Human worldview


Snezhana Ivanova

Not a single person lives in the world “just like that.” Each of us has some knowledge about the world, ideas about what is good and what is bad...

Not a single person lives in the world “just like that.” Each of us has some knowledge about the world, ideas about what is good and what is bad, what happens and what does not happen, how to do this or that work and build relationships with people. All of the above together is usually called a worldview.

Concept and structure of worldview

Scientists interpret worldview as views, principles, ideas that determine a person’s understanding of the world, current events and his place among people. A clearly formed worldview puts life in order, while the absence of it (Bulgakov’s famous “ruin in the minds”) turns a person’s existence into chaos, which in turn leads to the emergence of psychological problems. The structure of the worldview includes the following components.


A person gains knowledge throughout his life, even when he stops studying. The fact is that knowledge can be ordinary, scientific, religious, etc. Ordinary knowledge is formed on the basis of experience that is acquired in everyday life. For example, they grabbed the hot surface of the iron, got burned and realized that it was better not to do that. Thanks to everyday knowledge, one can navigate the world around us, but the information obtained in this way is often erroneous and contradictory.

Scientific knowledge is logically justified, systematized and presented in the form of evidence. The results of such knowledge are reproducible and easily verified (“The Earth is spherical,” “The square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs,” etc.). Obtaining scientific knowledge is possible thanks to a theoretical type of thinking, which allows one to rise above the situation, resolve contradictions and draw conclusions.

Religious knowledge consists of dogmas (about the creation of the world, the earthly life of Jesus Christ, etc.) and the understanding of these dogmas. The difference between scientific knowledge and religious knowledge is that the former can be verified, while the latter is accepted without evidence. In addition to the above, there are intuitive, declarative, parascientific and other types of knowledge.


This component is based on the values, ideals, beliefs of the individual, as well as the norms and rules that govern the interaction of people. Values ​​are the ability of an object or phenomenon to meet the needs of people. Values ​​can be universal, national, material, spiritual, etc.

Thanks to beliefs, a person or group of people are confident that they are right about their actions, their relationships to each other and to the events taking place in the world. Unlike suggestion, beliefs are formed on the basis of logical conclusions, and therefore are meaningful.


You can know that hardening strengthens the body, you cannot be rude to your elders, people cross the street when the light is green, and it is impolite to interrupt your interlocutor. But all this knowledge may be useless if a person does not accept it, or cannot make the effort to put it into practice.


Understanding the importance and necessity of performing certain actions will not allow one to achieve a goal if a person does not begin to act. Also, the practical component of worldview includes the ability to assess a situation and develop a strategy for action in it.

The selection of worldview components is somewhat arbitrary, since none of them exists on its own. Each person thinks, feels and acts depending on the circumstances, and the ratio of these components differs significantly each time.

Basic types of worldview

A person’s worldview began to form together with self-awareness. And since throughout history people have perceived and explained the world in different ways, over time the following types of worldviews have developed:

  • Mythological. Myths arose due to the fact that people could not rationally explain the phenomena of nature or social life (rain, thunderstorms, the change of day and night, the causes of illness, death, etc.). The basis of the myth is the predominance of fantastic explanations over reasonable ones. At the same time, myths and legends reflect moral and ethical problems, values, understanding of good and evil, and the meaning of human actions. So the study of myths plays an important role in shaping people’s worldviews;
  • Religious. Unlike myths, human religion contains dogmas that all followers of this teaching must adhere to. The basis of any religion is the observance of moral standards and leading a healthy lifestyle in all senses. Religion unites people, but at the same time it can divide representatives of different faiths;
  • Philosophical. The worldview of this type is based on theoretical thinking, that is, logic, system and generalization. If the mythological worldview is more based on feelings, then in philosophy the leading role is given to reason. The difference between the philosophical worldview is that religious teachings do not imply alternative interpretations, and philosophers have the right to free thought.

Modern scientists believe that worldviews also come in the following types:

  • Ordinary. The worldview of this type is based on common sense and the experience that a person receives during life. The everyday worldview is formed spontaneously through trial and error. This type of worldview is rarely found in its pure form. Each of us forms our views on the world based on scientific knowledge, common sense, myths and religious beliefs;
  • Scientific. It is a modern stage in the development of a philosophical worldview. Logic, generalizations and system also take place here. But over time, science moves further and further away from real human needs. In addition to useful products, weapons of mass destruction, means of manipulating people's consciousness, etc. are being actively developed today;
  • Humanistic. According to humanists, a person is a value for society - he has the right to development, self-realization and satisfaction of his needs. No one should be humiliated or exploited by another person. Unfortunately, in real life this is not always the case.

Formation of a person’s worldview

A person’s worldview has been influenced since childhood by various factors (family, kindergarten, media, cartoons, books, films, etc.). However, this method of forming a worldview is considered to be spontaneous. An individual’s worldview is purposefully formed in the process of education and training.

The domestic education system is focused on developing a dialectical-materialistic worldview in children, adolescents and young men. By dialectical-materialistic worldview is meant the recognition that:

  • the world is material;
  • everything that exists in the world exists independently of our consciousness;
  • in the world everything is interconnected and develops according to certain laws;
  • a person can and should receive reliable knowledge about the world.

Since the formation of a worldview is a long and complex process, and children, adolescents and young men perceive the world around them differently, the worldview is formed differently depending on the age of students and pupils.

Preschool age

In relation to this age, it is appropriate to talk about the beginnings of the formation of a worldview. We are talking about the child’s attitude to the world and teaching the child ways to exist in the world. At first, the child perceives reality holistically, then learns to identify particulars and distinguish between them. A big role in this is played by the activities of the baby himself and his communication with adults and peers. Parents and educators introduce the preschooler to the world around him, teach him to reason, establish cause-and-effect relationships (“Why are there puddles on the street?”, “What will happen if you go out into the yard without a hat in winter?”), and find ways to solve problems (“How to help kids escape from the wolf?"). By communicating with friends, the child learns how to establish relationships with people, fulfill social roles, and act according to the rules. Fiction plays a major role in shaping the beginnings of a preschooler’s worldview.

