Exercises for O-shaped curvature of the legs are an effective therapeutic technique that, with a regular and systematic approach to exercise, will help to correct and correct their shape without surgical intervention. How to overcome curvature of the lower limbs with the help of therapeutic exercises? What exercises will be most effective and how to do them correctly?

Characteristics of the problem

Bow legs are a common problem that can have many causes. Experts distinguish 2 types of curvature of the lower extremities:

  1. X-shaped curvature is a leg deformity in which the patient cannot connect the ankles if the hips are closed.
  2. O-shaped curvature is a deformation of the internal contour of the limbs (from the ankle to the perineum). When the patient connects his legs together, they resemble a wheel in appearance.

It is necessary to combat curvature of the lower limbs. The problem not only causes the patient psychological discomfort and reduces self-esteem, but also negatively affects the gait, as well as the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

According to medical experts, curvature of the legs, the appearance of which is due to hereditary, genetic reasons or traumatic injuries, is practically impossible to correct. This problem can only be dealt with through surgical intervention.

However, in all other cases, physical therapy exercises can bring very tangible, impressive results. According to Irina Krasikova, gymnastics will be especially effective in the case of curvature of the legs in young patients, because their bone tissues are soft and highly elastic and respond well to external influences.

Regular and conscientious exercise will also help adult patients. After about a year of training, your leg will become much slimmer and smoother!

When is therapeutic exercise needed?

Curvature of the legs is a cosmetic defect, usually noticeable to the naked eye. However, before starting classes, it is recommended to make sure that you really need correction.

For these purposes, you need to stand up straight, with your limbs closed, and try to relax the muscle groups of the lower limbs as much as possible (it is advisable to perform the test while standing in front of a mirror). After this, take a close look at your feet. According to the established standard, the limbs should touch each other at the following points:

  • feet;
  • knees;
  • middle ankle.

If the legs are deformed according to the 0-shaped type, then they touch in the crotch and heels. In the case of an x-shaped curvature, they are connected exclusively in the knee area.

If you have identified obvious defects in the shape of your legs, then you need to deal with this problem. However, before starting exercises, it is strongly recommended to consult a qualified orthopedic specialist, especially when it comes to a young child or teenager.

The benefits of gymnastics for curvature of the legs

In most situations, deformation and curvature of the lower extremities are caused by specific defects in bone tissue, weakening of the knee joint, or improper development of muscle groups of the lower extremities. Physiotherapy exercises in this case are aimed at achieving the following goals:

  1. Strengthening weakened muscle groups of the lower extremities.
  2. Correction of ligament functioning.
  3. Rotate the knee joint into an anatomically correct position.

Thus, exercises help get rid of curvature of the legs. Moreover, according to numerous reviews from patients, with systematic daily training according to the regimen prescribed by a specialist, the results become noticeable within just a couple of months.

If you skip classes and do the exercises half-heartedly, gymnastics will have absolutely no effect. In addition, a preliminary consultation with an orthopedist is necessary, who will help develop an optimal set of exercises taking into account the age category and individual characteristics of a particular patient. Moreover, for some patients this type of activity may be completely prohibited if they have diseases in which any increased load on the lower extremities is contraindicated.

Where to begin?

Experts recommend starting any exercises aimed at correcting the shape of the legs after the muscles are sufficiently prepared and warmed up. The optimal warm-up includes the following types of exercises:

  1. Standing on the floor, lift your toes, as if lifting them off the surface. At the same time, the foot is pressed harder against the surface.
  2. Do the “Bicycle” exercise (up to 10 repetitions).
  3. Sit on a chair and, with your legs apart, place your heels on the floor. Raise your feet and begin to alternately turn them from side to side.
  4. Walk on your toes (3 to 5 minutes).
  5. Stand up straight and begin to bend your toes, as if moving them under the foot area.

Corrective gymnastics

Now let's look at an effective set of exercises aimed at correcting legs with an o-shaped curvature:

  1. Walk on the inside of your foot.
  2. Do about 20 squats, keeping your toes as far apart as possible.
  3. Stand up straight, lift your leg and move it as wide as possible to the side. Repeat the same exercise with the second one.
  4. Sit with your hands on the floor and your legs straight. Begin to lift your limbs one at a time, while making sure that the leg remains perfectly level.
  5. Lie on the floor, close your legs and begin to slowly raise and lower them. At the same time, make sure that your torso remains motionless.
  6. Stand on one leg, straighten the other as much as possible and move it to the side. Do about 15 swings, then change the support and repeat the exercise.
  7. Sit on the floor and clasp your leg with both palms, and then slowly lift it and try to hold this position for at least 5 seconds. After this, change limbs and repeat the exercise.
  8. Lie on the floor on your side and alternately lift your straightened legs up.

