In this presentation you will learn about which animals are record holders one way or another. This could be the animal's lifespan, its speed, or some other factor that makes it unique.

What is the fastest animal on land?

What is the fastest animal in the air?

What is the fastest animal in water?

The fastest representative of the animal world - cheetah. His whole body is designed for fast running. Light weight, streamlined skull, elongated body, elastic spine, powerful paws and a long tail, which serves as a “steering wheel” for the cheetah when turning. In 2 seconds it reaches speeds of up to 75 km/h, and in 3 seconds – up to 120 km/h. It surpasses even a racing car in gaining speed. But it can only maintain record speed for a few seconds. But at speeds of up to 90 km/h, a cheetah can run for almost 10 minutes. The cheetah is a recognized sprinter in the animal world and rare prey will be able to escape from it.

The fastest among birds, and indeed among all living creatures, is falcon peregrine . This is a small bird, about the size of a crow. He flies high in the sky, looking for prey. The falcon's vision is so acute that it can recognize its prey from a height of 300m. When he finds her, he throws a stone down and hits her with his sharp claws. The blow is so strong that the victim's head can be torn off. The peregrine falcon's falling speed reaches 320 km/h, and the speed record is 440 km/h, which is comparable to the speed of an airplane. This bird is called the king of dive flight. People have long used falcons to hunt birds, foxes and hares.

But the fastest representative of the underwater world is swordfish. She is capable of accelerating to 130 km/h. It has a long, streamlined body covered with thick skin without scales and an elongated snout in the shape of a sword or beak, for which it got its name. Swordfish lives in the warm waters of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans. There are known cases when a swordfish pierced the hull of a ship made of iron 2 cm thick with its nose. And it also happened that, having broken through the boat and unable to free itself, the fish died. Scientists believe that the reason for attacks on ships may be that the fish at high speed simply does not have time to dodge or change its trajectory. This is a fairly large fish, its weight reaches 700 kg, and its body length reaches 4.5 m.

What is the largest living animal?

What is the largest sushi animal?

Which mammal is the smallest animal?

Blue whale(Also blue whale, or blue whale , lat . Balaenoptera musculus) - a sea animal from the order cetaceans related to mustachioed whales(genus minke whales). The largest whale, the largest modern animal, and also probably the largest of all animals that ever lived on Earth. Its length reaches 33 meters, and the weight can significantly exceed 150 tons

Elephants (lat. Elephantidae) - family mammals squad proboscidea. The largest land animals living on Earth. They live in South-East Asia And Africa V tropical forests And savannahs. Elephants have an ear for music and musical memory, they are able to distinguish melodies of three notes; they prefer violin music and low sounds of bass and horn to high flute melodies

Hog-nosed bat(Craseonycteris thonglongyai) is the smallest animal in the world at present. Belongs to mammals of the order Chiroptera. It is quite rare, and was first discovered only about 30 years ago by Thai biologist Kitty Thonglongya. Distinguished by its incredibly small body. So, the length of an adult is approximately 3 centimeters, and the weight is about 2 grams! In size it can be compared with many insects , it is very often confused with them. The mouse has wide and long wings, a nose similar to a pig's snout, large ears, but there is no tail. The skull is quite large and occupies a third of the entire body length. There are 28 teeth. As for the color, it is gray or brown, the belly is slightly lighter.

What is the longest living living organism on Earth?

Which animal has the shortest life?

Which bird is the biggest?

Which bird is the smallest?

Which bird has the keenest eye?

Which bird has the longest and most beautiful tail?

African ostrich ( lat. Struthio camelus) - ratite flightless bird, the only modern representative of the family ostrich (Struthinodae). Its scientific name translated from Greek means " sparrow - camel» The African ostrich is the largest of modern birds: up to 270 cm high and weighing up to 156 kg.

Hummingbird(lat. Trochilidae) - a family of small birds, the only one in the order hummingbirds(lat. Trochiliformes). More than 330 species are known. Originate from America (from Southern Alaska and Labrador to Tierra del Fuego). The only bird in the world that can fly backwards. Smallest type - hummingbird bee (Mellisuga helenae) is found in Cuba, almost 7 cm long and weighing less than 2 g.

