Kissel appeared in ancient times, however, this does not prevent it from enjoying success among adults and children to this day. This sweet, slightly jelly-like drink is made from dried fruits, berries, jam or milk. During the berry season, the most popular is strawberry jelly, which has a pleasant sweet and sour aroma and enriches the body with many useful substances. This dessert drink will be a great addition to an afternoon snack and will appeal to all family members.

Composition and calorie content

It is difficult to accurately list the entire chemical composition of the drink. But you can try. Below are the predominant substances contained in homemade jelly prepared from fresh fruits.

  1. Strawberry jelly is rich in vitamins such as E and C, which strengthen the immune system, promote wound healing, and also perfectly rehabilitate the body after injuries.
  2. In addition, jelly contains a complex of B vitamins necessary for the proper functioning of the body, which has a beneficial effect on the performance of the body as a whole. These vitamins are also responsible for strengthening bones, muscles, the cardiovascular system and are excellent protectors of the body from many diseases.
  3. Another important component of the drink is nicotinic acid. This substance helps restore proper functioning of the body, resulting in good health and a surge of energy.
  4. The mineral complex in the jelly contains potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron.
  5. The drink is enriched with substances such as lysine, lecithin, ash, methionine and starch.

The ingredients listed above are approximate. Depending on the ingredients and additives from which it is prepared, it may also contain other beneficial substances.

Kissel is a low-calorie drink, as it consists of 80% water. 100 grams of drink contains 56 kilocalories. There are no fats or proteins in it, and carbohydrates do not exceed 52 grams.

Benefits and harms

Among the beneficial properties of strawberry drink, it is worth noting the following:

  • envelops the gastric mucosa and restores microflora, thereby eliminating the feeling of fullness;
  • has a beneficial effect during exacerbations of gastritis and relieves pain;
  • is a good source of vigor and energy;
  • has a positive effect on the kidneys and helps remove excess fluid from the body;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • maintains the correct balance between acid and alkali in the body, due to which it is recommended for use by people with high acidity in the stomach;
  • strengthens muscles and bones;
  • stimulates brain activity and has a calming effect;
  • helps normalize hormonal balance;
  • helps the intestines cope with dysbiosis;
  • stimulates blood clotting and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Despite the whole list of beneficial properties, this drink is not recommended for consumption in the following cases:

  • if you are overweight;
  • due to the high sugar content in its composition, it is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus;
  • if you have constipation, it is not recommended to get carried away with this drink, as it contains starch, which can only worsen the situation;
  • for allergic reactions (to a greater extent, this point applies to semi-finished products, which contain predominant dyes and preservatives).

How to cook?

Of course, jelly can be purchased in the store, but a drink prepared at home from natural ingredients will be much tastier and healthier.


Required ingredients:

  • strawberries – 0.5 kilograms;
  • sugar – 160 grams;
  • potato starch – 60 grams;
  • lemon acid;
  • water – 2.3 liters.

To prepare a classic drink, you need to boil water while simultaneously preparing the berries. Sort the strawberries, remove the stems. Lightly crushed berries are quite suitable for cooking. But you just need to rinse them thoroughly in a colander.

Place the prepared berries in boiling water and cook for seven minutes. Add citric acid and sugar to the composition. Mix everything thoroughly.

Dissolve starch in a small bowl. As soon as it settles to the bottom, stir it and pour it into the broth in a thin stream. During this action, it is necessary to mix everything thoroughly and continuously. Stirring in a circle, bring the drink to a boil. Remove from the stove and let it brew.

Strawberry jelly with mint

In the summer heat, this drink will perfectly quench your thirst and delight you with its magnificent refreshing taste and aroma. It is recommended to pre-chill it in the refrigerator.

To prepare you will need:

  • strawberries - kilogram;
  • 6 mint sprigs;
  • sugar - one tablespoon;
  • starch - two tablespoons.

Wash the strawberries thoroughly with cold water and cut off any damage. If the berries are large, then they should be cut in half; if they are small, use them whole.

Place the strawberries in a deep cooking bowl, add water and cook until boiling. As soon as the mixture begins to boil, add sugar and cook for ten minutes, stirring thoroughly.

