The female name Natalya is a derivative of the male name Natalia. It, in turn, comes from the word “Natalis”, which means “native” in Latin. If you believe another version, then Natalya comes from the male name Nathan. Translated, this name means “gifted.”

Character of the name Natalya

The meaning of the name is closely intertwined with the time of year in which Natalya was born. If her birthday is in the winter months, then she is characterized by prudence, restraint and self-confidence. She is very tactful and will never insult a person. She hates traitors and always tries to take revenge on her offender. Natalya, who was born in the spring, has wonderful taste and always attracts the attention of others. She is characterized by emotionality, artistry and eccentricity. Usually her intuition works great. Spring Natalya understands people very well and easily establishes contact with them. Thanks to this, she has a lot of loyal friends. Summer Natalya is usually always in a good mood and tries to look informal. Many people around her consider her wonderful. However, she doesn't care at all about their opinions. She is characterized by activity, energy, temperament and incredible optimism. She tries to find positive aspects in any situation. Natalya, whose birthday is in the fall, is characterized by practicality, prudence, ambition and self-confidence. She always achieves her goals. No obstacles on the way can stop her. She is ready to sacrifice even her moral principles. Praise and recognition of her merits play a big role for autumn Natalia.

Natalia is an independent, determined and narcissistic woman. She always has her own point of view, which is almost impossible to influence. She always relies only on herself. At the same time, Natalya does not try to convince others and force them to agree with her opinion. She is sure that any person must take responsibility for his own actions. Natalia is characterized by impressionability. She knows how to charm and has wonderful charm. Outwardly, she always looks cheerful and positive. However, in reality, Natalya simply does not like to blame her problems on others. She can only trust her loved ones.

Natalya is a very honest person. Even if she tries to deceive someone, such an attempt will result in failure, since she simply does not know how to lie. Natalya hates two-faced people who weave intrigues behind the backs of others. It's hard to offend her. The only thing she can never forgive is deception and betrayal. She forever erases the people who treated her this way from her life.

Natasha is very sensitive and attentive. She will never leave a person in trouble. Natalya does not envy people and is not a hypocrite. She loves that there is always justice in everything. Natalia tries in any case to control her emotions and not give in to them. Thanks to this, she is always able to soberly assess a given situation.

Thanks to the fact that Natalya is constantly on the move, it will be easy for her to realize herself in any specialty. She never gives up halfway. For this, she is loved and respected by her colleagues, and is also highly appreciated by her management. Natalya does not like to be feared or hated, so she does not strive to become a boss. The main thing for her is that the manager notices all her merits. For Natalya, income level plays a big role. For this reason, she often opens her own business and achieves success. This will be facilitated by Natalia’s ability to control herself even in the most difficult situations. She always conducts business alone, as she does not tolerate criticism of her address. Even if the remark is correct and to the point, it hurts Natalya, since she does not like it when her dignity is humiliated.

Name Natalya for a girl

A girl named Natasha is characterized by cheerfulness and activity. She often fantasizes with her friends. Games with Natasha are always interesting and colorful. To an outsider it may seem that Natasha is characterized by frivolity and carelessness. In fact, she is very serious and shows responsibility from early childhood. Natasha usually studies well and also takes an active part in school life. Part of the reason for her activity is her love of praise.

Natalya calculates many situations in advance, thanks to which she rarely gets into unpleasant situations. She loves a stable and measured life. Even the smallest changes can unsettle her. Natasha is a very responsible child. Parents can easily count on her. The most important thing is the right motivation and praise. If Natasha is criticized, she will be very upset and may even withdraw.

With age, Natasha begins to find herself in unpleasant situations more often, as she always directly expresses her opinion and fights for justice. She always stands up for the weak. Young Natalya is not afraid of difficulties. She shows determination and difficult situations only strengthen her character. Natalya is an undoubted leader. Self-love makes her move forward. It is important for her to earn respect and authority among others. If her successes at school or college are not noticed, then she may stop showing desire.

Natalya is a very modest girl who is often offended, can easily flare up and is constantly stubborn. She is quite patient, but when the boiling point comes, Natalya silently turns around and leaves. She never forgives insults. With friends, Natalya reveals a different side. She is open and sociable. Also, young Natalya is characterized by pragmatism and prudence. Material well-being is very important to her, so she calculates all her actions in advance.