Representatives of birds of prey have the sharpest vision. From research by specialists it is known that the owner of the most watchful eye is peregrine falcon (pilgrim, real falcon). This representative of falcons lives everywhere with the exception of Antarctica. On distance 8 kilometers he can notice prey and keep his eyes on it until he catches it. Therefore, hunters have long preferred to take birds from the falcon family with them.


The animal world constantly surprises with its unique beauty.

Complete the list of record holders.

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The rabbit named Toby III, who lives in the UK, has the longest ears among rabbits. Their length is... cm, and width -... cm. 1) 6.5 ∙ 1.6 + 13.6: 1.7 + 57.2; 2) 84: 2.1 + 3.5 ∙ 1.8 – 28.06. I have big ears.

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A female St. Bernard named Barry saved the lives of more than 40 people during her summer service in the Swiss Alps. Among those rescued was a half-frozen boy who was caught in an avalanche in which his mother died. Barry covered the boy with himself and licked his face until he woke up, and then carried him to the nearest home. A cyclist left city A for city B. 3 hours after he left, a motorcyclist drove towards him from town B at a speed of 42 km/h. 2 hours after the motorcyclist left, they met. Find the speed of the cyclist if the distance between the cities is 144 km. I save people.

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The longest jump among frogs is the South African sharp-nosed frog. In ... a jump, she covered a distance ... m. This is approximately half the length of a basketball court. 1) (11.28 + 4 ∙ 1.55) : 4.6 – 0.8; 2) 28y – 5y + 2y – 15y = 103. I jump the furthest of all the frogs.

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The bird that talks best is a female African gray parrot named Pradle. She came to the UK from Uganda in 1958 and had an amazing vocabulary of... words. The autotourist drove 120 km on the first day, which is 15% of the entire planned route. How long is the intended path? I talk a lot.

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Angle MKN is 120. Ray KD divided this angle so that angle DKN is equal to 101. Calculate the degree measure of the angle MKD. The smallest cat, according to Guinness World Records, is the Himalayan Persian Blue Point, called Tinker Toy; when he grew up, his length was only ... cm. I am the smallest cat.

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Dog entertainer Chanda-Lian, a small poodle owned by trainer Sharon Robinson (Canada), performs... tricks that include playing the piano and offering a handkerchief when someone needs to blow their nose. Find the value of the expression 5a + 3b if a = 82.4, b = 19. I can do a lot of tricks.

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The most evasive dog - a collie named Jazz - set a speed record, walking the path between ... pillars in ... s. The record was set ... December 1999 1) 24% of the field was sown. It remains to sow 45.6 hectares of this field. Find the area of ​​the entire field. 2) Find the arithmetic mean of the numbers 13.4; 10.5; 17.9; 8.4; 14.7. 3) (5.5 – x) ∙ 5.8 = 8.7. I am the most evasive dog.

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The world's largest ants live in Africa. The body length of a worker ant is ... mm. 220 horses and foals were brought to the watering hole. Foals made up 15% of the entire herd. How many foals were there in the herd? I am the largest ant.

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The oldest ant was found by American scientists from the Museum of Natural History in a piece of amber from a beach in New Jersey. He lived...millions of years ago. The speed of the boat is 18.4 km/h, and the speed of the current is 3.8 km/h. The boat sailed for 3.2 hours along the river and 4.3 hours against the river. How many kilometers did the boat travel during this time? Round your answer to the nearest unit. I am the oldest ant.

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The moon fish amazes with its unusual appearance and size. This is the heaviest bony fish. The record large specimen caught weighed ... a kilogram and had a length of ... m. 1) Two cars drove out from one point in opposite directions. The speed of the first is 75 km/h, and the second is 74 km/h. What will be the distance between them after 15 hours? 2) 42.5 + (x – 1.76) = 45. I am Moon-Pisces.

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The smallest toad is the black-breasted toad, found in Africa. The largest specimen was ... mm in length. Freken Bock baked 96 buns. Carlson ate all the buns. How many buns can Baby and his family eat? I'm the smallest toad.

