Businessman Vdovin exchanged a ballerina for a rocker

In the last issue we wrote that Anastasia VOLOCHKOVA demands $3 million from her ex-husband. She took out a loan to pay for her own wedding and save Igor VDOVIN’s business. Express Newspaper learned new details of the conflict between the ballerina and the father of her daughter.

The other day, Anastasia Volochkova gave a strange interview to the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. The conversation with the journalist was like a public scene of jealousy. In her passages, the 37-year-old ballerina endlessly lamented about the new passion of her ex-husband Igor Vdovin.
“Daddy hasn’t appeared in our house very often recently,” Nastya reproaches her daughter’s father. - He used to send me bouquets of white roses for every concert. Igor needs to show in front of the woman he has: “Nastya is not in my life.” I told him: “If I were now in a relationship with Madonna’s ex-lover, do you think I could force this person to remove her from her personal space?” I want to emphasize that Igor supported and supports both my team and my family.

This is certainly his human duty. If there is a woman next to Igor now who will forbid him to come to the house where his daughter lives, I will never understand this. But if she is respectable, she will accept me. And if she also turns out to be wise, she will not send him electronic links from the Internet to all sorts of nonsense mentioning my name. This is the fate of this woman - to treat his previous wife with respect, not forgetting that this is not Masha from Uralmash, not Varya, not Dunya, not Manya, but Anastasia Volochkova! I declare to the whole world that I deserve to have white roses laid at my feet, even from my ex-husband. Every day. Fresh.
Who does her ex-husband give flowers to now?

"On the Razor's Edge"

It turns out that Igor Vdovin has been living with singer Varya Demidova for five months now. It’s not for nothing that Volochkova mentioned this rare name in her tirade! Varya is 33 years old; she came from Perm to Moscow three years ago at the invitation of producer and musician Oleg Nesterov.
“Varya sent a demo recording to the studio, and I thought it was interesting,” Oleg recalls. - We recorded an album for her, then she began to create new songs in the style of pop music. We don’t work with this genre, so we terminated the contract. One day Shura from the group “BI-2” called me and said that he would like to collaborate with singer Alina Orlova. I said that Alina is unlikely to agree, but here is Varya Demidova.
Now Demidova has recorded five duet songs with the group “BI-2”, goes on tour with them, and participates in large-scale concerts. It was at one of them that lawyer and businessman Igor Vdovin noticed her.

“I have no ambitions, I’m not a popular person,” Varya says in an interview with Express Gazeta. - And if there was no music, I probably would have become a trolleybus driver.
Demidova graduated from music school and was a promising pianist, but at the age of 14 she got tired of everything and gave up music.
“A few years ago I came to the store and saw a dress for 200 thousand rubles,” recalls Varya. - I came home and asked my parents for money. And they answered: “Go and earn money yourself.” How could I earn money if I received 10 thousand rubles in the Perm administration as a landscaping engineer and 5 thousand as a teacher at the Agricultural Academy? The next day, my mother - she then worked at Lukoil - said that their company had announced a competition “Anthem of Perm Oil”. The first prize was 100 thousand rubles, the second - 80. I was determined that I would take both prizes, add 20 thousand - and the dress is mine. I quickly wrote hymns... And from the next day the songs poured out one after another. I recorded a demo and sent it to Moscow... By the way, my anthems didn’t win, and I didn’t buy a dress.
“Varya met with my friend, journalist Ivan Kolpakov, for a long time,” says the singer’s Perm friend Maxim. - They broke up because Varya moved to Moscow. Mutual friends told me that she now lives with Volochkova’s husband. In general, Demidova is very closed, an introvert. She never said she planned to go into show business. I just lived, taught, met with friends, raised my daughter.

