To make the New Year's celebration fun, we have compiled a list of funny competitions suitable for both a group of friends and a family. These competitions can be held not only in a restaurant, but also at home. With the help of fun competitions you can make New Year's Eve bright, fun and unforgettable! Prepare the details in advance, placing them in separate packages so as not to be confused. Prepare suitable music for a specific competition. It will be great if you buy small prizes, for example, chocolates, sweets, Christmas tree decorations, then there will be no end to those who want to participate in competitions.

Props: A large bag, a variety of clothes, music that plays no longer than a minute.

Friends stand in a circle, in the center stands the leader with a huge bag containing a wide variety of clothes from underwear to outerwear. When the music turns on, everyone dances around the presenter, and he spins around an axis with his eyes closed; when the music stops, everyone stops. In front of whom the presenter stops with his face, he must, with his eyes closed, take the clothes out of the bag by touch and put them on himself. The lighter the package becomes, the funnier the company is dressed, leading a round dance around the leader.

Fairy tale characters

Props: Simple fancy dress costumes or accessories, pieces of paper with roles.

At the very beginning of the celebration, the host invites the guests to draw from a bag a piece of paper on which it will be written who they will portray throughout the holiday: Snow Maiden, Father Frost, Bunny, Kikimora, Koshchei, Fox. After which the guests are given a masquerade according to its character, and they must enter into their role for the entire holiday. Santa Claus menacingly knocks his staff on the floor and makes toasts, bunnies sing lively songs, Baba Yaga dashingly dances with a mop. It will be very funny if the female role goes to a man.

Glass of water

Props: Several ice cubes, a glass.

Several people are selected, each of them receives a glass and five ice cubes. Participants must melt the ice over a glass with their hands and breath within five minutes so that it quickly turns into water. The one whose glass is filled with the most water wins.


Props: Bottle with a narrow neck, rope, pencil.

More than two men are selected for this competition. An empty open bottle with a narrow neck is placed in front of them. A rope is tied to each man's belt, with a pencil attached to the end. To complicate the task, the pencil should dangle not from the front, but from the back. After which the men must quickly lower the pencil into the bottle without using their hands.


Props: Baba Yaga costume.

One of the guests is dressed up as Baba Yaga. She comes to the guests and threatens to eat them all. There is a chance to be saved if the guests give Baba Yaga a ransom. She names one by one the things she would like to receive: lipstick, scarf, smartphone, wallet, kettle, mug, flash drive. And the guests must quickly find these things and give them to Baba Yaga.

Props: Various clothes, music from the cartoon “The Flying Ship”.

This competition is suitable before the start of the chimes. The presenter with an alarmed face tells the guests that Baba Yaga stole the watch and it will not be possible to celebrate the New Year, since the time is unknown. But guests can help return the watch; to do this, they must dress up as Baba Yaga from the clothes provided by the presenter. To do this, you can tousle your hair, stick improvised warts on your face, and complement the look with your scarves, handkerchiefs, and cosmetics. After which each Baba Yaga dances and sings to the famous song Babok-Yozhek. Viewers choose the brightest and most artistic Baba Yaga, who receives a letter from the presenter with a hint where the stolen watch is hidden.

Symbol of the year

Props: New Year's music.

Each guest must depict a symbol of the coming year in front of the audience, accompanied by music and dance. Whoever did it more artistically and funnier won.


The guests stand in a circle. The leader performs any action with his neighbor on the left, for example, touching his nose, cheek, ruffling his hair. All guests must repeat this action of the host with their neighbor on the left. Whoever laughs first is out of the game. Next, the leader comes up with new movements in relation to his neighbor until the last participant remains who has never laughed.


When the guests are tired of dancing, it's time to sit down at the tables. The host asks each guest what they don’t like about the neighbor on the left. The answers are remembered. After all the guests have spoken, the host states that they should tenderly kiss the neighbor on the left in the place that they said earlier.

Props: Large inflatable balloons, tape, matches.

The presenter selects several men, attaches one large inflatable ball to each of their stomachs using tape and scatters matches on the floor. The task of the men is to collect matches by bending over, trying not to burst the ball. You cannot get on all fours and crawl. Whoever's balloon burst is knocked out of the game. The man who collects a large number of matches and remains with a whole ball wins.

Big fashion

Props: Two rolls of toilet paper.

Two teams of two people each are selected. One person must use toilet paper to design clothes for another person. The team whose toilet paper outfit the audience liked wins.


Props: A piece of paper, pen or pencil.

The host gives the guests a piece of paper and a pen, they must write their favorite number. After which the host approaches each guest and asks an individual question, the answer to which will be the number written on their paper. Questions can be funny: How much do you weigh? How many grades of school did you complete? How many cats do you have at home? How many children do you have? How many chocolates do you eat a day? How many minutes will it take you to get drunk and fall asleep under the tree?


Props: Dance music.

The host gives each guest a piece of paper with the name of an animal, bird or fairy-tale character. Then the guests must depict how, for example, a bunny, parrot, snake or crocodile would dance. The most creative and artistic guest wins.


Props: Plastic cup, tape, coins.

Two or more teams of two people are selected: a man and a woman. A man is taped to a plastic cup in his abdomen. The woman is given ten coins. Then the couple is placed at a distance of three or more meters from each other. The woman must put all the coins into the glass. A man can move his stomach and hips to help the coin hit the target, but he cannot take steps and catch coins with his hands. The team that throws a large number of coins at the target wins.

Props: Lots of ice cubes.

Two teams are selected, each of them is given a huge bowl with ice cubes. In five minutes, before the ice melts, they must build a beautiful palace out of it on the table. The team with the most beautiful and original ice palace wins.


Props: A large Whatman paper with a painted snowman, a carrot made separately from cardboard with Velcro at the end.

This competition is suitable for a group that has already drunk well. A pre-made drawing of a snowman without a nose is hung on the wall. A participant is selected, blindfolded with a scarf and given a carrot in his hands. After which the blindfolded participant is thoroughly spun and the audience falsely tells him where to go in order to hit the snowman in the face with a carrot.

