A funeral in a dream is usually a painful sight, especially considering the logic of the dream, according to which a variety of events can be included in the scenario. The thought of death is usually drowned out by a person during life; prolonged thoughts about mortality and the transience of life necessarily lead to depression and despondency.

Seeing a funeral in a dream is a joyless sight, but in some cases it is necessary to understand yourself and find answers to forbidden awkward questions. In reality, the meaning of the dream is positive, you are saying goodbye and parting with something unnecessary and are ready to start a new life. Don’t be scared, try to figure out why you dream about a funeral.

Basic meanings of a funeral in a dream

  • A funeral in a dream can have three main meanings with different interpretations. The first, factual meaning may be an echo of memories of a real funeral that you happened to attend. In this case, you will experience approximately the same feelings as last time - sadness of parting, awkwardness, shame from trying to hide thoughts and joy about the inheritance, the set depends on the relationship that connected you with the deceased and with others. It makes sense to think about why you needed to relive this memory again, what exactly you are trying to remember, and pay attention to the details.
  • The second meaning is based on a person’s subconscious fears, fear of death. You dream of someone near and dear to you in a coffin. Or you yourself suddenly find yourself in the place of the deceased and anxiously listen to the clods of earth drumming on the lid of the coffin. Luckily, these nightmares don't last long; you'll wake up in an icy sweat, take a sip of water in the kitchen, and go back to sleep.
  • The third meaning of a funeral in a dream is the rarest, but the most interesting. You have no idea who is being buried, but you know for sure that you have a direct connection to it. You must either hold wreaths, or carry the coffin lid, take care of the banquet, or conduct a bravura funeral orchestra. Such a dream means that you are parting with some part of yourself, burying a dream or idea, past or future, abandoning moments that are significant to you and vital in the past.
  • It’s not for nothing that army sergeants organize a solemn funeral for a cigarette butt or a bottle. These seemingly meaningless, annoying and mocking actions have serious implications for the formation of habit cessation.
  • Hammering nails into the coffin means giving up habits that have begun to harm you.
  • Carrying a coffin or pretending to carry it - it is quite possible that you are experiencing a strong feeling of guilt and would like to change something, give up a number of actions. Getting rid of the shameful secret that this is what you do in your sleep is a great idea. If you don't do this, for the rest of your life you will have to stand on the edge of an imaginary grave, feeling the weight of a non-existent coffin on your shoulders. Whatever you do, this hell to which many people condemn themselves during their lifetime is an excessive and wrong punishment. Come out of paralysis. If you still feel guilty, do good deeds. Volunteer at a hospice, go to another continent to treat dangerous diseases. All this is better than sticking around like an absurd guilty monument.

Tangled stories from a funeral

Since a funeral in a dream is often closely connected with a guilt complex in reality - they didn’t have time, did it wrong, failed to take care of it as best as possible, were happy about the vacated apartment and inheritance, the plot can be confusing.

If you dream that you are burying a obviously dead person, and he turns out to be alive and waiting for you at home, or even enjoys being treated to food at his own funeral - in this dream you are finalizing your guilt complex. In a dream, you can show concern, help, repent of premature joy, and make peace. At the end of the dream, the deceased returns to the grave with pleasure and the feeling of guilt no longer bothers you.

If the dead person swears, is demanding, and comes back again and again with terrible damage, then your sense of guilt is very deep. Perhaps you really are to blame. But this is not a reason to freeze and devote the rest of your life to repentance. Give alms to churches, buy uniforms for the school football team, do something good and useful. When the guilt passes, the terrible dreams will stop.

The meaning of a funeral in a dream according to authoritative interpretations

  • Vanga's dream book is especially attentive to his own funeral and considers it an excellent sign of future wealth and prosperity, excellent health, and possibly an upcoming wedding. If you see a gravestone with your name on it, this is a sure sign of longevity. Some people, knowing about this sign, deliberately carve their name on the family gravestone in reality. Usually this is accompanied by grumbling about careless relatives who will not be able to do it properly; you have to take care of everything yourself. Grumbling is needed to cause maximum bewilderment, which blocks understanding of what is happening.
  • An empty coffin without a body means that you are experiencing inner emptiness and deep loneliness. You would like to part with this emptiness.
  • Miller's dream book considers a funeral in a dream a good sign, provided there is good clear weather. The better the weather in your dream, the more positive you will be able to relate to changes in your life. A modest funeral means future success. A lavish funeral that resembles a holiday is not good. Serious family quarrels are possible.
  • Tsvetkov’s dream book claims that a funeral in a dream means a very possible imminent wedding. By actually burying old problems, and in your dream you are burying them, you have a chance to develop new relationships.