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The oldest fly was found in China, in sediments... millions of years old. This fly, whose length was ... a centimeter, judging by the structure of its jaws, could collect nectar from plants. 1) The car drove 29 km, which was the entire distance. Find the distance the car must travel. 2) 6.93: (0.028 + 1.512) – 3.5. I am the oldest fly.

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The giraffe is the tallest animal in the world. The giraffe carries its head and nose at a height of... meters. 2.8 + x + 3.7 = 12.5 I am the tallest animal.

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The deepest fish is Bassogigas. The research vessel managed to catch Bassogigas at a depth of ... m. Dunno, when dividing a certain number by 7, received an incomplete quotient of 1142, and the remainder - 6. What number did Dunno divide? I am the deepest fish.

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Ducks and geese are adapted to the lowest temperatures. According to experiments, they can survive at temperatures of minus... degrees Celsius. 11x – 5x + 7x – 8x + 7 = 557 We are ready for frost.

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The black swift spends most of its life in flight. It is estimated that the black swift flies ... km in ... hours. 1) On the bus, 30% of all passengers were men. How many men were on the bus if there were 60 passengers? 2) 79348 – 64 ∙ 804 – 32896: 16 – 24036. I am a black swift.

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The largest eye of all animals, both living and extinct, is that of the giant Atlantic octopus. The diameter of his eye was ... cm. The distance between two trains traveling towards each other is 8500 km. In how many hours will the trains meet if they travel non-stop: one at a speed of 80 km/h, the other at 90 km/h? I'm a giant octopus.

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Which animals are the fastest?

The fastest animals that run on the ground are cheetahs. They can run at speeds of up to 100 kilometers per hour. That is, a cheetah can catch up with a car traveling at a fairly high speed. In the sky, the record holder for speed is the peregrine falcon. He, in pursuit of a victim, can accelerate to a speed of 350 kilometers per hour. The peregrine falcon develops this speed when it deliberately falls down in order to unexpectedly grab its prey. In water, tuna develops the fastest speed. This fish can swim at a speed of 70 kilometers per hour.

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What are the largest animals?

The largest animal in the world is the whale. The whale lives in sea water. Its weight is 150 tons. The second largest sea animal is the whale shark. Its weight is approximately 12-14 tons. The largest animal on land is the elephant. An elephant can weigh more than 5 tons. The largest and heaviest bird on Earth is the ostrich. He is very tall - up to 2.5 meters, and his weight is more than 130 kilograms.

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Which animal is the strongest?

Oddly enough, the strongest animal is the ant. This little insect is very hardworking. It can lift a pebble or some other object that weighs fifty times more than an ant. If we take, for example, an elephant, it will not be able to lift even ½ of its weight. Although he carries huge logs that no living creature on the planet can lift, the log still weighs less than an elephant. An ant almost always carries objects that weigh more than itself.

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What is the most poisonous creature on the planet?

The most poisonous creature on our planet is the transparent Australian sea jellyfish. If all the poison was extracted from it, it would be enough to kill sixty people. This jellyfish weighs 6 kilograms. She has 60 tentacles, each of which contains a dangerous substance that can kill many animals, including humans. If a person touches an Australian sea jellyfish, they will die within four minutes.

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Which animal lives the longest?

The animal that can live the longest on Earth is the turtle. Moorish tortoises live 150 years. It is quite possible that they will live up to two centuries. The king tortoise, living in the United States, can live 123 years. There are also many long-livers among other animals. An elephant, for example, can live 60 years. There is a legend that some elephants lived for one and a half to two centuries. However, this is just a legend. There is no evidence of this. A horse can live for half a century. Among the birds there are also centenarians. Some claim that parrots, as well as eagles, can live for a century, but this is not documented. There are cases where a condor lived 52 years, a parrot two years longer, an eagle 55 years and a pelican 51 years. Among fish there are also long-livers. The American eel managed to live up to 50 years, the European catfish up to 60 years. Many people consider carps to be the longest-living fish, but they do not live longer than 25 years.

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Which animal has the most teeth?