Lazy dancing

Props: New Year's dance music, chairs.

The presenter arranges chairs along the wall, and the competition participants sit on them. The presenter himself sits down in front of them. Then, to the music, the participants must repeat the dance movements behind the leader, without getting up from the chair: first we dance with our lips, then with our elbows, knees, eyes, shoulders, toes, and so on. From the outside, this dance looks very funny and unusual. The participant who dances the best lazy dance wins.

Culinary duel

Props: Dishes and food.

This competition comes at the very end of the celebration, when almost all the dishes on the table have been eaten and the guests are ready to go home. Two or three teams of two or three people are selected. Each of them must use the leftover food on the table to create the most unusual and delicious dish on one plate. The culinary team whose dish was chosen by the audience wins.

Don't know how to entertain yourself and your guests on New Year's Eve? Yes, everything is very simple. We need New Year's competitions! They will not let you fall asleep after the president’s speech and will allow guests to take their mind off eating salads and drinking champagne. "SuperToast" gives you a collection of the most popular New Year's competitions:

New Year's competition "Sculpting a snow lady"

If there is snow outside on New Year's Eve, then guests can be invited to play outside. All players (preferably men) must be divided into several teams, each team receives the task of making a snow woman, not a snow woman, but a woman. The team that has the most charming and unusual snow woman with a beautiful figure wins. For example, even women’s clothing, etc., can be used to decorate such a woman. A similar game can be offered to women, but they will have to sculpt the man of their dreams, whom they want to meet next year.
New Year's competitions on the site

New Year's competition "Alphabet"

The owner of the house, where guests are supposed to come to celebrate the New Year, dresses up in the clothes of Santa Claus, and when all the guests have gathered at the table, he announces that he has a small gift for everyone, but he gives gifts only to educated people. Now Santa Claus offers to play the alphabet game. He calls the first letter - A, and the first player must come up with a phrase related to New Year's greetings that begins with the letter A, for example, says: “Aibolit conveys his congratulations to everyone!” The second player says the letter B: “Be happy” and so on alphabetically, while each player who came up with the phrase is given a souvenir. It becomes very funny when the alphabet reaches the letters Zh, P, Y, b, b.

New Year's joke "Box of gifts"

For the New Year, you can arrange such a little joke. At the end of the room where you will celebrate the New Year, place a box that has a top but no bottom. You can wrap the box with a beautiful ribbon and write “Happy Holidays” on it, and fill the box with confetti. It is important that the box is placed in a high place, maybe even on a closet. When a person enters a room and is told that there is a gift for him on the cabinet, he naturally takes the box off the cabinet and is showered with confetti.
New Year's competitions on the site

New Year's competition "Dress up the Christmas tree"

To play you will need several balls of ribbon, tinsel, garland (depending on how many players there will be). In this case, women will act as Christmas trees =). Women hold one end of a ribbon or garland in one hand, and men, without touching their hands, take one end with their lips and wrap the garland around their lady. The winner will be the couple whose “Christmas tree” turns out more beautiful and elegant, or who does it faster.

New Year's competition "Pins"

This New Year's fun will require several couples, preferably married couples. Both couples need to be blindfolded, then take five pins and pin them on their clothes. Now the competition begins: the first couple to collect all the pins from each other’s clothes wins. All this happens to the accompaniment of slow and romantic music. But in the end, the winner is the couple who will be the first to understand what the catch is, and this catch lies in the fact that, for example, five pins were pinned on the girls’ clothes, as was said, but four on the guys’ clothes. Before the contestants understand the meaning of the deception, they will spend a long time feeling the body of their significant other in search of the lost fifth pin. From the viewer's perspective, it looks quite interesting.
New Year's competitions on the site

New Year's competition "Mittens and buttons"

Several pairs are called. Male players are provided with thick winter mittens. Their task is to fasten as quickly as possible the most buttons on a shirt or robe that is worn over their playing partner's clothes.

New Year's wishes competition

We invite 5 participants, each must name one New Year's wish in turn. Whoever thinks for more than five seconds loses.
New Year's competitions on the site


In the hat there are small pieces of paper on which one word is written (Christmas tree, icicle, Santa Claus, frost, etc.) Everyone takes turns taking notes out of the hat and sings a song - always a New Year's or winter song, in which the word written in his leaf!

New Year's competition "Smeshinka"

Each player gets a name, say, a cracker, a lollipop, an icicle, a garland, a needle, a flashlight, a snowdrift... The driver goes around everyone in a circle and asks various questions: - Who are you? - Firecracker. - What holiday is today? - Lollipop. - What do you have (pointing to your nose)? - Icicle. - What drips from the icicle? - Garland... Each participant must answer any questions with his “name”, while the “name” can be declined accordingly. Those answering questions should not laugh. Whoever laughs is eliminated from the game and gives away his forfeit. Then there is a drawing of tasks for forfeits.

Mask, I know you

The presenter puts the mask on the player. The player asks different questions to which he receives answers - hints: - Is this an animal? - No. - Human? - No. - Bird? - Yes! - Homemade? - Not really. - Is she cackling? - No. - Quacks? - Yes! - It's a duck! The person who guesses correctly is given the mask itself as a prize.

Poetry competition

You can prepare cards in advance with rhymes for your future New Year's greetings (toast) and distribute them to guests (including school-age children) at the beginning of the evening. Rhyme options: grandfather - summer nose - frost year - the third is coming - millennium calendar - January The results of the competition are summed up at the table, or when presenting gifts.

New New Year's competition "Snowball"

Redemption of New Year's prizes from Santa Claus's bag can be arranged as follows. In a circle, both adults and children pass a specially prepared “snowball” - made of cotton wool or white fabric. “Lump” is passed on and Santa Claus says: We all roll a snowball, We all count to “five” - One, two, three, four, five - You should sing a song. Or: Should I read poetry for you? Or: You should dance a dance. Or: Let me tell you a riddle... The person who redeems the prize leaves the circle, and the game continues.

