A graceful slender waist is the pride of any woman.

It is no coincidence that the ladies of the court pulled her into corsets, trying to visually reduce the volume.

Few can boast of a wasp waist, so you need to constantly work on it.

Thin waist at home: the main difficulties

First of all, you need to understand that the presence of a waist largely depends on the type of figure. In some, it is very weakly expressed, and this is due to the structural features of the skeleton. If the distance from the pelvic bone to the ribs is too small, it is almost impossible to get a thin waist at home. It is also influenced by the individual characteristics of the organism. In some women, fat deposits form mainly on the arms or legs, while someone is less fortunate and, first of all, the sides begin to increase in volume, which means that the waist also disappears.

After 30, this may be due to changes in hormonal levels. The female sex hormones produced in the body, including estradiol, affect the appearance, adding to the figure of femininity. With age, their number decreases, the metabolism slows down, the amount of muscle tissue decreases, and instead of it, fatty tissue begins to be deposited. As a result, the figure becomes not so slender, and the waist is less pronounced.

However, such age-related changes can and should be combated with the help of regular physical activity, for example, daily morning exercises, and proper nutrition. This will allow you to control weight gain due to adipose tissue, maintain muscle and get a thin waist at home. The main thing is to start forming good habits in time: eat often and in small portions, thus maintaining a fast metabolism, give up harmful foods and, if possible, move as much as possible, play sports.

How to make a waist at home?


Very often, the absence of a waist is caused by the presence of extra pounds deposited on the sides. To control your weight, you need to constantly monitor nutrition. This applies not only to the products included in the diet, but also to general principles. Meals should be 5-6 per day, and portions should be small. Overeating is one of the most common causes of weight gain and the development of various diseases. Before eating, be sure to drink a glass of water, and also consume more fluids throughout the day.

Diet should not be a temporary measure, but a permanent means to achieve and maintain a slim figure.. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a balanced diet for yourself, which would include tasty and healthy foods: meat, vegetables and fruits, cereals, dairy products, fish. Answering the question of how to make a waist at home, nutritionists note that it is often enough to reduce the volume of portions and give up sweets, flour and fatty foods to get rid of excess weight. Meat baked in the oven is no less tasty than fried in butter, while it will not harm your health and figure.

Important start the day with a hearty breakfast such as porridge or scrambled eggs. A morning meal will save you from snacking on the run with fast food, buns and other tasty, but high-calorie foods. When you really want to eat, but the time for lunch or dinner has not yet come, it is better to give preference to fruits and nuts.

If breakfast should be high-calorie and dense, then dinner, on the contrary, is light. In the evening it is better to eat protein foods: meat, fish or cottage cheese. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir.


A thin waist at home is also the result of physical exertion, for which, with the modern pace of life, many do not have enough time. In this case, you need to use every opportunity to lead an active lifestyle: walk more, refuse to use the elevator, take walks. However, most often, even with a lot of work, you can devote several hours a week to sports. The main thing is to choose the type of activity that will bring pleasure. Then training will become an additional source of energy and good mood, bringing even greater benefits to health and figure.

How to make a waist at home without monotonous and monotonous exercises? For example, through dancing. They allow you to improvise to your favorite music, teach you to feel your body better. The most effective direction will be belly dancing, which helps to strengthen the oblique, transverse and rectus abdominis muscles. As a result, curved vertical lines appear on it, due to which the waist looks thinner. Thanks to the belly dance, you will also develop the habit of keeping your posture, and the constant rotation of the pelvis will give the hips a seductive outline.


Wraps can be used as an aid in addition to proper nutrition and exercises for the waist at home. They allow you to achieve a drainage effect, accelerate the removal of excess fluid, improve the quality of the skin, keeping it in good shape. Before you begin to apply the composition for wrapping, you should prepare the skin by taking a shower and clean the layer of dead cells with a scrub. After that, you can proceed to the main stage of the procedure. The skin is covered with a dense layer of the mixture, and a layer of cling film is fixed on top. Thus, it will be possible to achieve less heat transfer and enhance the wrapping effect. After the procedure, rinse the composition under the shower, and apply a moisturizer to the skin.

