More and more teenagers - boys and girls - as they age, want to start doing fitness at home or in the gym to build up their muscle mass. This goal is mainly pursued by boys. Girls want to tighten up their figure, just take the first step towards its transformation and start working out at home to improve their health, achieving a beautiful physique.

Sports lifestyle since school- this is a direct path to good health, a beautiful physique and longevity. But an incorrectly selected training program at this age can lead to serious injuries if the set of exercises is incorrectly designed in terms of loads, repetitions and nutrition.

Age for fitness training at home and in the gym

Everyone who starts playing sports has different ages. Some people start training from an early age. Basically, all teenagers begin to engage actively, pursuing a specific goal, at the age of 11-17 years, joining sports (fitness, exercises with barbells, dumbbells and other fitness equipment that transforms the figure). It can also be a home universal fitness machine of a block format, where you can perform many exercises at once for different muscle groups (for example, back, legs, triceps, biceps, abs). Main– know the correct approach to such simulators, and then you can replace dumbbells and barbells with a universal simulator.

But it is not always possible to do everything on it, since there are different exercises that involve one muscle group (basic), while others involve more than two or three muscle groups (isolated). Basically, up to 30 exercises can be performed on universal simulators, depending on the design of the simulator and its block levers.

Workout with barbell and dumbbells for boys and girls aged 11-17 years

Why do all teenagers buy dumbbells and barbells for home workouts?

The answer is simple: with dumbbells and a barbell you can perform much more exercises (up to 100 exercises, having in your arsenal a collapsible barbell up to 50 kg and a barbell rack). In order not to disturb your neighbors and avoid noise, you should also purchase rubberized mats, which soften the impact when weights and weights fall. You also need prefabricated dumbbells up to 40 kg and a bench so that you can perform a number of exercises in sitting positions with dumbbells or lying down with a barbell. Don't forget about safety precautions.

To avoid being crushed by the barbell, it is always better to use a lighter weight with which you can confidently perform an approach with a certain number of repetitions (up to 10 - 15 times).

Mistakes in the gym and at home when performing the Bench Press exercise

Typically, unsuccessful approaches occur when the weight on the bar exceeds your maximum possible. Then the “dancing” begins with the barbell, which you want to throw off yourself as quickly as possible. There is a danger when performing any exercise, but the bench press always requires a partner, since you are working with heavy weights. The muscles work at maximum capacity, and when they fail, there will be no strength. The barbell may fall onto your chest when bench pressing.

Your partner will always help you raise it. And if it is not there, then there is always one way - either roll it along the body down to the legs, or drop the barbell to one side to remove the load from the chest. The worst thing is when the barbell ends up on your throat. Then you need to move the barbell to the side and try to get out in the opposite direction from the one where you removed the weight of the barbell. Then you need to lift one side of the bar with the least weight to get out. And this will be a lesson to you that the bench press should always be performed with a partner who will help you!

Mistakes when performing a training program

Any fitness program for physical exercise involves a load that is measured in sets and repetitions. But many people forget about such a rule as a sense of proportion, since any organism has its own strength and endurance. In the scientific community this is called physiology.

It's always easier to do exercises at home with dumbbells

If you can't perform a set of dumbbells on the bench press, you can always move them to the sides. There is no need to throw them on your chest or head if you were unable to lift them. This can lead to injury because if the muscles fail, the weight of the dumbbell 10, 20, 30 kg can harm you if you drop them on your body where there are no muscles. Only professional athletes sometimes put dumbbells on themselves to complete the last reps. But they already know from experience their strength and endurance potential after years of training with iron, regardless of where they train their muscles - at home or in the gym.

Sports lifestyle from school– a direct path to good health, a beautiful physique and longevity. But an incorrectly selected training program at this age can lead to serious injuries.

How to gain muscle mass as a teenager

Before starting the workout, you should do a joint warm-up for 10 minutes, and also jump rope for 5-10 minutes without a break to prepare the body for the load.

The training program is designed to work all major muscle groups (chest, abs, legs, biceps, triceps, back) taking into account an understanding of how to correctly perform exercises from a technical point of view.

How to calculate the load correctly?

In each approach where there is a certain number of repetitions, you should leave a reserve of no more than 3 repetitions. If the margin is greater, then it is necessary to increase the load to a margin of three repetitions. If these are squats, then you need to pick up dumbbells and perform the exercise.