New Year's competition "There are Christmas trees"

We decorated the Christmas tree with different toys, and in the forest there are different types of Christmas trees, wide, short, tall, thin. Now, if I say “high,” raise your hands up. “Low” - squat and lower your arms. “Wide” - make the circle wider. “Thin” - make a circle already. Now let's play! (The presenter plays, trying to confuse the children)

New Year's competition "Telegram to Santa Claus"

The guys are asked to name 13 adjectives: “fat”, “red-haired”, “hot”, “hungry”, “sluggish”, “dirty”... When all the adjectives are written down, the presenter takes out the text of the telegram and inserts into it the missing adjectives from the list . Text of the telegram: "... Grandfather Frost! All... children are looking forward to your... arrival. New Year is the most... holiday of the year. We will sing for you... songs, dance... dances ! Finally... New Year is coming! I don't want to talk about... studying. We promise that we will only receive... grades. So, quickly open your... bag and give us... gifts . With respect to you... boys and... girls!"

New Year's competition "Dancing with a ball"

Each pair is given a ball. They place the ball between themselves and, holding it with their bodies, dance with each other. At the same time, it is prohibited to touch the ball with your hands. It will be very fun and entertaining to use musical excerpts of different styles and tempos for this competition. It is better to start with a slow dance, for the participants it will seem easy, but the funniest thing is yet to come - rock and roll, lambada, polka, folk dances, this will be a real test.

New Year's competition "Who's last?"

Requires 5-6 participants and one less glass than players, as well as drinks. Guests stand around a table with glasses on it. They turn on the music, the guests begin to run around the table, and when it turns off, the participants grab the glasses and drink the contents to the bottom. Whoever is left without a glass is eliminated. And so on. The most important thing is that there are always fewer glasses than there are players. The winner will be one of the remaining two who drinks the last glass.

A simple and funny New Year's competition "Faces"

Santa Claus asks contestants to put an empty matchbox on their nose. It is necessary, solely with the help of facial expressions, without helping with your hands, to remove the boxes.

A trickle of wallpaper

A line of wallpaper is placed on the floor. Women are invited to spread their legs wide apart and walk along the “stream” without getting their feet wet. After the first attempt, you are asked to repeat the “walk along the stream,” but blindfolded. All other future participants in the game should not see how it is played. Having passed a stream blindfolded, and at the end of the path having removed the blindfold, the woman discovers that a man is lying on the stream, face up (the man lies down on the wallpaper after the task has been completed, but the blindfold has not yet been removed from the participant’s eyes). The woman is embarrassed. A second contestant is invited, and when everything is repeated again, the first contestant laughs heartily. And then the third, fourth... Everyone has fun!

New Year's competition "Prize from Santa Claus"

Two participants stand opposite each other - there is a prize on a chair in front of them. Santa Claus counts: one, two, hundred, one, two, thirteen...twelve, etc. The winner is the one who is more attentive and the first to take the prize when Santa Claus says three.

New Year's competition "Santa Claus's Magic Bag"

All participants stand in a circle. Santa Claus is in the center. He has a bag in his hands. The contents of the bag are known only to him. There are a wide variety of things in the bag. These can be panties, Panama hats, bras, etc. Anything, the main thing is that they are funny and gigantic in size. The music turns on and everyone starts moving in a circle. Santa Claus gives the bag to one of the participants. He must quickly get rid of it, give it to someone, because if the music stops and he ends up with him, then he is a loser. Next comes the punishment. In this case, it is like this - Santa Claus unties the bag, and the loser, without looking, pulls out the first item he comes across. Then, to the Homeric laughter of those gathered, he puts this item on himself - over his clothes. After that everything continues. The losing guest dances in a new outfit. The music stops again and now the next participant who happens to have the bag at that time tries on a new suit.

New Year's competition "Compliment to the Snow Maiden"

Santa Claus invites men to participate in the competition. Santa Claus must put a match on the man's eyelashes, and he, in turn, must compliment the Snow Maiden. Whoever says the most compliments until the match falls wins.

New Year's competition from the Snow Maiden

I'll tell you a story
In one and a half dozen phrases.
I'll just say the word "three"
Take the prize immediately!

One day we caught a pike
We looked at what was inside.
We saw small fish
And not just one, but... five.

A seasoned guy dreams
Become an Olympic champion
Look, don’t be cunning at the start,
And wait for the command: “One, two... march”

When you want to memorize poems,
They are not crammed until late at night,
And repeat them to yourself,
Once, twice, or better yet... seven.

One day the train is at the station
I had to wait three hours.
Well, friends, you took the prize.
I give you a five.

New Year's competition "Contest with glasses"

Guests run around the festive table at speed, holding the glass by the stem with their teeth. The longer the stem of the glass, the better. Whoever runs the fastest without spilling the contents is the winner.

New Year's competition "Winders"

Ribbons are tied to the waists of 3 girls. The girls wrap ribbons around their waists. Male participants must quickly twist the ribbons around their waists... Whoever is faster and more careful wins and deserves a kiss from the girl.

What kind of holiday, and especially the New Year, would be without games, entertainment and competitions. Adults, just like children, want to spend the New Year holidays in a fun and interesting way. These games can be used to create holiday scenarios. events for adults dedicated to the New Year.

Fun games, competitions and entertainment at the New Year's party

Fun relay race

You can play in pairs and teams. Two participants are given two pencils, one matchbox and one glass (not empty, of course). You need to take pencils in your hand, put a matchbox on them, place a glass on the box and cover a certain distance. Whoever hasn't spilled the vodka will drink it.

Chained by one chain

Teams of 3-7 people participate. Depending on the number of participants, hats are sewn to the rope at intervals of 1 meter. Participants put them on their heads and dance to the music. The team whose cap falls off first loses. You cannot hold the hat with your hands.

