society; Apparently, there was a complete isolation in everyday life. In this regard, collective housing has lost its significance.

In the book Z.P. Sokolova"The Dwelling of the Peoples of Siberia (Typological Experience)" provides a detailed description of the structure of the Chukotka yaranga: "(yaran.y) - a frame cylindrical-conical non-lattice dwelling. For reindeer herders it was portable, for sea hunters it was stationary. The frame of the yaranga consists of vertical poles placed in a circle. In a portable yaranga, these poles stand in the form of tripods connected with straps, in a stationary one they alternate singly or are connected in pairs by diagonal crossbars.

The upper parts of the vertical poles or tripods are connected by vertical poles forming a hoop, to which are attached poles of a conical covering, crossing the tops of each other and resting (in a stationary dwelling) on ​​a central support pole with a crossbar at the top or on three poles in the form of a tripod (three poles, connected by vertices). The poles of the conical covering are sometimes secured from the inside with a hoop and covered with inclined poles. In some yarangas, the top is slightly shifted from the center to the north... On top of the yaranga frame it is covered with tires made of deer or walrus skins, in the summer - with a tarpaulin. Outside, the yaranga is tied with belts to protect from the wind, to which stones are attached. The lower part of the frame of the stationary yaranga at the base and the entrance are covered by the Primorye Chukchi with turf or stones in the form of a low wall. The entrance hole is closed with a piece of leather or a wooden door only during snowstorms.

The interior space is divided into separate rooms for married couples or parents and children by three or four fur canopies (in the form of a rectangular box), heated by stone lamps with seal oil (zhirnik). The canopies are tied using poles to a horizontal pole at the back wall of the dwelling. They crawl into the canopy, lifting its front wall. A fire is lit in the cold front part of the yaranga (Sokolova, 1998, pp. 75, 77).

I.S. Vdovin, E.P. Batyanova
(from the book Peoples of North-East Siberia)

Dwelling of the reindeer Chukchi.

Dwelling of the reindeer Chukchi yaranga a tent, round at the base, with a height in the center from 3.5 to 4.7 m and a diameter from 5.7 to 7 8 m. The wooden frame consisted of poles resting on a tripod firmly standing on the ground from thick poles tied with a leather belt through holes into their top parts. Below, meter-long bipeds and tripods were tied to the poles and poles with straps, forming a wide circle of the base of the yaranga and supporting the transverse crossbars attached to them at their ends. A circle made of them, smaller in diameter than the base, strengthened the frame of the yaranga in its middle part.

At the top, closer to the smoke hole, there is another row of pepper bars. The wooden frame of the yaranga was covered (fur side out) with deer skins, usually sewn into 2 panels. The edges of the skins were placed one on top of the other and secured with straps sewn to them. The free ends of the belts in the lower part were tied to sledges or heavy stones, which ensured the immobility of the covering. For 2 halves of the outer covering, about 40 - 50 large deer skins were required. The yaranga was entered between the two halves of the cover, folding their edges to the sides. For winter we used new coatings, for summer - those that were used last year.

In winter, during periods of frequent migrations, the canopy was made from the thickest skins with the fur inside. The shepherds driving their flock to the new one. pasture, lived in yarangas with a light covering and a small sleeping canopy. The hearth was in the center of the yaranga, under the smoke hole. Opposite the entrance, at the back wall, a sleeping area was installed - a canopy - in the form of a parallelepiped sewn from skins.

Schoolchildren can easily answer the question “Where do the Chukchi live?” In the Far East there is Chukotka or the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. But if we complicate the question a little: “Where do the Chukchi and Eskimos live?”, difficulties arise. There is no region of the same name; we need to find a more serious approach and understand the national intricacies.

Are there any differences between the Chukchi, Eskimos and Koryaks?

Of course there is. All these are different nationalities, once tribes, having common roots and inhabiting similar territories.

The regions in Russia where the Chukchi or Luoravetlans live are concentrated in the north. These are the Republic of Sakha, Koryak Autonomous Okrug and Since ancient times, their tribes have inhabited the extreme regions of Eastern Siberia. At first they were nomadic, but after taming the reindeer they began to adapt a little. They speak the Chukchi language, which has several dialects. The Luoravetlans or Chukchi (self-name) divided themselves into sea hunters living on the coast of the Arctic Ocean, and reindeer hunters of the tundra.