Marriage and compatibility of the name Natalya

By nature, Natalya is monogamous. She strives not to have short-term relationships. For her, the result of any romance should be the creation of a strong family. Natalya chooses her life partner with all responsibility. However, she can easily fall in love and become completely immersed in her emotions. Natalya, who is in love, ceases to be careful and is often disappointed in her partners. Natalya will connect her destiny only with a man who will show care towards her and have a strong character. An important criterion for Natasha is the material well-being of her chosen one.

Since, due to her amorousness, Natalya is often disappointed in men, she usually casts her lot in with a man who does not meet her requirements. She is getting married simply because it is time. She is often unhappy in her marriage, but will not get a divorce, especially if their spouse has children. Even if Natalya does not love her husband, she will never cheat on him.

Natalya tries to be a leader in her family. Her opinion should always be decisive. Natalya is also a wonderful hostess. The doors of her house are always open for guests. Natalya is a very caring and sensitive wife and mother. However, it is important for her that household members reciprocate her feelings. Natalya tries to leave all her troubles outside the house and never takes her anger out on her loved ones. She is a very wise woman, thanks to which her marriage is always strong and reliable.

For a more successful union, Natalya should choose a companion named Sasha, Yura, Andrey, Boris, Oleg or Vladimir. But relationships with Vlad, Grisha, Zakhar, Nikita and Styopa will most likely end in failure.

Famous personalities

  • Natalya Andreichenko is a Russian theater and film actress. She is the holder of the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. She gained popularity after the film “Siberiada”, in which she played the role of Anastasia Solomina.
  • Natalya Bessmertnova is a famous Soviet ballerina. In 1976 she received the title of People's Artist of the Soviet Union. After finishing her career as a ballerina, she began teaching, and from 2001 to 2003 she was also an assistant choreographer at the Bolshoi Theater.
  • Natalya Durova is a Russian trainer. She performed in the circus for the first time at the age of 4. From the age of 18 she was already a trainer at the Main Directorate of Circuses. She trained walruses, sea lions, and various predators.
  • Natalya Podolskaya is a Russian pop singer. She is the wife of Vladimir Presnyakov Sr. She became a popular singer after participating in the show “Star Factory-5”. In 2005, the performer represented Russia at Eurovision, where she took 15th place.
  • Natalya Varley is a Russian actress. She became popular after her role as Nina in the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus.” Her song about bears is still heard by many people in the country.

Knowing the exact meaning of the name Natalya, parents will be able to decide whether it is suitable for their newborn daughter. Moreover, even the character and fate of a girl may depend on such a choice. In general, the name Natalya will not bring anything bad to its “mistress”.

History of the origin of the female name Natalya

The story of the origin of the name Natalya turned out to be interesting. It appeared in the first centuries of Christianity and was formed from the Latin word “natalis”. At first the name spread in Europe, and then it spread to other parts of the world. In our country, it gained unprecedented popularity only in the 19th century. This was facilitated by the release of the novel War and Peace.

The popularity of the name in question has not diminished to this day. It is currently one of the 20 most common variants.

Meaning of a girl's name

The name Natalya means “blessed”, “appearing at Christmas”. It also has other meanings: “native”, “to be born”. Interestingly, there used to be a male version of this name. She sounded like "Nataly". True, the male version is not currently used.

When is Natalia's name day?

According to the church calendar, Natasha has several Angel days. These are winter - January 11 and February 8, spring - March 22 and 31, and autumn - September 8 and 14.

Character and fate associated with the name

The character and fate of every person is influenced by his name. Therefore, parents of a newborn should approach their choice with all responsibility. Before you name your little princess, you should carefully study the detailed characteristics of the name and find out what fate awaits the girl with it.

Natalia's activity and cheerful disposition manifests itself from early childhood. She is growing up as an active girl who loves noisy games. Natasha with equal pleasure and interest both does household chores and starts fun activities with friends in the yard. The girl loves to spend time not only with friends, but also with grandparents and other older family members.

The origin and meaning of which, apparently, have Latin roots, is quite common in our country. It is believed that its owners are distinguished by excellent health and a fairly friendly disposition.

Natalia in childhood

Precise (Natalia) - “native” (Latin). In childhood, its owners are characterized by a cheerful character, they love to play and play all sorts of pranks. Both in kindergarten and at school, Natalya is one of the main leaders, constantly coming up with something interesting and new. She studies well, enjoys it, and often becomes an excellent student. Since he has a decisive and active character, he always takes an active part in the life of the school. Brave and self-confident, Natalya will never ignore injustice. In the event that the weak are insulted before her eyes, she will definitely intervene.

