Abstract of the integrated GCD for OO “Speech development” (fiction) with children of the preparatory group

Topic: Your defenders. Reading and retelling a story L. Kassil "Air"

Legotina Valentina Viktorovna,



Cities of Novy Urengoy, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Target: Continue to introduce children to the defenders of the Russian army. Develop an interest in fiction throughLev Kassil's story "Air"from the book “Your Protectors”



    Introduce children to Lev Kassil’s story “Air”from the book “Your Protectors”

    Learn to understand the content of the work.


    Develop the ability to answer questions using compound and complex sentences.

    Develop the ability to retell a story based on diagrams (joint retelling), listen to comrades, do not interrupt, and do not repeat yourself.


    To cultivate patriotic feelings, an emotionally positive attitude towards warrior-defenders.

OO integration: * « Cognitive development" (Social environment )

    To consolidate children's understanding of the defenders of the Russian army.

*"Speech development" (speech development)

    To develop coherent speech, memory, and thinking in children.

Preliminary work:

    Conversations about the Russian army, about the Motherland, soldiers;

    memorizing poems about the military;

    examination of albums, illustrations, depicting species, Combat vehicles;

    . "Three heroes";

    reading the epic “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber”,

stories by L. Kassil from a book about the military"Your protectors"

stories by S. Baruzdin “A soldier walked down the street.”

    Making riddles.

GCD move

Educator: Guys, I’m now standing in front of you in military uniform, guess who we’re going to talk about today? (About the military, about the defenders of our Motherland)

In ancient, ancient times, in Ancient Rus', very strong people - heroes - stood guard over our Motherland. People composed songs, fairy tales, and epics about them. Nowadays, the protector of the country is the Russian Army. As before, our Motherland is defended by strong, brave men. Our warriors are distinguished by their resourcefulness and endurance.

Guys, what holiday will our country celebrate on February 23?(Defenders of the Fatherland Day)

Who do you think are the defenders of the Fatherland? (These are those who guard, protect, defend the Motherland. These are warriors who warn of danger. These are soldiers, officers, sailors, tank crews, paratroopers …)

- What qualities should defenders have?(They must be brave, courageous, courageous, strong, patient, dexterous, courageous. They must be honest, courageous, seasoned, hardy, disciplined. They must be able to endure difficulties, know a lot, be able to play sports, shoot well, run fast.)

    Guess the riddles and name the profession of the defender.

D/i: “Guess the profession »

    The fortress is rushing all in armor.

Carrying a gun on himself

( Tank, profession - tank driver)

4.What a brave bird,

Did it fly across the sky?

Only the path is white

Left from her.

( Airplane, profession - pilot)

2. There is such a huge house,

He doesn't stand still.

There is no way to enter it,

After all, he runs on the waves.

( Ship, profession – sailor )

5. Rockets are launched into the air,

And the guns fire them loudly,

They are always ready in battle

Fire a projectile at the enemy!


3.Underwater iron whale,

The whale does not sleep day or night.

That whale has no time for dreams,

Day and night on duty

( Submarine - submariner )

6. He guards the border,

He can and knows everything.

The soldier is excellent in all matters

What's the name? (Border Guard )

The guys who the riddles were about.( About the military guarding our Motherland )

    What poems do you know about the military? Which one of you wants to read?

Children recite poems about the military by heart

Border guards

The birds fell asleep on the branches,

The stars don't shine in the sky.

A detachment of border guards was hiding at the border.

Border guards do not sleep at their native border:

Our sea, our land, our sky are guarded. S. Marshak


On the mast is our tricolor flag,

A sailor is standing on the deck.

And he knows that the seas of the country

Ocean boundaries

Both day and night there must be -

Under watchful guard.

N. Ivanova


It’s like an all-terrain vehicle everywhere,

The tank will pass on tracks

The gun barrel is in front,

It's dangerous, enemy, don't come near!

The tank is protected by strong armor

And he can face the fight! N. Ivanova


Paratroopers in minutes

Descending from heaven.

Having unraveled the parachutes,

They'll comb the dark forest,

Ravines, mountains and meadows.

They will find a dangerous enemy. N. Ivanova

thank you guys

    Today I would like to introduce you to a storyLev Kassil “Air” from his book about the military “Your Defenders”

L ev Kassil “AIR!” ( step-by-step reading using diagrams )

1. It happened like this. Night. People are sleeping. Quiet all around. But the enemy does not sleep.

Fascist planes are flying high in the black sky. They want to throw bombs at our houses. But around the city, in the forest and in the field, our defenders lurked.

Day and night they are on guard. A bird will fly by - and it will be heard. A star will fall and it will be noticed.

- Guys, what does the text say? (children's answers)

( The enemy does not sleep, but our defenders stand guard over the Motherland)

2. The defenders of the city fell to the auditory trumpets. They hear engines purring above. Not our engines. Fascist. And immediately a call to the head of the city’s air defense:

- The enemy is flying! Be ready!

- Guys, what planes are flying and want to attack our Motherland? (answers)

-What did our defenders do?

( The defenders heard the rumbling of fascist planes and warned the head of the city’s air defense about the danger)

3. Now on all the streets of the city and in all the houses the radio began to speak loudly:

“Citizens, air raid alert!”