Example of a training program (set of exercises) for boys

1 and 3 weeks



  • Classic squats 2-3 sets 20-30 reps

Friday– day of chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, abs

  • Push-ups 10-20 reps 3 sets
  • Bent-over barbell rows 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Standing Dumbbell Press 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Standing biceps curls with dumbbells 8-10 times 3 sets
  • Triceps Bent Over Arm Extension 8 reps 3 sets
  • Dorsal Curl 10-20 reps 3 sets

2 and 4 weeks

Monday– day of chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, abs

  • Standing dumbbell raises to the side 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Dorsal Curl 10-20 reps 3 sets
  • Stretching all muscle groups after training – 10 min.

Wednesday– day of legs, quadriceps, biceps, thighs, buttocks, abs and back

  • Classic squats 2-3 sets with dumbbells 8-10 reps
  • Lunges with leg lifts with dumbbells 3 sets 8-10 times
  • Stretching all muscle groups after training – 10 min (leg muscles)

Friday– day of chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, abs

  • Push-ups 10-20 reps 3 sets
  • Bent-over barbell rows 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Standing Dumbbell Press 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Standing biceps curls with dumbbells 8-10 times 3 sets
  • Triceps Bent Over Arm Extension 8 reps 3 sets
  • Dorsal Curl 10-20 reps 3 sets
  • Stretching all muscle groups after training – 10 min (torso muscles)

3 week

Tuesday– day of chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, abs

  • Bench press 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Bent-over barbell rows 6-8 reps 3 sets
  • Dumbbell bench press up 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Overhead arm extension 8 reps 3 sets
  • Stretching all muscle groups after training – 10 min.

Friday– day of chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, abs

  • Push-ups 10-20 reps 3 sets
  • Bent-over barbell rows 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Standing Dumbbell Press 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Triceps Bent Over Arm Extension 8 reps 3 sets
  • Stretching all muscle groups after training – 10 min (torso muscles)

Training program for girls at home and in the gym

If boys want to develop all muscle groups and pump up their muscle mass, then girls want to pump up their legs, abs, and back, since they don’t need strong arms and broad shoulders. This training program is just for those who want to pump up their legs, buttocks, abs, and back.

Training program for a month (two to three times a week). Before starting the workout, you should do a joint warm-up for 10 minutes, and also jump rope for 5-10 minutes (without a break) to prepare the body for the load.

After a month of training, you will notice that your muscles have become more resilient and stronger. You shouldn’t do a lot of exercises at once; it’s a beginner’s mistake to do a lot of exercises on the same muscle group at once. To pump them up, you need a measure of load. Then the result will undoubtedly be, you just have to start training.

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 week


  • Kneeling push-ups on a mat 8-15 reps 3 sets
  • Classic squats 10-20 reps 3 sets
  • Lunges with dumbbells in place 8-10 reps 3 sets
  • Standing deadlift with dumbbells 8-10 times 3 sets
  • Plank 3 sets 30-50 seconds
  • Dorsal Curl 15-20 reps 3 sets
  • Stretching all muscle groups after training – 10 min.

Thursday– day of legs, buttocks, abs, back

  • Lunges in place with dumbbells 3 sets 8-10 times
  • Leg abduction to the side on the buttock (leg straight) 3 sets 20-30 times
  • Deadlift with dumbbells 3 sets 10 reps
  • Plank press 3 sets 30-60 seconds
  • Dorsal Curl 15-20 reps 3 sets
  • Stretching all muscle groups after training – 10 min (leg muscles)

Trainer for teenagers(boys and girls) aged 11-17 years

If you want to send your child to work out with a personal trainer/gym instructor, any fitness club in Moscow will have a professional with a higher education. He knows how to properly train children and teenagers in the gym or children's room, so as not to harm the child, but to professionally lead him to results (strengthen his posture, muscle corset).

Exercises with dumbbells and barbells for boys and girls (video)

Stretching and flexibility exercises at home

Abs workout in 10 minutes

During puberty, boys experience rapid skeletal growth, while the muscles “cannot keep up” with it. Therefore, adolescents are characterized by increased fatigue and impaired coordination of movements. In this regard, gymnastic complexes include exercises for flexibility and coordination of movements. Physical exercises for boys involve the use of gymnastics and sports equipment. Complexes of morning hygienic gymnastics are general strengthening, they are used as a warm-up before playing sports. They harmoniously activate the muscles of the whole body

Please note that all exercises must be performed with the correct starting position. Then all muscles will move symmetrically, the left and right halves of the body will develop equally. The range of motion must be complete so that the muscles of the working part of the body contract and relax completely.