Yes, at the age of 19 I gave birth to a daughter,” Varya admitted to us. - Marusya is a cool pianist.
Varya herself is a versatile person. She draws, writes poetry, films and edits videos. She used to ride horses, but one day she was quickly carried away and thrown off by a horse, after which she was afraid to get into the saddle. Varya doesn’t like sports and doesn’t take care of her figure - she naturally has an ideal body.
“The only thing is, I’m a vegetarian - I don’t eat meat or fish,” says Demidova. - In general, I am different: I can be an adult and wise, and a child, and strange, and very measured. But I would always like to walk along the razor blade so that the blood oozes out. This is not masochism, this is a desire for truth. I hate comfort and coziness, I want to be in tension all the time, at the peak of emotions... So I became interested in the history of my name, I learned about Barbara from Damascus. And she went to study Arabic in Syria. Then I wanted to learn German - and I went to Germany.

"Love is a gift"

Varya Demidova talks philosophically about her happiness with Igor Vdovin:
- Happiness is a momentary concept. You can’t be happy all the time?! Yes, I'm very much in love. Crazy! Igor is my muse. My heart is filled with love for him.
And 49-year-old Vdovin himself seems to be head over heels. He shouts about his love several times a day on the Internet. Listing his activities, he called himself “Varinist” - from Varya. The couple conducts encrypted correspondence, addressing each other as “you”. But sometimes everything is clear.
“I really want to come to you,” Varya writes. - Take me away from here. I liked being sick at home.
- Happiness, clarity and joy to the most talented of women on her birthday! - Igor is already scribbling. - Varya, I love you!
Ignoring the slander of Nastya Volochkova, Igor builds his new love relationship. I took Varya to his homeland in Alma-Ata on Kazakhstan’s Independence Day. He gives her expensive lingerie and gives her a tiara with diamonds like a queen. The couple spends a lot of time together: in the fall they often rode the Ferris wheel in the park. Nowadays pretzel ice skating is often prescribed. And, of course, Igor does crazy things for the sake of his bride.

Varya DEMIDOVA and Igor VDOVIN. Photo:

“One day I woke up in the morning and saw in the window that there was a real deer standing in the garden near my house,” Varya boasts. “I just once grumbled that every morning homeless people sit in front of my windows and drink vodka, but if only there was a deer standing instead of them.” And my dream came true.
And recently, in the middle of winter, Vdovin gave Varya a huge bouquet of daisies. Well, and of course, every day he puts luxurious white roses at her feet.
“I think that love is a divine gift,” Igor wrote on Twitter.
The fact that this relationship is serious is indicated by the fact that Igor introduced Demidova to his four children.
- I’m happy for dad and Varya, of course! - Vdovin’s daughter Lera told us. - Just don’t write anything about our mother. She has nothing to do with this story.
“By the way, Volochkova is not making life miserable for Igor and I,” Varya said finally. - I hope everything will continue to be good for us.

Anastasia Volochkova and Igor Vdovin were a beautiful couple: he is a successful businessman, she is a famous ballerina. Their relationship was reminiscent of a fairy tale: they lived in perfect harmony, raising a charming daughter. And suddenly, out of nowhere, like a bolt from the blue, a rumor appeared about their separation. For a month and a half, the couple hid from everyone what was really happening in their family. Anastasia decided to dot the i's...

Ballerina Anastasia Volochkova

The most beautiful couple Igor Vdovin and Anastasia Volochkova

Igor Vdovin and Anastasia Volochkova on the day of discharge from the maternity hospital, October 2005

Happy parents Igor Vdovin and Anastasia Volochkova with their daughter Arisha

Loving father Igor Vdovin with his daughter Arisha

Wedding of Anastasia Volochkova and Igor Vdovin
at the Catherine Palace in St. Petersburg, July 8, 2007

Anastasia Volochkova and Igor Vdovin underwent a secret wedding ceremony during a trip to one of the islands of Thailand, March 2007.

In an exclusive interview with 7 Days magazine, Anastasia Volochkova admitted that the reason for the separation was her husband’s new hobby…yoga.

– Recently, Igor has become seriously interested in yoga, and at first I accepted this new hobby without any fears. In the end, I also had a hobby - figure skating. And then all sorts of strange things began. He stopped wearing the cross I gave him. He treasured it so much! When I asked what happened, Igor said that this symbol had no meaning. Of course, Igor did not immediately begin to change internally. Everything happened gradually. He turned into an ascetic, closed in on himself, and talked to himself more and more often,” Nastya recalls.