At the same moment the command is heard:

- Air!

- Guys, what did the radio notify the city residents about!

(That's right, about danger, about air raid warning)

4. And the fighter pilots start the engines of their planes.

- Air!

And the far-sighted spotlights come on. The enemy wanted to sneak in unnoticed.

It didn't work out. They are already waiting for him. Local city defenders.

- Give me a beam!

And the beams of searchlights walked across the sky.

- Fire at fascist planes!

And hundreds of yellow stars jumped in the sky. It was hit by anti-aircraft artillery. Anti-aircraft guns shoot high up.

“Look where the enemy is, hit him!” - say the floodlighters. And straight light rays chase the fascist planes. The rays converged and the fascist plane became entangled in them, like a fly in a web.

- How did the defenders of the city begin to defend the city?

(Searchlighters aimed yellow beams at enemy planes, and anti-aircraft gunners fired at fascist planes)

5. Now everyone can see him. The anti-aircraft gunners took aim.

- Fire! Fire! Once again fire!

Anti-aircraft gunners have a keen eye, a sure hand, and accurate guns. The spotlights have a strong beam. The fascist cannot escape.

- Fire! Fire! Once again fire! - And an anti-aircraft shell hit the enemy right in the engine.

Black smoke poured out of the plane. And the fascist plane crashed to the ground.

He failed to get to the city.

- What words did the anti-aircraft gunners shout during the battle?

-What happened to the fascist plane?

-Did he manage to get to the city?

( Well done guys, you answered correctly.Our anti-aircraft gunners have a keen eye, a sure hand, accurate guns.)

6. The rays of searchlights continue to walk across the sky for a long time. And the defenders of the city listen to the sky with their trumpets. And there are anti-aircraft gunners standing by the cannons. But everything is quiet all around. There is no one left in the sky.

“The threat of air attack has passed. Lights out!

- Guys, the air battle is over, and the anti-aircraft gunners continue to guard the city?

- Why do they continue to guard the city? (To always be on guard of the Motherland)

Educator: Let's take a rest guys

To serve in the army, you need to be strong and dexterous

Physical education moment

Every day in the morning
Doing exercises (walking in place)
We really like it
Do it in order:
Have fun walking (walking)
Raise your hands (hands up)
Hands down (hands down)
Squat and stand up (4-6 times)
Jump and gallop. (5-7 jumps)

    Now we will try to retell the storyLev Kassil “Air” according to diagrams(Joint retelling according to diagrams)

Physical education lesson “Be attentive”

Children perform movements according to the text.

They stood up straight and smiled.

Hands reached out to the sun.

Hands to the sides, forward.

Make a right turn

Make a left turn.

We squat and stand up

We reach the floor with our hands.

And we walk on the spot,

We raise our legs higher

Children, stop! One-two!

So the game is over.

    A game “Who serves where?”


Let's imagine that we find ourselves in the army.

You already know that there are different types of troops in the army.

You need to guess who serves where.

Who serves on the tank?(Children: Tankers serve on the tank).

Who serves on the border?(Children: ....border guards).

Who serves in the missile forces?(Children…..rocket men).

Who serves on submarines?(Children...submariners).

Who serves in military aviation?(Children: .....military pilots).

What do you call a soldier who has no military equipment?(Children: ....infantryman).

6. Educator: Guys, what story did we meet today?(story by Lev Kassil “Air”)

- What do you think is the difference between a story and a fairy tale?(A fairy tale is a fictional work, it has magic, etc., but a story is all in reality,

Who is the story about?

What does the story teach you?

What should the defenders of the Fatherland be like?

I would like to give you memorable gifts - coloring books dedicated to

Valentina Legotina
Abstract of educational activities on speech development. Reading and retelling of L. Kassil’s story “Air”

Abstract integrated GCD for OO « Speech development» (fiction) with children of the preparatory group

Subject: Your protectors. Reading and retelling L's story. Kassil« Air»

Legotina Valentina Viktorovna,


city ​​of Novy Urengoy, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Target: Continue to introduce children to the defenders of the Russian army. Develop interest in fiction through story by Lev Kassil« Air» from book "Your protectors"



Introduce children to story by Lev Kassil« Air» from book "Your protectors"

Learn to understand the content of the work.


Develop ability to answer questions using compound and complex sentences.

Develop the ability to retell a story based on diagrams(a joint retelling, listen to comrades, not interrupt, do not repeat.


To cultivate patriotic feelings, an emotionally positive attitude towards warrior-defenders.

OO integration: *"Cognitive development» (Social environment)

To consolidate children's understanding of the defenders of the Russian army.

*« Speech development» (speech development)

Develop Children have coherent speech, memory, and thinking.

Preliminary work:

Conversations about the Russian army, about the Motherland, soldiers;

memorizing poems about the military;

looking at albums, illustrations depicting types of troops, military equipment;

looking at the painting - B. Vasnetsova "Three heroes";

reading epics"Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber",

L's stories. Kassilya from a book about the military"Your protectors",

stories from. Baruzdina “A soldier was walking down the street”.

Making riddles.

