If in your dream marble acted as an architectural element, then it can be regarded as the first sign of showing off, cheap boasting. Marble is often used to decorate premises that house government structures - the residence of the president, government, corporations. If you lived in a similar building in a dream, this may indicate that you are loyal to all these structures. Occupied a house whose owner was the government or a large company - this can in some cases be regarded as a reflection of how you perceive power. The key point to decipher is the people who visited you. Lived in a marble mansion - you are on the threshold of a successful business venture. If you happened to be in such places in a dream, then remember what feelings you had at the same time.

Vanga's Dream Book

If you had a dream in which you hold a piece of marble in your palms, it means that in reality you are faced with a difficult choice. Perhaps at first glance he may not seem so, but keep in mind that you should approach him with all responsibility. This is due to the fact that if you make the wrong decision, not only you, but also the people dear to you can try.

Seeing a large hall with marble columns and a floor made of the same stone in a dream is a good omen. It promises you the speedy fulfillment of your cherished desire. A marble tombstone prophesies melancholy and despondency. Try not to succumb to the power of these depressing emotions, remember that one day everything will definitely get better.

Family Dream Book

Seeing him in a dream is a sign of ingratitude, cruelty and coldness that you do not deserve. The same thing means a dream in which you touch a marble surface and feel its coldness. After such a dream, lovers should not count on a bright future with their beloved. If you dream that you have a table covered with marble in your home, then the dream portends prosperity for you. Polishing marble in a dream means that you will receive some kind of fortune. Polishing a marble box in a dream indicates the need to put your family affairs in order.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation

Marble mining - ill-wishers are opposing your plans. Cutting marble into gravestones means receiving sad news about the death of one of your relatives. Marble bust - to the loss of a loved one. Watching the house in which you are going to live being faced with marble means you will have to endure bitter disappointment, the betrayal of a loved one. Polishing marble - you will enter into a struggle for possession of an inheritance.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Marble for a married person is the ingratitude of children, for an unmarried person it is a lack of understanding of parents. A house made of marble or with decorations made of this material means complications in relationships with management or with partners who are significantly higher than you in social status. To mine marble is to cause a family scandal by your actions. Selling marble - trying to get a promotion.

Modern Dream Interpretation

Seeing a marble quarry in a dream means a time of financial success in your life against the backdrop of a lack of love and goodwill. Watching marble being polished foretells that you will receive a good inheritance. Seeing broken marble means a quarrel with colleagues or companions due to differences in views on the laws of morality and decency.

Miller's Dream Book

If you dreamed of a marble quarry, this means that the time will soon come when you will have complete order in the financial sphere, but love will never appear in your heart. Someone polished the marble - this means you will be pleased to receive an inheritance. Dreaming of broken marble means that by challenging morality, you will anger your partners.

Islamic Dream Interpretation

Marble - in a dream indicates power, high degree, wealth and beautiful wives. And what is decorated with marble, like pools and fountains, is a sign of the disappearance of the worries and sorrows of the one who saw the dream, and also indicates joy and fun, noble and noble women, beautiful children, high houses and inheritances from Allah.

Erotic Dream Interpretation

If you dreamed of marble, it means that you will be rich, but you will not be able to experience true love. Broken marble dreams of disappointment. Perhaps you will commit an act that will cause a break with your loved one.

Are dreams a reflection of a parallel reality, or a person’s subconscious emotions and fears? Why do you dream about them? Why do we dream about the market, what does such a dream promise?

Why do you dream about the market according to Longo’s dream book?

The world of dreams is full of mysteries and secrets. Some people manage to travel in it every day, while others have never had prophetic dreams. Everything is individual. Why are dreams called prophetic? Because by interpreting their symbols and signs, images, you can make a forecast for the future. A forecast that is being realized. It is worth separately understanding what the market means in dreams according to different dream books.

Longo's dream book indicates that the market symbolizes household chores. A lot of small things that accumulate and prevent you from making informed decisions. It is also worth considering whether the choice in love was made correctly. Perhaps you got excited, giving your heart to the chosen person.