“Everything inside me trembled, I felt hot, I burst into tears. I couldn’t, I didn’t want to believe what I just heard from the lips of Igor, my beloved man, my husband, with whom we were destined to be four and a half years old!

Thus ended the relationship of one of the most stellar couples - a relationship that began “in heaven,” or rather on the Sochi-Moscow plane four and a half years ago. Anastasia Volochkova was returning from the Kinotavr festival and was so tired that she decided to rest, putting her feet on the back of a nearby chair. Igor, who was flying on the same flight, noticed that something was looming ahead and was preventing him from reading, and he was very surprised when, getting up from his seat, he discovered that this “something” was bright red women’s socks! They met and started talking, and upon landing in the capital, Igor helped Nastya take her heavy luggage home. He took her phone, they began to communicate, and then settled under the same roof.

Five months after they met, the couple got engaged. Soon Nastya became pregnant, and the lovers eagerly awaited the birth of the baby. Igor did amazingly beautiful things, carried Nastya in his arms. He could rent a restaurant for one evening: place a single table in the center of the hall, covered with a white tablecloth, light a hundred candles and decorate with hundreds of rose petals. Or, knowing that Nastya prefers salad when it comes to food, Igor could prepare dinner from all the varieties of salad that exist in the world. He could drop everything and unexpectedly fly to Nastya on the day of his performance on tour, no matter where they were taking place. He ran in with an armful of luxurious roses, hugged Nastya, who was taken aback by surprise, kissed her, and asked if she needed a back massage before going on stage.

The luxurious wedding of the ballerina and businessman took place on July 7, 2007, on the magical “day of three sevens.” The wedding ceremony, worth one and a half million euros, took place in three cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sochi. The happy newlyweds were congratulated by their little daughter, Arisha, who, like her mother, was dressed in a “princess dress.”

Now Nastya lives with her daughter in their Moscow apartment. She still can’t get used to the idea that her husband has left... Everything in the house reminds of him, especially family photographs. When Nastya returns home, she becomes very sad and lonely.

“I still love him very much,” Nastya admits. “He gave me four years of a fairy tale and an extraordinary daughter, Ariadne...

On September 23, Anastasia Volochkova’s daughter Ariadne turned 13 years old. In honor of her birthday, the ballerina decorated the house with balloons, invited guests, and ordered a gorgeous cake topped with a snow-white stallion (Ariadne is an equestrian). Of course, the artist described the most important day in detail on her official page on the social network Instagram.


To begin with, Anastasia wrote a heartfelt congratulation to Ariadne. "I am a happy mother! My beloved, @ariadna_volochkova, happy birthday! I was waiting for you so much!!🙏🏻 And that was 13 years ago...🙈 I performed the most important role of my life out of all those performed on the famous stages of the world! This role - MOTHERHOOD! 🙏🏻 We live in a luxurious mansion, we drive a Maybach given to me. Soon you will ride on the frieze horse Zorro. You have everything. Your main support is me. And let the evil ones become Volochkovs for a start. And then they can and mock. My dear, I’m happy that you have friends for whom our home is open! I’m happy with your talent, upbringing and love!❤️ I’m happy that we have something that many don’t have! Kindness. Take care of this quality in your heart and don’t lose it.🙏🏻 And you will have more spiteful critics than me... Because you are the most wonderful!🙏🏻👍🏼😊🌺 I’m proud of you, my dear. And I’ll do anything for you (author’s spelling and punctuation saved. – Ed.),” wrote Anastasia.

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Ariadne's father, businessman Igor Vdovin, did not stand aside. The ballerina published a photo of them together. And later – another one, where she posed with her ex-husband alone. Moreover, in the photo Volochkova is captured hugging Vdovin by the shoulders. “Igor was next to me at every moment of Arisha’s birth. And we are together! I cherish and cherish it in my soul🌺 I think, Igor, you also reassessed your values. Thank you for this day!” – the ballerina thanked. Anastasia said that she gave birth to her daughter in three hours, and the day before she filmed a dance video.

