
    Geological theory is dry, but practice is drunken.

    Last Friday evening, Russian geologists found a previously unknown reason to drink.

    It turns out that all dinosaurs were the same. It’s just that different paleontologists collected them in different ways!

    During a paleontology exam, a professor gives a sea urchin to a student.
    Student in a victorious voice: it’s a hedgehog!
    Professor (with hope): -Which hedgehog is right or wrong?
    The student thinks for a very long time.
    The professor prompts: Well, you can determine it by your anus.
    The student silently puts the hedgehog in the tray, takes the record book from the table and leaves.
    Professor (after me): Young man! State your last name!
    Student (in an offended voice) - Determine by the anus!

    One meticulous paleontologist visited Loch Ness in Scotland in the hope of seeing the famous ancient monster.
    - When does the snake usually appear? - he asked a local resident.
    “Usually after the third glass of vodka,” he answered.

    A geologist walks through the taiga and sees a Chukchi sitting on a thick branch and sawing off this branch from a tree. The geologist tells him: “You idiot, you’ll soon crash!” And he goes further. And about five minutes later he hears behind him: “slap-c” and a cry of “ah-ah!!!”, and then swearing: “what a vile Russian shaman!”

    Once a geologist came to the Chukchi tent and was surprised:
    - Chuchka, you have a ton of canned food, and you’re as thin as a mop from hunger!
    And the Chukchi answers him:
    - However, I opened the newspaper - Yeltsin is there, I turned on the radio - Yeltsin is there, I turned on the TV - Yeltsin is there too. - Now, however, I’m afraid to open canned food!!!

    A local historian asks a local resident:
    - Is there any legend connected with that high mountain over there?
    - Yes, there is such a story. One day, two geologists climbed to the very top, and since then no one has seen them.
    - How mysterious! And what happened to them?
    - And they came down from the other side.

    The geologist addresses the Chukchi sitting by the yurt:
    - My dear, can you tell me how I can quickly get to that mountain over there?
    The Chukchi looked thoughtfully at the geologist, then at the mountain and answered:
    - However, do you want me to untie the dogs?

    One day the Chukchi tied up a geologist, brought him to the border station and said:
    - However, I caught a spy.
    He is asked:
    - Where did you get the idea that this man is a spy?
    - So, however, I walk and see: he is standing, the villain, and knocking on the rock with a hammer. I ask: “Who are you?” And he: - “Party leader.” But the Chukchi is not a fool, the Chukchi knows who leads our Party!

    Real geologists will never drink vodka from their throat if there is an empty tin can!

    A Chukchi father and his son are sitting near the yaranga. A helicopter flies low over them.
    Son: - Dad, what is this though?
    Father: - Now this iron bird will land, - the geologist will come out. They'll punch me in the face, they'll rape my mother, they'll shoot deer, they'll hit you in the head. - It's called "Expedition".

    One geologist was terribly tired on the route, found nothing, and therefore became terribly angry. He sees a bear, so throw a stone at him! And then his fatigue vanished...!

    Two geologists are sitting by the fire in bad weather. All the vodka has been drunk, they drink moonshine, talking:
    - Look, when you drink this green drink, your head will feel like the Tsar Bell in the morning...
    - Wow, the Tsar Cannon is good for nothing...

    A Chukchi walks through the taiga and squeaks pitifully.
    A geologist approaches him and asks:
    - Why are you squeaking?
    - Yes, I got sick, your boss gave me a pill, I ate them.
    - So?
    - And it says:
    "After eating!"...

    A geologist and a Chukchi met on the ocean shore and were talking. Suddenly they see a hungry polar bear heading towards them. But there is no gun. The Chukchi grabs his skis and quickly puts them on. Geologist:
    - It’s useless, - you still won’t be able to run faster than a bear.
    - But I don’t need to be faster than a bear, I need to be faster than you!

    A Chukchi once found a large gold nugget in a mine. I didn’t hand it over, but hid it well.
    They identified him and charged him with theft.
    The head of the mine interrogates him, and another Chukchi translates:
    “Where did you hide the gold?!?” asks the angry boss.
    “He says he didn’t take it,” the Chukchi translates.
    “Tell him,” says the boss, “that if he doesn’t tell me now, I’ll shoot him!”
    “He says, if you don’t tell where the gold is, you’ll get shot a little.”
    “I buried it in a jug under the yaranga,” admitted the frightened thief.
    - He says shoot! - translated the Chukchi. That he still won't tell anyone...