Matryoshka dolls

All those present are divided into two teams, stand in a line one after another, each holding a scarf. On command, the second player ties a scarf from the back to the first (it is strictly forbidden to correct or help each other), then the third to the second, and so on. The last player ties the penultimate one and triumphantly shouts: “Everyone is ready!” The entire team turns to face their opponents.

You can play for speed, quality, and the appearance of the “matryoshka dolls” - the main thing is to have time to photograph the funny “matryoshka dolls”.

Wow or eh?

Two teams are formed: “M” and “W”. One team makes two words and a wish for each of them. For example, “Uh” - kiss two, “Eh” - kiss everyone. Then one player from the second team is called up. But none of them should know words and desires. They ask him: “Uh or eh?” Whatever word he chooses, such a wish will be fulfilled. You can make funny wishes. For example: crawl between the legs of the opposing team and drink a glass of strong drink.

Happy Well

The presenter takes a bucket, pours some vodka into it and puts a glass in the bucket. The player must get the coin into the glass. If his coin gets into the vodka, the next participant throws his coin. If a player hits a glass with a coin, he takes all the coins from the bucket and drinks the vodka.

Relay race for a friendly company

Two teams are participating. The more people there are, the better. In each team, players line up in a column: man - woman; A chair is placed in front of each column, on which the first team member sits. He holds a match in his mouth (without sulfur, of course). At the leader’s command, the second player runs up to him, takes the match without using his hands and sits in the place of the first. The first one runs to the rear of the column. The relay continues until the first team players are on the chair again.

With cake

Guests are divided into two teams. Each team is given a cake in a cardboard box tied with string. Each team has a special participant with a bottle of vodka (beer will do) - he drinks his team. Everyone’s hands are tied behind their backs, including the “drinkers.”

The first team to eat their cake and drink their vodka wins. Without vodka, the cake does not count!

“The sea is agitated” in a new way

Remember the old game “The Sea is Troubled,” which you all probably played in childhood. Let's remember the rules. A presenter is selected. If there are too many people willing to fill this role, then it can be counted. Here’s a simple little rhyme: “An apple was rolling through the garden and fell straight into the water: “thump.”

The presenter reads the words, and at this time the players think about their figure. When they hear the word “freeze,” the players freeze in any position. The presenter can “turn on” anyone at will or anyone who moves. The one whose presentation the presenter likes the most becomes the presenter. If the presenter doesn’t like anything 3 times in a row, he is replaced.

The words of the presenter: “The sea worries once, the sea worries twice, the sea worries three - an erotic figure, freeze in place!”

New Year's drink

Number of participants: everyone is interested.

Required Items: blindfold, large glass, various drinks.

Progress of the game. Players must split into pairs. One of them is blindfolded, and the other mixes various drinks in a large glass: Pepsi, mineral water, champagne, etc. The second player’s task is to guess the components of the prepared drink. The pair that most accurately describes the composition of the prepared “potion” wins.

New Year's Sandwich

Number of participants: everyone interested

Required Items: blindfold, festive table with a variety of dishes.

Progress of the game. This is a variation of the previous game, only pairs can change places. The “sighted” player prepares a sandwich from everything on the table. The “blind man” must taste it. But at the same time, hold your nose with your hand. The one who correctly names the most components wins.

Mute Santa Claus and deaf Snow Maiden

Number of participants: everyone is interested.

Progress of the game. Quite a funny game that will help bring out the creative abilities of those gathered at the festive table, as well as laugh heartily! A pair consisting of Father Frost and Snow Maiden is selected. The task of the mute Santa Claus is to show with gestures how he wants to wish everyone present a Happy New Year. At the same time, the Snow Maiden must pronounce all congratulations out loud as accurately as possible.

Group rhythm

Number of participants: leader, at least 4 people.

Required Items: uniform elements in the form of red noses with elastic bands, cotton beards, hats, boots, bags, etc.

Progress of the competition. The participants sit in a circle, after which the leader places his left hand on the right knee of the neighbor on the left, and the right hand on the left knee of the neighbor on the right. The rest of the participants act in a similar way. The leader begins to tap a simple rhythm with his left hand. His neighbor on the left repeats the rhythm on the leader’s left foot. The leader’s right neighbor hears the rhythm and also begins to beat it with his left hand on the leader’s right leg. And so on in a circle. It is not so easy for all participants to learn to hit the correct rhythm, so for a long time someone will get confused. If there are enough people, then you can introduce a rule - the one who makes a mistake is eliminated.


Number of participants: everyone is interested.

Required Items: red noses with elastic bands, cotton beards, hats, boots, bags, etc.

Progress of the competition. It is announced to those present that elections are planned for the best Father Frost and the best Snow Maiden. After this, men dress in the costume of Father Frost, and women - the Snow Maiden. At the same time, it is advisable to show imagination and not try to look like these characters should. At the end, those present decide who completed their task more successfully than the rest.


Number of participants: everyone, in pairs (woman and man).

Required Items: thick mittens, robes with buttons.

Progress of the competition. The essence of the competition is that men put on mittens and must fasten the buttons on the robe that women wear. The person who fastens the most buttons in the least amount of time is declared the winner.

New Year wishes

Number of participants: 5 participants.

Progress of the competition. Five participants are given the task of naming one New Year's wish in turn. The one who thinks about the wish for more than 5 seconds is eliminated. Accordingly, the last one remaining wins.


Number of participants: everyone is interested.

Required items: pacifiers.

Progress of the competition. In this competition, it is proposed to follow the example of the residents of Kenya, among whom it is customary to spit at each other on New Year’s Day, which in this country is a wish for happiness in the coming year. In Russia, the acceptability of this tradition is questionable, but in the form of a fun competition, it is quite suitable, and you only need to spit with pacifiers. The winner is the one who spits it out the furthest.


Number of participants: everyone is interested.

Required Items: various outfits.

