This collection good stories, each of which touches to the depths of the soul, makes you Once again to make sure that there is still room in our world for goodness that makes it a little better.

John Unger bathed his 19-year-old dog in the lake every day so that the buoyant force of the water would relieve the animal's arthritis pain. This touching photo prompted so many donations from all over the world that the dog was able to spend the rest of his life in maximum comfort, and his owner opened a fund to help other dogs in need.

In 2011, after the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster, a group of more than two hundred Japanese retirees offered to help clean up the disaster. They stated that in order to save young lives they would like to take on work associated with the danger of radiation exposure.

American virologist Jonas Salk was the first to develop a successful polio vaccine. He could have patented it and become very rich, but he did not want personal gain. When asked who owned the patent, Salk replied, “There is no such thing as a patent. Is it possible to patent the Sun?

Student Caesar Larios is stuck in an elevator with an elderly woman. After some time, it became difficult for the woman to stand, and then he got down on all fours and invited her to sit on his back.

In May 2013, Tom Chris from the Canadian city of Calgary won $40 million in the lottery. Without spending a single dollar of this huge sum on himself, he donated all the money to cancer treatment in memory of his wife, who died of lung cancer the year before this event.

During World War II, British philanthropist Nicholas Winton organized the rescue of 669 children, mostly of Jewish origin, from German-occupied Czechoslovakia. He found a shelter for the children and took them to the UK. Despite the nobility of this act, the world learned about it only 50 years later.

Ten-year-old Travis Selinka from California lost all his hair after a course of radiotherapy and was very embarrassed to return to school without hair. However, his classmates decided to support him and all shaved their heads in solidarity. Their action touched Travis to the core.

Shortly after the death of 23 Egyptian Christians by a suicide bomber in Cairo in December 2010, fellow Christians joined hands to form a protective circle as hundreds of Muslims knelt in prayer to prevent a possible retaliatory attack.

In 2013, dozens of Japanese were seen at Minami-Urawa Station in northern Tokyo. with common effort They moved a 32-ton carriage away from the platform to free a woman who had managed to fall into the gap between the carriage and the platform. After this collective act of rescue, the woman was retrieved unharmed to the applause of onlookers.

Dry cleaners in Portland, Oregon, offered free suit cleaning for unemployed people. They helped more than two thousand people.

During riots in Brazil, a police officer asked protesters to remain calm on his birthday. Soon they presented him with a birthday cake.

Israeli driver Ethan Eliyahu found a bag containing $25,000 in his car. He took the money to the police, and it turned out that it belonged to an Ethiopian janitor, for a long time saving for his family.

During World War II, in the Auschwitz concentration camp, Polish Catholic Franciscan priest Maximilian Kolbe volunteered to accept death in place of an unknown prisoner named Frantiszek Gajowniczek. His sacrifice was not in vain; Gajovnicek survived and was reunited with his wife after the war. In 1982, Kolbe was canonized by the Pope and proclaimed a holy martyr.

Eighty-year-old Texas retiree Eugene Bostick spends it all free time to help stray dogs. An experienced welder, he even built a train for the dogs to take on fun rides around the area.

In 2012, seventeen-year-old Megan Vogel performed a very noble act at the 3200-meter final in Columbus, Ohio. Instead of making the final push, she helped her rival Ardenne McMath, who had sprained her leg, and the girls crossed together finish line.

Every day, leaving the subway, this young Egyptian woman teaches literacy to the child of a street vendor.

A brave Beijing police officer handcuffed himself to a woman who was about to commit suicide. The woman realized that by jumping off, she would take the policeman with her, and this stopped her. Then the law enforcement officer helped the failed suicide climb inside the building.

Bringing back the diamond wedding ring After Sarah Darling accidentally dropped it in his begging jar, homeless Billy Ray Harris didn't expect the event to turn his life upside down. His act touched the hearts of many people so much that they donated 180 thousand dollars for Billy. The honest guy was able to buy a house and even found a job.

When police officers take an oath to serve and protect, few people know how far they are willing to go to fulfill their oath. For example, two Portland police officers helped deliver an order to a pizza delivery man who had been involved in an accident.

Every person needs to be told good and bad things from time to time. good stories. And now just such a moment has come for you.