    A geologist walks through the taiga and sees two Chukchi. One is carrying a telephone booth, and the other is carrying a hefty log. Geologist:
    - Hey, fellow countryman, why do you need a telephone booth?
    - Mine, however, if a bear attacks, she will hide in the booth and the bear will not eat me.
    Geologist to another Chukchi:
    - Well, why do you need such a healthy log?
    - Mine, however, if he sees a bear, he will throw the log - and it will be easier to escape.

    Somehow, American geologists discovered some Arab country over large deposits of American oil... If there had not been a war, the matter would have come to trial...

    American geographers argue that geology is only a discipline derived from geography, citing
    this is because before Columbus discovered America, all their geologists lived in Europe.

    True story: Student - graduate on state ex. Miass Geocollege answers the question about concentrates (pronounced more through “yu” than through “i”). The commission, after listening to him, asks additional questions. question about a word consonant in geology. He doesn't understand. They tell him, well, they say, everything in this word is the same, only instead of “x” there is “f”. The student looks at the commission in a stupor, slowly blushes (having guessed) and, already crimson-red with embarrassment, says: “Ugh, or what?” The commission, expecting the word “shlif,” slowly slid under the table laughing.

    True story: Moscow State University, 70s.
    Mineralogy exam.
    Identify the mineral,” says the professor and gives the student a piece of opal.
    She looks blankly at the stone and begins to look around the audience with a wandering gaze.
    A student from the last row tries to give advice and animatedly gestures, either bending his arm at the elbow and clenching his fist with a joyful look, or lowering it limply with an expression of annoyance on his face.
    The student strains her imagination and joyfully says:
    - Professor, this won’t work!...

    The student tries to pull the wool over the teacher’s ears:
    - Last season I found a beryl crystal - that’s how my hand is!
    - Come on, young man, pour it in! Such hairy crystals do not exist in nature.

    Field season.
    On the route, an experienced professor wakes up a student intern in the middle of the night and asks:
    - Ivan, look at the sky and tell me, what conclusion can you draw?
    The student looks at the sky and answers:
    - I see billions of stars, and if there are billions of stars, then they may have planets, and there is a possibility that among them there are ones similar to Earth, and there may also be life there, and...
    - Ivan, you are an idiot! - the professor interrupts him.
    - Our tent was stolen!

    A woman comes to the tailor's studio:
    - Please sew me a nightgown 3 meters long.
    - Why do you need such a long one?
    - So my husband is a geologist. For him, the main thing is the search, not the end result.

    Lecturer on the geological route practice warns students:
    - Now we will go along a very dangerous cliff, be careful!
    - But if anyone falls, don’t forget to look to the right - in flight, a view of a unique outcrop with a pegmatite vein will open...

    Geopractice teacher during a sightseeing tour with students:
    - And now, driving past this famous local brothel, we will get straight to the mine that interests us, and...
    - Professor, why by?!?

    Geological practice in Kamchatka. Looking into the crater of a volcano for the first time, the student says to the teacher:
    - Doesn't it look like hell?
    - Oh, these students! - exclaims the professor, “They’ve seen everything, been everywhere...

    There are two crystals, one transparent and the other cracked. The first one asks:
    - By a hot fire?
    - Campfire...
    - Geologist?
    - Geologist...
    - Have you tried to determine?
    - Nope, stepped on, bastard...

    My husband, a geologist, arrives from the expedition all dirty, wearing a torn storm jacket and abrasions on his face. Explains to his wife:
    - I didn’t have a return ticket for the train, but the ticket inspector is here. I had to jump out of the carriage.
    - Wouldn’t it have been easier to pay the fine?
    - What are you talking about, dear! The controller turned out to be the conductor's husband.

    On the day the husband left for the field, the wife got out of bed before dawn and snuck into the pantry. There she cut her backpack with a knife, tore the tent, then threw her sleeping bag, hammer and compass from the balcony. After which she silently returned to bed and gently pressed her cheek to her husband’s shoulder...
    - She had no more than an hour to live...

    Student intern for the ranger of the Ilmensky Nature Reserve:
    - Please tell me, can I take a sample from this mine?
    - No!
    - Yeah, but then where are there so many fresh fragments around?
    - From those who don’t ask stupid questions.

    To find out where south is when you get lost in the taiga, you need to look at a tree. If the tree is a palm tree, then you are already in the south.

