The issue of “mobile slavery” has become acutely felt in recent years and months. Previously, due to the unpopularity of mobile communication, this issue was not discussed, but now a cell phone is an integral part in the life of a modern person. However, having once connected to a certain operator, we remain with it even on unfavorable terms for us, because we do not know how to change the cellular operator. And all because of the notorious number, on which everything rests, because relatives, friends, colleagues, and clients know it by heart. What to do in this situation? How to change operator while keeping the number?

Changes in Russia

Previously, it was not possible to change the telecom operator while keeping the phone number. The changes came into force only in December 2013. And today this is the right of every user. However, each operator sets its own conditions for such a transition. It doesn’t hurt to sort through them and find out what’s what.

Let's start with Beeline

So, how to change operator while keeping the number? The Beeline company will gladly welcome everyone who has decided to switch to it from another operator. However, you will have to pay 100 rubles one-time. These funds will be debited from your account within the first three days of using the network. And now how to do it:

Not without conditions

Here, as in any other controversial case, there are conditions. For example, did you know that transferring to another operator still won’t work? Just as it won’t work to leave your old number if you previously lived in another subject of the Russian Federation. Here are a few more conditions that you need to know about in advance:

  1. Only its owner can transfer a number, or someone who can do so if they have the appropriate documents.
  2. You cannot change the operator while keeping your number if your number is blocked.
  3. Your balance with another operator must be positive or at least not negative. Your data that you left with the previous operator must be current. If you got married and changed your last name, then you first need to provide documents about this to your operator so that he makes the changes, and then go to a new one.
  4. At the time of the transition itself, your outgoing communications may be blocked for up to half an hour, and text messages and incoming calls may be unavailable for a time interval of 6 hours.

Contact MTS

The procedure for porting a number is identical for each operator, and the cost is the same everywhere. However, the MTS company clarifies that you can use a temporary number from the first minute you receive it in your hands. The SIM card will not yet have the number you want, but you can already evaluate the work of the new operator. Exactly one day before connection, you will receive a text notification to this temporary number that the next day at the specified time you can insert the card into any device and use it for its intended purpose. You won’t have to visit the company’s office twice, because the new number will be registered automatically. As for the conditions, they are similar to Beeline. In addition, at least two months must have passed since the last change of telecom operator. If at least one condition is violated, the company has the right to refuse you. As for tariffs, MTS has its own laws:

  • Initially, everyone is given a SIM card with the “Super MTS” tariff. The same tariff will remain after the number is transferred. To prevent this from happening, you can indicate the selected tariff in your application at the time of submission.
  • If at the time of writing your tariff application you were undecided or changed your mind while waiting, then you can easily change it in any available way. For example, through your personal account on the operator’s website.
  • Don't forget that some plans require an advance payment. Make sure that a certain amount is in your balance on the day of the transition.

Finally, Megafon

Another large operator is ready to accept a new client on similar terms. However, there are still some differences:

  1. Payment for number porting of 100 rubles must be made on the day of writing the application. Moreover, if you are denied a transfer, it will not be returned.
  2. More than 70 days must have passed since the last transition.
  3. Funds that remain in the account with the previous operator cannot be transferred.

Otherwise, the conditions are the same: there should be no debts, only the owner writes the application - and so on. That’s the whole answer to the question of how to change the operator while keeping the number.

If you are refused

There are times when an operator is forced to refuse his new client, even though it is unprofitable for him. This can happen if at least one condition is not met. For example, if there is a debt on the account or your data does not match. In all these cases, the problem is easily solved. You just need to eliminate the reason why the new operator is refusing you. Pay off the debt, visit the office of the previous operator so that he unblocks your number, present documents with your new data. After this, you will need to contact the office of the new operator again.


Long live room freedom! Now you know how to change your operator while keeping your number, and you can always choose the most convenient tariff and the best quality of communication and service.

Gone are the days when, in order to change a mobile operator, you had to buy a SIM card from a new one. If for some reason you are not satisfied with your communication service provider, this article is definitely for you. Let's look at how to switch to another operator while keeping your number. You should immediately find out about the features of this procedure and its cost from different providers.

To begin with, it is worth clarifying some important points of this process. First of all, let’s define that there is the concept of donor operator (from whom the subscriber leaves) and recipient (to whom he leaves). The procedure itself is called MNP and before you proceed, you will need to write an application to the company whose services you decide to use. A new SIM service agreement will be concluded. After which, using the database of transferred subscribers, the recipient provider notifies the donor about a new application to change the network.

