There are two theories about the origin of the name Kirill. Supporters of the first version are inclined to believe that it has ancient roots and comes from the Greek word “cyr” - lord, ruler. According to other sources, the name came from Ancient Persia, where it was compared to the sun.

Kirill is a sonorous and very rare name. At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, the name was somewhat popular, with approximately 5 babies out of 1000 receiving it at birth, but gradually the percentage decreased and it lost its former glory, only occasionally reminding of itself.

Kirill - character traits

Kiryusha grows up as a curious and inquisitive child who wants to know everything in the world. He will see something new and will certainly arrange a biased interrogation. Parents, be patient, because your baby will poke his nose everywhere and demand answers to all questions. Kirill has a unique memory and has been drawn to knowledge from an early age.

At school, the boy becomes an object of praise from teachers, as he is constantly developing and working on himself. He is often proud of it. Classmates do not like the nerd, for this reason Kirill has few friends. Even with them, he does not miss the chance to show off his knowledge and erudition; he often argues, furiously proving that he is right. The child clearly has inflated self-esteem.

Adult Kirill is stubborn and overly demanding of people, putting himself on a pedestal. He will not obey or bend under anyone, strives for power and often achieves success. He is a strict but fair leader. Only he lacks gentleness and tolerance. Kirill occasionally has fun with friends. Many people have the impression that he is too serious. And in fact it is so! How else? You need to manage everything, do everything – there’s no time for fun at all!

Kirill is a man of his word; if he promises something, he will definitely fulfill his promise. Such useful qualities as perseverance, independence and hard work help him achieve success in any field. He is not afraid of obstacles and does not experience fear of the unknown, but simply moves forward.

Kirill is always impeccable, he takes care of himself and will not allow himself to appear in society in a sloppy manner. He will demand the same from his chosen one. In addition, she must be smart and intellectually developed. A woman's appearance is not of fundamental importance to him. Kirill marries for great love, but rarely expresses his fiery feelings.

Despite high self-esteem and a certain amount of selfishness, Kirill is a fairly balanced person who knows how to keep himself within the bounds of decency. In addition, he is a faithful husband and an excellent father who will go out of his way to make his child happy.

Kirill - name compatibility

An ideal marriage would be with Angelica, Veronica, Anfisa, Ekaterina, Irina, Victoria, Regina, Yana. Stability should be expected with Anna, Albina, Daria, Vera, Lisa, Zoya, Inga, Christina, Lydia, Natalya, Polina and Tatyana.

Rarely do relationships develop with representatives of the names: Anastasia, Tonya, Valeria, Galina, Varvara, Inna, Elena, Larisa, Ksenia, Maria and Svetlana.

Famous people named Kirill

— Moscow Patriarch and All Rus';
— K. Alexandria – theologian and interpreter of Holy Scripture;
- K. Kondrashin - People's Artist of the USSR;
— Emperor Kirill I;
— K. Eskov – writer and scientist;
— K. Serebrennikov – film director;
— K. Lavrov – an outstanding theater and film actor;
— K. Tolmatsky (Decl) – former rapper;
— K. Pirogov – actor;
— K. Serikov is an athlete.

Kirill - interesting facts about the name

— zodiac sign – Capricorn;
- patron planet - Saturn;
- name colors - dark yellow, brown, golden, coffee;
- plants symbolizing the name - fir, crocus;
- animals - elephant, deer, pelican, dolphin;
- talisman stone - sapphire.

1. Personality: living in two dimensions

2.Color: red

3. Main features: will - sexuality - intelligence - health

4. Totem plant: corn

5. Totem animal: seal

6. Sign: Scorpio

7. Type. It is difficult to describe their character, since they live in two elements, like a seal, living both in water and on land.

8. Psyche. It is never known in what form they will appear. These are unexpected people. They are objective, self-confident, and not influenced. They look timid, but this is only an appearance.

9. Will. They have a strong will, which they successfully use to their advantage.

10. Excitability. Very weak.

11. Reaction speed. Fast, in an argument they are capable of sharp attacks that injure their interlocutors; it is better not to get into a verbal altercation with such men.

12. Field of activity. They want to know for whom and what they are working for. From their youth, they need a clearly defined goal. They make excellent judges, industrialists, and doctors.

13. Intuition. Highly developed.

14. Intelligence. They are endowed with a synthetic and analytical mind, excellent memory and healthy curiosity.

15. Receptivity. They are able to understand everything, observe people kindly and carefully. They express emotions with restraint and should not be forced to demonstrate their feelings.

16. Morality. We can say that they have the moral principles of a soldier, accustomed to acting according to regulations, who does not have his own opinion.

17. Health. In general, it doesn’t give them much trouble. Weak parts of the body are the blood circulation and the digestive system.

18. Sexuality. Men with this type of character are introduced early to the joys of life, without, however, allowing themselves to be drawn into undesirable situations. They get real pleasure from sex, but always remain tactful. These are men who manage to easily win the trust and love of women. They are loyal and reliable, capable of strong love.

19. Activity. As managers, they demand iron discipline from their subordinates, while simultaneously creating a family atmosphere in the team.

20. Sociability. Guests are received on a grand scale, spending a lot of money on it.

21. Conclusion. These are people with a very strong character, top-class men. Their only drawback is the desire to take their partner by surprise.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: "Lord" (Greek)

Energy and character of the name Kirill

The intensity of this name is not immediately noticeable. In terms of energy, there is a sense of significant strength and hardness in him, perhaps even excessive. At the same time, it sounds rather closed, little inclining its owner to an external manifestation of strength. Usually the name gives Kirill moderate calmness and cheerfulness, but with the emergence of any problems in his soul, tension begins to grow, especially noticeable in adolescence, when it often makes Kirill overly irritable. And even in his more mature years, behind his apparent poise, one can sometimes discern a readiness to instantly bristle and stand up for himself.

Most often, Kirill loves good companies, although he prefers to stay quite independently in them, and if something goes wrong, he can easily leave it. At the same time, balance with strangers in the family circle sometimes turns into excessive severity and exactingness, because somewhere he needs to pour out the accumulating discontent. However, if Kirill’s wife also has a fairly strong character, then, most likely, he will cede primacy to her and begin to look for release either in work or on the side.