IN mall I accidentally overheard an elderly couple sitting on a bench. The man looked at the woman and said: “Olya, but we did it. We grew old together."

My brother is thirteen, and he has blood cancer. Dad took a year off so as not to leave his brother alone in the clinic. But he was paid a salary for a whole year! The New Zealand Police have wonderful people.

I was riding in a taxi to work when my blood sugar suddenly dropped and I lost consciousness. I woke up in the hospital, where the nurse told me that the taxi driver had carried me to the department in his arms. Moreover, he broke many rules in order to get me to the doctors faster, but the officer who came for him, having learned the reason for the violations, instead of taking him away, shook his hand.

This summer, one warm evening, I went onto the balcony to water the flowers. And I accidentally touched the pot with my elbow and it flew down. A flower pot landed right in front of a passer-by, just a little more and... I was very scared and hid so that no one would see me. 10-15 minutes passed and the doorbell rang, my heart started pounding and I froze. Footsteps were heard outside the door... Everything became quiet.

I calmed down, decided to walk a little and check if maybe the flower could still be brought back to life. Opening the door, I saw... a new pot with my flower. This unusual human act became very dear to me as a manifestation of kindness and sympathy.

I live ten kilometers from the city, after ten in the evening there are no buses and I have to catch a ride for 200 rubles. So, I’m standing there along with about 15 other people, a car pulls up, a driver of Caucasian nationality, and takes with him a full cabin (4 people), including me, and takes me to Lesnaya Polyana, and when we gave him the money, he refused and said: “ Not a taxi driver and I didn’t care on the way))) And later I found out that he takes people home for free every day!!! It’s very nice to realize that people have humanity and kindness)))

My grandparents have been together since first grade. They are now 69 years old. I pray that I will have the same love someday. They walk holding hands, and grandfather wakes up grandmother every day with the words: “Larissa, today I love you even more than yesterday.”

Today my boyfriend and I were sitting in a cafe and I noticed that every time someone passes by, he leans over and kisses me on the cheek. I asked him why he was doing this, and he smiled and replied that he wanted everyone to know that I was his girlfriend. We both lost our spouses about ten years ago. They had cancer. But we were able to love again. Everyone has a second chance.

My mother is over 50 years old and despite her painful joints, she works as a masseuse at school, because... there is a wellness center there. I'm on my feet all day, I do a massage for about 25 minutes, there are a lot of children during the day, so by the evening I have no strength and my arms seem to fall off from fatigue. One day to her initial appointment a boy from junior school comes in.

At the beginning of the massage, he was silent, thinking about something, but after 7 minutes he suddenly asked her the following question: “Do your hands get very tired and sore at the end of the day?", Mom replied: “Yes, very much...”. A minute later the boy suddenly gets up, starts getting dressed and tells her: “rest a little, I won’t tell anyone” and left. Mom was so amazed that she stood silently in the office for some time and did not even notice how tears of emotion ran down her cheeks. This is how well-mannered children are :)

My story is this: when I was in school, I stole food from the cafeteria every day. Everyone called me a beggar and insulted me. In fact, we did not live very richly and I every once I brought food for my little brother. Now that I’ve matured and gotten back on my feet, when I see old grandparents, seemingly lonely, putting money into their account through the terminal, 10-20 rubles each, I remember the number and give them another 100 rubles. Do it, guys. good!!! It will come back to you a hundredfold!!!

The more we get to know the world and treat it and everyone living on our planet with Kindness and understanding, the happier we ourselves become because good returns to the giver.

I work in a bank and that day I was behind the cash register...

At exactly eight o'clock, as soon as they opened, an elderly man approached. I started asking about my partner who worked yesterday. I explained who it was and he handed over the money, a little more than two hundred rubles, and said that my partner had counted his change incorrectly yesterday, and he couldn’t sleep because of this, since she would have to pay the shortfall from her own pocket, he decided to give them return immediately. These are the kind of good regular clients we have. It was so nice that I smiled at everyone all day. Thank you!!! We have sooo many such stories in our bank. And I noticed: that if I do good to someone, someone will definitely help me in some way, or vice versa. Help each other!!!

She clearly has no legs at all, because her skirt is above her knee and it’s clear that there’s nothing there. And she comes in beautiful skirt and a blouse, well-groomed, with makeup and smiling from ear to ear. I was so surprised, this is strength... and here we have become so gloomy with our problems.

