We continue our series of articles devoted to the unconventional use of items such as, and in this article we will tell you how they can be used to promote your company or website

Guerrilla advertising

This concept was coined by advertising creative Jay C. Levinson for small businesses. In short, Levinson's idea was to use a lot of cheap advertising media instead of a couple of expensive ones. Such carriers could be business cards, leaflets, graffiti on walls - and even banknotes, which we will deal with today. There is nothing easier to get people to know about the existence of your company or website. You can either stamp containing the name and telephone number of your company or the address of your website, and stamp it on all banknotes that pass through your hands.

Is it possible to pay with such a bill?

Can. Inscriptions on money are considered minor damage, and such money must be accepted everywhere in the Russian Federation. They are accepted in banks and stores; such money is accepted without problems by counting machines and banknote control devices of ATMs and terminals. Provided, of course, that there is no other damage on the banknote that makes it unpayable.

From the point of view of the law, you will not face anything for intentionally damaging banknotes. Once upon a time, money in our country was quite seriously considered as a possible advertising platform. In those days they did not dare to allow such advertising by law, but there was also no direct ban on it. And the Central Bank of Russia is not at all against advertising prints on money.

This position is due to two main reasons. Firstly, from the point of view of the Central Bank, advertising on money is ineffective, since if a banknote “marked” in this way reaches the bank, the latter is obliged to replace it as old.

Secondly, searching for the person who put the stamp in order to bring him to justice is generally ineffective. Even if the advertiser is discovered (after spending disproportionately more money on this than on reissuing old banknotes), it will still be necessary to prove that it was he who put the stamp.

So, does it work?

And how! Storulevka lives for about six months and during this time manages to change on average 200 owners. Two hundred rubles - an audience of 400 people, three hundred rubles - 600 people will see your advertisement.

Of course, we simplify the process somewhat - if everything were so simple, people would not order expensive advertising at all. But there is efficiency, and it is noticeable - especially in small cities where the circulation of banknotes is limited.

Besides, it’s convenient - instead of running around with a can of spray paint and looking for free fences, you don’t have to leave the office. You can order a print online, and when the next banknote arrives, you - bang - and let it travel with your advertisement.

Will serious companies do this?

Imagine this. Even very large companies advertise with money, for example, the well-known German automaker Volkswagen and the leading European mobile operator Vodafone. Moreover, their advertising departments showed real creativity and applied advertising drawings to the banknotes that played off the design on the banknote itself.

This is the European Union, where, as you know, laws protect commercial interests, but this is done in Ukraine, and in Russia, too, recently it has become a trend to put advertising on money. And the cheapest way to do this is with seals and stamps.

Political propaganda to the masses. On banknotes. Enterprising residents of the region come up with an original way to disseminate their ideas, as well as advertising. Thus, in Shelekhov there were several cases when buyers did not quite understand what they were holding in their hands: a hundred rubles or a propaganda leaflet. Is this type of stamp on money legal?

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These bills fell into the hands of absolutely politically neutral people. “I went to the store, picked up groceries and saw that it was a hundred rubles... I saw that it was Ukraine, something with Russia,” says one of the buyers.

In Shelekhov, banknotes with inscriptions scattered at lightning speed. For example, a hundred-ruble note can change about 10 owners per day.

Experts assure: for many political agitators there are no frameworks or rules. This applies to both content and methods of distribution. Fences, building facades, leaflets, and now banknotes are often used. “This could be some kind of idea. It could be either pro-government or opposition. But the majority of residents who have a relationship with money do not read much into what is written there,” says Alexey Petrov, a political scientist.

They don’t read it much, but they use it actively. The information on banknotes is written differently: from the words “buy bread” to calls for a healthy lifestyle. Advertising of saunas, real estate agencies, flower salons is also no exception.

By the way, there have already been similar cases in history. In Ukraine, oppositionists of the Soviet regime robbed a stagecoach with money. And they put seals with quatrains on the banknotes. “The commissioners deceived me, they gave me a lot of money, but now you can’t even buy a dog for these signs.” Therefore, this incident can be viewed in the same way. We can’t win, but we’re ready to show the figurine,” says Sergei Snarsky, antique dealer and numismatist.

History is a stubborn thing: then the idea of ​​​​printing on banknotes, as well as with the riots, failed. The rebels were caught. And nowadays, the police say, it’s not easy to catch a hooligan who puts stamps on money. The stamp is prefabricated and anyone can buy it.

What to do with that kind of money? It would seem obvious: such bills are damaged, which means they are subject to exchange and destruction. But whether it is possible to print on money and whether there is liability for such improvisation is unclear. On the one hand, the money is mine, and on the other, the image of the country’s flag and coat of arms is indivisible state property and is protected by law. “Who will do this? The treasury should, it should be interested in it. That is, there should be a fairly large amount. Or something related to illegal business. This also still needs to be proven, so this is a shot from a cannon at sparrows,” said Tatyana Oborotova, Chairman of the October Bar Association of the Irkutsk Region.