Complex of gymnastic exercises for boys 10-13 years old No. 1

Exercise 1

Starting position: standing, legs slightly apart, arms along the body.

1. Walking in place (Fig. 1).

2. Walking with movement.

Figure 1. Exercise 1

Exercise 2

1. Rise up on your toes, simultaneously raising your arms through your sides and arching your back.

Note: repeat the exercise 5-6 times.

Exercise 3

Starting position: standing, legs slightly apart, palms bent at the elbows in front of the chest.

1. Jerks with elbows to the sides and back - 2 times (Fig. 2).

2. Stretch your arms to the sides and make 2 jerks back with straight arms.

3. Grasp yourself by the shoulders, with your left hand resting on your right shoulder and your right hand on your left.

4. Take the starting position.

Note: repeat the exercise 5-8 times.

Figure 2. Exercise 3

Exercise 4

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body.

1. Raise one hand sharply up and look at it. Take the starting position. Raise your other hand sharply and look at it. Repeat all 8-10 times.

2. Do the same with your eyes closed 5-6 times.

3. Tilt your head forward, then throw it back 5-8 times.

4. Rotate your head left and right at a moderate pace 5-6 times.

Note: Perform head movements without jerking and at a moderate pace.

Exercise 5

Starting position: standing, legs together, hands on shoulders.

1. Rotate your elbows forward.

2. Rotate your elbows back.

Note: perform the exercise for 20-30 seconds.

Exercise 6

Starting position: standing, legs together, arms along the body.

1. Swing your left leg back and forth (Fig. 3).

2. Take the starting position.

3. Swing your right leg back and forth. Note: repeat the exercise 8-10 times.

Figure 3. Exercise 6

Exercise 7

Starting position: standing, legs slightly apart, arms along the body.

1. As you inhale, raise your arms up.

2. As you exhale, bend forward and reach the floor.

Note: repeat the exercise 8-12 times.

Exercise 8

Starting position: standing, legs together, arms along the body.

1. Take your leg back and lean forward - “swallow”.

2. Take the starting position.

3. Sit down, bow your head and cover it with your hands.

Note: repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

Exercise 9

Starting position: standing, legs slightly apart, holding the back of the chair with one hand.

1. Squats - 10-12 times.

2. Squats on one leg - 3-5 times. Note: As you master the exercise, you can perform it without a chair.

Complex of gymnastic exercises for boys 10-13 years old No. 2

Exercise 1

Starting position: standing, legs together, arms along the body.

Walking in place at an accelerated pace.

Note: perform the exercise for 1 minute.

Exercise 2

Starting position: standing, legs together, arms along the body.

1. While inhaling, raise your arms up and put your right leg back on your toes (Fig. 4).

2. As you exhale, take the starting position.

3. Do everything on the left leg. Note: repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

Figure 4. Exercise 2

Exercise 3

1. As you exhale, bend to the right side and raise your arms up.

Note: repeat the exercise 6-8 times slowly.

Exercise 4

Starting position: standing, legs wide apart, hands on the belt.

1. As you exhale, bend forward and touch your left foot with your right hand.

2. While inhaling, take the starting position.

3. Repeat everything in the other direction.

Note: perform the exercise at a moderate pace 8-10 times.

Exercise 5

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest.

1. Jerks with elbows to the sides 2 times.

2. Jerks with straight arms while turning the body to the right.

3. Repeat the first movement.

4. Jerks with straight arms while turning the body to the left.

Note: perform the exercise at a moderate pace 6-8 times with voluntary breathing.

Exercise 6

Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist.

1. As you exhale, squat down and stretch your arms forward (Fig. 5).

2. While inhaling, return to the starting position.

Note: repeat the exercise 8-12 times at a moderate pace.

Figure 5. Exercise 6

Exercise 7

Starting position: on the floor, the body is extended in a straight line with emphasis on the palms and toes.

1. Bend your elbows at a right angle, maintaining a straight body line.

2. Straighten your arms while maintaining body position.

Note. Do the exercise 6-10 times. Breathing may be arbitrary.

Exercise 8

Starting position: standing, legs slightly apart, hands on the belt.

Jump in place. Breathing is voluntary.

Note: do 30-40 jumps.

Exercise 9

Starting position: standing, legs together, arms along the body.

Walking in place at a slower pace.

