To consider sexual relationships between types, we will divide them again into 4 subgroups, just as we did earlier, but we will use two other pairs of characteristics, namely: sensory-intuition on the one hand and discursiveness-resolution on the other. The last pair are not Jungian signs, so let’s say a few words about them separately.

Using this pair of signs, 16 types are divided into two pairs of quadra. The second and third quadras turn out to be “resolute” - decisive (lat. resolvo - I resolve, unravel, untie), i.e. prone to tough acts of will that sharply resolve contradictions. The first and fourth quadras are “discussive” - deliberative (Latin discutio - discussing, discussing), i.e. prone to open and broad discussion of contradictions that arise during the course of action. This pair of typological features, closely related to the life values ​​of the quadras, apparently originates in Jung’s archetypes of the collective unconscious.

Let us analyze the groups identified using these two axes through the prism of the hidden psychosexual tendencies of sociotypes. Here we will rather talk about the instinctive, carnal aspect of erotic relationships as opposed to the spiritual, platonic one, the consideration of which is devoted to the first half of this article. So, the “sensory-intuition” axis, intersecting orthogonally with the “resolution-discussion” axis, forms four psychoanalytic groups of sociotypes:

1. Resolution sensors - “aggressive” or “hunters” (Zhukov, Gorky, Napoleon, Dreiser).
2. Resolute intuitives - “victims” or “victims” (Yesenin, Hamlet, Balzac, Jack London)
3. Discussive sensory - “caring” or “father-mother” (Hugo, Dumas, Stirlitz, Gabin)
4. Discussive intuitives - “infantile” or “son-daughter” (Robespierre, Don Quixote, Dostoevsky, Huxley)

Let's look at male and female types separately.

Female types

"Caring" woman, or woman-mother
(Hugo, Dumas, Stirlitz, Gabin)

Tends to take care of her male partner. She is attracted to weak but intelligent men who obey her in everyday affairs. She is pleased to protect them, support them, and encourage them. Such character qualities, which in the mass consciousness do not evoke respect for males, are forgiven by this woman or considered completely acceptable.

Woman - "Aggressor"

He always tries to compete with a man, including in erotic relationships. Prone to irony and ridicule of the opposite sex. Likes to feel more competent than a man in any matter. During a love game, she expects ingratiation, ostentatious weakness, and emotional instability from a man.

"Victim" woman or female victim

The ideal of such a woman is a physically strong man, reminiscent of supermen from American action films. She wants to experience his strength, resist his onslaught, feel like a victim. In love games, he prefers different forms of confrontation that inflame the passion of his partner. Women of this type sometimes have inherent masochistic traits. True, not all of them are aware of this.

"Infantile" woman, or woman-daughter

The ideal of this woman is a kind and experienced man, well adapted to life, usually older than her. In the presence of such a man, she feels like a little girl, dependent on him for almost everything. In a love game, preference is given to the psychological factor - sincere conversation, relaxing music, creating conditions for relaxation. Above all, he values ​​condescension and care.

Male types

A "caring" man, or a man-father
(Hugo, Dumas, Stirlitz, Gabin)

An experienced and attentive partner to a woman’s spiritual world, who knows how to win her over with protective courtship. In the game of love, he greatly values ​​women’s tenderness and vulnerability and expects admiration for his life experience and skill.

Man - "Aggressor"
(Zhukov, Gorky, Napoleon, Dreiser).

This sociotype has a tendency to violently take possession of a woman. In love play he likes to demonstrate wrestling. He can indulge in rudeness, sometimes causing women pain - both physical and moral. Expects women to submit to force.

"Victim" man
(Yesenin, Hamlet, Balzac, Jack London)

Idealizes a powerful woman. Adapts to her tastes, respects her strong-willed qualities. His behavior either emphasizes his dependence and obedience, or breaks out of control. In a relationship with a woman, he subconsciously expects orders, tricks, and reproaches. Not receiving such reactions, he involuntarily provokes their manifestation.

"Infantile" man, or man-son
(Robespierre, Don Quixote, Dostoevsky, Huxley)

Dependent, naive in everyday affairs, expects business and emotional support from a woman. He involuntarily emphasizes his lack of attention, ruined abilities, and inability to cope with the struggle of life. Respects experience and responsiveness to his problems in women.

Psychosexual compatibility

"Caring" woman.

Does not accept strong but rough caresses from a man. Deprived of foreplay, erotic power play depresses her sexuality, which is why male supermen disappoint her. The behavior of a man compatible with her should be infantile, i.e. timid, expectantly inviting. Such a woman loves affection, which is expressed in gentle, childishly weak touches to the erogenous zones. The relationship with the Victimized man also does not suit her, since his capriciousness, tricks and provocation of force surprise and repel her. Relationships with a caring man who is identical in psychosexual aspirations disappoint her over time, although, in principle, she has nothing against it. Sooner or later, amid the comfort with which she was surrounded, she will feel a lack of spirituality.

"Aggressive" woman

He is looking for an object for his powerful and active erotic actions. Most of all, she is satisfied with a man who behaves obediently but capriciously with her. Then she has a reason for aggression. A victimized man idolizes such a woman and at the same time is afraid of her. His behavior can be compared to the behavior of a page who devotes himself entirely to serving the “beautiful lady.” Constant play is the best cure for satiety. In a relationship with an Infantile man, she will lack playful submissiveness on his part. His reluctance to adapt to aggressive attacks cannot but bring such an alliance to the brink of rupture. Relationships with a male “Aggressor”, on the one hand, flatter her and spur her passion, but, on the other hand, they also repel her, since they do not lead to the desired victory. Therefore, they can only have variable success. A caring man will irritate her with his attitude towards her like a small child, which she perceives as humiliation.

"Victim" woman (victim)

Skillfully plays on his weakness, insecurity or disorganization, thereby provoking an Aggressive man to take active and decisive action. In love games, the greatest importance for her is the strong embrace and strength of the male body, yielding to which she demonstrates her submission to the will of the man. Men of the Caring type seem to her to be comfortable, but too boring partners, and in her heart she considers Infantile men to be completely weak-willed weaklings. With men of a similar type, a victimized woman enters into complex, subtextual relationships, competing with them in sacrifice and demanding special privileges for this. Often such games literally exhaust both. At this point, I think it is necessary to mention that psychoanalytic groups are considered without special detail, so individual more subtle differences within them disappear. In particular, among Victim T-types, the fact remains unnoticed that they are usually divided into “tragic victims” (ET and TE) and “comic victims” (TR and RT).

"Infantile" woman (child)

In the erotic life of a woman of this type, subtle caresses and psychologism of relationships are of greatest importance. She, without any special intentions, demonstrates through her actions fragility and childish naivety. An infantile woman easily accepts the affairs and hobbies of a partner with whom she sympathizes. In love games, she gladly takes up the initiative of a caring man, showing her own sophistication and imagination. On supermen, i.e. Men of the Aggressive type, such a woman, of course, pays attention, but is afraid to get close to them because of their instinctiveness and rudeness. A man of the Victim type suits her only partially: he starts out romantically, but then confuses her with his demonstration of suffering and unpredictability. With men of the same Infantile type, she will definitely feel discomfort from the lack of care for her daily needs. In such a couple, the degree of alienation will slowly increase.