Progress of the competition. The point is to dress up in a pre-prepared outfit faster than others. Whoever is faster wins. It is advisable to come up with as diverse and funny outfits as possible.

Song of the year

Number of participants: everyone is interested.

Required Items: small pieces of paper with words written on them, a hat or some kind of bag, pan, etc.

Progress of the competition. The bag contains pieces of paper with words like Christmas tree, icicle, Santa Claus, frost, etc. written on them. Participants draw notes from a bag and must sing a New Year or winter song that contains this word.


Number of participants: everyone is interested.

Required Items: empty champagne bottles.

Progress of the competition. Newspapers are spread on the floor. The challenge is to stuff the largest number of newspapers into a champagne bottle. The one who crams the most wins.

Jumping into the unknown

Number of participants: 3-4 participants.

Progress of the competition. Germany boasts a curious tradition of “jumping” on New Year's Day, where participants stand on chairs and jump forward from them at midnight. Whoever is further wins.

The same thing is proposed to be done in this competition. Moreover, the jump should be accompanied by a joyful exclamation. In principle, you can do without chairs, just jump from your seat. Accordingly, the one who jumped into the New Year the furthest wins.

Competition with glasses

Number of participants: everyone is interested.

Required Items: A glass with contents such as water or wine.

Progress of the competition. The participant must run around the table, holding the glass by the stem with his teeth and without spilling the contents. The longer the leg, the better. Accordingly, the winner is the one who goes around the table the fastest and does not spill the contents.

Surely for many, the New Year is, if not the most, then one of their favorite holidays. And it’s not surprising, because this is the most magical night of the year. And if you decide to spend it in a friendly company of friends, then you can’t do without New Year competitions for young people. Let this night leave the most vivid impressions, because it is not in vain that they say: “The way you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it.” And in order for the competitions to go smoothly, you should prepare in advance and stock up on the necessary attributes. So what you need to have on hand:

  • competition script,
  • thematic attributes for participants,
  • prizes for the winners.

It will be more interesting if the prizes are also themed. For example, in fairy-tale competitions the reward may be a magic wand or a treasure sword, and in creative battles the reward may be a set of pencils or a coloring book.

It is better to proceed from each competition separately. However, any funny little things will delight your guests.

Fun speed competitions

Any holiday means a delicious table, which means a full stomach, which sometimes you really want to shake. Speed ​​competitions will help you do this not only effectively, but also fun.

Melt the ice

There can be any number of participants for this competition. Among the attributes you will need pre-prepared ice cubes, inside of which wrapped candies are frozen. The presenter distributes paper bags with ice cubes to the contestants. On the count of three, participants begin to breathe on their ice cubes, trying to melt them as quickly as possible. The contestant who gets the candy in his hands the fastest wins.

Throwing snowballs

An unlimited number of people can participate in this entertainment. The attributes of the competition can be any containers (plastic buckets, hats, even felt boots). You also need to prepare snowballs in advance. They can be made from cotton wool or crumpled white paper. The goal of the competition is to hit the snowball into the container. Each participant throws 5 “snowballs”, and whoever does it faster and more accurately wins. If there are more than one winners, you can conduct an additional round and complicate the task by moving the containers further away.

Roll a snowball

Any number of teams of 2 people can participate in the competition. Each team consists of a girl and a guy. The girls are given one boiled (hard-boiled) egg, which will symbolize the snowball. The participants' task is to roll it under the guy's trouser legs as quickly as possible without damaging the shell.

At the leader’s command, the girls launch the “snowball” from below into the guy’s left trouser leg, roll it up to the waist, roll it, without taking it out of the trousers, to the right trouser leg and, having lowered the “snowball” to the very bottom, take it out. It is important not to shake out the egg, but rather roll it with your hands. The guys stand quietly with their hands clasped behind their backs. The winner is the team that delivers the valuable cargo safe and sound.

Christmas trees and squirrels

This competition is a fun New Year’s analogue of the famous “Extra Chair” entertainment. The number of participants is odd and at least 9 people. The main condition is that there should be one more girls than boys. Guys are Christmas trees, girls are squirrels.

So, the guys stand in a circle with their backs to each other, and the girls stand in the outer circle. The presenter starts the music, and the squirrel girls begin to happily jump around the Christmas tree guys. The presenter suddenly stops the music and the “squirrels” must quickly climb onto the “Christmas tree” (explanation). The “squirrel” that didn’t have enough “Christmas tree” takes any one with it. The game continues until one guy and two girls remain. Now the guy turns into a “mink”. The task of the “squirrels” is to have time to occupy an empty hole. The guy places his feet wider than his shoulders (as wide as possible so as not to damage the bells). According to the rules, entering the “mink” from the “back door” is prohibited, only from the front. Music is playing and the squirrels are jumping around the hole. The music stops, and the fastest “squirrel” occupies the “mink”, crawling between the guy’s legs on his knees. Prizes are awarded to both winners.


This funny competition involves 2 guys and at least 5 girls (the more, the more interesting). The guys take one shoe off their foot and put a filled glass in it (it’s up to you to decide what). The girls stand in a line with their legs spread wide apart and their feet touching those of their neighbor. A chain of “metro stations” is formed. The presenter announces to the guys that each of them is a train, the first carriage of which is a shoe with a glass. The task of the “train” is to travel through all the “subway stations”, crawling on its knees between the girls’ legs along a zigzag path. The shoe with the glass comes first, followed by the rest of the “train”. When meeting in the center of the chain, the “trains” need to successfully miss each other. This competition is more designed not for one winner, but for a positive mood, so prizes are awarded to both train drivers, and a big “merci” to the girls.

Original reincarnations

Competitions are always funny, and if the participants also pretend to be someone else, then it’s doubly funny. By transforming into other characters, you can have a lot of fun with yourself and those around you. Use such competitions for the New Year for young people - a cheerful company will like it. And someone, quite possibly, will discover their talents.

Oh, you, my tummy!

