A well-written business plan is the foundation of any business. Today, the cost of a detailed business plan is “off the charts” for 100 thousand rubles. I invite you to check out some projects absolutely free of charge. Today we have a business plan for a children's development center.


The proposed business plan is a project for creating a children's development center with a payback period of 2 years.

Project goals:

  1. creation of a highly profitable enterprise
  2. Receiving profit from the activities of the enterprise
  3. Satisfying consumer demand for the provision of services for vocational education, care, and preschool development of children whose parents, due to personal circumstances (active lifestyle, employment, lack of skills and knowledge), do not have the opportunity to educate their children independently.

Organizational and legal form of doing business: IP

Type of taxation: simplified tax system

Type of project financing: investment – ​​commercial loan

Possible geography of project activity: settlements of the Russian Federation with a population of 20,000 or more people.

Total cost of the project: 3,500,000 rubles (for Moscow Region)

Project payback period: 2 years

Payment of loan funds and interest on the loan will begin in the 1st month of project implementation. The business plan conditionally includes a loan interest rate of 19.5% per annum.

Enterprise life cycle (conditionally): 2 years

2.Step-by-step implementation of the business plan

The start of the project begins after receiving investments.

The end of the project is in 24 months.

The stages and timing of the project are presented in Table 1:

Stages of the project to open a children's centerImplementation deadlines
Conclusion of an investment agreementfrom 1 to 30 banking days
Receiving credit fundsup to 1 month
Finding premises and completing the necessary documentsup to 1 month
Market analysis, determination of your own pricing policyup to 1 month
Entry of individual entrepreneurs into the state register, registration with administrative and tax servicesfrom 1 to 30 calendar days
Interior design developmentup to 1 month
Carrying out cosmetic repairsup to 1 month
Purchase of necessary equipmentup to 1 month
Equipment installationup to 1 month
Hiring employeesup to 1 month
Trainingup to 1 month
Marketing campaignup to 1 year

3.Description of the project

The Children's Development Center (hereinafter referred to as the Center) is intended to provide services for education, upbringing of children of junior (from 3 to 4 years), middle (from 4 to 5 years), and senior (from 5 to 7 years) preschool age, and care them, and is an excellent alternative to public and private kindergartens.

Target audience of consumers of these services - parents, aunts and uncles, godparents, guardians of children who pay for the work of the Center.

The project implementation process is quite labor-intensive and includes the following main necessary actions:

  1. Selecting the location of the premises for the Center and assessing its condition.
  2. Development of the name of the Center, its logo, branded products (T-shirts, caps, toys, pencils and markers with the Center’s logo).
  3. Definition and implementation of the interior design project of the Center premises, starting from the division of the room into zones, the color scheme of the walls, the location and design of lockers for clothes and manufacturing materials, to the colors of tablespoons and toilet bowls in the toilet rooms.
  4. Carrying out a check for compliance with the standards required for the premises by Rospotrebnadzor and the fire inspectorate.
  5. Carrying out official events to mark the opening of the Center.
  6. Creation of Internet resources of the Center (website, groups on social networks), and their subsequent promotion in search engines.
  7. Development of an educational plan and programs for working with the most common and pressing problems and issues of concern to parents of children. And ways to solve these problems.
  8. Acquisition and licensing of special educational programs and methods for preschool children, annual thematic planning, methodological and card materials and manuals for staff.
  9. Hiring personnel and personnel to work in the Center, training hired employees in programs and methods of education and upbringing implemented in the Center.
  10. Development and execution of documentation for the Center (samples of contracts with parents, questionnaires, children's register, payment register, work schedule for the Center and each group separately).
  11. Determination and purchase of necessary equipment, materials, things.

An approximate algorithm for project implementation in accordance with the implementation stages presented in Table 2 is as follows:

table 2

Stages of opening a children's centerPurpose of the stageContents of the stage
Start of the projectDetermining the parameters and capabilities required to implement the projectdevelopment of an economic model, determination of business strategy
Determining the locationCompliance with criteria when choosing a locationidentifying the target audience
Selecting a roomCompliance with premises requirementsMinimizing repair costs when searching for suitable premises
Analysis of the services market, determination of your own pricing policyDetermining the parameters of the market for similar servicesMonitoring competitors, positioning in the services market
Obtaining the necessary documentationCompetent registration of individual entrepreneurs and obtaining the necessary permitsRegistration of individual entrepreneurs, registration of signboards, obtaining permits from Rospotrebnadzor and GPN
Interior design of the roomDefining Design RequirementsDefining your own style, dividing the room into zones
Equipment purchaseOrganization of equipment deliveryAgreement with a logistics company, determination of delivery dates, acceptance of equipment upon delivery
Installation of equipment, arrangement of furnitureCorrect installation of equipmentProper installation of equipment

In addition, you must become familiar with the requirements for compliance with certain rules and regulations imposed on this type of activity by local governments.