Character traits

If parents are not afraid of difficulties and want to raise their daughter to be an independent and self-sufficient person, they must give her the name Natalya at birth. Its origin and meaning would seem to imply absolute goodwill and evenness of character. However, in reality this is not always the case. Natasha's character is mostly difficult and sarcastic. The bearers of this name really do not like various kinds of critical remarks. But they also react sensitively to praise. Usually from Natalya they look quite frivolous. However, this is nothing more than appearance. In fact, the owners of this name are distinguished by a pragmatic character and treat money with great respect. These are very economical and thrifty women.


Most Natashas are in excellent health. Doctors are rarely consulted and only as a last resort. They do not like to take medications or follow any regimen. They are also not too scrupulous about the food they eat.

Natalya: origin and mystery of the name. Career

A sharp mind and determination allow Natalya to achieve success in life very quickly. Women with this name can find themselves in almost any profession. But Natasha is especially attracted to specialties related to travel and travel. Trade and business are also their strong point. Since Natasha's preferred hobbies are drawing and performing on stage, they often make good actresses or artists. Sometimes women with this name become museum employees. Natasha is not particularly attracted to purely male professions.

Despite her ambition and ambition, when making a career, Natalya is unlikely to go over her head, showing innate nobility and decency. Her love of justice and ability to support those who are weaker certainly earn her the respect of her colleagues. However, sometimes Natalya can be too categorical and straightforward.

Family life

Natasha usually gets married very early and only for love. Ease of life, love of entertainment and surprises make life with them pleasant and fun. The name Natalya (the meaning and origin of which, according to most, has, as we found out, Latin roots) can also be interpreted as “giver”. Some researchers believe that it came from the Jewish male name Nathan (giver). Maybe that’s why all Natashas are generous and love to receive guests, throwing parties and celebrations. Women with this name love children very much and take care of them in every possible way. However, they are never pampered and are taught to be independent from an early age. Natalia is not deprived of attention from her husbands either. The only thing that the spouse of a woman with that name should not do is to find fault with her over trifles, making any comments.

Signs of the name Natalya

The name Natalya, the meaning and origin of which suggests that its owners have an attachment to family and relatives, belongs to the element of water. Most likely, this is what makes all its owners so calm and balanced. However, of course, before the first storm. The mysterious and romantic Moon patronizes this name. Accordingly, the metal that may be most suitable for Natalia is silver. The minerals of the name are selenite, white coral, beryl and marcasite. The most suitable colors for bearers of this name are silver, white, green and light brown.

Patron Saints

The name Natalia, the origin and meaning of which largely determines the character of its owners, is under the holy patronage of the martyrs Natalia and Andrian of Nicomedia. Their day is celebrated by the church on September 8th. They once lived in Nicomedia Andrian was a pagan and served as an official at the court of Emperor Galerius. His wife Natalya was a secret Christian. After some time, he also converted to a new faith. The emperor demanded that he come to his senses, renounce Christ and ask for forgiveness. However, Andrian flatly refused. After this, he, along with other Christians, was tried and sentenced to death. During the torture, Natalya supported him in every possible way. When Andrian and other Christians began to be burned in the oven, a terrible storm arose, rain came and extinguished the flames. Several executioners were killed by lightning.

Famous Natalias

The name Natalya (the origin and meaning of which we found out) was borne by many famous women in the world. The most famous in Rus' can be considered Natalya Naryshkina - the mother of Peter the Great, the wife of Alexei Mikhailovich (second). Their wedding took place in 1671, when she was 19 years old. The story of the tsar’s acquaintance with this poor and not very noble girl is quite interesting. When Alexey Mikhailovich wanted to get married a second time, a so-called bride show was organized. According to tradition, the most beautiful girls from all over Rus' were called. brought up in the Moscow house of a wealthy boyar, her distant relative, she became one of them and was chosen by the tsar.

Another famous Natalya is the wife of the great Russian poet A. Pushkin, the beautiful Natalya Goncharova. As everyone knows, Alexander Sergeevich died in a duel that happened precisely because of her. After the death of the poet, Natalya Nikolaevna Goncharova married a poor and not very young nobleman, Pyotr Lansky. She devoted the rest of her life to raising her children and was devoted to her new husband. However, every year on the day of Pushkin’s death, she put on a mourning dress and locked herself in her room until the next morning.

This is the character that distinguishes Natalia. We have found out what the origin and other characteristics of the name mean. Women are powerful, self-confident and at the same time noble and economical.

Career, business and money

Natalya can achieve great success in her creativity. This is a movie, theater or pop performance. She is perfect for activities that require constant analysis and planning. Natalya can make a good and smart accountant. She also has the right to try herself in law and management.