If there are no reasons for the refusal, the previous mobile provider will stop servicing the SIM card, and the number of the new one received from the recipient will be changed to the specified one (kept).

Usually the process does not take more than thirty days. If there are any reasons for refusing the transfer, received by the subscriber before the application is approved, you will have to write a corresponding statement. Although companies can set their own deadlines during which the transition can still be stopped.

Why might there be delays?

There are some circumstances that prevent you from switching to another operator while keeping your own number. Prerequisites for a successful procedure:

  • no debt from the old provider (you will definitely have to pay it off). If you use several SIM cards from this communication provider, you will need to pay off the debts of all of them;
  • the positive balance is not transferred to the recipient;
  • Only its owner can switch, saving the number;
  • all passport data must match the data in the contract with the previous provider.

How to switch to another operator, keeping the number, in different companies

Each operator establishes its own procedures, costs and terms for providing such services. Mobile companies carry out this process with great effort, because a huge amount of different data is sent during the transition. In addition, the previous supplier also loses a client. In these conditions, it is necessary to maintain a high level of quality of the services provided in order to reduce the number of people wishing to switch while maintaining their number.

Tele 2

The cost of MNP in Tele2 is 0 rubles, that is, free. You can choose a favorable and convenient tariff. Only two parameters are important for the transition:

  • the mobile phone is registered to you and is not blocked;
  • the account has a positive balance.

If both of them are met, then you can submit your application for official website company and choose a salon to receive a new SIM card.

You can also just immediately contact any Tele2 salon. You must have a passport or other document approved by the operator that proves your identity. The conditions of the procedure are quite simple:

  • When concluding a contract for the provision of services, you will be given a new SIM card, which will have a temporary number, then yours will be transferred to it;
  • The issued SIM will already be in working order, and all SMS and calls will begin to be paid according to the tariff chosen by you;
  • The day before the transfer, a notification will be sent to your cell phone, reminding you that you need to insert the operator’s SIM card into your phone;
  • Funds from the temporary number are transferred to yours.

You can choose the transfer date, but this period can be at least eight days from the date of acceptance of the application and conclusion of the contract.


This company offers several options by which you can access them:

  • filling electronic application;

  • visit to the nearest MTS showroom;
  • call 8-800-250-8-250 to submit an application;
  • order a call back.

You also need to have an identification document with you and information about the old number issued to you. You need to choose a tariff and pay for the transition. A temporary SIM will be issued to receive and make calls. This is where messages from the provider about the status of your application will be sent. You will also receive information here with the exact time and date when you need to rearrange the cards. After the old operator stops servicing your mobile phone, you become an MTS subscriber, while keeping your number.


You can go here if the following conditions are met:

  • the contract is executed in your name (there is a power of attorney for the transfer);
  • The data in the passport in the contract with the operator corresponds to the current data. If something has changed, you will first have to update the information with your communication service provider;
  • there should be no debt during the transfer; it should be paid off immediately;
  • no blocking;
  • The SIM card was issued in the same region where the transfer is being carried out;

  • MNP has not been carried out before or more than sixty days have passed since the last transition.

Some time ago you had to pay for the service, but now it is provided free of charge. You can conclude an agreement in the company’s showroom, Online, or you can order delivery of documents and a new SIM card by courier (not available for all localities). A passport is required for registration; if a representative comes, he must also have a power of attorney. You can choose a transfer date, but not earlier than eleven days and no later than six months after submitting the application.

After the agreement is drawn up, a new Megafon SIM card is issued. Balance from another provider is not transferred. At the very moment of transition, communication restrictions sometimes arise, but they are temporary.


The operator also offers several options so that you can switch while keeping your mobile. Most often, subscribers come to the office, because ordering a courier with documents is not possible in all cities. It’s more convenient to contact specialists at the salon; they will help you choose a favorable tariff and answer your questions. Only federal numbers are transferred; city numbers cannot be saved. There may also be some temporary restrictions when making calls and sending SMS.

MNP costs 100 rubles and takes at least eight days. All other conditions of the procedure are similar to other operators.


Before contacting the sales and service point of this company in your city, you should check the documents - the contract with the previous communication service provider must be concluded in your name. Then it is completed in the office Yota application, the procedure is free. A new SIM will be issued.