The toothiest animal on Earth has 25 thousand teeth. This animal is a garden snail. Despite such a large number of teeth, it is not at all scary or dangerous. With its small teeth it grinds the leaves on which it feeds. In fact, these are not teeth, but tiny spikes. Nevertheless, the snail still got into the Guinness Book of Records as the most toothy creature on the planet.

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Which animal has the longest hair?

The animal with the longest hair is the musk ox, also known as the musk ox. The length of its fur reaches 90 centimeters. Some bulls have hair that hangs almost to the ground. The bull is endowed with such a fur coat for a reason. It helps him survive in the harshest winters, so he is not afraid of any frost.

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Which animal has the most limbs?

The centipede, which lives in San Benito (Guatemala), has the most limbs. She has more than six hundred legs. The centipede as an insect species was first identified in 1926. Then this centipede disappeared. Only recently, at the beginning of the second millennium, this amazing insect was again found by scientists. Now all possible measures are being taken so as not to lose again this amazing species of the most multi-legged creature on the planet.

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What animal is the smallest?

The smallest animal on our planet is the shrew. Its species, the tiny shrew, weighs 2 grams and is 3-4 centimeters long. Among the shrews there are also large individuals, so not all shrews are the smallest animals on Earth. The giant shrew is 18 centimeters long and weighs 100 grams.

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Which animal can go the longest without water and food?

A big misconception is that the camel is the animal that can go the longest without water and food. The hardiest animal is the rock squirrel. She lives in Southern Mexico. This squirrel can go without drinking water or eating for 100 days. The rock squirrel is very well adapted to the harsh conditions of the mountains, so it is not afraid of long droughts.

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Which animal has the biggest ears?

The African elephant has the largest ears on Earth. Their length can be 1.5 meters. However, the elephant itself is big. Its length is approximately 5-6 meters. Thus, the ears of the African elephant are even less than ¼ of the body. But one Mongolian animal - a long-eared jerboa, has ears 5 centimeters long. And this despite the fact that his body length is 9 centimeters. It turns out that on Earth this animal has the largest ears compared to its body weight.

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What is the heaviest animal in the world?

The heaviest animal in the world is the blue whale. Its weight can be 200 tons. The length of the whale can reach 33.5 meters. This animal can move exclusively on water. Once upon a time, the whale was an ordinary land animal, but gradually, during the course of evolution, whales went to live in the water. However, they still have not fully adapted to life in water. From time to time, whales rise to the surface to breathe air, then plunge back into the water.

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Slide presentation

Slide text: Record-breaking animals

Slide text: Which animals are the fastest? The fastest animals that run on the ground are cheetahs. They can run at speeds of up to 100 kilometers per hour. That is, a cheetah can catch up with a car traveling at a fairly high speed. In the sky, the record holder for speed is the peregrine falcon. He, in pursuit of a victim, can accelerate to a speed of 350 kilometers per hour. The peregrine falcon develops this speed when it deliberately falls down in order to unexpectedly grab its prey. In water, tuna develops the fastest speed. This fish can swim at a speed of 70 kilometers per hour.

Slide text: What are the largest animals? The largest animal in the world is the whale. The whale lives in sea water. Its weight is 150 tons. The second largest sea animal is the whale shark. Its weight is approximately 12-14 tons. The largest animal on land is the elephant. An elephant can weigh more than 5 tons. The largest and heaviest bird on Earth is the ostrich. He is very tall - up to 2.5 meters, and his weight is more than 130 kilograms.

Slide text: Which animal is the strongest? Oddly enough, the strongest animal is the ant. This little insect is very hardworking. It can lift a pebble or some other object that weighs fifty times more than an ant. If we take, for example, an elephant, it will not be able to lift even ½ of its weight. Although he carries huge logs that no living creature on the planet can lift, the log still weighs less than an elephant. An ant almost always carries objects that weigh more than itself.

Slide text: What is the most poisonous creature on the planet? The most poisonous creature on our planet is the transparent Australian sea jellyfish. If all the poison was extracted from it, it would be enough to kill sixty people. This jellyfish weighs 6 kilograms. She has 60 tentacles, each of which contains a dangerous substance that can kill many animals, including humans. If a person touches an Australian sea jellyfish, they will die within four minutes.

