In journalism, this is almost the same as demanding the impossible. But if you lose your temper too often, you will lose more than just your presence of mind. First, you will lose control - both over yourself and over others, when they begin to question whether you are fit for work if it affects you so badly. Secondly, you will lose the good atmosphere that you yourself created in the editorial office. Fixing all this won't be easy. In addition, frequent outbursts of emotion usually have a weaker effect each time, and in the end they become simply comical. The day the editor of the Observer threw his typewriter out of the (fortunately open) window was perhaps the day when his angry outbursts became less and less taken into account. And most importantly: if you think you can achieve the best results by screaming, join the army.

13. Praise in public, criticize privately.

Journalists are more sensitive than they appear. But even if this were not the case, it is still a good rule. Your cry of admiration for someone's excellent work in a crowded room means surprisingly a lot to the recipient. Every person, whether he admits it or not, loves praise, which is valued even more if there are witnesses. Likewise, grumbling about someone in front of others will humiliate the person and will very likely lead to a public, probably lengthy, speech in defense of one's work. You should criticize an employee face to face, where he is more likely to listen to you and appreciate your sensitivity.

14. Send notes of praise.

A word of praise means a lot, but a reminder of this incident means much more. It takes almost no time to take a piece of paper and write: “Thank you for the work you did on yesterday’s material. It would be nice to have more articles like this in the newspaper.” This note will encourage the recipient, and he will almost certainly keep it - well, at least until the day when he has to keep his job or look for a new one.

15. Get your subordinates to understand the culture of decisions.

In most newspapers around the world, the editor-in-chief's decision (or non-decision) is final. The editor may listen to advice, discuss major decisions with the entire editorial board, and so on, but in the end, the newspaper is a dictatorship. And the editors and department heads, to whom this power is delegated in many cases, are also dictators in their department. If the editor wants an article to be done in such and such a way (or vice versa), it should be done in such and such a way. Argue with the editor, shout, stomp your feet, shed tears, threaten to leave, but in the end, if the editor remains deaf to admonitions, fulfill his wishes. Otherwise, what's the point of having an editor? Whether your newspaper's decision-making culture is the same as described here, or something else, all employees need to understand it. This will save you a lot of time and unnecessary scolding.

16. Keep secrets.

If you are responsible for something, you will definitely learn a lot of secrets - perhaps from the editor, but more often from colleagues. During the years that I headed various departments of various newspapers, my employees told me about their financial problems at home, family problems, problems with children and even sexual problems. Twice people told me that they had been diagnosed with an incurable disease. People say these things to you, their boss, because they trust you. Tell someone else about this - trust will be lost instantly.

17. Make sure employees have an easy job.

If employees find it easy and pleasant to work with, this will be reflected in the newspaper - as well as the opposite. This does not mean that every working day should end with a party in the editorial office. This means the following:

A. Do not allow laughter to be heard rarely in the editorial office.

B. Be as flexible as possible with your employees' work schedules. Meet them halfway, and then, most likely, they will answer you in kind.

C. Constantly think about which employees are best suited for what job, and make sure that they perform those tasks that suit them best.

The public mission of any good newspaper is partly to give shelter and a home to as many eccentric people as possible on their payroll.

Lord Thomson, owner of The Times and Sunday Times

Cm … Synonym dictionary

Presence of mind- Outdated. The presence of self-control, composure, endurance. An officer must always have presence of mind, the general said, because his condition is immediately transmitted to his subordinates (E. Popovkin. The Rubanyuk Family) ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

Book 1. Self-control, composure. FSRY, 148; BMS 1998, 174. 2. Book. Complete self-control, restraint. FSRY, 358 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

presence of mind- Complete self-control, composure... Dictionary of many expressions

Cm … Synonym dictionary

Adj., number of synonyms: 4 self-controlled (9) self-possessed (24) ... Synonym dictionary

PRESENCE, presence, cf. 1. units only Finding, personal presence in some place at the moment. “Karl Ivanovich... spoiled every conversation with his presence.” Herzen. "Your presence here is inappropriate." A. Turgenev. In my presence … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Stay, existence, presence. In the presence, in sight, in the eyes, with. In my presence, during my presence, during my stay, with me, before my eyes. If there are a sufficient number of members.. Wed. . Prot... Synonym dictionary

presence- Presence of spirit (book) complete self-control, composure. The prince, without losing his presence of mind, took a traveling pistol from his side pocket. A. Pushkin... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language


