Human efficiency is a fix idea for modern times! Everyday reality requires us to give our best on all fronts: at work, in the family, and in everyday life. And even in rare moments of rest, it’s not very possible to relax properly! How to spend time usefully in an endless stream of things to do and learn to manage everything? Follow our tips, and soon you will learn to tame the treacherous hours and minutes.

Work days

How to make the most of your time at work? First of all, your profession should be interesting to you. Are you bored at a job you don't like? Try to change it, and if this is not possible, get creative. Even in the most boring profession you can find something interesting for yourself!

Plan your day. Keep a notebook and write down important tasks for the day, then for the week, for the month, etc. Allot a certain amount of time to these tasks and try to fit it in.

Write down your ideas. If you come up with a smart idea, don’t be lazy to write it down right away: this way you are guaranteed not to forget your idea. Moreover, you will have a better chance of putting it into practice. Therefore, always carry a notepad and pen with you. At worst - a mobile phone with an organizer!

Clean up your workspace. When all the papers are in place and every thing has its own place, the work process is much more productive than in an atmosphere of creative chaos! And searching for the right things doesn’t eat up precious minutes!

Get rid of time killers. These include: social networks at work, useless phone calls, empty conversations with employees, resolving personal issues and simply doing nothing. And if you can’t completely eliminate them, then at least minimize them.

Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

Solve problems as they arise. If you are writing a report with one hand, sketching out a new project with the other, dialing the accounting department number with your left foot, and trying to fix your laptop with your right foot, scrolling through the route of tomorrow's business trip in your head, rest assured: all your actions are doomed to failure! Therefore, it is better not to start a new task without completing the previous one.

If your working time exceeds the list of real tasks, it can also be spent usefully! In your spare time, engage in professional development, start learning a foreign language, read an interesting book, etc. At least this is much more useful than drinking tea with colleagues and playing endless games of solitaire!

Tired? Relax! But let your vacation not be aimless surfing the Internet, but active recreation. Get up from your desk, stretch, go outside the office during your lunch break, walk down the street, and then return to your workplace with renewed vigor!

At the end of your workday, make a mini list of your day's accomplishments.


Plan household chores the same way as work ones.

Prepare for tomorrow morning in the evening. After work, iron your clothes for the next day, put things in a bag, and put the necessary things in a visible place. This useful habit will save you from chaotic morning preparations and allow you to sleep longer than usual or do something pleasant and useful.

Use the latest household appliances. A washing machine, robot vacuum cleaner, multicooker, microwave oven and others like them greatly facilitate household work.

Ask loved ones for help. If you cook dinner and keep the house tidy with the whole family, then you have a lot of time freed up, which you can spend as you wish.

Down with perfectionism! Don't try to do everything at once. Unlike time, household chores never end. Therefore, sometimes you can turn a blind eye to a slight mess in the house (provided that you fix everything in your free time) or have dinner and breakfast in a cafe instead of an all-night vigil in the kitchen.

Train yourself to rest on weekends and holidays. No matter how great the temptation to spend Saturday and Sunday on general cleaning, grocery shopping and other household chores, try to do the bare minimum. Spend the remaining time usefully for yourself and your family: go for a walk in the park, have a picnic in nature, watch an interesting movie, visit your family, etc.

Download the family budget planning program. It will help you take into account expenses and save money, which you can soon spend on pleasant and useful things!

Encourage and pamper yourself. For every task done on time, allow yourself a small reward - depending on your own wishes and financial capabilities!

Don't forget about healthy sleep. Your required minimum is 7-8 hours a day. The better sleep you get, the more things you will be able to do the next day.

Free time

How to spend your free time profitably? There are many ways to plan your leisure time so that you can do not only useful, but also interesting things. So here is a list of options:

Learning foreign languages, self-education.

Cleaning the house of unnecessary junk.

Artistic creativity: drawing, sculpting, handmade jewelry making, applique, arts and crafts, etc.

