Ascended Masters (Ascended Masters) are holy souls who have passed the earthly path of evolution and achieved unity with their divine part - the Higher Self. Together with the angels and other divine forces, they constitute the Body of God in Heaven. The Ascended Masters serve humanity by accelerating the evolution of the Earth and ensuring its proper course so that, like them, people living on Earth can also achieve ascension.

Ascended Masters and Ray Lords are in the higher dimensions. Although, when necessary, they can also incarnate on the physical plane and live among us. Each of the Lords, according to the Lord’s plan, serves on a specific Ray. Each Ray has a certain set of Divine Qualities that must be mastered by the humanity of the Earth and each person individually in accordance with the Divine Plan.
Every person on Earth has his own Teachers, since in this incarnation he must undergo his evolutionary development to develop certain qualities corresponding to any Rays. The Ascended Masters have been communicating with humanity for thousands of years. We simply do not know them by that name. Like angels, they are a link between heaven and earth, gradually lowering the Light and consciousness of God for us.

The Ascended Masters are our elder brothers who have gained mastery of the planes of matter and won their ascension. During their earthly evolution, they mastered divine mastery, which allowed them to embody a certain quality (ray) of Divine Consciousness.

At its core, the Teachings of the Ascended Masters are an arsenal of tools and knowledge that were accumulated by the Ascended Masters, these Guides of Light on their path to the Top. These tools and knowledge are carefully selected. Everything that turned out to be effective and useful for ascent is presented in the Teachings.

In addition, all the tools and knowledge offered by the Ascended Masters are focused on the conditions and needs of the present time. After all, the time in which we now live is a time of intense convergence of karma. And this requires the use of not only a complex of spiritual means accumulated by humanity during its previous development, but also the use of new knowledge and solutions that were previously unknown, but are now being transmitted to humanity.

Greetings, we are the United Circle of Teachers.

We have already started a story about the Ascended Masters in one of them. Now we want to continue it and talk about how this community of Masters who incarnated on Earth appeared, and what role it plays at the present time.

As you know, around the nineteenth century, a whole movement arose to honor the Ascended Masters, when people who mastered channeling began to transmit messages from those Teachers who had previously incarnated on Earth in the human body.

Spiritual beings who have gained experience of material life undoubtedly understand people much better in comparison with many at the upper levels. The rest can perceive people only by reading their chronicle of earthly incarnations, recorded in the Akashic Chronicles. All spiritual entities can also feel a person by connecting with him on the energy level, and thus they understand what is happening to him. But those of us who have never been to Earth, without experience of incarnations, perceive everything that happens to a person somewhat distorted. The Ascended Masters came to Earth primarily in order to get to know people better, and also to support them at the energy level. And for example, one of the great Masters, Saint Germain, was not a teacher and did not transmit his teachings, but his coming to Earth helped him become related to people and understand earthly energies.

In addition, Saint Germain, like other Masters, while on Earth, was able to conduct his energies much better in the field of the planet, since he had his own resonator that enhanced his personal energy, which was his physical body. Who else but himself could best carry out those shamanic and magical processes that he intended to do even before his birth? Any master carries out similar work on the subtle plane, and it doesn’t matter whether he is a teacher, a shaman, or even just an expert in his field. Many gifted and talented people achieve their exceptional results through contact with the subtle plane. When they are able to isolate the subtlest cause-and-effect relationships from the sea of ​​information surrounding them, and thanks to this make the best decisions. Such masters, thanks to their special qualities, had the opportunity to realize their intentions especially purely and undistorted; seeing obstacles in advance, they could bypass them.

Many talented and brilliant people of the past and present have innate abilities that allow them to contact the subtle plane. Moreover, many of them can be considered Incarnate Masters, since such people necessarily have their own Spiritual Teachers who contributed to their coming to Earth, and the Higher Self of such a person is the Master by whose intention he incarnated. And it is quite possible that after passing away such people will complement the circle of Incarnate Masters, and their higher aspects will begin to speak through channeling.

The spiritual entities representing them could contact humanity earlier, but after their physical incarnation they seem to materialize part of their energy, connecting it with the Earth. Having been in a human body and becoming related to people, Teachers find a point of contact with them, and later it is much easier for them to speak through channeling, transmitting their information. We can say that when incarnating on your planet, each Teacher tramples an energetic path here that no longer becomes overgrown, and then after life he uses it, bringing in part of his energy during a channeling contact. Those subtle processes that each embodied master carries out are carried out to ground, “anchoring” the subtle energies of the spiritual essence that he represents.

