Sverdlovsk resident Sergei Maksin (in the center) achieved a high position in Russian Technologies and the hierarchy of Russian industrialists

General Director of the Ural Optical-Mechanical Plant (part of the Shvabe holding of the Rostec state corporation) Sergei Maksin resigns. Also, according to the site, he will resign from the post of head of the Shvabe holding; his place may be taken by the general director of the Krasnogorsk plant named after. S. A. Zvereva Alexey Patrikeev. Maxin's resignation may be connected with a criminal case of fraud on a particularly large scale, in which top managers of Shvabe were detained. Another version is an opaque contract between UOMZ and the Nizhny Tagil mayor’s office for 9.3 billion rubles to organize a street lighting system.

The issue of early termination of powers of the General Director of the Ural Optical-Mechanical Plant (UOMZ) Sergei Maksin will be considered at an extraordinary meeting of shareholders on November 13. At the same meeting, a decision will be made to elect a new general director.

The message about the extraordinary meeting of shareholders was published on the information disclosure server; details about the reasons for the resignation were not disclosed. Sergei Maksin himself is considered a protégé of the former Sverdlovsk governor Eduard Rossel. He headed UOMZ in 2005. Before that, he had worked at the plant since 1990 in various positions from fourth-grade picker to first deputy general director for economics, finance and strategic development.

At the moment, Sergei Maksin also heads the Shvabe holding, but he may lose this position as well, a source among the defense industry claims. According to him, Alexey Patrikeev, who now heads the Krasnogorsk plant named after. S. A. Zvereva. “The final decision will be made by Rostec, but the general director of the Krasnogorsk plant is being discussed as the most likely candidate,” he claims.

The resignation of Sergei Maksin may be connected with a criminal case of fraud on an especially large scale. In early October, the Cheryomushkinsky Court of Moscow arrested Alexander Stasiuk, Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance at Shvabe, as part of this case. Deputy General Director for R&D and Innovative Development of the holding, Nikolai Rakovich, was placed under house arrest. According to TASS, operational development was carried out by the “P” department of the SEB of the FSB of Russia and the GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the initiative and jointly with the security service of the Rostec state corporation. Criminal cases have been initiated against them under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Fraud on an especially large scale”). The case has now been transferred to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

Stasiuk and Rakovich are suspected of involvement in the case of the general director of the Polyus Research Institute named after M.F. Stelmakh (part of the Shvabe holding), TASS clarified. In April of this year, the general director of the research institute, Sergei Kopylov, was detained for embezzling 30 million rubles during the purchase of equipment for modernizing production within the framework of the Federal Target Program “Development of Electronic and Component Base” for 2013-2015.

However, another version of Maxin’s resignation is being discussed in the Sverdlovsk region, linking it with an opaque contract for the implementation of a large-scale project to organize street lighting in Nizhny Tagil. In 2014, based on the results of the competition, the Nizhny Tagil City Hall entered into a life cycle contract with the Ural Optical-Mechanical Plant for the organization of a street lighting system. We are talking about the municipal program “Bright City”. The initial price was 12.5 billion rubles, and UOMZ reduced it to 9.37 billion rubles, thus making the best offer. This contract has repeatedly raised questions among observers. “I have never seen light bulbs replaced for that kind of money,” said Sverdlovsk Governor Evgeny Kuyvashev, emphasizing that this project had not been discussed with him. However, despite complaints, including from auction participants, the antimonopoly service recognized the competition as legal.

The Cheryomushkinsky court of Moscow chose a preventive measure for the deputy general directors of the Shvabe holding, Alexander Stasyuk and Nikolai Rakovich. Both are defendants in a criminal case regarding the fraudulent theft of 33 million rubles allocated from the budget for the purchase of equipment for the production of single crystals used in the defense and space industries. Mr. Stasiuk was detained for two months, his colleague was placed under house arrest.

Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance of the holding Alexander Stasyuk and Deputy General Director for Research and Innovative Development Nikolai Rakovich were detained on September 30 at their workplaces by employees of the department “P” of the economic security service of the FSB and operatives of the GUEBiPK Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to Kommersant, the operational development of top managers was carried out jointly by security officers and police officers for several months. Both in the near future, the Ministry of Internal Affairs noted, will be charged under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud on an especially large scale).

