Increased sensitivity of teeth is very common today, affecting almost 40% of the population. There can be many reasons for this condition, but they will be discussed later. First, let's figure out what pathology is.

What is tooth sensitivity?

So, the presented condition is characterized by unpleasant sensations while eating cold and hot foods, sour foods, marinades, or even while brushing your teeth. The channels that are located in the hard tissues of the teeth open, and the irritant in this case can act directly on the nerve. Naturally, the pathology is accompanied by unpleasant sensations, the main of which is pain. It can have varying intensity and duration.

Tooth sensitivity increases in a large number of people. Moreover, it can spread to the entire jaw or be localized. The irritant is not particularly important. It should be noted that this condition can be present throughout a person's life. Naturally, this pathology should be gotten rid of, otherwise it will get worse and cause discomfort.

Reasons for appearance

High tooth sensitivity can occur for various reasons. Among them are the following:

  • different forms of caries;
  • periodontal pathologies, in which the neck of the tooth is exposed;
  • enamel defects;
  • mechanical dental injuries;
  • unhealthy diet (too frequent consumption of sour and sweet foods);
  • too much abrasion of dental tissue;
  • demineralization or thinning of enamel;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • pregnancy.

Such reasons for tooth sensitivity to certain irritants are not the only ones. Therefore, each specific case should be considered by the doctor individually.

Stages of pathology development and diagnostic features

Tooth sensitivity can get worse if you don't take care of your mouth. Several stages of pathology progression can be distinguished.

  1. First. In this case, the teeth react only to cold or hot food.
  2. Second. Pain may occur even after eating sour or sweet foods.
  3. Third. In this case, the teeth hurt even from inhaling air through the mouth or touching the enamel with the tongue.

Tooth sensitivity is diagnosed using specific symptoms and complaints of the patient, as well as after an external examination by a dentist. There is no need to use any additional examination methods.

As for the symptoms, they are obvious and do not require description. That is, you feel severe short-term pain when your teeth come into contact with the irritant.

What to do if the enamel is thinned?

If increased tooth sensitivity occurs for this reason, then you will have to use some medications that will help restore the enamel. For example, a specialist may use the following treatment methods.

  1. Fluoridation. For this purpose, special varnishes or preparations are used that are applied to the surface of the tooth. In order to completely get rid of this problem, 10-15 procedures are needed.
  2. Applications using medications (for example, Fluocal).
  3. Physiotherapy. In this case, electrophoresis using calcium glycerophosphate is used.
  4. Special protective films that help reduce sensitivity (for example, Diplene).

Treatment of pathology if you have bad teeth

Sometimes it happens that the presented condition may manifest itself as a result of a certain disease of the oral cavity. Naturally, in this case you will have to eliminate both pathologies. For example, if you have increased tooth sensitivity, treatment begins with combating the underlying disease.

In principle, after a full therapeutic course, sensitivity may disappear. However, it also happens that treatment has to be continued and the problem that has already directly presented itself has to be dealt with. If you have caries, its elimination is sometimes carried out without removing the nerve. In this case, tooth sensitivity, the treatment of which must be comprehensive, may increase. Therefore, after the main therapy, the enamel should be coated with a special protective composition that will prevent the situation.

How can you fight pathology with folk remedies?

There are now many home remedies that can help reduce tooth sensitivity. The simplest of them is natural cow's milk, which is rich in calcium. Drink it slowly and do not process it before drinking. Moreover, before swallowing, try to hold it in your mouth for a little while.

An excellent healing agent is tea tree oil. To prepare the medicine, use only 3 drops of the raw material, which should be mixed in a glass of water. It's good if you add baking soda to the mixture. The solution is used to rinse the mouth 2 times a day. In addition, an excellent remedy is a decoction of oak bark or chamomile.

Propolis applications help well. That is, a small piece of raw material, flattened into a cake, should be applied to the sore tooth. You can simply chew propolis. A very good strengthening agent is chicken egg shells, ground into powder.

Features of using toothpastes

If you have increased tooth sensitivity, pay attention to what you use to brush your teeth. For example, you should not use a hard brush or whitening paste for too long. It is best to use prophylactic agents such as Sensodent, Lakalut, Sensodyne. They provide blockage of open channels and relieve pain. After several weeks of thorough cleansing, your sensitivity will be noticeably reduced.

If you decide to whiten your enamel at a professional dentist, then use the newest method - ultrasonic. This method does not harm the surface of your teeth and prevents sensitivity.

Nutritional Features

If you don't know how to reduce tooth sensitivity, try to start living correctly. That is, start following a daily routine and eating well. At the same time, do not forget that you will need to forget about alcohol, smoking, fast food and smoked products. Try to consume sweet, sour and pickled foods as little as possible.