Since the main activities of the Center will be aimed at developing the creative, personal, and other abilities and qualities of the child without issuing educational documents, a license to operate the Center will not be required.

3.1. Location

The ideal option is to have your own residential building with a large adjacent area for walking and playing in the fresh air. It is imperative that there are apartment buildings or a large residential area nearby so that parents can bring/pick up their children at the Center on the way to work.

If you don’t have your own home, then it is necessary to monitor residential real estate in an area suitable for the Center’s activities. First of all, you need to consider residential buildings in good condition with a land plot of at least 10 acres. This option involves investing additional funds in home repairs and landscaping. An alternative could be the acquisition of 2-3 adjacent apartments on the ground floor, their subsequent combination, and the organization of a common entrance.

The criteria for placing the Center may be the following:

  • Dormitory area.
  • The right side of the street when moving towards the central part of the city (for the convenience of parents going to work in the morning and dropping off their child at the Center).
  • First floor of the building (for children's safety reasons).
  • Availability of large parking.
  • Convenient access from neighboring streets.

3.2. Center opening hours

The Center's work schedule must be drawn up in advance. Hours of work, days of work, weekends and holidays, days of sanitization of premises should be determined constant so that parents can plan their work schedule and weekends in accordance with the work of the Center.

The development of the work schedule also includes determining the internal schedule of the Center: breakfast (if there is one), second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, sleep, training sessions - everything must take place at a strictly designated time. For this it is better to use one-hour intervals.

Approximate work schedule The center might look like this:

From arrival time until 9.00: general greeting; breakfast; hygiene procedures; a walk in the fresh air (if the weather is favorable, or playing indoors). All activities must be carried out separately for each age group. For example, while one group is walking or playing, another is having breakfast at this time, and the third is listening to a short lecture on the benefits of personal hygiene.

9.00 – 10.00: reading books or telling instructive stories in which children should take an active part.

10.00 – 11.00: lunch. For the younger group - “quiet hour”.

11.00 – 12.30: educational time, during which stories can be told by various invited guests - traffic police inspectors about traffic rules, priests, volunteers from public organizations, students. Communication with people who will tell children about the “outer, real” world is very important for them at this age. Also at this time, you can periodically conduct medical examinations of children by specialists under a pre-concluded agreement. This time is optimal for the development of creative abilities, so you should regularly conduct classes in drawing, modeling from plasticine, and learning the basics of origami.

12.30 – 13.30: dinner

13.30 – 14.00: walk in the fresh air. Which will help you absorb the calories you receive and set yourself up for further acquisition of new knowledge and skills.

14.00 – 15.00: educational time during which children can be taught basic knowledge of arithmetic, reading and writing, and the basics of computer literacy. The learning process should be built in a playful way in order to awaken the child’s interest in classes. Once a week, such activities can be replaced by a trip to the zoo, theater, museum, city park, swimming pool, or other public places. Also at this time, you can show children an educational video, for example, about the structure of the Universe, various animals, people of different professions, etc. You can also have conversations on various topics: “What will I do when I grow up?”, “My parents’ profession,” and others like that.

15.00 – 15.30: afternoon tea

15.30 – 16.30: "quiet hour"

16.30 - until departure time: outdoor or indoor games

3.3. Catering

Wholesale purchases of products must be planned in advance, and a separate room, equipped in accordance with Rospotrebnadzor standards, must be allocated for their storage. You will also need an equipped kitchen and several cooks on staff. Payment for food must be included in the cost of keeping a child at the Center. If the children have breakfast at the Center, the cook’s pay will increase by a third of the amount specified in the employment contract, since in order to provide the children with breakfast, the cooks will have to come to work very early, or prepare breakfast in the evening.

To avoid such unplanned expenses, children’s morning diet should include foods that do not require long-term processing. To create an impeccable reputation, you can organize a second breakfast and afternoon tea at the Center, consisting, for example, of juice or dairy products (taking into account the allergic reaction of children), cookies or pastries, and fresh fruit.

In accordance with the rules determined by Rospotrebnadzor, organizations that provide day care for preschool children are required to organize hot lunches. The menu must be planned in advance, at least a week, and information must be displayed on a special stand intended for parents or inspecting organizations.

To minimize the contact of service personnel with children's dishes, it is necessary to purchase a dishwasher. This will also save on dishwasher labor costs.

