The Russian Society of Appraisers was established in 1993, when the appraisers of Moscow and St. Petersburg at the constituent assembly decided to create a professional public organization - the Society of Appraisers. Two years later, the Society of Appraisers included 48 regional branches.

The purpose of the creation of the ROO was to unite professional participants in the appraisal services market that carry out appraisal activities, to provide favorable conditions for members of the Society in their professional activities, as well as to protect the professional interests of its members.

On July 9, 2007, the Russian Society of Appraisers received the status of a self-regulatory organization of appraisers. The transition to self-regulation has significantly expanded the possibilities of ROOs to control the quality of the valuation activities of their members within the established norms and rules, protect the interests of appraisers, assist in raising the level of professional training of appraisers, and participate in the development of their own standards and rules for valuation activities. Self-regulation also makes it possible to ensure a higher level of work of specialists - appraisers, to protect their professional interests.

In order to improve the skills of its members, the ROO regularly organizes educational and methodological seminars, master classes, holds congresses and conferences, including jointly with international organizations of appraisers, provides information and methodological support for valuation activities, provides advice to appraisers and consumers of their services.

Areas of activity of the ROO

  • Protecting the professional interests of its members.
  • Development of ROO standards for assessing various types of civil rights.
  • Participation in the development of state assessment standards.
  • Participation in the legislative process in order to develop valuation activities.
  • Consultations and methodological assistance to members of the ROO and consumers of valuation services.
  • Certification of appraisers - members of the ROO with the subsequent assignment of qualification titles.
  • Certification of appraisal firms, entrepreneurs without forming a legal entity.
  • Accreditation of appraisal firms and entrepreneurs without forming a legal entity.
  • Consultations on legal issues related to professional valuation activities.
  • Independent review of evaluation reports, methodologies and software products.
  • Advice to consumers of appraisal services on the selection of appraisers and appraisal firms.
  • Preparation and holding of congresses, international and regional scientific and practical conferences, training seminars.
  • Publication of professional specialized literature, including the Bulletin Bulletin "Russian Appraiser" and the professional scientific and practical journal of the journal "Questions of Assessment".
  • Publication of the annual Register of appraisers and appraisal firms.
  • Providing access to the ROO information base.

Currently, in various life situations, it is increasingly necessary to resort to the services of professional appraisers for an objective assessment of the value of movable or immovable property. An appraiser can engage in appraisal activities both individually and as part of an appraisal company. The Law on Appraisal Activities determines that in order to carry out such activities, both individuals and legal entities are required to be members of one of the self-regulatory organizations of independent appraisers.

To join the self-regulatory organization of appraisers (SRO), the applicant must have professional knowledge in the field of appraisal activity, confirmed by relevant documents; must not have a criminal record. If the applicant is accepted as a member of the community of appraisers, he is required to undergo the procedure for liability insurance for appraisal activities. After that, information about him is entered in the register of members of this organization, about which he is issued an appropriate document.

Self-Regulatory Evaluation Organizations are non-profit. They are created to regulate and control the valuation activities of individuals and legal entities. They must also be included in the unified state register of self-regulatory communities of appraisers. At the same time, the law defines the requirements for SROs:

  • the organization must consist of at least 300 individuals who meet all the requirements for appraisers;
  • the organization is obliged to form a certain compensation fund at the expense of membership fees;
  • the organization must have a certain structure, management body;
  • the organization is obliged to develop rules and standards for its valuation activities, focusing on the requirements of the law.

SROO are controlled organizations. Control over the activities of individual members of the self-regulatory organization of appraisers is carried out by its respective structural divisions. These can be both scheduled and unscheduled inspections. Control over their activities is also carried out by means of inspections by the federal body authorized to supervise the activities of SROs.

A scheduled inspection of the activities of a self-regulatory organization of appraisers is carried out once every two years in accordance with a plan approved by the authorized federal body exercising the functions of supervising the activities of such organizations. An unscheduled inspection is carried out in the event of an allegation of a violation by the organization of laws or regulations. Checking the activities of individual appraisers is carried out by the organization in which they are members. A scheduled inspection is carried out, basically, once every three years. Unscheduled - upon receipt of an application for violations of laws or regulations, serious errors in assessment reports. You can read more about this on the Assessor's Responsibility page.

The transition to self-regulation made it possible to control the quality of the activities of professional appraisers in accordance with the rules and regulations, protect the interests of appraisers, organize an increase in the level of their professional training, develop their own standards and rules for valuation activities, and provide the necessary information and methodological literature. Also, participation in various events held by SRO appraisers, such as: seminars, conferences, consultations, etc., allows you to constantly improve their knowledge and skills. This, in turn, creates a reputation in the appraisal market.