There are so few men who are able to put themselves in the position of a pregnant woman and appreciate all the difficulties associated with this period. A fun competition for the stronger half of humanity will help do this. The number of competitors is at least 2 people. All “pregnant” participants have a large balloon attached to their stomachs with tape. And a box of matches is scattered on the floor in front of everyone. The presenter turns on cheerful music and gives the start. Participants must assemble the matches into the box as quickly as possible, while keeping an eye on the “tummy” so that it does not burst. The one who completes the task faster and without losses wins.

Bear, girl, hunter

Similar to the game "Rock-Paper-Scissors". The number of participants is even and at least 6 people. Participants break up in pairs and form a circle, turning their backs to each other. The host starts the music and the participants dance on the spot. During this time, the contestants determine who they will portray - a hunter, a girl or a bear. As soon as the music stops, the couples turn to face each other, depicting the intended image. The “girl”, having curtsied, “charms” the “hunter”. The “hunter,” pretending to be a gun with his hands, defeats the “bear.” The “bear”, raising its paws up, scares the “girl”. The losers are eliminated, and the winners form new pairs. Game continues. The last participant left alive becomes the winner.

Guess the hero

All guests of the holiday can participate in this competition. Father Frost and Snow Maiden are selected by drawing lots. Santa Claus wishes the Snow Maiden any fairy-tale character, of course, so that no one hears. And the Snow Maiden must portray this character without words so that the guests can guess him. For each correct answer, participants receive one point. Santa Claus records them on a piece of paper. Game continues. The number of characters shown is determined in advance. After guessing the last character, the number of points for each participant is calculated. The winner is the one with the most points.

Let's laugh at the table

In addition to active games, there is another way to conduct New Year competitions for young people - at the table. You can laugh and get an extra boost of energy without looking up from your favorite Olivier. And for such games you don’t have to be an erudite. A positive mood and a charge of humor are enough.

Remember the movie

Participants are divided into two teams (for simplicity, these can be the right and left halves of the table). Each team takes turns naming a movie or cartoon that takes place in winter. The team that names the most pictures wins.

Shall we sing?

The presenter writes simple words related to winter themes on small pieces of paper, for example, “snowflake”, “frost”, “blizzard”, “frost” and so on. He puts the pieces of paper in a hat and invites the participants sitting at the table to take them out in turns. The participant’s task is to remember and soulfully perform a song that contains a written word. The rest of the participants in the feast can sing along with him.

Famous couple

The goal of the game is to name the maximum number of fictional or real, but known couples. The presenter gives the “start” by voicing the first pair, for example, “Father Frost and Snow Maiden.” And then everyone sitting at the table takes turns calling out their options. By the way, couples do not have to be winter-themed.

ABC of toasts

For this competition, the presenter puts the letters of the alphabet in the hat. This can be either a ready-made children's alphabet or handwritten on pieces of paper. Next, each person sitting in turn draws out one letter and makes a toast starting with it. For example, the letter "A". A toast could be like this: “Now let me raise my glass to everyone who is still sitting and not lying at this table!” The prize goes to the one who comes up with the funniest toast.

Bearded joke

The host begins to tell a joke, and the one of the participants in the feast who knows the continuation takes the initiative and ends it. This participant has a piece of cotton wool glued to his chin. The presenter begins the next joke. Then everything goes according to the same program. At the end of the competition, the most “bearded” participant is awarded a prize.

Interesting competitions help to diversify New Year's Eve, make it festive and fun. We offer entertainment options suitable for adults, children and young people.

For the whole family

Some New Year's competitions are suitable for guests of different age categories. Their goal is to unite family and friends for a common fun activity.

Remembering pleasant events

Prepare a symbolic baton - any thing to pass on to each other.

The presenter, with a “stick” in his hands, talks about the best event that happened in the past year and passes the baton to the participants of the evening. Those who fail to remember the joyful event are awarded the "Fortune's Favorite - 2019" award.

The festive relay race is a spiritual competition that allows you to defuse an awkward situation and spend the outgoing year with gratitude.

Game "Pig"

A fun activity suitable for a noisy company. At the beginning of the competition, the presenter secretly names an animal to the participants. Then the guests stand in a circle and join hands.

Now the presenter says the names of the animals out loud. The one whose animal was named quickly sits down. Neighbors, right and left, are trying to stop him.

When the names of the animals are pronounced, the presenter declares: “We’ve trained, now we’re playing at full strength,” and again secretly gives the players the names of the animals. True, now it is the same for everyone - a piglet.

As a result, the guests, having heard the cherished word, simultaneously sit down abruptly and cannot stand on their feet. Entertainment perfectly improves the mood and is suitable for the middle of a festive evening.

Get a wish

The competition will require preliminary preparation. Wishes for guests are written in advance on paper and placed in balloons. Separately, the names of parts of the human body (chin, foot, jaw, etc.) are indicated on pieces of paper and notes are placed in the hat.

At the party, those gathered take their favorite balloons with wishes. To read the note, you will have to burst the balloon using the body part indicated on the sticker he pulled out of his headdress.

Charging Santa Claus

A game for a large number of players. Santa Claus or a guest in a suit performs exercises. The rules are simple: “Guests must repeat the movements, but vice versa. If the “grandfather” leans to the right, the rest - to the left, etc. You can show an example, together with the presenter.

Anyone who makes just one wrong move is eliminated. The pace gradually becomes faster and Santa Claus tries to confuse the participants.

As a result, players are awarded places and awards with funny titles are presented.

Best Actor

The competition is an excellent opportunity for guests to demonstrate their acting skills by playing the symbol of the coming year - a pig. Everyone has their own image - “sad little pig”, “mysterious Khavronya”, “disgruntled pig”, etc. Guests are given pig ears and snouts prepared in advance. Some of the invitees are given the honorable mission of judging the “actors” as a jury.

