Funny phrases from random sources

Cool phrases and aphorisms about the Internet, free humor, funny computer quotes. A growing collection of funny aphorisms about computers and the Internet, collected from various sources.

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100 funny aphorisms in random order

  1. A minus is already half a plus, and a plus is sometimes two whole minuses...
  2. This is not a printer - it's a...a. He only ruins the paper
  3. Miracles happen. Any programmer will tell you this
  4. A real programmer never does everything right the first time, he understands the importance of patches
  5. “There are no irreplaceable people,” the director liked to say. Everyone was afraid - and only one programmer could not hide his crooked smile...
  6. 50 liters of vodka were spent on Russification of the new version of Windows Vista...
  7. Announcement:
    Installation of windows. Not Windows.
  8. Spider sues the World Wide Web for copyright infringement
  9. If you don't want to be funny, don't be serious
  10. A Korean virus has appeared on the Internet. It lands in your mail and eats the dog.
  11. If you receive a secret letter by e-mail, then after reading it you need to print it out and eat it.
  12. A webmaster is walking down the street and sees a painter painting over obscene words on a fence.
    “Probably a moderator,” he thought.
  13. On most Internet forums, the tone is set either by pioneers who want to appear like adults, or by retirees who act like children.
  14. The difference between a hacker and a user is that the first one guesses the password on the third try, and the second one types it on the fifth
  15. I will guess this program with 7 bytes!
  16. Stirlitz did not like to use soap. He preferred the walkie-talkie.
  17. Sometimes it seems that all boys are divided into fools and programmers... and I don’t even know which is better...
  18. “From the screw,” Kaspersky shouted, fighting off viruses.
  19. The name of our currency (ruble) consists of the short name of the country and the emotional attitude towards it
  20. All sorts of bugs to you!
  21. If your friends call you a hacker, know that you are a lamer, because a real hacker is not visible, not heard and he has no friends except the computer
  22. Rubik's Cube is a three-dimensional visualizer of the defragmentation process.
  23. The ideal is something that Photoshop can only ruin.
  24. The email server is where all the dogs are unleashed.
  25. He had large spaces in the keyboard...
  26. A computer without Windows is like ice cream without ketchup.
  27. Don't chew in front of the monitor, you're not Caesar!
  28. Complete dependence on the Internet is when the browser window is opened just like that, for peace of mind and body.
  29. To whom and the command line - user-friendly interface
  30. Don't worry about the children - they won't go further than the Internet
  31. Today programming is a competition between Programmers trying to write more and more “stupid” programs and Nature creating more and more stupid users. So far nature is winning...
  32. Did the virus spill coffee on the keyboard too?
  33. The surest way to get an answer is to ask a question
  34. The Chinese language is like assembly language - beautiful, but unbearably difficult
  35. The Internet, like death, takes the best
  36. Money is evil! For details please send $10
  37. If architects built buildings the way programmers write programs, the first woodpecker to fly in would destroy civilization
  38. Americans have X Day, and we have H Day... And all because of the keyboard layout!
  39. A living paradox is an accountant/system administrator.
  40. Dear Grandfather Frost, this letter is not spam, but a real opportunity to make money...
  41. — Why do you update the site so rarely?
    - Why do you come in so often?
  42. Do you know that the “three-finger combination” is not a thing, but Ctrl-Alt-Del?
  43. Our system administrator has a golden head and golden hands. Another would be a driver between them.
  44. Fame is when your last name is not underlined in red in Word
  45. Do not offer sex or network marketing!
  46. Forum member Abracadabra Sim Silabim (ID: 555-55-55) was removed and his nickname was blacklisted. Reason: Akhalay-Makhalay...
  47. Hacker! Remember: you can’t break everything - you have to sit on something
  48. — Why does the secretary print a Word document on a printer in which nothing is written?
    — Because the boss asked her to bring a pack of blank paper.
  49. How rich and varied the translation of English into Russian is...
  50. LCD monitors for bottling.
  51. According to the State Statistics Committee, three quarters of the inhabitants of the Russian Federation make up 75% of the country's population.
  52. I prefer not to get involved in debates, parties or crap.
  53. The Moscow Ministry of Internal Affairs has created a new antivirus "Postovoy". The antivirus program does not monitor the actions of viruses, trojans and malware. Instead, it checks the registration of all software it encounters.
  54. At the present time, the state should not have symbols or a coat of arms, but an avatar!
  55. — Tell me, what is your methodology for writing a thesis?
    — Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V!
  56. But in the 19th century the phrase “get a link” had a completely different meaning
  57. mailto: [email protected]
  58. Letter to technical support:
  59. - here the president finds his prime ministers.
  60. Rubik's Cube is a three-dimensional visualizer of the defragmentation process.
  61. Start slowly!
  62. As soon as he found the girl of his dreams, his computer froze
  63. Went to Google...
  64. Bill Gates' soul will end up in a trash bin after death
  65. The less you spend on the Internet, the children will be healthier!
  66. What a pain... What a pain... internet explorer 6.0
  67. Don't look into the channel of a gifted provider.
  68. The secretary had such a bust that she could only type on the keyboard blindly!
  69. The Internet is like life: there is nothing to do, but you don’t want to leave!
  70. Save energy! Turn off NumLock!
  71. Computer sign: if everyone you know is using ICQ, it means rain
  72. Implement the possibility of inability to copy
  73. The best monument on the moderator’s grave is a hit counter
  74. — What is the difference between a programmer and a politician?
    — The programmer is paid money for working programs.
  75. Don't blame Microsoft! You don't want the computer to be smarter than you!
  76. There is no sadder story in the world than the story of a computer offline.
  77. People tend to make mistakes, but only a computer can completely confuse everything.
  78. I'll kill someone and break my gap. — I’m_already_used to it
  79. Tech Support Agent (on phone): "No, sir. Clicking the 'Remember Password' button will not help YOU remember your password."
  80. The Internet is a good antidepressant, but a bad sleeping pill.
  81. Word has its own sense of humor. If you write in it about a hashish stick, then he will underline the word “traffic stick” everywhere and ask to replace it with a hashish stick
  82. The more people I get to know, the more I love computers...
  83. No radio, no TV - only the Internet remained!
  84. Why do they give drug addicts free syringes, but no one gives us free internet?
  85. Among computer scientists, even the cat purrs “url-url-url...”
  86. Urgently! Help is needed! Please send it to everyone! A child (31 years old) urgently needs an Audi RS4 Sport and a beautiful blonde girl with breast sizes 2-4! This is not spam!
  87. System administrators have two problems - stupid users and... smart users
  88. Lost dog - do not offer
  89. It's hard to be a programmer. You come to visit people on vacation, and they immediately show you their home computer and ask you to sort out its problems. I can imagine what it’s like for proctologists...
  90. A computer falls from the tenth floor and thinks: “I wish I could freeze now.”
  91. Shitty website
  92. A spammer is no more harmful than a cockroach, but much nastier.
  93. The dog is missing! Special Features: Shift+2
  94. Girls, you don’t need to ask the client what he has, you need to ask: “What software do you have installed”!
  95. New virus - "homeless"! He's just rummaging through the Recycle Bin.
  96. Guide to Killing Users. System Administrator's Bible.
  97. Yandex - you can find everything, but from all this you need to find what you really need.
  98. It's hard to drive a fly away from the monitor with the cursor.
  99. Give me a mirror with a built-in
  100. A programmer is a person who solves a problem you didn't know about in a way you don't understand.