Recently, people have increasingly begun to turn to dream books to interpret this or that dream. In this review we will try to consider one of the possible night visions. Let's talk about what funerals mean in dreams.

What does such a dream portend?

If you dreamed of a funeral, it means that you need to prepare for changes. Such a dream implies a huge number of interpretations. And the most popular of them relate to the revaluation of value, new events that will take place in life. However, everything new will be aimed at successfully resolving problem situations. At the same time, it is worth understanding that much will depend on the person’s personality and on the spiritual state in which he is at the moment when he had the dream.

Decide who is being buried

6. If in a dream you receive condolences because you have lost someone close to you, then a magnificent feast awaits you.

7. If you cry at a funeral, expect great luck soon.

8. Why do you dream about your own funeral? The answer is somewhat unexpected - you should prepare for dizzying success.

9. Young girls usually have such a dream if they are preparing for their wedding.

10. If you saw a hearse in a dream, then you should expect separation from your loved ones. Soon you will have to travel very far.

11. Why do you dream about a child’s funeral? If it is yours, then it symbolizes health and well-being. If you dream about the funeral of a friend’s baby, this is a bad sign for the family whose child died (in a dream).

12. If you need to bury a pet, then this indicates a change in the weather.

13. Hearing a death knell in a dream means a possible illness of those people whom you saw not so long ago.

14. Ringing a bell in a dream is a bad sign. It symbolizes an accident. If trips were planned, it is better to cancel them. You should not drive before the new moon. Those who are baptized should order magpies for health in seven churches. If you are not baptized, then you need to pour salt near the threshold. In this way, you protect yourself and your family from illnesses.

15. If a sick person rings a bell in a dream, it symbolizes his own death.

A gloomy dream does not always bring only bad things

But other interpretations can also be found. So why do you dream of a funeral? Agree that a gloomy dream in which you simply looked out the window and saw a funeral procession will not add positive emotions the next day.

If you saw a funeral in a dream, you should not take it seriously. So, if you have lost one of your relatives, and it was a bright and sunny day outside, then this indicates good health for your loved ones. It is even possible to get married, which will be quite successful. However, if it rains during the funeral procession, then illness and not very good news may await you. Things will soon leave much to be desired.

Bad news and happy events may await you

Why do you dream about other people's funerals? If a person is a complete stranger to you, then you should expect complications in relationships with people. Such problems will come as a surprise to you. If you buried your child, then nothing bad will happen in your family. However, relationships with friends will be disrupted. A death knell in a dream does not bode well. It's worth waiting for sad news. The person who is far from you at the time of sleep may get sick. If in a dream you yourself ring a bell, then in this way you foreshadow the beginning of illnesses and failures.

If you see a funeral procession, then this suggests that you should expect sad news. Did you see a torchlight procession in a dream and even took part in it? This means that in real life you will have fun. However, you should behave with extreme caution, as such fun can compromise you and your achievements.

Sad symbol

Why do you dream of a friend’s funeral? Quite a sad sign, both for dreams and for reality. Soon you should expect illnesses in friends or relatives, which can lead to death. This mainly applies to rich relatives. If you saw a person you don’t know being buried, this may portend an imminent wedding. In many cases, a procession to a cemetery can speak of unhappy marriages and illnesses of children.

What should you expect if you had a dream like this?

It is worth summing up and talking about the symbols that are hidden in such dreams.

1. The person who is buried will live a long life.

2. A sunny day at a funeral is a favorable sign that speaks of health for family and friends. The person will have quick happiness. Bad weather symbolizes illness and not entirely pleasant news. There may be a decline in business.

3. A dream in which you are simply present at the funeral of a person completely unfamiliar to you may indicate unexpected complications in relation to your family.

4. The death of a child means health and peace for you, problems for friends.

5. The ringing of bells in a dream signifies sad news. A person who is absent may become ill. Ringing a bell yourself means foretelling trouble.

Why do you dream about your grandmother’s funeral? In most cases, such a dream is positive. And it leads to a happy life. There is no need to create panic after such a dream.

What if you saw a coffin in a dream?