GCD move

Educator: Guys, I'm standing now before you in military uniform, guess who we will talk about today? (About the military, about the defenders of our Motherland)

In ancient, ancient times, in Ancient Rus', very strong people - heroes - stood guard over our Motherland. People composed songs, fairy tales, and epics about them. Nowadays, the protector of the country is the Russian Army. As before, our Motherland is defended by strong, brave men. Our warriors are distinguished by their resourcefulness and endurance.

Guys, what holiday will our country celebrate on February 23? (Defenders of the Fatherland Day)

Who do you think are the defenders of the Fatherland? (These are those who guard, protect, defend the Motherland. These are warriors who warn of danger. These are soldiers, officers, sailors, tank crews, paratroopers)

What qualities should defenders have? (They must be brave, courageous, courageous, strong, patient, dexterous, courageous. They must be honest, courageous, seasoned, hardy, disciplined. They must be able endure hardships, know a lot, be able to, play sports, shoot well, run fast.)

1. Guess the riddles and name the profession of the defender.

Di: "Guess the profession"

1. The fortress is rushing, all in armor.

Carrying a gun on himself

(Tank, profession - tank driver)

4. What a brave bird

Did it fly across the sky?

Only the path is white

Left from her.

(Airplane, profession – pilot)

2. There is such a huge house,

He doesn't stand still.

There is no way to enter it,

After all, he runs on the waves.

(Ship, profession – sailor) 5. Rockets in air is released,

And the guns fire them loudly,

They are always ready in battle

Fire a projectile at the enemy!


3. Underwater iron whale,

The whale does not sleep day or night.

That whale has no time for dreams,

Day and night on duty

(Submarine - submariner) 6. He guards the border,

He can and knows everything.

The soldier is excellent in all matters

What's the name? (Border Guard)

The guys who the riddles were about. (About the military guarding our Motherland)

2. What poems do you know about the military? Which one of you wants to read?

Children recite poems about the military by heart

Border guards

The birds fell asleep on the branches,

The stars don't shine in the sky.

A detachment of border guards was hiding at the border.

Border guards do not sleep at home milestone:

Our sea, our land, our sky are guarded. S. Marshak Sailor

On the mast is our tricolor flag,

A sailor is standing on the deck.

And he knows that the seas of the country

Ocean boundaries

Both day and night there must be -

Under watchful guard.

N. Ivanova

It’s like an all-terrain vehicle everywhere,

The tank will pass on tracks

Gun barrel ahead,

It's dangerous, enemy, don't come near!

The tank is protected by strong armor

And he can face the fight! N. Ivanova Paratrooper

Paratroopers in minutes

Descending from heaven.

Having unraveled the parachutes,

They'll comb the dark forest,

Ravines, mountains and meadows.

They will find a dangerous enemy. N. Ivanova

thank you guys

3. Today I would like to introduce you to story by Lev Kassil« Air» from his book about the military "Your protectors"

a lion Kassil« AIR (phased reading using diagrams)

1. It happened like this. Night. People are sleeping. Quiet all around. But the enemy does not sleep.

Fascist planes are flying high in the black sky. They want to throw bombs at our houses. But around the city, in the forest and in the field, our defenders lurked.

Day and night they are on guard. A bird will fly by - and it will be heard. A star will fall and it will be noticed.

Guys, what does the text say? (children's answers)

(The enemy does not sleep, but our defenders stand guard over the Motherland)

2. The defenders of the city fell to the auditory trumpets. They hear engines purring above. Not our engines. Fascist. And immediately call the boss:

The enemy is flying! Be ready!

Guys, what planes are flying and want to attack our Motherland? (answers)

What did our defenders do?

(The defenders heard the rumbling of fascist planes and warned their commander about the danger city ​​air defense)

3. Now on all the streets of the city and in all the houses they started talking loudly radio:

"Citizens, air raid alert

At the same moment it is heard team:

- Air!

Guys, what did the radio notify the city residents about!

(That's right, about the danger, about air raid alert)

4. And the fighter pilots start the engines of their planes.

- Air!

And the far-sighted spotlights come on. The enemy wanted to sneak in unnoticed.

It didn't work out. They are already waiting for him. Local city defenders.

Give me a beam!

And the beams of searchlights walked across the sky.

Fire at fascist planes!

And hundreds of yellow stars jumped in the sky. It was hit by anti-aircraft artillery. Anti-aircraft guns shoot high up.

“Look where the enemy is, hit him!”- say the floodlighters. And straight light rays chase the fascist planes. The rays converged and the fascist plane became entangled in them, like a fly in a web.

How did the city's defenders begin to defend the city?

(Searchlighters aimed yellow beams at enemy planes, and anti-aircraft gunners fired at fascist planes)

5. Now everyone can see him. The anti-aircraft gunners took aim.

Fire! Fire! Once again fire!

Anti-aircraft gunners have a keen eye, a sure hand, and accurate guns. The spotlights have a strong beam. The fascist cannot escape.

Fire! Fire! Once again fire! - And an anti-aircraft shell hit the enemy right in the engine.

Black smoke poured out of the plane. And the fascist plane crashed to the ground.

He failed to get to the city.

What words did the anti-aircraft gunners shout during the battle?

What happened to the fascist plane?

Did he manage to get to the city?

(Well done, guys, you answered correctly. Our anti-aircraft gunners have a keen eye, a sure hand, accurate guns.)