I live ten kilometers from the city, after ten in the evening the buses don’t go and I have to hitch a ride for 200 rubles...

So, I’m standing there along with about 15 other people, a car pulls up, a driver of Caucasian nationality, and takes with him a full cabin (4 people), including me, and takes me to Lesnaya Polyana, and when we gave him the money, he refused and said: “ Not a taxi driver and I didn’t care on the way))) And later I found out that he takes people home for free every day!!! It’s very nice to realize that people have humanity and kindness)))

I want to tell a story after which our whole family believed that good people still exist...

The fact is that about 5 years ago my parents were driving from Yakutsk to Rostov-on-Don by car. We were moving then, and they decided to travel one last time, to see Russian nature. It was autumn. At night, mom and dad slept, and at dawn they rode again. And as you know, there are no roads in our country, especially where the government does not drive. So, on some off-road section, some kind of belt breaks (I don’t know much about cars). Dad decides to hitch a ride and go to a car service center to get the belt. And no one stops, as if out of spite, and it’s already getting a little dark on the street and there’s no point in walking, since dad would only get there in the morning.

Then, as dad says, he understood why people were passing by; he was dressed in work clothes and, of course, with an overgrown beard. In general, according to my dad, he “looks like a homeless person.” And yet, luck smiled at him; an elderly man stopped. They agreed that they would take dad to a car service center and he would catch another ride there. Meanwhile, my mother was sitting alone in the car, praying and waiting for a miracle. But then the man suggested, what if the belt doesn’t fit? And he said that he would take him to the car and until dad started the car, he would not leave.

And as if his words were a prophecy, the belt turned out to be short. So these golden people took mom and dad to their house, fed them and put them to bed. And in the morning, the man and dad went to a car service center and bought a suitable belt. The parents did not know how to thank their saviors. They flatly refused money, and dad noticed that the side mirror on their old car was torn off and bought it as a gift. I don’t know what would have happened if it weren’t for these golden people! I really want there to be as many caring people as possible who are not afraid to do good deeds. I believe in us people and in our kindness.

My story is this: when I was at school, I stole food from the cafeteria every day...

Everyone called me a beggar and insulted me. In fact, we did not live very richly and I brought food to my little brother every time. Now that I’ve matured and gotten back on my feet, when I see old grandparents, seemingly lonely, putting money into their account through the terminal, 10-20 rubles each, I remember the number and give them another 100 rubles. Do it, guys. good!!! It will come back to you a hundredfold!!!

Today my daughter and I entered a subway car, there were almost no empty seats, and the last empty seat closest to us was occupied by a boy of 8-9 years old, who entered with his dad in front of us...

Dad saw us and nodded his head in our direction to the boy and signaled to his son. The boy stood up, walked up to my daughter and said: “Sit down!” It was so nice!))) When I saw another free seat, I went up to them and said that it was free, dad said: “It’s okay, we’re already adults, we’ll stand” and winked at his son, to which he smiled so sincerely as a child and happily. These are the kind of men we need to raise, parents!))

For my 16th birthday, I was given a lot of balloons, and we also decorated the apartment...

In general, the birthday passed, and there were a lot of balloons left, but my friend and I found a use for them - we collected everything in an armful and went to give it to the children on the street =) What a joy it was! Many did not believe that it was just like that, someone was shy until we ourselves approached, but the happy faces of the children inspired us so much :) And on the way back we walked and saw all “ours” walking with balloons, it’s a wonderful feeling to bring joy to someone.

My mother is over 50 years old and despite her painful joints, she works as a masseuse at school, because... there is a wellness center...

I'm on my feet all day, I do a massage for about 25 minutes, there are a lot of children during the day, so by the evening I have no strength and my arms seem to fall off from fatigue. One day, a boy from elementary school comes to her for his initial appointment. At the beginning of the massage, he was silent, thinking about something, but after 7 minutes he suddenly asked her the following question: “Do your hands get very tired and hurt at the end of the day?”, Mom answered: “yes, very much...”. A minute later the boy suddenly gets up, starts getting dressed and tells her: “rest a little, I won’t tell anyone” and left. Mom was so amazed that she stood silently in the office for some time and did not even notice how tears of emotion ran down her cheeks. This is how well-mannered children are :)

I was on the subway and I saw him coming in a little boy, about five years old, and lies down on an empty couch, just lies down, there are no more places...