Nevertheless, all this endows Kirill’s character with such useful qualities as the ability to work patiently, independence, enviable performance, the ability to work in a team, and many others. Of course, Kirill has a good chance of achieving significant success in his career or business, but in order to experience full happiness, he needs to pay attention to the weaknesses of his character, in the development of which his name also plays a significant role.

Disadvantages of the name Kirill

Lack of softness and ductility. This can lead to an overly painful perception of conflict situations, exacerbating Kirill’s already well-developed pride. Sometimes scandals leave such a deep mark on his soul that he can remember the offense for a very long time, however, most likely, he will try to avoid new conflicts in the future, which may be perceived by others as peacefulness. It happens that life's blows force him to seek reassurance in cynicism, but this solution can hardly be called the best. It is most favorable for Kirill if his upbringing included a fairly easy attitude towards life and himself, as well as the ability to laugh at himself not only externally, but also internally.

Secrets of communication: Usually Kirill values ​​his independence, but often people, seduced by his apparent balance, try to actively influence him and quietly make an enemy. It also happens that someone unwittingly becomes a source of irritation for Kirill. It is unlikely that things will come to a scandal, however, an astute person will be able to notice the growing tension in his soul. In this case, you can defuse the situation by switching the conversation to a topic where Kirill feels like a professional. If you are able to discern his merits in this area, then, most likely, instead of irritation, mutual respect will appear between you.

Famous people named Kirill

Kirill Razumovsky

Field Marshal General, the last hetman of Ukraine and the organic husband of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, Count Kirill Razumovsky (1728–1803) was at one time a very prominent figure in the Russian state. Possessing all the necessary qualities of character - courage, strong will, the ability to subjugate people, Kirill Razumovsky, among other things, received an excellent education abroad and for many years was the permanent president of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

To this day, there are many historical anecdotes about this man, describing the character of Count Razumovsky as a person who knew how to appreciate someone else’s joke and loved to joke himself.

Thus, one day Razumovsky’s niece, Sofya Apraksina, who was in charge of his entire household, categorically demanded that the count reduce the number of his servants, whom he clearly could not afford to support. After carefully listening to his niece’s arguments, Razumovsky replied:

“I agree with you that I don’t need these people, but first ask them if they need me.” If they give up on me, then I will give up on them without argument.

Another time, when Razumovsky was playing cards with Catherine II, the captain standing on guard called him. The Count left and returned a few minutes later.

- What happened? – the empress asked with interest.

- So, madam, a trifle: Mr. Captain was a little offended. There, in the guardroom, on the wall they painted a full-length portrait of him with a long scythe and a sword in his hands and signed: “Tran-tararan, Bulgakov is a brave captain.”

– And how did you solve this important matter?

“I ordered, if the portrait is similar, to leave it, if not, to erase it.”

The Empress burst out laughing.

According to Higir

Of ancient Greek origin, a diminutive of Cyrus - lord, ruler, according to other sources, from the Greek word “sun”.

Little Kirill is interested in everything: why the bubbles in sparkling water rise up, and why he was born alone, and his friend was born with his sister... As soon as he learns to read, he strives to read everything that is in the house, and thanks to his good memory, many things are beautiful remembers. He learns the rules of good behavior early, teachers have no trouble with him and often set him as an example to other children. However, he is an egoist, and his peers do not like him: Kirill will never give advice to his deskmate who is in a difficult situation, or allow him to write off a test. He is ambitious and strives to be the first everywhere; Colleagues often consider him a careerist.

Character and compatibility of the name Kirill

Kirill most often has one child. He can have a purebred beautiful dog, but caring for it will fall on the shoulders of his wife. He strives to live separately from his mother-in-law, with whom mutual hostility is immediately (and often forever) established. Outwardly, however, this hardly manifests itself: Kirill has good self-control, and he can hide his feelings. He is one of the people with high self-esteem. Inferiority complexes are almost unknown to him, but if he has them, then those around him will never guess about it. He loves to show off and constantly expects praise for his intelligence, subtle taste, manner of behavior, and ability to dress. Even when choosing a wife, he thinks first of all about what impression she will make on others.

Kirill is a big arguer; it is almost impossible to convince him of anything. Likes to speculate on abstract topics. He’s not picky about food, doesn’t refuse help around the house, but doesn’t show much initiative either. Jealous. As a rule, he does not cheat on his wife.

According to many sources, Kirill’s wife would be one of those whose names are Ada, Alla, Angela, Veta, Gelena, Elena, Margarita, Oksana, Rimma, Yana. The likelihood of an unsuccessful marriage is high with Aurora, Agnia, Alevtina, Valeria, Ekaterina, Lydia, Maya, Marianna, Nadezhda, Ruslana, Emma.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

Kirill clearly separates love and sex. In sexual relationships, he not only seeks sensual pleasure and relaxation, but also strives to achieve inner comfort and mental balance. His sexual energy is often directed towards the implementation of his plans and is a means of achieving a specific, not at all sexual, goal. He knows how to relax during sex, combine romance with eroticism, and introduce elements of fiction, fantasy, and play into sexual intercourse. For Kirill, the foreplay of intercourse is very important; in love games, he is inventive and knows how to give his partner maximum pleasure.

But not all Kirills are like this, some of them are indecisive and can get lost at a decisive moment (in particular, the “January” ones). “Summer” Kirill is usually handsome and ambitious, the latter makes itself felt in intimate relationships - they mainly serve as a means for him to establish himself in his masculine abilities. He also has breakdowns, but he endures them calmly, without panicking. Perhaps, on the contrary, they give him the persistence to once again take his toll, to make up for lost time. He knows how to look after beautifully, seducing his partner, literally bewitching her with his words. Kirill is a well-organized person, and this quality of his is also manifested in intimate relationships with women. He does not like spontaneous sex, quick sex, but tries to plan and arrange everything with maximum convenience. He is patient with his partner, knows how to wait and understand her problems.

“Autumn” Kirill does not tolerate it when a woman imposes her plan of action on him; in sex, he should feel like a leader, not a follower.

According to Popov

Passion for his chosen line of work makes Kirill an egoist of the highest order. But he is delicate enough not only not to hurt the pride of those around him, but also to force them to grist for his mill. Possessing a rare sense of purpose, Kirill, as a rule, brings all his cherished plans to life.