The Shvabe holding, part of the Rostec state corporation, is one of the world's leading manufacturers of optical glass, glass ceramics and optical fiber for transmitting light and images, as well as large-sized astronomical mirrors, space lenses, etc. Among the products of the holding, which unites 64 enterprises - transmitting and optical systems for the Angara-A5 rocket and space complex. Shvabe cooperates with the world's leading sports car manufacturers, including McLaren, Aston Martin, Volkswagen Motorsport and Porshe.

Alexander Stasiuk and Nikolai Rakovich became defendants in a criminal case regarding the theft of budget funds allocated for the purchase of equipment for the production of single crystals, used, in particular, in the rocket and space industry. A criminal case was opened in February of this year by the Investigative Committee; within its framework, as Kommersant reported, in April the general director of the Polyus Research Institute, also part of Rostec, was arrested. M. F. Stelmakha Sergey Kopylov. According to the investigation, in order to steal budget funds, a contract was concluded between the Polyus Research Institute and Neftekhimmash Plus LLC, according to which the company agreed to supply equipment to the institute. Polyus transferred 33 million rubles to the supplier’s accounts, while, according to the investigation, all participants in the transaction were well aware that the real cost of the equipment did not exceed 12 million rubles. In the end, the equipment was never delivered, and the money paid for it, the case says, was stolen.

Rostec, having confirmed the arrest of Shvabe top managers, noted that the state corporation intends to continue to closely cooperate with law enforcement agencies in the investigation of all facts of theft of budget funds.

Vladislav Trifonov

Judicial site No. 18 of the Mokrousovsky judicial district of the Kurgan region Judicial site No. 18 of the Mokrousovsky judicial district of the Kurgan region Today February 23, 2015Main Site mapJudicial acts Decision on an administrative case


Magistrate of judicial district No. 18 of the Mokrousovsky judicial district of the Kurgan region, located at st. Communal, 23 s. Mokrousovo, Mokrousovsky district, Kurgan region, Olga Gennadievna Bondarenko,

Having considered the materials about the administrative offense provided for in Part 1 of Art. 8.37 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, in relation to:

citizen Rakovich Nikolai Stepanovich,

year of birth<ДАТА2>

native<ОБЕЗЛИЧИНО>Mokrousovsky district, Kurgan region,


living st.<АДРЕС>, no. 3, p. Mokrousovo, Mokrousovsky district, Kurgan region

in past<ОБЕЗЛИЧИНО>to administrative liability,

U S T A N O V I L:

<ДАТА3>V<ОБЕЗЛИЧИНО>min. when checking the permit issued by Rakovich N.S. in the Shelepovskoye ODOU of the Mokrousovsky district of the Kurgan region with a validity period from 09/06/2014 to 11/10/2014, the fact of illegal production of marsh-meadow game - waders in the amount of 4 individuals in the Shelepovskoye ODOU of the Mokrousovsky district of the Kurgan region was revealed on 09/06/20114 . and 2 individuals 09.09.2014. By his actions Rakovich N.S. violated clause 3.2 of the Hunting Rules, approved by Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated November 16, 2010 N 512 “On approval of Hunting Rules.”

At the court hearing Rakovich N.S. He agreed with the protocol and explained that he was admitting guilt, but he had not previously known birds that looked like waders, because he considered that these birds were similar in appearance to waders, and entered them into the permit as “Waders.” The fact that hunting for waders is not open was not explained to him when the permit was issued. In fact, the hunter next to him, Sedinkin V.F. On September 09, 2014, I explained to him that these were not waders, but little ones. No one saw the products he extracted on September 6, 2014. He has been a hunter since 1988 and previously hunted waders. I had never seen the birds that I caught on September 6 and 9, 2014.