The average workout duration should be at least half an hour. Start each session with a warm-up. You should train daily, and to achieve the fastest and most positive results, do such corrective gymnastics 2 times a day. When performing any exercises, try to keep your back as straight as possible and your stomach pulled in. Now let's briefly look at effective exercises for x-shaped legs:

  1. Do squats. Start with 15-20 repetitions, gradually increasing the number of approaches. Squats with a rubber ball pre-clamped between your ankles give a good effect.
  2. While standing, lunge with your leg to the side, pulling your toe as far as possible.
  3. Walk on the outside of your foot (10 steps each).
  4. Practice on the wall bars. Raising your legs on the floor stairs allows you to achieve very good results.
  5. Lie on your stomach, spread your knees as far apart as possible, and then try to connect your feet together.

In order for corrective gymnastics to be extremely effective and efficient, it is important to follow the following recommendations of experts:

  1. After each exercise, try to relax the muscle groups as much as possible.
  2. Don't skip training.
  3. Combine physical therapy with a course of corrective massage.
  4. Visit the physical therapy room at least twice a year.
  5. Take up sports such as swimming and figure skating.
  6. Do some stretching and learn to do the splits.
  7. Wear comfortable shoes.

O-shaped curvature is a serious problem that spoils the appearance and causes a lot of trouble. As a rule, this deficiency can be corrected through regular, systematic exercises in therapeutic corrective gymnastics. In order for the training to be most effective, it is recommended to select a set of exercises together with an orthopedic doctor or physical therapy instructor. A good effect is achieved by combining corrective gymnastics with massage and playing certain sports.

Correction of the shape of the legs in adults in most cases is cosmetic in nature. Congenital or acquired curvature of the legs causes great psychological discomfort: people are embarrassed to go to the beach or to the pool, they develop various complexes that interfere with relationships with the opposite sex. To correct figure defects, such people may be recommended various means, among which lipofilling, kuroplasty and special physical exercises are the most popular. In the most severe cases of limb deformity, leg straightening surgery using an Ilizarov apparatus may be indicated.

Classification of leg curvature

Before choosing a method for correcting the curvature of the legs, it is necessary to determine what type of defect the lower part of the figure belongs to. To do this, you need to do a slow squat and see in which direction your knees move apart. An O-shaped curvature will occur if the knees move apart to the sides. X-shaped - they want to connect. If the legs are straight, they bend parallel to the feet.

Leg Shape Classification

Depending on the reason that forms the visual curvature of the legs in girls and men, the following types of deformation are distinguished:

  • True curvature. This deformation of the lower extremities occurs as a result of curvature of the bones of the thigh and lower leg. Crooked legs visually form an arc shape. Curvature most often occurs as a result of the acquisition of hereditary characteristics from parents or is the result of a disease suffered in childhood. Such diseases may be rickets or polio.
  • False curvature. This type of leg deformity is formed as a result of the uneven distribution of muscle and fat tissue on the lower leg and thigh. In this case, the bones will be of the correct shape.

In order to determine the type of curvature of the legs as reliably as possible, it is recommended to take an x-ray.

The prevalence of curvature of the legs in girls and men is approximately the same. However, girls use various methods of correcting pathology much more often. This is due to the fact that the fair sex is more concerned about the aesthetics of their legs. Men, as a rule, turn to doctors only in cases where deformation of the lower extremities can lead to the development and progression of various painful conditions.

Exercises at home

You can correct crooked legs at home by doing exercises to straighten your legs. They can be used effectively if the deformation is false. Performing the exercise in this case will be aimed at increasing muscle tissue on the inner thigh and lower leg.

In order to correct curvature in the hips, the most effective will be to perform the following exercises:

  • Squats. Performed as follows. Starting position – feet shoulder-width apart, feet turned outward, arms crossed behind the head. Lowering the body should occur slowly and under control, with the back straight. At the very bottom, you need to inhale and quickly straighten your torso to its original position. The number of repetitions is recommended to be from 8 to 12. Rest time between sets is about 2.5 minutes. In order for the exercise to have maximum effect, you must use dumbbells or any other heavy object.
  • Lunges. Before you start doing lunges, you need to warm up and stretch the muscles in the back of your thighs. It will be useful to untwist the knee and hip joints. From the starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind the head holding a gymnastic stick - a large step forward is taken while simultaneously bending the front leg at the knee. Without a pause, the same movement is performed with the second leg. The number of lunges in one approach is at least 15. The number of approaches is 4-5. To increase the effectiveness of the exercise, instead of a gymnastic stick, you can place an iron bar on your shoulders (empty or weighted with weights, depending on the person’s fitness level).
  • Hip extension. They are carried out at home like this: an elastic bandage or a tight elastic band clings to the ankle. The second end of the projectile is attached to the battery or door handle. After this, you need to turn in the opposite direction from the battery, bend forward and pull your shins towards your buttocks. The number of repetitions in the approach is 12-14 for each leg. You need to move away from the radiator or door to such a distance that the resistance force of the elastic band allows you to perform about 30 repetitions. As a rule, the projectile is taken a little more than a meter long.

Shin training to correct the shape of the legs

In order to increase the muscle volume of the inner part of the lower leg, it is recommended to perform the “standing calf raise” exercise. It is done as follows: you need to approach the wall with your face, put your palms on its surface and lift your torso with the muscles of your lower legs. You need to straighten up as high as possible. The number of such lifts is determined by the degree of fitness of the person. You need to perform the exercise until a burning sensation occurs in the calf muscles. After resting for 2-3 minutes, you can try another 1 or 2 sets.

