"Lilac Bush" - a story by A.I. Kuprin. The main characters of the work are Nikolai Evgrafovich Almazov and his wife Vera Almazova.

Nikolai Evgrafovich Almazov

A young poor officer. Almazov attends lectures at the General Staff Academy. Nikolai Evgrafovich is hardly given training, the hero was able to enter the academy only for the third time. As the officer admits, if it were not for his wife, who helped him with his studies and who supported him in difficult times, not letting him lose heart, he would have long ago abandoned the idea of ​​​​getting an education.

While studying at the academy, Almazov had to pass exams. At first, the hero passed the exams safely. However, before submitting the terrain plan, the hero put a large spot of green paint on the drawing. Almazov was able to turn his spot into bushes, hoping that the examiner would not suspect anything or anything and would accept the job. However, the professor was a very pedantic and attentive person, he knew the area well and therefore refused to take Almazov's exam until he himself verified the presence of bushes in the place indicated on the plan.

Returning home, Nikolai Evgrafovich told his wife about what had happened, the hero despaired, he was not going to take any action to solve the problem. Almazov was already preparing for expulsion from the academy, but his wife Vera suggested that her husband plant bushes in place of the spot. The next day, the professor found the plants marked on the map and apologizes to Almazov.

Vera Almazova

Wife of Nikolai Evgrafovich Almazov. Vera is a real friend and helper for Almazov. She believes in her husband. Vera helps Almazov with his studies at the academy, makes drawings with him, reads educational literature, and, if necessary, becomes his tutor and clerk.

It is Vera Almazova who does not allow her husband to give up and refuse to study. She creates the comfort necessary for Almazov, sometimes denying herself everything necessary.

Vera's resourcefulness and determination help her husband out in an exam on a local plan. She invites Almazov to plant bushes where he indicated them on the drawing. In order to make this happen, Vera pawns the last precious things they have in a pawnshop. With the proceeds, the spouses buy lilac bushes and plant them that same night.

Vera Almazova is a kind, wise, selfless woman. She is not afraid of difficulties, she is used to meeting failures "with a clear face." She is spiritually stronger and calmer than her husband, being the keeper of domestic warmth and happiness.

Minor Heroes


German, smart man of principle and honest. In his field, the professor is a good specialist, Almazov calls him a pedant.

The professor refuses to accept Almazov's work until he himself is convinced of its correctness. Finding himself wrong, he apologizes to the officer and accepts his job.


A person who has long been accustomed to the misfortunes and sorrows of other people. He slowly accepts the jewelry, checking their authenticity. The appraiser gives the couple a good sum of money, which is "more than enough" to carry out their adventure.


At first, the gardener is reluctant to help the Almazovs, as they arrived late enough for the tree planting work. However, after hearing Vera's story, he relents, finds workers, and sends the bushes to plant. The gardener admires Vera's idea, her resourcefulness and dedication. Of all the plants available to the gardener, lilac is the most suitable for Almazov, which will later become their favorite flower.

Essay 2

There are not many characters (and events) in this work. The main ones, of course, are the Almazovs, and the secondary ones: the professor, the gardener, his employees, classmates of Nikolai ... The latter are simply mentioned, because someone, for example, had to plant these bushes.

Vera is the main, most active hero. She recognizes her husband's leadership, but it is she who supports him, does not allow him to give up. She is young, pleasant, smiling, sweet ... Her very name is so affectionate, childish, as if she is younger than her husband, although he himself is very young. Perhaps she is five years younger, but the most important thing is that she is more perky - internally young. Verochka lights up with the idea that came to her, does not look for excuses, but finds opportunities ... She definitely loves her husband very much, worries about him. It is clear that she is smart not only because of this idea, but also because she built their budget economically, as mentioned at the beginning of the story. That is, she is able to live modestly, does not squander. Of the shortcomings, one can only name, perhaps, excessive optimism, which can irritate others (and activity too), as well as some sacrifice towards her husband (even learning helps). She forgives him almost everything.