There are a large number of wrap mixes to help you get a slim waist at home. One of the most viable options is composition of ground coffee and olive oil. Take both ingredients in arbitrary proportions, keep the mixture for no more than 2 hours.

Has a warming effect mustard and honey wrap. It is easy to make a mixture for him at home, but it is important to follow the technology for preparing the composition. Melt honey in a water bath. Separately mix ground mustard seeds (2 tablespoons) with sugar (2 teaspoons), salt, vinegar (0.5 teaspoons), olive oil (0.5 tablespoons), and then add some water there. Combine the resulting composition with honey and leave to infuse for a day. After that, apply the mixture on the skin in the waist area for 10-15 minutes. With each procedure, the duration of the session can be increased. However, even in the absence of discomfort, it should not exceed 30 minutes.

The video shows one of the options for performing a honey-mustard wrap

The greatest effect can be achieved if wraps are done in a course of 6-10 procedures. But not everyone is suitable for this method of accelerating the process of losing weight. It is contraindicated in women with hypertension, skin and cardiovascular diseases, tumors. Before performing the procedure, you need to apply the composition to a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, thus checking the absence of an allergic reaction of the body to the components of the mixture.


Like wraps, massage is an aid in weight loss. You can do it on your own every day. This will not take much time, but due to the regularity of execution, it will allow you to quickly reduce the waist. Before the massage, you should take a hot bath, and after it, apply an anti-cellulite moisturizer or oil to the body.

During the procedure, you need to sit comfortably on your back and grab the skin around the navel with pinch movements. Similarly, you should work out the area of ​​the sides, moving from them to the center of the abdomen, and vice versa. At the end, pinch movements should be performed in the lower part of the waist, moving up and then down. In total, the massage should take no more than half an hour. Perform it daily on an empty stomach, do not eat for another hour after the session, so it is ideal to devote time to it before going to bed. The procedure should not bring pain. You should not grab the skin on the abdomen too tightly so that there are no bruises. Much more important is the regularity of the massage.

Waist exercises at home

Charging is the best way to get rid of extra pounds and keep your figure in good shape. Its big plus is that it does not require special equipment and a lot of space, it takes a little time. Images will help to master the technique of exercises for the waist at home. Before proceeding with their implementation, it is necessary to warm up well: tilt your head, swing your arms, squat, walk on the spot. After that, proceed to the main complex, which can include the following exercises:

1) Plank;

This is a static exercise in which the muscles of the whole body are worked out. The press is actively involved in it, so it helps to form a beautiful waist. Without rounding or arching your back, you should stand so that the body is a straight line. The legs should be tense, and the elbows should be located under the shoulders. You need to stand in the bar as long as you have the strength. Perform the exercise in 3-4 approaches with breaks for rest, while gradually increasing the time of each of them. It is important to do the bar every day at the same time so that the muscles have time to recover.

Plank exercise

2) Side plank;

Another type of plank, which also involves the muscles of the press. The execution technique is similar to the classic version. It is important to keep the elbow strictly under the shoulder.

Exercise "Side Plank"

3) Twisting;

This exercise for the waist at home allows you to work out all the muscles of the press. It should be done in several approaches with a break between them of no more than 30 s.

Exercise "Twisting"

Slim waist at home: the secrets of success

1. Proper nutrition;

Restrictions on junk and high-calorie foods will allow you to remove deposits of adipose tissue, which often hide a graceful waist. In addition, a balanced diet will not only help maintain a slim figure, but also improve health, prevent the development of various diseases;

2. Charging for the waist at home;

A set of three exercises, performed daily with high quality, will be enough to strengthen the muscles and keep the body in good shape. The main thing is not to forget to do them constantly at the same time;

3. Wraps and massage.

These are additional means that act on the skin, accelerating the process of losing weight and getting rid of cellulite on the stomach. Using a combination of all these methods, you can achieve a slender waist. However, on the way to your ideal, you must not forget about the individual characteristics of your body and figure.