Another effective exercise for pumping up the calf muscles is the “seated calf raise.” It is performed as follows: the legs are bent and loaded with weights. It is necessary to rise on your toes as high as possible and lower your legs to the starting position. The number of repetitions should be such that a burning sensation occurs in the calf muscles. For a good load, it will be enough to perform 2-3 approaches. The break between approaches is 2-3 minutes.

It is also necessary to increase general physical activity. To do this, it will be enough to replace the trip to work by car with public transport. You can get off a few stops earlier and walk 2-3 kilometers. On weekends, it will be useful to go with your family or friends for a long walk in the park, and prefer active games to a traditional picnic with barbecue and alcohol.


With the help of surgery, the true curvature of the legs is corrected. The procedure has a specific medical indication - preventing the development of arthrosis of the knee, ankle and foot joints.

Surgical correction of leg curvature using the Ilizarov apparatus

The most common operation uses the Ilizarov apparatus.

The leg correction procedure is carried out as follows:

  • Holes are drilled in the shin and knitting needles are passed through them, which are secured with rings.
  • The bones are cut and the needles are fixed in the desired position.
  • Stitches are applied.
  • After 6-8 days, they begin to correct the location of the bones according to a pre-modeled scheme.

The duration of wearing the Ilizarov apparatus is about 4 months, during which the patient is able to move. The device is removed after the bone scar becomes strong.

During the rehabilitation period, the patient must move for some time with the help of crutches or a walker.

The Ilizarov apparatus is most often used in operations to correct varus (O-shaped) curvature of the legs. X-shaped (valgus) curvatures account for less than 10% in orthopedic practice, and surgery in this case is performed, as a rule, on men whose lower limb defect is difficult to hide with clothing.

Other leg straightening surgeries include:

  • Kuroplasty. It is a plastic surgery and involves the insertion of an implant into the inner part of the lower leg. It is performed as follows: the doctor makes an incision under the knee about 4 centimeters long. One or more implants are placed into the preformed space. This procedure is recommended when a person is unable to achieve the desired leg contour through diet and exercise. The advantage of kuroplasty is that one procedure is sufficient to achieve an aesthetic effect. The downside is a large number of contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, hemophilia, diabetes.
  • Lipofilling. The essence of the procedure is that a person is transplanted fat tissue from the buttocks or abdomen to the lower leg, inner thigh or popliteal area through micro-incisions. After the operation, not only the contours of the legs change, but also the structure of the skin improves. Contraindications to lipofilling are diabetes mellitus and atherosclerosis. Today, lipofilling is the most common method for correcting curvature of the legs.

Other ways to correct leg deformities

In addition to surgical intervention, other less effective, but much more gentle means are often used to straighten the legs.

These include:

  • Overlays. You can straighten your legs, or rather, hide their curvature, using special silicone pads. They are made from materials that are very similar in structure and appearance to human skin. Fixed elements in the desired areas of the legs are well covered with loose trousers or jeans.
  • Use of special belts. The essence of the method is to tighten the legs with belts in the right places for a certain time. The main disadvantage of this method is the duration of the procedure - several hours in one session.


The need to change the diet to correct the shape of the legs arises in situations where there is an uneven distribution of fat receptors in different areas of the lower leg and thighs. This feature is manifested in the fact that there may be a large accumulation of fat on the outer part of the lower leg or thigh, with its minimal presence on the inner part. Visually, this disproportion manifests itself in the curvature of the legs.

Such problems can be solved at home by reducing the total amount of fat in the body using a special low-carbohydrate diet with the active use of concentrated physical exercise.

The essence of the diet is to follow the following recommendations:

  • Elimination of quickly digestible carbohydrates from the diet. These include everything sweet and starchy.
  • Sufficient content of unsaturated fatty acids. It is recommended to obtain them from olive oil, nuts, and sea fish.
  • Refusal to consume industrially produced meat products: sausages, dumplings, sausages, various smoked meats.
  • Limiting salt intake. 3-4 grams is the maximum amount that can be consumed by a person who wants to get rid of excess fat.

It is important to keep in mind that drinking coffee, tea and other drinks that stimulate the nervous system should only be done before physical activity. At rest, increased adrenaline provoked by caffeine will lead to weight gain and the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.


Massage can be effectively used on areas of the legs where accumulated fat creates a visual curvature of the legs. This is primarily the outer part of the thigh and lower leg.

The massage is performed with classic smoothing movements. It is allowed to use pinching and patting. To enhance the fat-burning effect, it is recommended to use warming creams or natural herbal compositions based on honey and mustard. The procedure is effective to carry out immediately after a bath or exercise.

Today, there are many ways to change the shape of your legs: from safe ones done at home to risky surgical intervention. The main thing that needs to be taken into account when choosing one method or another is the ratio of possible complications and the resulting positive cosmetic effect.

When little girls grow up and begin to pay attention to their appearance, many of them discover a lot of shortcomings, even if invisible to others, but which significantly complicate the lives of young creatures. They are especially upset by the ugly shape of their legs, which they have to hide under trousers or long skirts.