Junior school age

At this age, the formation of a worldview occurs in and outside of lessons. Schoolchildren gain knowledge about the world through active cognitive activity. At this age, children can independently find the information they are interested in (in the library, on the Internet), analyze the information with the help of an adult, and draw conclusions. Worldview is formed in the process of creating interdisciplinary connections, observing the principle of historicism when studying the program.

Work on the formation of a worldview is already carried out with first-graders. At the same time, in relation to primary school age, it is still impossible to talk about the formation of beliefs, values, ideals, and a scientific picture of the world. Children are introduced to the phenomena of nature and social life at the level of ideas. This creates the ground for the formation of a stable worldview at further stages of human development.


It is at this age that the development of the actual worldview occurs. Guys and girls have a certain amount of knowledge, have life experience, and are able to think and reason abstractly. Teenagers are also characterized by a tendency to think about life, their place in it, the actions of people, and literary heroes. Finding yourself is one of the ways to form a worldview.

Adolescence is a time to think about who and what to be. Unfortunately, in the modern world, it is difficult for young people to choose moral and other guidelines that would help them grow up and teach them to distinguish good from bad. If, when committing certain actions, a guy or a girl is guided not by external prohibitions (it is possible or not), but by internal convictions, then this indicates that young people are growing up and have learned moral standards.

The formation of a worldview in adolescents occurs in the process of conversations, lectures, excursions, laboratory work, discussions, competitions, intellectual games, etc.


At this age stage, young people form a worldview (mainly scientific) in all its completeness and volume. Young people are not adults yet, however, at this age there is already a more or less clear system of knowledge about the world, beliefs, ideals, ideas about how to behave and how to successfully do this or that business. The basis for the emergence of all this is self-awareness.

The specificity of the worldview in adolescence is that a guy or girl tries to understand his life not as a chain of random events, but as something holistic, logical, meaningful and promising. And, if in Soviet times the meaning of life was more or less clear (work for the good of society, build communism), now young people are somewhat disoriented in choosing a life path. Young men want not only to benefit others, but also to satisfy their own needs. Most often, such attitudes give rise to a contradiction between the desired and actual state of affairs, which causes psychological problems.

As at the previous age stage, the formation of the worldview of young people is influenced by school lessons, classes in a higher or secondary specialized educational institution, communication in social groups (family, school class, sports section), reading books and periodicals, and watching films. To all this are added career guidance, pre-conscription training, and service in the armed forces.

The formation of an adult’s worldview occurs in the process of work, self-education and self-education, as well as under the influence of the circumstances of his life.

The role of worldview in human life

For all people, without exception, worldview acts as a kind of beacon. It provides guidelines for almost everything: how to live, act, react to certain circumstances, what to strive for, what to consider true and what to consider false.

Worldview allows you to be confident that the goals set and achieved are important and significant both for the individual and for society as a whole. Depending on one or another worldview, the structure of the world and the events taking place in it are explained, the achievements of science, art, and people’s actions are evaluated.

Finally, the established worldview provides a person with peace of mind and confidence that everything is going as it should. Changing external events or internal beliefs can lead to an ideological crisis. This happened among representatives of the older generation during the collapse of the USSR. The only way to cope with the consequences of the “collapse of ideals” is to try to form new (legally and morally acceptable) worldviews. A specialist can help with this.

Worldview of modern man

Unfortunately, in modern society there is a crisis in its spiritual sphere. Moral guidelines (duty, responsibility, mutual assistance, altruism, etc.) have lost their meaning. Receiving pleasure and consumption come first. In some countries, drugs and prostitution have been legalized, and the number of suicides is growing. Gradually, a different attitude towards marriage and family, new views on raising children are being formed. Having satisfied their material needs, people do not know what to do next. Life is like a train, in which the main thing is to get comfortable, but where and why to go is unclear.

Modern man lives in an era of globalization, when the importance of national culture is declining and alienation from its values ​​is observed. An individual becomes, as it were, a citizen of the world, but at the same time loses his own roots, connection with his native land, members of his clan. At the same time, contradictions and armed conflicts based on national, cultural and religious differences do not disappear in the world.

Throughout the 20th century, people had a consumerist attitude towards natural resources and did not always wisely implement projects to change biocenoses, which subsequently led to an environmental disaster. This continues today. The environmental problem is one of the global problems.

At the same time, a significant number of people realize the importance of change, searching for life guidelines, ways to achieve harmony with other members of society, nature and themselves. Promoting a humanistic worldview, focusing on the individual and his needs, revealing a person’s individuality, and establishing friendly relationships with other people is becoming popular. Instead of an anthropocentric type of consciousness (man is the crown of nature, which means he can use everything it gives with impunity), an ecocentric type begins to form (man is not the king of nature, but a part of it, and therefore must treat other living organisms with care). People visit temples, create charities and environmental protection programs.

A humanistic worldview presupposes a person’s awareness of himself as the master of his life, who must create himself and the world around him, and bear responsibility for his actions. Therefore, much attention is paid to nurturing the creative activity of the younger generation.

The worldview of modern man is in its infancy and is characterized by inconsistency. People are forced to choose between permissiveness and responsibility, consumerism and concern for others, globalization and patriotism, the approach of a global catastrophe or the search for ways to achieve harmony with the world. The future of all humanity depends on the choices made.