Having started the competition, guests communicate with each other in the manner assigned to them. After the appointed time, the “jury members” determine the winner by secret ballot. The most artistic guest, in a solemn atmosphere, receives an Oscar.

Entertainment for children

Kids should also have fun at the New Year's party. Offer them active and fun competitions.

Snowball game

Participants are divided into two teams. They make snowballs from old newspapers and compete to see who is the most accurate. Members of both teams are placed one behind the other. On the floor, colored tape marks where you can’t step.

Baskets are installed behind the line, where participants will throw “snow shells”. Children take turns throwing snowballs, and the team that hits the most times wins.

Competition "balls"

A table is placed in the center of the hall, especially for the competition. A light ball is placed in the middle of it. Participants stand at different ends of the table - two people. They need to blow on the ball, moving it towards the opponent.

The competition lasts until the goal is achieved. The winner receives an honorary prize. The competition can also be a team competition, where several guys participate, taking turns sending balls to the opponent.

We decorate the Christmas tree

For the competition, prepare a couple of small real or artificial Christmas trees. There is an option, take two kids and make them New Year's trees.

Participants are divided into two groups and take plastic New Year's toys on strings. The goal is to decorate the Christmas trees with the largest number of New Year's attributes in 2 minutes.

To complicate the task, “Christmas trees” are installed a couple of meters from the participants. Children, one after another, run up to the “tree” to hang the decoration on it.

New Year's tinsel

Two teams take part in the competition. They stand opposite each other, and each of the guys is given tinsel in their hands.

The competition takes place to the accompaniment of a cheerful holiday song. The first team member wraps tinsel around the hand of the child next to him. And so - along the chain.

The last player’s task is to run up to the first and tie his hand with tinsel. When everything is done, the team raises their hands. The children who complete the task first are recognized as winners and receive prizes.

Table competitions

For those who want to have fun without leaving the New Year's table, many competitions have also been invented. They are able to provide those gathered with a wonderful mood without requiring them to waste their energy.

Let's remember the alphabet

The Alphabet is a competition suitable for that part of the party when the guests have had time to try the treats and festive drinks and are ready to take an active part in the event. Champagne-filled glasses and a positive attitude from the participants will come in handy.

The host complains that during the party he forgot the alphabet. Dear guests can help you remember the letters. They take turns making festive toasts.

The first one's words begin with the letter "A". The second one makes a speech with “B”, etc. For example:

  • “Shouldn’t we raise our glasses to the happiness of those gathered?”
  • “Be happy in the coming 2019!”,
  • “I wish everyone good health, good luck and more money.”

The participant who makes the most interesting and sincere wish wins.

Concert from a hat

For the competition, write in advance on notepads the words of the New Year theme (blizzard, snowman, Santa Claus, piece of ice, etc.). These pieces of paper are put into a “magic” Santa Claus hat.

Everyone takes out a note and sings a song with the given word. It's a good idea to incorporate an arrangement you found online.

Gift bag

For the contest you will need a bag filled with holiday favors. The presenter turns to the person sitting to his right: “I’ve been meaning to give it for a long time, but I couldn’t…”. And he gives a joke reason - “he was kidnapped by aliens”, “greed got in the way”, etc.

Afterwards, without peeking, he takes a gift out of the bag and hands it over. The person who receives the item takes the package in his hands and says similar words to the neighbor on the right. The funnier the reason that prevented you from giving a gift earlier, the better.

For adults

Adult entertainment at a New Year's Eve party often involves drinking alcohol. But for those who prefer to have fun without alcoholic drinks, many wonderful competitions have been invented.

Drink - have a bite

Those invited are given two small sheets of paper. The word “drink” is written on the first one, and the word “snack” is written on the second one. Each guest adds a phrase, for example - “Drink from a vase”, “snack with pepper.” Afterwards, the notes are hidden in two caps and taken out without looking, one by one.

Guess who?

New Year's cocktail

One of the guests is blindfolded with thick cloth. Then, another participant in the competition prepares a drink from what is on the festive table. The potion is given to the guest blindfolded to drink. His task is to guess what his holiday cocktail is made from.

Those gathered record how many ingredients have been guessed. “Masha – 4 out of 7”, etc. The guest who guesses the largest number of components wins.

New Year's lottery

A win-win lottery will also delight those gathered at the festive table. Prepare in advance the number of gifts corresponding to the number of guests. Or better yet, two or three more.

You will also need lottery tickets for the competition. An interesting idea is to take a picture of a pig from the Internet, print copies and draw serial numbers on them. Hand them over to your party guests upon entering.

There is another option - invite everyone to the center of the room and give them a task - to sing a New Year's song, read a poem, remember an interesting joke. The reward is the ability to put your hand into a box of lottery tickets and get one.

Any interesting souvenir is suitable as a prize - ginger cookies, chocolate in a festive wrapper, a figurine of the symbol of the year. It would be nice to prepare a small funny poem for the presentation of the prize. For example: “You will be glad to receive gifts from fate - take a bar of chocolate.”

Entertainment for schoolchildren

It is possible to prepare interesting competitions for children of all ages. Both first-graders and high school students will rejoice at the opportunity to have fun.

Don't miss the place

An ageless competition is a game with chairs, interesting for both children and adults.

During the competition, schoolchildren run around them to a festive tune. After the music stops playing, they must immediately take the empty seats. The child is left without a chair - his participation in the competition ends.

Leap into the future

The tradition of jumping from a chair on New Year's Eve came from Germany. According to her, the further the guest jumps, the better he will live in the New Year. True, you should be careful, which is why some refuse the attribute in the form of a chair. The winner is the guest who jumped the farthest.

Shoulder to shoulder

Participants are divided into two people. A festive tune comes on and the children dance and jump to it. As a result, the couples are separated and the participants “mix with each other.”

The music stops and the host of the competition says: “shoulder to shoulder!” At a signal, children from pairs run up to each other and touch their shoulders. The last person to find a partner stops participating in the competition. Then the presenter sets another task: “nose to nose”, “back to back, etc.”