Try to drink natural unprocessed cow's milk, which is rich in calcium, eat cottage cheese and nuts. These foods are extremely rich in vitamins and minerals, so your teeth will gradually become stronger and healthier. In addition to calcium, you also need fluoride, and it accumulates in the liver and fish. Eat fruits and vegetables, drink juices.

You have the opportunity to fill your body with vitamins and minerals with the help of special medicinal complexes. Naturally, their use should be agreed with your doctor.

Features of prevention

If you already know how to reduce tooth sensitivity, then that's good. However, it is best not to bring your enamel to such a state that any touch to it brings you hellish pain. To do this, try to apply all the necessary preventive measures that will help you avoid pathology.

  1. Try to keep your teeth clean. That is, brush them thoroughly, and also use dental floss and mouthwash, which will help kill most of the germs.
  2. The toothbrush should have only soft bristles. Only in this case will the enamel surface wear out and wear out less.
  3. Avoid whitening toothpastes. It is better to give preference to a product that is enriched with fluoride and calcium, and also contains extracts of medicinal herbs. You may need to purchase several toothpastes to find the right one.
  4. Try to eat right. It is better to eat foods that are fortified with calcium and fluoride. At least for a while, give up sour, sweet, pickled and smoked foods.
  5. If you have a habit of grinding your teeth, try to get rid of it. You should also avoid chewing pencils or other hard objects.
  6. Try to go to the dentist for a routine check-up every six months. This will give you the opportunity to know about your problems in advance, which will allow you to fix them faster.
  7. Try to remove plaque or tartar using professional products. In this case, preference should be given to gentle methods.

In any case, increased tooth sensitivity is a big problem that will prevent you from living a full life and can lead to various gastrointestinal diseases. Therefore, it must be eliminated quickly and effectively. Do not put off visiting the dentist under any circumstances, because during this time the condition of the enamel will worsen, and it will take more time and money to correct the situation.

Under increased sensitivity of teeth refers to discomfort in one or more teeth that occurs as a reaction to hot, cold, sweet or sour foods, or even cold air entering the oral cavity when inhaling. The manifestation of such a reaction is a sudden sharp pain that spreads deep along the nerve endings of the tooth.

What causes tooth sensitivity?

Increased tooth sensitivity occurs when the inner layer of the tooth (dentin) is exposed as a result of recession (sagging) of the gum tissue, which acts as an insulating layer that protects the roots of the teeth from external influences. In the roots, which do not have an outer covering of hard enamel, there are thousands of tiny tubules leading to the nerve center of the tooth - the pulp. Through these tubules, irritants (for example, heat, cold, or sugar from food) penetrate deep into the nerve, resulting in the pain you experience.

These are just a few of the many factors that lead to increased sensitivity of teeth:

    Excessively intensive brushing of teeth. Over time, vigorous brushing or using a brush that is too hard will wear away the enamel and expose the dentin layer. It can also contribute to gum recession (the gum line “recedes” from the surface of the teeth, exposing the roots).

    Gum recession. As gum tissue separates from the tooth (for example, due to periodontitis), the root surface becomes exposed.

    Gingivitis. Inflammation and irritation of the gum tissue can lead to increased sensitivity due to the destruction of the periodontal ligaments, leading to exposure of the root directly communicating with the nerve of the tooth.

    Cracks and chips of enamel. The tissue of a chipped or broken tooth can become infected with plaque, which creates a risk of it penetrating into the pulp and developing pulpitis.

    Bruxism.The habit of clenching or grinding your teeth can also lead to abrasion of the enamel and exposure of dentin.

    Use of funds for teeth whitening containing baking soda or hydrogen peroxide. These foods are the most common cause of tooth sensitivity.

    Age. Increased tooth sensitivity most often occurs between 25 and 30 years.

    Accumulation of dental plaque. The cause of increased sensitivity may be plaque on the root surface.

    Using mouth rinses. If there is exposed dentin (the inner layer of the tooth), long-term use of certain acidic mouthwashes can lead to increased tooth sensitivity. Acids have a destructive effect on the dentin layer. If you suffer from dentin hypersensitivity, ask your dentist to recommend neutral fluoride products.

    Sour food. Frequent consumption of foods with a high acid content (for example, citrus fruits, tomatoes, pickles and tea) can lead to erosion of the enamel layer.

    Increased sensitivity after dental procedures. May occur after professional teeth cleaning, root planing, crown placement, and dental restoration. This is a temporary phenomenon. It usually goes away within 4-6 weeks after treatment.

How to reduce tooth sensitivity?

    Maintain good oral hygiene. Continue to brush and floss properly, making sure to thoroughly clean all surfaces of your teeth and mouth.

    Use a toothbrush with soft bristles. This reduces the abrasive effect on the surface of the teeth and irritation of the gums. Brush your teeth with light movements without excessive pressure, especially along the gum line - this will prevent further detachment.