You should also check for debt. The transition takes at least eight days. A reminder will be sent to your SIM card indicating the transition time.

Here, perhaps, are all the main points of the procedure. I hope you don’t have any difficulties with the question of how to switch to another operator while keeping your number. In any case, it is worth contacting the office of the new provider to become more familiar with the tariffs, terms of service and its cost, because sometimes it changes. If you still have questions, ask in the comments and subscribe to blog updates.

Many users want not only to change the tariff or services, but also the operator itself. It is especially common to change the mobile operator from Beeline to MTS or Megafon, Tele 2. But the most important thing in this matter is to preserve the number, transfer it without changing the subscriber’s contact information. This is convenient for our loved ones, colleagues and users themselves. We will discuss below how to switch to another operator while keeping your number, as well as problems with transferring and replacing tariffs, laws on the rights of subscribers, the cost and procedure for carrying out the procedure via the Internet.

What is mnp for changing operator?

Transferring a phone to another operator is ensured by mnp, which allows you to change the network and conditions, but keep the number. To do this, most often you have to write an application and carry out the operation in person, rather than via the Internet or calling an operator. You need to come immediately to the selected communication salon, where, based on your passport and application, a temporary card is issued, which is activated after replenishing your account.

The transfer procedure to another tariff and mobile operator takes several hours, sometimes days. Later, you will receive a notification that you can insert the SIM card into your phone and start using it.

Payment for transferring without changing the number will be withdrawn from the new personal account; it is better to immediately check the amount with the new operator. Often they offer to leave your room for free.

How to switch to another operator while keeping your number?

Problems with transferring a mobile phone may arise if there are debts or arrears, so it is better to immediately clarify this issue with the operator. You will be able to leave your number only if you pay off debts and only if you do this in the same region where the first SIM card was previously registered.

You can transfer without changing your mobile phone using the following scheme:

  • Come to the communication salon, taking your passport and the phone itself. This is done only in person;
  • Fill out an application according to the sample, where you indicate personal data, the desire to remain with your number and the operator with whom you are still servicing;
  • Sign a contract in which you will be told when to activate the new package. You will receive a message on your phone later.

Switching to MTS operator

Many people choose an operator such as MTS because the company offers favorable conditions for all subscribers. You can transfer and not change the number, but by personally coming to the salon and paying 100 rubles.

  • Visit a consultant with your passport and mobile phone, select a new tariff plan and clarify the terms of use;
  • Ask for a temporary SIM card if necessary;
  • Fill out the passport application, pay 100 rubles, receive information about the activation of the new package;
  • The day before the change, you will receive a message indicating the moment of changing the operator and the start of use.

Switching to Beeline operator

The procedure for transferring and storing a mobile number on Beeline is no different from other operators.

For this you also need to pay 100 rubles and personally come to the company’s office. Next you will be offered a new SIM card, package and contract.

But in this case, the cost remains the same, but the time of the procedure with the preservation of the number will be 8 days, according to the law. Although it often happens that this happens later.

Switching to Megafon operator

Megafon offers conditions no worse than its competitors, and you can also change the operator for 100 rubles, the time frame is about three days, but it is possible to make the switch via the Internet, remotely.

To change via computer you need:

Remember that the service of a megaphone employee visiting your home is not available in all cities and regions; there are also special nuances that are immediately clarified with the operator in advance by phone.

Switching to Tele 2 operator

No less than customers strive to activate the package of services from Tele 2, because the company offers low prices and good call quality.

To carry out the procedure you need:

  • Come to the communication center with your passport;
  • Select a package and get advice from a company employee;
  • Fill out the application and pay for the procedure. Then you will be informed about the activation time of the SIM card;
  • You will be able to use the services no later than eight days later;
  • The day before activation, you will receive an SMS with a detailed description of tips and instructions.

How to save a landline number?

Let us immediately note that this service is not provided for landline and landline phones. This feature applies only to the format that starts with +79. Replacing a city operator involves changing the number and issuing a new one.

Pitfalls when saving your number

There are also problems when changing operators while maintaining the number, which companies try to keep silent about. This may be the need to visit the office of the old operator. Because the contract may contain incorrect passport information, so it will be difficult to leave. Plus, you will have to listen to recommendations regarding the feasibility of the decision.

