Information for those who do not know how to go through customs, how much currency can be imported and exported from the country, and what items must be declared.

So, if you have already bought a plane ticket, all you have to do is wait for the departure date and arrive at the airport on time. As a rule, passenger check-in begins 2 hours before departure and ends 40 minutes before departure.

Check-in at airports proceeds according to the usual plan:

  • ticket registration, baggage check-in and receipt of seat passes;
  • passport and customs control (for those flying on an international flight);
  • security control.
  • If there are animals or plants, you will need to undergo additional veterinary and phytocontrol

During registration All necessary documents for the flight will be checked and your luggage will be weighed. After checking in, you will receive boarding passes, which will contain the time, date, flight and gate numbers, and, of course, your seat on the plane. The next point will be the issuance of tags to you and your luggage, which identify the item and send it to the conveyor. In addition to your own number, the tag may contain your last name and possibly your flight number.

If you are late at check-in, then go to the special late arrival counter and be prepared to shell out some money. Although, according to the new rules of Aeroflot, if you are very late, right up to the start of the flight, you will have to either purchase a new ticket or return.

During customs clearance without filling out a customs declaration and without paying customs duties on the Green Channel, if they do not have separate luggage, and there are no items prohibited or restricted for import in their personal belongings. If there are such items, they must fill out a customs declaration and go through the Red Channel channel." When a citizen goes to the Green Channel, he thereby declares that he does not have goods subject to mandatory declaration. However, the non-application of certain forms of customs control in the Green Channel does not mean that citizens are exempt from the obligation to comply with customs legislation. If necessary, customs officers can use any forms of customs control provided for by the Customs Code in the Green Channel. A customs declaration is filled out by each person who has reached the age of 16. Goods of a minor under the age of 16 are declared by one of the parents, adoptive parents, guardian or trustee, his attendants.

At the passport control point present your air ticket, internal passport, international passport (visa if you are flying to another country). If you don’t have a passport, take a temporary ID (this could be a military ID or, for example, a sailor’s passport). If you are classified as a foreign citizen, take your national passport and residence permit. Everyone will need a visa to enter the Russian Federation, including from Georgia and Turkmenistan, except for citizens of Russia and other CIS countries. If you are traveling with a child under thirteen years of age, bring him a birth certificate, and if he is flying independently, issue him permission to leave.

Passport and customs control Pass only when departing on an international flight, and only then get to the security control point. If you are taking a domestic flight, after checking in your tickets and checking in your luggage, go immediately to this point.

At the security checkpoint You will be scanned with a special device, but if you do not want to be exposed to X-rays, you can agree to a personal manual examination. Hand luggage is sometimes checked manually in your presence. If security staff suspect that your carry-on luggage contains items dangerous for transportation, you will be asked to leave while they check it and draw up a special report. If you find prohibited items, you risk being subject to criminal liability, and to prevent this from happening, read the list of such items in advance.

In each specific country, the procedure for registration and pre-flight control may differ, and therefore we recommend that you clarify this information when purchasing or booking an air ticket.

After checking in and sending your luggage, you may have some minutes left before departure. The waiting rooms are mostly spacious; you can sit and relax comfortably.

Movement of cash foreign currency and prohibited goods

Here is a list of goods subject to mandatory written declaration in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation:

  • Imported goods, the total value of which exceeds 65 thousand rubles and (or) the total weight of which exceeds 35 kg.
  • Imported cash foreign currency and (or) currency of the Russian Federation, as well as traveler's checks, foreign and (or) domestic securities in documentary form in an amount exceeding the equivalent of 10,000 (ten thousand) US dollars.
  • Exported cash foreign currency and (or) currency of the Russian Federation, if its amount exceeds the equivalent of 3,000 (three thousand) US dollars.
  • Exported traveler's checks in an amount exceeding the equivalent of 10,000 (ten thousand) US dollars.
  • Exported external and (or) internal securities in documentary form, with the exception of cases of export from the Russian Federation of external and (or) internal securities previously imported or transferred to the Russian Federation in compliance with the requirements of the customs legislation of the Russian Federation when submitting a customs declaration or other document, confirming their import or transfer to the Russian Federation.
  • Precious stones: temporarily imported, exported emeralds, rubies, sapphires and alexandrites, natural pearls in raw (natural) and processed form, unique amber formations, diamonds, imported natural diamonds.
  • Cultural values. Exported state awards of the Russian Federation.
  • Endangered animals and plants, their parts, derivatives, as well as products obtained from them.
  • Weapon
  • Imported alcoholic beverages in quantities exceeding 2 liters.
  • Imported tobacco products in quantities exceeding 50 cigars, 100 cigarillos, 200 cigarettes, 0.25 kg of tobacco (in the case of importing tobacco products of only one type in quantities exceeding 100 cigars, 200 cigarillos, 400 cigarettes, 0.5 kg of tobacco).
  • Narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors.
  • Potent and toxic substances.
  • High-frequency devices and radio-electronic equipment, with the exception of terminal equipment.
  • Special technical means for secretly obtaining information.
  • Exported material objects containing information constituting a state secret.
  • Nuclear materials, equipment, special non-nuclear materials and related technologies.
  • Radioactive isotopes, radioactive substances and products based on them.
  • Exported raw materials, materials, equipment, scientific and technical information, results of intellectual activity that can be used in the creation of weapons of mass destruction, their delivery vehicles, other types of weapons and military equipment.
  • Imported chemicals that can be used to create chemical weapons.
  • Military products.
  • Vehicles.
  • Goods carried in unaccompanied baggage.
  • Goods sent to individuals for personal use, with the exception of goods sent by international mail.