3.4 Child development programs

Currently, various children's centers widely use the following programs for working with children:

  1. Classic, according to which state preschool institutions operate, adapting children to future classes at school.
  2. Copyright– own developments of specialist educators and educators, aimed at revealing and developing the creative potential of children, in which a lot of time is devoted to art and music.
  3. Modern techniques, including Western developments by such specialists as Maria Montessori, Cecile Lupan, Glen Douman, Masaru Ibuka, which help the child develop leadership qualities, communication skills, and a focus on success in life.

3.5. Parent information

For parents of children, you need to draw up a standard questionnaire, after filling which the question of admitting the child to the Center must be decided. The list of questions of interest is approximately as follows:

  1. Place of work and position
  2. Work schedule, work on weekends and holidays, evening and night work
  3. Approximate time to pick up your child
  4. List of persons who can still pick up the child from the Center. Such a list must be signed by the parents, accompanied by copies of identification documents of these people.

In addition, parents are required to provide extracts from their children’s medical records, indicate addresses and telephone numbers where they can be contacted in emergency cases. It is also necessary to notify about the ban on bringing your own toys to the Center, which may negatively affect the child’s upbringing and the sanitary component.

4.Production plan

4.1 Premises

According to SanPin standards, the area of ​​premises in kindergartens and development centers per group cell should be:

  • In the locker room - from 18 sq.m.
  • In rooms for group classes, study, and meals - from 2 sq. m. per child, excluding furniture and its placement in the room
  • For a buffet (if available) – from 3 sq.m.
  • In the sleeping area - from 2 sq.m. per child
  • Toilet – from 16 sq.m.

An outdoor playground should be fenced and equipped with swings, sandboxes, slides, and structures for physical education. You can place children's inflatable trampolines on the site. The lease of the premises must be concluded under an early direct lease agreement.

4.2 Inventory and equipment

  1. Educational games for boys and girls
  2. Educational games for boys
  3. Educational games for girls
  4. Situational games
  5. Bus for transporting children

4.3 Personnel

  1. Director responsible for the work of the entire Center
  2. Accountant
  3. Teachers, including music, drawing, arithmetic, reading and writing
  4. Educators
  5. Cooks
  6. Security driver
  7. Nurse

5.Marketing plan

The need for services provided by the Center is growing every year (especially in large cities), and this trend has continued for 2 decades. There is no reason to believe that in the next 4-5 years the situation will change in the opposite direction.

Stimulating the birth rate (payment of maternity capital), and, as a result, increasing it; high percentage of marriage dissolution, and, as a consequence, single mothers and fathers); huge queues at kindergartens; increased working activity of the working population; economic conditions in the country, due to which both parents in a family are forced to work - all this suggests that the need for children's centers will increase significantly.

In addition, according to experts, despite the increase in the number of children's development centers, the volume of service consumers will remain high.

In order for people to learn about the center, it is proposed to carry out a set of the following events:

  1. Development and printing of brochures telling about the Center and its work
  2. Advertising in the city's media
  3. Creation of your own Internet resources (website, groups on social networks)
  4. Creation of advertising banners on city streets
  5. Holding the opening ceremony of the Center with sending out invitations to young families with children
  6. Development of infrastructure and creation of working conditions
  7. Involving public organizations and Church employees in disseminating information about the Center

In retaining old and attracting new clients, and therefore increasing profits, success can only be ensured by professional service and improving its quality.

6.Financial plan

Approximate plan for the volume of services provided by the Center within the billing period (2 years)

A period of timeProvision of serviceNumber of children per monthPriceIncome (rubles)
from 1 to 12 months100-150 2 000 - 11 000 200 000 - 1 650 000
from 1 to 12 months30 - 40 3 000 - 12 000 90 000 - 480 000
from 1 to 12 months10 - 15 200 - 800 for 1 lesson2 000 - 12 000
from 13 to 24 monthsContents of day groups of middle and older age categories100 - 150 2 150 - 11 600 215 000 - 1 740 000
from 13 to 24 monthsContents of day groups for the younger age category100 - 150 3 200 - 12 700 320 000 - 1 905 000
from 13 to 24 monthsOne-time visits to development classes15 - 20 230 - 850 for 1 lesson3 450 - 17 000

7.Risk analysis

The main risks in implementing this project are as follows:

  • Poor choice of Center location
  • Uncertainty of existing legislation and regulations regarding the work of children's centers
  • Dependence of the quality of service provision on the qualifications of the Center’s personnel
  • High responsibility of all personnel for the health and lives of children


The research conducted in this project allows us to state with confidence that all 3 goals set for implementation will be achieved by the billing period. The main risks can be minimized by carefully selecting personnel with high moral values ​​and a high degree of responsibility. The main role in this project is given to its leader, who must understand the importance of his work, as a result of which the enterprise will generate profit and perform important social functions.