It is possible that many people living according to the intention of some Spiritual Teacher do not always realize why they are interested in the subtle plane and contact it, and some are not even aware of the energetic work that they are carrying out. But by visiting different places and communicating with different people, they create subtle connections between themselves and the world around them, through which the energy of the spiritual essence begins to come into material reality. The strongest of these contacts remain even after the death of the master, for example, these are the places where he lived for a long time, close people with whom he maintained a spiritual connection. Those emotions that people experienced at the moment of communication can be transmitted to others through their stories about this unusual and bright person, and so the energy of the master can travel around the Earth, reflected in his followers.

Thus, Spiritual Teachers who call themselves Ascended Masters are a separate galaxy of Teachers, many of whom are especially close to people due to the fact that at one time they themselves came to Earth. Moreover, one of the main goals that they set at the moment of their physical incarnation is to connect themselves with the energies of the planet, so that later, upon returning to spiritual levels, they will be able to understand people as best as possible and convey their ideas to them.

This makes a lot of sense, because in one human life you can only do so much, compared to an eternity of being at the top. Therefore, once having created energetic contact with the energies of the Earth, each Teacher can use it for thousands of years and do a lot for humanity. This opportunity lies in the special attention that future Ascended Masters pay to create such a contact.

Nevertheless, over time, the energy that each Master brought to Earth is gradually erased and contact weakens, and many Teachers who want to continue their close communication with people come again. This is what Jesus, Buddha, and Mohammed did in different centuries, incarnating again and creating new aspects; such people, who are continuations of these great beings, still live today. Through them, the energies of these Teachers are especially strongly felt, which they gladly share with others, and therefore such human aspects remain in the memory of many others.

But as a rule, Teachers who incarnate again do not seek to convey a new teaching, since they understand that most likely their words will be distorted as they adapt to society. They certainly have a desire to maintain a true and accurate understanding of what has already been said by them and is now considered religions or recognized teachings. But for this we no longer need words, but emotions, those energies that, having touched the consciousness of people, can convey to them the correct feeling of these words, and then behind the many interpretations and double understandings the original meaning will appear. Therefore, those people who are currently incarnations of the Ascended Masters are conductors of their energies, and this is the most valuable thing they can do.

Any of the Teachers known to people is embodied in thousands of people, and for each of them he is the Higher Self. Some of these souls, which are aspects of the Teacher’s soul, perform the tasks that he wanted to embody on Earth, and so through their actions the intentions of the spiritual essence are realized. Some people, having mastered the ability to channel, begin to transmit the words of the Ascended Master, who is their spiritual ancestor, and thanks to a particularly strong connection with him, they can convey his words especially purely and soulfully. Many people who are interested in that spiritual movement, which is called the Teaching of the Ascended Masters, or Masters, have such a close energetic connection with the Teachers, created at the soul level.

Why did the Ascended Masters unite into a separate community of Teachers, and what are their intentions related to the Earth?

The desire to unite the Ascended Masters into a separate community comes largely not from them themselves, but from people, or rather from society. After all, there is no special intention uniting all the Ascended Masters together, on the basis of which they could act together. The only thing that unites them is the desire to become closer to people, and most likely for this reason they were introduced to the same spiritual movement.

Some of these Masters work together, and some channelers even receive messages from several entities at the same time, in fact, just like we are now speaking through our collective consciousness. At the same time, many Ascended Masters shy away from the opportunity to speak together with other Teachers; for them it is very important to maintain their own channel. This may seem strange, because by uniting with other spiritual entities, each Teacher can strengthen his energy, and then his words can be heard much better and conveyed to more people. Many of the Ascended Masters appreciate this and take advantage of this opportunity. At the same time, Teachers usually unite in small groups, especially if they have common interests, but very rarely they decide to unite in hundreds and thousands. Although in the event of their universal unification, their energy increases colossally, and their intentions can be realized rapidly, but a large number intensifies the distortions that may appear.

At each level of the Universe there is its own control, expressed in the fact that the upper levels, guiding the lower ones, impose on them certain limits of what is permitted. When a Teacher acts independently using a personal communication channel, he often manages to bypass these prohibitions and find his own opportunities in supporting individuals. But when Teachers unite, the flow of their energy directed towards the Earth becomes especially noticeable, and those who exercise control can easily impose restrictions on such a flow.

Who are the controllers who amend the words of the Ascended Masters and other Teachers?

