Belikova Vera Aleksandrovna, municipal state preschool educational institution “Kalacheevsky kindergarten No. 1 of general developmental type”
Summary of a lesson on ecology for children of the senior group “Book of the Forest”

Goal: To create conditions for the cognitive development of children through consolidating ideas about the forest ecosystem.
Educational objectives:
Clarify and expand ideas about the forest and its inhabitants. Show the relationship, interaction of living and non-living nature. Systematize children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior in the forest.
Developmental tasks:
To develop in children a cognitive interest in the life of the forest and its inhabitants.
Form coherent speech and ability to analyze.
Educational tasks:
To foster in children an interest in the natural world around them and a caring attitude towards it.
Materials: paintings depicting a forest, environmental signs, a set of cards depicting wild animals, their homes, forest flowers, cards depicting living and non-living nature, photographs of children in the forest, glue, pencils.
Preliminary work:
Looking at illustrations and talking about the forest with children. Reading fiction, riddles about wild animals, memorizing poetry, organizing the exhibition “Forest Cone”, photo exhibition “Native Land”.
Progress of the lesson
— Guys, I suggest you go for a walk. Where will you find out?
Please listen to the music of the “voice of the forest.”
- How did you guess? Whose voices did you hear? What else can you hear in the forest? (Children's answers)
- Our forest is very musical, it can sing, rustle, rustle. The music of the forest is beautiful. Draw the children's attention to the picture of the forest.
Read the poem by S. Pogorelsky

Hello forest, green forest,
Full of fairy tales and miracles!
What are you making noise about in the leaves?
On a dark stormy night?
What are you whispering at dawn?
All covered in dew, like silver.
Who's lurking in your wilderness?
What kind of animal? What bird?
Open everything, don’t hide it!
You see, we are our own.

- The forest is a whole world, it is a home for wild animals and birds, insects and plants, like a big book that we have to learn about.
To truly love your nature you need to know its rules.
1. Game “Rules of the Forest” -1 page of the forest.
environmental signs (symbols)

1) “don’t cut down trees”;
2) “do not make fires”;
3) “do not leave trash”;
4) “do not pick flowers”;
5) “do not destroy birds’ nests”;
6) “do not destroy anthills”;
7) “do not take wild animals home”;
8) “don’t catch butterflies.”
— The guys independently choose a specific symbol and explain its meaning. Draw the attention of children - how can we help the forest?
1) “plant a tree”;
2) “feed the birds in the forest”;
3) “take out the trash”;
4) “heal the tree.”
- The forest needs human help, and then the forest will reveal its secrets.
- Yes, guys, the forest is a wonderful place. And for whom, guys, is this a wonderful house?
Children's answers...(wild animals)
2. Game “Finish the sentence” 2nd page of the forest
 Sly as…..(fox)
 Fast as…..(hare)
 Fluffy, like…..(lynx)
 Hungry like…..(wolf)
 Clumsy like…..(bear)
 Fast like…..(squirrel)
 Horned, like…..(elk)
 Fanged like…..(boar)
Invite the children to fill out the forest page with wild animals.
Phys. minute “Animal exercise”
One squat, two jump
This is a rabbit exercise
And how will the little foxes wake up?
They like to stretch for a long time
Be sure to yawn
Well, wag your tail.
And the wolf cubs arch their backs
And jump slightly.
Well, the bear is clubfooted
Paws spread wide
Either one or both together
He has been marking time for a long time.

- Everyone has their own home
We feel warm and comfortable in it
And forest animals too,
We will help you find your house.

3. Game "Find a house".
Children name the home of a wild animal and mark it in the right place on the forest page.

- All living things on the planet cannot do without HEAT, WATER, LIGHT, OXYGEN, EARTH. (scheme)

4. Game “Living is not living.” Children complete the task using cards on which they need to mark: living nature - in green, non-living nature - in red.
5.The next page of the forest awaits us. Without what is it impossible to see the bright, colorful beauty of the forest?
Children's answers…..(flowers)
— That’s right, there are many medicinal plants and flowers growing in the forest.
We remember the names of forest flowers with the help of riddles.