After the time has passed, turn off the heat and remove all the berries from the resulting compote. Using a masher, puree them.

Place the bowl with the berry broth on the fire again, bring to a boil and add mint sprigs. Cover all this tightly with a lid, remove from heat and leave the contents of the bowl to steep for at least ten minutes.

Strain the mixture using a colander and return to the heat. Cook until boiling. After this, carefully pour the pre-diluted starch into the solution, not forgetting to thoroughly mix the mixture. As soon as the liquid begins to gurgle, remove it from the heat. A light and refreshing drink is ready!

For children

Experts have proven that giving jelly to children under one year of age is very harmful. This is because the drink has a high content of starch and sugar, which negatively affects the child’s body. However, if your age allows it, the best time to consume it would be afternoon tea. The drink must be warm and brewed from fresh berries.

Required Products:

  • strawberries – 120 grams;
  • water – 300 milliliters;
  • granulated sugar - teaspoon;
  • lemon juice - teaspoon;
  • starch - a tablespoon.

Wash the berries thoroughly and remove any dirt. Using a blender, grind them to a paste and mix with lemon juice.

Boil water, add sugar and starch pre-diluted with water, stirring continuously and cook over medium heat. After two minutes, place the strawberry pulp into the broth and reduce the heat. Cook the mixture for at least two minutes. It should acquire a slightly thickened consistency.

After the drink has cooled, you can pour it into a mug and give it to your child. The same recipe can be prepared step by step using jam.

From frozen berries

This warm drink will be very important in the winter cold. It will also perfectly complement any dessert and replenish the body with missing vitamins.

List of required products:

  • frozen strawberries – 250 grams;
  • granulated sugar – 80 grams;
  • potato starch – 40 grams;
  • clean water – 900 milliliters;
  • lemon acid.

This jelly is easy to prepare if you follow the instructions.

  1. Remove the berries from the refrigerator, open the bag and pour them into a cooking bowl. Add water and cook over high heat. There is no need to defrost the strawberries.
  2. Pour sand into the mixture and stir the broth regularly until the sugar grains are completely dissolved.
  3. After boiling, cook the solution for another seven minutes. During this time, the future jelly will be saturated with strawberry color and aroma. The heat should not be reduced, since the berries were frozen.
  4. After the time has passed, use a ladle to remove all the strawberries from the resulting mixture.
  5. Dilute the starch in a cup and pour into the syrup in a thin stream.
  6. Stirring the mixture regularly, bring it to a boil and turn off the heat.
  7. All that remains is to cool and pour into mugs.
  • It is not prohibited to add various components during the cooking process that give more exotic flavors. It could be lime, orange, lemon zest or even ice cream.
  • You can replace vanilla sugar with a vanilla bean. The main thing is not to forget to remove it from the broth before adding starch.
  • Thick strawberry jelly can be used as a dessert sauce for semolina porridge, pancakes, sweet dumplings and various homemade baked goods.
  • When using frozen berries, the composition should be cooked a little longer than usual. By the way, the drink made from them is no worse than from fresh ones.
  • Add starch in a gentle, thin stream, slowly. In this case, it is necessary to mix everything quickly and thoroughly, otherwise the drink will turn out with starch lumps, which are unlikely to make it attractive.
  • It is not necessary to add citric acid during cooking, but thanks to it, the strawberry flavor becomes richer and more refined, and the drink itself turns out pleasant and aromatic.
  • The ratio of starch and water should be 1.5: 1.0. This is when the jelly will have the best consistency. But it all depends on preference.
  • It is not recommended to overcook the drink. Because of this, starch may lose its astringent properties.
  • Making strawberry jelly yourself at home is not at all difficult, if you take into account all the recommendations given in the video below.

    Irina Kamshilina

    Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


    Many of us have been familiar with the taste of wonderful fruit and berry jelly since childhood. This drink perfectly satisfies hunger and saturates the body with useful vitamins and microelements. It is better to make jelly from fresh berries and fruits, but when they are not yet ripe, you can use frozen ones to prepare the drink.