This is something without which humanity would not have reached such heights in modern times - the knowledge of our ancestors, whose experience was passed on from generation to generation, simply would not have reached our days. The structure of the worldview in itself is quite complex; it combines a set of information about the world surrounding a person, as well as its perception; the attitude of the individual to his “I”; life principles and principles; morality, ethics and spiritual world of each individual person.

Factors influencing the formation of worldview

Already in childhood, when a person consciously separates himself from the rest of the world, knows how to speak and think, his own worldview begins to form. Various factors influence what it will be like in adulthood:

  • A person’s environment from the first days of his life. The child adopts family traditions and the way relatives communicate with each other, considering them the norm. These are the first steps in the formation of a worldview. Communication in kindergarten, school with peers, and then student, adult life gives new experiences and goals.
  • The area where a person was born. The country in which a new member of society was born, its history, the customs of the people inhabiting this territory - the structure of the worldview unites all this into a single whole, into the future achievements of a person.
  • Religion. There are quite a lot of world religions, and they significantly influence a person’s perception of what is happening around him. Each faith enriches a person’s spiritual life and protects against wrong and dangerous actions. The canons of some recognized religious organizations are aimed at uniting people and supporting loved ones and those in need.

“Feeding” the worldview with fresh emotions and history contributes to the rapid formation of a person’s individuality. Depending on the factors affecting a person’s daily life and the emotions experienced by society and himself, the vision of the world can be either optimistic or pessimistic.

Ways of formation

There are only 2 options for developing a worldview:

  1. Active (conscious). A person uses additional opportunities to obtain information in order to create his own, individual outlook on life. Various historical documents, psychological trainings, and philosophical publications help him in this. The individual exerts all his inner strength, studying the features of the worldview and developing new goals, foundations and ideals for himself.
  2. Passive (elemental). Most of modern society uses this way of forming a worldview, receiving information from easily accessible sources, adapting to the conditions around them. As a result, a person who has chosen the passive option of growing his perception of the world, in an effort to become like everyone else, loses his individuality.


The structure of a worldview consists of several interrelated aspects:

  • Knowledge. This part includes information received from the first moments of understanding the environment. Knowledge plays a vital role in a person’s life - it is thanks to it that an individual can easily navigate space. The greater the volume of information learned, the firmer and more stable the life position. The knowledge that forms a worldview can be scientific, practical and professional.
  • Emotionality. How a person reacts to various life situations is also a component of worldview. Negative and positive emotions, as well as morality and a sense of duty subsequently form the individual’s own view of the world around him.
  • Values. A person’s attitude to what is happening around him, according to his understanding of his own aspirations, needs, meaning of life and interests. Values ​​in a worldview are of three types: significant (objects, events and people that evoke strong emotions); useful (practical side of life, clothing, food, shelter, knowledge, skills); harmful (negative attitude towards something or someone, actions, situations, for example, murder, violence).
  • Actions. The implementation by a person of his own ideas and views in practice. There can be both positive (helping people, charity) and negative (extremism, rejection of people with physical disabilities, military actions, crimes of various kinds).
  • Beliefs. The individual's and society's own views on life. They unite people and are vital for fanatics who unprincipledly follow their values. Beliefs can be firm, true, not amenable to any changes, as well as strong-willed, inspiring, forcing one to fight obstacles.
  • Character. The structure of a worldview also includes the personal qualities of an individual, without which the formation of stable views on life is not possible. Character traits that contribute to the growth and development of a worldview: will (achieving set goals), faith (confidence in one’s own abilities, trust in other people), doubts (“self-flagellation” regarding new knowledge or values).


Levels of worldview, according to the intellectual, spiritual development of a person, as well as the presence of logical and philosophical thinking, are divided into everyday perception (level No. 1), professional (No. 2) and philosophical (No. 3).

The everyday worldview, also known as the everyday one, is formed spontaneously, due to the daily life of the individual. People whose worldview is “stuck” at the first level and does not develop further are usually unable to logically explain any phenomenon, as well as restrain emotions in conflict situations - at such moments, feelings prevail over common sense. This level is basic, while other levels of worldview are considered acquired. An everyday vision of the world is formed on the traditions and customs accepted in the society surrounding the individual, as well as on experience and instincts. Thanks to him, a person can freely communicate, analyze, and learn.

A professional understanding of the world is the acquisition of skills and experience in a certain field of activity: politics, science, philosophy, creativity, culture. A person with a professional worldview can share his own ideas and thoughts - information of this kind is passed on from individual to individual, from generation to generation. It is worth noting that many famous political figures, as well as philosophers and cultural figures, had this level.

The philosophical (theoretical) worldview is considered the most developed stage. Having achieved it, a person studies, criticizes, analyzes the attitude, acceptance/non-acceptance of the world around him and his “I” as such. An interesting fact is that only a few can reach this level - the philosophical worldview is accessible only to some outstanding theorists and philosophers.


The life activity of previous generations leaves its mark on modern society. Forms of worldview absorbed the experience of ancestors, their history, myths and legends, moral principles and foundations. What our forefathers believed also influenced the worldview of modern individuals. The feelings and views of ancient people on the world around them continue to live, despite significant time intervals. Today there are such forms of worldview: public, group, individual.


There are several types of perception of the world, each of which is inherent in a certain person, with his level of development of views, characteristics, emotions, actions, values, feelings. Types of worldview, without exception, affect every aspect of a person’s life, his spiritual world, feelings and thoughts. All of them help to adapt to a given situation and contribute to the acquisition of new skills and abilities. In some cases, one individual may have several types of worldview at once - it all depends on his desire to improve himself.

Types of worldviews distinguished in the modern world: everyday, mythological, scientific, humanistic. Philosophical and historical are also highlighted. And there is one more type, which we will consider in more detail - this is a religious worldview.