Watching interesting films and TV shows.


Meetings with friends, parties.

Reading and writing.

Listening to music, playing musical instruments.

Personal care: manicure, spa rituals, going to the hairdresser, sauna, bathhouse.

Walking, traveling, hiking.

Country chores, outdoor recreation.


Visiting exhibitions and museums.


Remodeling furniture in the house, home decor.

Meeting and communicating with new people.

Ride a bicycle or rollerblade.


Intellectual games (poker, brain ring, chess, etc.).

And, finally, one more piece of advice: learn to appreciate every minute in your life and fill each day with special meaning! We wish you success!

Every person, regardless of employment, has free time. It actually matters a lot what you use your free time from work, school or daily routines for. Successful people do interesting and quite useful things that bring them pleasure.

Most people often have questions about what to do with themselves or how to spend their free time. Many people prefer to just watch TV or talk on the phone. But does this bring any benefit or does it just take away that precious time that you can spend not only enjoying yourself, but also learning something new?

Scientists say that a person cannot be tired by the work that satisfies him, and a change of activity is the best rest. Therefore, of course, it is impossible to live without rest, but, according to scientists, rest should be effective and useful. For example, if you work physically, then spend your free time benefiting your brain and engage in mental work, and vice versa.

First, you need to decide what you really want, what attracts you and what interests you. Make a list, and then start formulating a plan to achieve your goals. Now that you have a clear and clear plan for your goals and objectives to achieve them, all that remains is to act in the right direction.

In addition to this plan, create a schedule for each day that will allow you to use your time wisely. Once you have a schedule of things to do, it will become clear to you when and how to spend your free time. For example, you have a window during the day, and you have long wanted to start reading a book, perhaps now is the time for this, and not for social networks and surfing the Internet.

Remember that in your free time you should do what brings you pleasure, makes you joyful and happy. There is no need to force yourself to do anything, just find something you enjoy.


Organize a walk in the park, along the embankment, and spend more time in the fresh air. You can also go rollerblading or cycling.

Foreign language

Learn a foreign language, devote 30 minutes to it every day. This is a small load, but what benefits will it bring to you? You will not only gain new knowledge, but also expand your capabilities.


Plant flowers, indoor plants and take care of them. Let you have your own small but private garden.

Significant other

When you have a significant other, the question of free time should not arise in principle. Spend time together, look for new experiences, find a common cause that will unite you.


In your free time, take care of your home, clean out your closets, and clear your shelves of unnecessary trash. Organize your workspace and put your documents, papers, plans and lists in order.


Develop your skills. For example, learn to draw or play a musical instrument, learn a new dance, learn to embroider or knit.

Our smaller brothers. Get yourself a pet. Caring for him, caring for him, walking him. For example, when you get a kitten, you will find something to do in your free time.

Self-development. Engage in self-development, read books, listen to audio format, watch. Try something new, for example, read about making money on the Internet.


Organize a themed party, get together with friends for a picnic; perhaps they also don’t know how to spend their free time.

Get some sleep

The sleep of a modern person can hardly be called complete, and if you sleep less than seven hours a day or your body does not have enough strength, then lie down and rest. Use your free time to sleep.

You yourself choose activities that you like and that make your life better. The main thing is that you value your time, even if it is free, and spend it usefully.

First you need to understand that lying on the couch is not an option, it is a boring activity, the same as sitting at the computer and playing new games. It’s better to do something interesting and exciting, at the same time you can learn a lot of new things. Next, you need to promise yourself that you will spend every weekend productively, and will not be lazy and sit at home in front of the computer monitor. Life passes unnoticed, and you are wasting time sitting in front of the TV or computer, don’t you really want to go to another city and see the sights or just take a walk in the park?
You need to get used to new sensations, and there are several goals: firstly, you will learn a lot of new things and experience new emotions, and secondly, you will have many topics to communicate with others. Below we will talk about different ways to spend your weekend with real benefit.
Article content:

How to spend a weekend with your loved one

Most women want romance, but men do not always strive for it and want to do something ordinary and standard; if hints of romance are not perceived by a man, you need to act differently. On the weekend, come up with a plan for what you will do, preferably something very romantic. In the morning, bring your husband a delicious breakfast in bed; of course, it’s not standard, but it will make a great impression. Next time the man will do the same because he will understand what you want. Then you can lie in bed, watch an interesting and romantic movie, and then give your loved one a massage or go to a bath with essential oils. You can buy lavender or rosemary oil, but rosemary is stimulating and increases sensitivity, so be careful.
You can improve the atmosphere in the bathroom with candles, beautiful glasses of champagne or wine, classical music and so on. In the evening you can take a walk in the park or go to a cafe, but this is very standard, it is better to go to the roof of the house and sit there with a bottle of champagne. Thanks to this, you will improve the quality of your relationship, see your lover from the other side, and see how he reacts to the care shown. It is advisable to organize such days at least once a month and constantly change the plan of events so that it does not become boring. Of course, a man may not say whether he enjoyed the evening, so look at his reaction and behavior the next day.
Try to spend your weekend the way you want. Work takes energy and strength, you need to recover, and romantic evenings have a very good effect on your state of mind and emotions, you can prepare and recharge for the next week to work more productively and know that you will have a great time again.

How to spend your weekend profitably (20 options)

1) Start going to exhibitions, concerts, museums and theaters;
2) Find an interesting forum, make new acquaintances there and communicate more with people (less preferable option);
3) Go to the country house or to the forest, take a walk in the fresh air;
4) Travel to another city or fly to another country (takes a lot of time);
5) Have a photo day, take photos of everything you see, or find an interesting place to shoot and take some memorable shots;
6) Go visit those you haven’t seen for a long time, find out how they are doing;
7) Go to the pool or gym;
8) Read a book that you have been wanting to read for a long time;
9) Go on a hike;
10) Go to the cinema or watch several films in a row at home;
11) Call your friends and figure out what to do this weekend;
12) Go to a mosque or temple;
13) Take a car ride throughout the city and the most interesting places;
14) Go on attractions;
15) Go shopping and buy new clothes;
16) Participate in a sweepstakes, contest or promotion;
17) Skydive or hang glider;
18) Come up with a business plan and start developing your own business
19) Take a walk along the seashore or river;
20) Study the list of restaurants in the city and go to several of them, compare the quality of service.

How to spend a weekend with a child

Children love to compete with each other and play new games, but it is advisable that adults come up with the rules of the game. You can organize competitions and come up with a prize so that children actively compete and want to win, otherwise you will not interest them. If you're on a picnic, you can arrange a juggling competition, for example, with potatoes. Of course, this is very difficult, but since children show interest in everything unknown, they will begin to master juggling, especially if there is an attractive prize.
If you are gathered in nature with a large group, you can arrange team games and competitions, play games: third wheel, Cossack robbers, and so on. Children also love excursions; if you tell them about insects, plants, animals and birds, they will listen to you carefully and believe every word you say. Organize a plasticine modeling competition, for example, ask the children to make a huge bear, be sure that they will like it. If they get dirty in it, don’t worry, in the next article we will tell you how to do it correctly and quickly.

Mothers who often walk with their children in the park can easily find something to do for them. Give your child colored chalk and ask him to write his name on the pavement or the first thing that comes to mind. He will be very passionate about the process, and you will be able to watch him and be happy that the child is finally engaged in an interesting activity. Feed the city birds, show your child that birds love to come into contact with humans. If you are walking with the whole family, you can show your child the playground and help him with pull-ups, let the father lift the child to the horizontal bar and give him the opportunity to hang a little, but you need to be very careful. In the future, the child himself will try to climb onto the horizontal bar. Experiment and come up with new activities for your child, but don’t forget that he also needs to rest.

