What woman doesn't dream of having slender hips? Probably only the one who has already achieved them. If only everything were so easy and simple. I wanted slender hips - on you, please. If you want a firm butt, here you go. But no, unfortunately, everything is not as simple as we would like.

In our article we want to tell you how to quickly reduce. We will give you some advice. They will be effective both individually and in combination. But they will still be most effective when taken together.

We recommend wearing a more fitted top (blouse, top) with a flowing, knee-length or longer skirt. Pump shoes are ideal for this combination, which, unlike shoes with clasps, will lengthen your legs and make them even more graceful. This look will give you an hourglass figure.

Also try to choose tops with horizontal or vertical stripes and light or bright colors. The bottom of the clothes is a calm or dark color.

Reduce hip size at home

The main difficulty in fighting excess weight at home is self-discipline. No one will take care of you except yourself. And this is well worth understanding.

Locally reducing only the hips, alas, will not work. The whole body is losing weight. Excess fat is removed from all areas of the body, including the thighs.

Try to start with a healthy diet and routine. Eat the right foods: give up sweets, flour, fatty, salty and fried foods. Try not to skip meals, and there should be 5-6 of them. Drink 2-3 liters of clean drinking water per day depending on your weight.

Also, at home, you can easily give yourself a killer workout, fiery dancing, or do some squats while cooking dinner, or do a “bicycle” exercise while playing with the children. Just half an hour of daily training and your treasured volumes will evaporate before your eyes.

Go for it!

In the gym

Still, the best method for reducing volume is considered to be proper nutrition and exercise.

As we said, some simple programs can be performed independently at home, but if you want to work with heavy weights, it is advisable to work in the gym with a personal trainer.

The trainer will not only monitor the technique of performing the exercises, but also motivate and customize. Which ultimately disciplines you.

It’s just very important to choose the right coach. It is advisable to follow the recommendations of friends and acquaintances.

With systematic training and proper nutrition, you will maintain your lost weight and reduced volumes. We remember that the main thing is regularity.

Thigh massage

Massage is a very common and effective way to reduce body volume, reduce the “orange peel” and improve the surface of the skin.

The easiest way to massage yourself at home is with cupping.

Vacuum acts as an irritant when it comes into contact with the skin. Because of this, lumps and tubercles of cellulite are broken and split.

We use jars only for vacuum massage. They are sold in any pharmacy and cost pennies compared to a salon procedure.

And the effect they produce is excellent. Not to mention the fact that you will spend the evening for yourself, relax, and also improve the quality of your body.

We exclude harmful

For the period when you want to lose weight and reduce volume, you need to exclude some foods from your diet, and especially:

  • roast
  • alcohol
  • white rice, potatoes
  • sweet carbonated drinks

This list is enough to get you started. Don’t forget to buy vitamins at the pharmacy, since your diet will change, and you don’t want your body to suffer.

Also, in order not to eat more than your daily caloric intake, you can calculate your daily calorie intake yourself or by contacting professionals.

Let's develop healthy habits that will help you quickly reduce the size of your hips and legs.

Exercises for hips and buttocks

Aerobic exercises are very effective: swimming, running, walking, jumping rope, cycling and skating, etc.

There is a very effective exercise that, if done every day for a couple of minutes a day, your hips will decrease in volume by up to 10 cm in just a month.

  • stand straight, heels together, toes apart
  • the right leg must be taken forward as far as it will go, then back, and then to the side
  • keep your leg elevated for a maximum of about 10 seconds. Whoever can do it longer, hold it longer.

Reducing thigh volume in a week

Does it happen that you urgently need to fit into your favorite dress in a week? And we know how to do it.

The T-TAPP system, created by experienced trainer and sports physiologist Teresa Tapp, can help you achieve this result in such a short period of time.

A huge advantage of this system is that it can be easily done at home.

This system includes various types of exercises for all muscle groups. Here are examples of some of them:

  • Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms above your head. Squat down as low as you can. We tilt the body, the arms are a “continuation” of the back. You need to perform 8 approaches 3 times.
  • Standing on your left leg, you need to pull the knee of your right leg to your chest to your left shoulder. Then we release it and lift it again, turning it 90 degrees. We perform the exercise alternating legs. You need to perform 6 approaches 3 times.
  • They lay down on the floor and raised their legs up. Alternately bend your legs at the knees. Next, you need to spread your legs to the sides, while keeping your legs tense, not relaxed. We perform 8 approaches 3 times.