People pay a lot of attention to education these days. After all, this is the key to a successful future and the opportunity to get a great life in life. The early development of preschool children is especially relevant. From the first months of life, young parents are ready to hire specialists who will comprehensively develop their child at home. No state kindergarten or nursery provides such services. Therefore, educational clubs for kids have become very relevant recently. In this article we will tell you how to open a children's development center from scratch, because this line of activity has every chance of becoming a popular business.

What is a "Children's Development Center"?

A developmental club for preschoolers is an organization staffed by professional teachers and educators who have special knowledge and skills that help young children develop from the first year of life. In addition, in such an institution, people with a pedagogical education have the opportunity to realize their potential. Considering that the work of a teacher does not apply to, although this also applies to any other cities, every teacher has the desire to find a job in a private company involved in the early development of children.

It is clear that few professional educators have the opportunity to open a children's development center that would work according to the author's methodology or any other system popular today (Montessori, Nikitins, etc.). Teachers who have a certain amount of money in order to open a personal children's development center for children should understand that this is an excellent way to become a wealthy person, because the field of early development of children, although relatively, is very promising.

Types and formats of developmental institutions for children

Where to start opening a children's development center? First of all, you need to study all the information about this establishment and analyze the level of competition in this area in the city where you live.

The first thing you need to open a children's development center is to figure out what type it can be and in what format it can actually organize work. Today there are three main types of children's preschool development centers:

General developmental institutions are institutions where children receive knowledge and develop in standard directions. A schedule of developmental classes is drawn up in a children's center (such as in a school), which includes:

  • Music;
  • Drawing;
  • Reading;
  • Arithmetic;
  • Letter;
  • Foreign languages ​​and much more.

Scheme of directions in the children's digestion center

Narrowly focused - institutions where you can choose one or several developmental courses. Most often, this type of center for children is opened by teachers who are philologists by profession - they can teach foreign languages ​​to preschoolers at an early age.

Children's development center from one year. Parents can bring their daughters and sons to such institutions for the whole day, just like in a regular kindergarten. The educational program of such institutions is most often associated with the development of children’s creative abilities.

The second thing you need to open a children's development center is to choose the format in which you want to implement your business. Let's look at the three most current options:

  • “Mini” is an opportunity to open a children’s club and development center with minimal investment. The idea is to rent a room for classes by the hour. This is not a very convenient option due to the fact that you will have to constantly adapt to the people from whom you are renting a room. If you don’t have a lot of money, then it’s better to try to open a children’s development center at home, but it’s unlikely that you’ll get much profit from this type of work. In addition, if information that you have opened a children's club development center without a license at home reaches the tax authorities and other authorities, then you may be in big trouble;
  • “Studio” is a great way to open a children’s development club for those who have money to invest in business. Using this format, you can rent not a room, but an entire office to equip it for yourself and not depend on anyone;
  • "Premium" is the most promising option. It involves renting a large room or building where you can create several specialized rooms for classes with children of different ages.

How to register an educational business?

Having decided on the type and format of the future business institution, you need to address the issue of how to obtain a license for a children's development center and register it in the register of private enterprises. To do this, first decide for yourself whether you want your institution to be registered as an individual entrepreneur or as an LLC.

If you want to open a children's club and development center without a license (so that educational licensing does not relate to it), then it is better to give preference to individual entrepreneurs. Just keep in mind that the activities of your institution can only be related to the development of the child’s creative abilities. You will not have the right to hire a professional teacher.

If it is important for you that the children's development club is directly related to educational activities, then you need to register it as an LLC and collect a decent list of documents to obtain a license from the education committee, namely:

  • A handwritten application for the acquisition of an educational license;
  • Develop and approve the charter of your institution;
  • Obtain a certificate of state registration with the OKVED code (if you provide services to children of a social type, then your code is 85.32, if of a club type - 95.51, if you provide personal services, then 93.05), in which the TIN of the institution will be registered;
  • Describe the structure of your organization;
  • Provide a technical passport of the premises in which your educational center will be located;
  • Provide conclusions from the SES and fire service to confirm the suitability of the premises you have chosen;
  • Provide approved information about the educational program that you want to implement in your institution for preschoolers;
  • Provide complete information about the teaching staff who will work in your educational institution;
  • Open a bank account;
  • Choose a tax system. As a rule, everyone prefers the simplified tax system (STS) so as not to spend additional funds on accounting.