How to fix crooked legs? Is it possible to help bow-legged people correct this annoying drawback? Is it possible to correct crooked legs with exercises? Some physiotherapy specialists give an affirmative answer, however, correction will require considerable patience and perseverance, because we are talking about regular training for at least six months.

To begin with, you should determine the shape of the legs, since we offer two complexes by L. Egorova: one for O-shaped legs, the other for X-shaped ones.

O-shaped curvature of the legs is a defect in the internal contour from the closed ankles to the perineum (the so-called “wheel legs”). To move on to exercises for O-shaped legs.

X-shaped curvature of the legs - when it is impossible to close the ankles with closed hips. To jump straight to the exercises for X-shaped legs.

What kind of crooked legs can be corrected?

Of course, we won’t promise that especially patient and hardworking girls will soon be able to show off legs as straight as strings, but still not only they, but also those around them will notice a noticeable effect.

However, we consider it necessary to clarify exactly which curvature of the legs can be corrected and which cannot. If the curvature of the legs is inherited, that is, genetically determined (for example, saber-shaped shins), or appears as a result of injury, then no amount of exercises or massages will change it. In this case, correction of crooked legs is possible only with the scalpel of a surgeon, and even a very skilled one.

All other phenomena of curvature of the legs in a not yet fully formed person can be tried to be reduced with the help of a special massage. How to correct crooked legs with massage: massage according to this scheme is especially effective - 30 days in a row, then for 3-4 months only once a week, after which the course must be repeated in combination with daily exercises, mud wraps and sea salt baths .

By the way, in a bath or half-bath with sea salt, a teenage girl will be able to massage her feet herself, having previously learned from a specialist (orthopedic surgeon, exercise therapy instructor, massage therapist). After all, only a specialist can identify the cause of bowlegs. Perhaps it appeared due to poor posture; Your posture will improve and your legs will straighten out. And parents need to monitor how the child wears shoes, what wears out more: heels, toes, the outer or inner part of the sole. Pass all your observations to the doctor, who will draw the appropriate conclusions. The sooner your child begins to see a doctor, the greater the chance of correcting the crooked legs.

Preliminary exercises

These warm-up exercises are performed before the main complexes and with O-shaped curvature of the legs and with X-shaped curvature.

1. Stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel. Without lifting your feet from the floor, lift your toes and strain the muscles involved in the movement as much as possible. Repeat at least 10 times.

2. Stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel. Curl your toes under your feet, tensing the muscles of your lower leg and foot as much as possible. Repeat at least 10 times.

3. Stand straight, heels together, toes apart. Tightening the muscles of your feet, legs and thighs, slowly rise onto your toes, bringing your heels together and spreading them apart. Perform the exercise 10-15 times.

4. Sitting on a chair, spread your legs slightly to the sides, place them on your heels and lift your feet towards you. Straining your lower leg muscles as much as possible, turn your feet left and right until slight pain appears.

5. The starting position is the same as in the fourth exercise, only the toes are extended and rest on the floor. Slowly spread your heels apart and bring them together at least 10 times.

6. Sitting on a chair, spread your knees slightly to the sides, bring your feet together and press them together, resting their outer edges on the floor. Tightening the muscles of your thighs, legs and feet, roll your feet from your heels to your big toes and back at least 20 times.

7. Lying on a mat (or on a couch), “ride a bicycle” for 20-30 seconds, alternately tensing and then relaxing the muscles of your legs and buttocks.

Exercises for O-shaped curvature of the legs

A set of exercises - correcting crooked legs that are O-shaped. It is advisable to perform it after warming up (see above).

1. Lying on the mat, raise your legs 20 cm from the floor and perform the “horizontal, scissors” exercise at least 10 times (after 1-2 weeks of regular training, the load in this and the following exercises can be increased up to 20-30 times).

2. Lying on the mat, perform the “vertical scissors” exercise, while straight, tense legs can be raised as high as you can.

3. Stand straight, with your feet wider than your shoulders, and as you exhale, very slowly perform a squat, bringing your knees together, stretching your arms forward. Keep your back straight, tense your legs and squat as deep as you can. Rise up just as slowly, lower your arms, relax, take a breath.

4. Get on your knees (knees together, feet to the sides, toes extended), hands on your waist. Slowly, tensing the muscles of your legs and buttocks, sit down on the floor. Moving just as slowly, return to the starting position.

5. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hands randomly. Without lifting your feet from the floor and tensing your muscles, bring your knees together, then spread them apart.

6. Take 10 steps forward with each foot on the inside of your foot, then the same amount back.

Exercises for X-shaped curvature of the legs

A set of exercises – correction of crooked legs that have an X-shape. It is advisable to perform it after warming up (see above).

1. Stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, slightly bend your knees, toes to the sides. Helping yourself with your right hand, lift your right knee as high as possible, trying to turn it back, then return to the starting position and perform the same exercise with your left leg. (If you have difficulty maintaining your balance, use your free hand to hold on to a window sill, the back of a chair or bed).

