How to get up-to-date and complete information about all services connected to the number? How can I get a detailed printout of all calls, activate any service, or view a financial statement?

Beeline subscribers can take advantage of such an interesting thing as “Personal Account”. It is designed so conveniently and logically that even a child can use it! If we compare similar services from various Russian operators, we can note that Beeline implemented this tool most conveniently.

Everything here is done for the average user who is too lazy to understand the intricacies of confusing menus. Services can be connected and disabled using convenient virtual switches, and ordering details is just one click away.


To register in your Beeline Personal Account, you don’t need to go anywhere or travel anywhere. Registration is carried out directly on the official Beeline website.

After this, a message will be sent to the specified number. message with code, which you will need to enter on the next page. We enter the password, go through verification of the email address, after which you can begin to get acquainted with your Personal Account for individuals.

As you can see, the registration procedure is extremely simple and takes approximately 2-3 minutes.

Instead of a phone number, you can specify any other login consisting of numbers and letters.


In order to log into your Beeline personal account, visit the website, then you need to enter your phone number (or login) and password in the appropriate form.

To receive the password dial from your mobile phone with a Beeline SIM card USSD command *110*9# and the call key - in response to your phone you will receive an SMS message with a password. After a few seconds, “My Beeline” - the subscriber’s personal account - will open on the monitor screen.

What can we see on the start screen?

  • Name of the tariff plan;
  • Balance;
  • List of connected services;
  • Button for ordering details.

The most interesting thing here is the list of services, since it is this that will help you find out where the funds go. If you do not need additional paid services, you can immediately disable them.

The same applies to accidental or intentional connected subscriptions, constantly resetting the balance. If the switch is gray, then the service or tariff is available for connection - just click on the switch with the mouse and confirm your intentions. After this, the switch will turn red.

Here we see brief financial information about tariffs and services - size subscription fee and connection fee. Everything is done very conveniently and clearly.

To use the service without a password, you need to link it to your pages on the social networks Facebook and Vkontakte.

How to use

Beeline specialists have worked hard to ensure that the service is convenient and functional. And so it happened - to the delight of subscribers.

Opposite the tariffs and services you can see peculiar switches with the help of which they can be connected or disabled.

The “Finance and Detailing” section hides detailed information about all expenses and calls. Moreover, here it is implemented so conveniently that it couldn’t be simpler.

All data is presented in a convenient chart, where all expenses are published. Communication services are grouped, so you can quickly understand what's what. And all this without mind-boggling abbreviations, abbreviations and incomprehensible phrases in English.

If desired, you can withdraw report for the required period, and also download it as XLS and PDF files.

New item "Internet for everything" will allow you to distribute available traffic to other devices. The service is quite unique and very convenient, as it eliminates the need to remember to pay other bills - the Internet is distributed to all the subscriber’s devices, and only one bill is paid.

The next important point is "Application history". Here you can see information about all the latest actions. For example, if a child accidentally comes into the office, the parent will be able to look at the archive of changes and return everything to its original state.

It's also convenient to keep track of application statuses. For example, when you change your tariff plan, you can receive a notification here that the tariff has actually changed.

If something doesn’t work out for you, then in this case it will be useful to you section "Help and feedback". By the way, right here you can create a request to the support service, rather than “hanging” on the line waiting for a consultant’s response.

Do you want to pay for some services, top up your Beeline phone account or link a bank card? Go to section "Payment methods" and perform the necessary actions - all this is done very easily and simply, literally in 1-2 mouse clicks.

No less interesting "Settings" section, since here you can access other subscriber numbers. What does it do and what is it for? It’s very simple – to control other numbers.

For example, you can see where your grandmother called and why her calls led to huge expenses. Here you can prohibit receiving invitations to manage services from other subscribers - especially for those who care about the security of their number.

How to delete

In fact, delete Beeline’s “Personal Account” impossible. If you don't want to use it, just set a complex password and forget it. Or cancel your service contract at your nearest office. But in this case you lose your number.

Thus, if this service is not needed, the subscriber should simply forget about its existence.