Slide text: Which animal lives the longest? The animal that can live the longest on Earth is the turtle. Moorish tortoises live 150 years. It is quite possible that they will live up to two centuries. The king tortoise, living in the United States, can live 123 years. There are also many long-livers among other animals. An elephant, for example, can live 60 years. There is a legend that some elephants lived for one and a half to two centuries. However, this is just a legend. There is no evidence of this. A horse can live for half a century. Among the birds there are also centenarians. Some claim that parrots, as well as eagles, can live for a century, but this is not documented. There are cases where a condor lived 52 years, a parrot two years longer, an eagle 55 years and a pelican 51 years. Among fish there are also long-livers. The American eel managed to live up to 50 years, the European catfish up to 60 years. Many people consider carps to be the longest-living fish, but they do not live longer than 25 years.

Slide text: Which animal has the most teeth? The toothiest animal on Earth has 25 thousand teeth. This animal is a garden snail. Despite such a large number of teeth, it is not at all scary or dangerous. With its small teeth it grinds the leaves on which it feeds. In fact, these are not teeth, but tiny spikes. Nevertheless, the snail still got into the Guinness Book of Records as the most toothy creature on the planet.

Slide text: Which animal has the longest hair? The animal with the longest hair is the musk ox, also known as the musk ox. The length of its fur reaches 90 centimeters. Some bulls have hair that hangs almost to the ground. The bull is endowed with such a fur coat for a reason. It helps him survive in the harshest winters, so he is not afraid of any frost.

Slide text: Which animal has the most limbs? The centipede, which lives in San Benito (Guatemala), has the most limbs. She has more than six hundred legs. The centipede as an insect species was first identified in 1926. Then this centipede disappeared. Only recently, at the beginning of the second millennium, this amazing insect was again found by scientists. Now all possible measures are being taken so as not to lose again this amazing species of the most multi-legged creature on the planet.

Slide No. 10

Slide text: What is the smallest animal? The smallest animal on our planet is the shrew. Its species, the tiny shrew, weighs 2 grams and is 3-4 centimeters long. Among the shrews there are also large individuals, so not all shrews are the smallest animals on Earth. The giant shrew is 18 centimeters long and weighs 100 grams.

Slide No. 11

Slide text: Which animal can go the longest without water and food? A big misconception is that the camel is the animal that can go the longest without water and food. The hardiest animal is the rock squirrel. She lives in Southern Mexico. This squirrel can go without drinking water or eating for 100 days. The rock squirrel is very well adapted to the harsh conditions of the mountains, so it is not afraid of long droughts.

Slide No. 12

Slide text: Which animal has the largest ears? The African elephant has the largest ears on Earth. Their length can be 1.5 meters. However, the elephant itself is big. Its length is approximately 5-6 meters. Thus, the ears of the African elephant are even less than ¼ of the body. But one Mongolian animal - a long-eared jerboa, has ears 5 centimeters long. And this despite the fact that his body length is 9 centimeters. It turns out that on Earth this animal has the largest ears compared to its body weight.

Slide No. 13

Slide text: Which animal is the heaviest in the world? The heaviest animal in the world is the blue whale. Its weight can be 200 tons. The length of the whale can reach 33.5 meters. This animal can move exclusively on water. Once upon a time, the whale was an ordinary land animal, but gradually, during the course of evolution, whales went to live in the water. However, they still have not fully adapted to life in water. From time to time, whales rise to the surface to breathe air, then plunge back into the water.

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Which animals are the fastest? The fastest animals that run on the ground are cheetahs. They can run at speeds of up to 100 kilometers per hour. That is, a cheetah can catch up with a car traveling at a fairly high speed. In the sky, the record holder for speed is the peregrine falcon. He, in pursuit of a victim, can accelerate to a speed of 350 kilometers per hour. The peregrine falcon develops this speed when it deliberately falls down in order to unexpectedly grab its prey. In water, tuna develops the fastest speed. This fish can swim at a speed of 70 kilometers per hour.