    Use itspecial toothpaste for sensitive teeth. Currently, several types of toothpastes for sensitive teeth are produced. With regular use of this paste, you will notice a decrease in sensitivity. You may need to try several different types of pastes before you find the one that suits you best. Another tip: Before bed, use your finger or ear swab to apply a thin layer of toothpaste to the exposed areas of your teeth. Do not use toothpastes designed to combat tartar. It is better to use any fluoride toothpaste.

    Watch your diet. Frequent consumption of foods high in acids leads to the gradual dissolution of tooth enamel and exposure of the dentin layer. This increases tooth sensitivity and provokes a pain reaction.

    Use fluoride-containing oral care products. Daily use of fluoridated mouth rinses may help reduce tooth sensitivity. Ask your dentist to recommend products suitable for use at home.

    Get rid of the habit of grinding your teeth. If you have this habit, use a mouthguard while you sleep.

    Visit your dentist regularly. It is recommended to have professional teeth cleaning and treatment with fluoride preparations every six months (or more often, depending on the condition of the oral cavity). The doctor will also give recommendations regarding oral hygiene.

If, despite the measures taken, you continue to experience discomfort, contact your dentist. You may be helped by special methods aimed at reducing tooth sensitivity, for example:

    Covering the exposed root surface by applying a composite (bonding)

    Application of fluoride-containing varnishes to bare areas of roots

    Protect exposed root areas with root dentin sealants.

The review was prepared by doctors from the Cleveland Clinic Dental Department.

The special term “hyperesthesia” means increased sensitivity of teeth to external irritants. Some dentists call this phenomenon the “pathology of civilization.” Pain appears when eating food with a strong taste, consuming sweets, when hot or cold food or liquid gets into the mouth. Even the touch of a toothbrush or contact with frosty air can cause discomfort. This problem is becoming more and more urgent. Already 40% of the world's population has experienced a similar phenomenon. One of the teeth or several crowns, randomly located, may be sensitive for various reasons.

One of the most common factors causing a painful tooth reaction without visible external damage is considered to be thinned enamel. This process may be the result of age-related changes - especially in those over 60. But now the number of patients with a similar pathology has increased among young people and middle-aged people.

This precedent is associated with:

  • Poor nutrition: Consumption of refined foods or fast food leads to a lack of minerals in the body.
  • Eating alternately hot or cold foods- You can’t drink ice cream with hot tea.
  • Smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages- bad habits disrupt the restoration of tissue cells and metabolic processes.
  • Increased load on the plane of the teeth due to the absence of adjacent crowns. Prosthetics need to be done on time!
  • Improper dental care: intensive daily whitening at home with soda, frequent use of toothpastes with aggressive additives, hard brushes.
  • Harmful working conditions: for example, in the laboratory with concentrated acids.
  • Heredity, possible pathologies during fetal formation, endocrine diseases.
  • Manifestations of bruxism. Constant friction occurs and the enamel gradually wears away. For such symptoms, a visit to a psychologist is indicated. During therapy, the dentist can make a special mouthguard that protects the teeth from additional damage.

Tasty popular drinks also affect enamel because they contain citric or phosphoric acid. Dehydration has a detrimental effect on all organs: protective salivation decreases, tissue nutrition becomes insufficient.

The recommendation of physiologists is the mandatory consumption of 1.5 to 2.5 liters of purified water for an adult. The hard coating of a tooth cannot be restored on its own, so everyone must take care of the safety of the resources that nature has endowed humanity with.


Hyperesthesia due to caries, after treatment and filling

Carious lesions do not increase the sensitivity of all teeth and do not mean demineralization of tooth enamel on all crowns. The resulting cavities cause increased sensitivity in only a few unhealthy teeth. In this case, the enamel is damaged due to bacterial attack or mechanical damage.

Constantly eating solid foods or filing a tooth before dentures will cause increased sensitivity. Hyperesthesia is typical for cases when necrosis of part of the hard tissue occurs with progressive caries.

At the initial stage of the destructive processes there is still no pain, but the tooth becomes sensitive to the temperature of the food consumed and strong tastes: sweet or sour. The affected organ reacts to stimuli, sometimes together with its neighbors. Sensitivity changes when a stain appears on the crown or when the enamel is locally damaged.

The mechanism of the appearance of pain is simple: under the collapsing hard coating there is dentin, penetrated by a system of branched tubules filled with a physiological liquid composition. Inside them are multiple nerve endings. When the enamel becomes too thin or erodes, pressure changes or cavities are exposed, and the person feels pain.

If the caries lesion is extensive or the spread of enamel erosion is diagnosed, then the bulk of the teeth begin to react painfully to external factors.

When the cause of sensitivity is pre-treatment

Sometimes hyperesthesia appears after tooth filling. This phenomenon is considered normal during the first two days after complex interventions. But if you experience prolonged discomfort, you should consult a dentist. Due to physiological characteristics, the filling may undergo unexpected shrinkage - then the composition will need to be replaced or the tooth will be depulped.