The Beeline “Personal Account” service is a convenient mechanism for managing mobile communication services around the clock from anywhere in the world without the help of a call center operator.

In the article:

Each owner of a Beeline number has the opportunity to quickly and easily register in a personal account to control financial expenses, connect (disconnect) services, change the tariff plan, replenish the account in a convenient way, including with a plastic card.

Now there is no need for separate and tedious cost control for several numbers. All the necessary information is compactly systematized in the “My Beeline” service and is always available for analysis and adjustment.

How to access your Beeline personal account: registration and login

The registration procedure is implemented on the Beeline operator website and has a simple and intuitive algorithm that does not require special computer skills.

Users are identified by phone number, which is used as a unique login name (it is possible to change the login at your discretion). To enter a mobile number correctly, you must discard the initial “8” or “+7” and do not include spaces or parentheses.

To be able to use a permanent password, you must first gain temporary access via SMS. To do this, activate the “Get password” option, fill in the “Login” field (phone number), and all actions are confirmed by clicking the “Submit” button. Within 3-5 minutes, a message arrives with a temporary code, which is intended for the “Password” field. After this, the user can come up with his own permanent password, based on subjective perceptions of reliability.

Options for obtaining a password to activate your personal account

You can also access the online service using short USSD requests or calling the operator’s number using a telephone, USB modem or tablet computer:

  • for phones and tablets with SMS function: dial USSD service command * 110 * 9 # and enter the password from the reply SMS. You can also call tel. 8 800 700 611, voice your passport details and receive a temporary password from an employee of the mobile company;
  • for a tablet without an SMS function with the ability to transmit data over a mobile network: disable the Wi-Fi function and use the functionality of the operator’s website using a browser;
  • for a USB modem: the operator’s website provides a separate option for receiving an SMS with a password to the SIM card of the wireless modem.

The owner of a contract with several Beeline numbers needs to contact the office of the mobile operator to manage his subscriber portfolio. Another way to activate the “My Beeline” profile is to register one number and then add the entire number package to your personal account.

After completing the registration procedure, you can log in to your Beeline personal account through an account on the social network Facebook or VKontakte. In such a situation, you can do without entering your login and password.

Possibilities of the “My Beeline” self-service service

The user interface of the client page is concise, clear and easy to read. Each option is accompanied by a short and informative description. The resource also contains a “Video tour of the office” button, which contains all the necessary background information in the format of an explanatory video.

Section "Settings"

Obtaining access rights to your personal account provides ample opportunities for settings, control and management of the Internet, home television, mobile and landline numbers from Beeline. Using the functionality of the self-service service, the user can set up automatic access to his page from any gadget supplemented with an operator SIM card.

Within the client page, you can view your balance and news, control expenses, deny access to your profile to other subscribers, compare bills, manage tariffs, add and block numbers, select a payment method, connect (disconnect) services, etc. It is also possible to transfer rights to manage the client page to a third party and add numbers of other mobile operators thanks to the “Switch to Beeline with your number” option.

Main functionality of your personal account

A list of activated services, information about the current tariff plan and balance status are always available in the client profile. At the top of the page there is a main menu, which consists of the following items:

  • “Tariffs”: contains the name, parameters and description of the tariff plan used. There is an option “Change tariff plan” and a convenient sorting of current and profitable tariff offers is implemented.
  • “Services”: allows you to view all active and available services. It is enough to remove or check the boxes to optimize the list by deactivating less useful ones and connecting the necessary services.
  • “Finance and details”: an important section containing information about payments, balance status, details of services received. Here you can view by date all movements in the account and the purpose of their purpose, set up monthly e-mail sending of a detailed financial report in xls or pdf format.
  • “Application history”: this section stores information about the subscriber’s relationship with the operator. Applications for connection (disconnection) of services, replenishment of an account within the framework of the “Trust payment” service, etc.
  • “Help and Feedback”: contains answers to frequently asked questions and helps the subscriber overcome the problem. Here you can “Create a request” to the operator and receive an instant response.
  • “Payment methods”: Beeline customers are given the opportunity to determine the minimum account limit, replenish the balance of their number and the number of loved ones through the website, from a bank card, using a one-time payment in automatic payment mode. In the same section, an application for connecting the “Trust payment” service is available.
  • “Recommended offers”: subscribers often do not have enough time to monitor the optimization of operator offers regarding services and tariffs. If (at Beeline’s discretion) the current terms of cooperation are less beneficial to the client than any other tariff plan, the company places a corresponding offer in this section.