    Principles of making jelly from frozen berries

    Modern jelly is very different from those drinks that were made in the times of Old Rus'. Previously, they were an independent dish that was prepared over several days by fermenting flour, wheat or rye with water. Today, jelly made from fresh or frozen berries is considered a dessert drink and is thickened by adding starch. In addition to this, there are other subtleties of making jelly:

    1. First you need to cook a decoction of the berries; you don’t have to defrost them first, if this is not indicated in the recipe.
    2. Next, you need to dilute the starch with a decoction. Its quantity is determined depending on the desired thickness of the drink.
    3. Then the resulting solution must be introduced in a thin stream into the boiling broth, stirring constantly. You should not cook the drink for more than 5 minutes after adding starch, otherwise its consistency will turn out to be very liquid. You can also combine the starchy mixture with cold berry broth, and then bring the jelly to a boil.
    4. Sugar is added to the dish at the stage of cooking frozen berries. The amount of sand can be varied at your discretion.
    5. After finishing cooking, do not cover the pan with a lid, but to prevent film or foam from appearing on the surface of the liquid, sprinkle with powdered sugar.
    6. If you are making a drink for a child, defrost the berries, put them in cheesecloth and squeeze the juice out of them. This will make the jelly more homogeneous, without pieces of pulp.
    7. It is better to choose berries for jelly with a richer taste and aroma: cherries, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, currants, cranberries, or make a berry mix. For example, sea buckthorn, blueberries and blueberries without adding other ingredients will make the jelly bland. In this case, you can improve its taste with citric acid, juice and citrus zest.
    8. It is better to serve the treat not in ordinary glasses, but in beautiful cups or bowls.

    Frozen berry jelly recipe

    There are many recipes (with photos) for making jelly: with whole fresh and frozen berries, jam, fruit and berry puree, etc. To enhance the aromatic qualities of the drink, you can add vanillin, cinnamon or any essence. If you do not plan to treat jelly to children, pour a little cognac or liqueur into the broth at the end of cooking. As a result, the liquid will acquire unusual aroma and taste notes.

    Classic jelly made from frozen berries and starch

    • Time: 35-40 minutes.
    • Number of servings: 6 persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 53 kcal/100 g.
    • Cuisine: Russian.
    • Difficulty: easy.

    The recipe for jelly with starch from frozen berries is very simple. It will require any frozen berries you have in your freezer. This jelly can be served both as a drink and as a third course. It all depends on its thickness, which is regulated by the amount of potato starch. You can serve this thick dish with ice cream or cream..


    • berries (any) – 0.3 kg;
    • starch (potato) – 2 tbsp. l.;
    • water – 1.5 l;
    • sugar - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    1. Place frozen berries in a saucepan, add water, and boil.
    2. Reduce heat and cook for about a quarter of an hour.
    3. Strain the broth through a sieve, and then pour the strained liquid back into the pan.
    4. Place on the fire and boil again. Add the desired amount of sugar and stir.
    5. Dilute the starch with water (100 ml), you can double the amount if you want the jelly to be thicker.
    6. Pour the starch mixture into the berry compote in a thin stream, stirring constantly.
    7. Boil for another 2-3 minutes, remove from heat.

    From strawberries

    • Time: 30 minutes.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 36 kcal/100 g.
    • Purpose: dessert, drink.
    • Cuisine: Russian.
    • Difficulty: easy.

    Frozen strawberry jelly can be cooked at any time of the year. This delicacy will “give” you and your children a piece of warm summer in cold winter. Frozen strawberries retain all the beneficial properties of fresh berries if they are prepared correctly: washed, dried thoroughly, and only then packaged in containers and sent to the freezer.


    • strawberries (frozen) ½ kg;
    • starch 2 tbsp. l.;
    • sugar – 6 tbsp. l.;
    • water – 2 l.


    1. Boil water, add sugar, stir.
    2. No need to wait for the strawberries to thaw; place them in boiling water straight from the freezer.
    3. When small bubbles appear on the surface of the liquid, remove the berries with a slotted spoon and puree with a blender.
    4. Dilute the starch powder with a small amount of water and pour into the compote in a thin stream.
    5. Add strawberry puree and stir.
    6. Let it boil, remove from the stove.