What should be the waist circumference, what determines the waist size, a set of exercises for a thin waist, simple secrets of a beautiful figure

Every woman dreams of a thin waist, because this is one of the manifestations of femininity, one of the integral components of a beautiful figure, one of the symbols of female beauty.

To make our figure perfect, we are ready to make any sacrifices and endure the most terrible torments. In the old days, women wore corsets and tightened them tighter, and all so that the waist seemed even thinner. The fashion at that time was a bit strange. A girl who did not wear corsets was considered ill-mannered or too extravagant.

This way of giving elegance to the silhouette is not entirely acceptable these days. Yes, and it is not safe for health. Corsets have been out of fashion for a long time. And in this we are, of course, very lucky. Putting on a corset is the pinnacle of courage, and wearing it all day long is a real feat. It is unlikely that anyone will dare to such tests.

But you can go in another, more pleasant and productive way: spend only 20 minutes daily on exercises for the waist and soon enjoy the changes in your appearance, and in a month buy yourself a fitted dress that you have long dreamed of.

So, how to make the waist thin and narrow at home


The transformations are starting. If you're ready, we'll get started. Let's start with how much waist a woman should have.

For the cherished 90-60-90, many of the fair sex are chasing like crazy. But we are very different, so there cannot be a single standard for everyone. To determine the optimal indicator, you need to subtract 1 meter from your height. For example, if your height is 167 cm, then a waist of 67 cm would be ideal for you, but not 60, as many people think. Everything is very individual and depends on the width of the bones, age, physique, height. If a woman with a height of 167 cm has wide bones, then her waist may be wider than 67 cm. Each body type has its own parameters.

There is another way to determine the volume of the waist: if the circumference of the chest and hips are approximately the same, then the proportions with the waist volume, which is 70% of the hip circumference, will be ideal. They look harmonious and look very beautiful.

No need to adapt to some beauty standards. The desire to constantly work on yourself and change for the better is wonderful. But the desire to meet the standards of beauty invented by someone is just not beautiful, but rather dangerous.


But what if you really want to have a wasp waist?

This will help us very simple, and at the same time effective exercises that can be performed at home, and it will take only 20 minutes daily for this.

Waist size depends on many factors: thyroid health and hormonal levels, the volume of the muscles of the abdomen and back. If there is excess fat on the abdomen, you must first get rid of it, and only then pump the press and “make” the waist, because otherwise the fat will turn into muscles, and the volumes will remain.

Before starting a workout, you need to warm up your muscles well. This is a must, and 5-7 minutes is enough. Do lunges, squats, circular rotations with your feet, you can just dance vigorously or do a few stretching exercises: lean first to one toe, and then to the other (you can sit), while standing, stretch your arms up, down, to the sides and back.

Each exercise is best done carefully, slowly, 10-15 times. It is advisable to do 2 approaches. It is very good if you can bring the amount up to 20 times. You can not make sudden movements, because this training provides for a careful attitude to the spine.

These exercises are very effective and allow you to achieve good results if you do them regularly.

Of all the proposed, you can choose the exercises that you like best. Start each exercise on the side that is comfortable for you (for a right-hander, this will most likely be the right side, and for a left-hander, the left side).

Standing, feet shoulder width apart

  1. Circular movements of the body. We put our hands on the waist. We perform turns first to the left, and then to the right, while the lower part of the body should remain motionless.
  2. Tilts. Hands behind the head, back straight. We bend the left elbow to the right knee, and vice versa.
  3. Matches. Scatter a box of matches on the floor. Standing in one place, we lift one match, each time fully straightening.
  4. Mill. With arms spread apart, we lean first to the left, then to the right. This exercise is done vigorously.

We squat on our knees

We put our hands on our shoulders or fix them on the back of the head (so as not to help ourselves with our hands) and squat first on the right and then on the left side. We try not to tear our knees off the floor and perform squats smoothly, without jerking.

Sitting on the floor

We put our legs as wide as possible, raise our hands and hold them at shoulder level and slowly turn the body to the right. Do the same to turn left. If you get tired, lie on your back and relax your muscles. When you rest, repeat the exercise again.