Beeline's online user service significantly improves the quality of the operator's services, saving the subscriber's effort and time in terms of access, detailing and management of financial and technical information.

There are quite a few ways to obtain information on your number and manage the tariff and services on it, for example, you can contact a communication salon or call the operator’s support service. But the most convenient way to do this is to use your personal Beeline account, which can be accessed via the Internet from a phone, tablet or computer.

The subscriber's online account allows you to solve not only everyday problems, such as finding out your number, phone balance or the balance of minute packages, but also more complex ones - choosing and changing a tariff, getting details, replenishing the balance of your phone or your loved ones. At the same time, its intuitive interface makes it possible to manage all services with ease. If you have not yet registered in your personal account, now is the time to create one!

Registration and login to My Beeline Personal Account

For all Beeline subscribers, the account address is the same, but the procedure for registering in it and its capabilities differ, and depend on what services the client uses.

Login by phone number

You can log into the “My Beeline” account on the official website:

Mobile subscribers also have access to the old personal account on the Beeline website, at the address:

To enter your personal account as login the Beeline phone number is used in 10-digit format (without the first 8 or +7).

To receive the Password dial *110*9# or send a request through the Beeline website. Within a few minutes you will receive an email or SMS message with a temporary password.

The temporary password will only be valid for 24 hours, so you will need to change it the first time you log in or through your account settings. The number of requests for a temporary password is limited - if you try to get the password more than 5 times in one day, the ability to reset it will be blocked for 24 hours.

For users "All in one" tariffs and to those subscribers who have Several numbers are connected within the framework of one contract To obtain a login and password, you must contact the operator’s office.

Login without password or registration

Regardless of what device the SIM card is used in - a phone, tablet or modem - any Beeline subscriber can log into his personal account without a password and without registration.

To do this, you need to turn off Wi-Fi on your phone, tablet or computer and connect to a 3G/4G network using the Beeline mobile Internet capabilities. After this you need to go to the site my. beeline. ru– authorization in your account will happen automatically.

When logging in without a password, the capabilities of the My Beeline account are limited - you cannot change access settings and perform some financial transactions. But, at the same time, the subscriber has the opportunity to obtain key information on his number, set up a tariff and services.

If your device does not have access to the Internet or you cannot enter your account for any other reason, read the section - common problems and their solutions or contact for help at 8-800-700-0611 or via chat with operator.

Mobile personal account

The easiest way to manage your phone or tablet number is with the help of these same devices. For this, the operator has developed a mobile account - the “My Beeline” application. It is not only more convenient to use on mobile devices, but also has more advanced capabilities.

To get started, you need to install it and register following the instructions.

How to log into your Personal Account if you forgot your login or password?

If your login or password has been lost, access to your account can be easily restored. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to find out your old forgotten password, but you can reset it and create a new one.

To do this, you need to re-obtain a temporary password from the user account using the command *110*9# or by sending a request through the form.

Do not try to guess the password yourself, and be careful when entering it - after 10 attempts to enter it incorrectly, for security reasons, access to the account is blocked for up to 24 hours.

Restoring your login is also quite simple. In most cases, the login is a phone number and it comes in an SMS along with a password when you send the command *110*9#. If you cannot send a USSD command, then you can use other ways to find out your phone number.

If the login is a personal account number or contract number, then to restore it you will need to contact the nearest Beeline office.

Features of the My Beeline account

A subscriber’s personal account is one of the most convenient and simplest ways to manage your number, configure it and receive up-to-date information about your account status and statistics.