How to choose and arrange a room

An important issue in the list of those related to the topic of how to open your own children's center from scratch is the choice of premises in which the main activities will be carried out. In this matter, we recommend that you focus on the provisions of SanPiN and SP 13130 ​​2009, which state that:

  • The premises for the “palace of creative and mental development”, aimed at children, must be non-residential and allocated as a separate block (apartment or multi-storey building);
  • It should have two exits - the front door and the fire exit;
  • The height from floor to ceiling should be three meters. It is recommended to whitewash or paint ceilings with water-based paint;
  • It should contain children's locker rooms with lockers or hangers, rooms for activities and games, a staff room, a reception office, a room for children to rest and sleep, as well as several toilets (there should be separate toilet rooms for boys, girls and staff);
  • The walls of the room must be smooth and amenable to wet cleaning daily;
  • Floors are smooth, non-slip, without cracks or other defects;
  • The temperature in the room where children will be should be 19–21°;
  • Electrical sockets cannot be located lower than 1.8 m from the floor;
  • Lighting in rooms for children must be of high quality;
  • Sewage and ventilation must be checked by the relevant authorities.

You will also need special equipment for the children's entertainment center:

  1. Furniture (desks, chairs, cabinets, shelves). We recommend making it to order to save money and get good products;
  2. Stationery for classes and various toys. These materials must be of high quality. It is not recommended to save on this;
  3. Educational supplies: textbooks, notebooks, cards for each subject that will be taught in your developmental club for preschoolers;
  4. Office equipment: copier, printer, computer, TV or multimedia screen, stands.

Features of personnel selection

Another important point on where to start opening a children's development center is the selection of qualified personnel. In order for the right atmosphere to reign in your establishment, it is necessary to hire nannies and educators who really love their work, have some experience in their profession, and have not only theoretical, but also practical knowledge. Be sure to check the references of applicants for vacant positions and their portfolio of achievements. We recommend recruiting the following specialists:

  • Psychologist;
  • Speech therapist;
  • Teachers of early childhood development;
  • Teachers preparing children for school;
  • Choreographer;
  • Vocal and music teachers;
  • Acting teacher;
  • Fine arts teacher;
  • Educators;
  • Accountant;
  • Administrator;
  • Health worker.

Cost of services at the early development center

Depending on the type and format of operation of your educational out-of-school institution for children, as well as the number of staff who will need to be consistently paid wages, you determine what the average cost of a monthly subscription in your developmental club should be. As a rule, it should not exceed 60-70 dollars. If you have chosen the format of a “palace of creative and mental development for kids”, in which classes are held hourly, then the cost of one hour cannot exceed four dollars.

Business plan for opening a children's center

Now let’s look in detail at how much it costs to open a children’s development center of the “Premium” format (designed for 10 children). We chose this format because it is in greatest demand among potential clients.

We present to you an approximate business plan for a children's development center with starting investments:

  • It will take 10 thousand rubles to prepare documents and register a private enterprise or LLC;
  • For the renovation of the premises in which classes will take place - 200 thousand rubles;
  • For the purchase of necessary equipment for a children's development center - 250 thousand rubles;
  • Advertising a children's development center, which is necessary to attract customers, will cost about 80 thousand rubles;
  • For the first salary for children's club employees - 200 thousand rubles;
  • For renting the premises - 65 thousand rubles.

In total, the starting capital should be 705 thousand rubles. With such calculations of the business plan for a children's development center, the founder will have to spend 300 thousand rubles monthly, of which:

  • Rent – ​​65 thousand rubles;
  • Salaries – 200 thousand rubles;
  • Other expenses, which include utility bills - 35 thousand rubles.

Video on the topic

Income and business payback

Every month, one child who attends your educational institution will bring you a net profit of 35 thousand rubles, and 10 people, respectively, 350 thousand. From these calculations it turns out that the starting investment will pay off in the most optimistic scenarios in one or a year and a half.

If you manage to find a large number of clients at once, then you can actually cut the payback period in half and return the invested funds in six months, and then have a monthly net profit of two thousand dollars or more. The answer to the question of whether it is profitable to open a children's development center is obvious - definitely yes. If you have the required amount of money, then it makes sense to develop this type of entrepreneurial activity, because the educational sector is in great demand at any time.

  • It is necessary to open an institution of this kind in those areas of the city that have just been built up, which is why there are no kindergartens, nurseries, or other development centers in them yet;
  • If you don’t have confidence in your own abilities, then it’s better to buy a ready-made business or a franchise;
  • Make some kind of identification mark for your center - a “zest” that will turn your institution into a brand - organize holidays, master classes, organize summer camps at your development centers.


A developmental center for children is not only an interesting and profitable business, it has many prospects, since it is relatively new in our country, and there is little competition. This is one of those areas of activity in which you can earn stable, good money and at the same time be calm and confident in the future, feel spiritual harmony and receive moral satisfaction from work.
25 voted. Grade: 4,88 out of 5)

The business plan of the children's club involves the organization of a modern child development center with unlimited opportunities for self-realization and the comprehensive development of the child's personality.