When politicians, or representatives of the church, and there are hundreds of them, are “blue”, I still have difficulty understanding this.
The Blue Brotherhood helps its own people, which is logical and obvious. A member of a diaspora always has an advantage over an individual, since he is supported by the diaspora, which is why they ended up “at the top.”

But when the FSB generals have “rear-wheel drive” there is no time for jokes...
The problem is not orientation, but the fact that the brain is a chemical “machine” and pederasts have their hormonal settings “knocked down”, which is why they don’t see the fullness of the world because their brain doesn’t work correctly, according to “simplified” algorithms, which is why relatively simple combinations of 50-100 consecutive actions are unimaginable in complexity for them and lie far beyond the boundaries of their worldview; they themselves can calculate options for only 3-5 steps, which makes it impossible to work in prediction mode (the predictor must calculate the situation for 1000 and more moves forward, but only a few out of billions of people are capable of this).
Which, as a consequence, leads to management errors and ordinary people feel the consequences of these errors.
The solution is simple - change the structure of government by making it “foolproof”.
We know how to do this. TAU to help)

I have neither hatred nor even dislike for homosexuals, I don’t communicate with them, but nevertheless they created a problem for me. Clinging to power like a cat fighting in a bun they interfere with the normal development of society by becoming a “brake”, since they put their personal interests and the interests of the “blue brotherhood” above the common good, taking revenge on ordinary people whom they hate.
Because of this, the rotation of power for the further development of society represents a certain problem, the range of valid solutions to which lies “outside the legal field” - from force using GP resources to the liquidation of the Russian Federation as a state (a complex combination).
Alexander V. Baranov, GPΔ17

Putin's erection and arousal are muddy:

The attitude of homosexuals towards the girl is neutral, without concern to win her over. And for the boy - special. A homosexual behaves differently with a boy than a man does. Homosexuals with a boy cannot and are not capable of behaving differently, because they are unable to restrain themselves and not show the boy their special attitude towards him. Even in public, under a video camera and in front of journalists: hug, pinch, stroke, take your hand and hold your hand in your hand, put your hand on your shoulder, stroke your head, reward you with a buttery smile, look into your eyes with a compassionate look. At the same time, the homosexual allows ambiguous intonations with the desire to win the boy over, soften him, feel sorry for him and sympathize with him in a motherly way.

The boy feels the unusual behavior of a homosexual, that it is not similar to the behavior of a man-father, but similar to the behavior of a compassionate mother. And he begins to show interest in the homosexual.

Having thus met the boy, the homosexual no longer lets him out of his sight. With each new meeting, the homosexual becomes bolder and more persistent: he treats him with sweets, gives trifling gifts, under plausible pretexts he arranges new meetings, bringing closer the process of molestation, corruption of the boy and turning him into a homosexual.

The above can be summarized with a crude anecdote from the common people: “Boy, do you want some candy?” “No, uncle, my butt hurts since last time.”

At one of the meetings, an assistant exclaimed: “Well, how can I clearly explain to you why we are all irresistibly drawn to young boys? A young and pink ass is more pleasant to deal with than an old and black one. And the fact that the boy will never become a man does not bother us. We live and don’t complain to doctors. Everyone has their own destiny. You guys are also drawn to the young and long-legged. Why is there a demand from us, but not from you?”

This is homosexual “logic”.


Of course, regular readers from the Donald Trump think tank, the CIA and the White House know this)))

So, I decided to write you a couple of lines. Maybe you can read it when you have time
and smile in your soul
I probably can’t convey how sorry I am that we didn’t see each other today, but
It’s such a pity that today’s meeting did not take place, but rather that in
collectively, we didn’t see each other the day before yesterday, yesterday, today, we won’t see each other tomorrow,
and the day after tomorrow... and there, only God knows. And today is only the third day,
how I don’t see you, but in my soul it’s as if three centuries have passed. And next to you...
time to rush past like a whirlwind, like an express train, without stopping... How can I
good with you... For the first time in my life I feel not only an insane attraction to
you, but also some kind of connection with you, at a distance, which is absolutely not
I can find an explanation. It’s just as if I feel you and that’s it. Sometimes it seems that you, like no one else and only you, can understand me and agree with me. Next to you, or with your voice, I
I calm down, almost instantly, no matter what sadness comes over me
piled on. No other sedative has such a miraculous effect.
How are you.
I live now, from a phone call to a meeting, from a meeting to a call, from
bell before bell. And the rest of the time, it’s as if I’m not living, I’m in
waiting... for life. Of course I would like to see, hear, feel you
always... But I also really love what we have now, and I value these calls and
short meetings...
And now I'm starting to understand that it's no longer possible to live without you, as it was before
I won’t be able to meet again... I don’t know how this life will turn out, and by whom
You will be with me... but I can’t live without you at all.. Doesn’t that scare you?
Because most often men are afraid of such words. Although,
I’m the one who says these words for the first time.. because for the first time I feel what I’m talking about
I say...
I want to never part with you, I want to be with you always, and
I’m not afraid of all the difficulties that may come along the way... and not
They can, and they will definitely meet, where would we be without them.
If,.. then: I know that it will be difficult, and sometimes even unbearable. I understand perfectly well that it can
to be, and what can never be. I know that time can do a lot
change. I understand everything, believe me. However... I'm young, strong, full
life, optimism, love for you, there is so much affection, tenderness and care in me,
which you so want to give... to give to your beloved man... to give to you.
Your question is, will I let you go... Yes, of course, certainly, if you want it
you want... only if you want it. I'll let you go... but not
with my heart, not with my soul... I simply cannot do this, never. I let you into my life and into my heart... you can leave life whenever you want, but from my heart...

The global gender revolution and its consequences
Date of: 04/03/2016
Subject: Ethics

M.M.Bogoslovsky, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Prof. Nevsky Institute of Management and Design, St. Petersburg

The problem of gender relations was, is and will always be the most important problem of the human community. It is equally relevant for both men and women. For hundreds of thousands of years, starting from primitive society, the position of women remained practically unchanged - dependent on men. This is evidenced by the oldest documents that have survived to this day. For example, according to the laws of the Babylonian king Hammurabi (XVIII century BC), a woman had no rights in all respects and was essentially a slave of her husband.

However, this dependence on men throughout almost the entire history of human society did not cause protests among most women; they considered it in the order of things, and only in the 19th and early 20th centuries, when they increasingly became financially independent, did they begin to talk about inequality among women and the desire to obtain male rights.

Biological basis of gender differences as a starting pointcause of inequality

The reason for the gender inequality enshrined in monotheistic religions lies not only in the ancient history of human society, but also in human biology. With the emergence of the human race, a division of labor and responsibilities appeared, which from the very beginning had a gendered nature - women's work and lifestyle were significantly different from men's. In some societies, men and women even spoke different languages.

These differences were based on the different biological purposes of men and women: the male sex must create new forms of adaptation to changing living conditions (including at the cost of one’s life, sacrificing oneself for the good of the clan and tribe) and pass them on to new generations, and the female - select, accumulate and carefully preserve the acquisitions obtained by the male sex, give birth and feed children until they become independent.