They are often not spiritual entities, but those programs that operate in their consciousness. They appeared a long time ago in the form of rules and spiritual laws, and as more material levels were created, they acquired more and more details and additions, becoming more complete and clumsy. Therefore, the source of control can be any spiritual entities, representatives of all upper levels, be they Creators of Matrixes, Co-Creators, Archangels and others. But oddly enough, they themselves do not always know that they are sources of restrictions, since these programs are located inside their consciousness. This is similar to how each person cannot determine exactly what his own consciousness is, and cannot thoroughly examine all its contents, but he sees its manifestations in the outside world when he begins to act. In the same way, spiritual entities see those features that are inherent in them only when their intentions begin to develop at lower levels. Therefore, the opportunity to contact the lower levels is a path of self-awareness for them. Having seen their own shortcomings and mistakes, they can correct them by making adjustments to what is happening in material reality. This requires personal contact with many material worlds, which is created by Teachers called Ascended Masters. A contact through which they can receive feedback on their actions and understand themselves much better.

If Teachers unite together, then along with the strengthening they receive, the programs in their consciousness are also activated. Filled with energy, these programs begin to carry out their own intentions, taking advantage of the contact with the material world that the Teachers have, and spiritual entities do not immediately notice these distortions. This is due to the fact that at such moments the Teachers create a spiritual egregor, which begins to guide them and implement these programs in the form of commands, and the consciousness of each of them is partially captured by the collective energy that is in the power of this egregor. Teachers see the result only later, when they discover that their words somehow reached people in the wrong way, or do not see an emotional response in their hearts. Only then can they notice the patterns that appeared in their messages, and then they can see the programs and erase them, deactivate them. Therefore, one way or another, they need the kind of collective communication that Teachers and Ascended Masters resort to, because in this way they can clean the energy channel connecting them with people.

Many of the distortions that appear at the moment of collective communication of the Ascended Masters with people do not even come from them themselves, but appear at intermediate levels. Located between the seven-dimensional space where Teachers are located and the three-dimensional space where people incarnate. This is the sixth level on which angels exist and the fourth which, in the case of the Earth, is inhabited by Lyrans, and these entities are intermediaries transmitting any message from the Ascended Masters.

Their task is to decipher the subtle energies coming from above and bring them to people in a form that is accessible to their perception. Therefore, angels and Lyrans perform a very important task, thanks to them the words of Teachers and Masters can be heard. But perceiving vibrations coming from the seventh level, these intermediaries do not distinguish wise words from programs; for them everything is a single flow of information, which they feel and transmit further. At the same time, those programs that appear in this flow act as instructions that need to be executed, and the intermediaries, perceiving them as an order from above, carry them out flawlessly.

Passing through each subsequent level, the program strengthens itself, receiving support from everyone it affects, including from the spiritual entities to which it extends. And the higher levels it is created, the more powerfully it manifests itself in people’s consciousness. For example, a program coming from the Creator will be much stronger than the one sent down from the Archangel, because it collects energy from a greater number of levels, at each of which there are intermediaries who carry out its commands. In addition, the power of the program is increased by the union of spiritual entities, and through their collective energies it receives great support. Therefore, many Teachers, having been burned by their own experience, contact other spiritual entities only out of necessity, and usually prefer to act independently.

As a rule, they communicate with those entities and people who are their own aspects, and who are especially close to them in vibration. At the same time, they try not to act through hundreds of channels at the same time, but choose one or several people and convey messages or collaborate with them, and then change those with whom they interact. Due to this flexibility, it is possible to bypass those patterns that are most conveniently implemented in the usual ways, following the well-trodden path. If a Teacher or Master acts multifaceted, then he is able to bypass the influence of the upper levels under which he is located, and realize his intentions more purely. Therefore, it may happen that at some point the Ascended Master will speak through one person, then switch to communicating with another, and after some time he may return to the first one. It also happens that a spiritual entity that wants to bypass restrictions chooses several closest people and pays maximum attention to communicating with them. This is how channelers appear with their own personal channel, as well as with the support coming from this entity. Moreover, such people may even be strangers to each other, and this is even better for the Teacher, since in this case there will be fewer distortions that appear when combining energies.

Why then was a movement called the Teaching of the Ascended Masters created?