Religion is an integral part of worldview

There has long been an invisible struggle between religion and science. Scientific research allows humanity to develop and overcome diseases, while religious knowledge enriches the inner world and helps to survive negative moments in life. The religious worldview is one of the strongest and most effective types of perception of the world. This is explained by the fact that belief in a supernatural, strong being, possessing limitless knowledge, and also controlling moral standards, will, knowledge and physical capabilities of a person, allows you to throw off some of the responsibility for your actions. In addition, faith forces an individual to struggle with difficulties and move forward, gathering groups of like-minded people.

Humanistic vision of the world

The structure of the worldview of humanistic-minded individuals is a generalization of the principles of humanism, namely love of humanity:

  • The most valuable thing in the world is a person.
  • Each individual is a self-sufficient person.
  • All people have limitless powers for self-improvement, development in all areas of life, and also have the right to demonstrate their capabilities and talents.
  • Any individual who is part of society is able to independently change his thinking, manner of communication, and character.
  • Every person is capable of self-development and a positive impact on the society around him.

History is a part of each of us

The historical worldview includes the mythological, religious and philosophical perception of the world, since at each stage of their development certain moments of history were affected. Myths, legends, ancient philosophers, and even biblical stories - all this existed many centuries ago, which means it left its mark on the worldview of our ancestors, since the concept of worldview unites not only the experience of our forefathers, but also their history.

Mythological perception

This type of vision implies the absence of distinctions between the objective and the subjective. Mythology allows different generations to interact with each other, despite temporary barriers. For people with a mythological worldview, legends and myths of peoples are considered reality; they help shape the moral and ethical foundations of a person.

Everyday vision of the world

Everyday or everyday perception is based on information about the experience of close relatives, passed down from generation to generation. The everyday concept of a worldview is formed through everyday life, the designation of objects and their role in the world around us.

Scientific perception

This type relies entirely on precise thoughts, specifics, facts, devoid of subjectivity. A person who has a scientific worldview is rational, calculating and cold. It so happens that science, philosophy and history have an inseparable connection and numerous common aspects. However, the scientific type of vision of the world allows us to find reasonable answers to every inexplicable phenomenon, in contrast to the historical type, which includes myths and legends.

Philosophical views on life

Philosophy and worldview are practically inseparable concepts. The vision of the world, according to this type, is based on a theory supported by scientific and natural justifications, as well as on logically explainable real (both personal and social) phenomena. Neither philosophy nor worldview of any type would have a place in modern times if they were not closely connected with history. Philosophical teachings say that a person who has such a vision is obliged to devote his life to the study of the world and the endless search for truth.

What is a worldview? Brief Definition

A generalization of a person’s actions, his desires, attitude towards people, the invaluable experience of previous generations, everyday activities, work on oneself - all this includes a worldview. It is not possible to briefly describe the unique worldview of an individual person, since all individuals are individual, which means that everyone has their own, established understanding of the world. Literally, worldview stands for “look at the world,” look at it and experience certain emotions, accept it as it is, or reject it, creating your own inner world.

The role of worldview in the existence of humanity

Taking experience from generations gone by, no one thinks about how exactly it is absorbed and allows human society to move on. The beautiful word “worldview” is an empty phrase for some individuals, but for many this term simultaneously means history, science, the inner world of a person, spirituality, and reliable help in achieving their goals.

What does a worldview give an individual? An established, stable and healthy worldview allows a person to easily adapt to society and self-improvement. Thanks to this, he does not see obstacles in solving problems, achieves promotion, and quickly finds an explanation for what is happening. Worldview gives its owner the ability to correctly set priorities and determine life values. The world's vision is more than just one person's views. Worldview is the thoughts and capabilities of the entire society, the “engine” that pushes evolution forward.


...Worldview is the result of intense and
constant internal work - spiritual,
intellectual, moral; it's a process and
an endless process where it never happens
complete and frozen truth...

A Man’s worldview forms the basis of his Life: either Life in Joy and Love for all Existence, as a part of the One, without diminishing it, or in suffering, illness and incessant problems. Each foundation must be based on something, that is, have unshakable norms, rules or Laws. At the same time, this basis must correspond to the entire Life of a Person and provide answers to all its questions that arise at every moment of Human Life. To begin with, let us turn to how Man himself defines for himself what a worldview is,

Worldview - a set of views, assessments, principles and figurative ideas that determine the most general vision, understanding of the world, a person’s place in it, as well as life positions, programs of behavior, and actions of people. Worldview gives human activity an organized, meaningful and purposeful character.
Classification. There are different ways of typology of worldviews, built on different philosophical and methodological foundations.
Various authors highlight:
religious worldview,
natural scientific worldview,
socio-political worldview,
philosophical worldview.
Sometimes they also distinguish:
worldview of everyday experience,
aesthetic worldview,
mythological worldview.