Representative of the victim - Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection A.A. Fedorov. At the court hearing, the protocol was supported and explained that the hunting products obtained by Rakovich N.S. he did not see. The offense was discovered when checking the submitted permits. In accordance with the order of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, hunting of waders this year in the Mokrousovsky district was not allowed. However, Rakovich N.S. I shot six individuals of waders, although having extensive experience as a hunter, I could distinguish a sandpiper from a duck. I asked to appoint Rakovich N.S. administrative punishment within the sanction of Part 1 of Art. 8.37 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Witness<ФИО1>at the court hearing he explained that he was hunting next to N.S. Rakovich. He saw that N.S. Rakovich. entered into the coupon as a product of hunting waders. Having examined the birds at Rakovich N.S., I saw that the birds included in the hunting product coupon as waders were actually little ones, since they had webbed feet, like ducks. He told N.S. Rakovich about this.

The court hearing established:

According to Art. 57 of the said Federal Law, for the purposes of this article, the presence of individuals in hunting grounds with hunting tools and (or) hunting products, dogs of hunting breeds, and birds of prey is equated to hunting.

In accordance with clause 3.2 of the Hunting Rules, approved by Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated November 16, 2010 N 512 “On approval of the Hunting Rules,” when hunting, the hunter must have with him: in addition to a hunting ticket, a permit to store and carry hunting weapons, in the event carrying out hunting in publicly accessible hunting grounds, a permit for the extraction of hunting resources, issued in the prescribed manner.

Rakovich N.S. had permission to hunt geese, ducks and coots. In addition, the permit indicates the daily rate of game harvest, valid until September 20, 2014.

In violation of hunting rules, Rakovich N.S. On September 6 and 9, 2014, he shot 6 waders without having permission to hunt them.

Vina Rakovich N.S. is confirmed by written materials of the case: a protocol on an administrative offense dated November 25, 2014, a permit addressed to Rakovich N.S., where in the information on the production of hunting resources there are entries dated September 6, 2014 and from September 09, 2014 on the production of waders .

Wood considers the arguments of N.S. Rakovich untenable. that he filled out the ticket incorrectly because he did not know the name of the bird. The court takes into account that Rakovich N.S. Having been a hunter since 1988, having previously hunted waterfowl and marsh-meadow game, including ducks and waders, he had sufficient experience, knowledge and could distinguish a sandpiper from a duck. In addition, while hunting next to Rakovich N.S. There were other hunters, and while hunting a bird unknown to him, Rakovich N.S. there was an opportunity to get clarification about the name of the bird. He shot waders as a result of ignorance about the ban on their hunting in the autumn season of 2014. Thus, Rakovich N.S. gives contradictory explanations (on the one hand, admitting guilt, on the other, refuting the contents of the protocol), which is regarded by the court as the desire of Rakovich N.S. avoid administrative liability.

The court comes to the conclusion that the actions of N.S. Rakovich contain the elements of an administrative offense under Part 1 of Art. 8.37 of the Russian Federation Code on AP - violation of the Hunting Rules.

Circumstances mitigating administrative liability include admission of guilt and the presence of minor children.

The court did not establish any circumstances aggravating administrative liability.

When assigning a punishment, the magistrate takes into account the nature of the offense committed, the personality of N.S. Rakovich, his financial situation, the presence of mitigating and the absence of aggravating circumstances of administrative responsibility, the absence of material damage from the offense and prescribes punishment in the form of an administrative fine within the sanction of the article, without confiscation of weapons hunting

Based on Part 1 of Art. 8.37, art. 29.9 - 29.11 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses, justice of the peace,

P O S T A N O V I L:

Rakovich Nikolai Stepanovich

found guilty of committing an administrative offense provided for

and appoint Rakovich N.S. administrative punishment in the form of an administrative fine in the amount of 1000 (one thousand) rubles, without confiscation of the instruments of the offense.

The fine must be paid within 60 days from the date the resolution enters into force.

The administrative fine is subject to crediting to account No. 40101810000000010002 of the Federal Treasury Department for the Kurgan Region (Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Kurgan Region), GRKTs GU Bank of Russia for the Kurgan Region, BIC 043735001, INN 4501125382, KBK 0121162503001000014 0, OKTMO 37624428101, KPP 450101001.