What to do if the Internet suddenly disappears? Where to go? Who knows where else they relax and have fun? And is it possible to meet people by going outside?

Want a lifetime employee? – Provide the person with unlimited Internet.

The Internet does not make people closer. This is the depth of disunity. It seems that here they are, friends, nearby, but in reality you are alone in front of the monitor. Illusory relationships, illusory unity and existence in general.

I wish I could have access to the Internet in any corner of the Universe and on the globe *crazy*

Best status:
Those who have been familiar with the Internet, mobile phones and computer games since childhood are not afraid of growing old: they will have fun.

If it weren’t for nerds, spam and viruses, this stable, amorous trio, everything on the Internet would be perfect.

Blues is when you don’t want to go anywhere when the Internet is working.

People who do not have access to the Internet become rapists.

Yesterday the Internet was glitchy, but along the way it turned out that the computer has some good games! Wow!

A beautiful photo is not at all the photo on which you put “class”. Of course, you will keep the expensive image a secret, saving it in the memory of your computer.

You tilt your head to the side to smile :)

New folk sign: before entering a new apartment, throw in the cable. Where he will lie down is best to place a bed, a table with a computer and food

Boss to secretary: - Gather all employees for a meeting, urgently! - By intercom? - No fucking way, through Odnoklassniki, it will be faster!

