Let's look at detailed instructions on how to connect additional Internet to MTS if the main traffic package within the tariff has ended. We will also figure out how to disable the additional Internet package on MTS, which is activated automatically subject to the validity of a certain option or provided for by the tariff.

Instructions for connecting and disconnecting additional Internet packages

Not many people know how to disable additional Internet, so the issue will be considered in as much detail as possible. Adding traffic without the subscriber's knowledge can lead to unnecessary costs, so it is important to be able to control the activation of the service.

Turbo button and Turbo Night

Allows you to extend MTS Internet for a day, a month, or until the amount of added traffic is exhausted. Available volume: 100 MB, 500 MB, 1 GB, 2 GB.

How to connect:

  • 100 MB – *111*05# for a day;
  • 500 MB – *167# for 30 days;
  • 1 GB – *467# for a month;
  • 2 GB – *168# for 30 days.

Check the rest of the commands on the website http://www.mts.ru/mobil_inet_and_tv/tarifu/internet_dly_odnogo/additionally_services/turbo/. The service does not require a separate disconnection; connection occurs only upon request and is disconnected as soon as the provided volume or period of use ends.

“Turbo Night” provided the opportunity to unlimitedly use the Internet at night from 00:00 to 07:00 in the morning. Subscription fee 200 rubles monthly. Today the service is not available for connection. “Turbo Night” is valid until the subscriber disconnects it; to do this, dial the command *111*776# .

For Smart, Ultra and Hype tariffs

Tariff plans from the Smart, Ultra and Hype line provide for automatic speed extension if the main one has already been used up. Auto-renewal continues until the main packages are updated.

Depending on the tariff plan, 500 MB or Gigabyte of additional traffic is added to the subscriber. The cost depends on the tariff and varies between 75-150 rubles.

You can disable auto-renewal in your personal account on the company website https://login.mts.ru or with the command *111*936# . After canceling the service, the “Turbo button” becomes available to the subscriber.

For Mini, Maxi, VIP, TOP, Premium tariffs

The Mobile Telesystems company offers clients a number of Internet options for corporate tariffs.

The following commands are used to manage services:

  • Internet Mini *111*160# ;
  • Maxi *111*161# ;
  • VIP *111*166# ;
  • TOP *111*387# ;
  • Premium *111*372# .

In order to enable or disable each of the listed options, type the command and select the desired item in the menu that appears.

For MTS Tablet, BIT, SuperBIT tariffs

Let's figure out how to connect an additional Internet package using the services of MTS Tablet, BIT and SuperBIT.

Under the terms of the “BIT” option, the subscriber is provided with 75 MB of Internet for every day; if this is not enough, then 50 MB are added. To connect dial *252# . To disable an additional service, use the command *252*0# or send a message with text " 1 " on 2520 .

SuperBIT provides subscribers with 3 GB per month and an additional 500 MB. To connect or disconnect, dial *111*628# and select the desired item from the menu that appears.

“MTS Tablet” is not available for connection today; according to the terms of the service, 4 GB of Internet is provided monthly for 400 rubles. To disable, dial the combination *111*855# or send a message to 111 with the text " 855 ».

Any of the services can be disabled in your personal account through the section for managing connected options.

SuperBIT Smart option

When connected, the SuperBit Internet option provides a quota of 3 GB per month of use. As soon as the main limit is exhausted, additional packages of 500 MB and costing 75 rubles each are automatically added. The maximum number of renewals is 15, after which you need to connect the “Turbo button” to continue using the Internet.

To connect and deactivate the service, use the capabilities of your personal account or send a USSD request *111*8650# and press the call button.

If you need to disable auto-renewal, just send to the number 6290 message with the text " 1 ».

MiniBIT option

One more service. providing MTS Internet access. It is suitable in cases where there is no need to maintain a constant connection to the network. The client is provided with 20 MB of traffic per day for 25 or 45 rubles, depending on the region; if this is not enough, then the same amount is automatically added for 15 or 25 rubles.