Winter Kirill distinguished by hard work, diligence, and attentiveness to others. He is sensitive to the grief of others, will always lend a helping hand and protect those who need it. He can be called the darling of fate, who does not have to make any special efforts to realize his plans.

Spring Kirill he is closed and secretive, so you should not expect him to show feelings and emotions. Despite this, he is very good-natured and noble, for which his close people love and respect him. Kirill, born in spring, is a romantic and a dreamer who lives in his own unusual world.

Summer Kirill has charm and charm. It is always easy and fun to communicate with him, so he is always welcome in any company. Year-old Kirill devotes a lot of time to studying philosophy and psychology, which helps him competently build both working and personal relationships.

Autumn Kirill has an analytical mind. A leader by nature, he strives to achieve maximum heights in all areas of life. His life is always planned out, so any “surprises” can throw him out of balance (and it doesn’t matter whether these “surprises” are good or bad).

Stone - talisman

Kirill's talisman stone is a yellow sapphire.

Sapphire is a stone of fidelity and chastity, modesty and at the same time power, love of truth, justice, wisdom, purity and constancy.

This stone helps clarify consciousness and helps to explore the unknown, therefore it is considered a talisman for philosophers, scientists, travelers and poets.

In the East, sapphire symbolizes friendship and selflessness (it is also believed that it helps get rid of laziness and gain self-confidence).

If we talk about the magical properties of this stone, then, firstly, it protects its owner from fear and deception; secondly, it helps strengthen marriage and love relationships.


Lucky colors for Kirill are red, blue, brown and yellow (more detailed information about these colors can be obtained from the article “The influence of the zodiac sign and the color of the name on a person’s life”).


The number favorable to Cyril is four (you can read about this number in the article “Elements, planets and numbers in human life”).




Animal - symbol

Animal symbols of Kirill are the deer and the seal.


This animal, which is a type of deer, symbolizes gentleness, grace, speed and intuition. The male maral is the personification of strength, courage, nobility and determination.

In the Christian tradition, the deer symbolizes rebirth, renewal, purity, hermitage and piety. This is a symbol of Jesus, associated with the human soul that seeks to hear the word of God.


This is an ambiguous symbol that represents both playfulness and ease, as well as parental protection. The seal is also believed to represent slowness, sincerity and good nature.


Plants that patronize Kirill are corn, crocus and fir.


This cereal crop symbolizes abundance and peace, representing the strength of the Earth. Corn is also a symbol of child health, procreation, family unity and mutual understanding.


Saffron (that's what crocus is also called) is a symbol of modesty, selflessness, hope, rebirth, wealth and joy, bringing joy, fun and unity.

This plant will improve financial well-being, strengthen love, speed up the healing process and bring peace and tranquility to life.


This powerful plant personifies security, reliability and confidence in the future. In addition, fir is a symbol of beauty, health and longevity.


Cyril's metals are tin and electrum.


This metal symbolizes flexibility and the ability to find a compromise in any situation, which helps to overcome various life difficulties with ease.


This rare metal is an alloy of silver and gold, so it contains the properties of both of these metals.

Thus, electrum is a symbol of perfection, prosperity, dignity, power, wealth, chosenness, purity, warmth and wisdom.

However, this metal also has negative properties: in the wrong hands it can become a symbol of depravity and destruction.

Auspicious day


Origin of the name Kirill

Name translation

From the ancient Greek language the name Cyril is translated as “powerful”, “strong”, “possessing power”.

History of the name

There are two versions of the origin of the name Kirill. According to one version, this name is a form of the ancient Greek name Cyrus. According to another version, the name has Persian roots and comes from the word “sun”.

In Rus', this name became popular during the formation of Christianity (this was the name of the Christian saint and missionary who, with his brother Methodius, created the Slavic alphabet).

Forms (analogues) of the name

Common forms of the name Kirill: Kir, Kiryusha, Kiryukha, Kirillushka, Kirilchik, Kira, Kirka, Kiryunya, Kirya, Kirilka, Kiryasha.

The legend of the name Kirill

Saint Equal to the Apostles Cyril, together with his elder brother Methodius (they are also called the Thessaloniki brothers, since they were born in the city of Thessaloniki) received an excellent education.

Kirill, who was ordained a presbyter at an early age, was the librarian of the cathedral church, and combined his work with teaching philosophy. In order to find solitude, he went to Mount Olympus, where his brother was at that time, but the solitude did not last long, as Emperor Michael sent the brothers to spread the Christian faith among the Khazars. They managed to persuade the Khazar prince and his people to accept Christianity.

In 862, the emperor sent the brothers to Moravia, where they were to preach Christianity in the Slavic language. Together, Saints Cyril and Methodius not only created the Slavic alphabet, but also translated the holy books (Gospel, Apostle, Psalter) into the Slavic language. It was these saints who were the first to conduct divine services in the newly formed language.

Cyril, who was naturally sickly, died at the age of 42, bequeathing his brother Methodius to continue Christian education.

The secret of the name Kirill

Patrons of the name

  • Archbishop Kirill of Alexandria.
  • Saint Equal to the Apostles Cyril.
  • Martyr Kirill.
  • Venerable Cyril of Radonezh.
  • Venerable Kirill of Novoezersk.
  • Bishop Kirill of Turov.
  • Martyr Cyril of Rome.
  • Venerable Kirill of Astrakhan.
  • Martyr Cyril of Sebaste.
  • Archbishop Kirill of Jerusalem.
  • Archbishop Kirill of Katansky.
  • Martyr and Deacon Kirill.
  • Venerable Kirill of Chelmogorsk.
  • Rev. Kirill Alfanov (or Sokolnitsky).
  • Bishop Kirill of Rostov.
  • Venerable Kirill Belozersky.
  • Blessed Kirill Velsky.
  • Hieromartyr and Bishop Cyril of Gortyn.
    Venerable Martyr Cyril of Zograf.
  • Venerable Cyril Phileot.

Angel's Day (name day)

January: 31st.

February: 17th and 27th.

March: 3rd, 18th, 22nd and 31st.

April: 3rd and 11th.

May: 11th, 17th, 23rd and 24th.

June: 3rd, 22nd and 30th.

July: 19th and 22nd.

August: 15th.

September: 19th.

October: 11th and 23rd.

November: 11th and 20th.

December: 15th and 21st.