Exercises for men

Yes, yes, not only girls want to have slender legs. So, some exercises for men:

Postpartum recovery

Many girls, after the birth of a child, due to changes in hormonal levels, lose their former shape and, eating up the whole thing, waste themselves even more.

We suggest that you don’t get upset, pull yourself together and start doing exercises at home while your baby is sleeping, or with him. It's useful for you, it's fun for him.


However, when the result cannot be achieved by the above methods, you can reduce the volume of the hips surgically. Lifting, liposuction - all this is at the discretion of the doctor and the patient.

A thin waist and neat, slender hips are something without which it is impossible to imagine a beautiful figure. Unfortunately, the hips and waist are problem areas for most girls, and this is where almost every girl wants to adjust something. Properly selected exercises help make your figure slim and beautiful.

Exercises to reduce the waist, as well as exercises to reduce the size of the hips, are extremely popular. They help not only to significantly reduce volume, but also to improve the lines of the figure. In addition, such exercises load other muscles of the body, increase strength and endurance. Regularly performing these exercises will help not only create a beautiful figure, but also significantly improve your well-being.

Exercises to reduce belly fat

Fat accumulations in the abdominal area are one of the main problems of all women and getting rid of them is not at all easy. Even if you manage to lose weight in this area using diets or alternative methods, you are usually left with unattractive, saggy skin. Only properly selected exercises to reduce your belly will help tighten your skin and muscles.

We begin to perform the exercises from the starting position lying on the floor. Legs must be bent at the knees, hands placed behind your head. Now you need to start raising your torso so as to reach your elbow to the opposite knee. This exercise perfectly tightens the oblique abdominal muscles; it must be repeated at least 20-30 times.

The following exercise is performed from the starting position while sitting on the floor. Your back must be kept straight. We stretch our arms forward. Now we begin to slowly turn the body as far as possible to the left, and then to the right. You need to repeat ten exercises in one approach, the number of approaches is 2-3.

We lie on our side and lean on our left hand. From this position we begin to do straight leg raises, at least 10-20 times. Then the side must be changed.

We perform the last exercise from a standing position. We place our feet shoulder-width apart and begin to do lateral bends to the right and left. In this case, the hand should slide along the thigh.

Regularly doing exercises to reduce your belly fat will help tighten all your muscles. Not only the stomach will decrease, but also the sides, and the waist will become thin and expressive.

Hips are another sore spot for women. This is where fat deposits easily accumulate and cellulite appears, and getting rid of them is very difficult. Special exercises for reducing hips will help solve the problem, which will reduce the volume of this problem area and improve its condition.

To begin, you need to get on all fours and rest on your bent elbows. From this position we begin to perform bent leg raises. The thigh must be kept parallel to the body, and the heel must be pulled up.

Lie on your stomach on the floor and stretch your arms forward, slightly raising your fingertips. At this time, we try to raise our feet as high as possible, but we cannot bend our knees. The body should form a “boat”. This exercise tightens not only the hips, but also the stomach and back.

After this, we sit on the floor, hands must be closed at the back of the head, and legs straightened. Now try to “walk” with your buttocks. To begin with, 2-3 meters will be enough, but over time the distance should increase. This exercise will make your thighs slim and your buttocks firm.

Many girls are bothered by sagging inner thighs. The following exercise will help you overcome this unpleasant phenomenon. To perform it, you need to lie on your back and raise your legs straight. Now you need to start spreading your legs apart and slowly bringing them back. To get noticeable results, you must perform at least 20 repetitions daily.

Over time, you can start using leg weights, this will make the exercises more effective and will allow you to never stop there.

Recommendations for those who want to reduce their waist and hips

There is usually a specific reason for the increase in body size. This could be overeating, unbalanced nutrition or physical inactivity. Therefore, to get a really good result, you must first get rid of the causes of the problem. It is very important to start eating healthy and rationally. The amount of energy consumed should not be higher than energy consumption, and in the case of excess weight, it should be significantly less.

Anyone who begins to perform exercises to reduce the size of their hips, waist or other parts of the body must remember that they must be performed regularly. You can exercise every day or every other day, the main thing is not to be lazy and not start giving up training, looking for dubious excuses.