  • Presence of Spirit How to direct the strength of your personality to achieve success
  • Presence of mind]. How to Channel the Power of Your Personality to Achieve Success, Cuddy E.. This book is about how to stop depending on other people's opinions and, while remaining yourself, control your body language and maintain self-confidence, no matter what happens. It's about how to install...
  • Dictionary of legal terms

  • - a state institution in pre-revolutionary Russia...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

  • - see Zemstvo chiefs...
  • - in legislative language means a meeting of a government agency, but also serves as the name of some institutions, and sometimes means a government room...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - a state institution in pre-revolutionary Russia...

    Large encyclopedic dictionary

  • - in the presence of smb. They are only waiting for the arrival of Vasily Terentyevich so that in his presence they can start a blast furnace...

    Management in Russian

  • - presence noun, p., used. often Morphology: what? presence, why? presence, what? presence, what? presence, about what? about the presence of 1...

    Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - ...

    Dictionary of antonyms

  • - PRESENCE, presence, cf. 1. units only Finding, personal presence in some place at the moment. “Karl Ivanovich... spoiled every conversation with his presence.” Herzen...

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

  • - presence Derived from proverbs. present vr. valid hall. old glory sy, sѫshti “existing”, Bulgarian. presence "" ...

    Vasmer's Etymological Dictionary

  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - Presence of spirit. Book Complete self-control, restraint. FSRY, 358...
  • - Book 1. Self-control, composure. FSRY, 148; BMS 1998, 174. 2. Book. Complete self-control, restraint. FSRY, 358...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - PRESENCE, -I, p. Lecture, seminar. I have three presences today. From the students, parodying outdated...

    Dictionary of Russian argot

  • - ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 4 self-controlled self-possessed calm...

    Synonym dictionary

"lost presence of mind" in books

JUAN'S VIEW. PRESENCE OF SPIRIT K. Castaneda. "Journey to Ixtlan"

From the book by Carlos Castaneda. The path of the magician and warrior of the spirit author Nepomnyashchiy Nikolai Nikolaevich

JUAN'S VIEW. PRESENCE OF SPIRIT K. Castaneda. “Journey to Ixtlan” - An old Indian stood in front of me. “I was told, sir, that you are a great expert on plants,” I said. “Well, I really collect plants, or rather, they allow themselves to be collected,” softly said


From the book Letters on Russian Poetry author Amelin Gregory

THE LOST HORSESHOE Rimme Pockmarked I am a look without words. K. Balmont From the very beginning of the poem “Who Found the Horseshoe” (1923) by Osip Mandelstam: We look at the forest and say: “Here is a forest of ships, masts, Pink pines, Free from the furry burden to the very top, They would

Lost ground

From the book Slum People author Gilyarovsky Vladimir Alekseevich

Having lost his ground, Second Lieutenant Ivanov retired and from the Caucasus, where his regiment was quartered, came to one of the cities of central Russia. While still a cadet, he received small amounts of money from his only relative, an old aunt who lived in this city, and now,

A city that has lost its sensitivity

From the book Everyday Life in Berlin under Hitler by Marabini Jean

A city that has lost sensitivity Berliners are completely indifferent to “big politics”. The time for massive bombing of Berlin has not yet come, and the restrictions associated with martial law are not yet very noticeable. On the other hand, the era of triumphs is left behind, although


From the book Book of Edification author Ibn Munkyz Osama

PRESENCE OF SPIRIT AND COURAGE OF OSAMAH I continue. My uncle Izz al-Din, may Allah have mercy on him, demanded my presence of mind in battle and tested me with questions. Once we took part in one of the wars with the ruler of Ham. He equipped and gathered an army, settled in one of

Presence of mind

From the book The Harm of Love is Obvious [collection] author

Presence of spirit Those who know Alexander Sekatsky usually treat him with great ironic tenderness. Tenderness naturally arises from the understanding: before you is a rare, precious creature, unlike anyone or anything - an original thinker. But that's why