6. The rays of searchlights continue to walk across the sky for a long time. And the defenders of the city listen to the sky with their trumpets. And there are anti-aircraft gunners standing by the cannons. But everything is quiet all around. There is no one left in the sky.

"Threat air attack has passed. Lights out!

Guys, the air battle is over, and the anti-aircraft gunners continue to guard the city?

Why do they continue to guard the city? (To always be on guard of the Motherland)

Educator: Let's guys have a rest

To serve in the army, you need to be strong and dexterous

Physical education moment

Every day in the morning

Let's do exercises (walking in place)

We really like it

Do it in order:

It's fun to walk (walking)

Raise your hands (hands up)

Put your hands down (hands down)

Squat and stand up (4-6 times)

Jump and gallop. (5-7 jumps)

4. Now we will try retell the story of Lev Kassil« Air» according to schemes (A joint retelling according to diagrams)

Physical education minute "Be careful"

Children perform movements according to the text.

They stood up straight and smiled.

Hands reached out to the sun.

Hands to the side, forward.

Make a right turn

Make a left turn.

We squat and stand up

We reach the floor with our hands.

And we walk on the spot,

We raise our legs higher

Children, stop! One-two!

So the game is over.

5. Game “Who serves where?”


Let's imagine that we find ourselves in the army.

You already know that there are different types of troops in the army.

You need to guess who serves where.

Who serves on the tank? (Children: Tankers serve on the tank).

Who serves on the border? (Children: ....border guards).

Who serves in the missile forces? (Children... rocket scientists).

Who serves on submarines? (Children...submariners).

Who serves in military aviation? (Children: .... military pilots).

What do you call a soldier who has no military equipment? (Children: ....infantryman).

6. Educator: Guys, with what story did we meet today? ( story by Lev Kassil« Air» )

What do you think is different? story from a fairy tale? (A fairy tale is a fictional work, there is magic in it, etc., but story- this all happens in reality,

About whom story?

What does it teach you story?

What should the defenders of the Fatherland be like?

I would like to give you memorable gifts - coloring books dedicated to

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Lev Kassil wrote these stories during the Great Patriotic War. Behind each of them there is a real story - about the courage and heroism of the Russian people at the front and in the rear.

Lev Kassil "The Story of the Absent"

When, in the large hall of the front headquarters, the commander's adjutant, looking at the list of those awarded, named another name, a short man stood up in one of the back rows. The skin on his sharpened cheekbones was yellowish and transparent, which is usually observed in people who have lain in bed for a long time. Leaning on his left leg, he walked towards the table. The commander took a short step towards him, presented the order, firmly shook the recipient’s hand, congratulated him and handed him the order box.

The recipient, straightening up, carefully took the order and box into his hands. He thanked him abruptly and turned around clearly, as if in formation, although his wounded leg hampered him. For a second he stood indecisive, looking first at the order lying in his palm, then at his comrades in glory gathered here. Then he straightened up again:

— May I speak?

- Please.

“Comrade commander... And here you are, comrades,” the recipient spoke in an intermittent voice, and everyone felt that the man was very excited. - Allow me to say a word. At this moment in my life, when I accepted the great award, I want to tell you about who should be standing here, next to me, who, perhaps, deserved this great award more than me and did not spare his young life for the sake of our military victory.

He extended his hand to those sitting in the hall, on the palm of which the golden rim of the order glittered, and looked around the hall with pleading eyes.

- Allow me, comrades, to fulfill my duty to those who are not here with me now.

“Speak,” said the commander.

- Please! - responded in the hall.

And then he spoke.

“You probably heard, comrades,” he began, “what a situation we had in area R. We then had to retreat, and our unit covered the retreat.” And then the Germans cut us off from their own. Wherever we go, we run into fire. The Germans are hitting us with mortars, hammering into the woods where we were hiding with howitzers, and combing the edge of the forest with machine guns. Time has expired, the clock shows that ours have already gained a foothold on a new line, we have drawn off enough enemy forces, it’s time to get home: time to connect is delayed. But, we see, it’s impossible to get into any of them. And there is no way to stay here longer. The German found us, pinned us in the forest, sensed that there were only a handful of us left here, and took us by the throat with his pincers. The conclusion is clear: we must make our way in a roundabout way.

Where is this roundabout way? Which direction should I choose? And our commander, Lieutenant Andrei Petrovich Butorin, says: “Nothing will work out here without preliminary reconnaissance. You need to look and feel where they have a crack. If we find it, we’ll get through.” That means I immediately volunteered. “Allow me,” I say, “should I try, Comrade Lieutenant?” He looked at me carefully. This is no longer in the order of the story, but, so to speak, on the side, I must explain that Andrei and I are from the same village - buddies. How many times have we gone fishing to Iset! Then both worked together at a copper smelter in Revda. In a word, friends and comrades. He looked at me carefully and frowned. “Okay,” he says, “Comrade Zadokhtin, go. Is the task clear to you?”

He took me out onto the road, looked back, and grabbed my hand. “Well, Kolya,” he says, “let’s say goodbye to you, just in case.” The matter, you understand, is deadly. But since I volunteered, I don’t dare refuse you. Help me out, Kolya... We won't last here for more than two hours. The losses are too big...” “Okay,” I say, “Andrey, this is not the first time you and I have found ourselves in such a situation. Wait for me in an hour. I'll see what's needed there. Well, if I don’t return, bow to our people there, in the Urals...”