Before starting the exercise to reduce your waist and hips, you need to do a warm-up. When warming up, you need to use as many muscles as possible. You can run or jump rope. Cardio exercises are also suitable. You can spin a hula hoop, which will perfectly warm up your abdominal muscles. After training, it is advisable to do a couple of stretching exercises. Such exercises will help consolidate the results and relieve muscle pain the next day.

Any woman is a perfectionist by nature. And, perhaps, nowhere is this more evident than in the desire to achieve an ideal appearance and the willingness to make any sacrifices for this.

The most common problem is extra pounds concentrated in the thighs. This is provided for by the constitution of the female body. But such a figure has not been in fashion for a long time. Therefore, many ladies are ready to do anything to achieve the coveted 90-60-90.

How to reduce hip size? There are a variety of ways. Everyone can find what best suits her.


The first thing you need to radically review when planning to lose weight is your own diet. The truism “only those who consume fat themselves get fat” is absolutely true.

Sometimes, in order to get rid of a couple of extra centimeters, it is enough to give up sweet, fried, fatty, spicy, salty and smoked baked goods. Also, any fast food, alcoholic and carbonated drinks are strictly prohibited. Eat more often, but little by little, avoid snacks and dry foods, drink as much fluid as possible.

If this doesn't help, take more drastic measures.

  • Keep a special diary where you meticulously record everything you eat during the day. Lying to yourself and trying to “forget” something is simply stupid. This way you can estimate the calorie content of your diet and clearly see which foods you should avoid.
  • Reduce your usual serving by 20-25%. Go for a little trick by using a smaller plate. But without fanaticism - do not suddenly go on a starvation diet. This way you will achieve the opposite result. Under the influence of unexpected stress, the body will begin to save literally every incoming calorie for future use.
  • Remember the golden rule: “eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to your enemy.” It is in the morning that you need to consume the bulk of fats and carbohydrates. They are best absorbed before 12:00. For breakfast, eat porridge and muesli.
  • Another common truth is not to eat after 18:00. If you can’t stand it, drink a cup of hot tea with honey and a glass of kefir. More radical-minded ladies can brush their teeth or chew gum.
  • A couple of times a week, have a fasting day - a mono-diet of low-carbohydrate foods. In general, you should give up “fast” carbohydrates found in bread, potatoes and sweets and switch to “slow” ones. Include brown rice, buckwheat, and durum wheat pasta in your diet.
  • Your best friends are fruits and vegetables. The fiber they contain fills the stomach, creating a feeling of fullness. Eat more citrus fruits, green apples, tomatoes, cucumbers, spinach, and broccoli. Try to buy them in season and those that grow in your area. Otherwise, there is a high probability of acquiring beautiful, but absolutely useless specimens, pumped with fertilizers and other chemicals.
  • Strictly adhere to your daily fluid intake. Remember that liquid is not only water, but also teas, herbal infusions, juices, compotes, fruit drinks, broths, milk and fermented milk products.
  • Get protein from foods that don't contain a lot of fat. First of all, this is low-fat fish, white meat chicken and turkey, rabbit, lean pork and beef. Source of vegetable protein - any legumes.
  • Instead of saturated fats, include foods containing unsaturated fatty acids in your diet. These are fish, flax and sesame seeds (or oil from them), all types of nuts.
  • Try to cook without adding oil. Boil meat, fish and poultry, bake in foil or grill, steam. The same goes for vegetables. Season salads with natural yogurt, soy sauce or lemon juice.
  • Reduce salt intake to a minimum. Replace it with fresh herbs and spices.

Physical exercise

To remove extra pounds from your hips, make it a rule to perform a simple set of exercises every day. Start with one approach of 7-8 times for each exercise and gradually increase them to 20-25, and the number of approaches to 3-4.

To enhance the effect of exercise, wear special shapewear, thermal underwear, or simply wrap your thighs with cling film.

You should not overeat before or after training.