Based on this example of a business plan, a club will be created where they will not only take care of the development of children’s mental and creative abilities, but also their health.

The sample was provided by the children's eco club “Umnichka”.

It is imperative to draw up a business plan for a children's center! Everyone who has decided to engage in vocational education and raising children asks the questions: “How much money will I have to spend?” and “How much can I earn?” The second question is less common than the first, because many people think: “If there are so many clubs and they keep opening, it means it’s profitable.” Yes, it can be profitable. But to what extent - this can be shown by your business plan for a children's center.

Income and expenses will depend on how carefully you consider your place among competitors - children's clubs, how you deal with seasonal downturns, what pricing policy you choose, what range of activities you offer in your club, how well you provide your services, etc. . Therefore, any business plan for a children's center has a descriptive part and a financial one. In the descriptive part we will consider the purpose and specialization of the children's club, the place of our children's club among nearby competitors, the tasks of the children's club, etc. The financial part of the children's center business plan will help us specifically calculate the investments that you will make initially or will constantly pour into your business, and will also help show what income and profits await you under various scenarios.

Is it possible to buy or order a ready-made business plan for a children's center? It’s possible, it’s possible especially for you, but owners of their own business are inclined to think that it’s worth writing it yourself in order to better understand the situation, determine what you want, in what form, for whom the project is intended, how much money is required, minimum, optimal and maximum , what to do if the business doesn’t go according to plan, etc.

Children's development center: is this business idea promising?

Not long ago we wrote an article in which we talked about. The information was general, and at the end of the article we made a promise that over time we would begin to write specific business ideas, consider their advantages, prospects and methods of implementation.

Today we will talk about an all-female business that has been successfully implemented and operates in many large cities. I would like to say right away that the idea is quite promising, because the niche is practically unoccupied. The demand for services of this kind is growing every day, but there is still no quality offer on the market. So, we will talk about a children's development center as an idea for a women's business.

Many experts note that child development centers, or small kindergartens, will form the basis of preschool educational institutions in the future. In the USA and Europe, this practice has been used for several years, and, as you can understand, over time it will come to us.

After the collapse of the USSR, the birth rate fell sharply, and this is understandable, because in an unstable country you need to get yourself back on your feet, what can we say about children. Kindergartens were closed en masse, good workers quit. But those difficult years have already passed, and now young couples are increasingly beginning to think about children, and are not so afraid for the future, deciding to have one or more children. The demand for good kindergartens and developmental centers for children is increasing, but the supply remains at the same level.

We often hear from young parents that it is now difficult to send their children to a good preschool. Either you have to pay a bribe or wait your turn, which is not always convenient. In such cases, private centers for children come to the rescue, which act as kindergartens, but at the same time have a number of distinctive features.

What is the difference between a development center and a kindergarten?

In the last few years, along with municipal kindergartens, many centers, clubs, and private kindergartens have appeared, which are designed to serve as a standard kindergarten, only with certain differences. First of all, the difference lies in the approach to raising a child and the professionalism of teachers. It is clear that people with good education and knowledge will choose a highly paid job in a development center rather than in an ordinary state kindergarten. Thus, there is an outflow of personnel, and all the best move to private kindergartens.

The approach is another important difference between ordinary kindergartens and development centers. Specialists do not just play the role of caregivers who look after children throughout the day, but try to develop them, conduct various games, competitions, and interactive activities, based on modern methods of raising children. This is a qualitatively new level, and many parents are willing to pay more money if only their baby is in reliable and professional hands.

To illustrate the differences, you can take the education programs of some leading development centers in Moscow or other cities and familiarize yourself with them. Very often, programs are structured in such a way that in some, the presence of the mother in certain classes is mandatory. This allows not only the child to learn, but also his mother becomes more prepared for the role of “mom”. All methods have their own goals and objectives, which are clearly described by experts from development centers. These include: individual development, adaptation, creative education, etc.

Children's development center: business plan

And from the theoretical component we will move on to a more practical one. In this article we will not describe a detailed business plan for opening a children's development center, but will offer you to download individual files.

  • An example of a business plan for a children's development center -
  • Detailed version with all the numbers and calculations - download

And the most important thing I would like to add is to pay due attention to personnel selection. You must be qualitatively different from everything that is presented on the service market in your city. We do not take into account state kindergartens, but private ones are worth paying attention to. Only professionals should work in your development center, with knowledge of the matter, with an ideal attitude towards children. Remember, every employee is the face of your company. And if someone makes a mistake, everyone's reputation will suffer. What is the main thing in such a business? That's right, customer trust and a good reputation. After all, they leave their children to you, and do not give the preserved food for preservation.