Nikolai Evgrafovich, as Verochka respectfully calls her husband, is a military man. He has already served for some time, and is now studying at the Academy. He tries for the sake of their young family (they have no children yet), they live separately from their relatives, who were not mentioned at all in the story. He is young, often pessimistic (ready to fall into despair), he has a fantasy, but not to find a solution to the problem, but to imagine possible "terrible" consequences. He can be irritable. For example, after an unsuccessful exam, he “growls” at his wife, although she is not to blame at all. Nikolai is proud, and also addicted. Not only did he not admit that there were no bushes, but there was a blot, although he later regretted it, and also began to insist that he was right. After the scam, he regrets that he deceived the professor.

The professor at the academy is a strict German who knows the area very well. Nikolai either scolds him or praises him (it depends on his mood). This is an older man. He probably expelled many students on principle - strict. But Nikolai made him doubt his abilities, made him think about retirement.

The gardener is a family man who is suspicious of late buyers. But he is kind, helps them, having learned the truth.

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Year: 1894 Genre: story

Main characters: officer Nikolai Almazov, his wife Vera

Despite the small volume, the work "Lilac Bush" is very soulful, the author is A. I. Kuprin. The story was written in 1894, and in the same year, in the fall, it was published in the journal Life and Art. The story quickly fell in love with readers and earned a lot of positive feedback.

For the theme, you can take love and relationships in the family, what a wife is ready to do for the sake of her beloved husband.

The idea is to show selfless and sacrificial love, to reveal family relationships. Two main characters appear before the reader, these are the spouses Verochka and Nikolai. The author shows that Verochka is ready for anything for her husband. She does not sleep all night, and is ready to give away all the precious things, she is very good moral support for her husband, and does everything because she loves him. In his story, the author touched upon the problem of a somewhat unequal marriage, Nikolai Almazov is a weak character, when Vera, on the contrary, is a very strong, wise, woman ready for anything for her husband.

Read the summary of the story Lilac Bush Kuprin

Nikolai Evgrafovich Almazov, one of the main characters of the story, comes home to his wife, and barely waiting for her to open the door, quickly goes to his office. The wife immediately understood from her husband’s face when something happened to him, and this time, seeing his stern and frowning face, she realized that something was wrong.

She followed Nikolai into his office. Almazov, in turn, was an ordinary poor young officer. Now he was studying at the Academy of the General Staff, and on this ill-fated day he had just returned from the exam. Today Almazov handed over his last completed work to the professor, and this work was very important and contained a survey of the area. Before that, there were other exams that were very difficult for Nikolai, and only his wife knew how he suffered and tried to pass everything.

Yes, if we take only the admission itself, then only in the third year of attempts Almazov managed to enter. All this time, his wife was next to him and supported him, perhaps if it were not for her support, Nikolai would have given up long ago and dropped his hands. Vera constantly tried in every possible way to help her husband, to cheer him up. She even taught herself not to get upset because of failures and always smile. Vera was ready to give up everything she wanted, if only to create comfortable conditions for her beloved husband, because she perfectly understood that he was at work with his head. She even helped him in every possible way at work and study, being his tutor, book, copyist and draftsman.

For about five minutes the couple sat in silence until Vera was the first to speak. She asked what happened to the job, if she was accepted, she wanted her husband to tell her everything. Nikolai reacted sharply, and in a nervous voice told his wife that the work had not been accepted. Almazov was very angry, because his work was not accepted because of the stain.

At first, Vera did not understand what had happened, after which her husband told her how he had been sitting at work until late in the evening, and was very tired. The plan turned out to be very good and neat, but at the very end, Nikolai's hands shook and he planted a stain on paper. I tried to clean it, but smeared it even more. Nikolai decided to draw trees in that place, and in the end everything turned out very well. At the check, the professor noticed the presence of bushes and began to ask where they came from in the drawing. So a dispute ensued, as a result, the professor was ready to go to that area to make sure that there were no bushes there.
Vera was probably even more upset than her husband. She thought about how to help him.