Famous people

Famous athletes named Kirill:

  • Kirill Koltsov - Russian hockey player;
  • Kirill Pishchalnikov - Russian basketball player;
  • Kirill Fesenko - Ukrainian basketball player;
  • Kirill Sidelnikov - Russian sambo wrestler and martial artist;
  • Kirill Nababkin is a Russian football player.

Famous directors and artists named Kirill:

  • Kirill Lavrov;
  • Kirill Serebrennikov;
  • Kirill Pirogov;
  • Kirill Demin;
  • Kirill Stolyarov.

Famous musicians named Kirill:

  • Kirill Pokrovsky - keyboardist of the rock band "Aria";
  • Kirill Kondrashin - Russian conductor;
  • Kirill Tolmatsky (better known by his stage name Decl);
  • Kirill Chistov - famous Russian folklorist;
  • Kirill Ramium (or Ramium).

Famous writers and poets named Kirill:

  • Kirill Safonov;
  • Kirill Eskov;
  • Kirill Yakimets.

Patriarch of Moscow, as well as all Rus' - Kirill.

Kirill Lascari is a Russian choreographer and ballet dancer.

Meaning of the name Kirill

For a child

Little Kirill is precocious, inquisitive and sociable. He learns to read early, because it is from books that he draws a lot of useful and interesting information. Moreover, wherever Kirill is, he actively explores the world around him. It is not surprising that this calm and diligent boy studies well, without causing any trouble to his parents or teachers.

But! It is extremely important not to overpraise Kirill, who from a good-natured and smiling boy can turn into a narcissistic arrogant and selfish person who will be disliked by his peers.

Already in childhood, Kirill begins to behave like a little gentleman, but he is truly gallant, responsive and kind only to those closest to him.

Kiryusha loves praise and recognition, and therefore always tries to be the best and the first. Even in a dispute, he is of little interest in the truth in the first instance; the main thing is to show erudition and eloquence. In order to achieve his goal, this little actor will skillfully pretend to be a “good boy” and hide his negative traits. At the same time, he sincerely does not understand why they don’t want to be friends with him either in the yard or at school.

For a teenager

As a teenager, Kirill acquires such qualities as stubbornness, irritability and intolerance to the shortcomings of other people, which can interfere with gaining respect among his peers. In addition, he often gets involved in various adventures, which may not always end in a “happy ending”.

His ambition, ambition and desire to rule often lead to the fact that he can easily overstep the feelings of people who trust him. And Kirill puts his own (selfish) meaning into the concept of “friendship,” preferring to “be friends” exclusively with necessary and useful people. He still loves to “show off” his intellect, and therefore will gladly support any philosophical conversation about the frailty of existence.

Kirill’s intelligence, self-confidence and self-esteem undoubtedly help him make his way in life, because this person considers himself the chosen one, and “fortune” is very favorable to such individuals. In addition, he knows how to correctly “present” himself in any company, which is important for gaining respect and authority.

Among the positive character traits of a young man with this name one can note: activity, willpower, firmness, assertiveness and objectivity (the main thing is that these qualities are not exaggerated in Kirill). It is extremely important for him to learn to clearly set goals for himself, otherwise he will take on everything at once, and in the end he will be left with nothing.

In general, Kirill has a rather complex and contradictory character; moreover, he is impulsive and prone to rash actions, which can negatively affect his adult life.

For a man

Adult Kirill is a real egoist and careerist, for whom it is not acceptable to be the “second violin” in the orchestra, so his colleagues often dislike him, which does not upset Kirill at all. However, with age, he still becomes calmer, organized and balanced, realizing that emotionality and temper can harm his career growth and building a family life.

His attitude towards friendship in general and friends in particular also changes: for example, among friends, Kirill forgets about severity and restraint, turning into a devoted and responsive friend with whom it is always a pleasure to spend time. But even his friends should remember that this person does not know how to correctly perceive criticism and do “work on mistakes.”

What cannot be taken away from Kirill is prudence: this man always carefully considers his every action, and in making decisions he is never guided by feelings and emotions, considering this the lot of weak and not very smart people. The adventurism inherent in his youthful nature disappears without a trace over the years.

Description of the name Kirill


Despite his intelligence and gallantry, Kirill cannot be called a highly moral person, although he is accustomed to acting in accordance with accepted moral standards. And the whole point is that the owner of this name can easily adapt any principles “to suit himself,” especially in cases where breaking the rules promises benefits.


Kirill has had excellent health since childhood. In his adult life, he tries to keep himself in shape, because what he looks like is extremely important to him. The only thing Kirill should pay attention to is his diet, since he is predisposed to diseases of the digestive system.


A perfectionist in everything, Kirill chooses his life partner very carefully and scrupulously. It is important for him that his woman is beautiful, feminine, sexy and spectacular, because she will have to match her charming and attractive man.

Kirill is very jealous, although he will never show it (and in general he rarely shows his feelings towards his beloved, although he himself will demand maximum attention and affection). Most often, he falls in love not with a woman, but with her attitude towards him, so his chosen one will have to try hard to truly make the selfish Kirill fall in love with her.

The owners of this name know how to look after beautifully, they easily win both the trust and love of women, while they are capable of deep and strong feelings.


For his wife, Kirill chooses an intelligent, beautiful, calm, caring, but at the same time strong-willed and powerful woman, with whom he will not only be cozy and comfortable, but also interesting. It is important for Kirill that his wife makes an extremely favorable impression on others, so he will never tie his fate with a scandalous and conflict-ridden woman (he himself tries to avoid any showdowns and quarrels). Kirill will not cheat on his wife, because he considers such behavior unworthy of a real man.

But his relationship with his mother-in-law rarely works out: on the contrary, a real cold war breaks out between them, while Kirill will never openly show his hostility towards his mother-in-law.

Family relationships

Kirill is an excellent family man who remains faithful to his wife, helps her with housework (although he is lazy by nature), and also takes an active part in raising his children. He is unpretentious either in everyday life or in food (the main thing is that he is loved and admired, then he will repay his household a hundredfold). Comfort for him is, first of all, a calm atmosphere in the house, the absence of quarrels and scandals.

It is also important that he often does not seek to establish his leadership in the family, easily transferring his powers to his wife, who, knowing a certain lack of initiative of her husband, takes the reins of government into her own hands.