The famous ballerina Anastasia Volochkova is perhaps the most famous ballet star and not only in Russian show business. You constantly hear something about her - all kinds of gossip, rumors, and other sometimes even completely unpleasant things. But Anastasia ignores them and continues to proudly walk through life, without any fear of what others will think about her.

A woman knows her own worth very well. As well as the fact that her success, the conquest of new fans and the retention of existing fans, depends only on her. The ballerina, like no one else, understands that only hard work and faith in herself will help her conquer new heights.

Height, weight, age. How old is Anastasia Volochkova

Anastasia Volochkova attracts a lot of attention, not only because she is a ballerina. She has many fans who want to know her height, weight, age. How old is Anastasia Volochkova? This is a special question. After all, when you see this woman, you don’t get the impression that she looks her age. Be that as it may, she is already 42 years old. But she still looks good. Tall, slender, curvy - comparing the photos of Anastasia Volochkova in her youth and now, you understand that in fact little has changed. The ballerina is still in great shape.

With a height of 171 centimeters and a weight of 52 kilograms, at her age she can give odds to any young girl.

Biography and personal life of Anastasia Volochkova

Perhaps such an aspect as the biography and personal life of Anastasia Volochkova deserves special attention from the public. At least because they are ambiguous. The life of the famous ballerina, although it was bright, was not always as cloudless as we would like. Father, Yuri Volochkov, is a Soviet tennis champion, and mother, Tamara Antonova, leads excursions around St. Petersburg.

Nastya developed a passion for ballet dancing at an early age, when she first attended ballet. First of all, it is worth noting that the girl was accepted into the dance school only six months after the first attempt at admission. The managers were sure that the baby had no talent for ballet. But, nevertheless, this did not stop Volochkova and some time later she began to dance, giving her all. After all, even then she realized that she wanted to perform on a public stage. interested in information.

After graduating from college, the ballerina almost immediately began performing on stage at the Bolshoi Theater. Honestly, there are many less than flattering facts and rumors about the life of a prima ballerina. For example, like the rumor that Anastasia used different men only to achieve some of her own goals, and then simply abandoned them. Whether this is true or not, no one will tell. But the ballerina herself completely denies such rumors. Perhaps this is partly why the public is interested in Anastasia Volochkova, who she lives with now, 2018.

She often took part in a variety of competitions, where she showed herself as an exceptionally talented ballerina and therefore deservedly took prizes. Over time, Volochkova left the theater and moved to cinema, surprising her fans with her good acting talent. It's hard not to notice that Anastasia loves to be in the spotlight. And it hardly matters to her for what reason. Take, for example, the fact that she often became the central character in many scandalous situations. It’s quite difficult to understand why she needs all this. Unless the ballerina acts on the principle “black PR is also PR.”

If we talk about her personal life, there are also a lot of unclear moments and gossip. It has been argued more than once that the celebrity had many men and romantic relationships. Which, in general, is not surprising, because Anastasia is a very noticeable woman. True, all rumors remain rumors in the absence of confirmation or refutation. Volochkova was able to fully realize herself, and not only in dance terms.

Family and children of Anastasia Volochkova

Despite all the rumors about relationships with men, the ballerina was and remains, first and foremost, a woman. Which, like anyone else, wants ordinary female happiness. Money, recognition and fame, of course, play an important role in her life, but the main priority has always been the family and children of Anastasia Volochkova. She also wants to feel loved not only by fans and this is absolutely normal.

For example, for a couple of years Anastasia was in a relationship with the rich man Suleiman Kerimov. According to the prima herself, it was after breaking up with this man that she began to have problems with the theater.

A couple of years later, while in a relationship with businessman Igor Vdovin, the ballerina gave birth to a beautiful girl, whom she endowed with the rarest name - Ariadne. It’s interesting that the famous mother is against the girl’s dancing career. Like, if Ariadne wants to follow her mother, then let her become a singer or actress.