Lying on your back

  1. We pull to the side. The back is straight, the legs bent at the knees are on the floor. The left hand behind the head, the left shoulder comes off the floor, while the right one remains on the floor, and the right hand reaches for the heel. Then we change sides.
  2. Legs straight, arms on the floor (bent as if we are holding onto something). We turn the head to the left, and the feet to the right, without lifting the body from the floor, and vice versa - we turn the head to the right, and the feet to the left.
  3. Everything is exactly the same as in the previous exercise, only the legs are crossed. First we put one foot on top and perform turns, and then the other.
  4. Legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor. This exercise is a continuation of the previous three. In the same way, we lower our knees to the right, and the head to the left, knees to the left, head to the right. We try to touch the floor with our knees or lower them as low as possible.

This was the last exercise. Now you can praise yourself and relax.

To all this, you can add swimming, breathing exercises, exercises for the press. If you wish, you can purchase a gymnastic hoop. It will help make your waist thinner and stronger: excess fat will go away, and muscles will become stronger. Hoop exercises are suitable for all ages.

It is better to practice 2-3 hours before meals, and if you have just eaten, wait at least an hour.

With desire and patience, every woman can make her figure the way she wants, and waist size is no exception. Of course, for this you need not only to exercise, but also to lead a healthy lifestyle and adhere to a proper diet. If there is excess weight, you need to gradually get rid of it.

The main thing is gradually!

Sitting on diets is harmful to health. Try to change your diet towards naturalness: eat more fresh fruits, berries, vegetables and less sweets and fried foods. Drink plenty of water. And make dinner easy and healthy, especially since with the approach of summer it is very easy. Only a very lazy person finds it difficult to make salads in summer and eat them as often as possible. So the waist will emerge, and the silhouette will become more elegant.

Of course, the female gender has one funny feature: as soon as the weight reaches the desired mark, and it would seem that everything is as it should be, a new problem arises - I want to distribute this weight in a different way. Such is she, female nature, we always want to correct something, improve it, only we sometimes forget that we are loved not for a thin waist, long legs or big breasts, but because we love ourselves. There are things much more important than external attractiveness, because the latter is impossible without harmony. Therefore, in the pursuit of perfection, try not to lose the most important thing - your individuality and spiritual beauty. Love yourself and be happy!

A thin waist is the dream of every woman. But nature has not endowed everyone with such a feature of the figure, so many have to correct their own data, trying to achieve the desired hourglass shape.

How to make your waist thin at home

The first thing to do is to set realistic goals. The generally accepted format 90-60-90 is rather outdated today and going beyond it does not mean losing its attractiveness. It has long been no secret that even a few extra pounds do not spoil the overall picture if the waist is sufficiently pronounced. Therefore, the main thing is to look harmonious, and not to drive yourself into a framework. You can roughly calculate the weight you need to strive for, for example, subtract exactly a meter from your height. The resulting value will be your ideal weight.

In order to get a wasp waist, it is not at all necessary to visit fitness clubs, do workouts at home. There are some simple secrets:

  1. First of all, get rid of excess fat on the sides. This requires a diet.
  2. Choose the right exercises, for a thin waist, loads on the oblique abdominal muscles, and not the straight ones, are suitable for you.
  3. Do not exhaust yourself with loads and a complete rejection of food. Introduce a new diet and lifestyle gradually, painlessly for your body.

Diet for the waist

There is an opinion that a waist of more than 90 centimeters indicates possible health problems. This is a good reason to take care of your appearance, and pay special attention. It will not be superfluous to first consult with a specialist.

In any case, the so-called traffic light system will become a good helper for a healthy and dietary diet. It divides products into not recommended at all (red group), acceptable with a restriction, only until 18:00 (yellow group), and recommended for consumption (green group).

  • "Red" foods - carbonated drinks, including alcohol, yeast baked goods, creamy sweets, fatty meats and lard, and, of course, fast food, as well as very unhealthy mayonnaise.
  • In the yellow group, puff pastry pastries, and cottage cheese, cheese and even durum pasta with sausage or sausages.
  • Green group - cereals, except for semolina and always on the water, nuts, fruits, dried fruits, vegetables, low-fat yogurt, boiled egg, low-fat kefir, boiled fish and seafood.