On the main personal page All basic data and the most popular number controls are displayed. It shows the phone number, the balance of the main and additional personal accounts, the current tariff plan indicating the subscription fee. In one click, the subscriber can view the tariff characteristics and change it, block a number, top up the balance or take a trust payment.

Just below, Beeline’s “Service Guide” contains information about discounts and offers from the company’s partners.

In the "Connected services" section all connected services and information services are shown. Here you can see their description and the amount of the subscription fee, as well as disable unnecessary ones or select and connect new options.

On the "Details" page you can get a full report on your number - the history of the main and bonus balances, see the general structure and detail of expenses by day. If necessary, you can download the report in a convenient format or order it to be sent by email.

In settings" In your personal account, you can set parameters for access to your account and notifications about actions with your number, change your password and set up ways to recover it.

Beeline online account is a special service that allows you to manage operator services and tariffs via the Internet. Login to your Beeline personal account can be done both from desktop computers and via a smartphone - through the My Beeline application. In both cases, the set of functions remains the same. If you are a Beeline subscriber, we recommend that you use two services at once. While away from home, you can always view a summary of your tariff or switch the service via your phone. Let's figure out what a personal account is, how to log into it and use each of the subsections.

Beeline personal account: Login to your personal account

If your goal is to log into Beeline's account, follow the link above. If you are not yet registered on the Beeline website, then you need to do it quickly and use all the useful functions of your account! Also, if you have problems logging into your Beeline account, here is a section with tips on how to solve them:

So, after you have become a Beeline subscriber, register in your personal account on the official website using the instructions below.

  • on the page that opens, click on the “Get password” button, which is located next to the field for entering authorization data;
  • after that, enter your mobile number and wait for an SMS message with a new password for your personal account;
  • go to the authorization page again and enter your login and password in the appropriate fields;
  • To enter your account, click the “Login” button.

In order not to remember your login and password, you can log in using a page on Facebook or Vkontakte, and then link your number or personal account.

To use the service from a smartphone or tablet, you need to download the program through the Play Market or App Store, and then launch the utility. Next, you will be asked to enter your mobile phone number. Wait for the SMS message with the code and enter it in the application. You can also make a special USSD request for SMS yourself. SMS, by the way, is the password to the account. The request command is as follows: *110*9# (enter asterisk, one hundred and ten, asterisk, nine, hash and press the call button).

Useful information for the user:

  • There is not just one personal account - there are several of them, namely:
    • Beeline personal account for corporate users.
    • Personal account for users - individuals.
    • Modification of personal account for mobile users - My Beeline application.
    • Personal account for other Beeline services - Internet, television. However, recently the company has been pursuing a policy of consolidating all services into one account; this will eliminate unnecessary “bureaucracy” and make working with different services more convenient.

List of features of the Beeline account

Below is a complete list of what is available to clients in the Beeline account on the website and in the mobile application:

  • obtaining information about tariffs;
  • changing the tariff plan and additional options;
  • account management;
  • replenish your balance in different ways;
  • feedback and support service;
  • detailed information about all operations performed and traffic consumption.

Each type of function has its own section (because of this, Beeline’s personal account becomes one of the most convenient among similar ones). Let's look at each option and its instructions in more detail.

General information about services

Beeline tariffs

To view information about services, you must open the “Tariffs” subsection.

It contains the following data:

  • information about the connected tariff plan;
  • parameters and detailed description;
  • the ability to change the tariff plan with a special button.

The convenience of the “Tariffs” section is that customers do not have to manually search for a suitable tariff plan or option. Just check the box next to the item that meets your requirements (for example, calls or unlimited Internet), and a list of current offers will appear on the screen.

Beeline services

The second important section is “ Services" It contains all the information about additional services connected to your tariff plan. Also, there is a list and description of other services that may be useful to the subscriber. Connecting and disabling options is done with a couple of mouse clicks, which is very convenient and does not take much time.

Beeline Finance

In this section you can get all the information about your balance, payments, and debts.

Don't forget to open this tab from time to time to control your expenses.