The import of cash foreign currency into the Russian Federation by individuals (residents and non-residents) is carried out without restrictions. Cash foreign currency is subject to mandatory declaration if it is imported in an amount exceeding the equivalent of 10,000 dollars (the entire amount must be declared, and not the excess of 10,000).

All passengers must undergo passport and visa control when checking in for a flight. Security control and customs inspection are also required on international flights. To avoid troubles, you should arrive for registration in advance. Please keep in mind that travel to Domodedovo or Sheremetyevo airports may take longer due to traffic jams, so it is better to have a few hours left before departure.

Passport control at Russian airports is carried out after customs clearance. Such control is carried out by the border service of the FSB of Russia. Rules for moving across borders are regulated by agreements between states. The principles of passport and visa control consist of checking the legality of a passenger’s presence in the Russian Federation, and do not apply to the legality of his entry into another state. During security control, the passenger must present a document that proves his identity, as well as a ticket and boarding pass.

For control you will need one of the documents:

  • Russian passport;
  • document of a foreign citizen;
  • international passport of the Russian Federation (general civil or official);
  • residence permit for those who do not have citizenship;
  • birth certificate for the child;
  • military ID;
  • seaman's passport;
  • UN work pass;
  • travel document for refugees;
  • ID card of a deputy (for domestic transportation).

Citizens of other states when crossing the Russian border are required to present a valid visa and documents recognized by the Russian Federation.

The capital's Sheremetyevo and Domodedovo airports use new automated systems that speed up the procedure for passing passport control. Only holders of biometric passports can use this innovation. To check, you just need to attach the document to the scanner.

Documents for minor children

If a minor citizen of the Russian Federation travels outside the country unaccompanied by a parent, guardian or guardian, he is required to present a foreign passport and a notarized written consent of the mother and father to travel. It must indicate the countries he plans to visit and the date of departure.

Any citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to return to his state. If you lose your identity documents, you can contact the Russian Consulate General or Embassy.

Visa information

Most of the states in relation to the Russian Federation require visas, so foreign citizens with general passports need a visa and a residence permit to cross the Russian border. A visa is not required for citizens of the former CIS and most Latin American countries, as well as for persons holding diplomatic or service passports.

The procedure for obtaining and extending a visa is described on the website of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for Population Migration. Arrivals must pre-book a hotel room. Foreign citizens who plan to stay in Russia for more than three days must register with the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Often the hotel takes care of the registration procedure, so it is better to find out this in advance.

You cannot cross the border of the Russian Federation:

  • citizens of the Russian Federation who are prohibited from leaving by law;
  • stateless persons, as well as citizens of other states who are prohibited by law from staying in Russia.

Residents of other countries must obtain a visa two days before departure from the Russian mission or the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Foreigners traveling by transfer to Belarus or other countries need to obtain a Russian transit visa. It is issued at the Russian embassy or before border control begins at the Consular Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry at the airport. To receive it, you need to present a visa of the country where the passenger is going and travel tickets.

Control procedure

Many people are interested in what exactly they check at passport control. One of the tasks of passport and visa control is to identify passengers who are prohibited from leaving/entering, citizens with open legal proceedings, a criminal record, and large bank debts. The validity of the passport, the presence of a correctly issued visa and notarized documents for the departure of a minor child are also checked.