Here is a sample menu for 6 days, so:

First day

  • For breakfast, treat yourself to black tea with milk and layered pastries like a croissant. We do not add sugar.
  • Let lunch consist of a portion of boiled rice, an apple and green tea.
  • Dine on boiled fish and green salad leaves.

Second day

  • For breakfast, drink orange juice with bread.
  • For lunch, vegetable soup and some boiled chicken meat.
  • Eat fresh vegetables for dinner, drink water without gas.

Third day

  • Breakfast with yogurt or warm milk.
  • For dinner, cook boiled potatoes and some boiled beef.
  • Dinner will consist of fruits and black tea.

Fourth day

  • In the morning, boil oatmeal with boiling water and eat some hard cheese.
  • For lunch, eat vegetables and a glass of tomato juice.
  • For dinner, grated raw carrots are suitable, drink water.

Fifth day

  • For breakfast this time scrambled eggs and black tea.
  • For lunch, a portion of boiled broccoli and still water.
  • For dinner, boiled chicken meat and fruit juice are suitable.

Sixth day

  • Breakfast with fruits and green tea.
  • Eat a vegetable salad for lunch.
  • For dinner, you can eat apples and water.

After 6 days of such a diet, you can eat as usual, of course, adhering to reasonable limits. It is enough to repeat such fasting days every month and getting rid of excess fat is guaranteed.

How to make a waist in a week

As mentioned earlier, you should start gradually. The body must be prepared both for the diet and for the upcoming loads. Naturally, with the right approach and a conscientious attitude towards the goals set, the result will be obvious and will certainly satisfy you.

But don't expect quick changes. It is impossible to fix in one week what was acquired for a much longer time. But a week is enough for a productive start and full preparation for the process.

Exercises for a thin waist

Check out a set of exercises that have a fat burning and tightening effect.

  1. Perform the exercise lying on a flat and hard surface, hands behind your head, bend your knees. Take a deep breath and, exhaling, take a sitting position, as you exhale lie down again.
  2. Lie down, bend your knees, arms along the body. Do twists.
  3. Sit with an emphasis not the entire foot. Hands on chest. Inhale as you twist to the right, exhale as you twist back. Then to the left.
  4. Position as in the first exercise. As you inhale, rise and touch your left elbow to your right knee, as you exhale, lie down. Then twist to the right in the same way.
  5. Do tilts. In a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist. Lean to the left, at the same time stretch your right hand up, then to the other side.
  6. Standing, legs together, arms bent and pressed to the torso. Perform twisting jumps, that is, top to the right, socks to the left. And to the other side.

Hoop for weight loss

The hoop is a fairly versatile and simple trainer that is available at home and does not take up much storage space. By exercising with it, you not only reduce the waist in volume, but also strengthen the muscles by improving blood circulation, as the projectile perfectly massages the body. It also improves posture and the vestibular apparatus.

You can choose a trainer based on your own preferences. Classes with a weighted hoop require preparation, but they effectively burn fat. Massage hoops are provided with protrusions or ribs, but may leave bruises. There are also flexible hoops, their use is quite universal and has a complex effect in the training process.

Pay attention to the position of the body during exercise. The back should be straight, shoulders back. There are several options for rotating the hoop.

  1. Feet shoulder-width apart, rotate alternately to the right and left, approximately 5 minutes each. The total time to complete the exercises is 20 minutes, it is enough to do 3 times a week. The main thing is not to overdo it.
  2. The closer the legs are to each other during training, the greater the load on the muscles of the thighs, further - the gluteal muscles. The best result for weight loss is easier to achieve with widely spaced feet.
  3. The load will increase and the exercise will be more productive if you twist the hoop in a semi-squat position.
  4. Twist the hoop at the waist, then lower it to the hips and back.
  5. When performing the exercise, alternately raise the left and right legs, lingering in this position for the maximum possible time.