Kirill, who clearly distinguishes such concepts as “love” and “sex,” tries to achieve perfection even in the intimate sphere: for example, a comfortable environment, a romantic atmosphere, and a spiritual connection with his partner are important to him. He strives not only to get pleasure himself, but also to give it to his chosen one, while he prefers to take the initiative into his own hands, while he will not tolerate the dominance of his partner in love games.

Kirill, who early learns all the delights of intimate life, loves variety, so he tries to introduce an element of play into sex, so he needs a liberated woman who is ready to support his fantasies.

The owner of this name amazingly combines passion and calm, conservatism and originality, sensuality and tact.

Mind (intelligence)

Kirill is characterized by prudence and pragmatism, which is quite natural, given his analytical mind and ability to synthesize information. The listed qualities, supported by high intelligence, excellent memory and natural curiosity, help him easily achieve his goals.


Thanks to the ability to quickly navigate a situation and make the right decisions, thanks to responsibility and stubbornness, Kirill can become a successful economist, financier, engineer, programmer, lawyer, designer or doctor. But in creative professions, Kirill will be no less in demand, since he has such qualities as eccentricity and charm. Whatever profession Kirill chooses, he should show strength of character, dedication, determination and willpower.

Kirill will make a strict and demanding, but fair boss, demanding discipline and responsibility from his subordinates.


Original ideas and hard work will certainly bring Kirill success in any field of activity, but subject to two main conditions:

  • if he can properly organize his business, and for this he must be its sole owner (owners of this name cannot work with partners because they are not ready to share power);
  • if he gets rid of youthful maximalism and excessive self-confidence.

Willfulness and independence can also become an obstacle to the implementation of your plans. Kirill lacks such qualities as softness and plasticity.


Kirill is a big fan of arguing, and it is almost impossible to out-argue him. He is passionate and inquisitive, so in his free time from arguing and conducting philosophical conversations he prefers to read, thereby expanding his already broad horizons.

Character type


Kirill is a touchy, capricious and vindictive person who will never forget or forgive his offender. Moreover, as soon as the opportunity presents itself, he will definitely take revenge. Therefore, it is better to be careful in statements regarding the advantages and disadvantages of Kirill.

The owner of this name is self-confident and selfish, but at the same time he is objective and fair, he values ​​honest and purposeful people who can go towards their goal, overcoming all difficulties.

Kirill's restraint is a defensive reaction through which he tries to protect himself from disappointment. In addition, he has overly developed leadership ambitions, so he cannot afford to show weakness.


Kirill has a highly developed intuition, but he does not use it, since in making decisions he is guided primarily by reason.

Horoscope named after Kirill

Kirill - Aries

He is an energetic, consistent, ambitious and very demanding person, accustomed to doing everything perfectly. There is no place for accidents and impulsive actions in his life, since Kirill-Aries is inclined to scrupulously plan his future. He often demands and expects from his chosen one what she cannot give him, so he marries quite late, carefully choosing his ideal woman.

Kirill - Taurus

This is a timid, naive and sensitive man with a fine mental organization, who hides his feelings and emotions behind a mask of indifference. At the same time, Cyril-Taurus is not at all a weak person; on the contrary, in a critical situation he is able to gather his will into a “fist” and resist any difficulties.

In relationships with women, Cyril-Taurus manifests himself as a faithful life partner, ready to give his love to one and only woman throughout his life.

Kirill - Gemini

Passions and emotions seethe in this person, which either subside or flare up with renewed vigor. The cool temperament of Kirill, born under this sign, and his changeable mood bring many problems and instability into the life of this man. Kirill-Gemini is often dissatisfied with his life in general and with himself in particular, so he tries to assert himself through his chosen one, whom he treats despotic and very harshly.

Kirill - Cancer

Kind and charming Kirill-Cancer has many friends and acquaintances, but at the same time he needs the love, warmth and care of his loved ones, to whom he is very emotionally attached. He is intelligent and well-mannered, gallant and attentive, therefore he is liked by women, whom he always treats like a gentleman (Kirill-Cancer, even having received a refusal, will never show rudeness or disrespect towards his chosen one).

Kirill - Leo

This proud and principled man is used to achieving everything on his own, and he never acts in a fit of passion or under the influence of emotions (his actions are verified and calculated, which helps to avoid various kinds of “unpleasant surprises”). Kirill-Lev is also reserved and calculating in relationships with representatives of the fair sex: thus, before deciding on a serious relationship, he will observe his future passion for a long time and evaluate her behavior. As a partner, Kirill-Lev is loyal and caring.

Kirill - Virgo

This is a rather reserved person who, at the first meeting, gives the impression of a friendly and sociable interlocutor. For Kirill-Virgo, it is important that order reigns in everything, so he tries to adhere to the rules and norms established in society. Such restraint and “correctness” are often perceived by women as coldness, which can negatively affect the personal life of Kirill-Virgo.

Kirill - Libra

This friendly and gentle person by nature does not like to be the center of attention (especially if this attention is associated with scandals and conflicts; on the contrary, he prefers to be an outside observer and maintain smooth relationships with the people around him). Kirill, born under the sign of Libra, has a strong sense of beauty: he is well versed in music, literature, cinema and women. Therefore, it is not surprising that only an intelligent, beautiful and well-mannered woman can become his passion.

Kirill - Scorpio

This is a domineering and reserved nature, focused exclusively on achieving the goals set for itself. Kirill-Scorpio is stubborn and persistent, he will never deviate from the intended plan and will not change his life principles, so it is extremely difficult to work, make friends, and even more so live with him. Kirill-Scorpio’s partner must come to terms with the fact that her life will sooner or later be completely subordinated to Kirill’s life and daily routine.

Kirill - Sagittarius

The inconsistency and independence of Kirill-Sagittarius both attract and repel at the same time, since it is not always easy to catch his mood and understand his train of thoughts. He is eloquent, sociable and has the gift of persuasion, which helps him climb the career ladder without any problems and win the favor of women, who must remember that Kirill-Sagittarius is very fickle in his feelings, and therefore should not be trusted.

Kirill - Capricorn

This secretive person, who prefers to live in his own separate world, adheres to conservative views on life, so you should not expect adventurous achievements from him. Cyril-Capricorn is vulnerable and touchy, so he hides his sensitivity behind a mask of Spartan calm and indifference. This behavior is also characteristic of him in relationships with women, since he is afraid of love disappointments and betrayal. He himself will be a faithful and reliable partner.