Some anthropologists classify the Eskimos as a Mongoloid race of Arctic origin. This nation lives in the state of Alaska (USA), in the northern regions of Canada, on the island of Greenland (Denmark) and quite a few (1,500 people) in Chukotka. In each country, Eskimos speak their own language: Greenlandic, Alaskan Inuit, and Canadian Eskimo. All of them are divided into different dialects.

Who are the Chukchi and Koryak? The Luoravetlans first pushed back the Eskimo tribes, and then separated territorially from the Koryaks. Today, the Koryaks (a common people with the Chukchi) constitute the indigenous population of the autonomous district of the same name in the Kamchatka region in Russia. In total there are about 7,000 people. The Koryak language belongs to the Chukchi-Kamchatka group. The first mentions of the Koryaks are found in documents of the 16th century. People are described, some of whom were engaged in reindeer herding, and others in marine fishing.


Where do the Chukchi live and what do they look like? The answer to the first part of the question is formulated above. More recently, scientists have proven the genetic relationship of the Chukchi and Indians. Indeed, their appearance has a lot in common. The Chukchi belong to a mixed Mongoloid race. They are similar to the inhabitants of Mongolia, China, and Korea, but are somewhat different.

The eye shape of Luoravetlan men is more horizontal than slanting. The cheekbones are not as wide as those of the Yakuts, and the skin color has a bronze tint. Women of this nationality are more similar in appearance to Mongoloids: wide cheekbones, wide noses with large nostrils. Hair color for representatives of both Men cut their hair short, women braid two braids and decorate them with beads. Married women wear bangs.

Luoravetlan winter clothes are two-layer, most often sewn from fawn fur. Summer clothing consists of capes or jackets made of deer suede.

Character traits

When drawing a psychological portrait of this nationality, they note the main feature - excessive nervous excitability. Luoravetlan are easily disturbed from a state of spiritual balance; they are very hot-tempered. Against this background, they have a tendency towards murder or suicide. For example, a relative can easily respond to the request of a seriously ill family member and kill him so that he does not suffer in agony. extremely independent, original. In any dispute or struggle they show unprecedented persistence.

At the same time, these people are very hospitable and good-natured, naive. They selflessly come to the aid of their neighbors and everyone in need. They take the concept of marital fidelity very lightly. Wives are rarely jealous of their husbands.

Living conditions

Where the Chukchi live (pictured below), there is a short polar summer, and the rest of the time is winter. To refer to the weather, residents use only two expressions: “there is weather” or “there is no weather.” This designation is an indicator of the hunt, that is, whether it will be successful or not. From time immemorial, the Chukchi have continued their fishing traditions. They love seal meat very much. A happy hunter catches three in one go, then his family with children (usually 5-6 of them) will be fed for several days.

Places for yarang families are most often chosen surrounded by hills so that there is more calmness. It is very cold inside, although the dwelling is lined length and breadth with skins. Usually there is a small fire in the middle, surrounded by round boulders. There is a hanging cauldron of food on it. The wife takes care of the housework, butchering carcasses, cooking, and salting meat. There are children near her. Together they collect plants in season. The husband is the breadwinner. This way of life has been preserved for many centuries.

Sometimes such indigenous families do not go to the villages for months. Some children don't even have a birth certificate. Parents then have to prove that this is their child.

Why is the Chukchi the hero of jokes?

There is an opinion that Russians composed humorous stories about them out of fear and respect, a sense of superiority over themselves. Since the 18th century, when Cossack troops moved across endless Siberia and met the Luoravetlan tribes, rumors began to circulate about a warlike nation that was very difficult to surpass in battle.

The Chukchi taught their sons fearlessness and dexterity from childhood, raising them in Spartan conditions. In the harsh terrain where the Chukchi live, the future hunter must be sensitive, be able to endure any discomfort, sleep standing up, and not be afraid of pain. The favorite national wrestling takes place on a spread of slippery sealskin, along the perimeter of which sharply sharpened claws protrude.