Children's development center: all the intricacies of this business

When opening such a business, you need to take into account certain factors and circumstances. Don't think that everything will be as simple as it seems at first glance. Although the service is not new, it is still approached with a certain degree of caution.

  • Legal activities. If you want to work at a fairly high level, then without official registration of the enterprise this will not work. Go through the entire procedure, obtain all kinds of permits and licenses that will allow you to carry out this type of activity.

As soon as it comes to registration, many grab their heads and begin to fear bureaucratic red tape. But don't worry. There are many tips and recommendations on the Internet that will allow you to quickly collect the necessary package of documents and contact the relevant authorities.

  • Investments. It is clear that this business will require good investments. According to the most conservative estimates, the initial investment will be about 500,000 rubles. You can use your own funds, but it is advisable to attract investors by getting them interested in the idea and prospects for development in your region.
  • Room. Children need space. Therefore, it will not be possible to huddle in a one-room apartment. It is necessary to equip special game rooms, rooms for recreation and activities. Expect to need at least 100 square meters, if not more. The ideal option is to rent the premises of a former kindergarten, many of which are empty (in small towns).
  • Staff. We have already talked about it, and this factor should not be underestimated. Good staff is 90% of the success of this business
  • Learn on your own and gain some knowledge. You will work with staff, you will communicate with parents, therefore, you need to have good knowledge in the field of psychology in order to resolve conflicts and get out of difficult situations. Believe me, they will arise, and you must become a guarantor of stability and calm.
  • Bank account. Don't handle cash. Only in very extreme cases. All payments must be made through the bank, because this is very convenient both for you and for clients. Enable the ability to pay for services via the Internet, use all innovative technologies to simplify monetary payments to the maximum, make them transparent and understandable.

If you decide to use the words “educational” or “training” in the name of the enterprise, you must obtain a special license. This is not necessary for a children's development center. For one teacher with completed pedagogical education, registration of an individual entrepreneur will be required, then it is possible without a license. In this case, the staff is assigned to positions with nanny responsibilities.

When choosing a tax system, there is no need to invent anything. Just choose the simplified one. This will significantly reduce the cost of an accountant and other specialists. Having learned a little about the legislation, you will be able to conduct your own affairs without involving third parties.

How to choose the right room?

We have already said that the premises for a children's development center must be at least 100 square meters. But this is only one aspect, and there are a whole host of others that must be fulfilled.

Premises for such a business must have:

  • Reception room. It needs to be a separate office. This is where you will meet with parents, discuss all issues, hold small meetings and conferences.
  • Staff office. Everyone should have their own corner, including the staff. Change clothes, relax, drink coffee, leave some things. For all these purposes you need a small technical office.
  • Game room for activities. The largest part of the room. The room should be spacious, bright, and have several entrances and exits.
  • Bedroom. Children must rest during the day. To do this, equip your bedroom.
  • Bathroom and toilet. It is desirable that they be different for children and adults.

According to fire safety rules, the premises must be equipped with fire alarms and have 1-2 backup exits.

The success of a children's development center largely depends on the teachers. Children will talk about them to their parents, and they will tell their friends, relatives, and potential clients. Of course, equipment and techniques are also important, but the main factor is always the human factor.

Features of this business

As a rule, such centers operate 9 months a year, since in the summer there are very few people who want to send their children to kindergartens. But keep in mind that rent and staff salaries will be paid. All this must be taken into account when calculating the potential profit from the business.

Be sure to research the competition. In large cities, such centers open regularly, and perhaps there is already a sufficient concentration of them in your area. Also, do not forget that many parents want their child to be as developed as possible, to learn foreign languages, to be able to draw, read, sing, etc. Find appropriate specialists who can work with children at the proper level.

The payback period for this business ranges from 3-5 years. The main expenses include:

  • Purchasing the necessary equipment
  • Rent
  • Salary Fund
  • Tax deductions

Children's development center: how to attract clients

And the last question that we will consider in this article is how to attract clients.

Your main clients will be parents who live in your area. Not even in the entire area, but in the nearest houses. Of course, when you become a popular establishment, people will talk about you and recommend you, then the geography of clients will expand. But in the first stages, an advertising company should be built on targeted action. Advertising should include announcements at entrances, inside houses, conversations with parents, invitations to events from a children's development center. It’s good to organize various holidays, concerts, competitions for kids, and invite parents and children there. This will increase your popularity and attract new customers.

If you don’t want to invent too much and engage in advertising, then contact agencies that will organize the entire scheme for attracting potential clients instead of you. This pleasure is not cheap, so be prepared to allocate an additional expense item.

