The popular Russian actor Konstantin Khabensky is not one of those who talks about his personal life in every interview. Only 11 years later, he frankly spoke about the tragedy he experienced, which divided his life into before and after.


Recall that 11 years ago, Anastasia Smirnova, a journalist and first wife, died of brain cancer. In 2007, Anastasia was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Then the actor with his wife and son Ivan, who at that time was a few months old, moved to Los Angeles, where he underwent treatment. But the doctors failed to save Smirnova - on December 1, 2008, she died.

It is impossible to describe what Konstantin Khabensky experienced. And only 11 years later he was able to talk about his experiences. It happened in an interview with .

Eleven years ago my family was in trouble. Nastya, my wife, was diagnosed with brain cancer. We had two operations, we moved to America to continue treatment. To distract her from this story, I suggested that she engage in helping others - children with the same disease. And she started. We started together, then she was gone, and I realized that we were worthless if it was a one-day story.

Therefore, now the artist, who spoke earlier about, manages the Konstantin Khabensky Charitable Foundation, which since 2008 has been helping children with cancer.

But time does not stand still. Now Konstantin Khabensky is married again. In 2013, the actress of the Moscow Art Theater named after A.P. Chekhov Olga Litvinova became his wife. The couple are raising their daughter Alexandra, and in connection with her appearance, they previously talked about

Watch online video To tears: Konstantin Khabensky first spoke about his wife, who died of brain cancer

After a serious illness in the United States, Anastasia Khabenskaya, the wife of the famous Russian actor Konstantin Khabensky, died. In September 2007, she was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Several months of treatment in the American clinic "Cedars-Sinai" did not bring results.

When it turned out two months ago that the disease had returned, Anastasia refused a second operation in order to spend time with her husband and young son Vanya.

Recently, Khabensky did everything possible to make his wife recover. He constantly traveled to Los Angeles, and then returned to Russia, where he had to star in new films. The entire fee from them went to pay for the expensive treatment of Anastasia.

How it all began…

Friends and relatives of the actor say that there was a rare harmony in the Khabensky family. They perfectly complemented each other - both at home and during work. Konstantin often took his wife with him on all trips.

Konstantin and Anastasia met in 1999 during an interview. Khabensky was not yet very famous then, and Anastasia worked as a journalist on the radio. The lovers did not formalize their relationship for a long time and after a modest wedding did not advertise their marriage.

At the peak of his popularity, Khabensky began to be credited with numerous novels, allegedly due to the fact that the actor's wife could not have children. But when the actor shared the news that he was waiting for the heir, all the gossip dried up.

For the sake of the son

Shortly before giving birth, Anastasia had a car accident. Although it was reported that the accident was not serious, experts believed that it was she who led to a microstroke, which later turned into a serious illness.

For a long time, neither Anastasia herself nor her relatives suspected the illness. She attributed her poor health to her pregnancy.

When the doctors discovered a brain tumor in the patient, she categorically refused treatment: any strong drug could affect the development of the child.

The baby, whom they decided to call Vanya, was born by caesarean section. Soon after the birth of Anastasia, things got worse. First, she was transferred to the intensive care unit of the maternity hospital, and from there to the Institute. N.N. Burdenko. At the institute, doctors removed the tumor and prescribed Nastya a course of chemotherapy.


After the operation, the couple decided to get married. The wedding took place right in the hospital ward, where Anastasia was transferred from intensive care.

They say that after the wedding, Nastya immediately felt better, and soon she returned home. But two months later, the tumor grew again. Before the new operation, Anastasia promised that she would fight for her son.

Ray of light

To save his wife, Khabensky went with her to one of the best rehabilitation centers in Los Angeles. The fact that Hollywood celebrities were treated in it also spoke in favor of the elite clinic.

A month of radiation therapy did not give results. Upon learning of this, Anastasia wanted to return to Moscow, but her husband persuaded her to continue treatment. At this time, Konstantin was literally torn between Los Angeles and Moscow, where he had to work.

Once Khabensky brought his son to America. When the baby appeared in the ward, Nastya smiled for the first time in a long time. Doctors then noted that their Russian patient had a wonderful husband. “He does everything to make her recover faster. Unfortunately, little depends on him, but he tries very hard to get his wife back on her feet,” they said.

One more chance

For six months, American doctors have applied several methods of treatment. After there was still no improvement, the doctors decided to apply the so-called backup method called

- a rather modest person. He is not tied to the attributes of wealth, does not change fashionable gadgets and cars like gloves. The same can be said about women. Konstantin had two marriages, and not a single divorce.

The first wife of Konstantin Khabensky

Many people know about the tragedy that the actor experienced in 2008. His beloved wife, the mother of his son Ivan, Anastasia, passed away.

They met in 1998, when Khabensky's popularity was just beginning to gain momentum. The artist at that time starred in the series "Deadly Force", a classic "soap" about the difficult police everyday life, and Anastasia worked as a radio journalist. Konstantin noticed a pretty brunette in a cafe and invited her to a performance.