After a hard day at work, you just need to relax and go to bed in a good mood. We offer you 19 ways to spend a useful evening and cheer yourself up.

1. Prepare a healthy dinner

Those who prepare meals at home achieve great success in losing weight and maintaining ideal shape. HELLO.RU has excellent recipes for steamed bream fillet with black risotto or Tempura maki rolls with salmon and tuna. Surprise your family or treat yourself to an unusual dinner.

2.Relax with a glass of herbal tea

A mug of good herbal tea will help you relax, forget about the stresses of the day, and prepare for bed.

3.Pack clothes for tomorrow evening

Everyone is familiar with the hectic rush in the morning in search of the necessary things. In order not to be late for work, not to rush and not to turn over your wardrobe in the morning in search of a suitable skirt, try to collect what you need in the evening. This will increase the chances of not forgetting something very important, preserving nerve cells and drinking a cup of coffee in the morning.

4.Clean up order

Why not finally sort out the laundry on the dryer or wash the dishes after dinner? There are many useful things you can do today so that tomorrow you don’t have a headache from overwhelming worries.

5. Stretching

Doing yoga or just stretching will make you more flexible and tone your muscles. Yoga has special relaxing exercises and asanas that will prepare you for sleep and help you get rid of unnecessary thoughts.

6. Make sleep a top priority

Lack of sleep can cause high blood pressure, deplete your immune system, and even cause weight gain. Make sure you get enough sleep - at least 7 hours.

7. Don't beat yourself up

Even if you lost your temper today, ate a pack of cookies or missed a workout, don’t beat yourself up! Tomorrow will be another day, another opportunity to make up for lost time, but you can’t get back the past.

Replying to emails, scrolling through social media feeds - all this can seriously bog you down. Make sure you are not dependent on your mobile phone, tablet or laptop, otherwise you will soon find yourself still on Instagram at 4 am in bed.

9.Remember your bedtime rituals

Enjoy your pre-bedtime by remembering your favorite bedtime rituals. This could be a hot bath, peeling or other activities. The main thing is that you go to bed in a good mood.

10. Snack only on healthy foods

It happens that after dinner there are a hundred more things to do, and as a result, late in the evening you are hungry again. Make sure you have healthy, low-calorie snacks or fruit in your refrigerator. Candy and cookies are not included in this category.

11.Don't forget to drink water

For a healthy body and skin, a person needs to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day. Coffee, tea, packaged juices only increase the need for plain water, and it is better to exclude soda from the diet altogether.

12. Prepare lunch for tomorrow

Save money, time and cook your own lunch. Very often at work there is a need to snack on “harmful” calories, or even skip lunch. Prepare in advance in the evening, for example, a healthy salad with vegetables and herbs.

13. Do things that calm you down

Do you need to watch your favorite series on TV or do 10 minutes of meditation? No matter what it is, you definitely deserve it!

14.Skip dessert

Sugar, of course, increases serotonin, which is also called the “happiness hormone,” but this does not mean that you need to eat up your grief and stress with cakes before going to bed. It's better to get by with fruit or a slice of dark chocolate.

15.Plan your next day

It is not necessary to write down plans for the year ahead - a small to-do list will allow you to feel more confident and avoid “mess in your head.”

16.Pamper yourself

Don't let stress get the better of you. Whether you dreamed of lighting aroma candles or listening to classical music - do it! Even 5 minutes of real pleasure is good for your mental balance.

17. Do what you didn’t have time to do

If you feel like you didn't have enough time in the gym today, fill the gap at home. For example, you can do a plank exercise for the abs or squats, which best train the buttocks.

18. Congratulate yourself

Praise yourself for any achievements: getting up early, giving an incredible presentation, or signing a contract. There is always something to praise yourself for. After this I sleep especially well.

19.Smile more

Don't remember the difficulties of the past day, find what makes you laugh. Firstly, it's useful, and secondly, it's fun.