    Conversation between two future geologists:
    - Do you know how to hold a hammer so as not to hit your finger?
    - Well?
    - With two hands...

    The old professor returns before time from the route to the camp.
    -Have you come for additional containers, professor? - the student asks him.
    - No, for a new hammer.

    At customs, a car with geologists is stopped by a policeman:
    - Diamonds, emeralds, drugs???
    Old Professor:
    - No, my dear, - a cup of coffee, please!

    In the taiga, a geologist was attacked by a bear. He tries to run away from him, and suddenly there is a cliff ahead. He fell to his knees and prayed:
    - Lord, instill a Christian soul into this beast!
    The bear immediately falls to his knees:
    - Thank you, Lord, for the food you sent!

    Humanity is so crazy that it uses the minerals found by geologists to pollute the environment.

    The Lord God, when creating mineral aggregates, thought little about how we would call and classify them.

    Geologists fall into the hands of cannibals. The leader tells them:
    - Whoever tells a new joke, we will let him go to continue collecting stones. But I warn you - we have the Internet!

    Girls are like oil. First you explore, then you drill, and then...
    then it is cheaper to close this well than to maintain it.

    The bank of a river in the tundra in the Arctic Circle. Having spent too much time on the way, a hungry and angry geologist stumbles upon a Chukchi sitting with a fishing rod next to a pile of fresh fish. Hunger overcomes awkwardness, and something like this occurs:
    - Chukchi, treat me to some fish?!
    - I can’t, however. The main boss does not order.
    Pause. Geologist found:
    - Listen, Chukchi, who is the Chief Boss in these parts?
    - However, I...
    - Chief, let me take the fish!
    - Take it, however, and eat for your health as much as you want!

    A Geologist was freezing in the taiga. The Chukchi found him, brought him to his home, fed him, gave him something to drink, and put him to bed with his wife. The geologist, in a fit of gratitude, invited him to visit him in Moscow. And after some time he receives a telegram from the Chukchi: “I’m on my way, meet me.” The geologist thinks: “Well, I’ll feed him and give him something to drink, but don’t put him with my wife!” I ran to three train stations, found a “girl” there and persuaded her to sleep with the Chukchi for ten. And the Chukche said: “You are a good friend, so why should I put you to bed with my everyday wife? I’ll put you to bed with my ceremonial wife.” The Chukchi returned from Moscow and says: “Moscow is a good city! A good friend, Geologist! And his front wife is so good! - it’s still dripping from the end!”

    One day a pregnant Chukchi woman comes to the doctor.
    - Doctor, my stomach is swollen,
    - Yes, you’re pregnant!
    - However, it cannot be - my husband is in the taiga.
    - And you probably slept with other men.
    - No, I slept with men, I slept with a geologist, because he used protection.
    - But as?
    - However, he threw a rag on my face.

    A geologist gets lost in the taiga and shouts: “People! Where are you!? Help!”
    The Chukchi comes out from behind the tree and says in a demonic voice:
    “And, as here - so “people!”, and as in Moscow - so “frying pans with ears”!

    Three people are sitting by the fire:
    “The steel dragonfly has flown,” said one, pointing to the helicopter.
    “A steel seal has swum by,” said another about two hours later, following the submarine with his eyes.
    “The steel deer is crawling,” said the third, pointing to the all-terrain vehicle crawling up the mountain. He lives with your wife, he lives with my wife, he lives with his wife. It's called an expedition.

    The Chukchi floats along the river in a boat, looks around and sings:
    “What a beautiful forest on the shore, there are a lot of lingonberries ripening in this forest, soon we will be collecting more and more...” He looks - the geologist is sitting on the shore and relieves his NEED:).
    Chukchi: “Ugh, Shaitan! What a song he ruined, though!”

An oil worker walks past a cafe; he just received his salary and decided to stop by. He comes in and asks the waitress:
- what do you advise?
The waitress answers:
- We have a special cafe. Here you can do whatever you want. Whatever comes to mind.
- In terms of? Is that all?
- Yes. Absolutely. Then we will issue you an invoice.
But there is a condition: if you don’t have enough money, our executioner will cut off some part of your body.
Any - According to your desire.
I decided to try it.
- give me a blowjob.
The waitress, without further ado, gets on her knees and gives him a blowjob.
The man is delighted. He takes a chair and breaks it. No one interferes, everyone is silent and behaves as usual.
That's all.
"Vasya got carried away." I drank all the beer, vodka, wine, schnapps, and sent for more booze,
destroyed all the furniture, pissed the whole room, fucked all the waitresses and
waiters in perverted and ordinary forms, then gave them all pussy,
forced me to dance folk dances for three days without a break... had fun.
Carry the bill, he says. They brought the bill. I looked. He takes out his wallet, looks at it, and closes it.
- Give us your executioner.
The executioner arrives. The man unzips his fly and takes out his clothes.
Executioner to him:
- Listen, it seems like he’s still young, it’ll come in handy, maybe give me your hand, why the hell should you chop it?
-Which one to chop?! suck it, there's still a lot of money left!