A new useful trait in phylogeny appears first in the male sex and only then, after many generations, is fixed in the female. He is a pioneer, a bearer of the new, progressive, she only preserves everything useful that a man has found and experienced, often at the cost of her own life. The biological conservative role of a woman affects not only the preservation of genetic material. It affects everything - in customs and rituals, in outlook on life and even in clothing.

The survival of the human race and its spread across our planet, as a result of which people were able to form the noosphere (Vernadsky), was facilitated by an important biological property acquired during the evolution of hominids - sexual dimorphism, which represents a number of anatomical, physiological and biochemical characteristics of the body inherent in each sex. An important property of sexual dimorphism in our ancestors was that males had greater weight and body size, greater muscle mass, and, consequently, physical strength than women. In the process of evolution, Nature did not follow the path of equal interest in the reproduction of both sexes. She entrusted the main concern for the continuation of the species to the ancestral men, guaranteeing them a high degree of satisfaction from sexual intercourse. As a result, no matter how sexual intercourse goes, orgasm is always guaranteed. Precisely to facilitate the solution of the problem of procreation Nature (and believers of monotheistic religions may believe that the all-wise God did this) has taken the path of providing men (as well as male representatives of many other animal species) with greater physical strength than women.

Having greater body mass and strength, the ancestral man could continue the race without asking the consent of the ancestral woman - he simply took her by force. The advantage of ancestral men in strength had another deep biological meaning. Using it, the ancestral man was able to fertilize a large number of ancestral women, ensuring not only the reproduction of the genus with a different set of genotypes, but also making it possible to constantly update the DNA of the embryos of different ancestral women, which contributed to better preservation of the species and its adaptation to changing environmental conditions. It should be noted that the described type of sexual dimorphism has survived to this day. And today the average height of men and their body weight are greater than those of women.

Simultaneously with this type of sexual dimorphism, important physiological changes occurred in ancestral women. In the vast majority of animal species, the female reproductive system is activated once a year, for a short mating season, and the rest of the time it is inactive. In female primates, like in all mammals, the mammary glands are reduced after ovulation, but in women this reversibility has been lost, as a result of which the mammary glands are constantly in an enlarged state, which signals constant readiness for mating, even during pregnancy and breastfeeding! The biological meaning of this hypersexuality of a woman is to be always ready to mate, and therefore to satisfy a man and give birth to children. However, this pairing does not serve the purpose of pleasure, but has a purely pragmatic basis - With the help of such “incentive” mating, she provides food for herself and her child (children). After all, she alone cannot feed and raise increasingly smarter children who require a lot of time for socialization.

All these biological and physiological characteristics of the ancestors determined the personal and social dependence of women on men. From the above it follows that this dependence did not arise at the whim of men, not out of their desire to humiliate a woman, as feminists believe, but appeared in the process of evolution as an adaptive, adaptive phenomenon, determined by the genetic program for the preservation of ancestral people as a species and its distribution throughout our world. planet.

Biological and physiological changes in the body of men and women caused by sexual dimorphism also entailed the development of special psychological properties of men and women . Women, as a result of adapting to their position dependent on men, developed and consolidated compliance, humility, tolerance, gentleness, dreaminess, the ability to empathize, etc., i.e. what men have always liked, what poets and writers have always sung. On the contrary, in men such traits as authoritarianism, assertiveness, aggressiveness, harshness, intolerance, activity, prudence, efficiency, etc. were developed and consolidated.

Changing economic status of women as a reason for their struggle for equality with men

Naturally, wealth and power in primitive society, and later under feudalism, belonged to men. The change in the position of women in European countries began not with their struggle for their rights, as is commonly thought, but with changes in economic conditions, which opened up the opportunity to begin this struggle. The most developed part of human society entered the era of capitalism, during which women began to be separated from peasant communities and their mass involvement in industrial work and city life.

Women began to gain financial and economic independence, as a result of which the initial dependence of women on men began to weaken. Thus, a mine was laid, which a hundred years later blew up society, destroyed the traditional way of life of women and men, introducing into it new elements that were not characteristic of it, and began to threaten the existence of the fundamental unit of society - the family. As a result, for the first time in the history of human society, world revolution, the peculiarity of which is that it is carried out by women and only in the interests of women, which led to the destruction of the main unit of society - the family.

Another feature of this revolution is that it involves the largest mass of people who have ever been involved in a revolutionary movement. The ultimate goal of this revolution is the destruction of male privileges, and at the same time social differences between the sexes as such. It is interesting that the destruction of male privileges and the proclaimed equality of the sexes does not include the abolition of female privileges, which feminists do not even mention.

In accordance with the Marxist position, according to which being determines consciousness, the change in the economic and social status of women gave birth to the seditious idea in the minds of deviant women that there are no differences between them and men. Many feminist works deny any differences between the sexes and demand absolute equality and complete symmetry in relations between the sexes. Some individuals with pronounced leadership traits began to demand equal rights (but not responsibilities!) with men and even began to incite women to participate in public performances - rallies, demonstrations, etc. A continuation of this idea was first the desire, and then the demand, to transfer to women everything that men have. In many ways, they were helped by short-sighted men who did not think about the consequences that the emancipation of the weaker sex would lead to.

First of all, they opposed what was the original and traditional occupation of women, against what they appeared on Earth for - against the birth and raising of children and housekeeping. Another arena of feminism’s struggle with men has become the family itself. In essence, feminism, by insisting that a woman is her own family and, if she wants, can give birth and raise a child without a man, proclaims the death of the family. Following these ideas, an increasing number of women decide to have a child out of wedlock and raise him alone. Counting on the help of the state, which will force the fathers of these children to pay for their maintenance, and at the same time their mother. Naturally, the number of children is limited to one, rarely two. And there are more and more such women. The most radical ones argue that marriage is a trap set by men to exploit women.

Although this struggle for men's rights began only recently, women have made impressive progress in it. In recent years, women have not only served in the army and navy, but are already ministers of defense - women head the armed forces of France, Finland, Latvia, the Czech Republic, Spain, Ecuador and Japan. More and more women are serving today in the ranks of the Russian army - this is prestigious and profitable. At the same time, despite the constant accusations against men of violating their equality, in this case they do not at all strive for complete equality - for example, they do not want to serve in the army as a duty - upon conscription in the same way as men serve, they do not want equalization of the age of entry into pension.

There are almost no occupations left that women do not engage in now. Women call the care of men who protect women from heavy physical exertion, which has a detrimental effect on the female body, discrimination. The most persistent ones neglect all the norms of physical activity for women, just to be like men, not inferior to them in anything.

Today, women in developed countries have become economically and financially independent. When asked whether they would remain at work if they had independence from it and a sufficient source of material support, 66% of women answered in the affirmative.

Preservation of traditional behavior of women

Despite the declared desire for equality with men, women do not at all want to give up the ancient method of influencing men - by attracting their attention by decorating the body and clothing, which is a means forced, adaptive. And as soon as such an opportunity is given, they try their best to emphasize their primary and secondary sexual characteristics. They don’t need equality with men here. This is too successful an acquisition and too strong a weapon in the struggle for the man they have chosen, for a place in the sun, to give it up so easily. And the laws of biology and evolution indicate that once acquired does not disappear on its own, but only out of necessity. Unfortunately, their sense of proportion often betrays them, so some elderly and even old women continue to put on makeup and adorn themselves as if they were still 18-20 years old.