The passport control procedure is very simple:

  • First you need to go to the counter. There are counters for Russians and for non-residents of the country. A board indicating which counter you need to go to is located above the customs booths.
  • Stick to the order. The red line marks the border between states. It cannot be crossed until a sign is given indicating that it can be crossed. And especially until the previous person passed.
  • Near the counter you must present your passport (foreign passport) without a cover. After examining the passport and comparing the identity with the pasted-in photo, the employee will run the document through the system and return it back. Then you can go to the place of secondary inspection of the passenger’s personal belongings.

Sometimes a customs officer may ask about the point of arrival, the purpose of the trip and the period for which it is planned. To enter the Russian Federation now you need to have a return ticket and money for the duration of your stay in the country. Their presence can be checked. This is common practice. During the audit, do not be nervous and do not hide the facts. Present everything you need and calmly answer any questions. Citizens who have no conflicts with the law undergo control quickly and without problems.

After passing through customs control, the passenger goes to passport control.
Passport information
All information provided is for reference only.
Entry and exit rules largely depend on agreements between states and are constantly changing. The most complete and reliable information can be obtained from the consular offices of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Russian embassies in your country.
Monitoring the availability of visas or other permits for the entry of persons into a foreign country is the responsibility of the transport company (passenger carrier). When leaving the Russian Federation, border control only checks the right to stay on the territory of the Russian Federation and does not control the citizen’s right to enter a foreign state.
A citizen of the Russian Federation cannot be deprived of the right to enter the Russian Federation. In case of loss of documents outside the Russian Federation, a citizen of the Russian Federation should contact the nearest Russian Embassy or Consulate General of Russia.
Failure to comply with the rules and requirements for entry into the country or transit rules may lead to penalties that will be imposed on the airline that fails to comply with these requirements in the amount of 30,000 rubles per passenger, and the passenger will also bear financial liability in the amount of 1,000 rubles with subsequent delay of the passenger for point of entry into the country for an indefinite period, or by deportation from the country of entry on the first flight of the same airline.
Passport information:
The main documents identifying a citizen of the Russian Federation are:
diplomatic passport;
service passport;
seaman's passport (sailor's identity card).
When entering and leaving Russia, foreign citizens are required to present valid (according to their validity period) documents (issued by authorized bodies) identifying them and recognized by the Russian Federation as such, and a Russian Federation visa.
All foreign citizens require a Russian visa to enter Russia.
The Russian Federation has a visa-free entry and exit procedure only with CIS countries, except Georgia and Turkmenistan.
Russian entry visas can be obtained from the Russian embassy or consulate in your country of residence. To do this, you need an official invitation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) or an authorized travel or commercial company.
A minor citizen of the Russian Federation, as a rule, leaves the Russian Federation together with at least one of his parents, adoptive parents, guardians or trustees. If a minor citizen of the Russian Federation leaves the Russian Federation unaccompanied, he must have with him, in addition to his passport, a notarized consent of the named persons for the departure of the minor citizen of the Russian Federation, indicating the period of departure and the state (states) in which he intends to visit.
Visa information:
Russian Federation (RU)
When entering the Russian Federation, a visa is required for all persons and in all cases, except:
1. Citizens of the Russian Federation.
2. Citizens of the CIS, except Georgia and Turkmenistan.
ISSUANCE OF DOCUMENTS: BEFORE ARRIVAL IN THE COUNTRY - by foreign representative offices of embassies/consulates of the Russian Federation.
Applicants must submit an invitation from friends, relatives or a business invitation, documents must be registered by relevant organizations.
1. Visas, with the exception of multiple-entry visas, are valid for one trip only. They must be used in accordance with the conditions and deadlines specified in these visas. Visas or passports that have expired or have marks made by unauthorized authorities are considered invalid.
2. Passengers with tourist visas must have a hotel reservation.
3. All foreign citizens staying in the Russian Federation for a period exceeding 3 days must register with a Migration Card at the Ministry of Internal Affairs or hotels.
4. It is strongly recommended that all arriving citizens have medical or travel insurance, which will cover all medical expenses.
5. It is strongly recommended not to use the services of dubious, unofficial registration companies.
Requirements for foreign citizens traveling via Domodedovo Airport from the territory of the Republic of Belarus.
Additions for citizens of foreign countries (not the Russian Federation, not the Republic of Belarus) traveling from the territory of the Republic of Belarus through Domodedovo Airport to third countries and/or from third countries by transfer through Domodedovo Airport to the Republic of Belarus.
In connection with the introduction of a single customs visa-free space between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, such passengers must have a Russian transit visa to make a transfer at Domodedovo Airport. Russian transit visas can be obtained at any Russian embassy as soon as possible upon presentation of the appropriate tickets and a visa of the country to which the trip is taking place. Passengers who have not obtained a Russian transit visa risk finding themselves in an illegal position in the Russian Federation and will not be allowed on their connecting flight. In such cases, the passenger can contact the Consular Department of the Russian Foreign Ministry at Domodedovo Airport (tel. +7-095-9678121) to obtain a transit visa before going through passport control.
EXIT VISA: Required for all passengers who wish to leave the country. If an exit visa has not yet been issued by the representative office of the Russian Federation that issued the visa, then citizens of foreign countries must obtain it no later than 2 days before departure, at the passport and visa departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Before boarding the plane, each passenger must go through several mandatory procedures: going through customs control, checking in for the flight, checking in luggage, and going through passport control. This order is not generally accepted, and at some airports it may change, however...

