The choice of a specialty is a key moment for applicants. After all, the list of subjects for which it will be necessary to prepare and pass the exam depends on the chosen direction.

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Rules for admission of applicants to the theater university, evaluation criteria and exams.

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Where can you get a prestigious police profession after 9th or 11th grade, and what is needed for this.

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Everything you need to know about enrolling in a military school after grades 9 and 11.

Universities offer a number of popular specialties, as well as creative professions that require additional knowledge and skills. Before choosing a future profession, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for entering the chosen specialty, find out the list of exams and clarify information about internal entrance tests. Each university has the right to present its own individual requirements, which should be taken into account when choosing an educational institution. In this section, we have collected information about the most interesting and in-demand professions and reviewed the basic rules for entering these specialties.

Choice of specialty

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Find out the specialties that are right for you

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  • Approbation of the GIA in Chinese began in Russia November 8, 2017, Wednesday
  • Scientists have calculated the age of the oldest spiral galaxy in Sun. November 7, 2017, Tuesday
  • The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation discussed the fall of children's tourism November 7, 2017, Tuesday
  • 10 rubles per week, multiplied by the age of the child - the amount of karmas. November 2, 2017, Thursday
  • "Fool" on the student's forehead cost the teacher 1 thousand rubles and work November 1, 2017, Wednesday

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Internships abroad - is it valuable knowledge or endless parties?

Marina Roshchina is a graduate of Ural Federal University, she graduated with honors from the Faculty of World Economy and International Business. Today he works at Sberbank, travels a lot and plans to get a law degree. As a third-year student, Marina participated.

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Professions after 11 - list

List of professions after grade 11

Not every graduate after high school continues to study at further levels of education - there can be many reasons for this. Despite the barriers to obtaining higher qualifications, all boys and girls after grade 11 are already in demand in many areas, and all you need to find a job is desire. Below are sample professions for high school graduates. The article will consider options only for permanent employment.

Professions after grade 11 - list for boys

For young men, the profession of a military direction is relevant, because with a good state of health, an adult guy after graduation from school is obliged to serve in the army. After completing the mandatory service, your desire to continue working in the army is always welcome. In the present, the military is a fairly privileged category of the population: monetary allowance is at a fairly high level, the state provides housing, as well as early retirement.

Also, after a short training after school, the profession of a train driver, metro, tram, etc. becomes available. Very often, housing and various benefits are provided during the training.

  • A loader is an exceptionally difficult and sought-after profession, suitable only for guys, and strong ones at that. This is usually offset by slightly above average wages;
  • The work associated with logging is not easy and not the most profitable. Not everyone wants to get involved with her;

Demanded professions after grade 11 - list

A huge layer of professions is highly skilled labor. Secondary vocational and higher education is valued more and more: simple operations are more often performed by automation. The list of professions is huge.

A guy can choose to be an auto mechanic by getting a college qualification. There is no place for white-collar jobs at such a job, but it is in great demand and, with an accumulated client base, is profitable. Girls can choose medical business. After receiving a diploma of secondary medical education, become a nurse or pharmacist.

Higher education can open the way to a great variety of prestigious professions. After passing a long and difficult training, with an increase in experience, you will be able to take high positions in your specialty. Universities and institutes offer a range of specialties from engineers to lawyers, from applied mathematicians to interior designers, from medical professionals to diplomats, and so on.

Among the most sought-after professions for boys and girls are:

  • Medical workers;
  • IT specialists;
  • Engineers of various fields of production;
  • Bank employees;
  • Builders;

It is almost impossible to tell which profession is right for you. But before choosing your vocation, it is recommended to study the labor market in your and other regions at least at a basic level. It would not be superfluous to find out the forecast for the level of supply and demand for specific professions for several years ahead.

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To get a job after the 11th grade, without blat, is really possible only for a low-paid job. Given the level of unemployment, most employers prefer to hire professionals with seniority and experience.

To get a job after the 11th grade, without blat, is really possible only for a low-paid job. Mostly as a waiter, loader, cleaner or janitor. Given the level of unemployment, most employers prefer to hire professionals with seniority and experience.

It is desirable to combine work after grade 11 with study in absentia or remotely. The sister's son is studying and working in a mobile communications campaign. They have their own corporate settings in a Western manner. He likes it and there are growth opportunities. He passed the selection, testing, work as a trainee. Salary by our provincial standards is not bad.

I agree with everyone that if after the 11th grade you go to work without blat, then you won’t have to count on a high job. It’s better to either go to study or have a goal for yourself and immediately after the end of the 11th grade go to work hard. Of course, the choice is yours if you want to earn more then you need to develop.