Today, one of the most important means of attracting men is to expose the body and, especially, those places that women have hidden from men throughout the history of human society. Provoking men, they bare their breasts, expose their lower abdomen and buttocks. Instead of dresses and blouses, today people wear underwear or men's T-shirts. They are exposed even more on the beach: many go without bras and almost without panties. In addition to nudity, many young people wear clothes that fit so tightly to the body that it emphasizes all its features - all the convexities and concavities - thin trousers that tightly fit the buttocks, and the most “advanced” people sew trousers for themselves in which each buttock is covered separately , and the structural features of the small pelvis are drawn in front. The next step in this direction is to use paint on the body instead of clothing, which should symbolize clothing. This was started by the famous tennis player Caroline Wozniacki, who at a photo shoot in January 2016 starred in a swimsuit painted on her body.

Such mass exposure of women is very close to a mental illness called exhibitionism - flaunting one's naked body or genitals. These women don't understand that their naked body is perceived by men in a completely different way than women perceive the naked male body. Despite all the equality of women and men, their biology has not changed and cannot change.

The unconscious basis of all these actions is one - become attractive, get a man to like you , and, therefore, find a good groom or lover, from whom you can live, marry successfully (to a wealthy man), get a good job (or a good education). The opinion of many American and European women was frankly expressed by the famous American (USA) actress Cameron Diaz. During a visit to Moscow in June 2011, she made a confession: “Getting silicone breasts means finding a good groom. It's an investment in yourself." Following this advice, more than 8 million women in the world have already undergone surgery to increase their breast size.

It is no secret that women of a certain type of occupation actively use their naked erotic appearance to sell their services. With the return of capitalism to our country, the number of young women seeking to build their lives at the expense of men has sharply increased. If under socialism moral standards condemned such behavior, today young women do not see any sin in this. For example, Yulia Vysotskaya (wife of Andron Konchalovsky) said in the program “Big Difference”: “ through bed? Nothing terrible!” (AiF 35/07).

Oddly enough, one expression of the gender revolution is the rise of prostitution. How popular the profession of prostitute is among the “fair sex” is evidenced by the data provided by AiF (No. 1-2, 2006): currently there are approximately 40 million prostitutes in the world. This means that every 25th woman of childbearing age is involved in this business. And according to the REGNUM portal, in Ukraine every fourth student dreams of becoming a prostitute.

A characteristic feature of the gender revolution is the desire to erase all boundaries of male and female and create one gender - “unisex”. Moreover, if feminists strive for feminine unisex, then most women strive for masculine unisex. In general, this leads to the desire to adopt from men everything that seems most attractive, profitable, “cool” to them and make it their own: clothes, shoes, names, occupations, professions, positions, habits, customs and even language.

First of all, they wanted to get what they considered the main symbol of men and men's life - trousers. At the beginning of the 20th century in London, feminists put on trousers and demonstrated, smashing shop windows and offices and demanding voting rights. From that moment on, women wearing trousers became a symbol of the struggle for equality with men under the slogan: “We want to be like you!” Later, they began to adopt other elements of clothing from men - jackets, jackets, raincoats, shirts, T-shirts, T-shirts, headwear - hats and caps, shoes, umbrellas. As a result, women's clothing changed dramatically and headed towards female androgyny or "unisex" male style.

Refusal of female self-identity

In our country, over the last 15-20 years, women have increasingly begun to refuse self-identification, identifying themselves with men by default! At first, they began to replace the female version of the names of professions and specialties with the male version, even when it officially exists. So, belittling their feminine dignity, they began to refuse to be teachers, educators, writers, poetesses, correspondents, artists, saleswomen, pilots, tractor drivers, etc. Apparently, believing that masculine names sounded more respectable, they wanted to be called prestigiously in a masculine way as teachers, educators, writers, poets, correspondents, artists, sellers, pilots, and tractor drivers. Officials, mostly female officials, willingly helped them in this, fixing male versions of their names in the lists of professions and positions.

An analysis of the list of positions and professions of the All-Russian Classifier of Worker Professions, Clerk Positions and Tariff Grades (1996) showed that through the efforts of feminists who strive to engage not so much in women’s but in men’s affairs and positions, the vast majority of professions and positions now have a masculine sound. So, if earlier there were installers and installers, now there are only installers, and there are no more installers. Today there are no more cleaners, cooks, as well as saleswomen, receptionists, conductors, spinners, and teachers! By the will of the compilers of this List, weavers also disappeared, giving way to weavers, as well as milkmaids. Today the position of a milkmaid is called a milkmaid! Only a few female professions have survived - pedicurist, nurse, typist, nanny, manicurist, midwife, as well as a couple of other positions and professions.

Continuing the policy of erasing the boundaries of feminine and masculine, women moved to the next stage of merging feminine and masculine - the rejection of female self-expression in speech. So, instead of “participate tsa” wars, events, they say “participate To …", instead of "blockade tsa", they say "blockade IR", instead of "bow itza” the talent of some artist, they now say “bow IR", instead of "witness tsa"they prefer to say "witness l", instead of "optimist ka" - "optimize st", instead of "third party tsa" - "third party IR" etc. If this continues, the feminine gender, and with it the feminine endings of words, will disappear from the Russian language. There will only be one unisex male type left!

The desire to erase the boundaries of feminine and masculine extended to art. For a long time (since the 30s of the twentieth century) women have been willingly performing men's songs and even arias that were written for men. Nezhdanova, for example, sang a male romance to the words of A.S. Pushkin “I loved you...”, and Tamara Gverdtsiteli sings a song whose words should only be uttered by a man (“... I will throw myself at her feet... ” - “My joy lives on...”). L. Ruslanova and K. Shulzhenko also sinned with this.

Wanting in everything to be like those whom they terribly envy, they increasingly cross the line of reason, bringing their demands on men to the point of absurdity and absurdity. Thus, Spanish feminists recently demanded that men stop wearing mustaches and beards. Feminists from Holland insisted that the image of a lion - a symbol of the armed forces of this country - should not have a male gender characteristic (i.e., that the symbol of male strength and power - the lion should be castrated!). And Belgian feminists considered it an infringement of women’s rights in the fact that there is a sculpture of a “pissing boy”, but not a “pissing girl” (forgetting that there is a difference in female and male morality, in female and male perception of the world!). As a result, the Brussels authorities had to give permission to install this sculpture too! But the Dutch feminists went the furthest in their desire to be no different from men, who began to use a special device during the act of urination that allows them to urinate while standing - a hybrid of a plastic funnel and tray.

Fighting in the ring, lifting and moving huge weights in powerlifting competitions, practicing various types of wrestling, playing football, and ski jumping are contraindicated for the female body; doing them leads to overload and injury. Pumping up muscles also requires a different hormonal level, which gradually turns a woman into a half-man, a kind of hermaphrodite and makes changes in the course of a number of important biochemical and physiological processes.