What could a coffin mean in a dream? This item always evokes associations with death. However, you don't have to take everything so literally. In many cases, a coffin in a dream symbolizes completely different events. If it is empty, then you can rest assured that you will live a long life. And your health will be good.

In the event that you purchase a coffin or are simply present in the place where they are made, then in reality you will have real estate. The diversity in interpretations of dreams of this kind can be confusing. Therefore, you need to analyze your dream quite carefully, pay attention to the presence of people and significant, and sometimes absolutely insignificant, seemingly insignificant moments in it. If everything is reproduced with high accuracy, then the interpretation may turn out to be more detailed and correct.

If the coffin is not empty

Why do you dream about your own funeral? If you saw yourself in a coffin, then you should expect problems to arise soon, from which it will be impossible to get rid of. Matters of this kind will need to be resolved on your own, since strangers will not be able to help. A stranger lying in a coffin symbolizes imminent misfortune that will successfully pass you by. Most likely, they will try to harm you. However, the opponents' plan will not be realized.

A dream with an empty coffin speaks of health. The subconscious can thus communicate that you have a lot of strength. You can do ambitious things.

A simple coffin made of ordinary wood indicates that you are completely satisfied with your current life. If the funeral attribute is decorated with velvet and made of mahogany, this indicates that your financial situation is not satisfactory. And failure awaits you in business.

If you are lying in a coffin, then expect an imminent accident or illness. It is necessary to consult a doctor if something is bothering you. There is no need to take your health carelessly. Otherwise, everything could end quite sadly.

What does the Russian dream book say?

Why do you dream of coffins? A funeral in this situation symbolizes an imminent separation. If you bury a coffin, then in real life you may quarrel with your loved one. At work, you will encounter problems that could cause you to be fired.

If you make a coffin yourself, this symbolizes that you find and create problems for yourself.

What is Freud talking about?

If there is a woman in the coffin, then for a man such a dream may foreshadow a quick separation. However, you shouldn’t be afraid of the worst. This only means that your feelings have disappeared. And this happened a long time ago, but you did not want to perceive it.

If in a dream you saw an empty coffin, then this means spiritual emptiness. Perhaps you have experienced a separation that has had a significant impact on your state of mind.

What does Shuvalov say about his dream?

If in a dream you are lying in a coffin, expect serious problems. In the future, there may be separation from a loved one or some difficulties at work. Health will deteriorate. This may only last for a few months. Try to decide what is valuable to you. This is exactly what we need to pay special attention to. There is no need to chase after all your affairs, as you can lose everything.

What did the Mayans say?

An empty coffin represents a retreat from the problems of the real world. If you saw a funeral, it means that there are more envious people, and they have a huge influence on your actions. If you are lying in a coffin, then expect immediate problems, which will not be easy to cope with.

What does the English dream book say?

If you purchase a coffin or design it yourself in a dream, this may mean that you have prepared quite seriously for future problems. If you are digging a grave, burying a coffin, or just seeing a funeral, this promises some kind of loss. And perhaps you will part with many problems.

A coffin doesn't always portend bad news

A dream in which you saw such a sad sign does not always indicate impending troubles. However, before you do anything after such a vision, you need to carefully interpret it. People, actions, additional elements - all this can play a decisive role. Don't overlook a single detail.


You should not expect problems if you saw a funeral in a dream. Just remember all the details, and then correctly “sort out” such a dream. Perhaps nothing bad will happen. Only numerous joys can await you in the near future. In this review, we discussed in detail what a dream in which a funeral could mean. We hope this helps you understand what such a vision entails.

A funeral procession rarely evokes a smile: gloomy faces, crying people, funeral music - you must agree, all these paraphernalia do not contribute to fun. However, if you see a funeral in a dream, and not in existing reality, and you are interested in why you are dreaming, then be calm. Contrary to expectations, this dream has a positive meaning according to almost all known dream books.

Brief interpretations

If you are concerned about the question of why you dream of a funeral procession, then you need to check the details of your dream with dream books. This will help you understand if there is cause for concern.

  • I dreamed of my own funeral, where many condolences gathered - to health and an optimistic mood.
  • To bury a relative - in reality, he will live for many more years.
  • If you meet someone else's procession, you will encounter obstacles.
  • A funeral event on a clear day means getting rid of difficulties.
  • There was inclement weather - the plans were not destined to come true.

Dream Book of G. Miller

It is not difficult to find out why you dream of being present at a funeral ceremony in honor of a deceased relative. A dream means good health for family and loved ones. If you dreamed that there was a funeral procession mourning a stranger, there may be a chill in your relationships with others.