Kirill - Aquarius

This noble man combines strength, intelligence and reliability, but he is afraid to trust people, so he prefers to live like a lone wolf who values ​​his freedom and independence. Kirill-Aquarius knows how to love deeply and sincerely, but it is difficult for him to part with his bachelor lifestyle and entrust his destiny to a woman (he will connect his life only with the one whom he trusts one hundred percent).

Kirill - Pisces

This is a practical and pragmatic person who knows how to combine sober reason with intuition, to which Kirill-Pisces always listens. He is open and sincere, which cannot but endear him to people. But you have to be careful with this man, because in any acquaintance he is looking for his own benefit, which he will never miss. In love relationships, Kirill-Pisces is also accustomed to receiving more than giving, which his chosen one will have to come to terms with.

Compatibility of the name Kirill with female names

Kirill and Olga

The owners of these names have a tendency to lead, which often prevents them from building a strong and friendly family. In addition, neither Olga nor Kirill are able and do not want to admit their guilt, and, therefore, make compromises. There is love and passion between them, but there is no mutual understanding, without which the harmonious coexistence of two people is impossible.

Kirill and Anna

In this multifaceted and interesting union, the partners will not be bored, since both are constantly in search of themselves and their place in this life, both love to have philosophical conversations, not to mention the passion for travel that unites Kirill and Anna.

This tandem is based on love, understanding and common goals.

Kirill and Elena

Charming and impressive Kirill easily wins Elena's love, but he should not relax, since this union will not be cloudless, and all for the simple reason that Elena does not want to subordinate her life to Kirill's desires and give up her independence. Constant conflicts will lead to the couple breaking up.

Kirill and Yulia

Julia is a holiday woman who knows how to fill even routine family life with bright colors. She loves adventures, unlike the calm and balanced Kirill, who values ​​stability above all. Yulia's cheerfulness and Kirill's practicality help them create a strong and reliable tandem.

Kirill and Irina

This couple is often called ideal, because both partners not only love and appreciate each other, but also strive to expand their horizons through books, new acquaintances and visiting interesting places. Ira and Kirill know how to enjoy life, so they rarely quarrel, trying to find compromises, which is very important for a harmonious relationship.

Kirill and Anastasia

Both partners have a strong will, authority and ambition, which leads to constant conflicts. Nastya and Kirill quarrel over any issue, and their reconciliation process can drag on for weeks. Neither passion nor love can most often save this emotional union of two impulsive people.

Kirill and Tatiana

Calmness and regularity are the determining factors of this union, in which passions do not boil, which absolutely suits Kirill and Tanya. They live and work for the prosperity and well-being of their family, which is the main value in life for them. They find the meaning of life in each other, and not in visiting cheerful and noisy companies.

Kirill and Ekaterina

The owners of these names are vulnerable and touchy; they are sensitive to criticism addressed to them. Knowing this, Kirill and Katya try to show maximum care, tenderness, attention and tact towards each other, therefore there are practically no quarrels in their family, which has a beneficial effect on the development of their relationship.

Kirill and Natalya

Monotony does not threaten this interesting and diverse relationship, because Kirill and Natalya strive to achieve the same goals, they think in similar ways, and therefore act together. Rest for Kirill and Natasha is, first of all, spending time together away from the hustle and bustle.

Kirill and Marina

This beautiful, bright and eccentric couple leads an active lifestyle and hates everyday routine (especially for the female half of the couple). Kirill is powerful and ambitious, so he will try to suppress Marina’s love of freedom, which will provoke serious quarrels and scandals. As a result, the couple may cease to exist.

Kirill and Maria

There is no understanding in this union, since both Kirill and Maria are accustomed to putting their own interests above all else. Their high self-esteem and excessive selfishness prevent them from being gentle and loving partners who care about each other. On the contrary, their relationship often resembles a pathetic official relationship.

Kirill and Svetlana

Despite the fact that both partners have strong and powerful characters, the wise Svetlana knows how to make concessions, understanding that it is extremely important for Kirill to feel like the sole head of the family. The man in this union will give care and love as a sign of gratitude to his understanding woman.

Kirill and Christina

This strange, but surprisingly strong union unites two people with completely different characters. So, Kirill and Christina perfectly complement each other: he is an economist and pragmatist, she is a spendthrift and a dreamer.

He loves her for her cheerfulness and energy, and she loves him for her poise and masculinity.

Kirill and Victoria

The relationship between Victoria and Kirill is initially built on sexual attraction, which over time can develop into a deep feeling. However, another scenario is also possible: a connection that flared up quickly will fade away very quickly, leaving behind only a feeling of disappointment.

Kirill and Ksenia

Feelings rarely flare up between Kirill and Ksenia on their first dates. On the contrary, it will take a lot of time until they realize that they are made for each other. But if a feeling breaks out between them, it will be really deep and real. In addition, they will carry their love throughout their lives.

Kirill and Yana

If the relationship between Kirill and Yana is based on love, and not on cold calculation, then they are destined for a truly rosy future, in which there is a place for fame, material stability, and understanding between partners. In addition, the owners of these names can succeed if they start their own business.

Kirill and Alina

In this union, freedom-loving Alina will have to make concessions, otherwise a calm relationship will quickly develop into a struggle for power and leadership in the family. In general, Alina and Kirill will have to learn patience and try to smooth out all those rough edges, without which there can be no family life.

Kirill and Diana

These two see in each other not only their continuation and soul mate, but also true friends, which only strengthens their union. Kirill and Diana will not quarrel over money, because they consider it not a goal, but only a means to achieve their plans. They prefer to focus their energy on developing their relationships.

Kirill and Daria

Initiative Kirill takes guardianship of the gentle and calm Daria, who seems to have been created to give her husband and children her love and care. Dasha is ready to obediently implement her husband’s ideas and fulfill all his whims, because family for her is the basis of life. Kirill loves his feminine wife very much and tries to pamper her with his attention.

Kirill and Alena

Perfect harmony reigns in this purposeful couple, because passionate showdowns and emotional outbursts are alien to Kirill and Alena. They live a quiet and measured life, in which stability is valued above all else. The main thing is that one fine day both of them don’t get tired of the regularity and don’t want to bring variety to the relationship.