This is expressed in a change in their hormonal status: in their adrenal glands, the synthesis of the glucocorticoid cortisone is blocked and the synthesis of androgens is increased. As a result, the normal ratio of female and male sex hormones (estrogens and androgens) changes in favor of male hormones - androgens. In turn, these hormonal changes lead to disturbances in the reproductive system (reduction in the size of the uterus and mammary glands, a delay of the first menstruation by 2-4 years, toxicosis of pregnancy, difficulties in childbirth, etc.). They have an increase in height and muscle mass, a predominance of fast muscle fibers in skeletal muscles, a decrease in the fat component in the body composition, an increase in bone mass and calcium content in the bones, and the body structure is formed according to the male type. The content of red blood cells in the blood system increases, the size of the heart and the vital capacity of the lungs increase. Even the skin patterns on the fingers and hair growth in such women are formed according to the male type.

Women who strive to be like men in everything do not know and do not want to know that following a change in occupation they will inevitably experience changes in psychological characteristics. Changes in their brain activity are accompanied by the appearance of masculine behavioral traits (increased aggressiveness, boyish behavior - tomboyism). According to American authors, female student athletes strive for independence, dominance, and often show aggressiveness. According to data from Russian and foreign scientists obtained in recent years, among female athletes the masculine type manifests itself much more often than in the general population - from 44% among swimmers, to 98% among artistic gymnasts (on average, 75% of female athletes). There is no doubt that women engaged in male professions (military personnel participating in hostilities, leaders of cities and countries, bosses of various ranks) also experience changes in behavior and psychological characteristics according to the male type.

Women who professionally engage in male activities, in particular male sports, experience violations of gender role behavior, i.e. a special set of requirements and expectations imposed by society on a male or female individual. Thus, female athletes involved in such a purely male sport as wrestling have higher indicators of masculinity than swimmers and “artist” gymnasts. The fact that these disorders are inherited is also alarming. When interviewing the mothers of these athletes, it was revealed that a third of them considered themselves the main ones in the family. In addition, some of them were engaged in purely male professions (they were firemen on an oil rig, peat mining supervisors, shop supervisors). Moreover, this was recorded 1.4 times more often among mothers of athletes in the martial arts group than in sports games. The general trend shows the undoubted focus of modern women's sports on getting rid of feminine characteristics. And this, of course, is alarming.

All over the world the so-called The emancipation of women is increasingly taking on ugly forms. Winning men's rights, intoxicated by success, women increasingly strive to be like their idols - men, to lead their lifestyle, adopting their far from best habits. In addition to wearing men's clothing, this includes a cheeky demeanor, deliberate harshness, aggressiveness, the desire to command, always insist on one's own, smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs.

As a consequence of the gender revolution in all developed countries, the growth rate of traditional “male” vices among women is spreading faster than among men, approximately three times. It turned out that the average age at which women started smoking for all Russian cities is 25.5 years. The earliest age for women to start smoking is 9.8 years, and the latest is 61 years. In St. Petersburg, for example, according to official data, every third woman today smokes, according to unofficial data - more than 70% of girls and young women! A typical sight on the street is a young woman with a baby stroller and a cigarette or bottle of beer in her hand.

TV screens now show Western films (mostly made in the USA), in which young girls and women, wearing makeup and naked (i.e., still trying to attract the attention of men), show aggression towards men, attacking them, beating them and even win (!), although the latter do not look like wimps at all. Films such as the series “Alias” or “Charlie’s Angeles” are intended for adult audiences, and “Xena: Warrior Princess” is intended for children. What can such films teach girls and women? That they are no weaker than men, that they can compete with them and even win? But this is not true: in reality, she is weaker, and in life, even a trained woman will never defeat several trained men.

The appearance of such films once again demonstrates the challenge to men and the declaration of war on them with the aim of redividing the world. It is not surprising that these films were made in the USA, where first blacks, and now women, felt themselves to be the masters of life. What unites them is that both have been in an unequal position compared to other people for a long time. Having received equal rights, they cannot stop and now they themselves violate the rights of others: blacks - the rights of whites, and women - the rights of men.

The continued desire to become like men in everything and the rejection of traditional femininity has led to a disregard for female morality, an increase in female violence and a surge in female crime.

Experts are alarmingly predicting that the proportion of girls in teenage crimes will increase from year to year. In the United States, from 1967 to 1997, female crime increased for almost all types of crimes. Moreover, for such as the sale and use of drugs - by 132 percent, driving while intoxicated - by 211 percent! And the problem of sexual harassment of men by women has become so widespread that psychologists have become interested in it.

The negative trends in female crime are of great concern to the public and law enforcement agencies:

· in most respects it becomes more similar to a man’s;
· growth of serious crimes in the structure of female crime (for example, the share of detected serious crimes in 1994 was 26.4%, and already in 1995 - 39.7%);
· increased professionalism and organization of female crime (several organized criminal groups led by women have been identified);
· an increase in the number of murders of older teenage children (the murder of a daughter out of jealousy towards her partner, the murder of one’s own children who turned out to be a hindrance);
· increased complicity in rape (motivated by revenge, jealousy, envy);
· increased involvement of women in committing crimes related to illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.

Women are becoming more and more violent. A columnist for the American newspaper Christian Science Monitor (CSM) comes to this sad conclusion. The publication cites FBI statistics, according to which the number of arrested girls among all young people arrested by the FBI increased in 2004 to 30% from 23% in 1993.

The harmful consequences of the gender revolution

And now about the main consequences of neglecting the biological laws of Nature, in particular one of the laws of ecology formulated by B. Commoner - “Nature knows best”, the desire to correct the nature of the relationship between a man and a woman. First of all, by likening themselves to men, women are now engaged in their education, career, entertainment, but not in having children or having a family. According to a study by the Committee on Science and Higher Education (March 2010), girls are more likely than boys to consider work a value. This suggests that it is no longer love and family that come first, but work! Modern women have ceased to consider motherhood as their main function.

According to research conducted on the basis of the St. Petersburg Legal Institute of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation in 2007 (St. Petersburg Ved., May 10, 2007), 30% of girls 16-17 years old initially exclude the participation of men in creating a family; they are not focused on legal marriages , but do not exclude the birth of one or two children. A survey recently conducted in England among the female population aged 15-45 revealed that today they do not really need a life partner!

Today, a woman has received all the rights of men, she drives a tractor and a car, flies into space, has the opportunity to receive any education and occupy leadership positions. However, this victory has a bitter aftertaste for her. She brought a new suffering called loneliness. Independence from a man, obligations towards children and household chores has created an area of ​​emptiness in the female soul that neither career success nor financial independence can fill. Freedom from the family has set the woman apart, depriving her of the support of this very family, which, as it turned out, the woman is in great need. According to Petrostat, today a third of children in St. Petersburg are born out of wedlock, and the number of divorces has increased by 8% in recent years. There are more and more women who are unwilling and unable to keep their family together. According to a study conducted by the French women's magazine Elle (“She”), in the countries of the European Commonwealth, divorces in 75% of cases are initiated by the female party. The same thing is happening in our country.