Passport data is often entered incorrectly for two reasons:

  • Incorrect information entry during the contract formation process.
  • Change of data by the user.

Also difficult is the duration of the procedure. Because sometimes it lasts not eight days, but much longer. And all this time there must be a plus in the account, otherwise the new company may refuse.

The day before activation, you will receive an SMS with instructions, but this is when problems with coverage may begin or even the old card will stop working. It also happens that a new mobile phone remains inactive for several hours.

And the most important problem is the inability to replenish the account electronically or through a transfer in the first weeks and even months. All this time you will have to visit the salon in person, which all operators are silent about.

It will be useful to view:


If you do not take into account all the above problems and strictly follow the stages of changing the company, then no difficulties should arise. Then activation will occur in a week, sometimes ten days, and the instructions themselves can be easily followed at home.

It is important to immediately decide on a company, visit the salon and get a consultation, where they will indicate the cost and select a good package of services for the new number.

If the procedure lasts longer than eight days, you can contact the salon again. Because the law provides only this period. But it is useless to do this if you were previously given other dates. During the registration period, you will be given a temporary number or you can use the old one, if desired. Therefore, you will not have any difficulties or problems with communication.

In Russia, since the beginning of 2014, subscribers have been provided with the service of transferring a mobile number from one operator to another. And if earlier during such a migration some difficulties could arise, now all this can be done as quickly and simply as possible, without losing your number. What is the algorithm of actions? How to switch to another operator while keeping your number? What do I need to do? Especially for you, we have studied this problem in detail and prepared a publication describing a detailed action plan for changing your number.

Number porting - what is it?

A mobile phone with Internet access and many applications has long become commonplace. In the ongoing battle for potential customers, mobile operators are coming up with ever new lucrative offers and tariffs. Until recently, if you needed to switch from one operator to another, you would have to go through some very unpleasant troubles, but now you have a unique opportunity to save your number. All this became real thanks to the adoption of the corresponding law, which the press called the “abolition of mobile slavery.”

The name of the service is Mobile Number Portability. Its essence is that by submitting the appropriate application, you can keep your current mobile number even if there is a need to change provider. How does all this happen in practice? What documents do I need to provide? Is there a possibility of any difficulties arising?

Transfer from operator: important rules

Regardless of which operator’s SIM card you are switching from, keeping your number, there are several general rules that do not change:

This service is paid. The cost of the transition is 100 rubles. But there are some differences in additional costs. Therefore, find out what the price of the SIM card and package of additional services will be.

Mobile Number Portability is a service that you won’t be able to use very often. You can switch to another operator while keeping your number only after two months from the moment you began to be serviced by another cellular company.

Making a transfer is available only to the owner of the SIM card, that is, to the person whose name was registered to this phone number. The owner must apply in person, providing a passport and writing a corresponding application. And only in exceptional cases can this be done using a notarized power of attorney.

There are restrictions regarding switching to another operator while maintaining the number. They concern regionality. In other words, if your region of residence is Moscow and Moscow Region, then you will not be able to change your Moscow number in any other region.

Your mobile number will remain the same, the operator issues a SIM card immediately after concluding a service agreement. You will have to connect all services previously connected to your phone again. Mobile numbers that have been blocked for some reason will not be eligible for the Mobile Number Portability service.

Is it necessary to inform the operator about the transition?

The Law on Mobile Number Portability is, first of all, on the side of consumers of mobile services, that is, subscribers. If you decide that for some reason it is necessary to change the operator, no one obliges you to tell him this. You just need to contact the company you are transferring to.

All about translation deadlines

At the legislative level, there are certain deadlines that a mobile company must adhere to when transferring a number. For legal entities that have submitted a corresponding application, the specified mobile numbers are renewed for one month (29 calendar days). For individuals, such a transition will take place as quickly as possible – no more than eight days. The company will need this time to verify the subscriber’s personal data.

But what to do during this period? Can I use mobile services? And what operator actually provides them? For eight (for individuals) and 29 (for legal entities), subscribers continue to use the services of the so-called donor until they receive the corresponding SMS message indicating the exact time and date of the transition.

However, there are some nuances. Those subscribers who have already completed the transfer procedure often warn that it is extremely important that at the time of transfer there is no so-called zero or negative balance on the donor operator’s SIM card. After all, if there are no funds on the phone account, the transfer may be refused.