If you dream of choosing a product, despite the fact that you have to walk between the aisles for a long time and choose, it means that in reality the person takes a long time to make a decision, hesitates in his choice, and cannot decide on the right direction of action. Such a dream may indicate that it is high time to change something, become more decisive, or compromise. If you don’t start making decisions at lightning speed, it will be too late to decide anything, a situation will come when all chances will really be missed, all options will be squandered, ties will be severed.

If you dreamed that you were buying something at the market, in reality the person is very concerned about how to improve their life situation, how to improve relationships with loved ones. Sometimes such a dream indicates total indecision, that the time has come to start a new romance, but because of his indecision the person misses a real chance.

In order to change the situation, it is worth reviewing all the events that actually happen in a person’s life. Analyze past experience and no longer step on the same rake, both in your personal life and in the professional sphere.

If you dream about working in the market:

Total unexpected expenses await a person in his life;

Possible household expenses and troubles;

You may have to urgently purchase something for your home, something expensive but valuable.

Seeing a fight in the market means a major quarrel at home, a break in relationships. What to do in this case is to learn flexibility and wisdom. Stop defending your personal point of view, start compromising.

The dream can also promise betrayal and loss of close friends. Friends or a loved one will betray you - other details of the dream will tell you about this. The more active actions a person takes in a dream, the more negative the consequences of betrayal will be. In order to avoid it, you should first of all become honest and patient. Distribute debts, ask forgiveness from loved ones for the grievances caused.

Why do you dream about the market according to Freud’s dream book?

A market that appears in a dream to married people foreshadows quarrels, everyday troubles and disagreements, and a lack of mutual understanding. Freud gives advice to think about the fact that no one is perfect and you should not demand that your significant other meet standards.

If an unmarried girl dreams of the market, she will soon choose among her gentlemen. She will make the wrong choice only because she buys into a beautiful wrapper. It's worth considering all your options carefully before making a decision.

If you dream that you are haggling at the market and a quarrel occurs, perhaps a fight - family relationships have reached a dead end, but both partners value them. There is passion between them.

Why do you dream about the market according to Miller’s dream book?

Why do you dream about the market? Miller in his dream book indicates that it means frugality and accuracy. If the market is empty, depression is inevitable, but in this case the problems are rather far-fetched. Therefore, you should think a hundred times before getting nervous over trifles and blaming someone for invented sorrows.

If there are different but high-quality products on the shelves, positive changes in life are coming. If the products are rotten and expired, the opportunity to make a breakthrough in life is missed. It's time to change your priorities.

If a young girl dreams of bargaining for a discount at the market, in life she will be drawn into a controversial situation and will have difficulty getting out of the water unscathed. If a young man dreams that he is walking home from the market and has a purchase in his hands, in reality he will gain financial independence.

Why do you dream about the market according to other dream books?

In the women's dream book it is indicated that if a girl dreamed about how she ended up in the market, in reality she will be very painstaking in her work and thrifty with her partner, and will gain success in any pressing matters.

If a girl dreams of an empty market, she will be devastated by urgent news. Prolonged depression is possible. If she dreams of spoiled products on the market, she will have financial losses. If a young lonely girl sees a market in a dream, and there are a lot of fresh and beautiful products on it, she will receive a tempting offer in reality. Perhaps even a marriage proposal.

In a dream book for the whole family It is indicated that if on the night from Wednesday to Thursday you have a dream about buying things at the market, you should also expect a renewal in reality. If a girl dreams of an empty clothing market from Friday to Saturday, there will be trouble in her life, a terrible accident.

Buying products on the market - such a dream promises career advancement, a higher rank in society. If this dream appears from Saturday to Sunday, hopes will be in vain. If on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday or from Thursday to Friday a girl dreams of trading on her own in the market, she will make every effort to resolve the problem situation. You can also dream about the market area, which means that there are active conversations going on around a person and gossip is spreading.