The appraisal community may conduct an examination of appraisal reports. If the examination of the report is mandatory, and the report is compiled by appraisers who are members of different SROs, then the examination is carried out by all organizations of appraisers whose members are those appraisers who completed this report. In the Russian Federation, SROOs exist both at the regional and interregional levels. The Russian Society of Appraisers is a member of the International Committee for Valuation Standards and the European Group of Associations.

Russian Society of Appraisers

The Russian Society of Appraisers, as a single organization that would unite all appraisal companies in Russia and supervise their work, does not exist. Rather, it is a community of individual SROs. However, there is a separate SRO with that name. Currently, eight self-regulatory organizations of appraisers are registered in the Russian Federation:

  1. NP "Community of Specialists-Appraisers "SMAO" (NP "SMAOs") (registration date - 06/28/2007).
  2. NP "Self-Regulatory Organization of the Association of Russian Masters of Appraisal" (NP "SRO ARMO") (registration date - 04.07.2007). Our appraisal company is a member of this community.
  3. Self-Regulatory Organization "Russian Society of Appraisers" (SRO "ROO") (registration date - 09.07.2007).
  4. NP Self-Regulatory Organization of Appraisers SIBERIA (NP SRO SIBERIA) (date of registration - 08.08.2007).
  5. NP "Interregional Union of Appraisers" (NP "MSO") (registration date - 11.12.2007).
  6. Non-Profit Partnership "Self-Regulatory Organization" National Board of Specialists of Appraisers "(NP SRO "NCSO") (registration date - 19.12.2007).
  7. Interregional self-regulatory non-profit organization - Non-profit partnership "Society of Professional Experts and Appraisers" (ISNO-NP "OPEO" (registration date - 27.12.2007).
  8. NP "Community of Valuation Professionals" (NP "SPO") (registration date - November 20, 2009).