As a result, the wife goes to the pawnshop and rents there all the jewelry that she found in her. She wanted to use the money she received to buy vegetation and plant it in that place. Having come to the gardener, they start a conversation and the gardener recommends buying a lilac bush. The spouses, having listened to the man, buy a lilac bush and go to that area in order to plant vegetation there. The next day, the husband had to go back to hand over the work, Vera was very worried and was waiting for her husband. As a result, it turned out like this, the professor, who arrived at the place where the bush actually was, was very surprised and apologized. After that, he gave the go-ahead to this plan of the area. This case brought together and made the spouses happy, because it turned out the way they wanted. Now the lilac will truly become their favorite tree.

A young and poor officer named "Almazov" came home from a speech at the Academy of General. headquarters and sat down in his office without taking off his clothes. The wife immediately realized that a misfortune had happened. On this day, Nikolai defended his instrumental survey of the area to the professor. Nikolai Almazov was offendedly silent, but because of his wife's demands, he told his situation.

Last night, when Nikolai was already finishing work on the project, he planted a huge spot with ink. He wanted to clean it up, but it only made things worse. He did not think of anything better than to draw a bunch of trees in place of the spot. The scientist to whom Almazov handed over the work, of course, noticed this. Almazov wanted to argue, but the professor did not even want to hear that there were some trees there. The wife came up with an ingenious plan. They took all the jewelry from the house, and then went to the jewelry dealer. There they turned in a diamond ring and a bent bracelet, receiving 23 rubles for it.

Surprisingly, the diamond ring came out for only 3 rubles, and the old bracelet was priced much more expensive. Then they went to the gardener, it was already late, the gardener did not even agree to sell anything, but when Almazov's wife told this story, he sold them lilac bushes, and then they planted them in the right area. The next day, when Nikolai went to the professor to prove his case, the wife simply could not wait for her husband at home. She went out to meet him from work on the street. From afar, it was evident from his gait that everything went perfectly. They hugged, joined hands and happily went home.

So lilac became the favorite flower of the wife of Nikolai Almazov. This work teaches us that close people will often help us in a difficult situation, that such people should be greatly appreciated, because without them we cannot cope with this difficult life. The main thing in this life is the support of a loved one, they are the most important thing that we have.

Kuprin is very close to the theme of human relations, happiness, love. The story of a separate family, where they are used to solving problems together, pushed the author to the idea of ​​the work. In Kuprin's story "The Lilac Bush", the characters are faced with a serious problem, which is solved thanks to the wisdom and love of Verochka, the wife of the protagonist. Description of the main character, her quick balanced decisions, desire to achieve the perfect result, dedication - the most important scenes in the story, they reveal the secret of a happy relationship. The author does not give a direct description of Verochka, her actions very clearly reveal the inner world and spiritual qualities of a woman.

Characteristics of the heroes “Lilac Bush”

main characters

Almazov Nikolay Evgrafovich

For two years in a row, a young officer has been trying to enter the academy. In the third year, having passed all the exams, he failed the last project. The professor turned out to be a good connoisseur of the landscape, and Nikolai's tricks did not help correct the mistake. Thanks to his wife, he proves to the professor the presence of bushes the next day after the failure. He apologizes, and Almazov is accepted into the academy. A hardworking, persistent, diligent young man wins thanks to his wife's faith in him and her wisdom and resourcefulness.

His wife, Vera

Wife Verochka is a true friend and helper of Nikolai. She believes in him, helps in preparing for exams, makes drawings, spends family funds based on the needs of her husband. Smart, kind, selfless woman. Her wisdom rescues her husband when his latest project fails. She suggests planting bushes where he indicated them on the drawing (due to a spot of green ink, Nikolai depicted bushes, but the professor argued with him that there was no vegetation in that area). A wise wife sells the last expensive things to a pawnshop, the spouses buy lilac bushes from the gardener and plant them that same night.