Are you worried about burying your child in a dream? It’s not worth it, Miller’s dream book reassures, this nightmare prophesies peace in the family. Did you dream that you helped with the burial of a stranger’s child? This means misunderstanding between friends.

Dying in a dream means a long life

Seeing your own burial from the outside is a sign of a long and successful life. And if you are wondering why you dream that you see your family from the side, crying over your death, then the White Magician’s dream book will answer you. The interpretation of a dream in which they mourn for you is very joyful - success and universal recognition await you.

Tribute to memory, or Honor is already at the doorstep

Pastor Loff's dream book explains the vision in which you happened to participate in a funeral procession: if you were burying an acquaintance, then honor and respect will await you; for a stranger, you will gain wealth.

Often, having seen something terrible in a dream, we wake up in a bad mood and constantly expect that something unpleasant will happen to us. Do not worry if in a dream you had to participate in the burial of a friend. Miss Hasse's dream book promises that you will be very lucky in starting something new, you will definitely achieve success. Participating in the funeral procession of one of the parents and receiving condolences - such a picture promises a joyful event at which you will be congratulated.

Become an accidental witness - Obstacles and ways to solve them

In a dream, meeting a procession with a deceased person in a cemetery and crossing the road in front of him is not a very pleasing interpretation: by your own actions you will create obstacles in resolving controversial issues and thereby bring yourself into trouble. Crossing the road just before the coffin is a sign that problems are very close.

Why do you dream of a funeral? What bad prospects does such a dream promise? As with Tarot cards, he does not report death. Most likely, one period in life replaces another, and it is common for a person to worry about this. At night, the subconscious shows the image of a sad ritual, transforming the exciting events of the day.

Rarely is a dream more upsetting and discouraging upon awakening than a funeral procession. Immediately, anxiety arises for the well-being of loved ones and friends, and even one’s own health. The dream is extremely gloomy and unpleasant. Approximately the same mood occurs when the “Death” card falls out of the Tarot deck. But more about the dream.

Most interpretations after a dream about a funeral in clear weather predict a quick celebration and a friendly feast. Moreover, the one who was buried in the dream will be in charge. It’s not bad to see a poor ceremony with a small number of mourners, then in reality the sleeper will receive profit and recognition. If the funeral was luxurious, there will be a loss of money and authority.

In addition to the weather and the pomp of the ceremony, the consequences of the dream depend on the person who was interred. He may turn out to be a relative, friend, or the dreamer himself.

There are two options for deciphering the dream: the person seen will live for many more years, or he is sick and should be treated without delay. Studying the nuances of the dream will help you choose the right interpretation.

Interpretations of sleep in dream books

Clairvoyants suggested taking the dream with the symbol of a funeral seriously. A certain turning point comes in a person’s life, and he needs, more than ever, to monitor his actions. Whether the changes will be positive or unsuccessful depends on the actions of the dreamer. Scientists suggested that we perceive what we saw with a degree of irony, but not with despair or anxiety.

According to Miller

Psychologist Gustav Miller considered dreams to be messages from the subconscious to the sleeper. Negative emotions give rise to visions in dark colors, and joyful hopes and expectations give rise to white objects or sunny weather. Thus, by the coloring of a dream, it is possible to determine the disposition of a person’s spirit.

A funeral procession on a clear day gives a good omen. Pleasant events, meetings and peace in the family are coming. In case of rain or slush, the forecast is less favorable. A person does not expect good news and is unlikely to receive it. It is possible that it is his bad mood that will not allow him to accept the most amazing news with gratitude.

A vision of a coffin being lowered into the ground speaks of difficulties in communicating with others. A person is too focused on his emotions and does not want to notice other people's needs and meet them halfway.

The ringing of a bell foretells someone's illness. If the dreamer himself rings the bells, the body gives a signal about a malfunction. You should consult a doctor and have your health checked.

The seer believed that after the dream it was time to stop indulging in bad habits. A funeral in a dream, especially if the name of the sleeping person is written on the sign, is a clear sign given by the body. Hammering nails into a coffin indicates a successful attempt to get rid of vices in the near future.

A dug grave or an empty coffin demonstrates the emptiness in the soul of the sleeper. He is sad or has broken up with a loved one. The dreamer who bears the coffin is preparing or has already committed an ugly act in reality. Repentance and heaviness in the soul cause a dream with participation in a gloomy ceremony.