Note: perform the exercise for 1 minute.

Bodybuilding training in adolescence and, in general, activities aimed at developing physical fitness is a complex issue with a lot of nuances and difficulties. Therefore, we recommend that you figure it out gradually, without rushing right into the quarry.

To begin with, let us note that a teenager’s body for the most part grows on its own, regardless of the efforts made. But you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to understand that if you miss this period and don’t pay due attention to physical development, then it will be much more difficult to build a truly beautiful body, equipped with good health.

Proper training for a teenager, carried out between the ages of 14 and 18, can become a reliable aid that helps accelerate growth, strengthen the body and lay the foundation for further development in the desired direction. The main thing here is seriousness of intentions and attentiveness. Approach your exercises carefully, do not overdo it with the loads and intensity of training, because in the future your “sports greed” may have unpleasant consequences and lead to injuries.

Effective workout for teenagers

An important point in building a training program designed for young boys and girls aged about 16 is individuality. In other words, ideally, training for teenagers in bodybuilding should take place according to an individually selected program, since, albeit minor, but still existing differences in the body structure of young people, and their initial level of physical fitness play an important role in determining the optimal load and intensity of training .

Obviously, you can’t find a personal trainer for all young people, so general training plans for teenagers were drawn up, suitable for almost everyone, and although they are inferior in terms of personal work results, they are still quite effective.

Workout for teenagers, basic moments:

  • First, you must follow the main goal of training, which is to strengthen the body and grow. Setting yourself goals of a narrower range is not recommended, since dividing attention between several small goals usually does not lead to anything good. In addition, the hormonal background of young people contributes to the development of everything at once, and not taking advantage of this is a big mistake (if you don’t do it now, you will regret it later).
  • Secondly, it is worth understanding that training for teenagers 14, 16 and even 18 years old, aimed at strengthening the body and developing physical fitness, should be based mainly on complex exercises. Insulation here will not give the desired results, so it can and should be used only as a supplement to the main loads;
  • Thirdly, at a young age, the most natural movements are movements performed with your own weight. They harmoniously load the muscles without highlighting any specific muscle groups, which is of great importance for teenagers;
  • Fourthly, exclusively strength training for teenagers is controversial. They will become truly effective when the skeleton is strengthened and the body stops growing on its own. So at the moment it is best to avoid them.
  • Fifthly, when adolescents are trained in bodybuilding, forceful vertical loads on a still fragile spine can lead to its curvature and the occurrence of joint diseases. However, this does not mean that exercises such as deadlifts should be abandoned. No. They just need to be diversified and/or shortened somewhat.

Also important point: training for teenagers 14 years old and older can be carried out not only for the purpose of developing the body, but also for losing weight. It will hardly come as a revelation to anyone if we say that young boys and girls suffer from excess weight as often as adults. This happens mainly due to poor nutrition, full of unhealthy and fatty foods, and disruption of the daily routine.

Solving this problem is actually not that difficult. Training teenagers to lose weight can be effective here, which will strengthen the body in the meantime. In essence, this is a program designed for an average of 3-4 classes per week. The exercises take no more than 20-30 minutes, and the whole complex is divided into 3 main parts - warm-up, cardio and strength part.

The warm-up when training teenagers to burn fat is usually short - about 4 minutes. During this time, you can have time to warm up and prepare your muscles for further stress. The most suitable exercises for this part are bending forward, running in place, swinging legs and some others.

Cardio, on the other hand, usually lasts about 6-8 minutes (no longer) and most often takes the form of jumping rope. Although there are alternatives - training on exercise machines (treadmill, exercise bike, elliptical trainer, etc.), intense running and others

The third part of the workout for teenagers, aimed at losing excess weight, involves strength exercises that allow you to shape all the muscles of the body. These primarily include: squats (15 repetitions), plank (1 minute), push-ups (15 times), plus forward lunges (20 times for each leg). You can also perform pull-ups of the knees to the chest from a lying position (10-12 repetitions), bicycle (20 movements), etc.

In general, such a workout for teenagers can help you lose significant weight within the first month. But do not forget that weight loss is based not only on physical activity, but also on proper nutrition. All food during classes, and not only that, should be balanced, and the meals themselves should be rationed, without excess.

Program, training system for teenagers

Returning to the topic of training aimed mainly at developing physical strength and muscles. The first thing worth noting is that many teenagers, and not only others, believe that the more and longer they train, the more noticeable the results in the end. This is partly true - short and infrequent training will not allow you to achieve noticeable progress, on the other hand, too long and frequent training will also not lead to anything good.