And so I crawled and buried myself behind the trees. I tried in one direction - no, I couldn’t get through: the Germans were covering that area with thick fire. Crawled in the opposite direction. There, at the edge of the forest, there was a ravine, a gulley, quite deeply washed out. And on the other side, near the gulley, there is a bush, and behind it there is a road, an open field. I went down into the ravine, decided to get close to the bushes and look through them to see what was happening in the field. I began to climb up the clay, and suddenly I noticed two bare heels sticking out just above my head. I looked closely and saw: the feet were small, the dirt had dried on the soles and was falling off like plaster, the toes were also dirty and scratched, and the little toe on the left foot was bandaged with a blue rag - apparently it had been damaged somewhere... For a long time I looked at these heels, at the toes , which moved restlessly above my head. And suddenly, I don’t know why, I was drawn to tickle those heels... I can’t even explain to you. But it washes away and washes away... I took a thorny blade of grass and lightly touched one of the heels with it. At once both legs disappeared into the bushes, and a head appeared in the place where the heels stuck out from the branches. So funny, her eyes are frightened, she has no eyebrows, her hair is shaggy and bleached, and her nose is covered in freckles.

- What are you doing here? - I say.

“I,” he says, “are looking for a cow.” Haven't you seen it, uncle? The name is Marishka. It's white, but the side is black. One horn sticks down, but the other is not there at all... Only you, uncle, don’t believe me... I’m lying all the time... I’m trying this. Uncle,” he says, “have you fought off ours?”

-Who are your people? - I ask.

- It’s clear who - the Red Army... Only ours went across the river yesterday. And you, uncle, why are you here? The Germans will catch you.

“Well, come here,” I say. - Tell me what is happening here in your area.

The head disappeared, the leg appeared again, and a boy of about thirteen slid down the clay slope to the bottom of the ravine, as if on a sled, heels first.

“Uncle,” he whispered, “quickly let’s get out of here somewhere.” There are Germans here. They have four cannons near that forest over there, and their mortars are installed on the side here. There is no way across the road here.

“And where,” I say, “do you know all this?”

“How,” he says, “where from?” Am I watching this for nothing in the morning?

- Why are you watching?

- It will be useful in life, you never know...

I began to question him, and the boy told me about the whole situation. I found out that the ravine runs far through the forest and along its bottom it will be possible to lead our people out of the fire zone. The boy volunteered to accompany us. As soon as we began to get out of the ravine into the forest, there was suddenly a whistle in the air, a howl and such a crash was heard, as if half the trees around us had been split into thousands of dry chips at once. It was a German mine that landed right in the ravine and tore up the ground near us. It became dark in my eyes. Then I freed my head from under the earth that had poured on me and looked around: where, I think, is my little comrade? I see him slowly raise his shaggy head from the ground and begin to pick out clay with his finger from his ears, from his mouth, from his nose.

- This is what it did! - speaks. “We’re in trouble, uncle, with you being rich... Oh, uncle,” he says, “wait!” Yes, you're wounded.

I wanted to get up, but I couldn’t feel my legs. And I see: blood is floating from a torn boot. And the boy suddenly listened, climbed up to the bushes, looked out onto the road, rolled down again and whispered:

“Uncle,” he says, “the Germans are coming here.” The officer is ahead. Honestly! Let's get out of here quickly. Oh, how many of you...

I tried to move, but it was as if ten pounds were tied to my legs. I can't get out of the ravine. Pulls me down, back...

“Eh, uncle, uncle,” says my friend and almost cries himself, “well, then lie here, uncle, so as not to hear or see you.” And I’ll take their eyes off them now, and then I’ll come back, after...

He turned so pale that there were even more freckles, and his eyes sparkled. “What is he up to?” - I think. I wanted to hold him back, I grabbed him by the heel, but no matter what! Just a glimpse of his legs with grimy toes splayed above my head—on his little toe, as I can see now, is a blue rag. I lie and listen. Suddenly I hear: “Stop!.. Stop! Don't go further!

Heavy boots creaked above my head, I heard the German ask:

- What were you doing here?

“I’m looking for a cow, uncle,” my friend’s voice reached me, “it’s such a good cow, it’s white itself, but there’s black on its side, one horn sticks out, but the other is not there at all, its name is Marishka.” You did not see?

-What kind of cow is this? I see you want to talk nonsense to me. Come here close. What have you been climbing here for a very long time, I saw you climbing.

“Uncle, I’m looking for a cow...” my little boy began to whine again. And suddenly his light bare heels clearly clattered along the road.

- Stand! Where are you going? Back! I'll shoot! - the German shouted.

Heavy, forged boots swelled above my head. Then a shot rang out. I understood: my friend deliberately rushed to run away from the ravine in order to distract the Germans from me. I listened, gasping for breath. The shot struck again. And I heard a distant, faint cry. Then it became very quiet... I was having a seizure. I gnawed the ground with my teeth so as not to scream, I leaned my whole chest on my hands to prevent them from grabbing their weapons and hitting the fascists. But I shouldn’t have revealed myself. We must complete the task to the end. Our people will die without me. They won't get out.