Depopulation is closely related to family problems. According to Rosstat, every year the population of Russia decreases by an average of 700 thousand people. There are over 40 million families in the country today, of which more than 1/3 have one child. The share of large families is decreasing rapidly, they are about 2%, and for simple population replacement it is necessary that there be at least 15% of families with three children. The demographic situation is further aggravated by the fact that over 10 years the birth rate among women in the most favorable childbearing age has decreased by more than 20%, while 24% of women of this age - almost one in four - do not want to have children at all. Economic independence, as well as state assistance, allows today a woman to raise a child alone, and therefore now she does not hesitate to break the marriage ties if something does not suit her in her husband or in her relationship with her mother-in-law, which primarily affects the children. There are more and more families of small children, consisting of a mother and her child, and the number of “cuckoo mothers” is increasing.

The situation of children in single-parent families (consisting of only a mother and a child or two or three children) is unenviable. While busy making money and their careers, women do not raise children, do not give them love and affection, as a result of which a homeless and embittered child falls under the influence of asocial elements, takes up alcohol, smoking, drugs, and takes the path of crime. To top it off, such children do not develop the mindset to create a full-fledged family. Children in disadvantaged families consisting of one mother and child suffer from social and housing insecurity, non-compliance with hygienic living standards, and failure to see doctors in case of illness. Data from an eight-year study by the Stockholm Center for Epidemiology, which included 65,000 children from single-parent families, showed that such children are less likely to live a long life. For example, the number of suicides, deaths due to overdoses of alcohol or drugs, and the likelihood of dying as a result of acts of violence are 4-5 times higher among those who grew up in a single-parent family. Children from single-parent families are more likely to be stressed and are less able to control their actions than their peers. The following fact also indicates less protection for children from single-parent families. Of the 52,000 cases of child sexual abuse in the United States, 72% involved children living without a parent or no parent at all.

As data obtained at different times by domestic and Western specialists have shown, children (and, subsequently, adults) who grew up in single-parent families are more likely to experience nervous and mental disorders than children from intact families. Children from single-parent families often experience a whole range of difficulties of a psychological nature. According to I.S. Kon, children who grew up without a father often have a lower level of aspirations, they have a higher level of anxiety, neurotic symptoms are more common, boys have difficulty communicating with peers, they learn true masculine roles worse, but they exaggerate some masculine traits: rudeness, pugnacity. Often the child begins to rebel against extreme dependence on the mother, or grows up passive, lethargic, physically weak, and if the mother drinks and smokes, then sick.

While busy with their careers, women are increasingly postponing the birth of a child and the fulfillment of their natural mission to an increasingly later date. Meanwhile, late birth is the most common cause of child development pathology. The health of children born to “old” mothers (30-40 years old) is significantly worse than that of those born to young women. They are more likely to suffer from serious illnesses that significantly shorten their lives. The number of children with Down's disease and autism is growing - a severe anomaly of a child's mental development, characterized mainly by impaired contact with others, emotional coldness, perversion of interests, and stereotyped activities.

The downside of abandoning the natural destiny of women to give birth and raise children is the sharp aging of the population, which has become an almost worldwide trend. Currently in Russia there are only 1.3 children per woman! Added to this is the huge number of abortions: in recent years, women in our country undergo from 4 to 6 million abortions annually! According to the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation, Vladimir Lukin, the current demographic situation in Russia is comparable to that which developed after the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars. According to experts, the reduction in the economically active population of our country in the next 15-20 years will lead to serious restrictions on Russia’s economic growth and the loss of its economic independence.

The women's revolution is systematically and harshly implementing the renunciation of children proclaimed by feminists. Today, women not only do not want to give birth to children, but even if they do, they increasingly abandon them! In 2009, about 10 thousand women in Russia abandoned their children by escaping from the maternity hospital. And more and more often fathers are now taking care of children. According to various departments of the Russian Federation (Federation Council, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Prosecutor General's Office, Ministry of Labor and Social Development, Ministry of Education and Independent experts) in Russia in 2009 there were from 368 thousand to 4 million street children! According to official data, today in Russia about 700 thousand children do not have parental care. The country's child population decreases by 1 million every year, and the number of children in orphanages in Russia grows by 4-6 thousand per year.

The ever-increasing desire to imitate the male lifestyle (“men don’t give birth, and why are we worse?”) has given rise to a new movement among women in the USA and Western Europe - childfree - voluntary childlessness, absence of children and a conscious reluctance to ever have them. Moreover, many childfree people regret and even resent the fact that they are forced to finance public schools through uniform taxation for all. To ideologically reinforce their unpopular position, supporters of this movement resorted to religion. They refer to Jesus Christ, who, according to the Gospels, had no children. And to make the religious justification more significant, they even founded a new Church - the Cyber ​​Church of Jesus Christ. Although there is no such organized movement in Russia yet, supporters of its ideology already exist, for example, Ksenia Sobchak.


The financial and economic independence acquired with the help of men brought women freedom, which, as it turned out, hit hard throughout human society. This happened due to the fact that the social, i.e. the acquired freedom came into conflict with the biological dependence of a woman on a man that existed throughout the history of the human race, a dependence that ensured the progress of Homo sapiens on Earth. Accumulating, these contradictions led to a social explosion - the great gender revolution. Population decline and the breakdown of traditional family relationships are the price and at the same time the other side of the coveted coin called social progress, including improving the quality of life and medical care, increasing cultural development and the level of education.

The gender revolution, which exploded Western society, leading to the destruction of the family and depopulation, threatens to spread to the countries of the East, Africa and South America. This natural process will occur as the well-being of their peoples grows. Blurring the boundaries of male and female leads to the destruction of gender self-identification. To preserve man as a species, a woman should not behave like a man, acquire masculine habits, engage in masculine professions and sports that are harmful to women, because everything is bad that in any way affects the body of a girl-girl-woman, Necessarily will have a bad effect on all her unborn children. After all when is born girl, in her body already there are eggs all the children she can bear in her entire life.

No matter how much today women strive to be like men and lead a male lifestyle, replacing their culture with a male one, their biological nature will remain unchanged - female chromosomes will not become male. Therefore, in the interests of the human race and human civilization, women and men must remain themselves. If women do not return to their families, to their children, then the end of the world will not be long in coming! At the new stage of the socio-economic development of the world community and, accordingly, gender relations, women and men will have to find their new place, which they must occupy with the dignity inherent in each of them. This should be a relationship between people who are equally beautiful and respect the characteristics of the opposite sex.

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The eternal question of women who seek advice from a psychologist, astrologer, or fortune teller is how will their relationship with this man develop? With which, as a rule, there are so many problems that it is already difficult to cope without a specialist. As a rule, people seek help when the case is already advanced. Because it's too late, I'm in trouble. It is much easier to recognize a potential problem in advance. And if this has already happened, you need to reconsider your attitude towards the situation, towards yourself and towards the tormenting man as soon as possible. And then the external situation will change - either the man causing suffering will disappear on his own, or he will change (but this happens extremely rarely, unfortunately, rather as an exception to the rule). And this will open the way to a bright streak in a woman’s life, to a new relationship, this time harmonious.