Kirill and Alexandra

Without mutual concessions and the desire to put up with each other's shortcomings, the union of Kirill and Alexandra will never be happy. And this is quite natural, because when two strong-willed and strong characters meet, one must submit in order to maintain peace and tranquility in the relationship.

Kirill and Lyudmila

Most often, this is not a very strong union, and the whole reason is that neither Kirill nor Lyudmila are ready to give up the family reins, which is why a real war breaks out, ultimately ending in divorce. In addition, the spouses are not ready to fully say goodbye to their freedom, which can also become a reason for quarrels.

Kirill and Polina

Both respect traditional family values, both are practical and prudent, which does not prevent them from loving each other sincerely and tenderly. It is not surprising that Kirill and Polina are a wonderful couple who are destined for a truly bright future, in which there will be passion, respect, and love.

Kirill and Valeria

The relationship between Kirill and Valeria develops slowly, which benefits them, since both have the opportunity to get to know each other well and understand whether they should start a serious relationship. Their different characters guarantee that the two of them will not be bored; on the contrary, they are guaranteed a real storm of lively and vivid feelings.

Patron planet of Kirill: Sun.

Favorable color for those named Kirill: yellow, symbolizing reason.

Kirill's favorite colors: green, red.

Stones - talismans of Kirill: emerald, pyrope.

From the history of the name Kirill

The name Cyril is of Greek origin (kyrios - “lord”, “lord”). This name is glorified by many prominent church figures.

Saint Cyril, Archbishop of Alexandria, came from a Christian family. In his youth, he spent six years in a monastery, then was ordained to the rank of deacon. After the death of Patriarch Theophilus in 412, he was elected to the patriarchal throne. It was a time of persistent struggle against heresy. The new patriarch opened his episcopal activity with the persecution of Novatian heretics and Jews. When Cyril managed to secure the condemnation of the Patriarch of Constantinople, Nestorius, he occupied a position in the East comparable to that of the powerful popes. In addition to his church activities, Saint Cyril left a large literary heritage, in particular commentaries on the books of the New and Old Testaments. The memory of the saint is honored on June 22. Many signs are associated with this day in Rus'. People say: “On Kirill, the end of spring, the beginning of summer,” “On Kirill, the sun gives all its strength to the earth.”

Another saint, Kirill Belozersky (in the world Kuzma), was born in Moscow and was tonsured a monk while still a young man. In 1397, at the age of 60, he founded the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery on the shores of Lake Siverskoye. Kirill was canonized in 1547, and the monastery became not only a religious center, but also the largest feudal landowner, and was active in trade in salt and fish.

Meaning of the name Kirill

Kirill loves to rule and assert himself in the eyes of others. His actions are largely determined by ambition. He is usually a passionate debater, and it is impossible to convince him.

Kirill is inquisitive and talented, successful in business and always looks respectable in appearance. In any situation, his presence of mind does not fail him; you can always rely on him. When choosing a wife, Kirill tends to evaluate how she will look next to him and what impression she will make on others. Usually in family life he remains faithful, but he himself is very jealous and suspicious, despite his inherent complacency.

Kirill is a very strong person with good energy. There is a hardness to it. Usually a person with this name is calm and cheerful, but when any problems arise, tension begins to build up in his soul - this is especially noticeable in adolescence, when it often makes Kirill overly irritable. And even in his more mature years, behind his apparent balance, one senses the ability to get irritated over trifles. Kirill values ​​his independence. If you are able to discern his merits, then most likely you will have respect for Kirill.

The name’s karma is at an average level, but is not burdened, since Kirill knows that he should not do harm to anyone.

By profession, he can be an announcer, work in a school, institute, or as a doctor.

In the natural world, Kirill's patrons are fir, the first crocus flower to appear from under the snow, and red deer, symbolizing the beauty and grace of appearance. The fir endows its follower with high analytical skills, scrupulousness and perseverance, and the crocus gives Kirill courage and masculine charm.

According to numerology, the name Kirill corresponds to the number 4, which gives a person reliability and integrity. People of this number are talented in a variety of fields of science and art.

Kirill's name day: January 31 (January 18), October 1 (September 28) - Cyril of Radonezh, father of St. Sergei of Radonezh.

February 17, May 24, February 14, May 11 - Cyril of Moravia, philosopher, Equal-to-the-Apostles Slovenian teacher.

Famous Kirills in history

Viewers are accustomed to associating the famous actor Kirill Lavrov with strong, strong-willed, “correct” people, such as his film hero, the general designer Bashkirtsev (the film “Taming of Fire”). However, the actor's talent is much more multifaceted. Suffice it to recall his performance as the failed composer Pachulsky in the film “Tchaikovsky” or his touching Count Karneev from the film “My Affectionate and Tender Beast.” Using the example of Lavrov’s personality, one can judge that the character of men named Kirill is multifaceted and unusual.

The holy Equal-to-the-Apostles enlighteners of the Slavs, brothers Cyril and Methodius, were born in the city of Thessaloniki (Macedonia). Cyril (in the world Constantine) was educated at the court of the Byzantine Emperor Michael III in Constantinople. He knew Slavic, Greek, Latin, Hebrew and Arabic well. Having abandoned his administrative career, Kirill became the patriarchal librarian, taught philosophy, for which he received the nickname Philosopher. In 863, Cyril and Methodius were sent by the emperor to Moravia to preach Christianity in the Slavic language and to help the Moravian prince Rostislav in the fight against the German feudal lords. Before leaving, Cyril created the Slavic alphabet and, with the help of Methodius, translated several liturgical books into Slavic. In the life of Cyril, the words of Emperor Michael III addressed to the creator of Slavic writing are conveyed as follows: “Philosopher, I know about your weaknesses. But only you deserve to go there. No one else can fulfill this request, only you.” “I am weak in body and sick, but I am glad to go naked and barefoot, so that the Slavs can acquire literacy in their language,” answered Kirill. The Orthodox Church honors the memory of the holy Slavic first teacher on February 27.

The famous Russian church writer and preacher of the 12th century, Kirill of Turov, was a bishop in the city of Turov and became famous as the author of solemn “Words”, teachings, prayers, and canons. In addition, from the writings of Cyril of Turov, his denunciations against the Rostov heretic Fedorets (“Parable of the Blind and Lame Man”) and letters to Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky have reached us. For the unusually figurative language of his works, the grace and height of style, contemporaries called Kirill “the Russian Chrysostom.” The church honors the memory of St. Cyril of Turov on May 11.