This woman may have a desire to start her own business, but such an idea will not progress beyond reflection. A woman with this name takes money very seriously. She knows how to increase them and spend them wisely. In this regard, she is very practical.

Marriage and family

Natalya can get married quite early. In the family, she focuses all her energy on raising children. But relationships with my husband are not always calm and cloudless. Natalia tries to dominate, because it seems to her that she always knows what is necessary to build a happy marriage.

And not every man can tolerate such pressure. But it should be noted that Natalya rarely gets divorced. She can indulge in light flirting on the side, but she will try to do everything so that it does not affect the family.

Sex and love

Natalya can search for a long time for the man of her dreams, and only with him is she ready to enter into an intimate relationship. She needs warm and affectionate feelings, she needs to feel complete dedication from her partner. In her youth, Natalya can often fall in love and has many fans.

It is difficult to bribe her with flattery, so the way to her heart lies only through sincere admiration. By nature, Natalya is feminine and sensual, but she can also be jealous. Sometimes she can use sexual relations for her own purposes, only to keep the partner who is next to her.

As an adult, Natalya may encounter ailments related to the cardiovascular system. Good and regular care should be taken of your teeth, as they can cause the most problems, especially after childbirth.

Interests and hobbies

A representative of the fair sex named Natalya is a great dreamer. She constantly strives to discover something new. But she is not inclined to extreme sports and will never agree to anything that involves risk. She likes drawing or singing.

Natalya can enthusiastically dance and take an active part in theatrical productions. She may enjoy handicrafts, especially if the main work involves numbers and papers. But my main hobby is cooking. She loves to pamper her family and friends with delicious masterpieces.

Responsive Active Determined

Natalia Podolskaya, pop singer

  • Meaning of the name
  • Impact on the child

What does the name Natalia mean?

This beautiful, bright name was the most popular in the 20th century. The meaning of the name Natalya gives its bearer a sense of superiority, pride, activity and self-confidence.

Natalya is not particularly active. Often, left to herself, a woman plunges into her inner world and becomes a closed person.

In addition, the energy of the name causes Natalia to react violently to any irritants. Behind her outward calmness lies a bright, temperamental woman.

Analyzing what the name Natalya means, we can conclude that its owner is a charming woman with a strong character and will, with great ambitions and perseverance.

The name is suitable for patronymics: Alexandrovna, Artemovna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Valentinovna, Evgenievna, Matveevna, Nikitichna, Pavlovna, Eduardovna or Yakovlevna.

For example, Natalya Evgenievna has a friendly and sympathetic nature. While Alekseevna is balanced and practical, she easily adapts to a new society. The owner of the patronymic Andreevna is a faithful and reliable friend who will find an approach to any person. Natalya Dmitrievna is distinguished by her intelligence and intellectual level, and pride is her main feature.

Would you name your child this name?

This name appeared as a result of the sound transformation of the word Nataliy: this is how men were sometimes called in ancient times. Analyzing what the name Natalya means, you can find out that when translated from Latin, the word “natalis” is interpreted as “native”.

There is another interpretation. It comes from the Latin name for Christmas.

Some scholars report that the name may have come from Jewish lands and is a derived form of the word Nathan, which means "gifted."

History remembers on September 8 its patron saint, Natalia of Nicomedia, who married Hadrian in Nicomedia. Her husband headed the judicial chamber. He was one of the first to accept Christianity, openly declared it to everyone, and was executed as a martyr for this. Natalia supported her husband in sorrow and in joy. Following her husband, she also died. She is revered in Orthodoxy as a bloodless martyr who lived through the suffering of her husband.

The origin of the name Natalya names her famous namesakes: the mother of Peter I, the wife of the Decembrist Fonvizin, the wife of Pushkin Goncharova, the deaf teacher Pay, the writer Konchalovskaya, the ballerina Bessmertnova, the hero of the Soviet Union Kovshova and many others.

Name forms

Full: Natalya Short: Tasha Affectionate: NatashaVintage: Natasha

In her childhood, Natasha is a cheerful and noisy child. She becomes the ringleader in any company. She is also an activist at school and loves to be the center of attention of her classmates. She likes to be praised and encouraged.

The characteristics of the name Natalya provide us with a description of a practical woman with a strong will. Thanks to these qualities, the adult Natalia achieves success in her career, is not afraid of difficulties, and boldly overcomes obstacles along the way.

She can achieve recognition in public service, show herself in art, in teaching and scientific activities. A name like Natalia belongs to many famous ballerinas, singers and artists. She is perfect for all areas of activity that require caution and determination in equal measure.