With this option, clients will not have additional questions about where the deposited funds go and why. Everything is described in detail in the reports. In order not to constantly visit your Beeline personal account for this information, you can subscribe to the report by email. A letter will be sent monthly with updated information.

Beeline applications

A separate section of the same name has been created for the history and list of submitted applications. Here you can track the status of your applications, check their readiness, dates, and so on. Data on trust payments is also located in this tab.

Contacting Beeline support service

Users go to this subsection when problems arise with personal account functionality Beeline or questions arise. Before contacting specialists for help, you can read our frequently asked questions. This list is compiled based on the most common topics of support requests. In most cases, users find the answer to their question.
If you were unable to solve the problem, then create a request using a special form. If you do not have access to your personal account, or have problems with authorization in your personal account, call the hotline at the toll-free number listed on the website in the “Contact Information” section.

Beeline personal account: payment for services

This section is the most popular among clients. With its help, you can deposit funds to your phone balance or personal account directly through your phone or computer. The option to send money to another number is also available.

To make a payment, follow these steps:

  1. go to the payment section;
  2. enter the amount to be paid;
  3. enter the mobile number or personal account of the subscriber to whom you want to send money;
  4. enter the details of the payment instrument. You can pay for services via a bank card or e-wallet;
  5. enter the code from the picture and check the box next to the item agreeing to the terms;
  6. Finally, click the “Pay” button;
  7. then confirm the operation via SMS message.

In the payment section, you can also make a trust payment using a special button. You must first indicate the payment amount.
To avoid having to carry out the same transaction every month, you can set up automatic payment. To do this, you need to link your bank card to your personal account and set the transaction size.
It is worth noting that you can top up your balance through the official website without a personal account, but there are additional “chips” in the form of trust payments, auto payments, etc. available only to personal account users.

The last section to read is Recommended Offers. It collects all the information about your tariff plans, options and traffic consumption. Based on the collected data, the service compiles a list of recommended services that you have not yet connected to. Using this section, it is convenient to monitor updates to the service catalog and switch to new, more suitable tariffs and options. If you are already using all the services offered, this section will remain empty.

The capabilities of Beeline's personal account are constantly being refined and improved to make it more comfortable for clients to manage their services. The functionality of the Beeline mobile application almost completely replicates the personal account on the official website. Thanks to this, you can manage services, pay for the Internet, change tariffs not only on the computer, but anywhere with a smartphone or tablet. Save your username and password in your browser's password manager so you don't have to enter authorization data every time you visit the site. (However, if the password is different each time, you can save only the login).

Solving problems with access and login to your Beeline personal account

Sometimes users have a problem logging into their Beeline account. What to do in this case? First of all, don't panic! All problems can be solved, including those related to logging into your Beeline personal account. Here are the main difficulties and how to solve them:

Beeline personal account login page does not load// first of all, check your Internet connection, and also make sure that you enter your Beeline account from the operator’s official website

The password for your personal account does not match// the most common reason is that the user enters the password incorrectly, an extra character is entered, or vice versa - one of them is not entered. Check everything again!

Doesn't let me into the office and says "wrong user"// perhaps you entered the wrong phone number to log in, or you are logging into your Beeline home Internet account or another service. Check it.

See detailed material about possible causes of problems with access to Beeline’s Personal Account and ways to solve them:

How to delete your Beeline personal account

Users who, for various reasons, stop using the operator’s services have a reasonable question: how to delete their personal account? The answer to it is as follows:

At the moment, you cannot delete your account.

What to do in this case? Here are some possible solutions:

Firstly, if you know for sure that you do not need the services of the Beeline online account, you can simply not go to this site.

Secondly, go to the nearest Beeline service center and cancel the number service agreement.

And thirdly, it is quite possible that in the near future the Account will have a special function for closing and deleting it by the client himself. So stay tuned for Beeline news! To do this, subscribe to the operator’s official pages on the most popular social networks.

Video - Beeline single account Video can’t be loaded: Unified personal account “My Beeline” (