First of all, I would like to note that every woman needs to treat herself with love and respect. Without self-love, it is almost impossible to build harmonious relationships. Because those around us treat us the way we treat ourselves and, therefore, how we allow ourselves to be treated. Moreover, what kind of people are attracted to us depends on our inner attitude. Secondly, the important thing is that the point here is not so much in the man, but in the woman herself. Namely, what kind of men she chooses. There are a number of types of men who are not capable of long-term and harmonious relationships (there are also women, but in this article we will talk about men). And until a woman realizes where she is making a mistake and internally reconsiders her attitude towards herself and towards similar men, she will step on the same rake again and again (as a rule, each subsequent case is worse than the previous one). Often unsuitable men are attracted to women who can be called idealists, maximalists, overly romantic people who dream of ideal, passionate, all-consuming love. As a rule, this is a consequence of a lack of love on the part of the father. Having matured, such a girl subconsciously strives to arouse love for herself in precisely those men who cannot give it to her. And the pattern repeats itself over and over again. Less often, the opposite situation occurs - excessive idealization of the father, great love on his part.

Types of men with whom it is dangerous to have a relationship.

1. Married man.

He swears his love to you, and in moments of intimacy he is caring and gentle. But when communicating with you, he always looks at his watch, hides you from everyone, cannot meet with you on weekends and holidays, while saying that he loves only you. However, in reality there are not two of you, but three of you. At the same time, he will have a lot of explanations for why he cannot leave his wife, despite the fact that he loves only you, but does not love her and she does not understand him. Or, he will always promise you that the time will soon come and he will divorce and marry you. But all this will happen... in the future. These are just words. Not actions. Although there are exceptions.

2. Unavailable man.

This type of man behaves with you exactly the same as a married man. But at the same time she is not married. He looks like a great man who makes you feel good when you're having fun together. But when you need help... he's not there, he's out of reach. He always has things to do that are more important than you. At the same time, he, too, like a married man, does not introduce you to his friends, does not tell his parents about you (let alone introduce you to them). When he needs you, he is your covenant, and you are nearby. But he doesn't even entertain the thought of being there for you when you need him. He doesn't think about it. He is already comfortable and good. And if you get tired of it and leave him, it will be... good for him too. Although perhaps not right away. Because it won't be comfortable for a while. After all, you won’t be there when he wants it, as always, for a few...hours or minutes.

3. Bad boy.

He is a funny guy, a charmer and a joker. He is charming, sweet and irresistible. When you are together, he puts you on a pedestal, makes vows, jokes. It's never boring with him. But... out of the blue, he suddenly doesn’t get in touch with you, despite his promises. And he can disappear for weeks, not caring at all about your worries. Then, just as suddenly, he appears and, with constant charm, looking lovingly into your eyes, asks for forgiveness. So what if you found evidence of his betrayal in the form of lipstick on his shirt? After all, he is so charming and so faithfully promises that this will never happen again. And you forgive because you want to believe in a fairy tale. After all, this charmer is so sweet and speaks so skillfully about his love for you. But...he's as irresponsible as he is charming.

4. Sexually preoccupied.

All his thoughts are about the same thing. All he needs from you is the satisfaction of his sexual needs. Sex replaces all the delights of a relationship between a man and a woman. He is not interested in heart-to-heart conversations, he does not know how to express his feelings to you, he craves only one thing. And he knows how to solve all problems in relationships only with sex. But... at any moment when you are not around, or when for some reason you cannot satisfy his sudden need, he can do it somewhere else. After all, sex is all he needs from a woman.

5. Unreliable, irresponsible man.

This man calls himself self-sufficient and independent. He doesn't need your presence at all. Or rather, he only wants to be with you sometimes. And not every day. After all, he is self-sufficient, and he feels good. You console yourself with the thought that you have him, because he is dating you. And that he will lend his strong masculine shoulder in a difficult situation. But... this is an illusion. Because he doesn't need it. And it may very well be that at some point his self-sufficiency in his relationship with you will reach such limits that he will no longer need to spend his time on you, at least occasionally. After all, the main thing for him is his freedom and independence.

6. Poor thing.

Such a man will shower you with his attention in abundance, shower you with ardent declarations of love, fulfill your every whim without hesitation, is ready to literally do anything for you and cannot live without you. And soon you won’t be able to be alone for a minute. Because he will be with you all the time. He wants to merge with you, to always be one, and... will demand the same constant attention from you. You will have to give all your time only to him. So, in the end, you ask yourself the question - does he really love you, or is it some kind of painful addiction?

7. Engineer of human souls.

This is a sincere storyteller, an excellent expert on female psychology. He paints in all colors the beauty of love for you and you as such. Beautiful words flow from him like a river. Ah, these women who “love with their ears!”... He casts languid glances at you, he talks about love, promises a lot, and constantly gets into your soul. He subtly understands the slightest movements of the human soul, feels you perfectly and pretends that he is “on board” with you. He is an excellent manipulator and masters psychological methods of influence. He knows your motives and needs, tells you everything you want and promises you a lot. And soon you realize that he has gotten so deeply into your soul that you can’t get him off. He hooked you on beautiful words, like a drug. He has the habit of subtly asking how much you love him, how much you need him. And you say - yes, I love you! This is exactly what he wanted. But... it soon becomes clear that he cannot offer you anything but words. And he doesn’t think it’s necessary. He is weak and helpless, does not keep his promises, and many do not even remember. He doesn't know how to act. All his energy is spent on beautiful words. As a rule, he has an inferiority complex, and through intimate conversations he makes women fall in love with him. For self-affirmation.

8. Selfish.

This is a man who loves only himself. He is simply not capable of loving anyone else. Especially if we are talking about a person who pays great attention to his appearance. Do you think it's nice to deal with such an elegant, handsome macho? However... this is only an appearance. The more carefully he chooses his clothes, shoes, perfume, hairstyle, the more he looks in the mirror and laments about the extra pounds he has gained, the more advanced the situation is - in front of you is a narcissistic narcissist. He really takes good care of himself, but... only of himself. It is simply not enough for others.

9. Workaholic.

A man whose interests are limited solely to his career will never be able to make a woman happy. He disappears at work for days, and he doesn’t care about anything except her. In this pair, the man-work third is the odd one out. Probably, such a person has a very undeveloped ability to feel, love, and care. He replaces care and love with money earned at work. And, if a woman tries to be indignant at his inattention, he will reproach her for not appreciating his efforts to provide her with a sweet life. He simply won't hear her.

10. Drug addict, alcoholic, gambler.

A man prone to harmful addictions can make any woman unhappy. And neither the most wonderful compatibility nor love can save you here. You can live with him, but... is it possible to live happily? And is it worth the pain?

11. Controller.

At first glance, such a man can amaze you with his strength and masculinity. He knows how to solve problems, he is active, strong, decisive. He is the master of life. As a rule, he occupies a high position and earns well. Behind him is like behind a stone wall. But at one fine moment you realize that the stone wall has turned into a cage. Because such a man limits you in everything and dictates all your actions for a long time to come. Controlling every step. He perceives you as a thing, his property.

12. Aggressor.

Is it worth explaining that if a man beats his woman every now and then, then relying on the well-known saying “He beats means he loves” is not the best way out. Moreover, he is not limited to beatings alone. And don’t skimp on insults and rudeness. If he is so aggressive that he easily raises his hand against you, it is stupid to believe that he can be changed and you will live like in a fairy tale. Even if he suddenly begins to promise that he will never repeat this again. If he raised his hand to you, try to put an end to this relationship as soon as possible.