If a long-dead person was lying in a coffin, the sleeper needs to remember the affairs and events associated with him. Something from the past will return, and the dream provides a valuable clue.

According to Freud

Sigmund Freud attributed the question of why funerals are dreamed of to the area of ​​phobias and uncertainty about one’s sexuality. Thus, a man fears impotence and the inability to prove himself a good lover. The girl, in turn, doubts her own attractiveness and the ability to attract the man she likes. Such thoughts complicate life and communication with a partner.

If a sleeping person is lowered into the ground, in reality he behaves detached and self-centered. It is not easy for him to establish contact with others.

According to Nostradamus

If you have to bury already departed relatives again, the dreamer becomes sad and misses them. Staying in a cemetery at the grave of a famous person promises in reality the receipt of an inheritance. Together with him, the sleeper will gain recognition and respect. If the grave is on fire, it is possible that damage will be caused to the dreamer or his illness.

An attempt to prevent the destruction of a tombstone precedes the receipt of important news or secrets. Finding a burial place speaks of the spirituality of the sleeper and his interest in new knowledge. A tombstone that appears in a dream on the site of an existing building foreshadows a move to the homeland of your ancestors.

Whichever living person ends up in a coffin, with a high probability, he still has a long earthly journey ahead of him, and the sad ceremony in reality will turn into a cheerful celebration. Why you dream about your own or someone else’s funeral can be found out by analyzing the details of the dream.

Own funeral

If the dreamer is sick, the dream promises recovery. There will be changes that can affect different areas of life: health, place of residence and work. If the weather is good, during one’s own funeral, a person in reality will face a solution to the housing problem or a promotion.

Why else do you dream about your own funeral? A magnificent procession indicates a deterioration in relations with friends. Preparing for a ritual with witchcraft attributes warns of the machinations of an ill-wisher.

If a bouquet of fresh flowers is placed on the grave, achievements in business are coming, and an artificial wreath promises deception. Seeing yourself lying in a coffin symbolizes a joyful event.

Burying a relative

According to Miller, burying your child in a dream, who is actually alive and well, speaks of his future longevity and prosperity. Harmonious relationships and love will be established in the family. Another interpretation of the dream reports problems with the sleeping friend. If he asks for help, do not refuse.

The inability to successfully complete a started project results, according to Freud, in a dream involving the funeral of a brother. The dreamer grabs onto different things, listens to the opinions of his colleagues, but the result remains the same.

A father's funeral may warn of a deteriorating financial situation. It's worth starting to save. Another interpretation is that a long-lost expensive thing will be found. The mother's funeral prepares unpleasant surprises in real life. Preparing for the funeral of a living parent promises timely help.

Receiving condolences from those who came to the ceremony foreshadows congratulations in reality. If there are a lot of acquaintances among people, especially relatives, you should expect a profitable marriage.

Muslims believe that the last farewell to a living spouse represents seeing off a loved one on a long trip. According to Freud, the husband's funeral will lead to reconciliation with his family. Miss Hasse advised having patience after such a dream, as it will entail the completion of a difficult task.

Burying a wife means progress and successful completion of a hopeless business. Worry and anxiety over minor issues are also possible.

Stranger's funeral

Burying a stranger is usually a good dream. The dreamer expects profit, a charge of vivacity and energy, as well as the end of the “black” streak. Everything will work out and be a great success. Ahead is an acquaintance with a powerful entrepreneur who will provide assistance in business. Fortune will be even more favorable if no one cried at the ceremony and the sun was shining brightly.

Additional situations

A dream has a more positive impact on immediate events if during it and upon awakening the sleeper did not feel despondency, fear or malaise. If they were present, the interpretation of the dream will be less successful.

According to Freud, seeing mourners at a funeral in a dream shows financial instability or personal problems. Luck may run out, and it will not be easy to return to prosperity. If a person laughs through tears, in reality he often behaves obscenely.

Sobbing at a funeral in a dream marks violent emotions. Sometimes crying in a dream means having fun in reality. Some dream books decipher a dream as short-lived happiness.

I dreamed about cremation

Cremation is a harbinger of failure in trade and commerce. The sleeper's reputation will be undermined, and profitable deals will be postponed. This can happen due to the fault of enemies and envious people. If the dreamer is cremated, you should listen to your intuition and not really trust other people’s opinions.