On the one hand, we affirm that it was indeed created by those of us who are Ascended Masters, and it was done from their sincere motives to strengthen their connection with humanity and support you. Because of this, we were able to create momentum that launched a wave of human interaction, and within a matter of decades, many of you became aware of our existence and the opportunity to communicate with us. Such strengthening certainly has great benefits both for us and for you. But like any teaching, after the first steps of implementation in society, it begins to experience the influence of a system that seeks to control it. Therefore, those words that we spoke at the beginning begin to be used in the interests of society and gradually acquire details and details that we did not intend to introduce into our teaching. In addition, the unified channel through which we created the initial impetus for spreading the teachings is now very tightly controlled, and when channelers access it, it is almost impossible for us to convey pure information. This is also due to the fact that at present the current is not spreading properly. On the one hand, this occurs as a consequence of the blockages of the system, which keeps the teaching within certain limits and does not allow it to be heard by a wider circle of people. On the other hand, we ourselves now do not support the egregor of this teaching because we feel that it has become more difficult for us to communicate with our followers through it. We do not forget about the impulse that we created and of course we are thinking about continuing contact, but we would like to change the format of communication in order to get around the obstacles created by society. At the same time, it is quite possible that we will continue to support the teaching through which many of us began to speak as people, but in a slightly different form.

The main idea that we want to propose is more individual communication, which every follower of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters can come to. From our point of view, the egregor that currently exists is useful precisely for the dissemination of those principles that were proclaimed by us at the beginning. First of all, this is the opportunity for each person to establish contact with spiritual levels, as well as the opportunity to receive support from them. In general, what other benefit can there be from communicating with the upper levels, besides support? However, now it turns out that from there come instructions and commands that are a consequence of the manifestation of programs. And the egregor who is now disseminating the teachings we created willingly supports such distortions. We want to emphasize that the reason is not the people who have become followers of the teaching, and not those who are now disseminating it and participating in organizing practices and seminars. The source is the upper as well as intermediate levels between you and us, which have become amplifiers of the imposed restrictions. In order to resolve this issue, we turn to the followers of the teaching themselves and to those who participate in its dissemination, with a proposal to find a joint solution.

As we have already said, it is difficult for us to speak through a collective channel, and when we do this through the egregor of teaching, distortions can be layered on it. This is largely why we have now decided to convey information through an alternative channel, wanting to convey a different point of view. But since now we are also speaking through our united consciousness, we do not at all claim the absolute truth of our words. However, if such a new point of view turns out to be close to many people, then this will be a good sign for us, meaning that we were able to convey our idea sincerely, avoiding distortions.

When practices in the teaching take place and our guides invite us all together, distortions are layered onto the general flow of our energy. However, when the individual energies of any one Ascended Master are invited, it is much easier for him to both speak and activate people. Essentially, the basic idea is that the more individual the contact, the purer the connection becomes. The same goes for those times when large groups of people are channeled on our behalf. Such events greatly increase the interest of the system, which seeks to control them, and therefore all mass practices increase the impact of programs on people’s consciousness. At the same time, it is known that any collective practice or meditation is much more powerful than that done alone. This is due to the unification of people’s energy, and to the fact that at such moments the spiritual essence supporting the practice can come more fully, with the full volume of energies, acting through the entire group. Therefore, there is no point in abandoning collective processes, and perhaps any group practices and seminars are the most effective. But as in any phenomenon, extremes can appear here: a group that is too small does not have sufficient power, and a group that is too large becomes an instrument of society through which programs begin to spread. It is quite possible that many restrictions can be circumvented when practices are carried out in relatively small groups of 8-10 people. Such a number of people does not yet attract the attention of the system, and at the same time is already enough for high-quality channeling and transfer of energies. Of course, it is worth thinking about the format of the events themselves, which will allow us to circumvent the distortions that have appeared.

As we have already said, we see the point in preserving the egregor of the teaching, since it helps more and more people learn about us. In addition, due to the fact that this Egergor is not yet so powerful compared to the main religions, it can transform quite easily. Perhaps we ourselves will be able to harmoniously cooperate with it, making it a space for establishing first contact with people interested in communicating with us. Then, as each person understands the teaching, we will look for opportunities to make personal contact with him so that he can gain a purer connection. And perhaps, if all practices and meditations contribute to the acquisition of a personal communication channel, then gradually the impact of the system will weaken.

In general, the teaching was created so that as many people as possible could hear us, and in any case it is useful. But the second step we would like to take could be to improve the quality of such communication. And so far the only opportunity we have for this is personal communication, almost secret and imperceptible, which occurs through the human heart. And it is possible that such a step is not easy to take within the teaching that we created, because there already exists a certain format for transmitting information, its own style and even certain tasks. From our point of view, there is no need to change the teaching itself, but we can make sure that everything that is said in it has a further continuation that expands its capabilities. The individual communication we are talking about can become an addition that will be carried out by each person independently. At the same time, joint practices and rituals carried out in the teaching can become an activation of each person’s personal channel, because the energy of the group can give a good impulse. And if human guides currently supporting the Teaching see the value in supporting each follower in individual communication, then it is possible to create new practices that allow activating such abilities.