According to the dream book of Zhou Gong if you dreamed that a husband and wife entered the market area together, they would soon buy real estate. If you dreamed of empty trade counters, trouble will come to your home and your savings will dry up. If there are no sellers in the market, significant health problems are possible. If the market is full of people and fresh products, the bright streak in life has come for a long time.

According to the 21st century dream book, to see in a dream:

Market – worry about your financial affairs;

Making purchases means generating income;

Trade independently - improve your financial situation, change your job;

Looking at products and not making a purchase means incurring losses.

If the market is indoors, in life you will have to make a choice between two options, in this situation it is worth making a deal with your conscience. Located on the market - it’s worth saving money, it’s worth paying more attention to the financial sector. If a young girl dreams of visiting a market, pleasant and timely news awaits her in reality.

In the French dream book it is indicated that the market that appears in a dream promises financial independence and prosperity. All financial issues will be resolved, debts will be distributed, and the necessary funds will be received. If a person dreams of rushing to the market, but it is already closed, a profitable offer has been missed. Worth waiting for next time.

In the dream book of Simon the Canaanite It is indicated that the market dreams of deception and scams. It is quite difficult to avoid them, because they arise through the fault of the person himself. The spring dream book says that dreams about the market are banal for purchases and urgent acquisitions. A person simply thinks about the need for a purchase and thoughts are projected in a real dream.

In Medea's dream book it is indicated that a person who dreams of the market does not manage his life independently. It is ruled by chaos and lawlessness. If in a dream a person walks through the market, in reality he will receive a lot of pleasure and surprises. If he gets lost in the market, all doors will close in front of him. All financial flows will dry up.

According to the old Russian dream book the market portends a fairly high profit for a person doing business. If a person with a different occupation dreams of the market, he will simply become happy and successful.

No matter what dream you have, you should always not expect results, but act actively. If the dream is clearly negative in nature, it is worth taking measures to prevent disaster.

If the dream is generally positive, you should pay attention to other areas of life that are not touched upon in the dream. Whether to believe dreams or not - everyone decides for themselves, but it is much better to foresee trouble than to be unprepared for it.

Griotto, pieces, stucco, cipollino, brocatello, cipolin, paragona, knock, mineral, galla

Marble in Miss Hasse's Dream Book:

  • Abusive people make your life difficult
  • Column - you will achieve wealth
  • Bust - the loss of a dear friend.
  • Interpretation in Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita sleep Marble:

    Marble - cruel people make your life difficult - column - achieve wealth - bust - loss of a dear friend - monument - undeserved honor - table - be modest in home happiness

    Why do you dream about Marble? Modern dream book?

  • If in a dream you see a quarry where marble is mined, then financial success awaits you. However, you may experience tension when communicating with loved ones. If you dreamed that you were processing marble, then in reality you will receive an inheritance. A dream in which you see a broken piece of marble means that your disregard for generally accepted values ​​will cause condemnation from others.
  • IN Miller's Dream Book if you dream of Marble:

  • Seeing broken marble foretells that you will fall out of favor with your companions, challenging morality.
  • Seeing a marble quarry in a dream means that a time of financial success will come in your life, but there is no love in your environment.
  • Watching marble being polished means that you will receive an inheritance that will make you happy.
  • If you dream about Marble? IN Loff's Dream Book:

    Marble (stone figures, buildings, corridors) Marble as an element of architecture is the first sign of boasting, showing off. Marble is often used to decorate rooms where structures related to AUTHORITY are concentrated (government, large companies, stately residences, etc.) If you happen to live in such a building, perhaps this is an indication of your loyalty to the structures of power. If you occupy a home owned by a large corporation or government, it may be a reflection of your everyday perception of power. In this case, the key to dream interpretation is the people who visit you. If you live in a marble mansion, then this could mean that you are on the verge of a successful business venture. If you visit such places, try to remember the feeling that this visit gave you. If you wear a mask, who is there and what does it look like? Answer the same questions if others are wearing masks.