Militant reindeer herders

The Koryak population, which before the Chukchi became part of the Russian Empire, fled from the battlefield if they saw at least several dozen Luoravetlans. Even in other countries there were tales about militant reindeer herders who are not afraid of arrows, dodge them, catch them and launch them at the enemy with their hands. Women and children who were captured killed themselves to avoid being enslaved.

In battle, the Chukchi were merciless, accurately killing the enemy with arrows, the tips of which were smeared with poison.

The government began to warn the Cossacks not to engage in battles with the Chukchi. At the next stage, they decided to bribe, persuade, and then solder the population (more so in Soviet times). And at the end of the 18th century. A fortress was built near the Angarka River. Fairs were periodically organized near it to trade with reindeer herders in exchange. Luoravetlans were not allowed into their territory. Russian Cossacks have always been interested in where the Chukchi live and what they do.

Trade affairs

Reindeer herders paid tribute to the Russian Empire in the amount they could afford. Often she was not paid at all. With the beginning of peace negotiations and cooperation, the Russians brought syphilis to the Chukchi. They were now afraid of all representatives of the Caucasian race. For example, they did not have trade relations with the French and British simply because they were “white.”

We were establishing relations with Japan, a neighboring country. The Chukchi live where it is impossible to extract metal ores in the depths of the earth. Therefore, they actively bought protective armor, armor, other military uniforms and equipment, and metal products from the Japanese.

The Luoravetlans exchanged furs and other extracted goods for tobacco with the Americans. The skins of blue fox, marten, and whalebone were highly valued.

Chukchi today

Most of the Luoravetlans mixed with other nationalities. There are almost no purebred Chukchi left now. The “ineradicable people,” as they are often called, assimilated. At the same time, they preserve their occupation, culture, and way of life.

Many scientists are confident that the small indigenous ethnic group is threatened not by extinction, but by the social abyss in which they find themselves. Many children cannot read and write and do not go to school. The standard of living of the Luoravetlans is far from civilization, and they do not strive for it. The Chukchi live in harsh natural conditions and do not like having their own rules imposed on them. But when they find frozen Russians in the snow, they bring them to the yaranga. They say that they then put the guest under the skin along with his naked wife so that she can warm him up.

They did not seem to be of great importance for the development of the whole world in many senses of the word, since they can not only clearly show us the full depth and essence of the evolutionary process, but also come to the rescue in some unforeseen situations. It is these people who, over the course of many centuries, are able to preserve their language, traditions and customs at all costs. And this applies not only to traditional dishes and clothing, but also. That's why today we decided to tell you about national houses of the peoples of the North - chums, yarangs and igloos , which are still used by local residents during hunting, migration and even in everyday life.

Chum – the dwelling of northern reindeer herders

Chum is a universal nomadic people of the North engaged in reindeer herding - Nenets, Khanty, Komi and Enets. It’s curious, but contrary to the popular opinion and the words of the well-known song “The Chukchi in a tent are waiting for the dawn,” the Chukchi never lived and do not live in tents - in fact, their dwellings are called yarangas. Perhaps the confusion arose due to the consonance of the words “chum” and “Chukchi”. Or it is possible that these two somewhat similar buildings are simply confused and not called by their proper names.

As for the plague, it is essentially one that has a cone-shaped shape and is perfectly adapted to the conditions of the tundra. Snow easily rolls off the steep surface of the chum, so when moving to a new place, the chum can be dismantled without making any extra effort to clear the building of snow. In addition, the cone shape makes the tent resistant to strong winds and snowstorms.

In summer, the tent is covered with bark, birch bark or burlap, and the entrance is hung with coarse fabric (for example, the same burlap). In winter, the skins of elk, deer, and red deer, sewn into one cloth, are used to decorate the tent, and the entrance is covered with a separate skin. In the center of the chum is located, serving as a source of heat and adapted for cooking. The heat from the stove rises and does not allow precipitation to get inside the chum - it simply evaporates under the influence of high temperature. And in order to prevent the wind from penetrating into the tent, snow is raked up to its base from the outside.

As a rule, the reindeer herders' tent consists of several coverings and 20-40 poles, which are placed on special sledges when moving. The size of the chum directly depends on the length of the poles and their number: the more poles there are and the longer they are, the more spacious it will be.