3 slide

What are the largest animals? The largest animal in the world is the whale. The whale lives in sea water. Its weight is 150 tons. The second largest sea animal is the whale shark. Its weight is approximately 12-14 tons. The largest animal on land is the elephant. An elephant can weigh more than 5 tons. The largest and heaviest bird on Earth is the ostrich. He is very tall - up to 2.5 meters, and his weight is more than 130 kilograms.

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Which animal is the strongest? Oddly enough, the strongest animal is the ant. This little insect is very hardworking. It can lift a pebble or some other object that weighs fifty times more than an ant. If we take, for example, an elephant, it will not be able to lift even ½ of its weight. Although he carries huge logs that no living creature on the planet can lift, the log still weighs less than an elephant. An ant almost always carries objects that weigh more than itself.

5 slide

What is the most poisonous creature on the planet? The most poisonous creature on our planet is the transparent Australian sea jellyfish. If all the poison was extracted from it, it would be enough to kill sixty people. This jellyfish weighs 6 kilograms. She has 60 tentacles, each of which contains a dangerous substance that can kill many animals, including humans. If a person touches an Australian sea jellyfish, they will die within four minutes.

6 slide

Which animal lives the longest? The animal that can live the longest on Earth is the turtle. Moorish tortoises live 150 years. It is quite possible that they will live up to two centuries. The king tortoise, living in the United States, can live 123 years. There are also many long-livers among other animals. An elephant, for example, can live 60 years. There is a legend that some elephants lived for one and a half to two centuries. However, this is just a legend. There is no evidence of this. A horse can live for half a century. Among the birds there are also centenarians. Some claim that parrots, as well as eagles, can live for a century, but this is not documented. There are cases where a condor lived 52 years, a parrot two years longer, an eagle 55 years and a pelican 51 years. Among fish there are also long-livers. The American eel managed to live up to 50 years, the European catfish up to 60 years. Many people consider carps to be the longest-living fish, but they do not live longer than 25 years.

7 slide

Which animal has the most teeth? The toothiest animal on Earth has 25 thousand teeth. This animal is a garden snail. Despite such a large number of teeth, it is not at all scary or dangerous. With its small teeth it grinds the leaves on which it feeds. In fact, these are not teeth, but tiny spikes. Nevertheless, the snail still got into the Guinness Book of Records as the most toothy creature on the planet.

8 slide

Which animal has the longest hair? The animal with the longest hair is the musk ox, also known as the musk ox. The length of its fur reaches 90 centimeters. Some bulls have hair that hangs almost to the ground. The bull is endowed with such a fur coat for a reason. It helps him survive in the harshest winters, so he is not afraid of any frost.

Slide 9

Which animal has the most limbs? The centipede, which lives in San Benito (Guatemala), has the most limbs. She has more than six hundred legs. The centipede as an insect species was first identified in 1926. Then this centipede disappeared. Only recently, at the beginning of the second millennium, this amazing insect was again found by scientists. Now all possible measures are being taken so as not to lose again this amazing species of the most multi-legged creature on the planet.

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What animal is the smallest? The smallest animal on our planet is the shrew. Its species, the tiny shrew, weighs 2 grams and is 3-4 centimeters long. Among the shrews there are also large individuals, so not all shrews are the smallest animals on Earth. The giant shrew is 18 centimeters long and weighs 100 grams.

12 slide

Which animal has the biggest ears? The African elephant has the largest ears on Earth. Their length can be 1.5 meters. However, the elephant itself is big. Its length is approximately 5-6 meters. Thus, the ears of the African elephant are even less than ¼ of the body. But one Mongolian animal - a long-eared jerboa, has ears 5 centimeters long. And this despite the fact that his body length is 9 centimeters. It turns out that on Earth this animal has the largest ears compared to its body weight.

Slide 13

What is the heaviest animal in the world? The heaviest animal in the world is the blue whale. Its weight can be 200 tons. The length of the whale can reach 33.5 meters. This animal can move exclusively on water. Once upon a time, the whale was an ordinary land animal, but gradually, during the course of evolution, whales went to live in the water. However, they still have not fully adapted to life in water. From time to time, whales rise to the surface to breathe air, then plunge back into the water.