Chapter Eighteen: Maintain Common Sense and Presence of Spirit

From the book Good Strategy, Bad Strategy. What is the difference and why is it important by Rumelt Richard

Chapter Eighteen Maintain common sense and presence of mind Oh, if you are calm, not confused, When people lose their heads around... Rudyard Kipling, “If” Good strategy, being the result of careful and independent

Keep your spirit up

From the book How to Get Married. How to beat your opponent by Kent Margaret

Maintain your presence of mind Anger gives you the strength to tell the whole truth. With enough self-control, he can help you dispel your sorrows. You didn't always tell your husband what you thought so as not to hurt his feelings. If you are angry, then don't care about him

Presence of mind

From the book SobakaRu author Moskvina Tatyana Vladimirovna

Presence of spirit Moskvina always stood for justice. In Moscow, glossy publications are alarmed about the latest book by our native philosopher Alexander Sekatsky: GQ is buzzing, Playboy is flapping its wings. But why is there silence at home, Tatyana was indignant. It's not fair!


From the book Ugly Ducklings Fiction author Altshuller Genrikh Saulovich

“THE MAN WHO LOST FACE”, 1929 27. Control of the human body by influencing the endocrine glands. There is almost no science fiction left: endocrine drugs have firmly entered the arsenal of modern medicine. Science fiction has moved on to bolder ideas. For example,

4. LOST HERO (Nikolai Tikhonov)

From the book Russian poetry for 30 years (1956-1989) author Betaki Vasily Pavlovich

2. Presence of the Spirit

From the book The Russian Idea: A Different Vision of Man by Thomas Shpidlik

2. Presence of the Spirit Spiritualization “The royal path of our deification” is formulated in traditional definitions, which can be reduced to two movements, one of which is a descent and the other an ascent: the Father creates us through the Son and sanctifies us in the Spirit, and in the Spirit we

A. A Call to Stay Strong (27:21–26)

From the book of the Acts of the Holy Apostles by John Stott

A. An appeal not to lose heart (27:21-26) And no matter how long they had not eaten, Paul stood in the midst of them and said: Men! you should have listened to me and not left Crete, and you would have avoided these difficulties and harm; 22 Now I urge you to take heart, because not a soul among you


From the book Great is Our God author Saint John Patricia

V. I BELIEVE IN THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD IN US Receiving the Holy Spirit (See John 14:15-23) 18. A Knock on the Door Ever since Maggie got married, her whole life had been spent near the big castle on the hill. Here, in a small house on the river bank, she came as a bride and gave birth here.

Presence of spirit and resourcefulness

From the book New School of Life. Volume II Strength and authority of the individual author Schmidt K. O.

Presence of spirit and resourcefulness Everything that we have already learned has significantly strengthened our “weapons”. But there is still a possibility that someone, unexpectedly attacking us, will knock the weapon out of our hands or hit us in the most vulnerable place. This turn of events must be anticipated,

  1. presence of mind

    noun, number of synonyms...

  2. presence of mind

    Outdated The presence of self-control, composure, endurance. “An officer must always have presence of mind,” said the general, “for his condition is immediately transmitted to his subordinates (E. Popovkin. Rubanyuk Family).

    Fedorov's Phraseological Dictionary
  3. presence of mind

    see >> courage

    Abramov's dictionary of synonyms
  4. present

    ah, -ee.
    1. par. present from attend.
    2. in meaning noun present, -them, plural
    Who present.
    List present.

    Almost all present who accepted Anton's grief with laughter
    which calmed everyone down present were invited to dinner. N. Nikitin, Northern Aurora.

    Small academic dictionary
  5. presence

    presence Wed
    1. Finding, personal presence in some place at the moment.
    || opposite

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova
  6. present

    present m.
    Someone who is in a place at a given time.

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova
  7. in the presence

    V presence sentence since birth
    Corresponds in meaning to the word: with someone.

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova
  8. presence

    Presence, presence, presence, presences, presence, presences, presence presence, presence, presences, presence, presences

  9. in the presence

    sentence, number of synonyms: 3 in sight 3 in the eyes 10 with 15

    Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  10. in the presence of everyone

    adverb, number of synonyms: 2 popularly 18 with all honest people 13

    Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  11. present


  12. presence

    PRESENCE, -I'm with.
    Lecture, seminar.
    I have three today presence.
    From the students, parody of outdated.