It is also possible that there is an internal crack: this defect is difficult to detect with a simple visual examination, which is why dentists often use cold techniques.

Teeth become sensitive: home treatment methods

If the patient has visited the doctor and found out that there are no caries or other disorders, the symptom of which is pain, then the enamel can be strengthened and pathogenic microflora can be removed using means that have long been used by traditional healers.

  1. A decoction or infusion of ordinary field chamomile will relieve discomfort and disinfect vulnerable surfaces. Dry raw materials can be bought at a pharmacy and prepared during the flowering period. Packaged versions have appeared on sale that can be used to make tea or as a rinse.
  2. To reduce tooth sensitivity, use a natural antiseptic - oak bark. Two tablespoons of raw material poured with boiling water (up to 0.5 l) are kept on low heat until the water has evaporated by half. The thick decoction should be kept in the mouth for a few seconds, then repeat the session.
  3. An infusion of snakeweed will eliminate pathogenic bacteria. Take 10 g of dry base per half liter of boiling water. Leave in a warm place for a quarter of an hour.

You can choose multi-component herbal preparations:

  1. Melissa, burdock and chamomile in equal parts should boil for 2-4 minutes. Proportions - level tablespoon per 0.5 liter;
  2. Sage, calendula (you can add oregano). Such herbs are often sold in packaged form; to brew them, simply place them in boiling water and leave for half an hour.

These decoctions are used for rinsing, but there are other ways to reduce tooth sensitivity: for example, it is popular to use tampons soaked in essential oils of sesame and tea tree. The latter option is also suitable for rinsing: in a glass of slightly warmed water, just stir 2-3 drops of natural oil.

Cucumber juice is considered healing: freshly squeezed liquid is taken into the mouth and rinsed with teeth for several minutes. Horsetail juice will come in handy; this juice is combined with honey. Don't forget about turnip juice - sore gums have been treated this way for many centuries.

Warm milk is a tasty and healthy drink. But you shouldn’t swallow it right away; you need to hold the product in your mouth for a while.


You can thoroughly chew small propolis granules three times a day, or stick a piece of the healing substance to the disturbing area at night. The active ingredients are believed to strengthen the enamel.

Dentists urge you to take good care of your teeth. If deep cleaning or whitening is needed, a consultation with a dentist is important. He will recommend measures that can be performed at home, and will recommend laser or ultrasound procedures for those with hypersensitive teeth. Professional electromechanical teeth cleaning is possible to remove deposits that destroy the hard coating. But after such an intervention, grinding or polishing of the tooth surface will be required, which can be traumatic for the thin enamel layer, saturated with mineralization and fluoride compounds.

Choosing a toothbrush

If you are sensitive, you should not choose a brush with hard bristles. It is better to take a soft elastic version from one of the well-known manufacturers. Such bristles penetrate into the interdental space and do not injure the thin layer of enamel. You need to try to make predominantly vertical movements, paying equal attention to cleansing the right and left sides of the dentition. Chewing carrots, apples, cabbage leaves, and celery will provide gum massage plus natural teeth cleaning. It is better to exclude citrus juices that irritate the enamel.

Adequate nutrition

Changing your diet would also be a smart step. It is necessary to include dairy products, eggs, dietary meat and fatty varieties of sea fish in the menu. The body needs to be saturated with vitamins A, C, D, E, minerals, and polyunsaturated fats. You can purchase high-quality dietary supplements that will help normalize metabolic processes.

To reduce discomfort, doctors recommend purchasing special elixirs and rinses. It is advisable to use toothpastes that contain potassium chlorides, strontium chlorides, sodium fluoride, quotes. The consistency should be soft, without abrasive particles; gels are perfect. You should not use whitening options, but additionally use dental floss and toothpicks.

Hyperesthesia can develop at any age, so representatives of different generations should not forget about preventive examinations. The prognosis of treatment directly depends on the stage at which the pathology is detected.

Prevention of hyperesthesia

Prevention of hyperesthesia involves careful oral hygiene. Adequate selection of toothpaste and avoidance of amateur whitening methods will help maintain the integrity of the enamel layer.

Eating a balanced diet will also help you stay healthy. Dentists remind that a person needs vitamin-mineral complexes and polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is worth reducing the amount of sweets consumed as much as possible. And after each dessert it makes sense to rinse your mouth.

Regular visits to dental offices, as well as careful attention to health, are considered preventive measures. Dental problems, including thinning of the enamel layer, may be the result of another serious disease that causes metabolic disorders.

Brushing your teeth should be done with medium pressure, without unnecessary effort. Strong horizontal swing is not recommended. To accurately determine the stiffness of the bristles, resourceful dentists offer a simple test. You can take a medium-ripe tomato and, imitating movements with a toothbrush, evaluate the effect: the skin should remain unharmed, and the fibers of the hygiene item should be undamaged.