German, an excellent specialist, an excellent teacher, a principled, honest person. Almazov calls him a monstrous pedant. The professor apologizes to the young officer, referring to his age. He tastes the lilac leaf, wondering how he didn't notice the bushes before. Lilac becomes - a symbol of a young family, the favorite flower of Nikolai's wife.

Minor characters


The main characters of "The Lilac Bush" are united by a common goal, but morally and intellectually the woman prevails. She is spiritually stronger, calmer, wiser than her husband. She is the guardian angel of the family, its foundation. It is noteworthy that the man himself is to blame for the problem with the delivery of the project. His wife helped him with the theory, with the drawings, but he put a “blot” with green ink, tried to erase it, which completely ruined the work. At this moment, one feels the irresponsibility and immaturity of the young officer's act: such an attitude to the final work is unacceptable. Nikolai is exhausted by exams, nervous tension, and an unbearable study load. Only the faith and perseverance of his wife save him from a breakdown, he cannot betray her hopes. Kuprin writes about true, sacrificial love, capable of devoting oneself to another person, dissolving in him. Such a family is doomed to be happy, because the idea of ​​the story is taken by the writer from personal experience.

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Lilac Bush is a work about the eternal theme of art, about love. Kuprin chose the direction of realism for the text. And this is quite logical. Everyone strives to find a soul mate in life. A person with whom no troubles and trials are terrible. But very few people, unfortunately, succeed. No one really knows how and why people choose their mate in life. Love is an incredibly capricious and sometimes incomprehensible feeling. Sometimes a very beautiful woman is able to fall in love with a man who is completely unremarkable for the rest of society. The luckiest are precisely those people who not only received the greatest gift of fate - love, but managed to feel mutual love. When two people, connected by a real sincere feeling, hand in hand, set off together along the thorny path of life, when the feelings and souls of lovers are intertwined, then people are truly invincible. There is no force that could resist the power of true mutual love.

Alexander Kuprin, despite the fact that he became famous as a stern military man, bowed before the power of love. The writer believed that there is nothing more important in life than the sincere and mutual love of spouses. The story "The Lilac Bush" fully reveals Kuprin's beliefs regarding the invincibility of true feelings and the strength that these feelings can give to lovers. In marriage, Kuprin assigned particular importance to his wife. A loving woman, according to the writer, should be ready to become a support and support for her husband in any situation. The main task of a woman is to create coziness and comfort in the house, even under not very favorable conditions of material support.

"Lilac bush": artistic "passport" of the work

Alexander Ivanovich wrote the story in 1894. In fact, Kuprin has always been interested in eternal topics. One of these topics is love, relationships, the difficulties and joys of marriage and romantic interaction between a man and a woman. Marriage for Kuprin is a relationship where self-sacrifice, trust, mutual love, respect and support come to the fore. To demonstrate the key ideas of the work, the writer chose a composition that includes three parts. In the first part, a frustrated Nikolai returns home after a failed practical project. The hero shares his experiences with his wife, Vera. In the second part, Vera Almazova actively intervenes in the course of the story. The girl comes up with a great plan to fix the situation with the project. Finally, the final part is the final, which ends happily with a denouement: the professor accepts Nikolai's project, and he goes to study. The story was published in the year of writing, in 1894. The Lilac Bush appeared in the pages of Life and Art.

Dear readers! We suggest that you familiarize yourself with Alexander Kuprin - in the table.