In these definitions, in classification, as in all of Life, Man tore and separated the Unified Worldview, which would give him a complete picture and answers to all his questions. But since any material Worldview is only a part of the Unified Worldview, then during its development and subsequent application into his Life, a Man receives a distorted idea of ​​his Life. This separation of the Unified World Outlook arose from the fact that in Human Life, it does not take into account the second component. This second component represents the invisible Essence of the Higher Self of Man and is subject to its Laws. Every moderately educated Person calls this Essence differently - Spirit, Soul, Conscience, Individuality
, (see article “Spirit and Matter – together or apart?) but Her purpose does not change from this. This Essence, we will call It the Spirit of Man, lives according to its Spiritual Laws, and does not obey material laws, which for the most part are created by Man to oppress his own kind and rise above them. At the same time, it should be noted that the Spiritual is always Higher than the material in its Quality and vibrations of the energies of which it consists, and therefore, always developing itself, always raises the material to its level of development(See the article “Man – who are you?”). It logically follows from this that all the knowledge that Man has about the Spiritual and Material must be combined into a Unified Knowledge, and on this basis, develop a Unified Worldview. A Man cannot be guided in his Life only by the part, especially the material one, since there will always be perversions that will lead him to the wrong Path. This is what it says about the current state of humanity:
“The most terrible scourge of humanity is its narrow worldview. The best people think that the manifestation of their horizons is the main key to saving the World, but the boundaries of these worldviews do not go further than the physical world. Representatives of the Church promise the people salvation of the spirit, but do not go further than the physical world. The people's leaders direct the thinking of their people towards reconstruction, but they do not lead beyond the lower spheres. So you can list all the degrees of human leadership, and it becomes terrible for the dead end into which humanity has entered...”
“...We have never allowed violent impositions or complex presentations.Human consciousness must, like a bee, collect information from everywhere in order to freely and voluntarily form its own worldview from it. Only such a labor harvest will promote self-improvement. Many are waiting for entire systems of understanding the world. Such people want to be led like blind people, but Our ancient method says: “Know thyself.” We are ready to generously provide sparks of the world mosaic, BUT MAN HIMSELF MUST COMPLETE HIS PATTERN..."
How is a Person's Worldview formed?
Growth and acquisition of knowledge, school, institute, religion, place and country of incarnation and, over time, the experience of Life, form in each Person a corresponding worldview. Before Man’s independent Life, this knowledge forms, as it were, the primary foundation of his Temple of Life. After entering independent Life, the main construction begins, directly with the hands and feet of the Man himself, which lasts until the allotted period of Life.
But still, a Person’s Life is not getting better - it’s not as fun as a neighbor’s, it’s not the same cottage, it’s not the right car, I’d like it better, etc. But Life goes on, and the Temple of Life, from selfishness, envy and anger, gradually collapses, sags, the foundation bursts, which cannot withstand the weight of the problems of Human Life, the walls behind the foundation collapse, the roof begins to leak, the floor collapses and rots.The repair begins - the search for ways and means to change your Life, as the dogmas and postulates of the Human Worldview speak about this. But many do not reflect on their Life and, succumbing to the general zombification, listen to the media and further apply the imposed recipes and their distorted dogmas continue to plug endless holes in their Temple of Life and come to despair every time they appear again. Man again goes through all the Paths and does not find them, because he is looking for Reason, and is looking for himself, so that they are in tune with his ossified dogmas and postulates of Life. Some, reflecting, pay attention to the foundation of their Temple of Life, and having cleared it of deposits of ignorance and narrowness of consciousness, they begin first of all to reconstruct it. Realizing that cosmetic repairs to the rickety Temple will not bring any benefit, but will only waste precious time of the allotted Life to empty troubles and worries. Then he asks the question of what can give strength to the foundation of the Temple of Life, and again, after thinking, he understands that only the TRUTH sets out in search of it. In continuation of these reflections, every Person will have a question: “Where can I get the TRUTH, this Knowledge about the Spiritual, about the Life and Purpose of Man?”
For those who listen to their Heart in their Life, Illumination comes to them, and then there is no painful search. The heart, immediately touching the Source, quietly says - this is IT, the Great Teaching of the Teachers of Humanity with its MAJESTIC ALL-CURIFYING FIRE OF LOVE(see article “Reflections on Love” "). And the Mind, at the behest of the Heart, accepts It and begins to reflect, analyze and study the Teaching, and then apply It to Human Life. After all, everyone comes to Earth with a specific task for their development and evolution, and everyone is responsible for its fulfillment. This purpose is described as follows:
“...To be ready, to be renounced, to be revealed, to be disadvantaged, to be joyful, to be rejoicing, to be silent, to be bringing and giving and to be taught in this life by the light of the Sun, this is how We want to see you, this is how we send you. SO YOUR SPIRIT HAS RECEIVED THE ASSIGNMENT...»