The decision can be appealed to the Mokrousovsky District Court within 10 days from the date of its receipt, through judicial district No. 18 of the Mokrousovsky judicial district of the Kurgan region.

Magistrate Bondarenko O.G.

The resolution came into force on "____" _________________ 20__.

The Investigative Committee continues to investigate the case of theft in the state corporation Rostec, which has been ongoing since February last year. The shareholder and manager of the Sibirsky Cement company, Oleg Sharykin, came under the close attention of law enforcement officers. Last week, searches were carried out in the offices of organizations belonging to him.

The Investigative Committee of Russia continues to develop a high-profile case of theft of funds belonging to "Rostec" under the direction of Sergei Chemezov. Last week, as part of the investigation, employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation carried out searches in the capital's representative office OJSC Holding Company Siberian Cement And Optical Holding LLC, owned by a large businessman Oleg Sharykin. During their trial, documents of evidentiary value in the case were confiscated. The company's offices are located in the center of Moscow. Russian Cement Company LLC, which he created jointly with Rostec under Sergei Chemezov, is registered at the same address. The name of Sergei Chemezov also appeared during the study of the Panama Papers.

Money to nowhere

According to law enforcement agencies, top managers of its member organizations purchased equipment for enterprises at inflated prices. In particular, we are talking about single crystals used in the space industry, as well as in defense production. If we look at specific figures, 33 million rubles were allocated from the budget for the purchase of single crystals. As a result, the money was gone, but the equipment never arrived at the enterprises. As part of this case, the deputy general director of the holding was arrested "Shvabe" in Economics and Finance Alexander Stasiuk, as well as another representative of the organization’s management Nikolay Rakovich, who held the position of Deputy General Director for Research Development and Innovation. Both top managers are accused of fraud on an especially large scale.

Earlier, several months before these events, he was arrested Sergey Kopylov, head Research Institute "Polyus", also part of Rostec. He ended up behind bars due to the fact that law enforcement officers accused him of abuse in the execution of an agreement for the supply of equipment concluded between Polyus and LLC "Neftekhimmash Plus". According to the investigation, the price for the above-mentioned equipment could not exceed 12 million rubles, and all participants in the transaction were well aware of this. However, 33 million rubles were transferred to the supplier’s accounts.

Pointless deal

Another item in which the corporation suffered significant damage was the purchase of shares JSC "Lytkarino Optical Glass Plant" at a price higher than their actual value. The deal to acquire a 24% stake was concluded in 2013. According to the investigation, behind it is Oleg Sharykin: he could have used the support of the ex-CEO of the Shvabe holding Sergei Maksin and carry out a deal that is frankly inappropriate for Rostec, but profitable for itself. Another person involved is the co-owner of LZOS OJSC Eduard Taran, whose office was also searched. The essence of the story with the shares is as follows: initially, Rostec already owned a controlling stake "LZOS", 30% belonged to Taran. The value of Taran’s share, in accordance with the assessment of Finexpertiza LLC, was 862 million rubles. “In the spring of 2013, in order to avoid the need to obtain FAS consent to complete the transaction, the size of the purchased stake in LZOS was reduced from 30% to 24%. However, the cost of the transaction itself did not decrease and remained the same. After the new valuation, 24% of the shares were worth the same - 862 million rubles. As a result, 6% were bought by the holding’s lawyer, a certain M. Romanov, for 1 million rubles. According to simple arithmetic, the cost of one share sold to an individual was only 166 thousand rubles, which fundamentally contradicts all previous expert calculations.

To evade taxes, Taran's companies Invest Plus, Strong and Sibtopenergo were sold on October 22, 2013 to his offshore companies Labrosan and Stamella for 220 million rubles. The settlement took place by transferring the group's bills of exchange to the RATM company. Then Labrosan sold a 24% stake in OJSC LZOS to Rostec Group at a price of 862.644 million rubles. The funds were transferred to an offshore settlement account in Expobank Latvia through the disclosure of a letter of credit at the South Port branch of Sberbank - Fingazeta describes the scheme.