In the center is an image of lilac, the flowers of which have always been associated with romantic relationships. Therefore, the lilac bush, of course, carries a semantic load. In addition, lilacs bloom with the arrival of spring warmth, and spring is also a symbol of impending love. After the Almazovs manage to make a small night adventure, plant lilacs - part of Vera's plan to correct a mistake in her husband's practical work, Nikolai fell in love with lilacs forever. Kuprin, perhaps, did not accidentally choose this particular plant. If you read about the symbolism of lilacs, you will notice that these bushes are associated with spring, with warmth (not only weather, but also human). According to Scandinavian legend, spring painted nature in colors, but when it came to northern nature, mother spring had only purple colors on her palette, which turned into lilac bushes.

About the events of Kuprin's story and the main characters of "The Lilac Bush"

In the center of the story is a story about a family who solve a problem through joint efforts. Of course, Kuprin pays attention to human relations, the specifics of love in the family, in marriage. Love is not an empty feeling, it is constant support without expectation of reward for it.

Images of the main characters of "The Lilac Bush"

So, Kuprin's story assumes the classical division of characters into central and secondary figures. Let's look at the key actors first.

The image of Almazov Nikolai Evgrafovich

Nikolai has recently become an officer and is now striving to continue his studies - at the academy. It turned out to pass the exams in the third year, but Nikolai ruined the final project anyway. The man tried to mask the stain (literally) he had put on his work, but the professor who was taking the exam knew the landscape too well not to notice the mistake. As a result, with the help of his wife, Nikolai still manages to pass the project and prove the professor right. The teacher apologized to the young officer, and Nikolai entered the academy to study. Almazov was distinguished by hard work, stubbornness and perseverance, diligence, but he won in tandem with the support of his wife.

The image of the wife of Nikolai, Vera Almazova

Nikolai was lucky in marriage and love: the man managed to get a beautiful girl, Vera, as his wife. Almazova sincerely loves her husband, supporting and helping Nikolai in all endeavors. Preparation for exams, drawings, projects - all this is on the shoulders of Vera. The girl, without hesitation, spends money and family funds to implement the ideas and plans of Nikolai. Mind, kindness, wisdom, selflessness are the key qualities of the Faith. Almazova's resourcefulness, as a result, saves Nikolai's project.

The image of a professor

The German teacher who takes exams at the academy is distinguished by a high level of professionalism. The professor is characterized by honesty and integrity. Therefore, the hero notices an error in Nikolai's project, pointing out the mistake. Almazov believes that the professor is just a pedant, a terrible, monstrous person. However, the teacher is just fair. Among the characters of the second plan are an appraiser in a pawnshop and a gardener.

Appraiser Image

Working in a pawnshop, the appraiser realizes the values ​​that the Almazovs bring to the pawnshop. Vera collects the last jewelry at home (a bracelet and a ring), which she takes to an appraiser in order to get money for planting bushes. Here the main values ​​​​for the girl are manifested - these are not things at all, not material objects, but spiritual ones. This is affection and love for a spouse, as well as Nikolai's career and undertakings.

The image of a gardener

At first, the stubborn man refuses to help the Almazovs. The gardener does not understand the need for planting bushes at night. In the end, Vera tells the gardener about the real motive for this adventure. After that, the man agrees to plant lilacs at night. The gardener liked the idea of ​​Vera, it seemed sweet and worthy of respect.

Events of Kuprin's story

Spouses Almazov in the story are endowed, one might say, with opposite qualities. Nikolai Evgrafovich Almazov, a young and poor officer. The man is not endowed, it would seem, with absolutely no positive qualities. Not very smart, as he managed to enter the Academy of the General Staff only on the third attempt, and even then only thanks to the help of his wife.

For two years in a row, Almazov solemnly failed, and only on the third year did he overcome all obstacles with hard work. Without a wife, he, perhaps, not finding enough energy in himself, would have waved his hand at everything ...

Dear readers! We suggest that you familiarize yourself with Alexander Kuprin, based on real events.