Cremation of a loved one promises grief or long-term ill health. The body of a deceased person consigned to fire in a dream, according to his wishes, speaks of responsibility towards relatives and the fulfillment of obligations towards them.

I dreamed of a funeral procession

A procession with a large number of people portends difficulties and discontent. If in a dream she blocked the sleeper’s path, he will face stagnation in business and losses. The dream of a crowd of relatives walking behind the coffin reflects the efforts before the wedding celebration. A moving hearse promises changes in life.

Dream about a coffin

Dreaming of buying a coffin means major expenses. For an unmarried girl, a dream about being forcibly placed in a coffin speaks of an imminent wedding. A dream with a coffin entwined with flowers has the same meaning. Standing on a hill promises prosperity and success in business. And the one who fell and crashed, according to Vanga, personifies the care of the Guardian Angel, who averted trouble.

According to Freud, the symbol of the coffin means the female genital organs. Expensive and intact indicates excellent health, while broken indicates problems with childbirth. The zinc coffin warns of impending danger.

Seeing yourself sleeping in a coffin is a dream before great fun. Rising from the coffin precedes family quarrels and the search for a way out of the conflict.

Burial alive

If the role of the person buried alive is a friend, the dream promises a quick meeting with him at a party. A terrible dream will entail in real life an event with a large crowd of people, where the “star” will be the character from the dream. It could be a wedding, a family holiday or a spontaneous party with friends. The event guarantees meeting interesting people.


Not every person strives for changes in life, but sometimes they cannot be avoided. A dream with a funeral procession is the best proof. Old dreams and hopes have died, so it's time to find other goals and go towards them. This will require effort and patience, but the worst thing is to stand still and not develop.

Meeting new people will bring knowledge and experience. Perhaps you will be able to make friends with one of them, and they will be the ones who will support and dispel doubts or help you find your true calling. You shouldn't lock yourself in four walls and wait for a miracle. Recognition and success must be achieved.

My name is Julia Jenny Norman, and I am an author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "OLMA-PRESS" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently I help promote virtual reality projects. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions here that charge you with positivity and give inspiration. In my spare time I study French medieval dances. I am interested in any information about that era. I offer you articles that can captivate you with a new hobby or simply give you pleasant moments. You need to dream about something beautiful, then it will come true!

An absent person.

To dream of a magnificent, solemn funeral- misunderstanding on the part of others, difficulties in communication, disagreements.

Meet a funeral procession on the way- minor problems in business life, sad news, slight illness.

Modern combined dream book

If you dream that you are attending the funeral of a relative, and the bright sun illuminates the procession- this is a sign of good health of loved ones. Perhaps a happy marriage awaits one of them.

But if the weather is gloomy and rainy- expect deterioration in health and unpleasant news about absent persons. Decline is also possible in commercial affairs.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Funeral- to a speedy recovery.

Outrun the funeral procession- to an emergency event.

Complete dream book of the New Era

If in a dream you are present at the funeral of a person you do not know closely- the dream suggests that some part of your nature has died, that the funeral symbolizes recognition and acceptance of the end of the cycle.

Funerals can also symbolize- respect for the changes that occur in your life. Are you separated from something or someone at this moment in your life? How does this make you feel? The dream may also indicate that you need to pay attention to bad feelings you have about your lifestyle.

Dream book of a gypsy

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Funeral- wedding, success/funeral, troubles; they bury relatives, a friend, a noble person- happiness, wealth, inheritance; unknown person is buried- slander, false news; you are being buried- unexpected joy, long life/bad life; funeral songs to sing or hear- sadness, death of relatives or friends.

Esoteric dream book

See- to joyful events, good luck.

Take part in the funeral- gifts or joy from friends.

Your funeral- great luck, long-term luck, despite the pessimistic mood.

Ukrainian dream book

Funeral- happy ending; wedding; they are hiding you- long life, employees- salary increase.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Funeral- successful outcome; for the wedding; you are being buried- long life; dead man alive- wedding invitation; funeral procession- long sorrows (depending on the length of the procession, due to personal matters).

Collection of dream books

If a person sees himself burying an elderly person in a dream- ok, that means prosperity.

Funeral- unnecessary fears about health (they may make a false diagnosis), but in fact your health will be good.

Funeral- for the wedding.

If you dreamed of a rich funeral- your dream predicts dishonor that will fall on your home.

A poor funeral, on the contrary, portends good luck.

Meet the funeral- Fine.

If you dreamed:

Dreams from Friday to Saturday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.