Leaning on my elbows, clinging to the branches, I crawled. I don’t remember anything after that. I only remember: when I opened my eyes, I saw Andrei’s face very close above me...

Well, that’s how we got out of the forest through that ravine.

He stopped, took a breath and slowly looked around the entire hall.

“Here, comrades, is who I owe my life to, who helped rescue our unit from trouble.” It’s clear that he should stand here, at this table. Well, that didn't work out. And I have one more request to you... Let us honor, comrades, the memory of my unknown friend, the nameless hero... I didn’t even have time to ask him what to call him...

And in the large hall, pilots, tank crews, sailors, generals, guardsmen quietly rose - people of glorious battles, heroes of fierce battles, rose to honor the memory of a small, unknown hero, whose name no one knew. The dejected people in the hall stood silently, and each in their own way saw in front of them a shaggy boy, freckled and bare-footed, with a blue stained rag on his bare foot...

Lev Kassil “Line of Communication”

In memory of Sergeant Novikov

Only a few brief lines of information were printed in newspapers about this. I will not repeat them to you, because everyone who read this message will remember it forever. We don’t know the details, we don’t know how the person who accomplished this feat lived. We only know how his life ended. In the feverish rush of battle, his comrades had no time to write down all the circumstances of that day. The time will come when the hero will be sung in ballads, inspired pages will protect the immortality and glory of this act. But each of us, having read a short, meager message about a man and his feat, wanted immediately, without delaying for a minute, without waiting for anything, to imagine how it all happened... Let those who participated in this battle correct me later , maybe I don’t quite accurately imagine the situation or I missed some details and added something of my own, but I will tell you about everything as my imagination, excited by a five-line newspaper article, saw this person’s action.

I saw a spacious snowy plain, white hills and sparse copses, through which a frosty wind rushed, rustling against brittle stems. I heard the annoying and hoarse voice of the staff telephone operator, who, fiercely turning the handle of the switchboard and pressing buttons, in vain called the unit occupying a distant line. The enemy surrounded this unit. It was necessary to urgently contact her, report the enemy’s encircling movement that had begun, and transmit from the command post the order to occupy another line, otherwise death... It was impossible to get there. In the space that separated the command post from the unit that had gone far ahead, snowdrifts burst like huge white bubbles, and the entire plain foamed, like the foaming and seething surface of boiled milk.

German mortars fired across the entire plain, throwing up snow along with clods of earth. Last night, signalmen laid a cable through this mortal zone. The command post, monitoring the development of the battle, sent instructions, orders through this wire and received response messages about how the operation was going. But now, when it was necessary to immediately change the situation and withdraw the advanced unit to another line, communication suddenly stopped. The telephone operator struggled in vain over his device, pressing his mouth to the receiver:

- Twelfth!.. Twelfth!.. F-fu... - He blew into the phone. - Arina! Arina!.. I am Soroka!.. Answer... Answer!.. Twelve eight fraction three!.. Petya! Petya!.. Can you hear me? Give me feedback, Petya!.. Twelfth! I am Soroka!.. I am Soroka! Arina, can you hear us? Arina!..

There was no connection.

“Break,” said the telephone operator.

And then the man who only yesterday crawled across the entire plain under fire, burying himself behind snowdrifts, crawling over hills, burying himself in the snow and dragging a telephone cable behind him, the man we later read about in a newspaper article, stood up, pulled his white robe around him, and took rifle, a bag with tools and said very simply:

- I went. Break. Clear. Will you allow me?

I don’t know what his comrades said to him, what words his commander gave him. Everyone understood what the person going to the cursed zone decided to do...

The wire ran through scattered fir trees and sparse bushes. The blizzard rang in the sedge over the frozen swamps. The man was crawling. The Germans must have soon noticed him. Small whirlwinds from machine-gun bursts, smoking, danced in a round dance around. Snow tornadoes of explosions approached the signalman like shaggy ghosts, and, bending over him, melted into the air. He was covered in snow dust. Hot fragments of mines squealed disgustingly above my head, stirring the wet hair that came out from under the hood, and, hissing, melted the snow very close by.

He did not hear pain, but he must have felt a terrible numbness in his right side and, looking back, he saw a pink trail stretching behind him in the snow. He didn't look back again. Three hundred meters later, he felt the barbed end of the wire among the twisted, icy clods of earth. The line was interrupted here. A mine that fell nearby broke the wire and threw the other end of the cable far to the side. This entire hollow was shot through with mortars. But it was necessary to find the other end of the broken wire, crawl to it, and splice the open line again.

It crashed and howled very close. An overwhelming pain fell on the man, crushing him to the ground. The man, spitting, got out from under the clods that had fallen on him and shrugged his shoulders. But the pain did not shake off, it continued to press the man to the ground. The man felt that a suffocating weight was falling on him. He crawled away a little, and it probably seemed to him that where he was lying a minute ago, on the blood-soaked snow, everything that was alive in him remained, and he was moving separately from himself. But like a man possessed, he climbed further up the hillside. He remembered only one thing: he had to find the end of the wire hanging somewhere there, in the bushes, he had to get to it, grab it, pull it, tie it. And he found a broken wire. The man fell twice before he could get up. Something hot hit him again on the chest, he fell, but again stood up and grabbed the wire. And then he saw that the Germans were approaching. He could not shoot back: his hands were full... He began to pull the wire towards himself, crawling back, but the cable got tangled in the bushes. Then the signalman began to pull up the other end. It became more and more difficult for him to breathe. He was in a hurry. His fingers were numb...