To manage the service, use the command *111*62# . Depending on the desired action, select an item from the menu that appears.

To disable auto-renewal of traffic, send to the service number 622 0 message " 1 ».

Option “Smart for your own”

The “Smart for Our Own” tariff plan implies a monthly Internet limit of 10 GB. As soon as the main traffic ends, there is an automatic renewal in mini-packages of 500 MB for 75 rubles each.

You can disable the activation of additional Internet traffic in your personal account https://login.mts.ru.

The tariff plan itself is not available for subscription; you can switch to it only using a special promotional code. Otherwise, tariff management occurs in the same way as on any other “Smart” line.

Periodic packages (200, 300, 450 and 900 megabytes)

Periodic packages allow you to add Internet access to MTS for tariff plans that do not include basic packages or as an addition in case of spending large amounts.

The 500 MB MTS turbo button will be useful for a number of clients. It will allow you to continue using the Internet after the main package is exhausted. But you should carefully read the current terms and conditions for this service.

Many customers choose MTS for connection. Today the company is the largest operator on the Russian market. What are the advantages of this organization?

  • A wide range of services are offered.
  • The company has a huge network of base stations.
  • It has a large coverage area.
  • Excellent signal reception is guaranteed in cities.
  • Ensures stable operation of 4G and high data transfer speeds.
  • You can choose one of the current tariffs.
  • The company's prices are optimal.
  • You will be satisfied with cooperation with MTS.
  • The organization has collected a lot of positive reviews.
  • It continues to develop and invests heavily in upgrading equipment.

Option Description

The 500 MB MTS turbo button option allows you to get an additional traffic package for accessing the Internet. The company offers a variety of tariffs for use on smartphones. They include a basic traffic package that is updated once a month.

But what if the Internet ends prematurely? In this case, you should connect the turbo button. This is an option that allows you to continue to use network access and get rid of additional restrictions.

What conditions apply to the service?

  1. Activation cost is 95 rubles.
  2. Validity period: up to 30 days after connection.
  3. Traffic – 500 MB.

About the price

It is important to understand that the company adjusts the conditions for services in different cities. She tries to make them as accessible as possible to clients. Therefore, the price in your area may differ from the indicated price.

How to check the price?

  • Go to the operator's website.
  • Usually the system automatically detects the region.
  • Open the services section.
  • Find the turbo buttons in it.
  • Select the option you are interested in.
  • Check out the current price.

How to connect a Turbo button to MTS 500 MB for 95 rubles?

How to connect the turbo button 500 MB MTS? There are several methods available to clients:

  1. In your personal account.
  2. In the smartphone application.
  3. Through the team.

Which method should you choose? Let's look at each connection method to help customers decide between them.


The advantage of the team will be the fact that you do not need to have access to the Internet. The client can type a request and send it to the operator. But there is also a drawback - you must first learn the command in order to use it in the future.

How to activate?

  • Dial *167#.
  • Send a request to the operator.
  • Wait for an SMS notification about connecting the option.

Personal Area

Your personal account can replace contacting the contact center and USSD requests. Now each operator has a personal account for account management. The client receives a convenient tool that is easy to learn.

How to activate the service through your personal account?

  1. Go to the operator's website.
  2. Open your personal account tab.
  3. Enter your phone number and password to log in.
  4. Afterwards the main page of the personal account will appear.
  5. Open the options section.
  6. Find the turbo buttons in the list.
  7. Choose the 500 MB option.
  8. Check out the price and click on the item to connect.

In the application

The application is a modern solution for smartphone owners. Now you don't need to go to the site. Customers can open the application and perform all necessary operations in it.

The advantages of the program are obvious:

  • It has a beautiful design.
  • Provides ample opportunities for users.
  • It copes with its tasks perfectly.
  • Fully capable of replacing your personal account.
  • The interface is adapted to the mobile screen.
  • The application works great.
  • It works perfectly on various smartphones.
  • You can freely download the program from the official store.
  • There are versions for popular OS.
  • The application is being gradually updated.