Blooms from under the snow
Welcomes spring before everyone else... (snowdrop)

What a strange hum and ringing
Don-don-don sounds
Laughs so loudly
White and blue….(bell)

We smell the freshness of the forest,
Brings in late spring
Flower fragrant, delicate
From a snow-white brush….(lily of the valley)

Here is a clearing all in flowers
Like in light blue dots,
I’ll collect it here for Anyutka
Blue…. . (forget-me-nots)

The violet has blossomed
Lilac ears
She raised it quietly. (violet)

Watching from the groove
Yellow swimsuits,
At their very bottom,
A piece of the sun is burning….(frying bathing suit)

6. Invite the children to create the next forest page, which is called “Forest Path”.
Creative work is done independently (photo), children share their impressions.
Together with the guys, collect all the pages into a large “Book of the Forest”.
Children read the poem “The forest is our friend!” N. Filimonenko
And not immediately, and not suddenly
We learned: the forest is our friend
There is no oxygen without the forest,
All nature will fade away at once,
We won't be able to breathe without him,
And no one will help us
The winds will blow away the harvest
And then forgive, goodbye!
Our rivers will become shallow,
They will dry out forever,
All the animals will get sick
Without the forest we have no medicine,
There will be no food on the table,
Then the planet will disappear,
And that's why friends
I call on you all
Take care of every bush,
Don't light fires unnecessarily
Appreciate every blade of grass
And there’s a little rain on the leaf.
Let's save the forest from fire
For you and for me
Living beauty - forest!
Let it grow to the skies.

Used Books:
Complex classes according to the program “From birth to school” edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. Senior group/author - comp. N.V. Lobodina. Volgograd: Teacher, 2015.
Gorkova L.G., Kochergina A.V., Obukhova L.A. Scenarios for environmental education classes: middle, senior, preparatory groups. - M.: VAKO, 2010.
. T.A. Shorygina Series “Acquaintance with the world around us. Speech development": "Trees. What are they like? Moscow 2003.

Vladimirova Irina Eduardovna

Educator, MDOU kindergarten No. 9 "Baby", Pavlovsky-Posad, Moscow region.

Vladimirova I.E. Summary of a lesson on ecology in the preparatory group // Sovushka. 2017. N2(8)..09.2019).

Order No. 25643

Abstract of direct educational activities on cognitive development (ecology) nand the topic:"Defenders of Nature"for children of the preparatory group

Integration of educational areas: social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development.

Target: Formation of the foundations of environmental culture in children.



Introduce children to the history of the “Red Book”, the purpose for which it was created, and the plants and animals included in it.

Learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships: what a careless attitude towards nature leads to, why it is necessary to protect nature.


To consolidate children’s ideas about the unity and interconnection of man and nature, that everything in nature is interconnected.


Foster a humane and responsible attitude towards all living things; feeling of mercy; interest in nature and problems of its protection; correct behavior in the natural environment.


Improvised "Balloon"

- “Birch”, “river”, “garbage” in an improvised clearing in a group

TV for watching video material on the topic of the lesson

A tape recorder with audio recordings of some parts of the lesson

Signs on the rules of behavior in nature

Illustrations on the rules of behavior in nature

Emblem of the Year of Ecology

- “Gifts for the birch tree” (leaves, birds)

Photos of animals and plants

- “Red Book” - prepared in advance by the teacher

Colored cardboard (pages for the red book)

Glue stick, cloth, oilcloth for each child

Hats with images of animals, birds, water, air

Emblem-medals: “Defenders of Nature”

Preliminary work:

  • Observations in nature
  • Learning poems
  • Reading environmental fairy tales
  • Conversations with children about environmental pollution
  • Examination and conversations with children based on illustrations and paintings about nature
  • Watching video material on ecology

Organization: the situation involves: 10-12 children.

GCD move

Educator: Guys, what a wonderful time of year has come, all nature is waking up after a long and cold winter. Our land is so beautiful! I wish I could look at it from above! How can I do that?

(children’s suggestions: it’s possible by plane, helicopter, hot air balloon...)

Well, then let's go on a trip in a big hot air balloon. Take your seats.

Children sit in an improvised “balloon”

(children watch a video about the beauty of our land; then is heard radio signal SOS (audio recording))

Educator: you guys hear this SOS signal. Such a signal is given from a sinking ship, and anyone who hears it, no matter where he lives and no matter what language he speaks, everyone knows: somewhere people are dying, they are asking for help. But now it is not people who are giving this signal. And I know where this signal is coming from. Guys, guess the riddle, and you will understand too.

“The hero is standing, rich; treats all the guys

Vanya - strawberries, Tanya - blackberries,

Mashenka - nuts, roofing felt - russula.

Katya - raspberries, Vasya - twigs.

Have you guessed what kind of miracle this is - a hero?

Children: (forest)

Yes, guys, this is a forest. Let's go down and see what happened to him?