Don't trust the guys in the chat, girls! They have children and even grandchildren! Also a beard and a smoky sweater, and next to it there is at least a liter of water!!! :)))

the file goes, swings, sighs on the fly. -Ouch! the traffic is fucking over!!! Now I'm going to fall!!!

Close the qip behind me,

I ask my friend through an agent: - Why aren’t you talking to me? friend: -My throat hurts, I can’t talk:)

Tired admins are sleeping, the mice are sleeping... Flash drives and keyboards are waiting for the guys... Windows also goes to bed, So that at night we can dream about ICQ being closed... Bang-bye. All normal contacts have been sleeping for a long time... The virus is crawling through folders, no matter... Soon he will go to bed too, well, we will help him - update the databases, bye-bye...

It was in the past that senile insanity awaited us in retirement. Now, in the Internet era, social networks await us...)))

The Internet is turned off, I’ll go throw out the Christmas tree or something :)

Soon, employers will start turning to users' computers for objective resumes based on

For the fifth hour now I’ve been repeating the spell “Internet, Internet - let me go to the toilet”...

Hello! I've been with him for 1 year)) eh...he's the best))Internet))

Why does the most active communication on the Internet begin after the words “Well, lan, I have to go”

“This can’t go on for long,” I thought and decisively closed the browser. “But it can’t go on like this for long,” I thought and opened the browser again.))

Probably, soon a column will appear in your passport: “Your VKontakte link”

The whole world in one person is love, the whole world in a screen is the Internet

There is ICQ - no need for intelligence

can't get up from your office chair?

They don’t spend as much time in prison as they do on the Internet...

The Internet, like death, takes the best.

The easiest way to avoid answering is to fuck with on-line.

Crap! Well, my face is on Skype...

Transcription MS Internet Explorer: [Microsoft Internet Spoiled]

Muscle memory is when the page has not yet loaded... And you have already placed the mouse in the place where you need to click.

Previously, the Internet distracted from work, now work distracts from the Internet...

Old age is when you begin to notice that all the forums have been trashed by youngsters.

statistics of Internet requests.

The Internet is a place for displaying and exchanging stolen wit.

What happens if you read Yandex from right to left upside down?

If you make 8 mistakes in the word “work”, you get the word “Internet”

Complete dependence on the Internet is when the browser window is launched just like that, for peace of mind

The spirit of the times: There is an evil beast languishing over the Internet...

As children, we were told that we were brought by a stork or found in cabbage. Think about what we will tell our children that they were downloaded from the Internet?

aaaah!! I hate this internet!! Because of him, the whole summer is wasted!!... oh, and I can’t even raise my hand to turn it off...

A cleanly tidy apartment and a delicious dinner are two signs of a faulty computer...

Virtual family: common Hompepage, sex via ICQ, lunch via e-mail... Virtual divorce: how will we divide the web space?

“ comes the fairy tale Esc...” For those who don’t understand – F1)))

Tell me what you are looking for on the Internet and I will tell you who you are.

Everyone had to write down or dictate an e-mail over the phone, right? The expressions i with a dot, S like a dollar are bullshit! But the phrase “letter with a giraffe” brought me into slight delight))

there is so much garbage in the keyboard... he somehow got there himself! So why doesn’t he fall out of there himself?

When our correspondence starts with messages like: “=) *))) =((=)))” there is nothing more to correspond about...

[21st century friendship: -Hello. - Hello. - How are you? -Badly. -Clear].

I'm learning to write without emoticons. I'm tired of pretending that everything is fucked.

The information age has given rise to a new form of an old perversion: “claving”.

Sometimes I don’t understand myself... If I write something sad, it doesn’t mean sadness. And the smiling emoticon at the end is not a sign that she has stopped shedding tears...

53He saw it online...but didn’t write anything...what can I say? You idiot...

What three-letter word is now most often written on the walls of toilets in schools and universities? (www)

If cells had Internet access, the number of people wanting to leave prison would drop sharply.

I come home, scatter my things, smear the tears on my face, go to my email and wait with hope while it loads. DID YOU WRITE TO ME?

Never believe the words “I love you” in ICQ or VKontakte, you need to look it in the eye and listen to it.

Houses are in chaos, hungry children... mom spends hours on the Internet...

