Complex landscapes and non-standard natural reliefs can turn from insurmountable obstacles into platforms for unusual solutions if experienced, competent and imaginative craftsmen get down to business. It is precisely this kind of project, created by the professionals of our bureau, that we want to tell the audience of readers and connoisseurs of top-class architectural creativity.

Projects of houses with a slope - the need for non-trivial solutions

This one on a slope was designed to accommodate the significant elevation change on the site. Therefore, we conditionally divided the building into two parts: the entrance group, located at a higher point, has one floor. Further, the house seems to smoothly flow down the slope, and, starting from the living room, kitchen and dining room, it becomes two-story.

Such house designs on a site with a slope solve several problems at once: firstly, they allow you to save on the foundation, and secondly, they provide an optimal balance of the load on the surface, taking into account the features of the landscape. And thirdly, from the outside, such a building looks quite unusual, attractive and bewitching.

The alpine style of the chalet, with clear geometrically precise outlines and a traditional gable tiled roof, chosen as the main reference point, is perfectly suited for the implementation of the project, since the original landscape evokes strong associations with mountainous or hilly terrain. In addition, following generally accepted rules, we decorated the cottage on a slope with natural materials - stone, wood, glass, decorative plaster. Their competent combination made it possible to create an ideal unified ensemble with the surrounding landscape.

The internal layout of the house project on a slope provides for a large number of rooms for various purposes, so it is certainly convenient for a large family consisting of spouses with several children.

The first floor of the chalet begins with a bright sunny porch, continues with a vestibule, and then with a spacious hall, from which you can enter the boiler room, laundry room-wardrobe, gym-storage room or living room combined with kitchen and dining room. Also on the ground floor there is a bedroom for spouses with a separate dressing room and bathroom. The ensemble is completed by an open terrace, from which you can go directly down to the site via comfortable wooden steps.

On the second floor, the authors of the house project on the relief proposed placing three children's rooms with separate bathrooms and wardrobes, a bright, spacious hall that simultaneously serves as a location for games, as well as a small storage room and a long open balcony.

A successful find was the placement of two flights of stairs on opposite sides of the hall. This technique made it possible to obtain a space that opens up wide creative possibilities in the interior design process.

A feature of the house project on a slope is the presence of a large number of open elements - terraces, verandas, balconies. In addition, we did everything possible to ensure that natural light reached even the farthest corners of the rooms. For this purpose, one of the walls in the living-dining room and each of the children's rooms is furnished in the format of stained glass.

Landscape features - project of a house on a slope with a terrace surrounded by pristine nature

The site is a platform with a slope to the southeast. In its lower part there is a fairly large and picturesque pond. We created it on a slope with panoramic glazing with the expectation that the window openings and stained glass windows of most of the rooms would be oriented towards the pond, as well as towards the southern, bright and sunny side of the world.

To improve the operational characteristics of the landscape, our specialists used terracing: due to this, it was possible to obtain several multi-level areas, united by transitions and steps, which became the basis for zoning the territory available to the customers.

In front of the entrance to the house there is parking for several cars, covered with rubble. This decision made it possible to abandon the construction of a standard covered garage, allowing the preservation of the natural landscape in most of the territory. At the far, lower end there is a bathhouse with access to a pond and an open terrace where you can take air baths, sitting comfortably under a canopy in comfortable sun loungers.

Natural green grass, a small number of solitary and group plantings, crushed stone paths, the clear water surface of the pond and the elegant design of the cottage on the slope create a single harmonious ensemble in which the style of the summer Swiss Alps is easily discernible from any point of view.

Architectural bureau of Alexey Sukhov | website

1st floor plan:

2nd floor plan:

3d visualization of exteriors:

Modern tourists, especially those who travel a lot, tell their friends only about the sights. Little is said about hotels. And why? After all, they are all similar to each other. But the hotel business does not stand still and today, more and more often, architects are designing rather extravagant and unusual hotels. One of these is the private villa Vals, which was built inside the mountain!

Villa Vals is an unusual underground house that was built inside a mountain in Vals. Externally, the villa resembles a meteorite crater. According to the architects (SeARCH and CMA), it is this unusual form that makes it possible to create a modern architectural structure without disturbing the surrounding wild nature.

You can enter the villa not only from the main entrance, but also through an underground concrete tunnel. The spacious stone courtyard features a lovely relaxation terrace with a natural spring, dutch bath (wood-burning hot tub), grill and wood storage. But the main attraction of this unusual villa is the fabulous panorama of the Alpine mountains, which opens through a wide elliptical opening on the hillside.

The area of ​​the two-story villa is 160 square meters. On the ground floor there is a kitchen, living room, library and one bedroom.

On the second floor there are four bedrooms with separate bathrooms. Also on the top floor of the barn there are beds made of alpine grass hay, on which everyone can rest.

The interior of the villa is decorated in a modern Dutch style. Sofas, tiles, dishes, vases and lamps - everything is thought out to the smallest detail! And concrete walls, natural stone steps and oak doors further connect the underground house with the surrounding nature.

Another very interesting feature of the villa is a warm water floor. Architect Christian Mulle came up with such an unusual solution to save energy.

Despite the fact that most of the house is underground and three main walls are blank, all rooms of the villa are well lit by natural daylight. This effect was achieved thanks to the open concave façade and large window openings. Also, thanks to this unusual shape, the villa is completely protected from the wind.