It is advisable to periodically drink mineral water with an optimal fluoride content - especially if the local water contains a minimal amount of this ingredient.

Dental methods for treating tooth sensitivity

Upon examination, a doctor may detect almost imperceptible incipient caries or the first signs of periodontitis. Then, after completing the course of treatment, the teeth will regain their former strength. Doctors also remind that an attack is provoked by general hypothermia of the body. You should not go outside without a hat if the thermometer shows less than +5 oC.

If abrasion of the enamel occurs due to malocclusion, then the methods of modern dentistry can help the patient.

Many experts remind that increased tooth sensitivity is a consequence of problems that need to be eliminated in the early stages. Effective treatment can only be prescribed once the cause has been established.

Many dentists recommend physical therapy sessions. Electrophoresis on salt (calcium glycerophosphate) is effective: electrodes with a solution are applied directly to the tooth crown, and a weak, dosed electrical discharge allows the ions to reintegrate into the layers of the natural coating. It is popular to use special gels, coat with dental varnish - a synthetic resin with a pleasant smell, and seal the top layer of enamel by using compresses of fluoride and calcium salts.


If dental hypersensitivity has become unbearable, then special procedures are recommended:

  • Fluoridation. Simple - multi-layer application of a fluoride composition to the tooth. It remains on the surface without penetrating deep into the pores. To complete such a procedure, at least three or four sessions will be required. Deep - consistent coating with an enamel-sealing liquid: silicone trays filled with the drug are held on the teeth for up to 20 minutes. Microparticles of calcium fluoride enter the deep layers of enamel. Such fluoridation will require 8-10 repetitions.
  • Remineralization using preparations containing phosphate and calcium compounds.
  • Enamel implantation is the application of an innovative, biocompatible tooth coating. The newest composition is similar to real enamel in all respects.
  • Filling the carious area with topical mixtures that can support and strengthen healthy crown tissues.
  • If there is destruction of the enamel, then the tooth will be saved by building it up with special composites.

The doctor may prescribe medications to restore metabolic processes or give a referral for examination to a specialized specialist - for example, an endocrinologist.

Every adult has encountered the problem of increased enamel sensitivity in their life. This disease is accompanied by painful sensations, discomfort while eating and drinking, and sometimes it just aches at night, preventing a person from falling asleep. Doctors call this pathology “hyperesthesia” and encounter it in more than 60% of cases of visits to dentistry. In this article we will look at what to do if your teeth become sensitive and why this happens.

Hyperesthesia occurs as a result of the influence of external factors on the tooth surface: tactile, temperature, mechanical, food (chemical) and others. The surface of the tooth is destroyed under their influence, microcracks and mini-chips appear, through which the irritant gets directly to the nerve, causing discomfort and pain.

Increased sensitivity can act as an independent disease or be a symptom of another (gingivitis, caries, erosion, periodontitis and periodontal disease, abscess, etc.).

Hyperesthesia occurs as a result of the influence of external factors on the tooth surface.

There are common cases when a tooth has become sensitive due to the thinning of the enamel surface, after which the irritant reaches the dentin layer.

Also, often unpleasant sensations on the enamel appear due to the erosion of the surface by caries. The tooth reacts painfully to thermal and chemical factors.

If sensitivity is noted in the area of ​​the tooth neck, then this may indicate the development of periodontitis or periodontal disease, or improper installation of dentures.

As a rule, sensitivity manifests itself as the ability of the tooth to acutely sense a hot or cold product, as well as tastes (vigorous or burning, sour, sweet). But everyone’s pain threshold is different - sometimes the process is accompanied by a dull aching pain, and sometimes an acute spasmodic pain.

What to do if tooth enamel becomes sensitive? First of all, you should contact a dentist in the clinic, who will diagnose hyperesthesia or other oral disease. This can be done only after visually examining the mucous membrane and teeth and passing the necessary tests.

The dentist determines the degree of damage or deformation of hard dental tissue or detects periodontal inflammation.

Often, damage to the upper layer is indicated by shortened cutting edges of the incisors or the appearance of light spots on the chewing molars.

Symptoms of the disease

Before choosing a remedy for tooth sensitivity, you should determine what symptoms accompany the disease.

The most important symptom can be considered a short-term throbbing pain, which worsens when drinking drinks and foods. Teeth react especially painfully to burning, sour and sweet foods, seasonings, heated or chilled drinks and dishes. This pain lasts for several minutes after eating and then gradually subsides.

In the case of an acute form of hyperesthesia, the patient feels uncomfortable inhaling cool air, eating foods of any taste or temperature, or performing normal oral hygiene.

Whitening sensitive teeth may make the disease worse

Remember that whitening sensitive teeth may worsen the disease. Abrasive components in professional and any other pastes remove a microscopic layer of enamel, which leads to a deterioration of its structure in favor of aesthetics.