“...We must learn to think. No lecture can teach you how to think. The quality of thinking is formed by loneliness in all rational aspiration. It is thought that strikes the spark of life from the substance of matter.”
One on one, with oneself, reflecting on the deeds done, the actions committed, the emotions and thoughts visited during the day and comparing them with the Truth of Living Ethics, this is the only way a person can learn to think qualitatively. Reflections and communication with other cognizers will deepen and illuminate his Thoughts with the consonance of the Thoughts of other people who are also striving for their improvement. And only by stopping in his knowledge of the Universe and isolating himself, separating his material Worldview from the Knowledge of the Supreme, Man doomed his Consciousness to ossification and the creation of illusory dogmas. Hence the corresponding thoughts, emotions, actions and deeds, since, not knowing the main thing, he accepted for it secondary material and put it at the forefront of his Life.
Only familiarization with True Knowledge and its application in Human Life will begin to form the True Unified Worldview, and the early Worldview of Man will flow into it as a purified addition.
“...So it is necessary, first of all, to establish the direction of evolution. There cannot be two directions of progress. There may be one thing TRUE and all other attempts will be just wanderings..."
“The ability to discern the truth of direction is a great fiery quality. One can understand that such a quality will not be established easily. It requires not only conversations, but the most careful study of life..."
Here we talk about the many paths of Human Life, to which a Person is directed by his partial World Outlook, starting from improving the physical body and ending with psychological contacts with psychics, practitioners and all kinds of yogis. And here, in choosing his Path, a Man is guided by his Consciousness, which is developed in each person in his own way. Based on this and the truths, there is as much Human Life as there are people living in this World, and everyone has their own life, according to which they live. And here his Reason intervenes in the Life of a Man, and, guided by the desire for self-aggrandizement, begins to push by any means his truth of Life, which was created and passed through an ignorant and self-consciousness, passing it off as a panacea for delivering Mankind from all its troubles. For this purpose, all means and possibilities are used, which are different for each Person. Hence the creation of all kinds of sects, teachings, methods, scientific research and revelations, literary works, etc., etc., etc. The goal is one - to push your truth, accordingly, making money on it for your comfortable existence, to make it the property of others and the story who believed in “their bright future”, where everyone will be “happy”. And there are many such truths, and they all prove their “truth” to each other until they are hoarse, not disdaining any immoral means, slandering others, up to the physical destruction of those who, having entered this Life, Truly realized their destiny and led others , inviting everyone to “Know Yourself.” And Man with his materialistic World Outlook rushes between these truths, both titled and with all sorts of regalia, and without them, and tries first one, then another, a third - but it’s still not the same. And it is unknown to those who rush about that their consciousness and Reason are looking for the truth that would correspond to their Worldview and their understanding of Life. Then a Man begins to apply into his Life the one that is more or less consonant with him, trying to adapt it to his way of Life, but it still doesn’t work. Why? Yes, because everyone has their own initial stock of Knowledge, their own conditions of birth, their own family that raised him, their own perception of the same material taught at school, institute, their own experience of Life, their own energy of the body, their own, their own, their own…. And therefore, no recipes from others: parents, girlfriends, acquaintances, various “gurus” will indicate the Right Path of Life for him. Why again? Because the TRUTH is ONE AND ONE, and there are many truths and they are all personal, and therefore they always fight among themselves in anger and envy and set one Person against another, but we must look for IT - THE TRUTH OF THE UNIVERSE AND ITS LAWS(see article “Laws of Human Life”). But how many people are looking for HER? Blinded by its dogmas, Reason in its imaginary “know-it-all” does not want to learn and drives and drives Man along his “squirrel” wheel of Life until he is exhausted and again collapses in the network of some sect, a newly-minted “guru” , psychological techniques and practices.
And the Truth, Calmly and Majestically, at a certain time, is given again and again by the Elder Brothers to all Humanity and, purified in its Light, patiently waits for each Person to touch it and begin to expand their consciousness and Worldview. This TRUTH does not violate the Free Will of Man, does not pit anyone against each other and does not belittle anyone, saying that everything came from the ONE and everything is EQUAL SIZE AND EQUAL. It says that everything that exists has form and content, that is, SPIRIT and MATTER, the LIFE of which depends only on their joint development, but only in the voluntary and free submission of Matter - Spirit(see the article “Spirit or Matter – together or apart?”). It does not inflame in a Man a thirst for power and self-aggrandizement, again saying that POWER IS A SACRIFICE, and forcing everyone to think about their True Greatness, and what it consists of. He speaks about the Immortality of every Man in the Spirit, and about the death of his physical body, his form. He speaks about the Psychic Energy of Life, about the “BOWL” of accumulation where the TRUE RICHES OF THE SOUL are composed, about Joy - as a SPECIAL WISDOM and about much, much more. This True Knowledge opens the eyes of all those who know themselves wide, and they, beginning to know themselves, discover limitless possibilities in themselves. Truly, Man is created in the image and likeness of the Creator and in his potential is Man, the Creator of the Universe. But first you need to create your own - in the CENTER with your Sun - Heart, which would illuminate with its TRUE LOVE first the inner WORLD of Man, and then the entire WORLD AROUND HIM. This is the TRUTH, which, when KNOWN and applied in one’s Life, will expand the consciousness of a Man and his Worldview, thereby strengthening and creating an indestructible foundation of his Temple of Life. But it is not enough to read IT as fiction, it is also necessary in the everyday life of each action of Life, With every Bright Thought, Pure DESIRE and Joyful EMOTIONS, improve and transform yourself. In essence, this is a SCHOOL OF LIFE, in which every Person must constantly study before leaving the earthly plane. Should - but not obliged, since everyone has Free Will and their own dogmas and ignorance. So it turns out that in this SCHOOL OF LIFE, everyone is either a poor student in his evil, or a C student - gray, lukewarm, deceitful and obligingly licking, or an excellent student - in his COGNITION, IMPROVEMENT AND TRANSFORMATION OF HIMSELF. And grades are given by a strict and fair TEACHER, who is the LIFE of every Person. And this Life either improves from the education of Man himself and transforms into Joyful and Happy with his Female Beautiful Half, or sinks further into the swamp of ignorance, lies, pretense, anger and envy, and the result of which will be ever-increasing illnesses, suffering of Man, painful and the terrible anticipation of his inevitable physical end.
In the Universe, at every moment of Life, everything changes; everything also changes in Man and in the World that he creates around himself with his Life and his attitude to its manifestations. Every atom, every organ, every Person, family, team, city, nation, country, Earth, Universe and Creation are constantly in the MOVEMENT OF LIFE. Everything finished and dogmatic is sooner or later doomed to decay and destruction. If only there was one. In its agony, it carries with it Man, who has stopped in his Development of consciousness and his Worldview, and prepares for him new tests, which Man himself creates for himself with his ignorant Mind and the darkness of his Heart. And the diagram of the “squirrel” wheel of Life of an ignorant, deceitful, envious and lazy Man who cares about pleasing his body, completely forgetting about the Heart and the Spirit living in it. And the SPIRIT living in a Man is his CHRIST, and everyone himself, every second, either crucifies him on his own cross of selfishness, anger, profit, causing him suffering, or in the persistent Work of SELF-IMPROVEMENT together with HIM, with his own hands and feet, rises to his True Native HOME IS THE FIRE WORLD, to your FATHER - THE CREATOR OF ALL THINGS(See “The Tale of the Unified World Outlook”).
All this is contained in CONSCIOUSNESS and WORLDVIEW and to develop it, or to continue to decay and vegetate on our BEAUTIFUL PLANET in its ignorance, it is up to MAN to decide, with his FREE WILL, which even makes a blade of grass break through the asphalt and meet the CLEAR LIGHT OF THE SUN and TRUTH. So, a Man’s Life will become HAPPY, JOYFUL and BRIGHT if he himself breaks through the darkness of his ignorance with his own hands to the SHINING LIGHT OF THE TRUTH OF THE UNIVERSE.