Kirill Lemokh is a painter, one of the founding members of the Association of Itinerants, the author of the paintings “The Orphan”, “New Acquaintance”, “Without a Breadwinner”.

Kirill Vladimirovich - Grand Duke, politician; grandson of Emperor Alexander II; Living in France, in 1924 he declared himself the head of the Romanov dynasty and a contender for the Russian throne.

Kirill Meretskov was a Soviet military leader, a participant in the Spanish Civil War, and during the Great Patriotic War he commanded troops of a number of armies and fronts.

Kirill Kondrashin - Russian conductor, one of the ten best conductors in the world; in 1978 he emigrated to Holland.

Kirill Stolyarov is a film actor who starred in the films “The Tale of First Love” and “Obelisk”.

Kirill Kiknadze is a sports commentator.

Kirill Baturin is a poet, he owns the poem “Moon”.

Kirill Pomerantsev is a poet. During World War II he was involved in the French Resistance movement.

Purpose of the work: 1. Try to unravel the mystery of my name and find out why I was called that. Tasks:
1. Study the meaning and origin
2. Which celebrities were named
by this name.


Dale Carnegie.


From the history of the name
The name Cyril is Greek
origin (kyrios - “lord”,
Translated from Greek, the name is Cyril,
means “Small Master”.
According to other sources, from Persian
words - sun.

Kirill loves to dominate and assert himself in the eyes
those around you. His actions are largely determined
ambition. He is usually a passionate debater, and it is difficult to convince him
Kirill is inquisitive and talented, successful in business and appearance
always looks respectable. In any situation, presence of mind
He doesn’t cheat on him, you can always rely on him.
Kirill is a very strong person with good energy. In him
hardness is present. Usually a person with this name has
calmness and cheerfulness, however, with the emergence of any problems, tension begins to increase in his soul - this
especially noticeable in adolescence, when it often makes
Kirill is too irritable. And even in his more mature years
the ability to be irritated by visible balance is felt
Kirill values ​​his independence. If you can
see its merits, then, most likely, you will have respect for

Patron planet of Kirill:
Favorable color for those with the name:
yellow, symbolizing reason.
Kirill's favorite colors:
green, red.
Stones - talismans of Kirill:
emerald, pyrope.
Forms and variants of the name Kirill:
Kirya, Kiryusha, Kiryushka, Kira, Kiryukha, Kirilka.

In the natural world, the patrons of Kirill
are the fir, the first to emerge from under
snow flower crocus and red deer,
symbolizing beauty and grace
external appearance. The fir endows its
driven by high analytical
ability, thoroughness and
perseverance, and the crocus gives Kirill courage
and masculine charm.
According to numerology, the name Kirill
corresponds to the number 4, which gives a person
reliability and integrity. The people of this
numbers are talented in a variety of fields
science and art.


Cyril (827-869) - saint, equal to the apostles, teacher of the Slavs.
He and his older brother Methodius, Slavs by origin,
were born in Macedonia, in the city of Thessaloniki. Kirill received a brilliant
education, received the rank of presbyter, was a librarian
cathedral church in Constantinople and teacher of philosophy.
In 857, Cyril and his brother were sent by the emperor
Michael to preach Christianity among the Khazars. The brothers convinced
the Khazars to accept Christianity, and begged the Khazar prince to release
with them to the homeland of all Greek captives.
In 862 the main work of the holy brothers began. By request
Prince Rostislav, the emperor sent them to Moravia to preach
Christianity in Slavic language. Cyril and Methodius compiled
the Slavic alphabet, which was later called the “Cyrillic alphabet”.
The saints translated the Gospel, the Apostle, and the Psalter into Slavic
and other liturgical books.

On their apostolic path brothers
experienced both insults and imprisonment,
sometimes hunger and thirst, many dangers for
life, but did not abandon their work. Them
has a special role in Christian
education and development of Slavic culture
peoples So, for example, in Moravia, where the saints
began to teach worship in the Slavic language,
they experienced persecution from German bishops,
who claimed
perform only in Hebrew, Greek or
Latin languages. This dispute had to be resolved
to the Pope himself. And in an amazing way
St. helped them in this. Clement, whose relics
the brothers took it with them. Pope with clergy
went out to meet the relics of the saint, and therefore with
He also greeted the educators themselves with honor. Dispute
was resolved in favor of the Slavic language.
For the feat of Christian enlightenment among
Slavic peoples of St. Cyril and Methodius
are revered by the Church as equal to the apostles.

Kirill Lemokh - painter, one of the founding members of the Partnership
Peredvizhniki, author of the films “Orphan”, “New Acquaintance”, “Without
Kirill Vladimirovich - Grand Duke, politician; grandson
Emperor Alexander II; living in France, in 1924 he declared himself head
Romanov dynasty and pretender to the Russian throne.
Kirill Meretskov - Soviet military leader, participant in the civil war in
Spain, during the Great Patriotic War he commanded troops of a number
armies and fronts.
Kirill Kondrashin - Russian conductor, one of the top ten
conductors of the world; in 1978 he emigrated to Holland.
Kirill Molchanov - composer, author of the opera “The Stone Flower” and music for
films “Cruce del Corno”, “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet”, ballets “Macbeth”, “Three
cards" and to the musical "Odysseus, Penelope and Others".
Kirill Stolyarov - film actor, starred in the films “The Tale of First Love”,
Kirill Kiknadze is a sports commentator.
Kirill Baturin is a poet, he owns the poem “Moon”.
Kirill Pomerantsev is a poet. During World War II he was
member of the French Resistance movement.

Why this name?

My mother took a very long time to choose my name.
There were name suggestions from grandparents
a bunch of. She also looked at the church calendar,
but she didn't like anything. And finally she
I settled on two: Kirill and Ilya.
She liked the first name “Kirill” because
there lived a little boy on our street and when he
called his friend, whose name was Kirill
I found it interesting to pronounce this name.
She liked the second “Ilya” because she had
there was an acquaintance with that name who was
interesting person.
And when I was born and she saw me, she immediately
said: “That my son’s name is Kirill” and that’s all
doubts disappeared. Since this is my name
was coming.
That's why they call me that.