Khabensky always spoke briefly about his wife to journalists: “ It was love at first sight. Nothing more, nothing less". In 2000, the couple officially registered their relationship. The wedding was modest, the newlyweds came to the registry office in sweaters and jeans.

The family life of the Khabenskys was not cinematic harmonious. Usually it is not customary for film actors to take their second half to the shooting, but for Konstantin this item was mandatory. Once, to shoot the next series of "Deadly Force" abroad, Nastya had to come up with a small role, with which she coped brilliantly.

The loving spouses tried to spend as much time as possible together, as if they felt that they had little time left for them.

After the tremendous success of the Night Watch, real fame came to Khabensky. Evil tongues began to attribute to him a lot of novels on the side, actively exaggerating the fact that the Khabensky couple have no children and their union is in jeopardy. The news of the long-awaited pregnancy in early 2007 silenced the spiteful critics. Konstantin did not hide his frank joy about this.

It so happened that Anastasia at that time got into an accident. Subsequently, doctors will consider that it was as a result of the accident that Nastya had a microstroke, which caused brain cancer. And at that time, Anastasia attributed the deterioration of her health to pregnancy.

Doctors diagnosed oncology in the last months of pregnancy. The woman turned out to take potent drugs, fearing to harm the child. Immediately after the birth of her son, Anastasia became worse, she was transferred to the intensive care unit of the maternity hospital, and then to the N.M. Burdenko Institute. Anastasia's tumor was removed and a course of chemotherapy was given.

For Konstantin, his wife's illness was a real blow. Immediately after the treatment, the couple got married right in the hospital ward.

The insidious disease after a couple of months again made itself felt. A loving husband moved his wife to the best clinic in Los Angeles. The actor was literally torn between Moscow and the United States, trying to earn money for the treatment of Anastasia. For six months, the best doctors fought for the life of the patient, using all conceivable and unimaginable methods. However, the exhausted woman's heart could not stand the next chemotherapy, and on December 1, 2008, Anastasia died.

Interesting Notes:

In memory of his first wife, Konstantin Khabensky organized a charity fund to help children with oncology. Over this time the fund helped hundreds of children escape from the disease, who took away Konstantin's wife, and little Vanya's mother.

By the way, the artist's son stayed with his mother-in-law in the United States. Anastasia's mother could not come to terms with the departure of her daughter, and literally begged for the right to raise her grandson.

Life goes on

After the death of his wife, Konstantin led a closed and solitary life. He worked hard, took care of his fund, serious relationships with women were out of the question. Not a single woman crossed the threshold of the apartment in which they lived with Nastya.

So it was until Olga Litvinova, an actress of the Moscow Art Theater, appeared in his life. Their romance was bumpy and uneven, according to older generations on both sides.

Olga Litvinova, the only daughter of an influential producer, according to the status father, deserved a more solid party. Khabensky's mother dreamed of a daughter-in-law, far from the world of art, able to devote herself to her husband and family. Despite everything, Khabensky and Olga Litvinova still got married in 2013, and in 2016 they had a daughter.

Many noted that Khabensky for the first time in many years looks happy, and his attitude to life has changed. He moved his pregnant wife to a new luxury apartment and traded in his old Audi Q7 for an executive SUV.

In the fall of 2018, it became known that Olga Litvinova was pregnant with her second child! According to rumors, the actress is due to give birth in December, but so far she continues to work.

Olga does not comment on her life with Khabensky in any way, considering this topic deeply personal.. It is only known that she takes a great part in the work of his foundation, fully sharing this difficult happiness - to help others.

In 2013, Konstantin Khabensky married the actress of the Moscow Art Theater named after A.P. Chekhov Olga Litvinova, who gave birth to his daughter Alexandra. Olga became the second wife of the artist. In 2008, Khabensky was widowed: his wife, journalist Anastasia Smirnova, died at the age of 33 from a brain tumor. From Anastasia, the artist has a son, Ivan, in September the boy will be 11 years old.

Konstantin was very upset by the death of his wife and did not comment on his personal life for a long time. In a recent interview with Vladimir Pozner, the actor said that when Anastasia was still alive, they decided to do charity work with her - to help children with cancer and other brain diseases. When his wife died, Khabensky continued this business by creating his own fund.

About how Anastasia struggled with the disease, Konstantin spoke on Yuri Dud’s show “vdud”. According to the Actor, his first wife turned to healers for help. Now Khabensky believes that it was a mistake.


“Then I thought that a person has the right to use all chances in order to be saved. First of all, these are healers who have a colossal talent for talking to you. Such thimblers who cut such money ...<…>This appeal, it seems to me, took the whole story in the wrong direction at some point. We used his tricks. I brought him to Moscow. And it was a big mistake that was worth the second operation, ”the artist shared.