And so he lies awkwardly, sideways in the snow and holds the ends of the broken line in his outstretched, ossified hands. He tries to bring his hands closer together, to bring the ends of the wire together. He tenses his muscles until he cramps. Mortal resentment torments him. It is bitterer than pain and stronger than fear... Only a few centimeters now separate the ends of the wire. From here, a wire runs to the front line of the defense, where cut-off comrades are waiting for messages... And it stretches back to the command post. And the telephone operators strain themselves until they are hoarse... And the saving words of help cannot break through these few centimeters of the damned cliff! Is there really not enough life, there won’t be time to connect the ends of the wire? A sad man gnaws snow with his teeth. He tries to stand up, leaning on his elbows. Then he clamps his teeth on one end of the cable and, in a frenzied effort, grabs the other wire with both hands and drags it to his mouth. Now no more than a centimeter is missing. The person no longer sees anything. Sparkling darkness burns out his eyes. He gives the wire a final tug and manages to bite it, squeezing his jaw until it hurts and crunches. He feels the familiar sour-salty taste and a slight tingling sensation on his tongue. There is current! And, fumbling for the rifle with his lifeless, but now free hands, he falls face down into the snow, furiously, gritting his teeth with all the rest of his strength. Just don’t let go!.. The Germans, emboldened, run at him screaming. But again he scraped up the remnants of life in himself, sufficient to rise for the last time and release the entire clip at the nearby enemies... And there, at the command post, the beaming telephone operator shouts into the receiver:

- Yes Yes! I hear you! Arina? I am Soroka! Petya, dear! Take: number eight through twelve.

The man did not return. Dead, he remained in the ranks, on the line. He continued to be a guide for the living. His mouth was forever numb. But, piercing a weak current through his clenched teeth, words rushed from end to end of the battlefield, on which the lives of hundreds of people and the result of the battle depended. Already disconnected from life itself, he was still included in its chain. Death froze his heart, cutting off the flow of blood in the frozen vessels. But the man’s furious dying will triumphed in the living connection of people to whom he remained faithful even in death.

When, at the end of the battle, the advanced unit, having received the necessary instructions, hit the Germans on the flank and escaped the encirclement, the signalmen, reeling in the cable, came across a man half-covered by drifting snow. He lay face down, his face buried in the snow. He had a rifle in his hand, and his numb finger froze on the trigger. The clip was empty. And nearby, four dead Germans were found in the snow. They lifted him up, and behind him, tearing up the whiteness of the snowdrift, dragged the wire he had bitten. Then they realized how the communication line was restored during the battle...

The teeth that held the ends of the cable were clenched so tightly that they had to cut the wire at the corners of the numb mouth. Otherwise, there was no way to free the man who, even after death, steadfastly carried out the communications service. And everyone around was silent, gritting their teeth from the pain that pierced their hearts, just as Russian people know how to remain silent in grief, how they are silent if they fall, weakened from wounds, into the clutches of the “dead heads” - our people, who have no pain, no torture. Unclench your clenched teeth, do not rip out a word, a groan, or a bitten wire.

Lev Kassil "Green Twig"

On the Western Front, I had to live for some time in the dugout of technician-quartermaster Tarasnikov. He worked in the operational part of the guards brigade headquarters. His office was located right there in the dugout. A three-line lamp illuminated the low frame. It smelled of fresh wood, earthy dampness and sealing wax. Tarasnikov himself, a short, sickly-looking young man with a funny red mustache and a yellow, stoned mouth, greeted me politely, but not too friendly.

“Set yourself here,” he told me, pointing to the trestle bed and immediately bending over his papers again. “Now they’ll set up a tent for you.” I hope my office won't bother you? Well, I hope you won’t bother us too much either. Let's agree this way. Have a seat for now.

And I began to live in Tarasnikov’s underground office. He was a very restless, unusually meticulous and picky worker. He spent whole days writing and sealing packages, sealing them with sealing wax heated over a lamp, sending out some reports, accepting papers, redrawing maps, tapping with one finger on a rusty typewriter, carefully knocking out each letter. In the evenings he was tormented by attacks of fever, he swallowed quinine, but categorically refused to go to the hospital:

- What are you, what are you! Where will I go? Yes, the whole thing will happen without me! Everything depends on me. I should go away for a day, but then you won’t be able to unravel here for a year...

Late at night, returning from the front line of defense, falling asleep on my trestle bed, I still saw Tarasnikov’s tired and pale face at the table, illuminated by the fire of the lamp, delicately lowered for my sake, and shrouded in tobacco fog. Hot smoke came from a clay stove stacked in the corner. Tarasnikov's tired eyes watered, but he continued to write and seal the bags. Then he called a messenger, who was waiting behind a raincoat hung at the entrance to our dugout, and I heard the following conversation.

- Who is from the fifth battalion? - asked Tarasnikov.