2. Sit cross-legged on the mat with your palms on the inside of your knees. Straightening your arms, press your palms onto your knees, trying to touch the outside of your knees to the floor.

3. Lying on a mat or on the floor on your stomach, spread your knees to the sides, bring your feet together, imagining a spread-eagled frog. Lie in this position for 1-3 minutes. This exercise may not work out the first or second time, but after seven or eight sessions the muscles will stretch, and gradually you can increase the time of exercise to 10-15 minutes.

4. The same “frog”, only lying on your back: tense the muscles of your legs and buttocks and try to touch the outside of your knees to the floor.

5. Sit cross-legged on the mat without crossing your legs: knees to the sides, feet pressed together, arms extended forward. Take a few steps with your hands, slowly tilting your body towards the floor, and then just as slowly “step” back.

6. Take 10 steps forward with each foot, and then the same number back on the outside of your foot.

Ideal leg shape with three spaces at the closure of the ankles, shins and knees.

Popular science program on this topic:

Curvature of the lower limbs is a common problem among people, which often worries the female half. Naturally, every woman wants to look as good and attractive as possible, but congenital deformity of the knee joints, which has a dominant type of inheritance, becomes a strong hindrance. In addition, such problems are characterized not only by aesthetic discomfort. After all, we are talking about a serious pathology that is to blame for the incorrect distribution of body weight on the limbs, thereby provoking a number of subsequent diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, the sooner patients seek professional help, the lower the likelihood of serious pathology in future.

Types and degrees of leg curvature and causes of deformation

In surgery of the human musculoskeletal system, there are three main types of curvature of the legs, or deformation of the lower extremities, which determined in a standing position “feet shoulder-width apart, arms at your sides”:

  • varus deformity- when the feet touch, the shins resemble the letter “O”; there is no point of contact in the knees. This type of deformation is also called O-shaped curvature of the legs;
  • hallux valgus- under similar conditions, the standing position of the shins resembles the letter “X”, that is, this is an X-shaped curvature of the legs. In this case, it is possible to close the knees, but the feet cannot be closed;
  • false deformation represents a visual, erroneous idea of ​​the curvature of the legs. In fact, the patient’s bone structure is normal, but the muscle-fat membrane is distributed incorrectly, which gives the visible effect of false curvature. With false curvature of the legs, it is possible to close the knees and feet, but it is difficult to bring the calves into contact.

Normally, the shin part of the limbs deviates slightly outward. In men this deviation relative to a vertical line perpendicular to the floor line is approximately 5 degrees, among women slightly higher - up to 10 degrees. X-shaped curvature of the legs is more clearly reflected in the patient’s gait - creates a strong effect of “swinging the hips”, and with a stronger deformation - “bouncing” of the buttock when supporting the corresponding limb.

The O-shaped curvature leads to a reverse roll of the foot, which while walking creates some instability and contributes to one-sided rubbing of the sole of the shoe. In addition, with this form of curvature, flat feet quickly progresses..

In the majority of cases, curvature of the limbs is a hereditary phenomenon. In second place are the causes caused by trauma from childhood or insufficiency of certain nutrients necessary for the proper formation of bones and joints during the period when this process occurs most intensively - from birth to 12 years of age.

In the modern world, a common cause of deformation of the lower extremities is the long-term use of diapers, so young mothers need to remember that constant wearing of diapers by their child can provoke severe deviations of the musculoskeletal system in the future.

In addition, other factors may contribute to acquired limb deformity.

  • Severe forms of rickets suffered in childhood.
  • Osteomyelitis and other bone pathologies of similar origin.
  • Metabolic disorders, especially trace elements calcium, magnesium and potassium.
  • Various endocrine pathologies, the humoral functionality of which also takes part in the exchange of microelements and the formation of the bone structure in childhood.

In older adolescence, deformities in the limbs may appear due to a deficiency of vitamin D, calcium, insufficient exposure to fresh air and exposure to direct sunlight. In addition to the direct development of deformation, these reasons can serve as an aggravating factor for an existing, but insignificant curvature.

Also, direct causes of deformation in the knee joints can be pathological processes that develop in them or are present in the anamnesis, but are manifesting themselves at the present time.

In addition to congenital, childhood and rachitic curvatures of the lower extremities, others are also distinguished.

  • Post-traumatic curvatures resulting from epiphyseal growth of the bone base of the lower extremities.
  • Curvatures due to unilateral contraction of the muscular system, which is most often observed with paralytic or paresis concomitant pathologies.
  • Deformations that arise due to regular force-based educational processes in childhood.
  • As a result of Erlacher-Blount disease.
  • Secondary deformations resulting from moderate or increased loads on the lower extremities as a result of adduction contracture in the hip joint.

In addition, provoking factors for the development of the disease in adolescence and adulthood can be excess weight and insufficiency of tendon-muscular ligaments, supervising the functionality of the knee joint and limb.

It is worth noting that any non-physiological condition of the knee joint over time leads to a number of associated pathologies and disorders. Most often, these may be flat feet and inflammatory-dystrophic changes in the tissue of the articular cartilage - gonarthrosis.

In what cases is surgical correction of curvature of the legs indicated?