Waist hoop: reviews

A lot of positive feedback and the almost complete absence of those disappointed in this method of improving their own body speaks for itself. Exercise and a reasonable restriction in food intake are not dangerous at any age and are suitable for people with various previous training. The result is noted not fast, but quite durable.

Contrary to beliefs that recently the splendor of forms is regaining popularity, harmony does not lose its position. Millions of us (those who want to lose weight), while admiring the coveted swimsuit or “fitting” dress, think about how to make the waist thin and the stomach flat. Notes of a layman picked up a few recommendations, following which the dream of a wasp waist will come true.

1. Raspberry and grapefruit will help to make the waist thin

According to Japanese scientists, ketones - substances contained in raspberries, can effectively fight excess fat. Nutritionists advise during the berry season to eat half a glass of slim berries 15 minutes before meals.

In the "non-berry" months, raspberries can be replaced with grapefruit. These citrus fruits also have a fat burning effect. If you make it a rule to eat half a grapefruit for 2 to 3 months before eating, you can easily lose up to two kilograms of weight.

2. Smokers have a wider waist

Studies by British scientists have shown that smokers have a higher waist-to-hip ratio than non-smokers and those who have given up this addiction. These conclusions were made on the basis of indicators of weight, height, smoking history, hip and waist measurements of 22,000 subjects, both men and women. The funny thing is that in most cases, the weight of smokers was lower, and the waist was larger.

3. Plus avocado - minus centimeters at the waist

Nutritionists have found that monounsaturated fatty acids, the main custodian of which is olive oil and avocado, prevent the accumulation of fat deposits throughout the body, and especially in the flanks and abdomen. A four-week diet high in monounsaturated fats will help not only make your waist thinner, but also get rid of extra centimeters in “problem areas”.

4. Cold water burns inches

There is an opinion that cold water promotes weight loss. German scientists have proved the veracity of this statement. Drinking two cups of cold water is enough for the brain to start producing the hormone norepinephrine, which affects the metabolic rate. The metabolism accelerated by a third increases the rate of fat burning by the same amount. In any case, even if you cannot drink cold water, drink plain water, but at least 8 glasses a day.

7. Jogging or galloping

8. Pine nuts against appetite

Regrettably, but over the years, the dependence "appetite - waist" becomes more and more obvious. Therefore, in order to make the waist thin and maintain the effect of a flat stomach, you need to moderate the love of overeating. Pine nuts, that is, polyunsaturated fatty acids that they contain, will help in this difficult task. It is pine nut oil that can stimulate the release of hormones that suppress appetite, which will reduce food intake by about 29%.

9. Maintain Muscle Tone with L-Carnitine

As you know, this amino acid has a positive effect on muscle tone, stimulates their performance and endurance. . L-carnitine is also a powerful calorie burner, while reducing the volume of the body as a whole and the centimeters we are interested in at the waist. The only condition is the presence of sufficient physical activity. So master running or fast walking, and be sure to train.

10. Fish oil in the fight for a wasp waist

By providing your diet with enough fish oil, you will not only reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, but also become leaner. French scientists have shown that in healthy people, fish oil stimulates lipid oxidation and reduces body fat. And in combination with aerobic exercise, this is a really effective remedy for a “swollen” waist.

11. Spin and spin

Invented more than half a century ago, the grandfather hoop, equipped with weights and massage balls, has not lost its relevance. It increases the tone of the abdominal muscles, improves blood and lymph circulation, making the skin of the abdomen more elastic and toned. By doing 20 minutes a day and sticking to a diet, you are quite capable of making your waist thin.

12. Oatmeal, ser

Universal porridge, a favorite of nutritionists and losing weight. And rightly so, because it contains fiber, natural prebiotics and complex carbohydrates. It is difficult to overestimate the advantages of oatmeal: miraculous porridge lowers blood cholesterol levels, protects against obesity, increases the concentration of free testosterone, under the influence of which the body intensively burns fats and builds muscle mass. Among other things, oatmeal stabilizes blood sugar levels. So make it a rule to eat it daily.

13. Apple diet

Apples know how to make a waist thin. Research by nutritionists showed that the first group of women who followed a low-calorie diet and ate 300 grams of apples daily lost significantly more weight than the second group who lost weight on the same diet, but did not eat apples.