    Explanatory dictionary of Russian argot
  13. in the presence

    V presence(whom) (in front of someone)

  14. presence

    L. Tolstoy, Anna Karenina.

    @ presence spirit
    self-control, composure.
    - absence of any presence

    All is well. They are only waiting for the arrival of Vasily Terentyevich, so that in his presence start up a blast furnace. Kuprin
    Mechik couldn’t see her [Varya] in the darkness, but he felt her presence. Fadeev, Defeat
    what else is there in me Presence intelligence, and experience, and strength? Lermontov, Masquerade.
    [Mountain springs] sometimes don’t freeze at all
    maybe from presence there are gases in them. I. Goncharov, Frigate “Pallada”.
    Presence Siberian cedar

    Small academic dictionary
  15. presence

    Derived from the proverb. present vr. valid hall. old glory sy, sѫshti “existing”, Bulgarian. presence" presence"(Mladenov 523).

    Etymological Dictionary of Max Vasmer
  16. present

    1. present, present, present, present, present, present present, present, present, present, present, to those present present, present, present, present, present, present present, present, to those present, present, present, to those present present, present, present, present, present, present

    Zaliznyak's Grammar Dictionary
  17. presence

    1. Personal stay, presence in some place. place at the moment. Yours
    somewhere P. gas in liquid. P. nitrates in vegetables. P. mind. P. spirit(complete self-control
    composure). Absence of any presence(joking; complete absence of something).
    3. In Russia 19 - early 20
    c.: government agency; public place. Walk to the village
    ◁ B presence someone or something in sign. pretext. Speak in presence witnesses.

    Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary
  18. presence

    (public place) - a state institution in pre-revolutionary Russia.

    Large legal dictionary
  19. Presence

    In legislative language it means a meeting of some government agency, but also serves as the name of some institutions (military P., peasant P., tax P., provincial P. for zemstvo and city affairs, united...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  20. presence

    V presence(not in presence) someone They are only waiting for the arrival of Vasily Terentyevich, so that in his presence launch a blast furnace (Kuprin).

    Management in Russian
  21. presence

    presence poisons in vegetables.
    3. If a person saves presence spirit, it means he is cold-blooded
    don't panic. Even when he saw the approaching bear, he did not lose presence spirit and didn't run away.

    Noun, s., used. often
    (no) what? presence, what? presence, (see) what? presence
    how? presence, about what? O presence
    1. We're talking about presence someone somewhere, if someone personally
    is located somewhere. The accused agreed to speak with the investigator only in presence lawyer

    Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary
  22. present

    PRESENT-their; pl. Persons present in this place; taking part in smth. Registration present. P. are invited to a gala dinner.

    Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary
  23. present

    adj., number of synonyms: 15 present 27 bytchik 3 on duty 2 sitting 5 taking place 3 available 19 present 8 located 49 found 13 staying 13 co-present 2 existing 19 sticking out 61 curling 18 appearing 11

    Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  24. presence

    See attend

    Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
  25. presence

    Rekrutskoe village
    Presence spirit complete self-control.
    IN presence whom, meaning prepositions with gender n. with com. say in presence witnesses.

    PRESENCE, I, Wed.
    1. see attend.
    2. Being in some place. place.
    3. Stay

    Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
  26. presence

    With/presence/i/e [y/e].

    Morphemic-spelling dictionary
  27. presence

    are not born.
    Wed. Presence- absence

    Presence at the meeting
    absence from the meeting. IN presence someone - in the absence of smb.
    ○ In his [Charsky’s] office
    ] ... there was no disorder that exposes presence muses and the absence of a broom and brush. Pushkin
    Egyptian nights.
    In this world [one must] divide life and time into two divisions - presence and lack
    forgot them. His presence- a barely noticeable touch, Its absence is the space of the universe

    Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language

    PRESENCE(public place) - a state institution in pre-revolutionary Russia.