As Central Bank specialists explained to us in a written response: banknotes with more than two foreign marks are considered damaged, but this does not make them insolvent. That is, you can safely pay with them in a store, hairdresser, pharmacy, and so on. Then they go to the bank, and financial institutions have no right to issue them. Such money of any denomination is withdrawn from circulation. In general, as practice shows, the fate of decorated, albeit valuable, securities is short-lived.

Russian banks are beastly banks

The acceptance of old or damaged currency by banks is regulated by Bank of Russia Instruction No. 136-I dated September 16, 2010 “On the procedure for carrying out... transactions with cash foreign currency...” and Bank of Russia Instruction No. 2054-U dated August 14, 2008 “On the procedure for conducting cash transactions with cash” foreign currency in authorized banks on the territory of the Russian Federation.” From these documents it follows that banks themselves have the right to establish rules for accepting damaged banknotes of foreign countries.

Russian banks can slip dollar and other banknotes of foreign countries containing ink imprints, seals, and pen inscriptions. Only some banks accept such banknotes back and only with a commission (10-20%), because they are considered dilapidated. For example, Sberbank gave me several bills, and among them was a hundred dollar bill with an ink imprint. Such imprints are usually placed abroad in Russia for several purposes: to track the movement of banknotes, to mark banknotes issued by their exchanger, etc. There, these bills are accepted back by banks and exchangers without problems. In our country, at the request of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, banks have the right not to accept such banknotes at all or accept them with the above-mentioned commission. This is such a bestial business in Russian banks at the suggestion of the country's main regulator.

How to get rid of such ink imprints (seals) on banknotes

All of the following applies only to banknotes of foreign countries. According to Russian laws, banknotes with the image of the Russian ruble are accepted by Russian banks with any contamination, if the face value of the banknote can be verified.

If you are going to do cleaning for the first time, do not experiment immediately on a large bill. Try it first on one that you don’t mind throwing away if it doesn’t work. The paper and ink on all paper money of one country are approximately the same, so the result of the experiment on 10 rubles or $1 will be approximately the same as on 5000 rubles or $100.

Buy a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution at the pharmacy. It's inexpensive. The edge of the banknote, which is dirty, is placed in it for 12-18 hours. It is necessary to monitor and add hydrogen peroxide if it is absorbed or evaporated so that the stain is completely covered with the solution. From time to time, you can gently move a cotton swab over the stain, but do not press too hard. After the specified amount of time, the ink stain will disappear. After cleaning, rinse the bill with cold water and dry.

How to get rid of other contaminants

  • If the bill is dirty in ordinary dirt, not in organic matter and not in paint, then you need to start with a regular soap solution. Dissolve a little laundry soap in warm water and “bathe” the banknote in the solution. Or, if the stain is relatively small, moisten it with warm water and apply the soap solution with a cotton swab or brush. Then, while still wet, gently wipe the banknote with a cloth or soft washcloth - without pressing, with sweeping movements. After washing, dry the bill.
  • Pencil drawings and inscriptions, as well as small dirt, can be removed with a soft eraser. You won't be able to remove money paint, don't worry.
  • Rust stains are removed with a solution of citric acid in water (about 1:5, 1:6). If they occupy a large area, the entire bill can be immersed in the solution (in a flat plate); if the rust occupies a small area along the edge of the paper, immerse only this part. The process lasts several hours, do not rush. It’s not a fact that the rust will go away completely, but it will definitely become much less noticeable. Next - as usual, washing and drying.
  • Pure gasoline can handle oil and other organic matter (sold in hardware stores and supermarket departments). The cleaning method is the same as in the case of ink stains: carefully wet the stain, wait, and remove the dissolved ink. Then rinse with cold water and dry.
  • Inscriptions with felt-tip pens or markers are displayed depending on the basis on which the felt-tip pen “works” - under this word, generally speaking, three completely different writing tools are hidden. If the base is water-based (felt-tip pen for paper), use a soap solution. If it is alcoholic, you can try with alcohol, but the likelihood of a successful result is low. If it's a whiteboard marker, a regular eraser may help.
  • It is quite possible that as a result of cleaning, the bill will look even worse than before - the cleaning products may be unsuitable or you may not use them correctly. It’s okay: if less than 45% of the surface of the bill is damaged, it can be returned to the bank, however, you will have to wait for the exchange - the bank will have to conduct a full verification of the authenticity of the bill, or you will have to pay a 10-20% commission to the bestial Russian bank.