What a pain... what a pain... Internet Explorer 6.0

35Internet Explorer is a program for accessing the Internet and downloading the Mozilla Firefox browser

Press Ctrl and W and start thanking me 😛

Mom, do I want to go to school tomorrow? – that our Internet was cut off again?)))

After watching thousands of demotivators, you feel as if you understand something in this life

40Casper used to be called the good ghost. Now this is an evil antivirus!

...a computer, a chair, the Internet... and no person...

Hello! - Hello! - What are you doing? – I’m pumping my abs. - What is this? – Good for health and figure. – Give me the link, I’ll download it too. =D

You wake up in the morning and the first thing you do is connect to the Internet, even before you drink coffee...

Communication via SMS will never replace live communication on ICQ.

Advice to Windows users - be patient!

Any normal person thinks that there are 1000 bytes in 1 megabyte. Any Russian programmer is firmly convinced that there are 1024 meters in 1 kilometer.

- Hello! - Hello. - How are you? - It's normal. - What are you doing? - I count how many times a day I was told stupid phrases “Hello”, “How are you?”, “What are you doing?” and “I see.” - I see!

22As soon as I want to get closer to this man, he turns away and moves away from me. Maybe this is how it should be, because I did the same to him...

What the hell, I wrote “God’s website” in Google and it gives me “the official website of Arkady Ukupnik”

The less you spend on the Internet, the children will be healthier!

Sleeping at work is a sin, that’s not why you were given free Internet there!

tell me, what is the meaning of life??? Heck, the Internet is turned off!

I went to his page again for 2 minutes and after half an hour I forgot that I wanted to do something completely different...

Mother!!! how many times to repeat!! I don't give a fuck! I AM A HACKER

My husband suddenly returns home from the Internet...

The Internet is great, but there is no one to talk to heart to heart!!!

Programmers don't die... they lose their memory...

New sensation: Chukotka hackers hacked the calculator!

I’m sitting at work, while there’s nothing to do, I go to Google and write: “Entertain me or something,” and it gives me: “Boring? Entertain yourself, you idiot!” I'm a fool... try it yourself)

My address is not a house or a street, my address is my ICQ...

I wonder if my Internet is even aware that it is high-speed? I think they forgot to tell him about it

No, I'm not a hacker, I just didn't sleep well...

computer, now on the Internet.

In the anonymity of the Internet, all back thoughts become front thoughts.

Has everyone already remembered that ghbdtn means “hello”?

How can you sit at home in this weather? How can you be outside with such Internet?

The Internet is a city built on a landfill.
Dmitry Pashkov

The Internet is the world's largest library, but all the books are scattered on the floor.
John Allen Paulos

The Internet is a memory that cannot forget.
Vladimir Gubailovskii

Internet: absolute communication, absolute isolation.
Paul Carvel

I didn't realize how many nerds there are in the world until I looked on the Internet.
Stanislav Lem

God created idiots, and the Internet made them equal.
Unknown author

If using the Internet were just a little more difficult, maybe there would be someone to talk to.
Unknown author

The Internet is something so huge, powerful and meaningless that for some it has become the perfect substitute for life.
Andrew Brown

No, I understand what virtual reality is; but can someone explain to me what reality is?
Unknown author

There are three types of death in our world: cardiac arrest, brain death and going online.
Guy Olmes

Keep in mind: The Internet is not a new form of life, just a new activity.
Esther Dyson

Information itself, even apart from sex, becomes something like a drug for Internet maniacs.
Stanislav Lem

Looking for anything on the Internet is like trying to scoop a glass of water from Niagara.
Arthur Kirk

On the Internet you can find everything you are not looking for.
Anna Rumanoff

The most attractive of the addresses found addresses a long-defunct site.
Murphy's Laws

I disconnected from the Internet: there is so much dirty porn there that I simply have no time to leave the house.
Jack Nicholson

Computer technology can put any man into bed for you, and any woman for me.
Dmitry Ayatskov, Saratov governor

Sex on the Internet is a breeding ground for viruses.
Lydia Yasinskaya

The Internet, unfortunately, has replaced masturbation as a leisure activity.
Patrick Murray

The Internet is used mainly for shopping and watching pornography. If he goes beyond these limits, he will become extremely dangerous.
Unknown author

Before the Internet, the last invention that truly impacted communication was the table.
Clay Shirky

It’s one thing to communicate with people, seeing them in front of you, and quite another to tap on the keyboard, receiving a string of characters in response. I am afraid that the spread of such non-contact and abstract relationships to the detriment of live, direct communication will have an unpleasant effect on people’s character. Will make them less human.
Noam Chomsky

I've heard that a million monkeys with typewriters can repeat all of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we are convinced that this is not true.
Robert Wilensky

On the Internet, no one knows that you are a dog.
Peter Steiner
His now famous drawing of Two Dogs Talking in Front of a Computer Screen appeared on July 5, 1993. It is believed to have inspired Apple to create CyberDog, an advanced Internet browser developed in 1997.