    Interpretation of the dream Marble in Family dream book:

  • Marble dreams of financial success, but warns that there is no love in your environment.
  • Broken marble foretells that you will fall out of favor with your companions.
  • If you watched marble being polished in a dream, you will receive an inheritance.
  • Seeing Marble in a dream Eastern dream book:

  • A dream in which you see a broken piece of marble warns: your disregard for generally accepted values ​​will cause condemnation from others.
  • Seeing a quarry where marble is mined is a sign of financial success. However, you may experience tension in your relationships with loved ones. Processing marble means receiving an inheritance.
  • What does it mean to see Marble in a dream? Noble dream book?

  • Marble - enjoy what you have before it’s too late / experience spiritual cooling.
  • What does Marble mean in a dream? Schiller's Dream Book?

  • undeserved honor, impostor.
  • Marble in a dream Men's dream book:

  • Mining marble means causing a family scandal with your actions. Selling marble - trying to get a promotion.
  • For a married person - ingratitude of children, for an unmarried person - misunderstanding of parents. A house made of marble or with decorations made of this material means complications in relationships with management or with partners who are significantly higher than you in social status.
  • See Marble in a dream. IN French dream book:

  • Seeing a marble product, a building, or just a block of marble in a dream means trouble, a quarrel, or a harmless disease.
    • Seeing marble mining in a dream foretells success in the business sphere, but at the same time you will be deprived of the love of a loved one and the warmth of the family hearth.
    • Cutting marble into gravestones means receiving sad news about the death of one of your relatives.
    • If in a dream you watch how the house in which you are going to live is being lined with marble, then in reality you will have to endure bitter disappointment - the betrayal of a loved one.
    • Polishing marble means you will have to fight for the possession of an inheritance, for which there will be many contenders.
    • Processing marble means an unexpected inheritance will fall on you.
    • Seeing a broken piece of marble - your disregard for generally accepted values ​​will cause condemnation from others.

    See interpretation: stone

    Eastern women's dream book

    • Seeing a quarry where marble is mined is a sign of financial success. However, you may experience tension in your relationships with loved ones. Processing marble means receiving an inheritance.
    • A dream in which you see a broken piece of marble warns: your disregard for generally accepted values ​​will cause condemnation from others.

    Family dream book

    • Marble - Ingratitude of children; marble monument - the death of a rich bribe-taker.

    Modern dream book

    • If in a dream you see a quarry where marble is mined, then financial success awaits you. However, you may experience tension when communicating with loved ones. If you dreamed that you were processing marble, then in reality you will receive an inheritance. A dream in which you see a broken piece of marble means that your disregard for generally accepted values ​​will cause condemnation from others.

    Noble dream book by N. Grishina

    • Marble dreams of financial success, but warns that there is no love in your environment.
    • If you watched marble being polished in a dream, you will receive an inheritance.
    • Broken marble foretells that you will fall out of favor with your companions

    Freud's Dream Book

    • Abusive people make your life difficult; column - you will achieve wealth; bust - the loss of a dear friend.

    French dream book

    • Seeing a marble product, a building, or just a block of marble in a dream means trouble, a quarrel, or a harmless disease.

    Women's dream book

    • Marble - Seeing a marble quarry in a dream means a time of financial success in your life against the backdrop of a lack of love and goodwill. Watching marble being polished foretells that you will receive a good inheritance. Seeing broken marble means a quarrel with colleagues or companions due to differences in views on the laws of morality and decency.

    Ancient Russian dream book

    • Marble - Seeing it foreshadows a cold, as it is said in the dream book about this dream.

    Autumn dream book

    • Marble – If you dream of a marble monument on a grave, this is a sign of vanity.

    Spring dream book

    • Marble - To bewilderment.

    Summer dream book

    • Marble - Seeing marble in a dream means stubbornness, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

    Dream Interpretation of Medea

    • Marble - enjoy what you have before it’s too late / experience spiritual cooling..

    Miller's Dream Book

    • Seeing a marble quarry in a dream means that a time of financial success will come in your life, but there is no love in your environment.
    • Watching marble being polished means that you will receive an inheritance that will make you happy.
    • Seeing broken marble foretells that you will fall out of favor with your companions, challenging morality.