Beeline: changing operator and saving number

In order to become a Beeline subscriber and at the same time save your mobile phone number, you need to do several steps:

  1. First of all, contact the office of the new operator, not forgetting your passport. They will help you write the appropriate application. If it is not possible to be present in person at the office, you can leave an online application on the company’s official website.
  2. Next, you need to conclude an agreement with Beeline and get a SIM card, having previously selected one or another tariff plan. When ordering online, you can order delivery of the SIM card and contract free of charge on the website.
  3. After this, you must pay 100 rubles for the transfer.
  4. The company will consider the application within eight days. All this time you will use the SIM card of your previous operator. But at the same time, try to avoid a negative or zero balance. The Beeline SIM card is also valid, but a temporary number will be connected to it.
  5. A day before the transfer, the subscriber will receive a message informing them exactly when it will be possible to transfer the Beeline SIM card to their phone.

How to change operator and switch to Megafon

Those who have decided to switch to Megafon can use two methods:

  • leave a request online;
  • in the communication salon.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Leave a request online or bring your passport to the salon. In this case, it is necessary to conclude an appropriate agreement, select a tariff and receive a Megafon SIM card.
  2. Then you need to pay for the service (100 rubles).
  3. After 8 days, the operator will notify you by SMS that you can change the SIM card to Megafon.

About the responsibility of operators

Article 46 of the Law “On Communications” states that the company is responsible for violating the deadlines for transferring a mobile number. In other words, if after eight days the transfer is still not completed, the operator who violated the deadlines must provide the client with free use of cellular communications until the period when the change is actually made while maintaining the number.

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In the recent past, a law was approved on the basis of which change operator while maintaining number became possible for every citizen of the country. This regulatory document was also supported by the mobile operators themselves, because competition in this area is quite high, and this step will expand the customer base without attracting capital investments for promotion, offering the most favorable conditions. Let's consider the question of how such an operation can be carried out, as well as what problems a person may encounter when using such a service.

The cost of this operation is 100 rubles, regardless of the chosen cellular company.

Switching to MTS from any other operator

The company has not developed a mechanism for remote shifting, that is, contacting one of the service centers is mandatory, while MTS announces that a similar service will be provided, because other cellular operators have already resolved this issue. To do this you need:

  • contact one of the MTS branches with your passport and write a statement about your desire to change the operator without losing your existing number;
  • choose the most suitable tariff and receive a SIM card, which will contain a temporary number until the end of the transition procedure;
  • pay 100 rubles for the service provided;
  • after several days, one day before the operator change, the user will receive a notification about the date and time of the transfer; all that remains is to wait.

If you have any questions during the transition, you can use the hotline 8-800-250-8-250, where you can get comprehensive answers.

Switch to Megafon

This operator took care of the possibility of performing this operation remotely. For this:

  • follow the link and fill out the electronic application form;
  • a courier will come to the address indicated in the form, who will hand over a new SIM card and take 100 rubles as payment for this service;
  • The courier will also need to show your passport so that he can make sure that this number really belongs to you.

If you do not want a representative to come to your home or your locality does not provide such a service, you can contact one of the Megafon salons with a passport, they will take your application and give you a new SIM card. The duration of this operation ranges from 8 days to 6 months, it all depends on the desire of the person.

Like MTS, this company does not yet have a remote switching service, therefore, contacting one of the company’s branded showrooms is mandatory. Next you will need to do the following:

  • visit the Beeline salon with your passport and write a statement about your desire to switch to this operator without changing your number;
  • pay 100 rubles;
  • choose the most suitable tariff and get a new SIM card.

After this, within 8 days the card will be activated and the old number will be assigned to it.

Switching to Tele2 from any other operator

To perform this operation, you will also need to visit one of the company’s salons with your passport. After that:

  • the operator will issue an application form that must be filled out;
  • get a new SIM card with the most suitable tariff plan;
  • pay 100r. for this service.

The transition operation takes up to 8 days. A day before activating the old number, the user will receive an SMS with detailed instructions.

Possible problems when changing operators

If your passport information has changed, or the current operator entered it incorrectly, you will need to visit the current operator’s salon to correct this error.

During the transition, under no circumstances should this be allowed. This may result in a delay in completing this procedure.

A day before the transition, communication problems may arise, or calls may be completely unavailable.

After changing the operator, replenishing the balance will be possible only in communication stores. This cannot be done using terminals or bank cards.