Our world is quite cruel, and every day there are events that break our hearts. But we still want to believe that people really aren't that bad. That's why we've collected stories of good deeds here. It doesn't matter whether these people are young or old, poor or rich, brave or famous. They are living proof that everyone can make this world a little better.

In 2011, after the Fukushima nuclear power plant disaster, a group of more than two hundred Japanese retirees offered to help clean up the disaster. They stated that in order to save young lives they would like to take on work associated with the danger of radiation exposure.

American virologist Jonas Salk was the first to develop a successful polio vaccine. He could have patented it and become very rich, but he did not want personal gain. When asked who owned the patent, Salk replied, “There is no such thing as a patent. Is it possible to patent the Sun?

Student Caesar Larios is stuck in an elevator with an elderly woman. After some time, it became difficult for the woman to stand, and then he got down on all fours and invited her to sit on his back.

In May 3013, Tom Chris from the Canadian city of Calgary won $40 million in the lottery. Without spending a single dollar of this huge sum on himself, he donated all the money to cancer treatment in memory of his wife, who died of lung cancer the year before this event.

During World War II, British philanthropist Nicholas Winton organized the rescue of 669 children, mostly of Jewish origin, from German-occupied Czechoslovakia. He found a shelter for the children and took them to the UK. Despite the nobility of this act, the world learned about it only 50 years later.

Ten-year-old Travis Selinka from California lost all his hair after a course of radiotherapy and was very embarrassed to return to school without hair. However, his classmates decided to support him and all shaved their heads in solidarity. Their action touched Travis to the core.

Shortly after the death of 23 Egyptian Christians by a suicide bomber in Cairo in December 2010, fellow Christians joined hands to form a protective circle as hundreds of Muslims knelt in prayer to prevent a possible retaliatory attack.

In 2013, at Minami-Urawa Station in northern Tokyo, dozens of Japanese worked together to move a 32-ton carriage away from the platform to free a woman who had managed to fall through the gap between the carriage and the platform. After this collective act of rescue, the woman was retrieved unharmed to the applause of onlookers.

John Unger bathed his 19-year-old dog in the lake every day so that the buoyant force of the water would relieve the animal's arthritis pain. This touching photo prompted so many donations from all over the world that the dog was able to spend the rest of his life in maximum comfort, and his owner opened a fund to help other dogs in need.

Dry cleaners in Portland, Oregon, offered free suit cleaning for unemployed people. They helped more than two thousand people.
During riots in Brazil, a police officer asked protesters to remain calm on his birthday. Soon they presented him with a birthday cake.

Israeli driver Ethan Eliyahu found a bag containing $25,000 in his car. He took the money to the police, and it turned out that it belonged to an Ethiopian janitor who had been saving for his family for a long time.

During World War II, in the Auschwitz concentration camp, Polish Catholic Franciscan priest Maximilian Kolbe volunteered to accept death in place of an unknown prisoner named Frantiszek Gajowniczek. His sacrifice was not in vain; Gajovnicek survived and was reunited with his wife after the war. In 1982, Kolbe was canonized by the Pope and proclaimed a holy martyr.

Eighty-year-old Texas retiree Eugene Bostic spends all his free time helping stray dogs. An experienced welder, he even built a train for the dogs to take on fun rides around the area.

In 2012, seventeen-year-old Megan Vogel performed a very noble act at the 3200-meter final in Columbus, Ohio. Instead of making the final push, she helped her rival Ardenne McMath, who had sprained her leg, and the girls crossed the finish line together.

Every day, leaving the subway, this young Egyptian woman teaches literacy to the child of a street vendor.

A brave Beijing police officer handcuffed himself to a woman who was about to commit suicide. The woman realized that by jumping off, she would take the policeman with her, and this stopped her. Then the law enforcement officer helped the failed suicide climb inside the building.

When homeless Billy Ray Harris returned a diamond engagement ring to Sarah Darling, who accidentally dropped it in his begging jar, he didn't expect the event to turn his life upside down. His act touched the hearts of many people so much that they donated 180 thousand dollars for Billy. The honest guy was able to buy a house and even found a job.