Full name: All-Russian Public Organization "Russian Society of Appraisers"
Short name: ROO
Name in foreign language (English): Russian Society of Appraisers
Abbreviated name in a foreign language (English): RSA
SRO type: SRO appraisers
Legal address: 105066, Moscow, 1st Basmanny lane, 2A, building 1
Mailing address: 107078, Moscow, PO box 308
Date of registration of NP: 22.08.2002
OGRN: 1027700149146
TIN: 7708022445
Checkpoint: 770101001
Date of receipt of the SRO status: 09.07.2007
The document on the basis of which the SRO status was obtained: Extract from the unified state register of self-regulatory organizations of appraisers No. 0003 dated 07/09/2007
Number in the state register of SRO: 0003
SRO status: Current SRO
Territoriality: Federal SRO
Branches and representative offices: the list of regional branches is published on the official website of the partnership
Membership in public organizations:
- H National Association of Self-Regulatory Organizations of Appraisers (NASO);
- H National Council for Valuation Activities in the Russian Federation (NSOD);
- T Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation (CCI RF);
- BUT association of regional banks of Russia (association "Russia");
- BUT Association of Russian Banks (ARB);
- H National Association of Mortgage Market Participants (NAUIR);
- M Interregional Union of Tariff Experts (MSTE);
- FROM Union of business associations and organizations "Round table of Russian business";
- H P "Real Estate Cadastre";
- AND Institute for Problems of Registration, Valuation and Taxation of Real Estate (IPRONN);
- H National Union of Self-Regulatory Organizations for Sustainable Development of Territories (SRT);
- M international committee on valuation standards;
- E European Group of Associations of Appraisers;
- M international association of associations of realtors from Central and Eastern Europe;
- M International Federation of Real Estate Market Participants;
- TO the Royal Society of Appraisers of Great Britain (RICS);
- FROM council of associations of appraisers of the CIS;
- M international association of tax assessors (IAAO)
Ratings: no information
Information about the arbitration court in the SRO: no information
SRO management:
President - Tabakova Svetlana Alekseevna;
- Executive director - Zayakin Sergey Dmitrievich
Non-profit organization founders:
- Artemenkov Igor Lvovich
Contribution to the compensation fund: 30 000 ₽
Entrance fee:
- 4 000 ₽
- no (for students receiving the first higher assessment education and joining the membership in the year of graduation)
- for all those joining the ROO during 2018, the entrance and annual fees are 0 ₽
Annual membership fee:
- 12 000 ₽ annually;
- 10,000 ₽ (if paid before 12/31/2017);
- 6 000 ₽ (with quarterly payment; for pensioners-members who have reached the age of 70)
Insurance (sum insured): 300 000 ₽
Insurance premium (contribution, payment): no information
Insurance companies (recommended SROs): No (previously: SPAO "INGOSSTRAKH", OJSC Alfa Insurance, OJSC VSK, OJSC ROSNO, SAK Informastrakh, OSAO Reso-Garantia, LLC Rosgosstrakh, OJSC SOGAZ, OJSC GSK Yugoriya, CJSC SG UralSib ”, OAO MSK, OSAO Rossiya, OOO SK Zurich.Retail, OAO SAK Energogarant, OOO Renaissance Insurance Group, OAO SO AFES, SZAO Standard-Reserve, OAO SO ZHASO, CJSC IC MAKS, JSC IC Russkiy Mir, LLC SG Soglasie, JSC IC Progress-Garant, LLC First Insurance Company, CJSC GUTA-Insurance , OJSC IC Sheksna, OJSC IC Granit, LLC NSC RECON, OJSC IC SKM, OJSC Interbranch Insurance Center, CJSC Nadezhda, LLC IC Oranta, OJSC IC Fatherland, CJSC IC Megaruss-D, CJSC IC RK-Garant, LLC SG Admiral, OJSC MSC Guardian im. S. Zhivago, OJSC NSK Tatarstan, LLC Region Insurance, CJSC SAO Metropolis, OJSC IC Megapolis, OJSC IC PARI, OJSC IC IKASSTRAKH»)
Certification: voluntary
The list of types of work for which it issues permits: The certificate of membership in the ROO provides the right to carry out professional valuation activities in full on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the requirements and conditions of the Federal Law "On valuation activities in the Russian Federation"
Lawsuit Information: 305 arbitration cases (as of 08/30/2019)
Information about inspections of SRO members: information about inspections is published on the official website of the partnership
The size of the SRO compensation fund: 291 344 001 ₽ (30.04.2013), information not updated (17.09.2013), 305 316 706 ₽ (30.09.2013), 321 835 539 ₽ 61 kop. (03/31/2015), 351 531 376 ₽ 83 kop. (06/30/2015), 371 137 221 ₽ 83 kop. (31.10.2015), 381 743 795 ₽ 65 kop. (31.12.2015), 398 196 950 ₽ 55 kop. (06/30/2016), 412 743 391 ₽ 99 kop. (30.11.2016), 431 600 505 ₽ 86 kop. (03/31/2017), 447,048,784 ₽ 04 kop. (05/31/2017), 451 737 264 ₽ 33 kop. (12/11/2017), 467 608 357 ₽ 29 kop. (31.03.2018), 467 911 818 ₽ 64 kop. (05/31/2018), 465 976 073 ₽ 23 kop. (09/30/2018), 470 334 312 ₽ 10 kop. (30.11.2018), 468 017 128 ₽ 71 kop. (31.12.2018), 477 558 947 ₽ 43 kop. (03/31/2019), 480 898 128 ₽ 98 kop. (04/30/2019), 496 141 103 ₽ 94 kop. (as of 06/30/2019)
Information on the composition of the property of the compensation fund:
- 28.72% (government bonds of the Russian Federation);
- 70.47% (bonds of Russian business entities traded on the organized securities market, bonds of constituent entities of the Russian Federation);
- 0.81% (cash in rubles on accounts and deposits in credit institutions, remuneration of the management company, etc.)
Information on the placement of funds from the SRO compensation fund:
- AO Sberbank Asset Management (compensation fund management)
- JSC Specialized Depository INFINITUM
Details for transferring the contribution to the compensation fund: account number 40703810938290101450 at Sberbank PJSC in Moscow, account number 30101810400000000225 at Sberbank of Russia PJSC Moscow, BIC 044525225 (previously - account number 40703810938290101450 in Stromynsky OSB 5281, account number 30101810400000000225 in Sberbank of Russia OAO Moscow, BIC 044525225)
Compensation fund payments: not produced
Number of active SRO members (including suspended admissions): 8 502 (06/14/2013), 8627 (09/17/2013), 8647 (11/13/2013), 6912 (05/07/2015), 7019 (08/13/2015), 6998 (11/19/2015), 7038 (02/18/2016), 6899 (07/18/2016), 10056 (01/16/2017), 10193 (04/26/2017), 10233 (06/30/2017), 10273 (06/15/2018), 10359 (10/23/2018), 10381 (12/17/2018), 10381 (12/17/2018), 10372 (02/19/2019), 10398 (04/15/2019), 10416 (06/17/2019), 10427 (as of 07/05/2019)
Number of excluded SRO members: 1 720 (06/14/2013), 1738 (09/17/2013), 1743 (11/13/2013), 2537 (05/07/2015), 2571 (08/13/2015), 2670 (11/19/2015), 2751 (02/18/2016), 3034 (18.07.2016), 3351 (16.01.2017), 3418 (26.04.2017), 3455 (04.07.2017), 3485 (14.12.2017), 4141 (15.06.2018), 4610 (23.10.2018), 4629 (12/17/2018), 4641 (02/19/2019), 5713 (04/15/2019), 6726 (06/17/2019), 6780 (as of 07/12/2019)
Number of suspended SRO admissions: 60 (05/07/2015), no information (08/13/2015), no information (11/19/2015), 380 (02/18/2016), no information (07/18/2016 ... 08/30/2019)
Related SROs (associations of SROs affiliated with SROs): no information
Information about joining the SRO: no information
SRO contact information:

Description of the SRO:
All-Russian Public Organization "Russian Society of Appraisers" (ROO) - self-regulatory organization of appraisers, registered in Moscow and received the status of SRO on July 09, 2007. Founded on March 5, 1993, the Russian Society of Appraisers is the first and largest SRO in the field of appraisal in the Russian Federation. More than 10,000 appraisers became members of the ROO. The Society unites appraisers in order to improve the efficiency of appraisal activities in Russia, as well as to provide appraisers with comfortable conditions for conducting their professional activities.

The Russian Society of Appraisers has at its disposal 83 regional branches throughout Russia and regularly holds conferences, seminars, master classes and webinars to improve the skills of its members. To join the SRO of appraisers (ROO), you will need to prepare a set of documents, including those confirming the general work experience and experience in the field of appraisal activity, education, and you must also pay all the required fees.

From April 1, 2018, a prerequisite for membership is the presence of a qualification certificate in the areas of valuation activities.

1) Documents ROO
- Constituent documents
- Local Documents

2) Structure of the ROO
- Controls
- Specialized bodies
- Control bodies

The Russian Society of Appraisers was established in 1993, when the appraisers of Moscow and St. Petersburg at the constituent assembly decided to create a professional public organization - the Society of Appraisers. Two years later, the Society of Appraisers included 48 regional branches. The purpose of the creation of the ROO was to unite professional participants in the appraisal services market that carry out appraisal activities, to provide favorable conditions for members of the Society in their professional activities, as well as to protect the professional interests of its members. On July 9, 2007, the Russian Society of Appraisers received the status of a self-regulatory organization of appraisers. The transition to self-regulation has significantly expanded the possibilities of ROOs to control the quality of the valuation activities of their members within the established norms and rules, protect the interests of appraisers, assist in raising the level of professional training of appraisers, and participate in the development of their own standards and rules for valuation activities. Self-regulation also makes it possible to ensure a higher level of work of specialists - appraisers, to protect their professional interests. In order to improve the skills of its members, the ROO regularly organizes educational and methodological seminars, master classes, holds congresses and conferences, including jointly with international organizations of appraisers, provides information and methodological support for valuation activities, provides advice to appraisers and consumers of their services. Areas of activity of the ROO

  • Protecting the professional interests of its members.
  • Development of ROO standards for assessing various types of civil rights.
  • Participation in the development of state assessment standards.
  • Participation in the legislative process in order to develop valuation activities.
  • Consultations and methodological assistance to members of the ROO and consumers of valuation services.
  • Certification of appraisers - members of the ROO with the subsequent assignment of qualification titles.
  • Certification of appraisal firms, entrepreneurs without forming a legal entity.
  • Accreditation of appraisal firms and entrepreneurs without forming a legal entity.
  • Consultations on legal issues related to professional valuation activities.
  • Independent review of evaluation reports, methodologies and software products.
  • Advice to consumers of appraisal services on the selection of appraisers and appraisal firms.
  • Preparation and holding of congresses, international and regional scientific and practical conferences, training seminars.
  • Publication of professional specialized literature, including the Bulletin Bulletin "Russian Appraiser" and the professional scientific and practical journal of the journal "Questions of Assessment".
  • Publication of the annual Register of appraisers and appraisal firms.
  • Providing access to the ROO information base.