Anastasia began to feel bad during pregnancy. Then the doctors suggested that the malaise was due precisely to her position. The actor's wife was diagnosed with cancer at an advanced stage. Konstantin does not hold a grudge against doctors who did not immediately make a diagnosis. “If they had found it earlier, it’s not a fact that Vanka would have been in the world,” the artist said. Konstantin added that the son knows what happened to his mother, he periodically talks to him on this topic.

Konstantin Khabensky is a famous actor. Once he lost his beloved wife, who was taken away from him by a terrible incurable disease. With Anastasia, they lived a short but happy life together. Anastasia Smirnova, whose photos are in this article, will become our heroine today.

Journalist from St. Petersburg

Anastasia was born in Leningrad on March 31, 1975. From school years, the girl knew that she wanted to become a journalist.

After graduating from the institute with a diploma in journalism, she begins her work. She had to work at the radio station. But this was not important for a young girl, she devoted herself to work without a trace, and this brought her pleasure. Anastasia Smirnova never regretted her chosen profession, she did not even imagine herself in another role.

Interview with future husband

In one of the St. Petersburg cafes, Konstantin and Nastya met. Both were young, both were unknown. It was 1998, and Anastasia Smirnova was interviewing an aspiring actor and future husband, Konstantin Khabensky.

The very process of work for her ceased to matter when she realized that she was gone! She just fell in love with the future star of "Deadly Force" at first sight, it turns out, just like he did with her.

After the conversation about work was over, Konstantin invited Nastya on a date, and she happily agreed.

Giving up a career for a loved one is easy

Thus began the story of Kostya and Nastya. They were young, loved each other with all their hearts, without thinking about the opinions of others.

Konstantin became more and more in demand every day, he was invited to shoot in different cities, and for the sake of his career he had to be absent from his hometown for a long time, where Anastasia Smirnova was waiting for him.

And here the girl understands that she simply cannot be away from her beloved, and it is easier for her to give up her career than for him. She invites Konstantin to accompany him on trips, he likes this idea.

All subsequent trips to the cities became one big adventure for the young couple. Nastya helped her fiancé in everything, and he contributed to her participation in the filming. Of course, the roles were episodic, but thanks to them, the lovers were always there. So two years passed.


In 2000, Anastasia Smirnova became the official wife of Kostya Khabensky. Guests were not invited to the celebration, as the newlyweds decided not to arrange a grand celebration from the official ceremony.

They came to the registration in casual clothes - jeans and sweaters. They signed the necessary documents, exchanged rings and began family life.

But for them it was a special day, in which Anastasia and Konstantin were happy, although there was no holiday, congratulations and gifts. It was only their day - their family's birthday.

In 2007, another important event happened in their lives. Nastya told her husband that they would soon become parents - she was expecting a baby. Both were just in seventh heaven with happiness. For a long time they wanted to have children, but it did not work out. And now this long-awaited day has come. They didn't care - a daughter or a son, the main thing is that this is their long-awaited and beloved baby!

Severe pregnancy

Throughout the pregnancy, Anastasia Smirnova - Khabensky's wife - did not feel well. She was constantly put in the hospital for preservation, the doctors attributed her condition to pregnancy, they said that it could be even worse.

Nastya was constantly in pain and dizzy, but she reassured herself that after the birth everything would pass, she would again become a healthy and cheerful woman.

Anastasia Smirnova strictly followed the instructions of the doctors, drank all the prescribed medicines, but nothing helped. Already at the end of her pregnancy, Anastasia Smirnova felt even worse, and she was taken to the operating table in a fainting state to have a caesarean section. Doctors feared for the life of a young mother, and therefore took such a step.

Khabensky Ivan was born, and his mother was taken away for examination.

Diagnosis as a sentence

The examination showed that there is a tumor in the woman's brain. The results of the analyzes became a verdict for the whole family - the tumor is malignant. It was removed, and for a couple of months Nastya felt better. Chemistry courses were ahead, suddenly - a relapse. The tumor reappeared. Having removed this neoplasm as well, the doctors could not make any predictions about the effectiveness of further treatment.

But Khabensky did not want to give up, he began to work for slaughter, just to earn money for his wife's expensive treatment in Los Angeles. Friends and acquaintances of the family helped with money and moral support. The son of Anastasia and Kostya was already a year old, he was constantly brought to his weakening mother. Galina Georgievna - Nastya's mother - practically did not leave the hospital ward, trying to spend as much time as possible with her daughter.

After the condition of Smirnova Nastya did not stop deteriorating, Khabensky brought a priest to the hospital to marry his beloved woman.

On the first day of winter 2008, Anastasia Smirnova died. Next to her were her husband and mother, for whom her death was the most terrible loss in life.

Anastasia Smirnova, whose friends' reviews are the most positive, lived a bright life. They talk about her as a kind person, a loving and beloved woman.

They talk about her as a ray with which at any friendly gatherings it became brighter and warmer.