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10 jokes from the category "The funniest"

The wife is pregnant. My husband wants sex. The wife says to her husband:
- 25 rubles for you, go to the city and see a prostitute.
Well, the husband went out the gate. And there is neighbor Lenka. She asks:
- Where are you going?
The husband said that his wife was pregnant, she couldn’t do it, but she wanted sex, so she gave him 25 rubles to go to a prostitute. And the neighbor offers herself. Takes 25 rubles. After some time, the husband returns home. My wife asks why so fast?
And the husband answers, he met a neighbor and she agreed for 25 rubles.
And the wife:
- Lenka is such a bastard! When she was pregnant, I gave it to her husband for free!

A man is driving a car. The inner voice says:
- Stop and dig here! Digging - oops! Found a bag of gold! He drives further, and his inner voice says: “Throw the bag into the sea.” The man thinks: “Now 10 bags will float out.” I threw it in - nothing came up! And the inner voice:
- I saw how it gurgled!

The Ministry of Emergency Situations responds to the call. Some guy called, the most articulate of his speech was AAAAAAAAA... help, I'm dying!!!
It is clear that the team is rushing to the right address. They arrive, enter a one-room apartment and are shocked! You don’t see THAT often even in this job!!!
In the center of an absolutely empty room, with a lot of newspapers scattered across the floor (just like a hamster), sits a man with a DICK NAILED TO THE PARQUET!!! There was nothing to do, someone ran for a nail puller. Meanwhile, the doctor interrogates the unfortunate man:
- What's happened?.............

Are you very sad and want to cheer yourself up? Or are you just a lover of good jokes? Then this page is perfect for you. Here are the best humorous videos from all over the planet, watching which will definitely lift your spirits and make your day! This category contains various types of humorous videos.

Firstly, these are various re-uploads of old comedy shows; the best episodes that have ever been released on the zombie box are now collected here. Comedy Club, Comedy Woman and other similar humorous shows will once again make you laugh with their best jokes. We tried to select only the most interesting, brightest, funniest and most memorable episodes. Here you can always rewatch them to laugh again and indulge in nostalgia.

Secondly, there are a lot of entertaining videos from real life. Funny drunk men, stupid phrases that instantly become iconic and recognizable on every corner. Most of these funny videos are uploaded by users of such Internet resources as “Youtube”, “Rutube” and others. Literally anyone can capture something funny on camera, and that’s why there is such a large influx of humor of this particular genre. In such videos, anything can happen, from funny cats to funny behavior of politicians.

The next type of jokes are pre-prepared jokes from network users. Various pranks, practical jokes, during which a group of guys set up some kind of scene and have fun watching the reaction of their victim. Such videos are now very relevant and gain millions of views. In addition, after watching a dozen other such videos, you can choose a suitable prank for yourself and try to pull it off in reality. Most often, such pranks are quite harmless, but there are also those from which the victim can get a heart attack or panic attack. After all, sometimes jokers go to extremes and joke about doctors’ diagnoses, suicide and other rather dangerous topics.

In the last five years, the “foreign” STAND-UP has been gaining a lot of weight. These are essentially the same performances of comedians, where black humor, self-irony, and sometimes quite vulgar jokes often flash. Many popular media personalities organize entire stand-up tours and travel from city to city with the intention of making as many viewers laugh as possible. Let this humorous genre work for the most part if you are in the audience and see the joker live. But many videos of performances say otherwise.

In addition, we should not forget about the no longer particularly popular, but nevertheless still well-known genre of humor, like VINE. These short, literally second-long scenes play out life and not so real situations. Sometimes the humor in them is so deep that netizens watch short ten-second videos several dozen times, trying to get to the bottom of a humorous vein that may not exist.