For men, indeed, after serving in the Army, you can stay in the same place, for extra military service under a contract. Provision of housing, at the place of service. Great salary, further admission and studies are welcome. Most people retire at the age of 45, two years is taken into account. Possible transfer to a better or bigger city, to a higher position. It's confidence, a career. Military personnel are not fired just like an ordinary worker can be fired. In addition, it is very rare that someone is fired, even with a reduction in staff, they offer a transfer to another unit for further service. Discipline has not been lost in the Army and, in a sense, the Soviet Union is still operating. And no one just gets fired.

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List of professions after grade 11. Prestigious and in-demand professions

Today, our attention will be presented with a list of professions after grade 11. In general, after graduating from school, it will not be so difficult to go somewhere. But finding a job is already a rather big problem for modern schoolchildren and students. It is also important to choose a direction that will be prestigious and in demand in the future. This will help eliminate employment problems. So, let's try to figure out which profession to choose after grade 11.

The medicine

The first scenario is to go to medical school and then study to be a doctor. Surgeons, pediatricians, dentists are very popular now. True, for this you will have to sit at the university for about 7 years, and then undergo an internship.

However, if you are interested in in-demand professions after grade 11, and with all this, you understand biology and chemistry, then you can really learn to be a doctor. They are currently in short supply. To make your work profitable and prestigious, just get a job in a private clinic upon graduation. And in this case, you do not have to worry about your earnings, as well as the popularity of your direction. At a minimum, the years spent at the university will not be in vain.

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And we continue our list of professions with you after grade 11. In fact, professions in demand may not be the most prestigious. And, moreover, not highly paid. Just one of these now include the direction of management. We are talking about the area that we are used to seeing - about the lowest link.

What it is? The thing is that the entire management is divided into 3 parts: higher, middle and lower level. The first two are the real managers, bosses. And the last - just what is so popular and in demand today in the labor market - the most common, so to speak, junior managers. These include: sellers, cashiers, catering workers and fast food cafes, movers, cleaners, sales representatives. In principle, all those professions that a student or schoolchild can get a job.

However, these are quite popular professions after grade 11. You can train to be a manager, gain experience in a lower-level field during your studies, and then move into a management position. So, do not be afraid of this specialty. Plus, it's pretty easy and simple to get into it.


Good professions after grade 11, to be honest, should be adequately paid. And just one of those jobs can be attributed to engineering. Today Russia does not have enough personnel who will be engaged in this work. There are simple engineers and equipment installers.

You can get such an education by entering the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. You will have to study long and hard in order to be able to find a normal job later. Unfortunately, this direction is not very popular among applicants. After all, often engineers are paid a rather small salary, which is incomparable with the responsibility and duties in the workplace.


Our list of professions after grade 11 continues. To be honest, along with doctors and physicians, a very popular position today is a teacher. Only among graduates this work is not particularly popular.

There are more and more people, first-graders too. Schools and kindergartens are expanding before our eyes. Yes, but there is no one to teach children. In order to become a good teacher, now you need to get a pedagogical education, as well as get a second "tower" in the direction in which you want to work. That is, if it is chemistry and biology - medical, physics - physics and mathematics, mathematics / geometry - mathematics, and so on. With all this, you will be loaded with work up to your ears, and the salary, as a rule, for teachers is meager. Only in private schools teaching is a really prestigious job.


Professions for girls after grade 11, to be honest, are more popular and in demand. And they are often paid much better than any other direction. If you are a girl who does not know where to go to study after school, but with all this, you want to get an education of a “purely female profile”, then you can go to school to become a cosmetologist. Or a manicurist.

These professions for girls after grade 11 are quite in demand. Yes, there are a lot of such masters and cosmetologists now. But the clients keep coming. On all several masters of time will not suffice. So, cosmetology and manicure are quite popular and profitable areas. Especially if you are a private master, and also get a job in some private and good salon. Training in this area is shorter than in any other area. And there is almost no competition - each client (and there are many) chooses a master for himself. Try it, you won't regret it!

Office worker

Now the list of professions after grade 11, which can only be called in demand, continues indefinitely. However, there is another very necessary area in which new personnel are always required. This is an office job.

To be honest, many people want to work in this way. However, to achieve this, you will have to get an economic or legal education. Sometimes students who have graduated from management also have an opportunity. And, congratulations, you will become the most ordinary office worker.