We understand that our words may give rise to criticism of us. After all, what we offer is connected with the ability of each person to communicate individually with the subtle plane, while choosing only one or several of the closest Masters for communication. And one might think that we want to create an alternative to the teaching, thereby weakening its power. And some will probably say: “Who are these Spiritual Teachers who say something for the Ascended Masters we already know, and do they have the right to do this?”

What opportunities do we want to bring to the teaching that we created in the beginning?

The main thing we now see as valuable is that when communicating with us, people not only receive information, but also be able to feel spiritual contact with the Masters. Now there are already quite a lot of channelers, both among the followers of the teaching and outside it, and everyone receives their messages and shares them with others. But this versatility does not actually create a response in the hearts of people, but rather, on the contrary, confuses them. It is possible that those messages that are addressed to a narrow circle of people can be perceived quite deeply, but others will not be able to understand them. Therefore, there is no point in simply multiplying information; this will not create any qualitative change.

The only thing that matters is the creation of a purer energetic contact, when you and I can understand each other without words. Oddly enough, any words are needed more for tuning when you and I get to know each other better, but the most important and secret things will be heard in absolute silence and will fall into the very heart of a person. Moreover, the treasure for which we should communicate already exists inside each of you, and we can simply help you pay attention to it.

This will happen through the soul kinship of people and those of us who are called Ascended Masters, and due to our origins and past experiences, we find ourselves especially close to humanity. Therefore, everything that is worth directing our joint efforts to does not even concern the transmission of new messages and texts, but so that people who want to feel us better will realize this intention. This is exactly what joint practices can be aimed at, because when people get together and carry out collective processes, they can gather enough energy to eliminate many obstacles. Such collective practices can be used to establish energetic contact with the Ascended Masters. At the same time, as we have already said, this will work best if the energy of one Master, or several similar in their vibrations, is chosen for interaction. The individual channel that can develop in each follower can help prepare for such joint practices and provide better attunement to the Master’s energy. Personal communication will make the sensory connection purer, and then at the time of collective meditations and rituals it will be possible to carry out the process more subtly and undistorted.

We wish each person to find his own connection with those Teachers who are especially close to him. And may all the messages and ideas that he receives from us harmoniously complement everything that is said in the Teachings of the Ascended Masters and lead to his new flourishing. Let the opportunity open up for all followers of the teaching to feel us so close, as if there is no distance between us and we are you, and you are us. Indeed, in many ways this is true, and every person who feels value in communicating with the Ascended Masters has a spiritual kinship with us and even takes his origin from us.

In future articles we will be happy to continue this topic and talk about the possibility of establishing a deeper, sensual connection with us.

With respect and love,

Ascended Masters.

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Ascended Masters

Question: Dear Kryon, I have the deepest love for you. The best thing that happened in my life was my acquaintance with the truth with which you opened the way to spiritual reality. This event completely changed my life. My first question concerns the Ascension. What do you think I should know right now to get closer to understanding this phenomenon? More than anything, I would like to ascend, but not to leave, but to remain in this world so that I can then help my brothers and sisters.

Secondly, I would really like to come into contact with some of the ascended masters in order to learn from them the art of transmitting the truth of the Divine Plan to Earth. Intuitively, I meditated on the Ascended Master Koot Hoomi. And I'd like to know what you think about this.

Answer: Any of the ascended masters can be a source of wisdom for you, but you will only get the most accurate answers from the one who has your face. Over time, you will understand that no teacher who has ever lived on Earth can give you more information than the source within you. All ascended masters have encountered this truth at one time or another, and now you too must learn it through the process of what you call ascension. This is all very personal and requires only you and your Higher Self.

Question: Dear Kryon, are you an Ascended Master along with Saint Germain, Koot Hoomi, Hilarion, Matreya, Gabriel and many others we know here on Earth? Are you also an Ascended Master, dear Kryon?

Answer: No. I am a servant of Humanity in its quest to create peace on Earth and raise the vibration of the planet. I honor the Ascended Masters, for their specialty is also to help you. I work with them all, especially Saint Germain. My multidimensional companion is Metatron. We often work together on the physics of the planet. Everyone else has returned to Earth in some form of energy work at this time in your history. They are all back and working with you every day.