When police officers take an oath to serve and protect, few people know how far they are willing to go to fulfill their oath. For example, two Portland police officers helped deliver an order to a pizza delivery man who had been involved in an accident.

1. Today my dad came home with roses for mom and me. “In honor of what?” - I asked. He said that some of his colleagues were complaining about their wives and children today, and I couldn't keep them company.

2. Today, I asked my grandfather for advice on how to conduct a relationship and he replied: “Honestly, the moment I met your grandmother, I became frustrated trying to find suitable woman and just started trying to become the right person. And that’s when your grandmother came up to me and said “Hello.”

3. Today, it’s been 10 years since I’ve been living with my husband, who wouldn’t have become one if it wasn’t for graduation. At that time, my family was struggling to make ends meet and we couldn't even afford to buy a dress. He bought me a dress, helped my parents, and through his parents found a job for my dad. We have two children and I still love him.

4. Today, on our 50th wedding anniversary, my husband took out an old envelope and handed me a love note that he wrote back in the 7th grade.

5. A couple of years ago, I held the door for an elderly lady on the way out of a hypermarket. She thanked me and said that the girl who gets one would be lucky good man. This afternoon I went to the grocery store with my wife, we walked hand in hand and on the way out I met the same old lady. She held the door for us, winked and said, “I told you so.”

6. Today, my mother and I sat down to watch the same movie at the same time, even though we were several thousand kilometers away from each other. I missed her so much and it seemed to us that we were sitting on the same sofa and it was so warm in my soul.

7. Five years ago I adopted a puppy from a shelter for sick dogs; he had constant seizures. Today he has grown and recovered and is now my service dog.

8. My daughter was 28 years old and a fireman saved her life when he carried her out of a burning building. In the process, he injured his leg and doctors said he would never walk normally again. Yesterday he put down his cane and slowly walked my daughter down the aisle. The best husband I didn’t want it for my daughter.

9. Today, for the first time in six months, I called my to the best friend and apologized for not being able to support him in difficult times. To which he told me: “I knew that you would call me... Come...”

10. Today was my little sister's 14th birthday. She has Down syndrome and has no friends. My boyfriend came to dinner with flowers but said they weren't for me. He went inside the house and gave them to his sister. She was so excited. He took the two of us to a restaurant and we had a great evening.

11. I am a poor student, I always have no money and this makes me feel unhappy. But when I receive a letter e-mail from my father, who stayed overseas, with the words how much he loves and misses me, I feel like the richest man on Earth.

12. My parents help with the rehabilitation of heroin addicts. They themselves were like that 17 years ago, but they changed when they found out that their mother was pregnant with me.

13. My grandmother died today. She was the glue that held our family together. There were so many people at the funeral today. It turns out that many people loved her and everyone came up and said thank you for taking care of her until the last day.

14. Today I found out that my biological mother is a drug addict who died of an overdose when I was three years old. But today I can say that I will proudly call the woman who raised me and took me from the orphanage mom.

15. Today, after we all watched our grandmother blow out 100 candles on her cake, she looked up, looked at all of us 27 family members and said, “You are my family. I'm very proud to be a part of your life."

16. Two years ago, our mother was attacked and there were scars on her face. And my brother and I call every week, wherever we are, and say that she is the most beautiful.

17. Today I helped prepare food for the homeless. The person to whom I gave the sandwich said that he did not want it and asked to give it to the friend who was standing behind him. “It’s his birthday and I want to give him a gift, but all I can do is sacrifice myself for him.” His friend was delighted. People who have nothing appreciate the little things that we don't notice.

18. Today I passed a woman with two dogs. One dog was missing a leg, but they were both limping. I asked what happened. The owner smiled and said that one dog lost a leg while protecting the second and now the second one is limping because she is grateful to her.

19. Today, while playing with my 20-month-old daughter, I pretended to be asleep. She covered me with a blanket, patted me on the back, and then kissed me tenderly on the lips. This is exactly what I do when I put her to bed myself.

20. My two-year-old daughter, who did not know how to swim, fell into the pool, I was in the kitchen and when the yard dog ran up, he was already pulling her out of the pool, carefully holding her dress in his teeth. Now we have a dog.