The need for therapeutic and surgical intervention is determined by the shape of the legs. This indicator includes not only the contours of the muscle-fat membrane of the limbs, but also the biomechanical axis of each of them, as well as the mutual relationship of the axis of the thigh and lower leg. The shape of legs in medicine determines their slimness in the language of ordinary people.

The biomechanical axis of each lower limb is the main indicator on the basis of which its curvature is assessed. This axis is a continuous straight line passing through the head of the femur, the middle of the patella and the center of the ankle. Normally, the anatomical axis of the lower leg should pass along this line. It is the difference between these lines that shows the degree of curvature and allows you to make a decision on medical intervention for corrective purposes. The local focus of deformation of each limb is determined by the direction of the articular surfaces to the corresponding segment of the biomechanical axis. In this way, a curved joint or a place on the bone itself is determined. The second option is more typical for rachitic etiology and is much more difficult to correct than articular types of curvature.

The most common cause of congenital deformity is a genetic factor that causes curvature in the knee joint. In a physiological norm, the biomechanical axis should pass through the center of the joint, which ensures that the load during walking is distributed evenly over the entire articular surface.

  1. Depending on the curvature, pressure increases on one half of the joint and weakens on the other.
  2. As a result, in the half where the load is higher, progressive wear of the articular cartilage occurs and the formation of a gap in the other half of the joint.
  3. In the load-bearing joint part, as a rule, arthrosis develops with all the ensuing symptoms.
  4. As for the crevice part, the increasing tension force provokes stretching and rapid wear of the muscle ligaments and tendons.

Thus, around the middle of life, the patient begins to experience pain in the knee joints, gait disturbances, and intermittent claudication. In the future, the development of chronic arthritis against the background of chronically ongoing degenerative changes is possible. In old age, this situation usually leads to severe pain in the legs and the inability to move freely independently.

For this reason, surgery is highly recommended before the age of 30 years. - until the body is capable of active restoration of damaged tissues, and the growth and division of osteocytes is still possible, i.e. bone cells.

I must say that false deformation of the lower extremities causes inconvenience only in aesthetic terms. A false deformity does not promise any disorders or disorders of the musculoskeletal system in the future. The main therapeutic methods in the fight against this type of curvature are a number of special physical exercises, as well as possible cosmetic interventions in the form of subcutaneous grafts.

Application of the Ilizarov apparatus to correct curvature of the legs using osteotomy

First of all, the specialist must determine the type of limb deformity and exclude false curvature, which does not require special intervention in the anatomical and physiological functionality of the patient’s lower extremities. The main methods of primary examination are:

  • inspection;.
  • orthopedic examination with an appropriate measuring instrument;
  • Initial photography is necessary, as a rule, for the patient himself as an assessment of his problem from the outside, and subsequently - to compare the result “before and after”;
  • X-ray studies;
  • computed tomography in the lower extremities;
  • additional laboratory tests to determine whether the patient has third-party pathologies and quality.

It is worth noting that the emotional state of the patient plays an important role not so much in making an accurate diagnosis, but in the possibility of carrying out the operation itself. Today, one of the most effective ways to correct curvatures of the lower extremities is an artificial fracture of the tibia, possibly in several places, and the correct composition of the fragments, which grow together safely and determine the correct biomechanical axis .

Naturally, such a formulation of the question plunges patients into shock, so a number of techniques are used in medicine to show that, in fact, the operation is quite painless and very effective. For this purpose, computer programs are widely used that quite clearly demonstrate future correction in a particular patient, and also provide additional information about other patients.

It is worth noting whether to correct leg deformities or not. This is a personal matter for each patient. Perhaps, indeed, it makes sense to think about whether the future cosmetic effect of the upcoming operation is so important as to sacrifice your body like that. An exception, of course, may be cases when straightening is indicated for medical purposes, when the curvature is very serious, interferes with movement and predicts severe diseases of the musculoskeletal system in the future.

An artificial fracture (or, more correctly from the point of view of medical terminology, the intersection of a bone with subsequent fixation of fragments) is called osteotomy. Fixation of the fragments is carried out using the Ilizarov apparatus, a fairly well-known and important invention of the 20th century, which makes it possible to accurately correct the fusion of bone fragments using the external method.

Modern orthopedics has a wide range of information and digital programs that allow good control over the process of bone fusion correction, individually for each patient.

Almost the next day after a successful operation, patients can move independently. The direct process of fusion correction begins approximately on the 10th day by tightening the corresponding screws on the Ilizarov apparatus while monitoring the results with a computer program.

As with any invasive surgical intervention, after surgery to correct the curvature of the limbs some complications are possible, about which the patient is informed in advance.

  • Inflammatory processes in the area of ​​soft tissue along the perimeter of the intersection of the bone.
  • Inflammatory processes of bone tissue at the sites of intersection and installation of the Ilizarov apparatus wires.
  • Possible restrictions on the patient's movement.
  • Bone deformation or fracture in the correction area, which more often occurs with congenital weakness of the bone base of the skeleton as a whole and certain metabolic pathologies.