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MASTERS OF NON-LOCALITY Shamans (although they are not alone) are experts in the non-local realms. In the shamanic state, they transfer their consciousness from the neuroaxonal mode of functioning to the intraneural mode, penetrate into the quantum hologram, which is in an extremely complex

Including the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms along with the conscious species which include humanity and the dolphin and whale kingdoms. At the same time, there is a review of the evolution of all aspects of creation.

Ascension is a process during which the soul and form become a single vessel and, in this whole unity, the need for form disappears, that is, the form, gradually transforming and brightening, passes into non-physical realities along with the soul. It is in the process of ascension that all souls, along with their creation called form, gradually return to the Source of All or God/Goddess/All That Is.

In most of the creations of your 4000-dimensional Oval, there is no form below the 25th dimension. Thus, form, generally speaking, is the etheric manifestation of the soul for experience, learning, growth and evolution. When the soul has assimilated all that it needs to understand through a particular form, it lifts the form back into itself and the form ceases to exist.

On Earth and in the lower dimensions of your creation, form has become physical and so separate from the soul that there is little communication between the soul and the body. The ascension of such a dense form is more difficult than in creations where only the etheric form is known.

Ascension was once common on Earth. This did not last long after the Sirian Race populated the Earth with humanoid species about 200,000 years ago. After humanity was first brought to Earth, there were 2 classes of humanoids: the spiritual elite, called the Mahavishnu, and the working class, known as the Bodhisattva. Mahavishnu's head was elongated and 3 times larger than that of the Bodhisattva, which made it possible to consciously understand many planes of reality that the Bodhisattva could not understand. This level of understanding has been used to maintain peace on Earth and maintain the harmony of human civilization.

The term "Mahavishnu" refers to the plane of Vishnu. The plane of Vishnu is the etheric plane surrounding Mother Earth. It is onto the plane of Vishnu that the God/Goddess/All That Is of your creation projects his will onto the Earth or in other words projects his vision for humanity. The Mahavishnus perform the role of tuning into Vishnu's plane or administering human civilization in accordance with the Divine Plan or the Divine Will of God/Goddess/All That Is.

It was Mahavishnu who was given the privilege of ascending and not ceasing to exist or dying at the end of his period of life. Often the reign of such a being could last many hundreds of years or more, and with its completion the work would be passed on to the next in lineage, and Mahavishnu could complete his ascension over several decades.

Mahavishnu had a body with 15,000 units of DNA. This DNA formed a special structure, a nervous system, brain convolutions 3 times longer than in the modern human form, lost in the human history of the Earth. During the ascension, Mahavishnu, who began the process with 15,000 units of DNA, changed form with an additional 21,000 units of DNA to complete the process. Upon completion of the physical ascension, the form of Mahavishnu assumed a translucent state (semi-ethereal form), and the soul and form became “one,” allowing the form to move into the 5th dimension and move through the etheric realities along with the soul.

During the early reign of Mahavishnu, there was no genetic possibility of full ascension for those in Bodhisattva form (with only 5000 units of DNA). The Mahavishnu acted as assistants in the ascension of humanoids who possessed less genetic material, thus ensuring the evolution of humanity. The Great Pyramids were built to support those who lacked genetic material to move from 5,000 to 15,000 DNA units and then to 36,000 DNA units and ascend. This form of ascension took many hundreds of years, although it existed on Earth for about 50,000 years.

About 150,000 years ago, the reign of Mahavishnu ended. All Mahavishnus died within a very short period of time, the reason for which will be revealed as we continue to broadcast. As a result, spiritual guidance and leadership on Earth were lost, and humanity gradually descended into the path of barbarism, war, robbery and violence towards each other. Over time, the ascension process was also lost, along with all the genetic archives that made such a process possible on the physical plane.

The entity known as Rama incarnated on Earth approximately 30,000 years ago with the soul's goal of reviving ascension. Rama achieved biological ascension, but none of his disciples followed him. After 8500 years, another entity, called Buddha, came with the same soul purpose. The Buddha also achieved biological ascension and again none of his disciples repeated this. The biological ascension of the Buddha is the last of the humanoid species contained in the genetic archives on Earth.

Over the last 8,500 thousand years of human history, some entities have developed a form of ascension that allows them to perform certain spiritual initiations without biologically ascension of the form by discarding it (dying). The New Cosmic Hierarchy views this as a major distortion of the process called ascension. Ascension is based on the merging of form and soul into one, rather than the separation of soul from form to complete the spiritual journey.