On December 23, 2013, an agreement was signed between Labrosan Taran and Sharykin’s offshore Halbay on the distribution of money received from the deal with Rostec. It can be assumed that these funds were subsequently distributed between Sharykin, Maksin, Stasiuk and other participants in the scheme.”

Investigators estimated the damage suffered by the corporation at 600 million rubles. They calculated that it would be possible to recoup the acquisition of LZOS shares only after 300 years - naturally, this raises serious doubts about whether Rostec, which already controlled the enterprise, needed such a deal.

Today, investigators have sufficient evidence to bring the organizers of the criminal scam to justice. At the same time, in their opinion, Sharykin and Taran were unable to realize their intentions in full, since the management of the Shvabe holding came to the attention of law enforcement agencies in connection with preparations for the sale of EOS and ROMZ.

The Sibirsky Cement company declined to comment on the situation. As for Rostec, the corporation noted the fact of cooperation with the investigation in order to protect its own interests.

The holding specializes in the production of optical glass, optical fiber, space lenses, astronomical mirrors and other similar products. At the beginning of April, its new director became Andrey Patrikeev.

Owners of patent RU 2334243:

The laser irradiation detection device belongs to the field of instrument engineering, more precisely to optical-electronic devices. It is used to solve problems of warning about the threat of an attack on the protected object on which it is installed, for ground systems of military equipment, aviation and missile technology. The achieved technical result consists in expanding the temperature range of the device, improving aerodynamic characteristics and increasing the field of view. This result is achieved due to the fact that the claimed device contains a receiving lens, optically coupled with a photodetector by a light guide, a signal processing unit, while the distortion-type receiving lens is made of heat-resistant materials and is equipped with an input optical component in the form of a flat sapphire plate, and the light guide represents is a multi-core optical fiber cable, and an image transfer lens is additionally installed in front of the photodetector. 1 ill.

The invention relates to the field of instrument engineering, measuring and information technology, more precisely to optical-electronic devices that provide detection of the fact and direction of irradiation of a protected object with laser radiation, and can be used to solve the problem of warning about the threat of an attack on the protected object on which it is installed, as for ground-based weapons systems, as well as for aviation and missile technology.

The following requirements apply to laser radiation detection devices installed at aviation and missile facilities:

Detection of the fact and direction of laser irradiation in a wide angular field;

Strict requirements for aerodynamic, temperature and weight and size characteristics;

High performance of the device due to the short duration of the laser pulse;

The spectral range of operation is near IR.

Known devices are designed to detect laser irradiation with determination of the direction of radiation, described in US patents No. 5485009, publ. 01/16/1996, class. G01S 17/87; RU No. 2129288, publ. 04/20/1999, class. G01S 17/06; RU No. 2248587, publ. 02/10/2004, class. G01S 17/06. The devices contain a laser system, which includes a pulse-frequency laser (PFL) with a lens, a photoreceiving device and an information processing unit, installed on a platform rotating around a vertical axis with the possibility of oscillatory-rotational movement of the CHIL.

The disadvantage of these devices is the use of scanning units in them. The presence of mechanical components leads to an increase in the complexity of devices, their low-tech nature and the difficulty of adjusting products.

In the famous patent WO 2004/001440 A1, publ. 06/19/2003, class. G01S 3/783 describes a method and device for detecting laser emitters, consisting of input optics and several matrices, each of which includes at least two photodetectors and light filters, optically transparent only at certain angles. The matrices are located at a distance and at an angle to each other, which ensures the reception of radiation in a certain viewing area, as well as the ability to determine the position of the radiation source.

The disadvantages of the latter and the above-mentioned known devices include the fact that they cannot be installed on objects whose housing during operation is heated to very high temperatures, since the input optical elements of the device and photodetectors located in close proximity to them will be subject to the same heating , which will inevitably lead to the failure of the latter. In addition, when installed on rocket technology, the known devices do not meet the aerodynamic requirements that impose restrictions on the dimensions of parts protruding beyond the contours of the object.

The closest technical solution that meets the requirements for detecting laser radiation and determining its direction (prototype) is “Method and device for determining the direction of arrival of pulsed laser radiation based on the principle of measuring time intervals” (patent EP 1167991 A2, class G01S 3/781, G01S 7/48, published June 29, 2001).