  • How to reduce hip size? Start with the most common squats. Place your hands behind your head, clasp them in a lock and lower yourself down as if you were sitting on a chair. When your knees are bent at an angle of 90º, freeze for 10-15 seconds. Then slowly rise up. Once you get used to this option, complicate the task. Extend your arms in front of you, holding a small dumbbell or plastic water bottle in each.
  • Holding dumbbells in your hands, transfer your weight to the toes of one of your feet. Lift the second one slightly off the floor. Begin to lift it up while leaning forward (back straight), stretching your arms and squeezing the muscles on the other buttock.
  • Spread your legs wide apart, extending your arms straight forward. Slowly bend each knee as much as possible, placing your body weight on that leg. Try to move your buttocks back as much as possible.
  • A simple but effective exercise - energetic swings forward, backward and to the sides with the widest possible amplitude.
  • Standing on one leg, bend the other at the knee and turn it outward. The body must remain motionless.
  • Lie on your back and lift your legs vertically up. In turn, bend each knee and turn it parallel to the floor, tensing the thigh muscles.
  • In the same starting position, pedal at a slow pace. First one way, then the other. Or move each foot in as wide a circle as possible.
  • Lying on your side, bend the knee that is at the bottom and lift the other one up. Until you complete the required number of repetitions, do not lower it to the floor.
  • Lying on your stomach with your arms extended forward, raise one right arm and one left leg at the same time as high as possible. We repeat the same on the other arm and leg.
  • Sit down, straighten your legs, keep your back straight and begin to move forward and backward, helping yourself with your arms bent at the elbows.

other methods

  • Aerobics classes. Especially water aerobics, since in water the resistance of the environment increases, and you spend 1.5-2 times more effort on performing the exercise.
  • Walking. Forget about the existence of elevators. Walk wherever possible. Get a pet and go for long walks. To control yourself, buy a pedometer.
  • Jogging. If there are no medical contraindications, this is a wonderful way to remove extra pounds not only from the hips, but also from the stomach. Start with 3-5 minute jogs, gradually increase the pace and duration of the run. A treadmill will also work.
  • Dancing. Choose any upbeat music you like. As a bonus, you will receive a dose of good mood. Dance for at least 35-40 minutes. Oriental dancing is great for burning fat.
  • Yoga. This is not just a set of exercises, but a whole system that has a beneficial effect on physical and mental health.
  • Swimming. 30 minutes spent in the pool 3-4 times a week is enough.
  • Cycling. In winter, work out at the gym or buy a home exercise machine. In summer, ride outdoors.
  • In winter, go skiing and skating.

What will enhance the effect?

When looking for a way to reduce hip size, do not forget about activities that will help consolidate the effect.

  • Massage. You can contact a specialist, but do some things yourself. Rub your thighs and buttocks vigorously with a natural sponge mitten. Stop when you notice slight redness. Usually 2-3 minutes is enough. Lightly pinch and tap problem areas with your hands or use any hand-held massager.
  • Wraps. Creams with cayenne pepper extract and caffeine, honey, and medicinal mud have a good effect. Wrap your thighs in cling film, cover them with a thick terry towel, or put woolen trousers over them. Walk like this for at least three quarters of an hour. After washing off the wrap, treat problem areas with a scrub. Contraindications – problems with the heart, blood vessels, any gynecological diseases.
  • website

The hips, along with the stomach, bear the brunt of excess weight after pregnancy. Under the influence of female hormones, the riding breeches area grows, the inner part fills with fat, the buttocks become wider and lose their shape.

There are only two ways to combat this: combine physical activity and proper nutrition.

Basic principles of losing weight in the thighs

Fat deposits in the pelvic area are the most persistent. They begin to accumulate during puberty, if girls prefer a chair near the computer to walks, and chips and cola to a healthy diet.

Cellulite in such conditions is simply inevitable; it loves inaction. When asking how to quickly reduce thighs and legs, you need to think about how much body fat has accumulated. This often happens for years, so you shouldn’t expect complete relief from cellulite in 1-2 months.

On the path to slimness you will need to perform three main tasks:

  • strengthen the leg muscles, as they build a framework for the skin, help burn calories, nourish connective tissues and “tighten” cellulite;
  • cut down on fats, sweets, all purchased products and preservatives - they are the ones who like to settle on the thighs and spoil the curves;
  • move a lot in a moderate rhythm: walk, dance, ride a bike - cardio training burns fat.

Rules for training for weight loss

When asked how to make your hips smaller, the answer you often hear is: squatting. But many girls noticed that after a month in the gym, their legs, on the contrary, become larger as the muscles grow. The fact is that you need the right proportion of loads: strength and aerobic.

The ideal condition for burning fat would be a combination of strength exercises with dumbbells and jumping. You will have to do a lot of repetitions and force your heart to speed up to 160-170 beats per minute, this is when the fat begins to burn.