Today, Anastasia already has a new love, but the ballerina is in no hurry to get married. In her own words, she has already been there and does not want to repeat the experience yet. Thus, this woman’s family can only be called her daughter, whom she raises quite strictly. Nevertheless, Volochkova believes unconditionally in her daughter’s creative abilities.

Daughter of Anastasia Volochkova - Ariadna

The daughter of Anastasia Volochkova, Ariadna, was born 13 years ago, when her mother was married to the aforementioned Igor Vdovin. She is still a teenager, so it is not yet clear what the girl will be in the future. There is information that the baby is not against repeating her mother’s career, but Anastasia herself, as already mentioned, is against such turns. Meanwhile, Ariadne herself has not yet decided on her profession and says nothing about this.

She is still a child and for now can enjoy her own childhood and get the most out of life, from expensive gifts to frequent travel around the world. Ariadne studies at a prestigious school, so it hardly makes sense to worry about her future fate.

Former husband of Anastasia Volochkova - Igor Vdovin

The ex-husband of Anastasia Volochkova, Igor Vdovin, is the only man whom the famous ballerina agreed to marry. However, one can still argue here. Let us recall that Volochkova took part in the popular program “Let's Get Married.” And there the woman shared such interesting information that shocked her fans. It’s as if she and Vdovin didn’t officially get married, and the beautiful wedding was just a fiction to raise their mutual ratings. Maybe the dancer was lying here too. But now there is evidence that the ballerina lives with a completely different man, it seems, not even of Slavic nationality.

How long Anastasia’s frivolity will last is hardly known even to herself. Among other things, on the Internet you can often spot completely different opinions about the ballerina’s personal life. For example, about the fact that Anastasia Volochkova and Sergei Astakhov got married in Germany, photo. But these, again, are just unconfirmed rumors. But it is unlikely that if Volochkova decides to get married, the press will not know anything about it. And fans can only wait and hope that the famous ballerina will settle down very soon.

As everyone has known for a long time, Anastasia has repeatedly raised the level of her popularity by exposing not the most chaste photos to the public. Take, for example, hot photos of Anastasia Volochkova in a swimsuit in the Maldives. When a woman openly showed off by the sea. And this, ultimately, only provoked another scandalous news.

Many critics have openly expressed their own dissatisfaction. It’s as if swimsuits, and indeed the outfits in such photos of a ballerina, always hide little from prying eyes and flaunting your body on social networks, especially at that age, should somehow be embarrassing. They even paid attention to the dancer’s legs, which many thought were not straight enough. But Anastasia is one of those people who only considers her own opinion. That’s why new candid pictures appear on the Internet with enviable regularity.

Anastasia Volochkova latest news

We can say that today Anastasia Volochkova has reached an age that is considered quite advanced for a ballerina. But the woman is still fighting for her fame. Apparently, this is why the search query “Anastasia Volochkova latest news” has gained particular popularity, which tells about everything that the ballerina has been “getting up to” lately. She constantly does at least something to evoke emotions in the audience - no matter what. That's probably why she takes these candid photos. Like just recently in the bath complex, where the ballerina stood in the bathhouse completely naked, showing off her slender legs, and wisely covering everything else with a bath broom.

Naked Anastasia Volochkova is a fact that simply cannot be ignored. Most people sarcastically notice that this artist simply has no other options to arouse at least some interest among the public. Although still, perhaps, a transverse twine. Anastasia knows very well how important ratings are in show business, and how important it is to be able to attract prying eyes.

Instagram and Wikipedia Anastasia Volochkova

Volochkova can be considered one of those stars, and, in general, people whose “souls are wide open.” They hide absolutely nothing from their fans (including their bodies). On the Internet you can always find recent news in which she is involved, no matter if it is rumors or not. Therefore, Instagram and Wikipedia of Anastasia Volochkova are the most reliable sources of information about the famous ballerina, which certainly will not lie.