There are many such employees now, but there is a huge turnover of personnel in the labor market. And so a new "office plankton" is always needed. What will you have to do in your place? As a rule, work with documents, write reports, sometimes sell goods and services through phone calls. In principle, it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

But you should immediately warn - office workers are often loaded with someone else's work. And they put pressure on you morally. Not everyone will agree to this. For this reason, after working for some time in the office, people move to another company. Or quit altogether. So when you take on a career as an office worker, you have to prepare for a lot of pressure. If you can endure it, you will achieve heights in building a career, and you will also begin to receive good pay. Not? Then you have to look for another job.

How to find yourself

If you cannot decide where to go to study, then the so-called test for a profession after grade 11 will help you. As a rule, all future school graduates take it. Approximately at the beginning of the school year.

What will be in the test? Many questions that will illustrate your behavior in different situations, as well as show your abilities, skills, emotional stability and ambition. After a clear analysis, psychologists will make a verdict - to whom and what profession is more suitable. Unfortunately, usually the test results and the desires of future applicants diverge. In general, listen to yourself - this is the only way you can choose the best profession for yourself.

The profession of a lawyer in 2019 remains in demand among Russian applicants. Consider what career opportunities a law degree provides, where you can get it, and what exams you need to pass for admission. Lawyers in Russia in 2019 are taught by both universities and colleges.

Today, the promotion of a legal services website is one of the most promising methods for increasing the client base. It's no secret that ways to promote legal services on the Internet is an extremely difficult task. The problems of promotion of a law firm or a lawyer's education lie in the extremely high competition that has developed in this area, as well as in the absence of clear criteria for assessing the quality of the services offered.

Career opportunities

A university degree in law gives the right to hold, among other things, the following positions:

  • legal assistant;
  • assistant investigator in the police, the Investigative Committee, the prosecutor's office, the FSB;
  • investigator;
  • federal or justice of the peace;
  • advocate;
  • notary;
  • legal adviser;
  • international lawyer.

USE subjects required for admission to a university

The list of subjects required for admission to a particular specialty in higher educational institutions of Russia is approved by a special order of the Ministry of Education and Science. In accordance with this document, all students who want to study in the direction of "Jurisprudence" (as well as legal areas close to it - such as, for example, "Legal support of national security" or "Judicial and prosecutorial activities") must present the results of the exam in the following subjects:

  • Russian language (successful passing of this exam is a prerequisite for admission to all universities of the country without exception);
  • social science (for future lawyers, this exam is considered a profile exam).

In addition, when determining the program of entrance examinations, the university selects one or two more exams from the list approved by the ministry. For legal specialties, this list may include:

  • history;
  • foreign language;
  • informatics and ICT;
  • additional entrance examinations.


is a great specialization. Universities train specialists for various fields. Some train, law enforcement or forensic experts.

Other universities are implementing an educational program to train specialists of the state apparatus, as well as lawyers to protect labor and civil rights.

That is why when choosing the profession of a lawyer, you need to think about what area you want to develop or what area you are interested in.

As for admission to the Faculty of Law, there is no large variation in exams between profiles. Mainly history, society, Russian language. Additional examinations will be conducted by the Institute.

To know exactly what exams are needed for admission, you need to go to the official website of the institute and see the information or call.

They will also explain to you when the admission opens and until what date it will go, what documents are needed for admission.

The construction business is rapidly developing today, while there is a shortage of qualified personnel in this industry and more and more young people are looking at this specialty. The prospects of becoming a chief engineer, developing in construction holdings are becoming attractive to young people. What do you need to pass to enter the builder?

Indeed, new houses are now appearing as scheduled, the construction business is constantly growing, which means that more and more specialists in this area are needed! Promising? Still would! Let's figure out what and where you need to study in order to get this profession.

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What exams to take to enter the builder

In order to know which USE you need to pass in order to enter a university as a builder, you need to figure out the profession and specialty that you are interested in.

There are a lot of areas of training in the construction specialty, ranging from the construction of residential buildings to the design of bridges and roads. The USE for different specializations will be the same, but the additional tests will be different, and sometimes they may not exist at all!

For example, in MGSU additional entrance tests are provided for only two directions. In SPbGASU, there are no additional tests for admission to the specialty "construction", and for "urban planning" and "architecture" you will need to draw a fragment of the interior and make a three-dimensional architectural composition.

To apply for a civil engineer undergraduate degree program 08.03.01 Construction or specialty 08.05.01 Construction of unique buildings and structures and 08.05.02 Construction, operation, restoration and technical cover of roads, bridges and tunnels that train civil engineers will require the results of the following exams: Russian language, Profile mathematics, Physics. Instead of physics, universities have the right to require, or chemistry, or a foreign language. But in the vast majority of cases, it's still physics.