Customs control at the airport

Before boarding the plane, each passenger must go through several mandatory procedures: going through customs control, checking in for the flight, checking in luggage, and going through passport control. This sequence is not generally accepted, and at some airports it may change, but, as a rule, everything goes this way. It should be noted that customs and passport control only applies to international flights, not domestic flights.

How to get through airport security

Keep in mind that going through all the pre-flight procedures takes quite a lot of time, so if you do not want to be late for your flight, arrive at the airport at least 5 hours before departure. Check-in for the flight itself usually begins 2 hours before departure and ends 40 minutes before it. But each airline is different, so it is better to check the exact schedule with the airline whose services you want to use and show up at the airport as early as possible.

The purpose of customs control is to check whether passengers have items that are prohibited for export. This procedure is carried out by customs officers who stop each passenger, ask him a few questions and check his luggage. Often, customs officers are interested in data on the amount of cash, and the more accurate and confident your answer is, the faster you will pass control. However, funds on bank cards are not subject to declaration. There are no restrictions on their export.

At each airport, the customs control process is simplified as much as possible, thanks to the presence of a specialized system of “green” and “red” corridors. The first of them indicates that the passenger boards the plane without luggage or without goods prohibited by Russian law. You can follow the “green” corridor in the following situations:

  • the mass volume of exported funds does not exceed $10,000. In this case, the ruble equivalent amount is calculated in accordance with the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation established on the day of departure;
  • Export of precious stones and metals previously imported into Russia and cleared customs is carried out. This fact must have documentary evidence. In this case, the weight and cost of goods are not taken into account;
  • goods for personal use are exported, except for precious stones and metals.

If a passenger is transporting goods that are subject to customs duties, or their quantity and value are limited by Russian legislation, then you need to use the “red corridor.” The customs declaration must be completed under the following conditions:

  • the amount of foreign and Russian currency exceeds $10,000 in the established equivalent of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the day of the international flight;
  • the passenger has with him securities, bank checks and bills of any quantity and value;
  • personal goods that have restrictions on export outside the Russian Federation.

Customs declaration

Passengers who have reached the age of 16 are required to fill out a customs declaration. If the passenger is under the specified age, then the declaration must be completed by parents, guardians or other accompanying persons.

It should be noted that all goods can be declared at the request of the passenger. Once the declaration has been completed in writing, it is necessary to treat its safety with extreme care, since if lost, it will not be possible to restore it, and duplicates will not be issued.

It should be noted that the list of goods that are prohibited for export is quite long. So, it includes:

  • fish and seafood weighing more than 5 kg;
  • sturgeon caviar weighing more than 250 g;
  • precious stones and metals worth more than $25,000 in ruble equivalent;
  • weapons, ammunition and explosives, unless there is permission from special authorities;
  • cultural values ​​and state awards of the Russian Federation;
  • psychotropic, narcotic, poisonous, radioactive and potent substances;
  • representatives of the flora and fauna of the Russian Federation that are endangered;
  • papers and items constituting state secrets;
  • vehicles;
  • goods traveling in unaccompanied baggage.

Passport control is carried out using a foreign passport. If you are in government service, you may need to present various other documents: a seaman's passport, a diplomatic passport and other documents. For those crossing the border with children, it is imperative to take birth certificates or foreign passports for each of the children. Children also require permission to travel from their parents. According to the requirements of some countries, this document is required even if the entire family is traveling.

Russian passport control

Passport control is carried out by immigration police and security officers. During the check, the officer first looks to see if your passport is genuine, and then finds out your identity and checks it against databases. Security officers may ask additional questions, which in Russia differ from those asked abroad.