Sometimes it happens that tooth pain goes away on its own, and the patient tolerates all external irritants well. This is due to the gradual restoration of the upper layer of hard tissue. Of course, such remission is observed only in the absence of other oral diseases.

A competent dentist should be able to distinguish hyperesthesia from symptoms of other diseases (acute pulpitis, gingivitis, caries, etc.). During the latter, the pain is prolonged and worsens towards the night. In the case of hyperesthesia, the pain is local and temporary and is mainly observed immediately after exposure to the stimulus.

Causes of this disease

There are many reasons that cause the disease (systemic disorders, chemical damage, chips, crumbling, etc.). And, unfortunately, a simple mouthwash for sensitive teeth will not solve the problem.

The most common factors that cause discomfort are:

Often the cause of tooth sensitivity is hormonal imbalance during pregnancy.

  • the surface has been exposed to organic or mineral acids;
  • carious and other damage to hard tissues caused exposure of the neck and dentin canals;
  • disruptions in the metabolic processes of calcium and phosphorus;
  • hormonal imbalance (pregnancy, menopause, adolescence, etc.);
  • metabolic disorders, unstable functioning of the endocrine system;
  • diseases of the nervous system, mental disorders, stress;
  • the patient was exposed to ionizing radiation;
  • unbalanced diet (the menu is dominated by sour fruits and berries, juices, as well as hot, hot seasonings, sugary-sweet cakes, pastries);
  • the habit of consuming foods and drinks that are too hot or too cold.

Classification of enamel hyperesthesia

There are several forms and types of the disease, which determine what to do if sensitive teeth hurt.

The classification was proposed by Yuri Fedorov, who included in it the factors of the onset of the disease, its localization and the characteristics of its course in different forms.

  1. By distribution.

Pathology can occur on a single tooth, on nearby, opposite, or all of them at once.

Local or limited form is characterized by pronounced acute pain in the area of ​​1 or a pair of teeth. As a rule, it is caused by caries, a wedge-shaped enamel defect, and other external causes. Sometimes such sensitivity appears as a result of root canal treatment, filling, grinding and turning of the tooth. Often, the local form of the disease occurs after ultrasonic or mechanical cleansing of plaque and stone, installation of a filling, prostheses or implants.

Generalized sensitivity occurs in many or all teeth, which is associated with exposure of dentin necks or canals. As a rule, the cause of mass hyperesthesia is serious periodontal diseases, damage and chips of enamel due to trauma, blows, falls, tissue erosion, etc. Also, the cause may be a hereditary predisposition to abrasion or crumbling of hard tooth tissues.

  1. By origin.

Here sensitivity may be associated with the destruction of hard tissues or may not be related to their integrity.

Sensitivity is often associated with the destruction of hard tooth tissues

Tissue damage occurs due to the formation of carious “holes”, erosion, the discovery of a wedge-shaped defect, and a predisposition to tooth wear. Also, the enamel is destroyed after preparing the tooth for inlays, crowns, dentures and implants. Here, a regular gel for sensitive teeth will not help - the enamel should literally be “built up” to eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

If hyperesthesia is not due to tissue damage, then the cause is most likely gum recession, periodontal disease or periodontitis, metabolic and hormonal disorders of the patient.

  1. According to the clinical course.

The 1st degree of the disease indicates sensitivity to thermal factors, the 2nd also to chemical factors, while the threshold of dentin excitability is higher. At grade 3, the enamel is susceptible to all irritants, including tactile ones.

Treatment of the disease

What to do if tooth sensitivity has increased, only a doctor will tell you after determining the cause of the disease.

For grade 1 pathology, surgical or physiotherapeutic treatment is not required. It is enough to undergo a course of dental procedures (up to 10-12 fluoridation sessions). Fluoridation involves thickening the enamel through compresses of fluoride and calcium salts.

For the treatment of 2nd and 3rd degree hyperesthesia, filling composites are used, which “seal” cracks in hard tissues and eliminate the process of crumbling and abrasion.

Therapeutic fluoridation for hypersensitivity of the necks of teeth

If caries is detected in the mouth, the dentist will sanitize the cavity, clean the tooth of destroyed tissue and install a modern filling.

If the cause of sensitivity is periodontal inflammation, exposure of the tooth neck or dentin canals, then surgery may be required, aimed at changing the level of the gums.

If teeth quickly wear out, wear out and crumble, the problem can be corrected with orthodontic or orthopedic treatment. The doctor will help correct the bite or shape of the teeth.

In the case of a generalized form of the disease, the doctor prescribes special medications for sensitive teeth, which allows you to restore phosphorus-calcium metabolism, metabolism, and hormonal levels. Often the patient is prescribed calcium glycerophosphate, food supplements, vitamin and mineral complexes.

Sometimes the cause of the disease can be a poorly installed filling with uneven sharp edges or one that does not fit tightly to the tooth. Germs and bacteria, plaque and stone, and food residues can clog into the gap, which leads to unpleasant sensations.