    From currants

    • Time: 35 minutes.
    • Number of servings: 6 persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 58 kcal/100 g.
    • Purpose: dessert, drink.
    • Cuisine: Russian.
    • Difficulty: easy.

    Frozen currant jelly is cooked just as simply as the previous one. Any variety of this berry (black, red, white) contains a huge amount of vitamin C, which helps strengthen the immune system. This is especially true in winter and spring, when viral and cold diseases actively attack the body. Black currants are more suitable for freezing. Its berries are more elastic, have a dense peel that does not burst from exposure to low temperatures, retaining all the juices and nutrients inside.


    • currants (frozen) – 0.6 kg;
    • water – 1.5 l;
    • sugar – 0.2 kg;
    • starch (potato) – 4 tbsp. l.

    Cooking method:

    1. Boil water, add currants. Boil for about 5 minutes.
    2. Add sugar, stir and cook for another 5 minutes.
    3. Strain the broth, put it back on the stove, and boil again.
    4. Dissolve the starch powder with water (200 ml), pour in a thin stream into the currant broth, stirring continuously.
    5. After boiling again, remove it from the heat.

    From cherries

    • Time: 50-60 minutes.
    • Number of servings: 5 persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 107 kcal/100 g.
    • Purpose: dessert, drink.
    • Cuisine: Russian.
    • Difficulty: easy.

    Cherry contains useful substances - anthocyanins, which not only give it a red-burgundy color, but also help strengthen the walls of capillaries, have an antioxidant effect, and prevent the appearance of oncology. Cherry jelly from frozen berries is not only tasty and aromatic, but also retains all the beneficial properties of cherries. Only provided that they were properly frozen: washed, dried and placed in the freezer in an airtight package (bag or container with a lid).


    • cherries (frozen) – 0.365 kg;
    • sugar – 0.245 kg;
    • starch – 0.11 kg;
    • water – 1 l;
    • almond flakes – 65 g.

    Cooking method:

    1. Remove the pits from frozen cherries.
    2. Place in a saucepan, add water, boil and cook a little.
    3. Remove from the stove, crush together with water using a masher. Put it back on the fire and cook for 5 minutes.
    4. Add almond flakes, sugar, stir and cook for about 5 minutes.
    5. Dissolve starch powder with water (200 ml). Pour into the cherry mixture in a thin stream, stirring thoroughly.
    6. Remove from heat and leave for 20 minutes.

    From raspberries and cranberries

    • Time: 35-40 minutes.
    • Number of servings: 16 persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 41 kcal/100 g.
    • Purpose: dessert, drink.
    • Cuisine: Russian.
    • Difficulty: easy.

    Some varieties of jelly are not only tasty, but also medicinal. These include, for example, a cranberry-raspberry drink. Both types of berries have a lot of beneficial properties. Raspberries contain salicylic acid, which has the ability to lower body temperature. Cranberries strengthen the immune system and help cope with vitamin deficiency and colds. A drink based on these two berries is very useful for children, especially during periods of exacerbation of colds.


    • raspberries, cranberries (frozen) - 1 tbsp.;
    • starch - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • sugar - to taste;
    • water – 4 l.

    Cooking method:

    1. Boil water, add raspberries and cranberries in equal proportions. Boil for 10 minutes.
    2. Strain the jelly, add the desired amount of sugar, stir, and put the pan on the fire.
    3. Dilute the starch powder with cold water so that there are no lumps.
    4. Pour into the boiling broth in a thin stream, stirring continuously.
    5. Once thickened, simmer for about 2 minutes. Remove from stove.

    In a slow cooker

    • Time: 30 minutes.
    • Number of servings: 8-9 persons.
    • Calorie content of the dish: 45 kcal/100 g.
    • Purpose: dessert, drink.
    • Cuisine: Russian.
    • Difficulty: easy.

    To prepare any jelly, it is not necessary to use a stove; a multicooker is ideal for this process. The kitchen assistant creates conditions that allow the berries to maximize their aroma and flavor properties. Cooking a drink in a slow cooker will take the same amount of time as on the stove. Choose the main ingredients according to your taste.


    • strawberries, chokeberries, raspberries, currants - 1 tbsp.;
    • starch - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
    • water – 2 l;
    • sugar - to taste.