    Azar's Dream Book

    • Marble (stone figures, buildings, corridors) – Marble as an element of architecture is the first sign of boasting, showing off. Marble is often used to decorate rooms where structures related to AUTHORITY are concentrated (government, large companies, stately residences, etc.) If you happen to live in such a building, perhaps this is an indication of your loyalty to the structures of power. If you occupy a home owned by a large corporation or government, it may be a reflection of your everyday perception of power. In this case, the key to dream interpretation is the people who visit you. If you live in a marble mansion, then this could mean that you are on the verge of a successful business venture. If you visit such places, try to remember the feeling that this visit gave you. If you wear a mask, who is there and what does it look like? Answer the same questions if others are wearing masks.
    • Dream Interpretation Marble Table – Be modest in your home happiness.
    • Why do you dream of Marble Pebbles - Children's toys and typical children's games often illustrate your infantilism in your approach to interpersonal relationships. To better understand a dream that involves playing marbles, try to remember how well you played and how high the stakes were in the game. Dreaming about playing with marble pebbles or other childhood games and pastimes may indicate an attempt to return to innocence. The key element is the personality of the player playing with you. Do you play with childhood friends or someone you recognize as an adult? Do you have fun playing or is the game more of a competition?

    Aesop's Dream Book

    • Marble - Cruel people make your life difficult - column - achieve wealth - bust - loss of a dear friend - monument - undeserved honor - table - be modest in home happiness

    Wanderer's Dream Book

    • Marble – Favorable mental cooling; inheritance, in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

    A dream in which you see a broken piece of marble- warns: your disregard for generally accepted values ​​will cause condemnation from others.

    Family dream book

    Marble in a dream means financial success, but warns that there is no love in your environment.

    We watched in a dream how marble was polished- receive an inheritance.

    Broken marble - portends that you will fall out of favor with your companions.

    Dream Interpreter

    Seeing marble portends a cold.

    Modern dream book

    Find out what it means if you dream about Marble?

    Seeing in a dream a quarry where marble is mined- a sign that financial success awaits you, but your environment will not give you warmth and love.

    If you dream that you are polishing marble, in real life expect an inheritance.

    See broken marble- this means that friends and acquaintances will treat you with disapproval because of your obvious disregard for generally accepted moral values.

    Dream Interpretation 2012

    Marble is the need to bring warmth to what is being done. The need to unleash your creative potential. A reminder that without love, beauty is cold.

    Dream book for lovers

    If you dreamed of marble- this means that you will be rich, but you will not be able to experience true love.

    Broken marble - dreams of disappointment. Perhaps you will commit an act that will cause a break with your loved one.

    Dream book for the whole family

    Marble for a married man- ingratitude of children, for an unmarried person - misunderstanding of parents.

    House made of marble or with decorations made of this material- complications in relationships with management or with partners who are significantly higher than you in social status.

    To mine marble is to cause a family scandal by your actions.

    Trade marble- try to get a promotion.

    Dream book for a bitch

    Marble - your hard and persistent work will bear fruit in the form of great profits and improve your well-being, but will not bring joy and satisfaction in communication with your lover.

    Seeing broken marble or just pieces of marble in a dream- your incomprehensible behavior and inexplicable actions will bewilder all those around you and your loved ones.

    Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

    Marble in a dream symbolizes indifference, coldness and arrogance. Such a dream suggests that in the near future you can hardly count on sympathy and help, due to which you yourself risk losing your warmth.

    House decorated with marble- indicates that by showing coldness, you can achieve a high position, but this will not bring you happiness.

    Dream Book of David Loff

    Dream Interpretation from A to Z

    Why see Marble in a dream?

    Seeing marble mining in a dream- portends success in the business sphere, but at the same time you will be deprived of the love of a loved one and the warmth of the family hearth. Cutting marble into gravestones- to receive sad news about the death of one of your relatives.

    If in a dream you watch how the house you are going to live in is being faced with marble- in reality you will have to endure bitter disappointment with the betrayal of a loved one. Polish marble- you will have to fight for the possession of the inheritance, for which there will be many contenders.