To enroll as a designer-architect in a four-year program 07.03.01 Architecture or 07.03.03 Architectural environment design, must be submitted Russian language, Profile mathematics, DWI(in the form of drawing or drawing). Also, universities can ask the exam in social science, history, foreign or physics - which is less likely.

Do not forget about the portfolio: certificate with honors, sports merit, TRP badge - we boldly collect everything together and see what fits the criteria of the desired university. In addition, the results of the composition may be taken into account.

Therefore, be careful when studying the list of entrance tests and do not forget that in addition to the Unified State Examination, the university can conduct its own selection for internal exams, which, by the way, take place in early July - do not be late!

List of universities where to become a civil engineer

There are highly specialized construction universities. They are scattered throughout the country, there are not so many of them:


But more often, guys who decide to enter the construction industry apply to large technical universities. Among them:

Moscow Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great, KNRTU, KubGTU, MGRI-RGGRU, PetrSU, DSTU (Donskoy), SamGTU, SGTU im. Gagarin, UGNTU.

And do not forget about the key universities in the regions, they always have a large list of training programs, including construction ones. For example:

IKBFU Kant, Vyatka State University, KBSU, Kursk State University, Moscow State University. Ogareva, UrFU, SWGU, SUSU.

Hello dear. In this article, I would like to talk about what exams are taken in the 11th grade and about the USE 2018, which soon all school graduates will have to take. And you don’t need to think that the article will turn out to be huge and it’s better to break it into 2 articles, no better. If you don’t need to read about what exams are taken in grade 11, but it’s interesting to read about the USE 2018 or USE 2019, then just scroll down to the sub-item, which is called that.

But I'll start with what exams to take, how to choose, how many to take and other things.

Choose, prepare, approach the issue thoughtfully and balancedly

If you answer strictly the question raised in the subparagraph, then I answer that since 2017 they have to pass the Russian language, mathematics and 1 more subject of their choice. Moreover, mathematics can be taken at the profile level, or you can take it at the basic level. If you successfully pass the exam, you will receive a certificate in any case, but not all universities can do basic mathematics.

If we deviate a little from the topic, then you need to think about the fact that the USE 2018, like the USE of other years, you pass not for the sake of obtaining a certificate, but in order to be able to continue your studies and choose a university. If you don’t want to study further, but want to work as a loader or a saleswoman in a stall that will not be demolished today or tomorrow, then, of course, you don’t need to think too much here. If you do not plan to enter anywhere, then take the following exams:

  1. Russian language.
  2. Basic level mathematics.
  3. The one that is easiest for you. I have no idea what this subject is, think for yourself and choose.

But this option is of interest to few people, so you need to think a little more broadly. Start with what class are you studying in - humanitarian or technical? This is a very important point, because if you endure 8 hours a week of mathematics and 6 of computer science or physics, and this does not cause a clear rejection for you, then you are clearly a techie and you need to enter a technical specialty. The same is true for the humanities.

It’s worse if you study in a technical class, but you already quietly hate mathematics, but you study Russian with literature with pleasure. In this case, obviously something went wrong and you should transfer to a humanitarian class. Again, the reverse is also true. Moreover, you should not put it off and think “come on, I’ll prepare for admission to an engineer here and learn.” It is very important to understand whether you are a techie or a humanist, because for a techie to study in a humanitarian direction at a university is just a terrible torment. It is easier for humanitarians, they will be expelled after the first session and that's it. Not because they won't be able to study, maybe they can, but they don't want to.

Okay, this is all poetry, back to the question of what exams are taken in the 11th grade. I repeat, the exams should be taken by those that you need for admission. If you want to study to be a programmer, for example, then you better forget it, then it is logical that in addition to the required subjects, you need to pass computer science. But do not be overly self-confident person, there are several points that can put an end to your desire to learn programming:

  1. You may not pass computer science and ICT for a score sufficient for admission. Of course, you can be the best programmer in the class, but it's easy to pass computer science with some miserable 50 points and safely fly by with admission.
  2. Someone can persuade you to enter another specialty. And this can happen, for example, in April, when nothing can be corrected.
  3. You can visit a university where programming is taught and see who is studying there. Beautiful people are simply not taken there or, if taken by mistake, they are quickly expelled. I myself studied at an IT university, so I know what I'm talking about :(.