The competition is conducted in a different way. You will need New Year's themed props - cut out snowflakes, Christmas trees, candies in holiday wrapping, etc. Place them in the room where you are celebrating the holiday. The presenter gives the signal: “Christmas tree to Christmas tree,” and the children each take a Christmas tree and run up to their pair.

Entertainment for young people

Young people also love New Year's competitions. Below are a few ideas on how to have fun for people in this age category.

Unload the Christmas tree

Take two guests and blindfold them. Their task is to remove toys and candies from Christmas trees. The New Year's tree will be other invitees, placed one after another. New Year's attributes are hung on them using ordinary clothespins.

Volunteers are given boxes in their hands and, blindfolded, are led from different sides to an impromptu “Christmas tree”. At the leader’s command, they begin to unload the Christmas trees and put toys with candies into the box.

When the guests meet each other, the competition is over. The participant who collects the most holiday attributes wins.

Firecrackers for girls

At the very beginning of the evening, male guests are given firecrackers. When the guests have gathered, the rules of the competition are announced. On New Year's Eve, the guys, one by one, explode “shells”. And the girls’ task is to immediately jump into the arms of the young man standing next to them.

The girl, who forgot to jump on her hands or was confused, carries out the task of the celebrants.

Pass the tangerine

For the competition, participants are divided into two groups and stand one after another. The presenter’s task is to prepare in advance two large cups of washed tangerines and two more empty ones. The guest standing first must grab the tangerine with his teeth and pass it to another participant without using his hands. He also takes it with his teeth and gives it further.

The one who stands last puts the fruit on the plate. The winners are the team members who collect the most tangerines within the agreed time.

Competitions for corporate events

At work, New Year's entertainment can also be both table-based and active.

Decorating the Christmas tree

The guests are given the task of decorating the Christmas tree blindfolded. We need to find the New Year's tree. The host of the competition places those who wish to do so in the center of the room and gives them a toy each. Their eyes are covered with a bandage and rotated several times.

The man walks forward all the way. When he meets an object or another participant on the way, he hangs a decoration on this “Christmas tree”.

The winner is the one who managed to hang the toy on a real Christmas tree. The prize for second place goes to the player who finds the most original “tree” for his decoration.

Dancing dancing

Prepare several musical selections of different topics in advance. At the beginning of the competition, participants are divided into pairs. Each moves to the music, but it does not match the nature of the dance.

For example, the presenter says: “Couple number one is slow dancing.” And it sounds like “Lezginka”. It will be original if you give the participants the task of dancing in old forgotten genres - waltz, paso doble.

Solemn oath

Guests are given pieces of paper where they must write three things they must do in the new year - skydive, go to the mountains, join a gym, etc.

The notes are put into a headdress and mixed. Participants randomly pull out notes with promises and read aloud what they got. Ask the person who reads the promise to guess who wrote it.

Fun activities

There are competitions where each of the guests will have to show resourcefulness and artistry. Their goal is to amuse guests and make themselves happy.

Game of Crocodile

For the competition, prepare stickers in advance where you write the names of famous paintings about New Year and Christmas - “Sorcerers”, “Home Alone”, “Irony of Fate”, etc.

One of the participants takes out any sticker and pantomimes its plot. The task of the others is to understand what picture he has in mind. The first one to guess also takes out a piece of paper and depicts a movie. Based on the results of the competition, the presenter awards the most artistic player a reward.

"The coolest"

Men participate in the game - about five people. The host puts boiled eggs in the cup, in accordance with the number of characters, and says that one of them is raw. Participants take turns hitting them on their foreheads.

The competition turns out to be exciting, and gradually the tension between the guests grows. Nobody wants to get dirty with a raw egg.

Frozen T-shirt

For the competition, prepare three voluminous men's T-shirts. They need to be rolled up in advance and left in the freezer. Select three male participants for the evening. They are given a difficult task - to put on the T-shirts. The one who completes it first wins.

Read lips

Two competitors put on headphones, where fairly loud music is playing. Players should not hear each other. One receives cards with questions. For example: “How much champagne do you need to be happy?”, “What do you put red caviar on?”

The second one’s task is to understand what is being asked and answer. Then the cards with questions end up in the hands of others. The winner is the participant who answers the maximum number of questions asked.

Quiet entertainment

Not everyone likes active, noisy competitions. If guests prefer to celebrate the New Year in a relaxed atmosphere, prepare competitions that suit their temperament.

New Year's fortune telling

The next fun will not require guests to leave the table. You will need small sheets of paper and pens. Those gathered write a positive prediction on stickers. They are folded and placed in a magic bag.

Then the host distributes new pieces of paper to the guests, where they have to write when the wish comes true. For example: “Very soon everything will come true” or “wait a couple of years.” They are placed in the second bag.

One after another, those gathered pull out stickers from both bags and read aloud the prediction they received. The more original the forecasts, the better.

Christmas story

Another original entertainment is making up a New Year's story. For this, guests are given 10-12 stickers on which they will write various words. Half of them should be related to New Year's celebrations, and the other half at their discretion. Afterwards, the stickers are placed in a box and mixed.

The first guest takes out two or three pieces of paper. He says the words: “Somehow on New Year’s Eve...”. And he comes up with the beginning of a story using the words he comes across.

The second guest also pulls out some stickers. He continues the story, adding to it the words that fell to him. A fairy tale is a very interesting and exciting task that guests will not remain indifferent to.

New Year's news

Prepare cards for the game by writing 5 words on them that are far from each other in meaning. For example: “Snow Maiden, bus, parrot, castle, subway.” Guests take turns drawing a card at random. The task is to compose a sensation close in theme to the New Year.

Every word on the card is used. And at the end of the competition, a present is awarded for the most interesting news, and a toast is made to pleasant events in the coming year.


To prevent guests invited to the New Year's party from getting bored, invite them to take part in competitions. There is suitable entertainment for both adults and children.

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