Last week I went out for lunch. Some guy stopped me and asked for money. I didn't know what to do. Then he said that I should visit his home page and gave me his URL (Uniform Resource Locator). I didn't know if he was telling the truth or not, but the line was so good that I gave him five dollars. So he's probably a homeless person with an internet home page.

Ernest Kline. First player get ready

I was painfully shy and awkward, had low self-esteem and virtually zero social skills. I had friends online, and I communicated there without problems, but in the real world, the need to interact with people, especially with peers, plunged me into a nervous stupor. I didn’t know how to behave or what to say, and even if I gathered the courage to open my mouth, every time I said something stupid.

Victor Pelevin. Love for three Zuckerbrins

I didn't watch TV or read newspapers. I used the Internet like a dirty station toilet - quickly and disgustingly, out of necessity, almost without looking at the paintings on the walls of the booth. And by the age of twenty-five, the alarming ripples in my soul had subsided.

Sergey Mikhailovich Brin

They all strived to become portals, make 25 other services and did not pay attention to search. We considered the search very important.


They make me nervous, all these young people running around like mice, desperate to get back on the Internet.

Sergey Mikhailovich Brin

In my field it is important to use as many different products as possible. I never rule anything out.


Isn't using the net like using a knife to cook or paper to write on? This is neither good nor bad, it just exists, and we use it.

Alex Axler. Notes from the cat Shashlik

So, this is the timetable for the moral degradation of the beer-producing programmer. In the morning he wakes up late because in the evening, clear console, he drank. At first he spends a long time trying to identify his image in the mirror, then he drags himself to the kitchen and drinks tea and sandwiches for a long time. Then he sits down at the computer and starts reading email. Three o'clock. Maybe it’s work, but to the ear it’s entertainment, because he’s either swearing or having fun, in short, he’s not in a work-related mood. Then he plays some other computer toy for a couple of hours. This is what I dislike most! He turns the speakers up full blast, and in another room the sound wave blows me off the closet.
But the most important thing is further. He turns on his Internet and crawls through completely indecent sites. He looks at them like such a nightmare that if Sveta finds out, she will simply die on the spot from grief. AND SHE WILL FIND OUT if this scoundrel doesn't stop sitting on me. The main thing is that he is not at all embarrassed by me. He even says: “Well, Abrasha, let’s go on the Internet to look at naked cats?” Scoundrel. And this person forbids me to lie on the keyboard!

Blind walls (Medianeras)

Text messages, a new system with a dozen keys, which reduces communication in one of the most beautiful languages ​​in the world to primitivism, limited and guttural vocabulary. Welcome to the era of virtual relationships.

Doctor, if you save me from internet addiction... I will add you as a friend... On Odnoklassniki.

The Internet is the reason for burnt pans and pots, being late for important meetings, red eyes in the morning and fat asses.

The Internet is the most widespread and legal type of drug on the planet.

While we are surfing the Internet, the Chinese are multiplying!

The Internet is like life - there is nothing to do, but you don’t want to leave...

It’s even scary to imagine how many useful things could be done if not for the Internet.

Do you want to radically change your life? Just don't pay for the Internet!

It will be the end of the world for us if there is no Internet.

One hour on the Internet replaces three hours of personal life and 8 hours of public life.

If they say that your friend has left this world... don't be scared! Maybe he just connected to the Internet...

There is no sadder story in the world than the story of the missing Internet!

Computer, chair, internet... and no person...

Soooo... I'm gaining patience and trying to live a month without the Internet!)))

Houses are in chaos, hungry children... mom spends hours on the Internet...

Looking for a way out of the Internet... Is there life offline?

If there is unlimited Internet in hell, many will not even notice that they have already died.