Since ancient times, installing a chum was considered a task for the whole family, in which even children took part. After the tent is completely installed, the women cover it inside with mats and soft deer skins. At the very base of the poles it is customary to place malitsa (the outer clothing of the peoples of the North made of reindeer skins with fur inside) and other soft things. Reindeer herders also carry with them featherbeds and warm sheepskin sleeping bags. At night the hostess makes the bed, and during the day she hides the bedding away from prying eyes.

Yaranga - the national dwelling of the peoples of Chukotka

As we have already said, yaranga has some similarities with a plague and is a portable nomadic Koryaks, Chukchi, Yukaghirs and Evenks. The yaranga has a circular plan and a vertical wooden frame, which is constructed from poles and topped with a conical dome. The outside of the poles is covered with walrus, deer or whale skins.

Yaranga consists of 2 halves: canopy and chottagina. The canopy looks like a warm tent made of skins, heated and illuminated using a fat lamp (for example, a strip of fur dipped in fat and soaked in it). The canopy is a sleeping area. Chottagin is a separate room, the appearance of which is somewhat reminiscent of a canopy. This is the coldest part. Usually boxes with clothes, dressed skins, barrels of fermentation and other things are stored in chottagin.

Nowadays, yaranga is a centuries-old symbol of the peoples of Chukotka, which is used during many winter and summer holidays. Moreover, yarangas are installed not only in squares, but also in club foyers. In such yarangas, women prepare traditional dishes of the peoples of the North - tea, venison - and treat them to guests. Moreover, some other structures are being built in the form of yaranga today in Chukotka. For example, in the center of Anadyr you can see a yaranga - a vegetable tent made of transparent plastic. Yaranga is also present in many Chukchi paintings, engravings, badges, emblems and even coats of arms.

Igloo - an Eskimo dwelling made of snow and ice

Light enters the igloo directly through ice windows, although in some cases ice windows are made in snowy houses. The interior is usually covered with skins, and sometimes the walls are also covered with them - completely or partially. Fat bowls are used for heating and additional lighting of the igloo. An interesting fact is that when the air is heated, the internal surfaces of the walls of the igloo melt, but do not melt due to the fact that the snow quickly removes excess heat outside the house, and due to this, a comfortable temperature for humans is maintained in the room. Moreover, snow walls are able to absorb excess moisture, so the igloo is always dry.

Chukotka reindeer herders do not live in tents, but in more complex mobile dwellings called yarangas. Next, we propose to get acquainted with the basics of construction and structure of this traditional dwelling, which Chukchi reindeer herders continue to build today.
Without a deer there will be no yaranga - this axiom is true in the literal and figurative sense. Firstly, because we need material for “construction” - deer skins. Secondly, without deer, such a house is not needed. Yaranga is a mobile, portable dwelling for reindeer herders, necessary for areas where there is no timber, but there is a need for constant migration for the reindeer herd. To build a yaranga you need poles. Birch ones are best. Birches in Chukotka, strange as it may seem to some, are growing. In the continental part along the banks of rivers. The limited area of ​​their distribution was the reason for the emergence of such a concept as “scarcity”. The poles were taken care of, they were passed on and are still passed on by inheritance. Some yaranga poles in the Chukotka tundra are more than a hundred years old.


Yaranga frame prepared for the filming of the film “Territory”

The difference between a yaranga and a chum is the complexity of its design. It's like an airbus and a corn truck. A chum is a hut, vertically standing poles, which is covered with waterproof material (birch bark, skins, etc.). The structure of the yaranga is much more complicated.

Pulling the tire (rathem) onto the yaranga frame

The construction of a yaranga begins with determining the cardinal directions. This is important because the entrance should always be in the east. First, three long poles are placed (as in the construction of a tent). Then, small wooden tripods are installed around these poles, which are fastened together with horizontal poles. From the tripods to the top of the yaranga there are poles of the second tier. All the poles are fastened to each other with ropes or belts made of deerskin. After installing the frame, a tire (ratem) made of skins is pulled on. Several ropes are thrown over the upper poles, which are tied to the awning tire and, using the elementary laws of physics and the command “eeee, one,” only in the Chukotka version, the tire is put on the frame. To prevent the tire from blowing off during a snowstorm, its edges are covered with stones. Stones are also hung on ropes to the tripod posts. Poles and boards that are tied to the outside of the yaranga are also used as anti-sails.