In this case, treatment involves re-filling or even depulping the area.

If the enamel is sensitive after hygienic cleaning or bleaching, then effective treatment will be the appointment of electrophoresis based on calcium glycerophosphate, opening the tissues with fluoridated varnish. The same treatment is offered for those with dentures and braces.

Many people ask: “If your teeth are very sensitive, what should you do at home?” The question is relevant, since not everyone has the opportunity to quickly get to the dentist or pay an impressive amount for modern procedures. In this case, special toothpastes for sensitive teeth with a high content of calcium and fluoride will help relieve discomfort.

Rinsing your mouth with herbal decoctions often helps.(oak bark, sage, St. John's wort, eucalyptus and others), salt-soda solution, pharmaceutical rinses.

Special painkillers and cooling gels produce a good effect.

Products for the prevention and treatment of tooth sensitivity

The most important things to do at home:

  • carry out regular but gentle dental hygiene with a special brush with soft bristles;
  • review the menu and refuse too hot, cold, sweet, spicy, sour foods and drinks;
  • If you have hyperesthesia, forget forever about bleaching and other abrasive pastes.

If you comply with these requirements, you can quickly and effectively overcome the disease without going to the dentist. But this advice is effective only in the absence of other background diseases and lesions, as well as a hereditary predisposition to enamel damage.

The problem of tooth sensitivity is familiar to almost every person.

With any irritating effect, both physical and mechanical, piercing pain can occur, although visually the teeth seem completely healthy.

Description and causes of increased tooth sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity (hyperesthesia) is one of the most common complaints of patients in dental clinics.

Increased sensitivity of teeth causes a lot of suffering to a person and can be a concomitant symptom of various diseases.

Temperature, mechanical, chemical and other irritants can provoke the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms. However, pain varies in intensity and duration for each person. Initially weak and short-lived, over time they grow, become strong, pulsating and do not go away for a long time.

The reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon are varied. It may occur:

  • with damaged tooth enamel;
  • during the period of hormonal changes (pregnancy, menopause, hormonal imbalances);
  • for nervous disorders;
  • as a result of abuse of sour foods, sweets, carbonated drinks;
  • with lesions of the teeth, as a result of which the dentinal tubules are exposed.

In addition, hyperesthesia can develop due to vitamin deficiency, poor nutrition, stress, or improper brushing of teeth.

Why teeth become sensitive and how to deal with hyperesthesia - video

Treatment options

Treating tooth sensitivity is a complex process. Modern dentistry offers many different ways to get rid of this problem. Conservative therapy is mainly used, and surgical intervention is rarely used.

Depending on the reasons that led to hyperesthesia, different treatment methods are used:

  • Fluoridation is carried out in order to saturate the enamel with necessary substances, which helps to strengthen it. The procedure is carried out using special mouth guards containing fluoride gel. They can be disposable or reusable for home use. If there are minor damages, the teeth are coated with fluoride varnish;
  • if sensitivity is caused by caries, you need to treat the underlying disease;
  • Unpleasant sensations may occur if the gums have receded and the cervical area has opened due to inflammation. In this case, a surgical intervention is performed, during which the doctor covers the neck of the tooth and lifts the gum;
  • if excessive sensitivity is caused by tooth wear, orthodontic therapy is indicated;
  • the generalized form is treated with medications that help restore phosphorus-calcium metabolism (multivitamins, calcium supplements);
  • in case of unpleasant sensations after a poorly performed filling, this procedure must be repeated;
  • if the problem appeared after teeth whitening, it means that it led to thinning of the enamel. To fix this, electrophoresis is used or the enamel is coated with a special varnish.

Increased tooth sensitivity can also be cured with the help of remineralization, through the use of folk remedies, as well as using various gels, varnishes and foams.

Enamel remineralization

Remineralization therapy is the method most often used to treat tooth sensitivity.

At the dental clinic

In a dental clinic, the procedure is carried out as follows:

  • the doctor removes plaque from the surface of the teeth using special professional pastes;
  • treats teeth with hydrogen peroxide (0.5–1%) and dries thoroughly;
  • Apply an application to the affected areas of the teeth with a 10% solution of calcium gluconate or a complex agent (Remodent, Fluorodent). Changes applications every 5 minutes. The duration of the entire procedure is 20 minutes;
  • treats the tooth surface with a 1–2% sodium fluoride solution.

This procedure allows you to saturate the tooth enamel with the necessary components. During treatment, juices and acidic foods are excluded from the diet. It is recommended to brush your teeth with fluoride-containing toothpastes.

Remineralization is carried out daily or every other day. In total you will need 15–20 applications. During the last procedure, fluoride varnish is applied to the enamel.

To treat hypersensitivity of teeth, as a rule, remineralization is used.