14. Calcium is not friendly with being overweight.

Contrary to the opinion that cheeses and dairy products are high in calories and lead to weight gain, American scientists have found the opposite. It turns out that calcium, contained in milk, yogurt and cottage cheese, helps to reduce body mass index, and reduces waist size.

15. Whole Grain Diet Phenomenon

Whole grain bread, brown rice and oatmeal are the real panacea for a small waist. Nutritionists advise diluting your regular diet with three meals of whole grains per day.

16. Pinch massage

For those who want to have a thin waist and a flat stomach, Italian scientists recommend mastering pinch massage. Daily sessions of uncomplicated massage can reduce the amount of fat deposits in the abdomen by 5 centimeters in just a month.

17. Hit the calories with strength training

Practical studies have shown that strength training is the most effective way to burn fat. And if more calories are spent in the process of aerobic exercise, running or riding an exercise bike, then with power loads the body continues to expend energy over the next 48 hours.

Whether you have a thin waist or not is largely due to heredity and body type. For example, making a thin waist is much more difficult than for asthenics.

The task is also more complicated for those who have a small distance between the ribs and the pelvic bone: alas, there will never be a wasp waist here.

The girth of the middle part of the body is also affected by the hormonal background: a large amount of female sex hormones (in particular estradiol) in the blood makes the figure more feminine and the waist thin. And their lack often leads to the opposite effect.

How to train to get a slim waist

I will say right away: due to strength exercises alone (for example, for), it will not work to make the waist thin. “We also need cardio loads that will melt the fat layer and remove excess volume in the abdomen,” explains Marina Abramova, manager of group programs of the fitness club "TERRASPORT Copernicus".

The ideal option is to combine strength and cardio exercises into one workout. “not only warms up the muscles well, but also noticeably increases the heart rate. Therefore, such activities burn more calories, ”says Marina Abramova.

The best way to sculpt a thin waist is exercises that involve the oblique muscles of the press and the stabilizers of the core, and will have a positive effect on the relief of the abdomen. But tilting to the side should be avoided: from this, the waist can be in volume .

Our waist will help to make it thin, combining three power blocks and two cardio exercises. Do each of them for a minute, rest for another minute, and immediately move on to the next movement. “Advanced fitness athletes need to reduce their rest time to 30 seconds,” says Marina Abramova.

At the initial stage, repeat only two such circles, and after a couple of weeks you can gradually increase their number to four.

To make your waist thin, exercise at least four times a week. Before performing the complex, be sure, and then do a little stretching. “The first will save you from injury, and the second from muscle pain,” recalls Marina Abramova.

A set of exercises for a thin waist at home

You will need: a fitness mat and two half-liter water bottles.

Power block // straight twists

Starting position. Get into a plank position on your palms and toes , place the brushes under the shoulders. Tighten your abdominal muscles and do not arch your back.

How to perform.“Step” to the right, first with your right hand, then with your right foot. Following them, step over there with your left hand and foot. Return to the starting position and repeat the maneuver to the left, (stepping from one edge of the mat to the opposite).

Twisting in the fold

Starting position. Stand up straight, put your feet together, hands on your belt.

How to perform. Keeping your back straight, jump to the left from foot to foot while raising your arms up. Jump back to starting position.

Power block // "Scissors"

Starting position. Lie on your back, lower back and shoulder blades pressed to the floor. Clasp your hands behind your head, bend your legs and place your feet on the floor.

How to perform. Lift your shoulder blades off the mat, extend your left arm and stretch it towards your right knee. Repeat the exercise on the other side.

How to complicate exercises for a thin waist

Starting position. Sit down, rest your hands on the mat just behind the pelvis, bend your legs, feet on the floor.

How to perform. Slightly round your lower back. Resting your hands on the mat, tilt your body back at a 45% angle to the floor. At the same time, stretch your right leg forward to parallel with the floor. Return to the starting position and, again deflecting the body, stretch the left leg forward.

How to complicate. Leaning the body back, stretch both legs above the floor.