How to connect a 500 MB turbo button in the program?

  1. First of all, download the application.
  2. Launch the program.
  3. Log in there.
  4. After logging in, the main page will open.
  5. Go to the current options.
  6. Find the service you are interested in in the list.
  7. Open her card.
  8. There should be a connection point at the bottom. Click on it.

After activation, you should receive a confirmation SMS message. It is important to check your balance before connecting. Activation occurs only if the client’s account has the designated amount to be debited.

How to activate the MTS Turbo bonus 500 MB for points?

The company has an MTS Bonus program. It allows customers to receive points in exchange for money spent on communication services. This is how the organization attracts subscribers and stimulates their activity.

You can activate a 500 MB turbo bonus for points. The following conditions apply to this service:

  • The client must be registered in the loyalty program.
  • The reward value is 475 points.
  • You can activate it in your personal account or in the application.
  • The bonus package is valid for 60 days.
  • If the client does not manage to use the traffic for the designated period, then the remainder is burned.

How to disable the 500 MB Turbo button on MTS?

How to disable the turbo button of 500 MB MTS? The service does not need to be disabled. The client buys a package, which is deactivated automatically after exhaustion or after 30 days. Therefore, the operator did not provide for the possibility of turning it off.

When using the services of the largest telecommunications operator, clients often resort to activating additional Internet options, which have a favorable price-quality ratio. Their use requires a stable replenishment of the personal account balance, which makes it relevant to study the question “How to disable the additional Internet package on MTS?”

In this material we will look at:

  • work from a user control panel, where the client can access all options active on the personal account;
  • a system of USSD commands and service SMS messages, with which you can quickly deactivate the desired service.

Most Mobile TeleSystem services operate on the principle of automatic monthly or daily renewal, which makes it necessary to independently manage such opportunities. If you have a personal computer or a modern smartphone, you can use a user’s personal account, where functionality can be managed in just a few clicks.

Disabling in your personal account

By going to the corresponding page of the official website, or installing applications for the Android or iOS operating system, the client will find himself in his personal account. Here you need to go through the registration process and further authorization, after which you can start using basic features. To register successfully, you will need to provide your phone number and some personal information, after which a confirmation code will be sent to the specified number.

If everything is done correctly, you will be redirected to the main page of the service. Go to the section of active services, where activated options and services will be displayed in the form of a list. Here you can disable auto-renewal of MTS Internet. At the same time, follow the main recommendation: the action must be completed before 00:00, otherwise funds for renewing the subscription will be automatically debited from the personal account balance.

Disable automatic internet renewal using the command

If the client does not have the opportunity to access a personal computer and use the personal account, the operator has developed a special system of requests for service numbers. This way you can deactivate the required option by sending a text message. Let's look at how to disable additional Internet on MTS using specific functions as an example.

Refusal from Smart and Ultra

Smart and Ultra are current tariff lines that are actively used by subscribers. In this case, it is impossible to refuse prepaid Internet using standard means. If you want to temporarily restrict access to the World Wide Web, you can:

  • use the appropriate option on your mobile phone;
  • activate phone number blocking. To do this, send a request *111*157# ;
  • change the tariff plan to an analogue one without the Internet. The official website provides a complete list of existing TPs and methods of connecting to them.

Deactivating Internet Mini

The additional package on the Mini tariff is automatically renewed when it is fully used, which leads to additional costs. Sending a request *111*936# will help solve the problem, after which you will need to wait for a message about the successful completion of the action and reboot the device.

Disabling the VNet service

VNet – the possibility of unlimited use of popular social networks and instant messengers. At the same time, funds are debited from the personal account balance daily. You can also deactivate the service by sending a USSD message *111*345*2#.

Refusal from Internet Maxi

Internet Maxi offers to take advantage of additional traffic packages with their automatic renewal. The service is available to all clients of the telecommunications operator and can be deactivated at any time by sending the code *111*161#.