    Large encyclopedic dictionary
  29. presence

    presence, and they shaved their forehead.” Saltykov-Shchedrin.
    Presence spirit(book) - complete self-control
    composure. "Prince, without losing presence spirit, took out a travel pistol from his side pocket
    PRESENCE, presence, Wed
    1. units only Finding, personal stay in some place
    At the moment. “Karl Ivanovich... spoiled every conversation with his presence." Herzen. "Yours
    presence This is inappropriate here." A. Turgenev. In my presence. He insulted him presence everyone.
    2. food only

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
  30. present

    PRESENT, present, present(book).
    1. par. suffering past vr
    Present The audience gave the singer a standing ovation.
    | The same in meaning. noun "ABOUT present do not speak." pogov
    List present attached to the protocol.
    3. Participating in current work (official · pre-rev.). Those present members of the State Council.

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
  31. presence

    presence, -I

    Lopatin's spelling dictionary
  32. present


    Lopatin's spelling dictionary
  33. presence

    Presence spirit(book) - complete self-control, composure.
    Prince without losing presence spirit

    Volkova's Phraseological Dictionary
  34. presence

    noun, number of synonyms: 15 being 2 state presence 1 duty 6 presence 8 cash 15 finding 27 stay 15 public place 4 community 22 co-presence 2 judicial place 3 existence 21 sticking around 6 institution 45 appearing 2

    Dictionary of Russian synonyms
  1. presence of mind

    Presence of mind - to remain calm and collected presence of mind

  2. presence of mind Russian-Hungarian dictionary
  3. presence of mind


    Russian-Czech dictionary
  4. presence of mind

    Perença de espírito; presença de espírito

    Russian-Portuguese dictionary
  5. presence

    a-a= محضر
    a-a= حضرة
    уу= حضور
    уу= (being) وجود

    Russian-Arabic dictionary
  6. presence

    Anwesenheit f, Gegenwart f

    Russian-German dictionary
  7. present

    1) prib. from attend
    2) m. pl.

    O present

    Russian-Spanish dictionary
  8. presence

    1. ametikohustuste täitmine
    2. juuresolek
    3. kohalolek
    4. kohalviibimine
    5. manulus
    6. riigiasutus

    Russian-Estonian dictionary
  9. and everyone present

    A všech přítomných

    Russian-Czech dictionary
  10. I'm present

    Jsem přítomen
    účastním se

    Russian-Czech dictionary
  11. present


    Russian-Czech dictionary
  12. present Russian-Polish dictionary
  13. in their presence (f)

    In their presence(and)

    Russian-Hebrew dictionary
  14. in the presence

    IN presence
    בְּנוֹכְחוּת, מוּל

    Russian-Hebrew dictionary
  15. presence

    see in presence

  16. present

    1) (participle) hadhiri
    2) (person) mhudhuriaji (wa-);
    present - wanaohudhuria, hadhirina (-)

    Russian-Swahili dictionary
  17. present

    ai= (real) حاضر

    Russian-Arabic dictionary
  18. in the presence

    aaa (before) أمام

    Russian-Arabic dictionary
  19. in the presence

    For more information

    Russian-Czech dictionary
  20. presence

    presenta f; mouth (institution) repartição publica

    Russian-Portuguese dictionary
  21. present Russian-Portuguese dictionary
  22. presence

    Přítomností (7.p.)

    Russian-Czech dictionary
  23. presence

    installation pachala yashche zranku installation, stationery, presence spirit- fast spirit

    Wed. hurry up, in presence someone - someone in the past, someone in mine
    presence- I have a job, my work, my service, presence started in the morning - work wa

    Russian-Belarusian dictionary
  24. present

    What are (what) are quick, what are (what) are, what are, what are

    Russian-Belarusian dictionary
  25. presence

    נוֹכְחוּת נ"

    Russian-Hebrew dictionary
  26. present

    נוֹכֵחַ [נ" נוֹכַחַת]

    Russian-Hebrew dictionary
  27. in his presence

    In his presence

    Russian-Hebrew dictionary
  28. present Russian-Swedish dictionary
  29. presence

    Wed. presence in my presence presence spirit presence|e - s. presence; in ~and smb. in smb.ś
    presence; in ~and others in the presence of others; ~ spirit a presence of mind; save (lose
    ~ spirit retain (lose*) oneś presence of mind; he lost~ spirit his presence of mind failed him.