Cruroplasty and lipofilling: modern methods of correcting the shape of the legs

Cruroplasty and lipofilling are methods for correcting false curvature of the lower extremities. These techniques are not used to correct true valgus and vagus curvature due to inappropriateness.

The essence of the cruroplasty method is the introduction of special artificial implants under the subcutaneous tissue of the femoral region of the lower extremities, guaranteeing an aesthetically correct shape in this part of the limb.

Lipofilling The indications are similar to the previous method, however, “leveling” of defective areas is carried out using the patient’s fat tissue, taken from other places, most often from the buttocks area. Lipofilling is considered a less traumatic method and more suitable from the point of view of survival.

It is worth noting that such operations have only a cosmetic effect; there is not a single medical indication for their implementation. The determining role in carrying out such surgical interventions is played only by the patient’s desire.

Often, children barely 2 years old are diagnosed with x-shaped legs. Even 25-35 years ago, such a problem was not so acute, either due to its absence as such, or due to the fact that infants were not referred for a systematic examination by an orthopedist. Often, many mothers suddenly find out that their child has one or another deformity of the lower extremities. What can be done about this and how to correct x-shaped legs in a child?

The shape of the lower extremities is called normal, in which you can draw an imaginary straight line passing from the head of the femur of the hip joint through the middle of the patella and the space between the first and second toes. A deviation in one direction or the other is considered abnormal. It could be:

  1. Hallux valgus means that the legs, brought together at the knees, have a distance of more than 5 cm in the area of ​​the feet, that is, it is an x-shape. When viewed in full, their silhouette resembles an hourglass or the letter X.
  2. Varus deformity is an O-shaped curvature of the legs. In this case, the pathology affects the middle part of the lower leg, which deviates outward, and the knee joints cannot be connected to each other. As a result, the knees develop unevenly. The meniscus is compressed and the joint space expands from the inside and outside.

Pathology data can be:

  • congenital;
  • acquired;
  • physiological.

Immediately after birth, children most often have an O-shaped leg deformity. Further, as they grow, the legs gradually level out. However, during the period when walking begins, excess weight, lack of developed muscles and other factors can lead to the appearance of one form or another of curvature of the legs. The most common age for the development of the disease in a child is 2-4 years.

If the problem was not corrected in time, in adulthood, constant improper distribution of the load on the knees and ankles provokes curvature of these joints and the development of knee gonarthrosis, which is a deforming non-inflammatory arthrosis. All this significantly worsens a person’s quality of life. Moreover, women are more predisposed to these diseases.

The initial changes in valgus deformity begin in the knee joints - the internal condyles grow faster than the external ones, and the joint space is narrow on the outside and wide on the inside. As a result, the ligaments that provide stability to the knee are overstretched on the inside. This deformation of the legs in profile is noticeable by bending at the knees.

The development of the process does not end there; already at one year old, the baby may experience a planovalgus change in the feet, that is, flat feet with the heels deviating outward. Then an unsteady gait develops, the baby often stumbles and falls, and also complains of tired legs. Without treatment, curvature of the spine gradually develops.

Causes of pathology

The reasons include the following:

  1. Early onset of child walking. A baby who is just beginning to stand on his feet gradually trains his muscles. Crawling also plays an important role here, which helps in their formation and strengthening of ligaments. If the baby missed this phase of development, the load may be excessive, so the fragile legs become bent. Orthopedists emphasize the negative role of children's jumpers and walkers, which are designed to relieve the load from the legs of infants. However, no load means no training.
  2. Heavy weight. Babies fed on mother's milk often have a body weight that exceeds the statistical average. However, it will not be possible to deprive them of food; the only option is to reduce the fat content of the woman’s diet. You can adjust the nutrition of bottle-fed or complementary children. For weight loss, vegetable purees are recommended rather than grain porridges.
  3. Congenital weakness of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus. Heredity may play a role to some extent. If children have an asthenic body type, they are characterized by thinness and undeveloped muscles. Another problem is any disease that causes this pathology.
  4. Diseases associated with calcium metabolism disorders, which provoke a decrease in bone strength. This could be kidney disease or rickets.
  5. Hereditary predisposition. If one of the parents has X-legs, it is likely that the baby will have a similar deviation after birth. However, the vast majority of newborns have an O-shaped curvature.
  6. Congenital malformations - dysplasia of one or both hip joints, hip dislocation, underdevelopment of the knee joints and others. Subsequently, a unilateral deformity of the lower leg may develop here.
  7. Intra-articular fractures and injuries.
  8. Benign and malignant tumors of bone and cartilage tissue of the lower extremities.

According to statistics, girls, due to the anatomical structure of the pelvic bones, more often have X-shaped legs, and boys have O-shaped legs.

By the way, the doctor can diagnose a false x-shaped deformity of the legs. Unlike the true one, an external defect is observed due to the location of muscles and fat deposits; treatment is not required.

If a 2-year-old baby quickly gets tired while walking, does not want to walk with his legs, has an unsteady gait and often falls out of the blue, you should see an orthopedist and undergo appropriate treatment. In principle, parents themselves can see that when the child’s knees touch, the child’s ankles do not close. You can measure the distance between the feet of 4-5 cm using a ruler.