A training set might look like this:

  • Air squats. These are regular squats without dumbbells at a fast pace. With the correct technique, the first movement is performed by the pelvis - it is pulled back, as if there is an invisible chair behind it, and the knee joints also bend. This is how you can ensure that your knees do not “peek” beyond the line drawn by your toes. Perform 15-30 repetitions depending on your level of training. Squats make your whole body lose weight and strengthen the front of your thighs.
  • Side lunges with jump. From a standing position, you need to make a wide lunge to the left and transfer your weight to your left leg in a squat, moving your pelvis back. At the same time, the body leans forward. To maintain the accuracy of the technique, you can touch the toe of your left foot with your right hand. Return to the starting position, repeat 15-20 times for each leg.
  • Stepping onto a chair. Stand in front of a chair or other elevated platform, step onto it with your left foot, and lower yourself to the floor. Repeat 20 times, alternating legs.
  • Gluteal bridge. For this exercise you will need a dumbbell or a 5 liter water bottle. You need to lie on the floor, bend your knees. Place the weight on the pelvic bones, perform slow pelvic lifts and hold for 1-2 seconds at the top point. Do 20 reps. This exercise works well on the buttocks and gets rid of cellulite on the back of the thigh.

Removing cellulite

Many girls believe that swinging their legs while standing or lying down helps in losing weight.

To reduce the inner thigh, like any other part of the body, three conditions must be met:

  • choose exercises that work several muscles;
  • do them at a fast pace or combine them with jumping rope;
  • alternate load intensity: squats with dumbbells and jumping.

Diagonal lunges are aimed at the inner thigh. From a standing position, you need to take a wide step with your left foot forward and slightly to the left, transfer your body weight to the walking leg and squat down. Return to starting position.

After 10-15 lunges, you should run in place for a minute, do jumping jacks with your legs spread to the sides, and then repeat this combination of exercises 2-3 more times.

You can often see a thin girl with massive thighs. Insidious cellulite, when it reaches the fourth stage, causes fibrosis - the proliferation of connective tissues in which fat molecules are literally entangled, forming a dense mass.

Girls begin to reduce the front surfaces of their thighs, as expected, with squats and lunges, but continue to eat a lot, and their legs become visually thicker due to muscle mass. Then they give up training, starting to squeeze balls with their feet, doing swings, and, of course, do not see the result.

Cellulite and fibrosis in particular cannot be overcome without muscle growth. It is the quadriceps muscle that will ensure normal blood supply to the skin and connective tissues, because cellulite appears only due to stagnation of blood and fluid in the lesion.

Training should be structured as follows: squat, do lunges with a light weight (5-8 kg dumbbells) 20 times in 3-4 approaches, and then go on the treadmill for 20 minutes.

But the main condition for losing weight is nutrition, in which you can eat:

  • chicken meat without skin, boiled or steamed fish;
  • vegetables in salads or stewed;
  • dairy products, except sweet yoghurts, with 1% fat content;
  • soups with vegetable broth;
  • porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley) only in the first half of the day;
  • drink about 2 liters of water a day, give up alcohol and soda.

The back of the thigh, as well as the buttocks, are the first to suffer from sagging and prolonged sitting, and there is no point in reducing them without muscle training. If you run, the skin will simply sag, which will lead to the well-known “skinny fat” condition, when the jelly-like mass shakes when walking.

You need to act in a complex way: squat with dumbbells 20 times, and then tone the target zones:

  • Back lunge with a kick. Take a wide step back with your left foot, squat down, return to the starting position, lifting your left leg and sharply throwing it forward. Try to push the air;
  • Bend forward on one leg. Bend over until your toes touch the floor, while moving your other leg back.

Perform twenty times for each leg, then repeat all three exercises again.

Features of losing weight in the hips after childbirth

Many women begin to think about how to reduce hip size while continuing to breastfeed. At the insistence of mothers and grandmothers, they eat fatty dairy foods (sour cream, condensed milk) to increase the fat content of the milk.

In fact, the percentage of fat is determined by the characteristics of the body, and not at all by nutrition. So you can safely choose low-fat milk and kefir and start improving your figure.

Women's hormonal levels can be unstable, especially after childbirth. Therefore, reducing hips, as well as losing weight in general, becomes difficult while breastfeeding continues. But from the first days after pregnancy, you need to strive for movement: walk with a stroller longer, dance at home with headphones while the baby sleeps, carry him in your arms - this is a great workout!

How to lose weight in your thighs: we use an integrated approach

The nature of women is such that most of its representatives are characterized by perfectionism. The desire to achieve the ideal also applies to one’s own appearance. Many ladies have fat in the thighs, which does not meet today's beauty standards.