    Cooking method:

    1. Place strawberries, rowan berries, raspberries and currants in a multicooker bowl, fill with water, set the “Steam” program for a quarter of an hour.
    2. After the signal, leave the multicooker operating in the “Warming” mode.
    3. Dissolve starch powder with water, pour the solution into the berry broth, stir.
    4. Turn off the device after bubbles appear on the surface of the jelly.

    To prepare the jelly we will need the following ingredients:

    • fresh strawberries - 150 grams;
    • purified water - 100 ml. and 80 ml.;
    • potato starch - 2 heaped tablespoons;
    • sugar - 3 tablespoons.

    Summer is the time when a large variety of fresh berries appear. And one of the earliest is strawberries. Many children () cannot yet eat fresh berries, but jelly or jelly made from them is already quite acceptable.
    Strawberries are of great value for children's developing bodies. It contains large amounts of vitamin C, sugars and various minerals. It also contains vitamins B, K and P that the body needs.

    Strawberry jelly recipe:

    First, we need to rinse the strawberries well. To do this, first fill the fruits with cold water and leave for 10 minutes so that all the sand and earth settle to the bottom of the dish. Then rinse with boiling water and remove the stems.

    Then we take a bowl in which we will cook the jelly and crush the strawberries well in this bowl.

    Then strain half of the juice into a separate bowl through cheesecloth. We need to do this so that as many useful substances and vitamins as possible are preserved in the strawberry jelly.

    Place the remaining berries and juice back into the saucepan and fill with 100 ml of cold water.

    After squeezing the berries, the resulting juice is set aside.

    Over medium heat, wait for the berries and water to boil, and reduce the heat to low.

    Now let's prepare the starch. Starch will give the jelly the thickness we need, and additionally enrich it with useful substances and make it more nutritious. Pour 2 heaped tablespoons of potato starch into a cup.

    Fill them with 80 ml. purified water and stir well to dissolve the starch.

    As soon as the berries have been boiled for 5-7 minutes, strain them through a sieve to remove unnecessary seeds and pulp.

    And put the resulting compote back on the fire.
    Since strawberries have their own sourness, we need to sweeten them. Pour 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar into the compote and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.

    Now we quickly begin to introduce starch. Before doing this, stir it well again. Pour in quickly, while actively working with the spoon.

    In the summer heat, quite often there is a desire to drink something thick in order to combine eating and drinking at the same time, since people do not have much of an appetite in the heat.

    A traditional drink that is familiar to each of us since kindergarten - strawberry jelly - copes well with this task. Due to the fact that it contains berries, such a drink will not only taste good, but also be quite beneficial for the body.

    Kissel itself has been known in our country for a very long time - back in Soviet times, this drink invariably appeared on the tables of both kindergarten and school canteens, and was added to the diet of adults.

    And this is not surprising, because starch, which is one of the main components of this drink, contains a large amount of carbohydrates, and the berries will bring essential vitamins to your body, which is especially important when building a diet for children.

    Now in stores you can find a fairly large assortment of jelly, which is presented in the form of briquettes, for example, the drink of the Russian Product brand.

    But, of course, such semi-finished products cannot compare either in taste or in beneficial properties with a drink prepared at home from fresh berries. So let's start cooking, and at the same time look at several jelly recipes at once!

    Classic strawberry jelly


    • — 400 g + -
    • Potato starch- 2 tbsp. + -
    • - 3 tbsp. + -
    • — 1 l + -

    How to cook strawberry jelly

    1. Let's prepare a pan in which we will brew our drink. Pour water into it and put it on high heat so that it boils faster. Covering the container with a lid will help speed up this process.
    2. We wash the berries under running water and remove the stems. We also need to inspect them for any spoiling areas; we cut them off with a knife and do the same with the green areas on the berries.
    3. In a separate deep bowl we need to crush the berries. You can do this with a masher, or use a regular spoon, although this will complicate the process somewhat.
    4. Add sugar and starch here, then mix everything thoroughly so that the mass becomes more or less homogeneous.
    5. We transfer the crushed berry mixture into boiling water; the heat should not be reduced, since we need to get the water boiling again. Don't forget to constantly stir our jelly.
    6. After waiting for it to boil, turn off the heat and use a ladle to pour the hot drink into glasses. It can be consumed both hot and cold.