Everything is in your hands Man - Dare and Create your Life!

With wishes of LIGHT and LOVE to everyone.

To be continued.

As you are already accustomed, I try to express my thoughts in articles (I try to justify the name of the blog), or I quote the thoughts of other authors with whom I find harmony, that is, they look at the world the same way as I do.

It's no secret that everyone looks at the same event in their own way. And this is normal, this is correct, everyone notices the features inherent in his nature, his character!

But often views can be radically opposite, and they can be called:

negative and positive thinking.

"You can find good in everything bad, the main thing is to find it!

In everything good you can find bad - the main thing is that Not find!"

Agree that negative thinking is no longer normal, it affects our relationship with others, our mood and even our health!

Our task is to teach ourselves to look at the world positively. And this is not some kind of self-hypnosis,

not blind programming of your thinking, but a healthy approach to life!

So, some advice that I found on the website

Positive outlook

Positive worldview - perceiving the world primarily through positive attitude, in light and bright colors, the habit of noticing the good in everything.

A person with a positive worldview has predominant emotions of a high, joyful, lively tone. As a manifestation of a positive attitude, a positive worldview is usually associated with a positive attitude towards people: trust and goodwill.

How to develop a positive outlook

Positive worldview is not very accepted and underdeveloped in our culture, but it is definitely worth developing.

So, let's go....

Positive energy piggy bank

Positive energy piggy bank is a method of keeping diary entries that develops a positive outlook on the world, goodwill towards people, promoting self-efficacy and increasing self-confidence.

A piggy bank of positive energy consists of several thematic diaries (notebooks) for different tasks.

· Success notebook , or Journal of Positive Experiences. Here you write down your personal strengths and virtues, your successes (what you were lucky in today) and successes (what you achieved, what worked out for you). Useful for people who experience dips in self-confidence and who fall into negativity.

Write new advantages every day, better - 10 new advantages every day. For serious people, the condition is strict: read at least one last page every day and write down at least 5 points on each point.

· Dream garden . In this notebook you can write down your wildest dreams and energetic desires. Learn to dream, learn to wish! The Dream Garden will help those who have lost the energy of life.

· Gratitude journalneeded for those who want to develop goodwill towards people, relieve unnecessary anger and irritation, and strengthen a positive outlook on others and life in general. In this diary you write down your gratitude to people and life. Gratitude to people: who helped you today, who you are grateful for today. Gratitude in life: write down your successes, thank your mistakes and the lessons they gave you. Gratitude to yourself: for the fact that you did and organized all this.

· Pilot of success - this notebook will organize you for successful things. In it you write down your projects, transform problems into tasks, rethink mistakes as lessons and new experiences, record plans, make analyzes and conclusions, and sum up.

Your store of positive energy can contain more than just notes in a notebook. It could beA sunny photo journal, and Melodies of Happiness, and the Smell of Charm. Be creative!

More about diaries:

Success notebook

Success notebook (another name is “Success Story”) - a collection of personal positive experiences, a way to increase self-confidence.

It is useful to write down in the Success Notebook:

· your personal advantages are new every day, Better - 10 new advantages every day.

· your successes: - what you achieved, what you did,

· your luck - how lucky you are today.

For serious people, the condition is strict: read at least one last page every day and write down at least 10 points on each point.

Dream garden

Dream garden : in this notebook you can write down (and draw, paste cutouts like collages) your wildest dreams and energetic desires. Learn to dream, learn to wish! The Dream Garden will help those who have lost the energy of life.

Usually children make such notebooks for themselves: they draw, write and glue everything they see in their dreams. Children are generally brave, they do what they like and allow themselves to dream freely. It’s understandable shame for adults to dream so openly... Well, don’t show anyone your personal selection: your favorite, carefully kept ones.

Strong plans are born only from a strong dream: fantasize boldly and with pleasure, enthusiastically tell your dreams to friends, carefully write down your dreams in a notebook, book or password-protected file... A dream lives in memory in the same way that despair or fatigue can live in our memory. What should we load into ourselves?

A house in which you will be happy, a car just like that, a sunset - yes, it will be just as quiet, and her hand will be in my hand, and we will sail on a boat that I just found in this magazine and pasted on this page ...

Gratitude journal

A gratitude diary is a way to accustom yourself to a positive outlook and attention to loved ones. In this diary you write down your gratitude to people and life. A gratitude diary is one of the important parts of the Positive Energy Box

A gratitude diary is needed for those who want to develop goodwill towards people, relieve unnecessary anger and irritation, and strengthen a positive outlook on others and life in general.

A gratitude diary consists of three gratitudes: gratitude to people, gratitude to life, gratitude to yourself.

Gratitude to people: who helped you today, who you are grateful for today. Separately, gratitude to loved ones, even for the smallest services.

Growing up as a process of social self-determination is multidimensional and multifaceted. Most clearly, its contradictions and difficulties are manifested in the formation of life perspective, attitude to work and moral consciousness.

“In every youth,” wrote I. A. Bunin, “there is some special time of its blossoming, when it seems that this time is only the beginning of something endless, that there will be many more times, events, meetings, all wonderful.” During these years, a person “keeps preparing for something, although he doesn’t know what—and strangely—he cares little about what, as if he were absolutely sure that it would happen on its own.”

Social self-determination and the search for oneself are inextricably linked with the formation of a worldview.