The known device contains an optical system (receiving lens) consisting of several lenses, the axes of which are rotated in space to organize the required viewing area. In the focal plane of each lens there are the input ends of two optical fibers, one of the fibers being a reference fiber and having a length that is constant for each pair of fibers, while the length of the second is different for each pair of fibers. Photodetectors are installed at the output ends of the group of support fibers and the group of fibers with variable length. The direction of the incident laser radiation is determined in the signal processing unit by the time interval between the pulses received by the photodetector connected to the group of reference fibers and the photodetector connected to the group of fibers with variable length. The accuracy of determining the direction to the laser source in this device depends on the number of lenses and pairs of optical fibers.

It can be assumed, although this is not reflected in the patent, that this device can operate when the input optical elements are heated to a certain temperature through the use of optical fibers, which make it possible to remove the photodetectors and signal processing unit at some distance from the heated elements.

However, due to the large number of input windows in the optical system, when installing the device on rocket launch vehicles, aerodynamic requirements will not be met. In addition, when placing the receiving lenses, as shown in the patent, it is possible to obtain information about the detection of laser radiation in an angular field α×β, where the angle α depends on the number of lenses, and the angle β is extremely small and is limited by the aperture of one lens optically coupled with one fiber Therefore, to obtain a significant field of view, it is necessary to use a very large set of lenses associated with their own pairs of optical fibers.

The objective of this invention is to create a device that provides detection of the fact and direction of irradiation of a protected object with laser radiation in a wide angular field under severe temperature and aerodynamic conditions.

The technical result of the invention of the model is to expand the temperature range of the device, and therefore the range of possible installation objects, while simultaneously improving the aerodynamic characteristics and increasing the field of view.

The stated problem is solved, and the specified technical result is achieved due to the fact that in a laser irradiation detection device containing a receiving lens optically coupled with a light guide to a photodetector, and a signal processing unit, a distortion-type receiving lens made of heat-resistant materials is equipped with an input optical component in in the form of a flat sapphire plate, while the light guide is a multi-core optical fiber cable, and an image transfer lens is additionally installed in front of the photodetector.

Moreover, if it is necessary to detect only the fact of the presence of irradiation, the photodetector can be a single-element one, and to measure the angular coordinates of the input flow, it is necessary to use a matrix photodetector. The accuracy of determining the direction of radiation depends on the format of the MFPA and the method for calculating the coordinates of the center of the scattering spot on the matrix.

The receiving lens is made according to a scheme that forms a field of view in a solid angle of about 120° in the form of a circle with a diameter of 2 mm in the focal plane. The lens input element is a flat plate, made of high-strength heat-resistant material - sapphire, which can withstand temperatures up to 1500°C, has a small diameter of no more than 30 mm and thereby ensures minimal distortion of the shell of an object of any aerodynamic shape. The image transfer system, which is a fiber-optic cable (FOC) with a light diameter of 2 mm, makes it possible to remove the electronics unit, including an image transfer lens, a photodetector and a signal processing unit, at a considerable distance from the receiving lens. Such a design solution is practically unlimited within the object, because Signal loss in the fiber optic fiber optic does not exceed 1-2 dB/km (at least for the wavelength range up to 1.5 µm).

Typically, the image enters the electronics unit in the form of electrical signals. In this case, due to the lack of necessary temperature conditions, the conversion of the optical image into electrical signals is carried out in the electronics unit.

The drawing shows a functional diagram of the proposed device, explaining the essence of the proposed technical solution.

An input window 1 is built into the outer shell of the protected object, made of high-strength heat-resistant material (sapphire), which, together with quartz lenses 2 and 3, forms a heat-resistant receiving lens 4, creating an intermediate image of the space of objects in the focal plane 5 at the front end of the FOC 6. This the image is transferred to the rear end of the FOC in the 5" plane, distant from the focal plane 5 at a distance that is selected from design considerations determined by the design of the object. From the 5" plane, the intermediate image is transferred by the transfer lens 7 to the 5" plane, in which the photodetector 8 is installed The photodetector 8 generates an electrical signal entering the signal processing unit 9, from the output of which the signal enters the object protection system. The image transfer lens 7, the photodetector 8 and the signal processing unit 9 form the electronics unit 10.