When a review of the genetic information of some of the "Masters" revered on Earth was done, it was discovered that these entities never actually ascended biologically while living on Earth. These included Djval Khul, Rasu l Morya, Master Hilarion, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Saint Germain, Paul the Venetian, Sanat Kumara and many others who called themselves “Ascended Masters”. There are also many recent incarnations of various Masters in the East who have ascended in a similar manner but have not achieved full biological ascension. Examples of these are Yogananda and Babaji.

According to the genetic archives reviewed by the New Cosmic Hierarchy, there has been no ascension on Earth since the Buddha accomplished it some 8,500 years ago. From the perspective of the New Cosmic Hierarchy, discarding the body or allowing it to die constitutes a form of Incomplete Ascension and is an unacceptable form of ascension. Allowing partial ascension as a form of spiritual mastery instead of biological ascension is a reflection of the level of distortion with which humanoid species live on Earth.

With incomplete ascension, not all karma is processed. Why? Karma is biological and is contained in the genetic tissue of the form. If the form does not ascend, biological karma remains unrealized. Unrealized karma can allow the soul to skip certain lessons in evolution or understanding of love. Lessons not learned and steps missed lead to increasing levels of evolutionary distortion over time.

Since the Buddha attempted biological ascension on Earth, many attempts have been made to realize this process. One of them was undertaken in the form of Lao Tzu. When the Cosmic Hierarchy reviewed the genetic archives of his respective life, it was discovered that he had actually raised his form to 15,000 units of DNA. Unfortunately, information about acquiring the next 21,000 units and going into the ether was lost on Earth, and he was unable to move forward.

Guan Yin and Confucius raised their respective forms from 2 DNA units to 5000, and both achieved Bodhisattva status. And they, too, were deprived of the opportunity to move on. In fact, countless individuals (most of whom are unknown) over the past 5,000 years of human history have achieved Bodhisattva status but have been unable to go further. One recent person to rearrange her form in this way was Mother Teresa.

Jesus also came to accomplish biological ascension. He was born with 12 strands of DNA and, based on the genetic review of his life by the New Cosmic Hierarchy, at the time of his crucifixion he INCORPORATED only the next 12 units (completed the 24th initiation). The original blueprint of Jesus' life may have taken him to Egypt, where he would have met with 11 other nationalities who agreed to ascend together. If they had accomplished this goal, karma would have been cleared from all humanoid species, and the last 2000 years of human history would have looked very different. The ascension process would also be restored to the human genetic memory.

Each of these entities came to Earth to restore the ascension process in preparation for Earth's planetary ascension. All failed in their mission. Why is ascension on Earth so difficult?

Of course, there are many reasons for this. Our channels have been rebuilding their forms for the last 10 years and now embody 15,000 units of DNA. In addition, many study with them and follow them. Through their experiences, many of the difficulties of ascension can be seen more clearly.

With your current genetic structure with only 2 strands of DNA, most forms are subject to decay. The disintegration is the result of the molecules no longer vibrating. When enough molecules in a given part of the form stop vibrating, the cells die. The death of a certain number of cells leads to disease, aging or death. Humanity lives in a world based on decay, disease, aging and death and reincarnation.

All babies are born with a molecular structure containing 10-15% decay. This is a genetic characteristic of birth. The average adult decays by 40-55% by age 30. When a person passes the 50-year mark, the level of decay in the form exceeds the number of healthy cells (60-80%). There are many emotional and karmic reasons for the level of decay being experienced in the current human form on Earth. The decay of a form causes its molecular structure to vibrate only partially, causing the 3D form to become "dense". Non-vibrating molecules of form lead to an increase in density.

In biological ascension, every molecule must vibrate. When the vibration of molecules increases to the point of ignition of the kundalini energy system, the form can move from the 3rd to the 4th and then to the 5th dimension. If the molecules slow down the vibration, the form can return from the 5th dimension to the 3rd. This requires that all molecules vibrate, which implies the restoration of all decay, that is, that all molecules that have stopped vibrating are restored. The modern human dilemma with ascension is that much of the molecular structure has stopped vibrating. To pave the way to restore the vibration of all molecules of form so that others can follow it has been the task of our channels and many others.

It is revealed that a minimum of 15,000 units of DNA must be incarnated to restore the entire decay of the human form. Ascension into another dimension can then begin. Thus, upon ascending back and before even thinking about moving to the original state, the form must be reborn. The revival of the form has been happening little by little over the years.