Once a man, having tamed a dog, lost his sense of smell. Now man has tamed the Internet and is beginning to lose his brain.

My husband comes home one day... from the Internet...

Well, the Internet was turned off again and I moved to live with a friend!)))

I accidentally found my diary in the table, which I kept for 7 years... the last entry reads: “Today I was connected to the Internet!”)))

Turn off my internet! I want to remove the Christmas tree before Easter...

“I’ll go to bed early.” - said the body. "You will not get anything from me!" - said the Internet!

Previously, we were punished like this: - That's it, you don't go for a walk today, but now... - You still don't surf the Internet today...

The main thing is not to turn on the computer in the morning. It is a trap.

One of the most difficult daily tasks is to click on the computer: Shut down.)))

Happy children today - mom is back on the Internet! He doesn’t force you to eat soup, and he doesn’t lecture you! He doesn’t scold, doesn’t grumble, but sits calmly!

A day cannot be successful if there is no coffee in the cup. Let's pour a cup of coffee and go online!

The best and most effective diet is the Internet! There’s no time to eat at all!

All! I became invisible, yesterday I was, today I’m not, goodbye beloved family, I connected to the Internet.

How can I sleep if something is happening on the Internet?

Funny statuses about internet addiction

The best statuses about Internet addiction

Every day I try to somehow upgrade myself, to evolve to a new level, but I go on the Internet and slide into a fucking swamp.

When the Internet disappears, you can immerse yourself in your thoughts and think seriously... but no, everything is turned on!

It’s boring, insipid, life without it is no longer interesting...

I want to sleep, but the Internet, like Mikhalych’s red underpants, keeps beckoning and beckoning.

Oh! Someone tell me! How to make it so that you can surf the Internet and do your homework!

Yesterday I saw a new game. There’s, like, some kind of World, you can walk around it and chat with people... - Yes, it’s you, you just left the house!

In life we ​​deceive ourselves. And most often in two ways: when late in the evening, sitting on the Internet, and realizing that it’s time to sleep, we say to ourselves: “Now, a little more - and we’ll go to sleep,” and when the next morning, through a dream, we say to ourselves: “Okay, I’ll be back.” home - I’ll definitely sleep”

The last stage of Internet addiction is “site-masochism.”

I got up late and went to bed late - the Internet helped with this... I wish I could go outside - but I’m sitting on the Internet again... I look pale and everything hurts, the Internet is not Aibolit

Over time, masks have become even easier to wear. You choose everything for yourself: gender, age, eye color, hair color, fingerprints. Your place of residence is the network.

Living only in reality is no longer realistic. Soon you will have nightmares, then suddenly the Internet is turned off, then again the virus breaks Windows, Avast lets you through.

I am one of those who believe that something must have happened to a person if he doesn’t go online all day...

Internet turned off! I’ll at least go and throw out the tree.

I turned on the TV in the morning. In the corner of the screen there is a number “-3”... First thought: “Why did you downvote it? It seems like a normal transmission.”

Uh... HYPNOSIS! I'm already hooked on the computer!

Very soon clinics should appear where they will treat Internet addiction. I'll be one of the first to get there. :)

After work I sat down on the Internet for 5 minutes - again I didn’t get enough sleep!

All day I set myself up to turn off the computer at midnight, I believed myself... until I saw 00.00 on the monitor. It's not good to deceive yourself, especially not yourself.

The drug on which everyone who has access to it is addicted is the Internet!

The Internet is like a bottomless source of interesting information. I so want to plunge into its depths and “drink, drink knowledge,” filling my brain with it, absorbing it like a sponge with my whole being... But these depths, like the abyss of the sea, are dangerous because of what comes to the surface, i.e. in real life, you may not be able to swim out...

There was so much to do... until I went online, which instantly canceled everything!)))

Help! I'm looking for a way out of the Internet!

I’m walking home from school and I’m thinking... this year there are no ice drawings on the windows, no huge icicles, no happy screams of children going to the slides with their parents... but why? Yes, because of this Internet, we stopped noticing everything around us...

I went to turn on the water in the bathroom and sat down at the computer. When the boots floated past, I realized that the bathtub was full!

I feel like I moved here to live. :)

It’s a pity that we realize very late that we are wasting half our lives on this internet!((

5 am... you’re already falling asleep... but still, raising your eyebrow and propping up your face with your left hand, you write in the chat: “Everything is super! I don’t even feel like sleeping yet!”