Depending on the size of the image in the 5" plane and the sensitive area of ​​the photodetector 8, when transferring the image from the 5" plane to the 5" plane, its scale can be changed by selecting the linear magnification of the transfer lens 7.

The claimed technical solution works as follows. The laser irradiation detection device is installed on the protected object. Radiation from an external source of laser irradiation hits the receiving lens 4, which forms an intermediate image at the input end of the FOC 6, which is then transferred along the FOC 6 to its rear end and, using the transfer lens 7, hits the photodetector 8.

In the case of determining only the fact of the presence of laser irradiation in the device, a single-element photodetector is used. In this case, the voltage pulse generated in the photodetector enters the signal processing unit, where it is amplified by an amplifier and compared with a threshold value to eliminate noise from random and background interference. If the threshold is exceeded, the signal is issued to the protection system (to the interface circuit and the exchange of commands with on-board equipment in the form of the “Detection” command.)

If it is necessary to determine the angular coordinates of the laser irradiation source, a multi-site photodetector is installed in the device. In this case, in the signal processing unit, the signal from each pad is amplified by an amplifier and the presence of signals is stored in the corresponding storage devices. The numbers of the illuminated areas are transmitted to the computer, where the desired coordinates of the laser irradiator are determined. The received information enters the security system. The accuracy of measuring the irradiation direction depends on the format of the multi-site photodetector and the algorithm embedded in the computer.

The device according to the proposed technical solution is a structure consisting of a receiving lens made in the form of an optical unit, an electronic unit and a fiber-optic cable. The input element of the optical block is installed in a frame made of carbosyl or other heat-resistant material, the remaining optical parts of the block are fixed in frames and installed in the lens housing made of titanium. A fiber optic cable is connected to the lens through a hole in the frame. The rear end of the FOC is inserted into an electronic unit, which has an independent housing with components located in it.

Thus, the invention makes it possible to create a device that provides not only detection of the fact of irradiation of a protected object and, if necessary, determination of the direction of irradiation, but also the possibility of use on objects that, for aerodynamic reasons, do not allow to have significant protruding parts above the outer shell of the object, as well as having a high shell temperature and strict restrictions on the size of the entrance window in the shell.

1. A device for detecting laser irradiation, containing a receiving lens optically coupled with a photodetector through a light guide, and a signal processing unit, characterized in that the distortion-type receiving lens, made of heat-resistant materials, is equipped with an input optical component in the form of a flat sapphire plate, and the light guide is a multi-core optical fiber cable, and an image transfer lens is additionally installed in front of the photodetector, and the signal generated in the photodetector enters the signal processing unit, where it is amplified and compared with a threshold value, if exceeded, a signal is issued in the form of a “Detection” command.

2. The device according to claim 1, characterized in that the photodetector is made of a single element.

Similar patents:

The position detector of a remote source of radiant flux includes photodiodes that are oriented in different directions and have flat sensitive surfaces. Photodiodes are located on the outer edges of the cube and convert the rays incident on them into electric currents, which are transmitted to current-voltage converters, an adder that generates a reference signal, and a voltage inverter. Additionally, the detector contains an analog-to-digital converter that converts combinations of signal amplitudes into a digital code, which is the result of the position of a remote source of radiant flux in the form of a direction-finding characteristic. In this case, the electronics and active components of the detector are located in the internal cavity of the cube. The technical result consists in expanding the field of view, increasing the linearity of the direction finding characteristics, reducing weight, volume and power consumption. 2 n. and 7 salary f-ly, 10 ill.

The invention relates to the field of instrument engineering, measuring and information technology, more precisely to optical-electronic devices that provide detection of the fact and direction of irradiation of a protected object with laser radiation, and can be used to solve the problem of warning about the threat of an attack on the protected object on which it is installed, as for ground-based weapons systems, as well as for aviation and missile technology