Children go out into an improvised forest clearing, on which there are several stumps, scattered “garbage”, one birch tree with broken branches, a cut trunk, next to it there is a “river” with “garbage”.

Educator: What happened here guys? What's happened? And who sent us a signal for help?

(children's assumptions: someone littered, broke branches of a birch tree, threw garbage into the river...)

Educator: Yes, guys, other travelers have probably been here before us. I wanted to invite you to sit here in the clearing, but it’s just not very pleasant to sit among the garbage. What to do?

(Children's suggestions: everything needs to be removed...)

Children put garbage into bags. Cleaning the "river". They tie up a branch of a birch tree.

Educator: Well done guys, you did everything right, collected all the garbage, cleaned the river, and even tied a branch on a birch tree.

Where can you put this garbage?

(children's suggestions: take bags of garbage to special containers in the trash)

Educator: Now we can sit down on the stumps and talk about what happened here.

(The teacher listens and leans towards the birch tree.)

Educator: Do you hear what this birch tree says?

- Guys, were these uneducated people offending her like that? She tried to please them: on a hot day, hide everyone in the shade, from the sun, and give them birch sap to drink.

Her birch leaves and buds treated people from many diseases. And the white trunk and lacy leaves delighted the eyes with their beauty. Why did people break off the branches and cut up the trunk?

(Children's guesses: they broke branches for the fire...)

Educator: Guys, we are friends and defenders of nature. We will be able to help the trees - we will teach everyone - both children and adults - to take care of trees, protect the forest - after all, this is clean air and our health.

Children talk through the illustrations about the rules of behavior in nature and attach the corresponding sign to the board.

Educator: Look, our birch tree is still sad. Maybe we can give her our gifts. Let's first give her a spring outfit. And then the birds.

Children hang “leaves” on a birch tree and attach “birds”.

Birds singing is heard (audio recording). Children are invited to lie down and relax, listen to the birds singing. Relaxation.

Educator: Well then , I see you know well how to behave in nature. I also want to attach signs to our board.

The teacher attaches signs - water and air pollution - emissions from pipes of plants and factories, cars.

Educator: Guys, who knows what to do? After all, you and I, plants and animals, do not want to breathe dirty air. We don’t want to swim in dirty rivers, and animals and birds don’t want to drink dirty water?

(Children's suggestions: it is necessary to install cleaning filters in factories, on cars; cars should not be washed in rivers...)

Educator: Yes, guys, people have come up with special cleaning filters so as not to pollute the water and air. And if such filters are installed everywhere: in plants and factories and on cars, then our air will be clean and fresh. And our rivers will be clean, and our forests and fields will be full of flowers.

I would like to show you another sign (showing the emblem - “year of ecology”) 2017 in our country has been declared the year of ecology. We have already talked about what ecology is and what environmentalists do. Can anyone tell?

Children: (ecology is a science, and ecologists study life - humans, animals, plants and how the environment affects them)

Educator: - Yes, guys - ecology is a science that studies the relationship between humans and animals, plants and the environment. And ecologists are also looking for the reasons for the deterioration of nature and trying to find methods to correct it. Pay attention to the emblem of the year of ecology - what is depicted there?

Children: (our land is made of blue, green lines, as if it were rivers, forests...)

Educator: -Yes, indeed, our land is depicted here, on which there are clean blue rivers and green forests, which you and I must protect and preserve.

Look, the first spring flowers have appeared in our clearing. But you shouldn't tear them. And here's why - our friends will tell us about it, who, like us, will go for a walk in the spring forest. Let's watch and listen carefully.

(Children watch video)

Well guys, now you know why you can’t pick snowdrops and what the “Red Book” is.

Can anyone tell me what he remembered from the program he watched?

Why did people create the “Red Book”?

(Children's answers: several years ago people created the Red Book to list endangered species of animals and plants. Since then, they have been protected by law. And no one should destroy them.)

Educator: Guys, today let’s create our own “Red Book” in our group. Look - I have prepared - the book itself - here it is (showing the book)

Why is it red?

Children: (red is the color of danger, anxiety)

Educator: - Let's put in our “Red Book” animals and plants that are found in our region in the Moscow region. Take photographs of these animals and plants and glue them onto colored cardboard pages.

What do the red pages mean?

Children: (On the red pages are those animals and plants that are almost gone on earth and need to be protected and taken care of)

Educator: - Look, guys, who has what animals or plants are on the red pages, name them (you can read the names)

Children: (Peregrine falcon, flying squirrel, snowdrops, lilies of the valley...)