This applies to a specific example, but the first 2 points are universal and will fit everywhere. In order to avoid this, you need to take more than 3 subjects at the USE 2018. If you are a techie, you should also know physics, so take it. But physics is a very difficult subject, and therefore it is worth thinking about what to pass such a humanitarian one? In my opinion, the most useful and simplest of the available subjects is social studies. It is simple for me personally, but I can fully justify its usefulness. For many years, social science has been the subject that allows you to enter a variety of specialties, and not always strictly humanitarian ones. If you don’t like social science, then think for yourself what you will take for the exam. Maybe geography, maybe chemistry, how should I know what is closer to you?

The main thing to remember is that it’s not worth taking 3 subjects, it’s better to play it safe and pass 4-5, at the same time prepare for the university, where you will have to take so many exams every semester.

I feel that the humanities were offended because I write little about them, but why rewrite the same thing here, changing computer science to social science, and social science to biology? I'm not urging everyone to donate certain subjects together, I'm just giving material for thought. And in general, for the humanities, I already wrote an article about that, it will also be useful to read it.

USE 2018, what else can I say ...

Everything, with the point which exams are passed in the 11th grade, we finished, now let's talk about the USE 2018.

I'll start with the good news: math, history, and biology exams haven't changed. That is, the number of tasks, the level of difficulty, everything remained at the same level as before. The rest of the exams have changed, but it seems to be not so critical, now I will give out a list of all the changes that I found:

  1. English language. The changes seem to be even positive, since now there should not be disputes whether this is right or not, everything should be strictly described.
  2. Social science. As the most popular subject, in the Unified State Exam 2018, he ... practically did not undergo any changes. Only tasks with a detailed answer began to be valued more, respectively, the rest a little less, and now you need to get used to writing detailed answers in a slightly different way, in accordance with the new requirements.
  3. Literature. They say that the changes in the USE 2018 are very serious. I will not be able to rewrite all these changes in my own words, so all those who want to take literature, refer to other sources.
  4. Russian language. A whole one task has been added that will test your knowledge of lexical norms, and not just the rules of the Russian language. But do not rush to rejoice, the rest of the tasks should also become more difficult.
  5. Physics. Added interesting tasks that will make the exam even more interesting. Still, I will steal a couple of sentences from another site to show you the full depth of the depths: “Now in the Unified State Examination in Physics in 2018, you may come across topics such as “Humidification Performance”, the basics of SRT, “The Law of Conservation of Electric Charge”, “ Capacitor". Be careful, because most training manuals have not yet included them, and without this it is simply impossible to get the desired score.” © Chalk.
  6. Chemistry. A new task has been added, one old one has been changed. There is nothing critical.

So, everything seems to be.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the USE is not at all something to be afraid of, you just need to prepare for this exam and everything will be fine. And don't forget to choose more exams, just in case.

update last year's article

Here, not so long ago, Denis asked to expand the article and add information about what awaits in 2019. I promised to do this, and it is better to keep promises, so I will now write about the USE 2019.

But then it turned out that there is already an article about it, you can read it by clicking on the link. But, since instead of just giving a link to the article, I promised to expand this article, I will have to steal from myself and transfer the essence of the article here, leaving water in a full-fledged article.

So, on the official website there was information that the exam will be held in 3 stages and the dates of these stages appeared, I suggest you familiarize yourself with them:

  • Early stage - from March 20 to April 10, 2019,
  • The main stage - from May 27 to July 1, 2019,
  • Additional stage - from 3 to 20 September 2019.

Now you can move on to the question of what will be new at the USE in 2019. There will not be too much new, but there are points worth paying attention to:

The moment number one is the inability to take mathematics at the same time at the basic and profile levels. As it turned out, schoolchildren were very fond of taking mathematics at both levels, so that they would have at least some result and could get a certificate. And even to enter, but not for all specialties. Now you will need to choose what you need, to be a bespanty humanist who does not know mathematics, physics and computer science, or to become the right person with a higher technical education 😆

Okay, these are all jokes, the humanities are also necessary for society, probably ... So, now seriously. In the event that you cannot pass mathematics at the profile level, you can retake it at the same USE 2019 and there you can already choose basic mathematics.

We are moving from mathematics to computer science and ICT. If earlier, when passing the exam in computer science, they used a pen and a piece of paper, now it will be possible to take this exam on a PC. Which, in my opinion, is correct and logical.

And the last news, which this time does not concern people with a technical mindset. Now it will be possible to choose another foreign language for passing the exam. In addition to the traditional English, French and German languages, for the first time, Chinese will be available. I fully support this initiative. After all, it is China that has the largest population on the planet and shares a border with Russia.

In general, everything related to the changes in the exam, which will be in 2019, I wrote. If you want to know about the answers to the USE 2019, follow the link that was at the beginning of the article and read.