For ages 14 and older, it should be structured in such a way that classes last no more than an hour, but not less than half an hour. The best option, as many experts believe, is a workout lasting about 45 minutes. It is known that after 60 minutes of intense exercise with loads, the level of testosterone in the body begins to fall, and cortisol, on the contrary, increases. This is an unacceptable scenario for those who strive to improve their physical fitness, increase their strength and, of course, get rid of excess weight.

In other words, a bodybuilding training program for a teenager should be based on rationality. Excessive exhaustion of the body, as well as a lack of exercise, is unlikely to have a positive effect on the results; moreover, this way you risk stumbling upon regression and increase the chances of injury. And do not forget that in the allotted time it is necessary to effectively pump each muscle, with the correct intensity and ideal technique.

Now to the point: the scheme, or more precisely, the training course for teenagers presented below, is designed primarily for those young guys (not only) who have already passed the “for beginners” stage and have some kind of base. You should also be aware of some basic rules regarding the frequency, speed and technique of performing exercises.

Recommended training frequency: The program should be performed 3 days in a row, with one day of rest. For example: on Monday - workout A, on Tuesday - workout B, on Wednesday - workout C, on Thursday we rest, and starting on Friday we repeat. If you need more time to rest, then you can train for 2 days in a row and rest for 1 day, and after getting used to it, increase the number of workouts to three in a row.

Training scheme for teenagers at the age of 14 years and older, recommended technique and pace. Speaking of technique, to prevent injury and maximize stimulation, you need to make sure that you perform all the exercises correctly. Never sacrifice technique to increase weights. If we are talking about speed, then the pace should be high - rest no more than 1 minute between approaches.

Workout 1 (triceps, shoulders, chest):

  • Exercises for the chest - dumbbell bench press (do 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions), incline barbell press (perform 4 sets of 12, 10, 8 and 8 repetitions, respectively), dumbbell flyes on a bench with an incline (do 3 sets 12-15 repetitions);
  • Shoulder exercises – lifting dumbbells from the sides in an inclined position (perform 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions) and simply lifting dumbbells from the sides (do 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions);
  • Exercises for triceps - arm extensions on a block (4 sets - an average of 10 repetitions), dips (we do 4 sets - 12, 10, 8 and 8 repetitions, respectively).

Training course for teenagers, 2nd lesson:

  • For the press – hanging leg raises (we do 4 sets with an average of 10-15 repetitions), as well as lifting the torso on an inclined bench (here we do 4 sets, again 10-15 repetitions each);
  • For the quadriceps - primarily leg press (3 sets - 10-12 repetitions), barbell squats (4 sets - 12, 10, 8 and 8 repetitions) and leg extensions (3 sets of 12-15 repetitions);
  • For the hamstrings – lunges and lying leg curls – 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions.

Training scheme for teenagers, 3rd lesson:

  • Biceps exercises – dumbbell curls (3 sets – 10-12 reps), dumbbell curls with a hammer grip (3 sets – 12-15 reps), concentrated curls (4 sets – 8-12 reps) ;
  • On the back - pull-ups with a narrow reverse grip (3 sets of 10-12 repetitions are done), pull-ups with a wide straight grip (4 sets - 8-12 repetitions), pull-downs of the lower block (3 sets of 12-15 repetitions are done);
  • Exercises for the lower leg - calf raises (sitting and standing) - respectively, perform 4 sets of 15-20 repetitions and 4 sets of 8-10 repetitions.

In general, the above scheme or, if you prefer, training course for teenagers can help achieve significant improvements in the development of physical fitness and lay the basis for further improvement by the age of 18. Afterwards, when the body is formed, new opportunities will open up for you in the form of concentrated strength loads and more, with the help of which, with due dedication, you will reach even greater heights.

As a kind of afterword, we will present information that will be useful to adult athletes: in the AthleticPharma store you can quickly, easily and at the same time reliably order various pharmacological agents that are effective in sports practice. Thus, you can buy anabolic steroids, peptide drugs, as well as growth hormone, anti-estrogenic and other drugs from us, and do this at a competitive price.


It is no secret that it is much easier for teenagers to pump up and create an athletic body than for people over 30 - the level of hormones responsible for weight gain and muscle growth reaches its maximum values ​​between the ages of 13-14 and 18-20. During this period, the so-called bone growth zones are open in boys and men - this greatly facilitates the task of expanding the shoulders and strengthening the skeletal structure.