Educator: - What do the yellow pages mean?

Children: (-On the yellow pages - those plants and animals - the number of which is rapidly decreasing)

Educator: -Children who have yellow pages, show and name these animals and plants.

Children: (river otter, white crane, bluebells, toad...)

Educator: - Oh, are there any white pages? What do they mean?

Children: (On the white pages are animals and plants, the number of which has always been small.)

(Owl, owl...)

Educator: - Unfortunately, there are black pages in the book. Who knows what they mean?

Children: (These are the saddest pages - on them are those plants and animals that have disappeared from the face of the earth forever.)

Educator: -Show and name them.

Children: (Dwarf birch)

Educator: -Are there green pages? What do they mean?

Children: (These are the most joyful pages of the book - on them are those plants and animals that were restored and saved from extinction)

Educator: -Let's name them. Who were saved?

Children: (Baikal bumblebee)

Educator: -That’s how many animals and plants are protected. In every region, in every country there are such “Red Books”. And our task is to protect and preserve nature. And then there will be more green pages in the “Red Book” than others.

The teacher reads a poem:

“Protected by the Red Book

So many different animals and birds,

For the multifaceted space to survive

For the sake of the light of the coming lightning.

So that the desert does not dare to come,

So that souls do not become empty,

The animals on our planet are protected,

Even flowers are protected.”

Educator: - Ah, now I suggest you turn into different animals, birds, insects and play. Wear your hats.

(Children put on hats and sit on the carpet)

Educator: -Those who hear my poem being spoken about go out into a circle and join hands with the next person to come out.

The teacher reads a poem, and children wearing hats corresponding to the text come out into a circle and join hands.

“Everyone in the world, everyone needs it!

And fish are no less needed than elephants

You can't do without ridiculous frogs

And even without evil and ferocious predators.

We need everything in the world, we need everything,

Who makes honey and who makes poison,

We need birds and we need spiders

No one can do without water!

The sun, the air, and the earth are needed.

We can’t live without plants.

Yes, if we are not very friendly with someone -

We still really need each other!

And if someone seems superfluous to us,

This, of course, will turn out to be a mistake.”

Educator: -You guys see how tightly everyone living on our land is connected: people, birds, animals, plants, water and air. We cannot survive without each other and therefore we must learn to be friends with nature, protect and cherish it.

In memory of our lesson today and in connection with the fact that 2017 has been declared the year of ecology in our country, I have prepared for you these emblems - medals - “defenders of nature”. I hope that you will be true friends of nature and its defenders.

The teacher presents the children with “Defenders of Nature” medals and emblems.

Educator: And, in conclusion, let's once again fly over our beautiful land and admire its beauty.

Watch a video song about conservationists.

Belyakova Irina Aleksandrovna


GBOU Moscow "School No. 920" Kindergarten 1518

Open lesson on ecology in the senior group "Acquaintance with air".


  1. Clarify children's knowledge about air through experiments.
  2. Introduce detection methods and some properties of air.
  3. Develop interest in cognitive activities.


A large gauze, plastic bags, a plastic bottle with water, two uninflated balloons and rubber toys of various shapes, a plastic bottle with cold water, scales. On the laboratory table: a bowl of water, a boat with a hole and a whole boat. Cards reflecting the properties of air.

Progress of the lesson:

The children stand up in a scattered position.

Educator: Guys, guess the riddle: “He is everywhere, he is everywhere, without him there is no life” (Air).

The children answer.

Educator: Guys, do you know what air is?

The children answer.

Educator: Look around - right, left,
up down. (Children look). Do you see air?

Children: No.

Educator: Let's try to prove that there is air, but we don't see it. And for this we will “catch” him.

Experience 1. Children take hold of the ends of a large gauze scarf, simultaneously lift it up and lower the ends down - they get a dome filled with air.

Take the bags. Raise the bags above your head and sharply lower them down. Twist the bags. What's inside the bags?

Children: Air!

Educator: Place your palm on your chest and feel how your chest rises when you inhale and falls when you exhale. Children perform an exercise - chest breathing.

You are breathing. So there is air? Can you see air?

Children: No!

Educator: Correct! The air cannot be seen. What can we conclude?

Conclusion: There is air, but it is invisible!

(The teacher puts out the first card - “clean”.)

Experience 2.

The teacher distributes rubber toys of various shapes and balloons to the children.

Educator: What is inside these objects?

Children: Air!

Educator: What shape do our toys have?

Children name the shape of balls and toys.