Sky-high house for climbers February 27th, 2014

How amazingly small our world is and how many phenomena are interconnected! It would seem, what kind of thread can be stretched from a hut for climbers at an altitude of four kilometers to the first soda plant in Russia? It turns out that there is such a thread, and its name is Ernest Gaston Solvay, a Belgian chemical technologist and entrepreneur.

But everything is in order. The chemist Solvay was born in 1838 and died in 1922. In the interval between these dates, he managed to accomplish many remarkable things, of which we are interested, firstly, in the fact that he developed an effective ammonia method for producing soda from table salt. Secondly, in 1883, together with the Perm merchant I.I. Lyubimov, he built the first soda production plant in Russia, which was located near the village of Berezniki, in the Perm province. Finally, in 1915, Solvay donated money to build a hut on the ridge of the Matterhorn (German: Matterhorn).

This picturesque mountain:

Photo 1.

Solvay Hut is located at an altitude of 4003 meters on the north-eastern ridge of the Matterhorn mountain in Switzerland. This most exorbitant property, built in August 1915 in just five days, belongs to the Swiss Alpine Club.

I wonder how the construction of such an unusual thing was carried out?

Photo 2.

First, with the help of animals, the building materials were delivered to an altitude of 3260 meters, and then, with the help of a small and temporary cable car, the materials were transported to their destination, that is, to a final altitude of 4000 meters.

The lodge was named after the Belgian inventor-businessman Ernest Solvay, who donated it as a token of gratitude for the unforgettable hours spent in the mountains and the knowledge that sudden storms could lead to tragedies for climbers on their way up or down. And as you may have guessed, I called this house exorbitant not because of its cost, but because of its belongings, usefulness and, of course, the presence of romance.

Photo 3.

Solvay Hut was restored in 1966 and an emergency telephone was installed in 1976.

And how is this sky-high house different from other mountain buildings, you ask? Basically, all mountain buildings are intended to replenish food supplies, to provide housing for climbers, rock climbers, and ordinary tourists. Solvay Hut should only be used in cases of extreme necessity. Take a short break, take in the majestic, breathtaking beauty of the Monte Rosa mountain range, sip some tea and go back in search of adventure. As they say, small is the spool, but it is expensive, and good things must come in small quantities))

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What kind of mountain is this? Now I'll tell you...

Located on the border of Switzerland and Italy, Mount Matterhorn is a kind of pyramid in the center of Europe: four triangular faces converge at its top. Like any other pyramid (be it the famous pyramids in Egypt or slightly less famous similar structures in Mexico), Mount Matterhorn is also full of mysteries and tragic stories.

The Matterhorn ranks only fifth in height among the Alpine peaks, but in terms of difficulty of climbing it has no equal among its neighbors. Its edges are so treacherous that the most experienced climbers were unable to climb them until 1865. And the southern slope remained unconquered for another 66 years.

And the ascents themselves have more than once brought very contradictory results. So, the first to climb the mountain was the Briton Edward Whymper with a group of climbers. And during the descent, four of the pioneers died as a result of a rope break... In 1933, three Frenchmen made the first ascent of one of the Matterhorn routes - and all three died on the way back.

One of the climbers who became famous thanks to the Matterhorn was guide Herman Perren. He set himself the task of climbing this mountain as many as 150 times, but when he had less than ten ascents left to achieve the record, he fell and fell to his death.

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And although by now absolutely all the walls and edges of the Matterhorn have been climbed, and guides take a large number of tourists to the top (so that some routes are heavily overloaded), between 10 and 15 people still die here every year.

The Matterhorn has its own character - at least the residents of the nearby town of Zermatt have no doubt about it. They say that even the weather in Switzerland, in this part of it, depends precisely on the mood of the legendary mountain. When the sky is gloomy and the 4,478-meter peak of the Matterhorn is hidden behind clouds, it means that the mountain is not in good spirits. When the Matterhorn wants to play a joke, it can “appear as Vesuvius”: a cloud covers only part of the mountain, creating the feeling that smoke is billowing from the top, as if before an eruption. But when this hill is in a good mood, it shows off, glistening with the glacier cap at the top, as if inviting you to take an unforgettable photo of the Matterhorn.

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The city of Zermatt, located on the mountainside at an altitude of 1,608 meters, takes full advantage of having such a neighbor. This is not just one of the most famous ski resorts in Switzerland: it is, in fact, the hallmark of tourism in this country. There is something to do here all year round, but summer activity, as you might guess, is also associated with relaxation in the mountains. To the point that the so-called “dawn trains” are launched from Zermatt, with the help of which you can catch the stunningly beautiful sunrise on the Matterhorn...

The mountain is exploited in much the same way by the neighboring country. At an altitude of 2,006 meters above sea level at the foot of the southern slope of the Matterhorn is the village of Breuil-Cervinia - an extremely popular ski resort in Italy. They have nothing to share with Zermatt: the mountain is common, and nothing can be done about it. Therefore, both resorts have common ski slopes, common tourist routes and a huge number of travelers who come here for an active and ski holiday in the Alps.

…They also say that anyone who sees the Matterhorn will be lucky and rich. Maybe that's why so much money is kept in Swiss safes? We invite you to admire this famous Swiss natural monument: a great opportunity to test a local saying!

Now let’s take a virtual walk around the mountain... click on the picture and enjoy the virtual journey!

And here’s what else I’ll remind you on the topic of extreme structures in the mountains: for example. And of course, I’ll remind you about it in more detail. Let's also remember the high-mountain observatory on the topic. The original article is on the website InfoGlaz.rf Link to the article from which this copy was made -