Worldview- this is a view of the world as a whole, a system of ideas about the general principles and foundations of existence, a person’s life philosophy, the sum and result of all his knowledge. Cognitive (cognitive) prerequisites for a worldview are the assimilation of a certain and very significant amount of knowledge (there cannot be a scientific worldview without mastery of science) and the individual’s ability for abstract theoretical thinking, without which disparate specialized knowledge does not form a single system.

But a worldview is not so much a logical system of knowledge as a system of beliefs that express a person’s attitude to the world, his main value orientations.

Youth is a decisive stage in the formation of a worldview, because it is at this time that both his cognitive and his emotional-personal prerequisites mature. Adolescence is characterized, as we have already seen, not simply by an increase in the volume of knowledge, but also by a tremendous expansion of the mental horizons of the high school student, the emergence of theoretical interests and the need to reduce the variety of facts to a few principles. Although the specific level of knowledge, theoretical abilities, and breadth of interests among the guys are very different, some shifts in this direction are observed among everyone, giving a powerful impetus to youthful “philosophizing.”

The worldviews of early youth are usually very contradictory. Diverse, contradictory, superficially assimilated information is formed in the head of a teenager into a kind of vinaigrette in which everything is mixed. Serious, deep judgments are strangely intertwined with naive, childish ones. A high school student can, without noticing it, during the same conversation radically change his position, equally ardently and categorically defend directly opposite views that are incompatible with each other. He often finds himself in the situation of Alice in Wonderland: “You... who... are you?” asked the Blue Caterpillar. “I really don’t know now, madam,” answered Alice timidly. “I know who I was this morning, when I woke up, but since then I’ve changed several times.” But, unlike Alice, the young man is inclined to claim that he always said and thought the same thing.

Naive adults often attribute this confusion to shortcomings in training and upbringing. In fact, this is a normal property of early youth. As the Polish psychologist K. Obukhovsky rightly noted (1972):

The need for the meaning of life, to understand one’s life not as a series of random, isolated events, but as an integral process that has a certain direction, continuity and meaning, is one of the most important needs of the individual. In youth, when a person is first faced with a conscious choice of life path, this need is experienced especially acutely.

Worldview search includes the social orientation of the individual, i.e., awareness of oneself as a particle, an element of a social community, the choice of one’s future social position and ways to achieve it.

During this search, the young man is looking for a formula that would simultaneously illuminate for him the meaning of his own existence and the prospects for the development of all humanity. But where can I get such a formula?

The question about the meaning of life is a symptom of a certain dissatisfaction. When a person is completely absorbed in a task, he usually does not ask himself whether this task makes sense - such a question simply does not arise. Reflection, a critical reassessment of values, the most general expression of which is the question of the meaning of life, is usually associated with some kind of pause, a “vacuum” in activity or in relationships with people. And precisely because this problem is essentially practical, only activity can give a satisfactory answer to it.

This does not mean, of course, that reflection and introspection are an “excess” of the human psyche, which should be gotten rid of whenever possible. Such a point of view, if developed consistently, would lead to the glorification of an animal or plant way of life, which posits happiness in being completely dissolved in any activity, without thinking about its meaning. By critically assessing his life path and his relationships with the outside world, a person rises above the conditions directly “given” to him and feels himself to be a subject of activity. Therefore, ideological issues are not resolved once and for all; every turn of life prompts a person to return to them again and again, reinforcing or revising his past decisions. In youth this is done most categorically, and in the formulation of ideological problems it is characterized by the same contradiction between the abstract and the concrete as in the style of thinking.

The question about the meaning of life is posed globally in early youth and a universal answer, suitable for everyone, is expected.

“So many questions and problems torment and worry me,” writes an eighth-grader. “What am I needed for? Why was I born? Why am I living? From early childhood, the answer to these questions was clear to me: “To benefit others.” But now I’m thinking - what does “be useful” mean? “By shining for others, I burn myself.” This, of course, is the answer. A person’s goal is to “shine for others.” He gives his life to work, love, friendship. People need a person, he walks the earth for a reason.” The girl does not notice that in her reasoning she is essentially not moving forward: the principle of “shine to others” is as abstract as the desire to “be useful.”

The difficulties of youthful reflection about the meaning of life lie in the correct combination of what A. S. Makarenko called the near and long term. Expanding the time perspective in depth (covering longer periods of time) and breadth (including one’s personal future in the circle of social changes affecting society as a whole) is a necessary psychological prerequisite for posing ideological problems.

But combining near and far perspectives is not easy for a person. There are young men, and there are many of them, who do not want to think about the future, postponing all difficult questions and important decisions for “later.” An attitude (usually unconscious) to prolong the fun and carefree existence is not only socially harmful, since it is inherently dependent, but also dangerous for the individual himself. Youth is a wonderful, amazing age that adults remember with tenderness and sadness. But everything is good in due time. Eternal youth - eternal spring, eternal flowering, but also eternal infertility. The “eternal youth”, as he is known from fiction and psychiatric clinics, is not at all a lucky man. Much more often, this is a person who was unable to resolve the task of self-determination in a timely manner and did not take deep roots in the most important areas of life. His variability and impetuosity may seem attractive against the backdrop of the everyday mundaneness and everyday life of many of his peers, but this is not so much freedom as restlessness. One can sympathize with him rather than envy him.

The situation is no better at the opposite pole, when the present is seen only as a means to achieve something in the future. To feel the fullness of life means to be able to see “tomorrow’s joy” in today’s work (A. S. Makarenko) and at the same time to feel the intrinsic value of each given moment of activity, the joy of overcoming difficulties, learning new things, etc.

It is important for a teacher to know whether a high school student imagines his future as a natural continuation of the present or as its negation, as something radically different, and whether he sees in this future the product of his own efforts or something (whether good or bad) that “ it will come on its own." Behind these attitudes (usually unconscious) lies a whole complex of social and psychological problems.