At home

The most popular means:

  • Mexidol Dent Sensitive. Has antibacterial properties, stimulates regenerative processes;
  • Oral-B Sensitive Original. The effectiveness is due to the presence in its composition of a substance whose structure resembles tooth enamel;
  • Rembrandt Sensitive. When using this paste, a film is formed that protects tooth enamel from the irritating effects of various substances.

How to reduce sensitivity and relieve toothache - video

Gels, varnishes and foams

Gels, varnishes and foams are applied directly to the teeth or used as rinses.

When applying varnish, a film is formed on the teeth that protects the enamel. Gels and foams are used to prevent inflammation.

The following remedies are effective:

  • Bifluoride 12. After covering the teeth with this fluorine-containing varnish, a film is formed on the enamel, protecting against temperature irritants;
  • Tooth Mousse. This professional gel product is applied to the teeth using a cotton swab and also forms a protective film;
  • Remodent. The drug is available in powder form. Used for rinsing, helps remove excess sensitivity.

Before using any of the above remedies, you should consult your dentist. Once the cause of the discomfort is determined, the doctor will help you choose the most effective drug.

Pastes, ointments and other drugs to reduce dental hypersensitivity - gallery

Tooth Mousse

MEXIDOL dent Sensitive

Alternative medicine

Folk remedies help eliminate increased sensitivity of tooth enamel and help reduce discomfort. But such recipes are designed for long-term use; you should not expect healing after the first procedure. In addition, the relief may only be temporary, so they are best used as an adjunct to primary treatment.

Alternative medicine recipes can be used both for the treatment and prevention of pathology.

Tea tree oil

If pain suddenly occurs, you can dilute a few drops of oil in 1 glass of warm water and rinse your teeth. To consolidate the effect, it is recommended to do the procedure every time after eating. You can use another recipe:

  • Dissolve eucalyptus and tea tree oils (5 drops each) in half a glass of water;
  • rinse three times a day.

Tea tree oil helps reduce bleeding gums, eliminate bad breath and tartar. When using such a tool, it is necessary to take into account some nuances:

  • the oil should only be natural, undiluted;
  • do not exceed the dosage, as this can lead to unpleasant sensations during rinsing;
  • upon first use, there may be numbness in the tip of the tongue, which quickly passes;

    Not everyone will like the taste of the product, so after the procedure it is recommended to rinse your mouth with warm water.

  • Do not eat immediately after rinsing.


Decoctions and infusions of herbs are used for rinsing. These products help eliminate pain, strengthen enamel, and eliminate unpleasant odors. Traditional medicine for dental hypertension recommends using the following recipes:

  1. Herbal infusion (chamomile, sage, oregano or calendula):
    • 1 tbsp. l. crushed dry plant is poured with 1 cup of boiling water;
    • leave for 1 hour;
    • filter and rinse the mouth 4–5 times a day for 5–10 days.
  2. Oak bark decoction:
    • oak bark is poured with boiling water (for 1 tablespoon of bark, 1 glass of water);
    • boil for 5 minutes;
    • The cooled broth is filtered and used for rinsing 2-3 times a day. The duration of treatment is one to two weeks.
  3. Burdock decoction:
    • 1 tsp. dry herbs are poured into a glass of hot water;
    • keep on low heat for 3 minutes;
    • leave for an hour, filter;
    • rinse the mouth up to 5 times a day.

With the help of rinsing with decoctions and infusions, you can dull the pain, reduce sensitivity, and reduce inflammation. But if the teeth are destroyed from the inside, then it will not be possible to achieve a positive result with the help of such means. Do not forget that some plants can cause allergic reactions.

Treatment with decoctions and herbal infusions has its drawbacks. Not every person in modern life manages to find time to prepare the product and rinse frequently.


This beekeeping product has anesthetic properties. You can simply chew it, after a while you will feel a slight numbness. The healing resin fills all the cracks, thus partially restoring the damaged tooth. In addition, you can rinse your mouth with propolis tincture. To prepare it, a piece of the product is dissolved in alcohol.

When using propolis, you must remember that the maximum dosage is three grams per day.

After the procedure, irritation of the mucous membrane may occur. Therefore, you should not keep propolis in your mouth for more than 10 minutes. This method should not be used by those who are allergic to bee products.

Juices of vegetables and herbs

With regular use, the following products can significantly reduce pain:

  • cucumber juice;
  • turnip juice with honey;
  • horsetail juice with honey.

Gargling with juices helps strengthen tooth enamel. The procedure should be carried out daily in the morning and evening.

Warm milk

A simple and effective remedy. Thanks to the calcium content, tooth enamel is strengthened. To reduce sensitivity, you just need to drink warm milk, holding it in your mouth for 20–25 seconds.

Cucumber juice

Excessive tooth sensitivity is an unpleasant phenomenon that negatively affects the quality of life. The cause of hyperesthesia may be dental diseases or damage to the enamel. Therefore, before using any remedies, you need to visit a dentist to prevent the situation from worsening.