In general, here you can definitely cheer yourself up. And it doesn’t matter what kind of video jokes you like - we will help even a callous person without a sense of humor laugh.

A native Buryat is walking through the taiga.
He looks and there is a drilling rig. He stops and asks:
- Chief, what is this?
Boss to him: Drilling rig!
He again: Boss, what are they doing on it?
The boss told him: Buryat!
- Uh-uh, boss, the Buryats don’t do it that way!

A new oil field was discovered in Ukraine.
Extraction is complicated by the fact that the oil is in tanks that move at high speed by rail from Russia to Western Europe.

— Oil prices are falling!
- Probably gasoline too.
- There is no gasoline.
- Why?
— I don’t know, probably in Russia they don’t make it from oil.

An oil businessman dies. He goes to Paradise, and there God says to him:
“You’re a good person, you spent money on charity and all that, but you understand, we don’t have any free space.” Recently, many oil workers have come to us. So go to Hell.
- Let me talk to them. I will persuade them to go to Hell instead of me. - the oilman answers.
He approaches the souls of oil workers sitting on a cloud and says:
- We heard that oil was found in Hell. Fountaining.
The oil workers sat for a while, looked at each other, and one after another ran to Hell.
God says to this oil worker: Well, well done, take any place, now there is enough. And the oilman answers: You know, maybe there really is oil there. Let me go to Hell too.

Oilman to oilman:
- Listen! Do you know how the French screwed up?!
- Nope! How?
— They set up a drilling rig in the center of Paris, but there is still no oil!!!

- I heard you broke up with your girlfriend. What happened to you?
- So I have neither a stake nor a yard.
- How? Your uncle is an oil tycoon? Didn't you tell her about this?
“As soon as I told her about this, she immediately left me and became
my aunt.

Vovochka, here’s a very simple problem: The amount of excess profits from the sale of oil and gas is known. The number of Russians is known. Write an equation and calculate how much each Russian will receive? So, you wrote x, igrek, asterisk...what kind of asterisk? - It’s not an asterisk, it’s just the “th” I fumbled.

Funny jokes about oil workers that will make you cry

The National Security Advisor approaches the US President and says: - Sir, there are two news, good and bad. Which one should I start with? - With a bad one. - Sir, the USA has been invaded by aliens. - What's the good news? “They eat blacks and shit oil.”

American soldiers pray before the assault on Baghdad. One: - Lord, help me survive or die a hero. Second: - Lord, make sure that Tyumen runs out of oil. First: - What are you doing? Second: - Do you want to defend democracy in cold Siberia?

A delegation of American oil workers visits Ukhta. During breakfast at a local restaurant, guests order a single dish - a cheese omelette.
When the bill is brought to them, Americans are surprised by the amount written on it and ask the waiter:
- Are eggs and cheese such a rarity for you?
- Not at all, Americans are a rarity!

On a sunny morning, an oil tycoon leaves his house and heads to his service Mercedes 600. He gets into the car and notices that his driver is completely depressed.
- Semenych! Well, why are you so sour all the time, what’s wrong again? Why are you moping and sulking all the time?
The driver moves away silently with a sour face. The tycoon does not let up:
- No, tell me, did I get you out of your Uryupinsk?
- Well, they pulled it out...
- Did I get you away from the Uryupinsk bandits?
- Well, they got rid of it...
- Did you buy an apartment in Moscow?
- Well, I bought it...
- Are wages growing?
- Well, it’s growing...
- So why are you unhappy all the time?
- Ehe-he, Sergei Timofeich, if only someone else drove us...!

Gas and oil belong to the people. It's clear. It is not clear why people sell them to themselves for such exorbitant money.

After an oil pipeline spill and fire on the Moscow River, environmentalists took a water sample for analysis. Oil turned out to be the most environmentally friendly substance in its composition.

Girls are like oil. First you explore, then you drill, and then it’s cheaper to close this well than to maintain it.

Father Lukashenko ordered the government of Belarus to find oil and gas deposits on its territory. "Sure, not a problem!" - the Belarusian government responded and drilled Gazprom pipes.

* * *
- Oil prices are falling!
- And gasoline, probably, too.
- Gasoline - no,
- Why?
- I don’t know, we probably don’t make it from oil...

* * *
- Why, when oil prices rise, do prices for all goods rise?
- Because now everything is made from petroleum products.

* * *
- I don’t understand: the price of oil is rising - gasoline is becoming more expensive, the price of oil is falling - gasoline is becoming more expensive again!
- This is called “stability”.