Now is the time when young mothers and fathers trust public preschool institutions less and less, looking for an alternative replacement. Private kindergartens and development centers are reaching a new level. Have patience, faith, and everything will work out. The business will not pay off as quickly as you would like, but over time it will become very profitable and will generate income for many years.

A well-written business plan is a highly effective marketing tool. Every company, regardless of its size, must have this document. It is necessary to involve highly qualified economists, statisticians and systems specialists in the development of a business plan. A small company can use the services of specialists from consulting companies.

What is the importance of a business plan for a children's development center?

A business plan is a comprehensive measure for the development of an enterprise in the coming years. During the development of parts, the entrepreneur has the opportunity to develop an effective market strategy. Detailed analysis and planning - this is where you should start any business. The main objective of a business plan is to give the company’s management the opportunity to analyze the income and expenses of the new company and adjust all possible costs and risks. Only this document will help you put all the information in order.

Large discrepancies are not allowed in the calculations, otherwise there will be no effect from such calculations. A detailed business plan for a children's entertainment center/development center is needed to receive financial assistance. After analyzing the document, capital owners can properly assess the degree of risk of investing money in a particular enterprise. The information obtained allows the head of the company to demonstrate the reliability and thoroughness of the project.

A document drawn up at the initial stage of work makes it possible to avoid many problems associated with a lack of financing for the prosperity of the enterprise and eliminates the possibility of a negative balance of the company.

Only with the help of a well-drafted business plan for a children's center can one maintain control over the smooth functioning of the organization. Based on the data obtained, there is a chance to track the dynamics of the enterprise’s development and compare existing results with planned ones.

A new business plan for a children's development center can be of great importance if it is necessary to carry out measures to “improve” the enterprise. Calculations will help bring the company out of a deadlock situation.

A children's development center is a promising type of business. Very often, young parents complain that there are not enough good preschool institutions where the child can communicate with peers and at the same time learn something new and interesting.

What is the difference between a children's development center and a kindergarten?

In recent years, children's centers and clubs have increasingly begun to appear, which at first glance perform the function of an ordinary kindergarten, but there is a significant difference between them. In the kindergarten, children are taught according to the generally accepted educational program of the state standard. And development centers work to increased standards in all directions.

In addition, the center can provide additional services, namely: lectures for parents, sale of art supplies and children's educational toys, organization and holding of parties for the little ones.

The child, as a rule, stays in the kindergarten all day, and in the center you can attend separate classes in the area that you think is most significant for the development of your baby.

The child development center must include the following::

  • game complex,
  • sports complex,
  • fine arts studio,
  • puppet show,
  • computer class,
  • pool.

The main distinguishing feature of the development center for preschool children is the responsible approach of educators to their work. In a regular kindergarten, workers play the role of an ordinary nurse who simply looks after the kids all day. And in the development center for kids they conduct various interactive games, competitions and other events based on modern methods of education.

Many parents are willing to pay a lot of money for a qualitatively new approach to raising their children. Very often, the program of the educational center includes a methodology that provides for the presence of parents in some of the classes. This allows not only children, but also their parents to learn and develop. Each of the applied methodologies has specific goals and objectives determined by professional experts.

The development center uses an integrated approach to raising children: physical and psychological development is skillfully combined with cultural, artistic, aesthetic and intellectual development.

Features of child development centers

The main feature of such institutions is not only a comprehensive, as indicated above, but also an individual approach to each child. The duration of each lesson is individual. It varies depending on the age groups of children. Typically classes last from 1 to 2 hours. Children learn through play. During his lessons he draws, sings, plays, paints, and learns foreign languages.

Monthly income:

  • Developmental classes – 35 thousand rubles.
  • Organization and holding of various events – 50 thousand rubles.
  • Mugs – 40 thousand rubles.
  • Classes with specialists – from 50 thousand rubles.
  • Total: 175 thousand rubles.

One subscription for 8 visits should cost at least 2,000 rubles. The cost may vary depending on the city where you live, the target audience and the programs being conducted. Calculations may be different - it depends on many factors, so profitability and payback periods will be different in all regions.


The minimum payback period is 2–2.5 years. To some, this period may seem long. But, believe me, there is nothing more beautiful than the happy, smiling faces of children. The knowledge that you are involved in the cultural formation of a nation is incomparable to anything.

A children's entertainment center is an opportunity to give children a bright, unforgettable childhood.

Working with young children is not an easy task. But once you see eyes glowing with delight and genuine interest in what is happening, you begin to believe that you are on the right path. Believe me, all the anxiety and excitement associated with the opening of a children's center will pay off in full. The main thing is not to deviate from the intended path and confidently move towards your goal.