How to reduce hip size? There are many ways, from which both an active, purposeful woman and a lady who prefers more passive methods of losing weight can choose their own option.

How to reduce hip size with nutrition
Follow your diet. Eating on a schedule will give the body time to fully absorb the previous batch of food before eating the next one. It can also eliminate overeating behaviors, such as eating dinner after 6 p.m.

Eat right. Nutritionists are confident that the body needs fats, carbohydrates and proteins. You cannot exclude at least one component from the menu without harming your health. It is enough to correctly calculate their quantity and observe the frequency of their intake into the body:

To calculate the number of calories you need and, accordingly, their ratio in the food consumed, you can use special literature. There is an easier way - there are a lot of Internet resources with online calculation calculators. There you can also find tables with the chemical composition of food products;

Carbohydrates are absorbed best in the morning. Therefore, it is better to choose porridge or muesli for breakfast;
- Fats should be consumed during lunch. This is not a reason to exceed the amount of kilocalories required by the body and indulge in lard or cakes. The best option would be a first course seasoned with sour cream or butter;

Proteins are better absorbed in the evening. Accordingly, cottage cheese, fish, eggs, boiled meat or poultry are suitable for dinner.

Drink clean water. During the day, you need to drink up to 2 liters of water in small portions (200-250 ml). This will protect the body from dehydration; besides, drinking regime promotes weight loss and makes the weight loss process more comfortable.

How to reduce hips quickly?
Eating right will certainly help eliminate excess fat in your thighs. But to achieve quick results, as well as to keep the body toned, cardio training is necessary. These include aerobic exercise, which trains the muscles of the legs, thighs and buttocks well:

Pool. Swimming strengthens the muscles of the body, incl. thighs and buttocks, makes them more toned and lean.
Run. An accessible sport that does not require special material costs, it is enough to purchase a tracksuit and sneakers. In addition, you choose the time for classes yourself.

Cycling. Regular riding in the correct posture will help you quickly burn fat in the waist, abdomen, buttocks and thighs. Contraindicated for vertebral hernias and some types of scoliosis.
Walking. It is considered one of the best means for working the leg muscles. Active movement promotes good lymph and blood flow, and fat does not like this. Train yourself to climb stairs on foot. Get off the transport a couple of stops earlier to walk a longer distance to home or work.
Dancing. Choose any that you like - modern, ballroom, Latin American, or maybe oriental?

Fitness and aerobics. Classes with a trainer will not allow you to be lazy and will provide a professional approach to figure correction. State your goal before you start training.

Ice skating and skiing. A seasonal sport, in addition to pleasure, will also bring muscle tone.
Regular exercise (2-3 times a week) guarantees quick results in the form of a reduction in thigh volume.

How to reduce hip size in a week?
Sports trainer and physiologist Teresa Tapp created her own T-TAPP system, which allows you to get your body in order in just one week. At one time, she tried it on models who had gained weight before showing collections.

To lose weight in your thighs, just do three simple exercises:
1. I.p. – standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms parallel to each other and extended above the head. We squat as low as possible, tilting the body forward, the arms remain extended and continue the line of the back. The exercise will tighten the buttocks and remove the “breeches”.
2. I.p. - standing on your left leg. We pull the knee of the right leg with our hands to the left shoulder. Then we lower our right leg and raise it again, now turning it to the side 90 degrees. We do the same complex for the left leg. The exercise will tighten the back, side and front surfaces of the thighs.
3. I.p. – lying on the floor, legs positioned perpendicular to the floor. Alternately bend the left and right legs at the knee. Then we slowly spread the raised legs to the sides, while the muscles should be tense. The exercise will strengthen the muscles of the thighs and legs.

The complex starts at 2.44, showing the stand in detail.

All exercises are performed 3 times for 6 – 8 approaches.

How to reduce hips at home without visiting a gym or a trainer?

To achieve maximum effect, it is better to use not just one, but a whole range of means:

Exercises for the hips
They should be performed daily. To begin with, the number of repetitions should be small 5-10 times, over time they are increased to 10-20 times.
- Exercise “bicycle”. I.p. - lying on your back. Raising your legs above the floor, we imitate riding a bicycle, the pace is average.
- Exercise “wall”. We press our backs against the wall, and smoothly squat until the angle of our knees is 90 degrees, hold for 15 seconds, and straighten up. The second version of this exercise is to place a ball between your lower back and the wall.
- Taking the leg to the side. I.p. – lying on your left side, your left leg can be bent at the knee. We move our right leg up at an angle of 30-60 degrees, then lower it. We do an equal number of repetitions on the left leg. This exercise will strengthen your outer thigh muscles. An alternative option is to stand with your side to the back of the chair and move your leg to the side.