For "Ascended Masters" who have not completed biological ascension at the appropriate times in their lives, the New Hierarchy asks such souls to voluntarily incarnate and ascend forms physically. In this way, these entities can become true "Ascended Masters" and release all karma in their spiritual initiation processes.

Many in human form are included in the ascension process. Approximately 30% of the world's population has begun the progression from DNA strand 12 to DNA strand 1024, which is the first stage of ascension rebirth. The New Hierarchy estimates the existence of 5000 moving towards the state of Bodhisattva or containing 5000 units of DNA, which is the 2nd phase of restoration. In addition, there are a handful of those who have already achieved Bodhisattva state and are on the path to Mahavishnu state. They are the pioneers who pave the path of ascension for many to follow.

Most of these individuals are unknown and live unnoticed. The reason for this is that spiritual ascension requires the surrender of the ego and ego-based desires. Such a feat is difficult to achieve if you have achieved wealth, fame or good fortune on the physical plane. For this reason, most of the new spiritual leadership will come from the background of modern human manifestation and will come forward only after mastering their initiations.

We hope you find this information helpful on your journey of personal ascension. To those in the process of ascension, we thank you for your diligence on the path. We love you and support you every step of the way.

New Cosmic Hierarchy

My dear ancient souls!

I address you today with this message on behalf of all Ascended Masters.

The time has come when nothing can be put off for the future. The moment of the Transition is approaching for many of you, and you already feel it yourself. We really want to support you in this fateful hour for you, and therefore I offer the following.

Try to set aside at least ten minutes every day to completely disconnect from reality and go into the world of the Fifth Dimension. You have already been given a lot of practices for this, so today I will give you not just another practice, but useful advice on how to behave in the Fifth Dimension.

The first and most important thing I want to ask you is: under no circumstances should you succumb to the emotions of fear and doubt, which will instantly lower your vibrations, which can attract entities of the higher astral plane to you.

To prevent this from happening, before making the Transition, be sure to call upon our Creator, God the Father, the Virgin Mary and Jesus, the Angels and Archangels, all the Ascended Masters. Ask them to fill you with Light and Love and protect you from the invasion of lower and higher astral entities into your aura.

The fact is, my dears, that when moving from the third dimension to the Fifth, you inevitably pass through the “neutral zone” between dimensions, which is overpopulated with entities of a very different order, and they all want to be saturated with human energies - and precisely those that are characteristic of themselves.

Most often these are the energies of pride, vanity, greed, fear, anger, condemnation - in a word, all the emotions inherent in a person in the three-dimensional world.

Agree, my dears, that there are still too few among you who have completely and finally gotten rid of all their shortcomings, from all the negative energies inherent in the dual world. Therefore, you need such protection.

But the more time you spend in the Fifth Dimension, the sooner you will get rid of this ballast that you have been accumulating for centuries and which, unfortunately, cannot disappear immediately, as if by magic.

We see how you are trying, our beloved ones, how much you have already achieved, and yet these emotions return to you again and again, since they have already “fused” with you during your long stay on Earth.

And the second thing I would like to ask you about. Once you find yourself in the Fifth Dimension, do not rush to do something, try your capabilities, in a word, fuss.

Just stay there, listen to your feelings in order to remember them well, soak up that atmosphere of peace and harmony, Light and Love, so that you can take it with you to the third dimension.

And then gradually it will become your natural state. You will no longer be able to live differently, which means you will become creatures of the Fifth Dimension, although still living in a three-dimensional world.

Perhaps we will stop at this today, and I really ask you: start working on yourself right now - do not put it off until tomorrow, because you now need these practices like air, and you are completely ready for them.

Seraphim of Sarov, who loves you immensely, spoke to you on behalf of all the Ascended Masters

Quantum Hologram Avatar of Freedom

Be the master of your life!

Today this is possible for you!

It all starts with Believing in Yourself!

All in your hands!

Forecast for November 2017: Maya Altai

November 4 is the day of the Holy Mother of Kazan Theotokos!

November 4 is the day of the holy mother of the Kazan Mother of God! Today is filled with the universal light of the world of divinity, maternal truth and all-encompassing love! Dedicated to all humanity! Mat.

Forecast of the Akashic Chronicles for NOVEMBER 2017

This month's energy looks like an inverted whirlpool. It looks like a small whirlpool on the water, but it is “on the contrary”, the energy moves upward. Just like in a whirlpool, everything starts big.

Entering the dimension of personal happiness

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