Educator: We have different shapes of toys, there is air inside them! This means that air fills the space in which it is located. So what can we conclude? Does air have its own shape?

Children: No!

Educator: Correct! Air has no form! (The teacher puts out the corresponding card No. 2).

Conclusion: Air takes the shape of the vessel it is inside!

Experience 3.

Educator: Inhale through your nose, then exhale. (Children do a breathing exercise: inhale and exhale.) Now take a deep breath through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

Children take a deep breath and exhale.

Do you smell anything?

Children: No!

Educator: Correct! The air has no smell!

(The teacher puts out the corresponding card No. 3).

Conclusion: The air has no smell!

Experience 4.

The children come to the table. The teacher places inflated and uninflated balloons on a balanced scale.

What do we see? (The bowl with the inflated balloon outweighed.) What conclusion can be drawn? Does air have weight or not?

Educator: Correct! Air has weight!

(The teacher puts out the corresponding card No. 4).

Conclusion: Air has weight!

Experience 5.

In front of you are two plastic boats: one with a hole, the other without a hole. Let's check whether the boat will sink if it is placed on water. First, let's take a boat without a hole and lower it into the water.

Children take a boat without a hole and put it in the water; and watch her.

What's going on with the boat?

Children: She doesn't drown!

Educator: Now we take the boat with the hole and lower it into the water.

Children take a boat with a hole and lower it into the water.

Educator: What's going on with the boat?

Children: She's drowning!

Educator: What keeps the first boat on the surface of the water? Why doesn't she drown? The air holds her up. And the second boat sank because the water displaced the air.

(The teacher puts out a card with a picture of a ship.)

Educator: What is shown in the picture? Why don't ships sink?

Children: Children's answers.

A game

You and I are bubbles that ended up at the bottom of the river. Let's show what will happen to us?

Children sit on their knees, bending as low as possible. Then slowly raise their head and straighten their back; rise to their knees, slowly stand up, performing wave-like movements.

While the game was being played, “Auntie-Dunno” appeared and removed the cards. The children return to their seats.

Educator: Oh! Guys! Where are our cards?

“Auntie Dunno”: I was the one who took your cards. They are not beautiful! I'll give you better! (takes out different pictures from the bag and puts them on the board. Walks away and admires). Look how beautiful the butterflies and cats are...!

Educator: What have you done, “Auntie-Dunno”? These are not easy cards. Children can tell a lot about air from them!

“Auntie-Neznayushka”: And what can you know a lot about him, air is air!

Educator: Give us back the cards and listen to what the children will tell you about air!

“Auntie Dunno”: Take your cards.

The teacher takes the cards and distributes them to the children. Those who have the cards repeat the properties of air.

“Auntie-Neznayushka”: Thank you, guys! I didn’t even know that you could learn so many interesting things about air!

Subject:“Learn to regret and take care.”

Target: awaken a feeling of compassion and pity for the inhabitants of nature who are in trouble; teach children to distinguish true pity from false; develop observation, logical thinking, imagination.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher informs the children that today they have a wonderful exhibition of drawings “We are friends of nature.” These are drawings made by children and their parents.

Guys, tell us what you wanted to show in these drawings. (A bird in a cage is a bird on a tree; animals in the forest are animals in the zoo; a frog in a jar is a frog by the river; a beetle in a box is a beetle on a flower; a lizard in a box is a lizard on a pebble, etc.)

Children express opinions about their drawings and the drawings of their friends.

Where do living creatures feel better: in the wild or in captivity?

Do you have any animals or birds at home? (Children talk about animals that live or once lived in the house, how they got into the house, etc.)

Listen to N. Sladkov’s story “Zhaleikin and the Little Frog.”

Under a hummock, in a damp swamp, Zhaleikin noticed a small, weak frog.

- Poor, unfortunate baby! - exclaimed Zhaleikin. - How bad it is for you, poor thing, in this dirty swamp! Dark, damp, cold! But don't be discouraged! I will save you, you will feel good and cozy in my home.

At home, Zhaleikin put the little frog in the most beautiful painted box, laid soft dry cotton wool on the bottom, placed the box in the warm sun and laughed cheerfully with joy.

- Remember, little frog, my worries! You will now live in warmth, dryness and cleanliness. Not like in your dirty swamp!

But the frog is not happy. But the frog is not having fun. He feels very bad, he is barely alive. It overheated in the sun, dried out and became entangled in cotton wool.