    You can easily adjust the thickness of the drink, for example, if you like to literally eat jelly with a spoon, then add a little more starch. If, on the contrary, you are a supporter of liquid jelly, then reduce the amount of starch to one tablespoon.

    This recipe will appeal to lovers of spicy drinks. The taste qualities of this type of jelly are especially well revealed when hot.


    • Strawberries – 300 g;
    • Raisins – 1 tbsp;
    • Black currant – 2 tbsp;
    • Potato starch – 2 tbsp;
    • White granulated sugar – 4 tbsp;
    • Purified water – 1 l;
    • Cinnamon – ½ stick;
    • Carnation – 3 flowers.
    1. Rinse strawberries, currants and raisins under running water. We sort through each type of berry, removing spoiled parts and tails.
    2. Place strawberries and currants in a separate container and crush them similarly to the previous recipe.
    3. Pour starch, sugar, spices and raisins into the resulting mass, mix everything. The cinnamon must first be crushed.
    4. Place a pan of water over high heat and wait until it boils.
    5. When the water begins to boil, immerse the spicy berry mixture in it and bring to a boil, stirring the liquid constantly.
    6. As soon as you notice that your jelly has begun to boil, remove the pan from the heat and pour the drink into portioned containers.

    Lemon-strawberry jelly

    We will prepare this jelly for two servings; if you wish, you can increase the amount of ingredients proportionally.


    • Strawberries – 100 g;
    • Purified water – 320 ml;
    • White granulated sugar – 1 tsp;
    • Lemon – ½ piece;
    • Potato starch – 1 tsp.

    How to cook lemon-strawberry jelly

    1. Pour water into a saucepan and put it on the fire until it boils. While the heating is happening, we will prepare our ingredients.
    2. We need to dilute the starch in approximately 20 milliliters of cold water; it is better to do this immediately in a container into which we will add the rest of the ingredients.
    3. Wash the strawberries and remove the stems. Place the berries in a blender and grind well until all the berries turn into a liquid mass.
    4. Strain the resulting puree through a sieve to remove the seeds. If they don't bother you, you can skip this step.
    5. Wash the lemon and squeeze the juice from one half. For this recipe, about 1 teaspoon of lemon juice is enough, but you can increase this amount if you like it sour. Add juice to puree.
    6. Mix the strawberry mass, diluted starch and sugar. Mix everything well.
    7. By this time our water should already boil, pour the resulting mass into it.
    8. Constantly stirring the jelly, bring the drink to a boil again and at this moment remove the pan from the stove.

    Strawberry jelly prepared according to this recipe turns out bright and very tasty. And thanks to the fact that we removed the berry seeds from it, this drink will be highly appreciated by young children, who very often show dissatisfaction with this matter.

    Kissel was known back in Ancient Rus'. True, at that time, oatmeal, wheat or rye jelly was most often cooked. There were even unsweetened jelly served as a first course.
    But we are still more familiar with sweet jelly, which is not only surprisingly healthy, but also very tasty. The benefits of the finished drink directly depend on what berries or fruits were used in preparation. So, cranberry jelly will help with colds, and apple jelly will be an excellent remedy for the prevention of anemia and hypovitaminosis.

    Fruits and berries with a pronounced taste are more suitable for cooking jelly. Kissels can be cooked all year round, so they are prepared from both fresh and frozen berries. A good jelly can even be made from dried fruits, only in this case it is better to add lemon juice during cooking and reduce the amount of sugar, since dried fruits are very sweet in themselves.

    Wash the orange thoroughly and cut off the zest with a knife.
    Just remove the top layer so that the bitter taste of the zest does not spoil the taste of the jelly.

    Thaw the strawberries and transfer them to a blender. Puree the berries.
    To obtain a more uniform, seedless puree, you can rub it through a sieve.

    Pour one glass of water into a bowl. Pour the remaining water into the pan.
    Place strawberry puree in a saucepan, add sugar, add orange zest. Bring the contents of the pan to a boil.

    Meanwhile, add starch to a bowl of water. Mix everything thoroughly so that there are no lumps.