* * *
Second law of political thermodynamics:
“Bombs tend to go where oil is cheaper.”

* * *
At the Eiffel Tower, a tourist from Texas shakes his head and says to his wife:
- This is the sixth time I’ve come up here, and they still haven’t produced oil!

* * *
- What will happen if Iraq suddenly runs out of oil?
- Iraq will immediately become a democratic state.

* * *
The pessimist believes that oil on Earth will run out in 10–15 years.
The optimist believes that oil will last for a very long time.
The realist knows that it's not about oil at all.

* * *
RBC correspondent:
- What is your forecast for the exchange rate of the dollar and a barrel of oil at the end of the year?
- Oil 120, dollar 30...
And after thinking a little:
- Well, or vice versa.

* * *
Iran has discovered a new major oil discovery. The peace-loving United States could not bear such a shameless provocation.

* * *
- Mr. Bush! Oil has been found in Zanzibar!
- Yes? So they don’t have democracy there. Need to do.
- So in North Korea there is no... democracy either.
- And they don’t even have oil there. So why do they need democracy?

* * *
According to American Sovietologists, alarming changes are taking place in modern Russia: as before, there are wild bears roaming around the center of Moscow, but now they also sell oil!..

* * *
Russian oil comes in two types. And all Russians know these two types well...

* * *
The mistake of the Russian authorities is that they have always considered oil and gas to be the main natural resources. So the peat was offended...

* * *
It is known that oil prices have dropped significantly.
After this, vodka became cheaper in Russia.
Hence the conclusion: vodka in Russia is made from oil.

* * *
Barack Obama at the site of an environmental disaster in the Gulf of Mexico says to his entourage:
- Well, you can, if you want! The oil slick has become much smaller. By the way, what is this strange little boat with the strange letters “Gas Station”?
The President's Assistant, embarrassed:
- This Odessa entrepreneur Rabinovich created a network of floating gas stations from leaking oil and successfully serves ships passing by...

* * *
A new oil field was discovered in Ukraine.
Extraction is complicated by the fact that the oil is in tanks that move at high speed by rail from Russia to Western Europe.

* * *
Oilman to oilman:
- Listen! Do you know how the French screwed up?!
- Nope! But as?
- They set up a drilling rig in the center of Paris, but there is still no oil!!!

* * *
American geologists, during subsoil exploration, discovered some Arab country above their oil deposits.

* * *
- Listen, Holmes. What do you think: if oil exporting countries refuse to reduce the price, will America regard this as direct military aggression?
- What are you talking about, Watson! Of course not. This will be regarded as a violation of human rights: George Bush, no matter what they say, is also a human being. And America will not allow anyone to violate human rights!

* * *
Lucky! A Tyumen girl, trying to bury a hamster, became an oil tycoon...

* * *
- Screw your biceps, normal boys have been pumping oil for a long time...

* * *
If the government continues to “contain” oil prices, then soon it will be more profitable to drink gasoline and drive vodka.

* * *
In the UAE, Qatar and other oil-producing countries, each family receives a payment - a percentage of oil sales. In Russia it’s the same. And everyone knows these families.

* * *
XXII century: NATO planes flew senselessly over the globe. Oil reserves have run out everywhere...

* * *
Tymoshenko was given 7 years for gas, Khodorkovsky was given 14 years for oil. From which we can conclude that our oil is twice as expensive as gas.

* * *
An oil prospector goes to heaven. At the gates to Paradise, Saint Peter meets him and says:
- You know, I studied your whole life and in all respects you suit us. But there is one problem. We have a strict division into zones here. And as you can see, the area for oil workers is already completely filled. So I'm sorry, but we don't have room for you.
The oilman, scratching his head, answers:
- Can I say just three words to my colleagues?
Saint Peter answers:
- Well, I don’t see anything reprehensible here, speak up.
The oilman folds his hands into a megaphone and shouts:
- They found oil in hell!
All the oil workers rush into the inferno in a friendly crowd. Saint Peter says:

- Well, you have good ingenuity. Come in, sit where you feel most comfortable.
The oilman scratches his head again and answers:
- Thank you, but I think I’ll follow my colleagues. It is possible that there is some truth in these rumors.

* * *
Gas and oil belong to the people, this is understandable. It is not clear why people sell them to themselves for such exorbitant money.

* * *
The Central Bank announced the introduction of a crying ruble exchange rate.