    Complete Russian-English dictionary
  30. present

    pl. h.
    die Anwesenden

    Russian-German dictionary
  31. in the presence Russian-English scientific and technical dictionary
  32. present

    (present) presenti m. pl.
    registration present- registration dei presenti

    Russian-Italian dictionary
  33. presence

    oficina publica

    presence spirit- presencia de ánimo
    lose presence spirit- perder el ánimo (la presencia de ánimo)
    Effect presence-presencialidad f

    1) presentation f
    V presence(+ gender) - en presencia de, delante de
    2) mouth (institution

  34. present

    1) prib. from attend
    2) m. pl.
    present(col. as a proverb) - los presentes, los

    O present they don't say anything. - mejorando lo presente

    Large Russian-Spanish Dictionary
  35. presence Russian-Hungarian dictionary
  36. present

    1. par. olan, hazır olan, hazırda olan; 2. in meaning noun iştirakçı, iştirak edən; make a list present iştirakçıların siyahısını tutmaq.

    Russian-Azerbaijani dictionary
  37. Presence Russian-Turkish dictionary
  38. presence

    Přítomnosti (3.p.)

    Russian-Czech dictionary
  39. presence

    Přítomnosti (2.p.)

    Russian-Czech dictionary

Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language



Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language


Presence of mind- self-control, composure

encyclopedic Dictionary


(public place), a state institution in pre-revolutionary Russia.

Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary


Syn: availability, cash

Ant: absence

Phraseological Dictionary (Volkova)


Presence of mind (book

The prince, without losing his presence of mind, took out a traveling pistol from his side pocket. A. Pushkin.

Efremova's Dictionary


  1. Wed
    1. Finding, personal stay in smb. place at the moment (opposite: absence).
    2. outdated Carrying out official duties in a government institution.
    3. :
      1. Government institution (in the Russian state until 1917).
      2. The premises occupied by such an establishment.

Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms


♦ (ENG impanation)

(lat. in - in and panis - bread)

the point of view of Andrew Osiander (d. 1552), according to which Christ is present in Eucharistic gifts and is close to the idea of ​​co-substantiation. The Eucharistic gifts remain bread And wine, but they miraculously contain body And blood of jesus christ.

Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron


In legislative language it means a meeting of some government institution, but also serves as the name of some institutions (military P., peasant P., tax P., provincial P. for zemstvo and city affairs, combined P. of the first and cassation departments of the Senate, higher disciplinary P.), and sometimes means a public room (see). General regulations on the structure of the provincial government are contained in the General Provincial Institution (St. Law, Vol. II, Part I, Art. 24-49).

Dictionary of forgotten and difficult words of the 18th-19th centuries


, I , Wed

Government agency; performance of official duties; work of the institution; the room occupied by him.

* The General himself from St. Petersburg marveled at this guy, As if they brought him undressed into the recruiting presence... // Nekrasov. Orina, soldier's mother //; - Is it from the presence of paper? -asked Stepan Arkadyevich, taking the telegrams and sitting down at the mirror. // Lev Tolstoy. Anna Karenina //; [Chairman:] Are you sane? Thirty-five versts to the mill, And in an hour the presence will be over, my dear!// Nekrasov. Who lives well in Rus' // *

Ozhegov's Dictionary


1. cm. .

2. Being in some. place.

3. Stay, being in some place. place at a given time. Your item is desirable.

4. Performing official duties in an institution (obsolete). P. starts at 10 am.

5. Same as public place(obsolete). Rekrutskoe village

Presence of mind complete self-control.

In the presencewhom, meaning prepositions with gender P. at room Say it in the presence of witnesses.

Ushakov's Dictionary


presence, presence, Wed

1. only units Finding, personal presence in some place at the moment. “Karl Ivanovich... He spoiled every conversation with his presence.” Herzen. "Your presence here is inappropriate." A. Turgenev. In my presence. He insulted him in front of everyone.

2. only units Discharge of official duties in a government institution ( official outdated). There is no presence in the office today.

3. Government agency ( pre-rev.). District presence for military affairs. “They brought him into the recruiting presence undressed.” Nekrasov. “Two weeks later they took him to the recruiting office and shaved his forehead.” Saltykov-Shchedrin.

Presence of Spirit ( books) - complete self-control, composure. “The prince, without losing his presence of mind, took a traveling pistol from his side pocket.” Pushkin. Absence of any presence - cm. .