When Zhaleikin saw him, he roared. He drenched the little frog in tears, and just in time: a little more - and the little frog would have died. Zhaleikin rushed with the frog to the swamp. The very same place where it’s damp, dirty and cold, but where the frog feels just as good as Zhaleikin in his warm and clean room.

This is the story N. Sladkov wrote. Why do you think the frog almost died? What conditions did Zhaleikin create for him? In what conditions do frogs live in their home - in nature? (The teacher shows a picture of a swamp or pond.)

Yes, it is damp here, there are a lot of midges, mosquitoes, and vegetation. Fun for the little frog! This is his home. In the spring, you probably all heard “frog choirs.” Frogs are so common and familiar that it is difficult to imagine a wet forest, meadow or pond without them. Meanwhile, in many countries frogs have already become rare. This is a warning to people: frogs must be protected! And in any case, do not take them from their natural home to your home, as if out of pity. In fact, a person destroys a living, harmless creature. Everything that exists in nature must be preserved, regardless of our attitude towards certain animals and plants. There are no useful or harmful animals in nature, each species is important, each has its own role and habitat. "Needed where was born".

Outdoor game "Frogs and Heron".

Guys, how to recognize true friends of nature? How to properly take care of “our little brothers”?

Listen to another story by N. Sladkov, “Zhaleikin and the Woodpecker.”

Zhaleikin came to the birch grove. He hears someone knocking like an ax. Zhaleikin crept up and saw: a woodpecker sitting on a birch tree and pecking at it with all his might. Only chips fly. I felt sorry for the birch.

- Shoo, you nasty bird! - Zhaleikin shouted. - You will ruin all the birches with your carrying!

And he threw a stick at the woodpecker. He drove the woodpecker away, but did not notice that the woodpecker was hollowing out a dry birch tree, clearing it of beetles, larvae and caterpillars.

Bark beetles, tree beetles, and carpenter beetles have multiplied. The birch trees in the grove began to hurt and dry out. And Zhaleikin, you know, protects the grove from woodpeckers. Either with a stick at a woodpecker, or with a slingshot. There was a living, cheerful grove, but it became dead dead wood and fallen trees.

Guys, why did the writer name the boy Zhaleikin? Why do you think Zhaleikin drove the woodpecker away? Did he do the right thing? Why? What did Zhaleikin not know about? What happened to the tree after Zhaleikin drove away the woodpecker? Why are there no leaves on the birch tree? Who ate them? What was Zhaleikin surprised when he came to the forest for the second time? Do you think he was upset? Because of which? Do you feel sorry for Zhaleikin? Who do you feel sorry for? Do you think Zhaleikin realized his mistake? Have you always done the right thing in nature?

There are many such compassionate Zhaleikins. There are them among you guys too.

Remember the times in your life when you “felt sorry” for little baby animals and chicks and how it all turned out for them.

How should you spare plants and animals so as not to harm them?

So, you need to feel sorry for natural inhabitants, but feel sorry for them skillfully, not the way Zhaleikin did. What does it mean to regret correctly? (Children's answers).

To have pity means not to harm, not to destroy, not to ruin, not to deprive animals of their home, but to help, feed, and provide assistance to wounded, maimed and distressed animals. For example, to feel sorry for the way Grandfather Mazai felt sorry for the hares, saving the hares from the flood.

- Listen to an excerpt from N. Nekrasov’s poem “Grandfather Mazai and the Hares.”

I'm just getting firewood

I went in a boat - there are a lot of them from the river

In the spring the flood comes to us -

I go and catch them. The water is coming.

I see one small island -

The hares gathered on it in a crowd.

Then I arrived: their ears were chattering,

You can't move; I took one

He commanded the others: jump yourself!

My hares jumped - nothing!

The oblique team just sat down,

The entire island disappeared under water.

A gnarled log floated past,

Sitting, and standing, and lying flat,

About a dozen hares escaped on it.

I caught my hook on a twig

And he dragged the log behind him...

I drove the log tightly to the shore,

The boat moored - and: “God bless!” said...

And with all my might

The bunnies ran

And I said to them: “Uh-uh!”

Live, little animals!

Guys, do you think Grandfather Mazai felt sorry for the hares?

Does Grandfather Mazai look like Zhaleikin? How is it similar? Why is it not similar?

What did Grandfather Mazai do with the hares when they were threatened by water?

How can we see that Grandfather Mazai is a kind person? Do you know people like grandfather Mazai? Would you like to be like this? What should friends of nature do for this?

The teacher invites the children to remember cases from personal experience, how they helped nature, and make drawings.