In the Internet encyclopedia, in addition to general information, you can find lists of her performances in the theater and filming, as well as a list of roles that the ballerina performed. As for social networks, the artist regularly updates her Instagram, posting a variety of, even candid, pictures. Under each photo there is a short explanation of the situation photographed. People leave comments both positive and negative, but Anastasia doesn’t seem to care at all about her ill-wishers.

Today we decided to talk about one very interesting person, a successful businessman and investment expert. His name is Igor Vdovin (Volochkova’s husband), his biography is interesting and fascinating, and his personal life is rich.

Education of Igor Aleksandrovich Vdovin

Igor Aleksandrovich was born in Alma-Ata (Kazakhstan) on February 22, 1964. The future businessman went to receive his higher education in the southern capital of Russia, the city of Krasnodar, and received a specialty in jurisprudence at the Kuban Institute in 1995.

Then his path led to the Northern capital, St. Petersburg. Here he became a graduate student at the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In 1999, he successfully defended his dissertation on the theory of law and state and became a candidate of science. In 2002, Igor Vdovin became the owner of a doctoral degree.


Long before receiving a diploma of higher education, Mr. Vdovin began his entrepreneurial activity, this was in 1992. By 1998, he received his first senior position, serving as chairman of the private equity board of the Center for Investment and Legal Programs, a nonprofit partnership.

Three years later, Igor Vdovin already held a position on the board of the investment agency NAPI. Igor Alexandrovich can also be proud of his other achievements. He took the post of Deputy Chairman of the Public Council in the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation, is a member of the board of the RSPP (Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs), chairman of the section of the Council of the Ministry of Regional Development, co-chairman of the SHG, a professor of the department at the Higher School of Economics and teaches the theory and practice of interaction between government and business.

Life with Anastasia Volochkova

Igor Vdovin, whose biography is described in this article, since 2004 had been in a fairly close relationship with the ballerina Anastasia Volochkova, who “stole” him from his wife and three children. In 2005, their daughter Ariadne was born, and two years after this event, the couple decided to register their marriage.

Before the wedding, their life together was simply magical, Igor attended all his beloved’s concerts and each time threw huge bouquets of white roses at her feet. Anastasia Yuryevna was crazy with happiness and pride, and in all her interviews she emphasized the presence of such a respectable and loving person in her life.

However, a year after the wedding ceremony, the married couple separated. Anastasia Volochkova and Igor Vdovin claim that there was no wedding, and the ceremony was a performance for journalists, but in fact they never officially got married.

Some time after the separation, Anastasia Yuryevna expresses her dissatisfaction with Igor’s relationship with her daughter. She is jealous of her husband’s new life and declares that she will force him to give her flowers again, since Volochkova is an incomparable woman, and no one can compete with her. Time will tell whether this is true or not, but now it is known for certain that Igor Vdovin is happy in a new relationship with a certain Varya. Who is this girl, what is their relationship? Read on.

New relationships of Igor Alexandrovich

Varvara Demidova arrived in the capital of Russia from the Ural town of Perm. She has a child whom she gave birth to at the age of 19. A landscaping engineer from the Perm administration was invited to come to Moscow by Oleg Nesterov, who is known as a producer and musician. The girl sent him her album of songs to the studio, and Oleg thought they were quite good. Nesterov signed a contract with the aspiring singer, but they were never able to work in the desired genre, and soon the girl was taken to the group “Bi-2”. With these guys, Varya was able to successfully record several songs, and at one of the concerts Igor Vdovin noticed her, from that moment the relationship between the businessman and the singer began.

Igor Vdovin fell in love with Varya for its unpredictability. She is either a wise woman or a spoiled child. He pampers his beloved with expensive gifts, which the girl has never seen in her life, and constantly arranges romantic surprises for her. So he once brought a real deer to her windows, so that when she woke up, the girl saw not the homeless people drinking on the bench, about whom she constantly complained, but a noble beast.

Despite all the slander against Anastasia Volochkova, the couple continued to build their future and develop their relationship. Igor Vdovin has already introduced all four of his children to his new chosen one and took her to his homeland. In 2015, the couple got married for real, and not fictitiously, as in the case of Anastasia.