I was once a workaholic, and the word “day off” almost broke out in a cold sweat. In order not to be left alone with my own idleness, I took work home, so Saturday and Sunday were almost no different from Monday, and I was happy that I was spending every day usefully. Imagine my surprise when I realized that the weekend can be spent meaningfully and without any work! Moreover, working on weekends is even contraindicated. And so, if you constantly ask yourself questions: “How to spend a day off profitably?” and “What to do on the weekend? " - this article is for you!

Long box

In my diary, the number of current tasks is growing at the rate of hamster reproduction. Nothing can compare with this wonderful feeling when you put a tick in front of an item, which means “done.” It turned out that ticks are ticked much faster if you open the notorious “long drawer” on weekends and take out everything that has been lying around.

Two years ago I bought myself a bicycle and dreamed of riding it throughout the warm season; it lasted me for a couple of trips. But it’s so cool to ride around the city, go out into nature, and feel how the wind blows your hair. That’s it, it’s decided, this year I’ll go skiing regularly on the weekends.

I’m ashamed to admit, but for some reason I couldn’t send my friend the promised book for two months. My favorite reader has been waiting for six months for me to buy him a beautiful backlit cover. The toilet tank was leaking, increasing my water bills.

There was no way I could cross paths with my cousin, who had already moved to my city three years (!). For some reason I didn’t have time to do my hair, and one day in the mirror I saw something like Kurt Cobain. This was the last straw.

The “long box” burst. Now every weekend I clear out my “to do” sheets and write new ones with a feeling of incredible relief.

Poster and lot

On Friday evening I open an online poster. Sometimes it seems to me that there is nothing in it that would please me. This is a false impression. If I don’t know this jazz singer, am indifferent to this film premiere, doubt the excitement of this exhibition, then I simply listen to my intuition.

Yes, sometimes it really is better to stay at home and re-read one of Freud's bestsellers. However, more often than not, the world reveals something amazing to me: an amazing voice, a touching story, moving slides. All you have to do is take your eyes off your Facebook feed and your butt off the soft chair. And - voila! - life is in full swing.

One movie, one book, one post

Movies aren't just about Spider-Man. I rarely have a day off without a good movie that gives my brain a dose of healthy food.

I usually read several books at once and try to finish one of them over the weekend. It’s wonderful when you can escape into another reality for a few hours. Here it is - a real chance to live several lives in one. It's strange why not everyone uses it.

I make sure to systematize the thoughts that have accumulated over the week: I write a post on LiveJournal, pouring out everything into it, but especially tears and bile. This way my loved ones receive a little less negativity from me.

Strange things

There was a time when I only ate ice cream. I just didn’t want to experiment, you never know, I’ll take the strawberry one, but it will spoil my mood. Needless to say, the day when I ordered non-creamy ice cream became epoch-making (well, maybe a little less than the day of the storming of the Bastille, but still...)!

Sometimes friends invite me to do something that they really like. For example, shoot at a shooting range. You know, I’m not at all a fan of military style and stories about partisans. But! “Shooters,” as it turns out, are great for clearing your thoughts.

I also have a special “sport”: I buy discounts on entertainment on coupon sites. No, I’m not at all chasing a supposedly low price, I’m interested in something else - the very opportunity to do something unusual.

This is how I discovered squash. Now my loved one and I go to the court at least once a month to thoroughly torture each other in this crazy dance with a small black ball. My friends ask how I got such beautiful legs, but for some reason they don’t believe my stories about miracle squash and continue to eat Pringles for dinner.

I also attended a tea ceremony, rode an ATV, rode a horse, and flew a paraglider. I’m thinking about trying rope jumping... So the question about “What to do on the weekend” disappeared from my mind. Well, at least for next weekend...

All this expands my boundaries, opens up new thought patterns, and energizes me. I like to call the weekend an EXHALE weekend. This is a really deep exhalation, followed by a full breath.

Now you know how to spend a day off with benefit for your soul and body, and I hope you will apply this knowledge on your next day off.