Disable Internet VIP

Internet VIP is a premium package for clients who want to get the most out of using the World Wide Web. The high cost of service is often a key reason for service refusal. You can cancel your subscription using the USSD request *111*748*00000#, or by sending an SMS message with the text 7480 to number 111.

Turn off the Bit and SuperBit options

“BIT” and “SuperBIT” are also among the popular services that expand access to the Internet. You can deactivate the first option using the code *111*252*2#, in the second case, send a request *111*628*2#. Be sure to wait for a confirmation response message, after which you can start working with the service.

Additional Information

In this material, we looked at the most relevant ways to deactivate additional Internet packages. As stated earlier, this action must be performed before 00:00, otherwise funds for the renewal of the service may be debited from the personal account balance.

If you are unable to resolve the issue yourself, contact a qualified technical support representative for assistance. You can do this:

  • using the system for sending a text request to your personal account;
  • by calling the toll-free hotline number;
  • by contacting your nearest service center directly.

From 03/02/2016, the options “Additional package 500 MB” and “Additional package 1 GB” are closed for connection.

Tariff option:“Additional package 500 MB”
Traffic volume: 500 MB per month
Price: 75 rub./month.

How to disable
There are two ways to disable the “Additional 500 MB package” option:

  • dial *111*526# on your mobile phone;
  • send an SMS to the number 111 with text:
    • 5260 - to turn off.

Tariff option:"Additional package 1 GB"
Traffic volume: 1 GB per month
Price: 120 rub./month.

How to disable:
There are two ways to disable the “Additional 1 GB package” option:

  • dial *111*527# on your mobile phone;
  • send an SMS to the number 111 with text:
    • 5270 - to turn off.

The first provision of the package is carried out at the moment of activation of the options, then the package is provided every month in full, on the day corresponding to the date of activation of the option.

To check the remaining traffic, dial *217# .

  • Conditions for providing options

    • Options can be activated by a subscriber of the “Smart mini”, “Smart”, “Smart+”, “Smart+ for a year”, “Smart Nonstop” and “Smart Top” tariffs, using both the basic volumes of the Internet option provided under the tariff, and having an additional connected unlimited Internet options.
    • Options are periodic: provided every month until the subscriber disables them.
    • In case of changing the tariff plan (including to other tariff plans of the Smart line), the options are disabled; they need to be reconnected.
    • The fee for the first month of using options is debited at the time of their activation. Further, the fee is written off every month, starting from the second, in full, on the date corresponding to the date of activation of the option.
      If the number is blocked at the time of debiting, the fee will be debited when the blocking is released.
      If in the next calendar month there is no date similar to the connection date, the monthly fee is written off on the last day of the calendar month.
      For the full calendar month in which the subscriber was actually blocked, no monthly fee is charged.
    • Access points (APN): internet.mts.ru, wap.mts.ru.
    • The coverage area of ​​the options is the subscriber’s home region.
      If the subscriber has any of the options “Everywhere at home Smart” or “VSR_Smart+” activated, the options are valid in the MTS network throughout Russia.
  • Internet traffic accrual procedure

    • When connecting options, the additional traffic package is added to the basic volume of Internet traffic provided according to the tariff, and the subscriber begins to be credited with an increased volume of Internet traffic every month (equal to the sum of the basic and additional packages).
    • The first provision of an increased package is carried out at the time of activation of options; further – the increased package is provided every month, starting from the second, in full, on the date corresponding to the date of activation of the option.
      At the same time, on the day corresponding to the date of connection / transition to the tariff (if it does not coincide with the date of connection of the options), the basic volume of Internet traffic provided under the tariff is not accrued.
    • When accessing the PDA version of the MTS website, Personal Account and other free resources, charging, quota accounting and speed limiting do not occur within these options.
  • Interaction of options

    • The options “Additional package 500 MB” and “Additional package 1 GB” are mutually exclusive with each other, as well as with the options “SuperBIT”, “MTS Tablet”, “Unlimited-Mini”, “Unlimited-Maxi”, “Unlimited-Super”, “ Unlimited-VIP”, “Internet-Mini”, “Internet-Maxi”, “Internet-Maxi+”, “Internet-Super”, “Internet-VIP” (including all modifications of the listed options).