There is no point in postponing a visit to the doctor and thinking that everything will go away on its own, since the development of the process can affect not only the ligaments of the knees, but also the ankle joints, and even the spine. After an external examination and measurements, the orthopedist will ask the child to walk barefoot on the floor. At the same time, it will become clear whether there is a flat-valgus position of the feet. The presence of planovalgus changes in the feet is clearly visible on plantography. This may be a visual, ink or computer research model. In the latter option, the plantar part of the feet is scanned at rest and under functional load conditions. The computer will calculate the morphological parameters and give a report on what type of flatfoot is observed - longitudinal, transverse or mixed.

For diagnosis, X-rays of the knee joints are used. The image shows the unevenness of the joint space. In addition, X-shaped legs in children have more developed internal condyles, and the external ones have a bevel. If the valgus curvature is inherited, the x-ray will show blurry edges of the ossified parts of the external condyles.

After diagnosis, correction of the pathology comes to the fore. Children under 3-4 years of age are well suited for massage, physiotherapy and physical therapy. The older the child, the more pronounced the consequences - uneven gait, rapid fatigue of the legs, pain in the feet, poor posture and curvature of the spine. In the future, an adult may experience changes in the bones of the chest and pelvis, as well as dysfunction of certain organs.

X-legs in a child under one and a half years old are a physiological norm. This requires systematic monitoring by an orthopedist. In order not to miss the initial stage of the disease. The simplest method of correction is therapeutic massage. Give preference only to experienced massage therapists, otherwise the procedure may cause harm rather than benefit. Usually a course of 12-15 sessions is carried out, followed by a break for 2 months and repeat. During the year, massage in combination with physiotherapy is carried out on average 4 times. This type of massage involves strengthening the muscles on the inside of the lower leg and relaxing overstrained external ligaments. The procedure affects the buttocks, back, feet, front and back of the lower limbs. It is important that the massage therapist’s movements bring joy to the baby and not pain, otherwise he will not relax.

As prescribed by the doctor, the child may be referred to warming procedures using paraffin and electrophoresis with calcium chloride. A very important role is played by wearing specially ordered orthopedic shoes with a high, hard back and solid insoles that combat flat feet. Such shoes or boots help to form the correct position of the foot and a normal tilt of the body. Doctors usually advise wearing such shoes at home and on the street with a break for sleep and exercise.

If conservative methods do not help, plaster casts, articulated orthoses or removable splints are recommended. The period of their use ranges from 3 weeks to several months. This type of therapy is not suitable for hyperactive children and toddlers with neurological disorders.

In severe cases, surgery is recommended. If only one leg is affected, the Ilizarov apparatus with simultaneous varus osteotomy of the tibia can be used for correction. This is especially true after suffering injuries and leg fractures. The correction period can take from 2 months to a year. The postoperative recovery stage consists of massage, exercise therapy and physiotherapy. In the future, gymnastics are performed to strengthen the muscular-ligamentous apparatus and completely restore range of motion.

Treatment of hallux valgus is a very long process, sometimes it requires many years of effort and a certain perseverance from children and parents. Among other things, it is expected to correct the baby’s lifestyle:

  1. Make sure that the child does not stand with his legs wide apart, as this position increases the inward deviation of the knee joints. A more advantageous position is with legs tightly closed.
  2. Children with X-shaped legs need frequent rest during active games or while walking. It’s not for nothing that children in kindergarten are often seated on a bench “as punishment for disobedience.”
  3. It is advisable to attend specialized sports clubs, dance classes, go swimming, or enroll your child in an orthopedic preschool institution, where they will conduct daily physical therapy and massage courses.

At home, it is advisable to do a simple set of exercises every day:

  1. To correct hallux valgus in children, walking on a plank in the spirit of “the bull is walking and swinging…” is excellent. Another time you can play circus and walk along a rope laid on the floor, like a real tightrope walker.
  2. Split-knee squats and cycling help develop the right muscle groups.
  3. Play the game “The bear is walking through the forest.” Lay out toys on the carpet, and then walk on the outside of your feet and pick up objects.
  4. Sitting cross-legged can be varied with various additional games. Roll a ball to each other while sitting in this position, or pretend to be an oriental fakir charming snakes.
  5. It is useful if at home you have the opportunity to build a wall bars, ladder, trapeze and hang a rope. In addition to losing excess weight, physical activity will strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the legs, knees and feet.
  6. Let your child walk barefoot on sand, grass and pebbles during the summer holidays. Such exercises help treat flat feet.

A 1.5-2 year old baby is more susceptible to treatment for X-shaped legs, provided that a persistent and patient approach to the procedures is applied. In the vast majority of cases, getting rid of pathology takes from 2 to 7 years, but you still shouldn’t give up. Valgus curvature of the lower extremities is not a cosmetic defect. Subsequently, it can provoke a whole range of skeletal disorders, including the development of arthrosis of the knees and feet. Proper exercises, a balance of active play and rest, wearing orthopedic shoes and systematic monitoring by an orthopedist will protect the child from unpleasant consequences at an older age.