Passport control in Russia finds out your identity, checks your passport photo with your appearance, and also looks to see if there are any circumstances preventing you from traveling abroad. These may include a ban on travel due to duty, various orders from tax bailiffs, non-payment of alimony and others. The presence of stamps confirming the crossing of Russian borders during previous trips is also very carefully checked. Russian security officials usually don't care about visas or how you cross the borders of other states, but if you have something wrong with Russian stamps, this will raise questions.

Foreign passport control

Security officials in other countries, accordingly, are not interested in your dealings with the Russian state. They only care about how correct you are towards their countries or commonwealths. For example, if you are entering the Schengen zone, the officer may count the days of your stay in Europe, and if there are more than required, refuse you entry. It will also be checked whether you have any outstanding obligations for violations in the territories of other countries during previous visits. If you violated traffic rules but did not pay the ticket, this may be grounds for a ban on entry.

If a migration form is required to enter a country, it must be filled out before going through passport control at the entrance to that country. Typically, migration card forms are freely available in the same room where the check counters are located. People often fill out immigration forms while they are waiting in line, and cards are often handed out on planes, trains and buses shortly before arrival.

Passport Control will also check your visa. You may be asked to show return tickets, hotel reservations, reasons for staying in the country, and other questions to clarify the purpose of your visit. In case of suspicion, the passport control officer may take you to a separate room, where he will have a conversation with you, based on which he will decide whether to let you into the country. If this happens, don’t be nervous, answer the questions calmly and honestly. If everything is in order with your documents, then the employee usually has no reason not to give you an entry stamp.

Things to remember

Keep in mind that the passport control procedure is sometimes delayed due to queues. At some major airports it can last 4-5 hours at peak times. This is rare, but you definitely need to set aside an extra hour or two to go through control.

A passport is a very important document that proves the identity of every person. Absolutely all citizens over 14 years of age should receive it. The passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation has an individual number and series.
There are situations when it is simply necessary to check this data, for example, when you decide to purchase property. In order not to fall for the bait of scammers, you need to check the authenticity of your passport. Banks may also need such information when applying for a loan. Such information can be obtained from the Federal Migration Service without leaving home.


To find out information on, you should contact the migration service department with your identity document, where you will be asked to fill out an application for this and indicate the reason that prompted you to carry out this operation.
After your application, within a few days, upon your request, information will be given to you personally.

Passport control is a mandatory procedure when crossing state borders. The process does not take much time. But in order not to miss your flight, it is better to know in advance how to go through passport control at the airport.

When crossing the Russian border

Passport control involves checking documents that give you the right to fly to another country. Depending on the visited documents may be different. The general requirement is to have a valid passport, but other documents may be required. For example, having a Schengen visa for Schengen countries.

If only the mother is traveling with him, the employee has the right to ask to see a notarized permission from the father to take the child out of the country.

The passport control officer may ask you for a return ticket confirming your intention to return to the country, or ask to see your hotel reservations.

Do not forget that at passport control they check whether the bailiffs are prohibiting you from leaving the country.

If everything is in order, you will be given a departure stamp.

More information about the documents can be found at the Russian embassies, the Russian Foreign Ministry, and travel agencies. Be sure to check for the latest rule changes, which happen quite often.

Upon returning to the territory of the Russian Federation, passport control is not so strict. You are simply given an entry stamp back without further questions.

When crossing a foreign border

What documents will be checked and what will the passport control officer in another country ask you upon arrival depends on the agreements between states. Find out all the requirements in advance. Some countries, for example, require a passport, which expires no later than six months after the trip. If there are even 5 months left until your passport expires, and you have arrived for 2 weeks, the airport employee has the right to refuse you entry.

Russia has concluded agreements on visa-free stay with many countries. This means that you can visit the specified country without obtaining a tourist visa. But you will be asked to fill out a special document, such as an immigration card.

If the visa is not a tourist one, you may be asked for a whole package of documents. For example, with a work visa, they will ask for a work permit. Or if the visa is for study, they will ask for documents from the educational institution.

They may inquire about the purpose of the trip, also ask to see return tickets and hotel reservations, and confirm the availability of funds sufficient to stay in the country. If you do not have documents, you may be denied entry. If everything is in order, they will take your photo and put an arrival stamp indicating the date of arrival and the latest departure date.

When flying back to Russia, they simply put a departure stamp in your passport, and also check whether you have exceeded your period of stay in the country. If yes, then be prepared to pay a fine.

Often passport control officers do not ask to present all the necessary documents, but you should not rely on chance. It is at passport control that passengers are denied entry or exit. It’s better that you have a little more papers with you, and they won’t be useful to you, than that you miss your plane.