“Strengthening” the yaranga to prevent the tire from blowing off

Winter tires are definitely made from hides. One ratem takes from 40 to 50 deer skins. With summer tires there are options. Previously, old rathams, sewn and altered, with peeling wool, were used for summer tires. The Chukotka summer, although harsh, forgives a lot. Including an imperfect tire for the yaranga. In winter, the tire must be perfect, otherwise a huge snowdrift will blow into the small hole during a snowstorm. In Soviet times, the lower part of the tire, which was most susceptible to moisture, began to be replaced with strips of tarpaulin. Then other materials appeared, so today’s summer yarangas are more reminiscent of a grandmother’s colorful blanket.
Yaranga in the Amguem tundra

Third brigade of MUSHP "Chaunskoe"

Yaranga in the Yanrakynnot tundra

Externally, the yaranga is ready. Inside, a large 5-8 meters in diameter sub-tent space appeared - chottagin. Chottagin is the economic part of the yaranga. In the chottagin, the cold room of the yaranga, in winter the temperature is the same as outside, except that there is no wind.

Now you need to make a room for living. On the wall opposite the entrance, a rectangular frame is attached using poles, which is covered with skins and wool inside. This canopy is a living space in a yaranga. They sleep in the canopy, dry clothes (through natural evaporation of moisture), and in winter they eat. The canopy is heated using a grease stove or kerosene stove. Due to the fact that the skins are tucked inward, the canopy becomes almost airtight. This is good in terms of heat retention, but bad in terms of ventilation. However, frost is the most effective fighter against natures with a refined perception of smells. Since it is impossible to open the canopy at night, they relieve themselves in a special container right there in the canopy. Believe me, this won’t bother you either if you find yourself in the tundra without transport for more than two days. Because one of the main human needs is the need for warmth. But it’s warm in the tundra, only in the canopy. Nowadays, a yaranga usually has one canopy; previously there could have been two or even three. One family lives in the canopy. If a family has adult children who already have their own families, a second canopy is placed in the yaranga for the first time. But over time, the young will need to assemble their yaranga.

Canopy outside

Canopy inside. Lighted and heated by a grease stove or kerosene stove

The hearth is organized in the center of Chottagin. The smoke from the fire escapes through a hole in the dome. But despite such ventilation, it is almost always smoky in Chottagin. Therefore, standing in a yaranga is not recommended.

Making a fire

Where can you get wood for a fire if trees don’t grow in the tundra? There are really no trees (with the exception of floodplain groves) in the tundra, but you can almost always find shrubs. Actually, the yaranga is mainly placed near a river with bushes. The fireplace in the yaranga is built exclusively for cooking. Heating chottagin is pointless and wasteful. Small twigs are used for fire. If the branches of the bush are thick and long, they are cut into small logs 10-15 cm in length. The amount of firewood that a taiga resident burns per night will last a reindeer herder for a week, or even more. What can we say about the young pioneers with their bonfires? Economy and rationality are the main criteria in the life of a reindeer herder. The same criterion is used in the design of the yaranga, which is primitive at first glance, but very effective upon closer examination.

The kettle is suspended above the fireplace on chains, vats and pots are placed on bricks or stones. They stop adding firewood to the fire as soon as the container begins to boil.

Firewood harvesting

Utensil. Small tables and small stools are used as furniture in the yaranga. Yaranga is a world of minimalism. Furniture in the yaranga also includes cabinets and shelves for storing food and utensils. With the advent of European civilization in Chukotka, especially during the Soviet period, concepts such as kerogas, primus, and abeshka (generator) appeared in the lives of reindeer herders, which somewhat simplified some aspects of life. Cooking food, especially baked goods, is now done not on a fire, but on primus stoves or kerosene gases. In some reindeer herding farms, in winter, stoves are installed in yarangas, which are heated with coal. Of course, you can live without all this, but if you have it, why not use it?


Evening leisure

In each yaranga there is always meat or fish hanging on the top and side poles. Rationalism, as I said above, is a key aspect of human life in a traditional society. Why should the smoke go to waste? Especially if it, smoke, is an excellent preservative.

Yaranga's "bins"