Unfortunately, strength training at an excessively early age can negatively affect the overall growth of a teenager - it is important to remember that the training program in the gym for guys under 18-19 years old should not include heavy exercises with a barbell that put stress on the spine (primarily , squats). Among other things, teenagers should pay special attention to joint safety when exercising.

The optimal solution for teenagers who want to gain weight is to combine training to broaden the back (primarily pull-ups and lat pulldowns) and abdominal exercises with regular swimming or other active sports. Then, after reaching the age of 18, it is recommended to switch to barbell training.

Training program for teenagers

Most strength-building exercises for muscle growth and mass gain performed with free weights (that is, with a barbell or dumbbells) place vertical stress on adolescent joints that are not yet fully formed, causing spinal curvature or even growth retardation. Machine exercises and bodyweight training are much safer than squats or barbell deadlifts.

For teenagers under the age of 15-16, regular swimming is best for developing muscles - it can easily turn a skinny boy into a broad-shouldered guy. You can start strength training on machines (or home exercises with dumbbells) at the age of 16-17, but you can start fully lifting with a barbell no earlier than at the age of 18. You can pump up your abs at any age - especially at.

To gain weight, adolescents aged 13-16 years are recommended to regularly train with 3-4 sets of key exercises with body weight - push-ups and parallel bars, pull-ups and squats without additional weight. Also, visit the pool at least 2-3 times a week, devoting at least 30-45 minutes to swimming in different styles. Try to swim at least 1 kilometer per workout.

After a month of regular swimming, teens can move on to - including doing exercises such as dumbbell curls or squats. However, remember that the main point in the processes of muscle growth and mass gain is not mechanical lifting of weights, but control of movement and ensuring the involvement of the “right” muscle groups in the work.

Does a horizontal bar help you grow taller?

Learning how to do pull-ups correctly on a horizontal bar is much easier with a teenage weight of 50 kg than with an adult weighing 70-80 kg - and ideally performed pull-ups develop not only the muscles of the back and shoulders, but also pump up the muscles of the arms (primarily the biceps) and even the abs. Although the horizontal bar itself cannot help you grow, it will allow you to noticeably stretch out in height. Fitseven talked about others earlier.

Despite the fact that pull-ups on the bar cannot increase the physical length of the spine (a person’s height is largely determined by his genetics and nutrition in childhood and school age), they have a positive effect on posture. This is especially important in adolescence, when sitting for many hours at a school desk easily forms various curvatures of the spine.

Exercises on the horizontal bar

Training on the parallel bars and horizontal bar (including pull-ups, dips and other exercises) is especially important for teenagers who want to quickly build up their back and chest muscles. Such training builds strong shoulders and powerful arms (primarily triceps and forearms). In addition, on the uneven bars you can easily perform exercises on the abdominal muscles, performing all kinds of leg lifts and hanging crunches.

Program in the gym

Despite the fact that teenagers can start moderate training on exercise machines after the age of 16, at this age it is still better to focus exclusively on swimming, pull-ups, push-ups and various abdominal exercises. It is better to start fully pumping muscles and strength training when the body is already prepared for the load and knows the mechanics of the basic exercises.

Once you reach the age of 18, you can start a program designed specifically for rapid muscle growth in teenagers. Completing this program with experience in training with your own body weight (that is, with the ability to do pull-ups and push-ups correctly) can show phenomenal results in just a few months - up to a gain of 5-7 kg of pure muscle.

Nutrition for muscle growth

Let us remember that muscles grow primarily from increased nutrition and sufficient time for recovery, and not from training or taking sports supplements. Despite the fact that it is better for teenagers to start using supplements and sports nutrition (including whey protein) at the age of 17-18, schoolchildren can switch to regular supplements at the age of 13-14.

This diet is based on the maximum limitation of junk food (fatty fast food, carbonated drinks, sweets) and increased nutrition with the right carbohydrates and vitamins (a large amount of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains). Such a diet will easily help a teenager’s body not only gain weight and build muscles, but also strengthen health and immunity.


For muscle growth, adolescents under 16 years of age are primarily recommended for regular, long swimming and exercises with body weight (pull-ups, dips, and push-ups). Starting from the age of 16, you can swing on exercise machines using light weights, and at the age of 18, you can switch to full strength training with a barbell.