13. Greedy.

This is a special type of man. He can have as much money as he wants, but this has little effect on the degree of his greed. He can explain this to you for any reasons, and even assure you that he is not greedy, but you should keep in mind that people are prone to “excuses”, even if they themselves are not aware of the true motives of their behavior. A man who spares money on his woman is not a man. And tomorrow he will spare money for his child. And then what? Believe in miracles? He can spare money on everyone except himself. Or he might be greedy for himself too. It's not that important. Another thing is important - it cannot be fixed. A man by nature is a protector, a provider. And if your chosen one has greed instead of these qualities, everything is too neglected. Run away from him and don't regret anything!

14. Indifferent.

At first, he may seem so touchingly unhappy that he will touch your soul. You will want to pour out your tenderness on this unfortunate creature, warm him, caress him and finally make him happy with your love. After all, he has such sad eyes, he is so serious and reserved. He probably has such a vulnerable and sensitive soul that he is afraid to show his feelings so as not to be hurt or offended. And you will take it and melt the ice, because your love is enough for two. Stop! First of all, pay attention to your self-esteem! Why should you love for two? There will be no happiness in such a relationship. Because there is no harmony and equality there. And it won't. Secondly, such stories usually end in the collapse of relationships, a lot of disappointments, illnesses and mental trauma. Because an insensitive, indifferent, cold person who does not know how to love will not melt from your love alone. He doesn't need it. Although there are exceptions - when a man, at first cautious and reserved, as the relationship develops and trust in you increases, he opens up and becomes loving and gentle with you. But this usually happens pretty quickly. And this is rare. If his coldness lasts for months, or even years, there is no point in expecting a miracle.

15. Alphonse.

This money-obsessed type can hardly be called a man. But he doesn't think so. He is used to selling himself, his attractiveness (and often he is really damn attractive!). He is well versed in the intricacies of female psychology, skillfully manipulates and seduces. He can be a good lover. And he knows how to “show off” so that you lose your head over him. Having previously learned all the features of your excellent material well-being. But... will he love you? He only loves your money. You need to be very careful with this one and stay away from it. So that it doesn’t turn out like in one humorous story, “A friend met such a handsome guy! Not a man, but a fairy tale!” He doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, doesn’t work, ... and doesn’t intend to. He lives in her luxurious apartment, with everything ready . And to all the indignation he answers - if you don’t like something, I can leave, they’ll quickly pick me up, handsome.”

16. Womanizer.

This is a man who, in principle, is incapable of love. Although he himself may not think so. But he calls anything love, just not love itself. He can sincerely admit that he is not monogamous. Hiding behind slogans from books that a man is a sower and all that jazz. So everything is in the nature of men, and not at all his fault. But he may not say this. It doesn't matter. If a man is walking, it is in vain to expect him to finally calm down and stop walking to the left. Even if he says that he loves only you and will no longer go to the left. However, if you are ready for this, continue to be with him. And even deceive yourself that you are happy and don’t go to doctors at all, don’t experience an inferiority complex, etc. and so on. But is it worth it?

17. Bachelor.

This type is very similar to unavailable and independent. But he most often openly declares his bachelor principles. He does not accept the institution of marriage and cannot stand obligations. Taking responsibility for someone is simply stupid. For what? If you can live for yourself, your loved one, for your own pleasure. And he is not going to offer anything but sex to his sexual needs with women (after all, he doesn’t owe anyone anything). And he will always find them. He does not know the beauty of close relationships, care and family comfort. He doesn't understand this. The word “we” does not exist for him, and even infuriates him. And the word “ours, common” is generally like a red rag for a bull. Among bachelors there can also be misogynists.

18. Gloomy philosopher.

This is a man full of abstruse ideas and reasoning. He will quote classics and philosophers, he is well-read, smart and looks down on this whole “imperfect world” with petty-bourgeois foundations. Often he leads an ascetic lifestyle and cannot earn anything (with loud slogans that money is so low and vulgar). May be overly involved in spiritual practices, Castaneda, yoga, etc. (which in itself is not at all bad, but not in the case of a gloomy philosopher). He ignores the physical, material world. May not take care of himself, be unkempt, unkempt. He has decreased sensory sensations. After all, he is a high-flying bird. He doesn’t care about generally accepted principles. He can also look down on marriage, cynically talking about “loving a woman like a wild flower - he saw, smelled, admired and moved on,” about open relationships. This is what "high relationships" are. Why should he burden himself with everyday life and serious relationships? After all, he is above this, all so spiritual, smart and advanced.

19. Loser, whiner.

This man is a typical loser. He cannot find a decent job, he always sits penniless in his pocket, or even on someone’s neck. At the same time, he may consider himself an unrecognized genius, whom no one appreciates or understands. As a rule, he blames others and circumstances for his failures. At work, they say, he is not appreciated, his salary is not raised, his bosses are all bad, his colleagues are envious. His friends don’t understand him and that’s why, by and large, he doesn’t have any friends. And women are completely insidious creatures. And he had never seen a single good girl. They're all bitches. Whining, criticizing everything and everyone and seeking pity is his typical behavior. And even if at first he says that you may be an exception, and not like all these bitches, then the likelihood that in his eyes you will soon join the same cohort of bitches is very high.

20. Infantile. Sissy.

This is the type of weak, dependent person. As a rule, he has an overbearing mother, or was raised by an overbearing grandmother. Often he is the only son of his parents (or of one mother, whose husband either abandoned her or never had one). And now he obeys his mother in everything, she completely controls him. If he manages to fly out from under her wing and starts a relationship with you, firstly, his mother will most likely not approve of his choice (why does she need competitors?), and he will listen to her, or he will behave with you just like with a powerful and strong mother. He won’t be able to take a step without you, he will be entirely under your influence. There is no need to look for support and support in such a man. And with his addiction, he will very soon begin to drive you crazy. Do you need an over-aged, infantile “son”, or is it still a man?

The list goes on. But the trends are clear. Of course, all these types are just conventions. And they, as a rule, are exaggerated, as in any typology. In addition, there are practically no pure types in nature. Usually several of these characteristics, developed to varying degrees, are combined in one person. Some of them are intersecting. All people are not perfect. And this or that trait may be present in a normal man who knows how to build good relationships. But the most important thing is to understand to what extent it is developed. And if some of these traits are strongly and seriously expressed in a man, then, of course, you can build a relationship with him if you really want to (but is it worth it?). Moreover, “love is evil.” But! Is this love? Love is harmony. Although many call it strong feelings, where there is a lot of suffering, or passion, or painful dependence. Anything but love. Remember that it is almost impossible to create a long and happy relationship with such a man. Although many of our women live by the principle “even if it’s bad, it’s mine.” Here you should decide for yourself what you want - a happy family and a loving, reliable man nearby, who not only makes you happy, but is also happy that you are nearby. Or suffering, complexes, tears and psychosomatic illnesses. And remember, no matter what a man is, he must take care not only of himself, but also of you and your children. How about yourself. But playing with one goal will not bring happiness.