The study itself was given to Almazov with great difficulty. Again, the hero could not do without the support of his wife. And now, at the last stage of passing the exams, according to Almazov, a completely incorrigible situation happened, which nullified all the work of a man. Carrying out the last practical work (instrumental survey of the terrain), Almazov, through negligence, managed to put a green spot on the already completed work. Since he had neither the strength nor the time to redo the task anew, Almazov took advantage of his ingenuity and turned the spot into a bush. However, the too pedantic professor noticed this extra bush and commented on the whole work:

If you say so, he says that there are bushes on this saddle, then if you please ride there with me tomorrow ... I will prove to you that you either worked carelessly, or drew directly from a three-verst map ...

The fatality of mistakes and the contrast of characters

This rather unpleasant situation completely destabilized Almazov's mind. The man has completely lost the ability to think sensibly. Instead of looking for a way out, even from such a rather difficult situation, Almazov preferred to simply panic and surrender to the mercy of fate. For a man, especially an officer, behavior, frankly, does not deserve respect.

In a completely different way, Kuprin portrays Almazov's wife, Verochka. The girl is completely opposite in character to her husband. Finding a way out of a difficult situation for Verochka was a completely normal task. The heroine is not used to crying and complaining. Even the name Kuprin chose the right one for the girl - Vera, as the belief that, if desired, one can cope with any misfortune. Almazova easily compensated for her husband’s weakness, and under no circumstances did she reproach her husband for this:

But Verochka did not let him lose heart and constantly kept him cheerful ... She learned to meet every failure with a clear, almost cheerful face. She denied herself everything necessary to create comfort for her husband, although cheap, but still necessary for a person busy with head work. She was, as necessary, his copyist, draftsman, reader, tutor and memorial book ...

Conjugal love of Verochka

Nikolai Almazov is a real lucky man. The hero's wife not only has many virtues, but the main thing is that Verochka sincerely and with all her heart loves her husband. The support and help of a loved one in a difficult moment is extremely important for both strong-willed people and weak representatives of the human race. Verochka is endowed with a lively mind and knows how to quickly make original, completely amazing decisions. In order to save her husband's honor and Almazov's examination paper, Vera suggests that before morning they go and plant a bush in the right place on their own. The decision is very bold and non-standard, but quite feasible. There is no time for reflection, the situation needs to be saved, and Almazov himself is not ready to offer at least some way out of the difficult situation, which he himself provoked.

A loving woman is always ready for self-sacrifice. Let it seem from the outside that Verochka's husband, Nikolai, is unworthy of the love of such a smart, kind, beautiful, resourceful and cheerful woman. However, Vera loves her husband for who he is, so she is ready to support Almazov in any situation. Without a second's hesitation, the girl collects all the jewels in the house in order to realize her daring plan to plant bushes.

After getting some money at the pawnshop, the Almazovs go to the gardener to send workers to the right place to plant bushes. But it is already dark outside, the gardener does not understand why it is necessary to plant bushes at night, so he refuses to help. Once again Verochka takes matters into her own hands. Almazova finds the right words and convinces the gardener to take an immediate part in the implementation of the bold plan of the heroine of Kuprin's story. At this time, the gardener has only a lilac bush. It is probably no coincidence that Kuprin chooses lilac. This fragrant and spring flower is a symbol of eternal love and fidelity. Such tender and strong love, like the Diamonds. Thanks to their joint support and devotion, the Almazovs are successfully carrying out their wonderful plan to the end. Lilac bushes planted. The examination paper, and with it the honor of Nikolai himself, were saved.

The Moral of the Lilac Bush: Key Findings

By the joint efforts of two loving hearts, one can not only solve a complex everyday problem, but even create a real miracle. Kuprin, as it were, is a little jealous of his main character. With such a wife, you can achieve great heights in any business. The Almazovs love each other, so they do not pay attention to shortcomings, but simply live happily. Spouses feel joy and happiness only from the fact that they are together. This night adventure will bring the kindred spirits of the main characters of the story even closer. And the lilac bush will now be an eternal monument of pure and selfless love.