Exercises for the inner thighs
- Rotation of legs. I.p. - lying on your back. Raise your left leg perpendicular to the floor and make circular movements with it with maximum amplitude in one direction and the other. Do the same for your right leg.
- I.p. - sitting on a chair. Hold the ball with your knees, squeeze it with your thigh muscles for 10-15 seconds, then relax without releasing the object. Repeat up to 20 times.
- I.p. - sitting on the floor. The knees of both legs are bent and closed, feet together. Place your hands in a “lock” and bent at the elbows between your knees, resting your elbows on your inner thighs. First, we spread our elbows to the sides, providing resistance with the muscles of the thighs, then we bring our knees together, now resisting with our elbows. Repeat up to 40 times.
- I.p. – standing, legs spread wide, toes pointing slightly to the sides, arms extended forward. Alternately transfer your body weight first to one leg, bending it at the knee and squatting as low as possible, then to the other. At the same time, move your body forward and your buttocks back.

Secret exercises to reduce your thighs by 10 centimeters or more

Exercise for ballerinas or slender thighs, there is nothing easier (you only need your legs)

We put our feet in 1st position or turn our heels outward as much as possible. We bring the leg as high as you can without swinging, calmly with the heel forward (not the toe). Repeat the same exercise to the side and back. After completing 1 set of 10-15 repetitions, hold your leg as high as you can and hold for a few seconds. We recommend holding on to the back of the chair to avoid falling.
Daily training for 6 months will allow you to lose 10 cm in your thighs!

Sliding or LegMagic in Russian
Don't you have such a simulator? But do you have a high chair or stepladder? Depending on what you have on the floor, we will use: sheets of paper if you have carpet or carpet, plastic lids from cans for linoleum or laminate.
What should we do to reduce hip size?
Leaning on a chair, bring your legs together and spread them, keeping the pace average. It’s important, don’t overdo it during the 1st lesson, otherwise you won’t be able to get up tomorrow.

An effective remedy for reducing thigh volume, also helps in the fight against cellulite. It can be done:
- manually, patting and pinching problem areas for 15-20 minutes, this option can be combined with taking a shower;
- using a special brush or mitten, massaging the thighs for 3-5 minutes until light redness occurs;
- using a massager.

One or more components are used for the procedure: seaweed, medicinal mud, honey, herbal extracts, hot pepper. You can add a couple of drops of citrus or rosemary essential oils to them.
The mixture is applied to the thighs, wrapped in cling film, warm trousers are put on top for a thermal effect and left for 45 to 60 minutes. To lose weight, you need to carry out 10-20 such procedures. The result will be better if you first cleanse the skin with a shower and scrub, and after the procedure take a bath with salt.
Wraps are not recommended if you have cardiovascular or gynecological diseases.

Cold and hot shower
Due to the local effect on fatty tissue, the hips will become smaller. In addition, a shower will help wash away the negative energy accumulated during the day, which leads to stress and psychological problems.

Weight loss aids
The following will help speed up and improve the process of losing weight in your thighs:
Special products to combat excess weight and cellulite - oils, creams, ointments, scrubs. You can prepare them yourself or purchase them in stores. The most effective of them contain caffeine and ivy extract.
Clothes for slimming. Its manufacturers offer different options:
- shapewear that hides fat folds and cellulite;
- clothes with a sauna effect, which, due to thermal effects, stimulates the breakdown of fat cells;
- clothes with special impregnation, mainly anti-cellulite products.
Cosmetology procedures. The beauty salon offers the above-mentioned massages and wraps, as well as lymphatic drainage, blue clay masks, mesodissolution and LPG massage.
Liposuction. Surgical fat removal, like any operation, has contraindications and can lead to complications. This is the most extreme measure to reduce the volume of the hips; the recommendations given in the article and regular work on yourself will help you avoid it.

When trying to reduce your hips, remember that everything in your figure should be harmonious. Use those remedies that seem most effective to you, but start with less radical ones.

Be beautiful, loved and desired, even if your hips are far from your ideal!