Smart mini = Smart mini. Smart = Smart. Smart+ = Smart+. Smart+ for a year = Smart+ for a year. Smart Nonstop = Smart Nonstop. Smart Top = Smart Top.
All prices include VAT.

If your Internet suddenly disappears or your speed simply drops significantly, this means that, most likely, you have used up your Internet traffic limit. To remove the speed limit and continue to fully enjoy Internet access, you will have to buy additional MTS traffic.

For this purpose, MTS provides a whole line of options "Turbo button", representing packages of additional Internet traffic of various sizes - from 100 MB to 20 GB.

In this review, we will look at all the currently available “Turbo buttons”: how to connect them, terms of provision, validity period and cost.

The cost of options in the review is indicated for Moscow and the Moscow region. Check the cost of services for your region on the official MTS website or at.

How to connect the “Turbo button” to MTS

"Turbo button 100 MB"

The option with a minimum traffic volume of 100 MB is suitable for users of regular mobile phones who rarely use the Internet. Its validity period is only 24 hours. After this time, the service is disabled automatically, even if you have unused megabytes of traffic left. The cost of the service is 30 rubles.

Connect “Turbo button 100 MB”:

  • USSD command ✶ 111 ✶ 05 ✶ 1 #
  • SMS with text 05 to number 5340

"Turbo button 500 MB"

As in the first case, the option will be useful to owners of phones and smartphones that rarely go online. 500 MB of traffic here is provided for a period of 30 days. The connection cost is 95 rubles.

Connect “Turbo button 500 MB” can be done in two ways:

  • USSD command ✶ 167 #
  • SMS with text 167 to number 5340

"Turbo button 1 GB"

As usual, connect “Turbo button 1 GB” can be done in two ways:

  • USSD command ✶ 467 #
  • SMS with text 467 to number 5340

"Turbo button 2 GB"

The option is suitable for owners of smartphones, tablets and USB modems and provides 2 GB of Internet traffic for 30 days. The cost of the service is 300 rubles.

Connection “Turbo button 2 GB”:

  • USSD command ✶ 168 #
  • SMS with text 168 to number 5340

"Turbo button 5 GB"

For 450 rubles you will have access to an additional 5 GB of traffic at maximum speed. The option is provided for a period of 30 days and is recommended for connection to tablets and USB modems.

To connect “Turbo button 5 GB” use any of the following methods:

  • USSD command ✶ 169 #
  • SMS with text 169 to number 5340

"Turbo button 20 GB"

The last of the “buttons” in this line, with the “fattest” amount of traffic - 20 GB. The standard validity period is 30 days from the moment of connection. The option is recommended for connecting to USB modems, routers, as well as users of the “Unified Internet” service. The cost of the service is 900 rubles.

Connect “Turbo button 20 GB” Can:

  • USSD command ✶ 469 #
  • SMS with text 469 to number 5340

What you should know about Turbo Buttons

  • The fee for "Turbo-button" is debited at the time of connection.
  • If you connected the “Turbo Button” without using up your main Internet traffic package (the one provided by your tariff or tariff option), then the “Turbo Button” is consumed first. In this case, the consumed traffic is not taken into account in the quota of the connected Internet option or package on the tariff.
  • When several “Turbo buttons” are connected simultaneously, the “button” with the least amount of traffic is consumed first.
  • The "Turbo-button" coverage area corresponds to the coverage area of ​​your tariff or main Internet package. That is, if you are in roaming, then Internet traffic will be charged in accordance with roaming tariffs. In this case, the consumed traffic goes towards the “Turbo button”.

That's all! Now you will know exactly how to extend traffic on MTS and connect additional Internet packages using the “Turbo button”.