She is a careerist, tries to be the first in everything and will make every effort to achieve this.

The manager needs to notice her achievements and reward her efforts with bonuses and praise, and then the most valuable employee in her person will be included in the staff.

Natalya does not like to limit herself in terms of money and tries to achieve material well-being in any way. She is capable of participating in dubious projects and adventures.

She is hospitable and can become an ideal hostess. Adapts perfectly to any environment and feels comfortable everywhere. She constantly radiates the joy of life.

Natalia’s description states that her bearer is easy-going and has many hobbies. She loves music and literature. In addition, the owner of this name is a promising athlete.

Natalya is actively involved in social life and cannot sit in one place, she is constantly on the move. This woman suffers from a lack of calm and stability.

In critical situations, she instantly shows her reaction, especially if it concerns her loved ones. She will protect her family and is ready to shield them with her breasts from all sorrows and troubles.

The main engine of her progress is pride, an important trait of her character. She tries to be the first in everything, tries to do everything to be noticed and appreciated.

She needs praise like air. Words of approval and encouragement increase her performance tenfold. And vice versa, an insignificant remark can kill all her efforts.

Natalya has an independent and decisive nature. Very proud. She is not characterized by diplomacy; basically, she is straightforward, saying what she thinks.

The secret of the name Natalya tells us that its bearer is highly excitable, often irritable and hot-tempered. She expresses her feelings violently, an explosive outburst of emotions is replaced by a prolonged depression. She has a developed imagination, she has a rich imagination and imaginative memory.

Behind her secretive character hides a special receptivity, vulnerability and sensitivity. She is very restless.

Not dependent on other people's opinions. He makes decisions quickly and does not change them under anyone’s influence, and firmly defends his position. She is confident in her abilities and relies only on herself. Sometimes she listens to her subtle intuition. Natasha understands a lot, noticing the smallest signs, but it is difficult to predict in advance how she will react to the events taking place.

Character traits





Feeling of justice




High excitability


In romantic relationships - feminine and soft. Dreams of meeting the man of her dreams.

Natalya finds a life partner early. She makes the decision to get married quickly and without much hesitation. Family relationships are filled with cheerfulness, harmony and care.

The husband and her children will live in love and harmony. To preserve and strengthen your family with this woman, you need to remember her pride and remember to praise her often. If she is constantly criticized, then she will lose all desire to do anything.

Her family is destroyed on rare occasions, and mainly on the initiative of her husband.

The meaning of the name Natalya for a girl

The girl's name Natasha came to us from Ancient Rome and comes from the word Nataliy. The Latin word “natalis” means “native”, “birth”, “Christmas”. It penetrated onto Russian soil from Byzantium. Unfortunately, the male name was not preserved, but Natalya gained great popularity and became widespread in the modern world.

The meaning of the name gives its owner a strong, strong-willed character. Outwardly, she gives the impression of a soft and balanced child. However, she is very proud and confident in her abilities. If we add respect for others to these character traits, then a happy fate awaits her on her life’s path.

As a child, parents admire their daughter’s cheerful, lively and energetic disposition. A mischievous girl can excite and amuse everyone around her. Natasha was the leader in any children's company. She always becomes the initiator of children's fun and entertainment. But behind the external eccentricity lies the realization that some moments in life need to be taken seriously. She constantly strives to be a leader.

The girl has a quick temper and impulsiveness, these character traits are hidden behind external modesty and meekness. She is friendly, decisive and quite principled. She is very stubborn, proud and straightforward.

What will Natalya achieve success in?

Natasha loves to study and usually wants to become an excellent student. She actively carries out public assignments, is on time everywhere, loves to be noticed and praised. In the classroom, Natalya can take care of and protect weak children and violently attack offenders. Likes to participate in public events: concerts, competitions, competitions.

When choosing a profession, Natasha does not have a specific interest. The important thing is that she will love her job and try to work conscientiously. She can become either an ordinary seller at the market or a famous ballerina. Creative professions are perfect. Can find his calling in the pedagogical, political and scientific fields of activity.

Natalya is very proud. To motivate her, it is extremely important to encourage and praise the girl often. Use less criticism and comments towards her. The girl is touchy and vulnerable, so be attentive and careful when communicating with her. And if a child is rude to you, try not to take her statements to heart.

What games will Natalia like?

Natasha is a passionate person. She sings, dances, draws, and plays a musical instrument. Loves outdoor games. She can lead her friends. Likes to read psychological detective stories. He may also become interested in tourism and travel. Natalya loves big and noisy companies. She has a lot of friends.