“I’m from the fifth battalion,” answered the messenger.

— Accept the package... Here. Take it in your hands. So. You see, it says here: “Urgent.” Therefore, deliver immediately. Hand it over personally to the commander. It's clear? If there is no commander, hand it over to the commissar. There won't be a commissioner - find him. Do not pass it on to anyone else. Clear? Repeat.

“Deliver the package urgently,” the messenger repeated monotonously, as in a lesson. - Personally, the commander, if he doesn’t, the commissar, if he doesn’t, find him.

- Right. What will you carry the package in?

- Yes, as usual... Right here, in my pocket.

- Show me your pocket. - And Tarasnikov approached the tall messenger, stood on tiptoe, put his hand under his raincoat, into the bosom of his overcoat, and checked if there were any holes in his pocket. - Yes, okay. Now keep in mind: the package is secret. Therefore, if you are caught by the enemy, what will you do?

- What are you talking about, comrade technician-quartermaster, why would I get caught!

“There’s no need to get caught, that’s absolutely true, but I’m asking you: what will you do if you get caught?”

- Yes, I will never get caught...

- And I ask you, if? So, listen. If there is any danger, eat the contents without reading. Tear the envelope and throw it away. Clear? Repeat.

- In case of danger, tear the envelope and throw it away, and eat what is in between.

- Right. How long will it take to deliver the package?

- Yes, it’s about forty minutes and it’s only a walk.

- More precisely, I ask.

- Yes, comrade technician-quartermaster, I think it will take me no more than fifty minutes.

- More precisely.

- Yes, I’ll definitely deliver it in an hour.

- So. Notice the time. — Tarasnikov clicked his huge conductor’s watch. — It’s twenty-three fifty now. This means that they must deliver it no later than zero fifty minutes. Clear? You can go.

And this dialogue was repeated with every messenger, with every liaison. Having finished with all the packages, Tarasnikov packed up. But even in his sleep, he continued to teach the messengers, took offense at someone, and often at night his loud, dry, abrupt voice woke me up.

- How are you standing? Where have you come? This is not a hair salon, but a headquarters office! - he spoke clearly in his sleep.

- Why did you enter without reporting? Log out and log in again. It's time to learn order. So. Wait. Do you see the man eating? You can wait, your package is not urgent. Give the man something to eat... Sign... Departure time... You can go. You are free...

I shook him, trying to wake him up. He jumped up, looked at me with an uninformed look and, falling back onto his bed, covering himself with his overcoat, instantly plunged into his staff dreams. And again he began to speak quickly.

All this was not very pleasant. And I was already thinking about how I could move to another dugout. But one evening, when I returned to our hut, thoroughly wet from the rain, and squatted in front of the stove to light it, Tarasnikov got up from the table and came up to me.

“So it turns out like this,” he said somewhat guiltily. “You see, I decided not to light the stoves for the time being.” Let's abstain for five days. And then, you know, the stove gives off fumes, and this, apparently, affects her growth... It has a bad effect on her.

I, not understanding anything, looked at Tarasnikov.

- How tall are you? On the growth of the stove?

- What does the stove have to do with it? - Tarasnikov was offended. — I think I express myself quite clearly. This same child, he apparently acts poorly... She stopped growing completely.

- Who stopped growing?

- Why haven’t you paid attention yet? - Tarasnikov shouted indignantly, staring at me. - And what's that? Don't you see? - And he looked with sudden tenderness at the low log ceiling of our dugout.

I stood up, lifted the lamp and saw that the thick round elm tree in the ceiling had sprouted a green sprout. Pale and tender, with unsteady leaves, it stretched up to the ceiling. In two places it was supported by white ribbons pinned to the ceiling with buttons.

- Do you understand? - Tarasnikov spoke. — It grew all the time. Such a nice branch sprang up. And then we started heating it often, but she apparently didn’t like it. Here I made notches on the log, and I have the dates stamped on it. You see how quickly it grew at first. Some days I pulled out two centimeters. I give you my honest, noble word! And since you and I started smoking here, I haven’t seen any growth for three days now. So it won't take long for her to wither away. Let's abstain. And I should smoke less. The little stalk is delicate, everything affects it. And, you know, I’m wondering: will he make it to the exit? A? After all

So, the little devil, he reaches closer to the air, where he smells the sun from under the ground.

And we went to bed in an unheated, damp dugout. The next day, in order to gain Tarasnikov’s favor, I myself started talking to him about his twig.

“Well,” I asked, throwing off my wet raincoat, “is it growing?”

Tarasnikov jumped out from behind the table, looked me carefully in the eyes, wanting to check if I was laughing at him, but, seeing that I was speaking seriously, with quiet delight he lifted the lamp, moved it a little to the side so as not to smoke his twig, and almost in a whisper told me:

“Imagine, she stretched out almost one and a half centimeters.” I told you, there is no need to drown. This is simply an amazing natural phenomenon!..

At night, the Germans brought down massive artillery fire on our location. I woke up from the roar of nearby explosions, spitting out earth, which, due to the shaking, fell abundantly on us through the log ceiling. Tarasnikov also woke up and turned on the light bulb. Everything was hooting, trembling and shaking around us. Tarasnikov put the light bulb in the middle of the table and leaned back on the bed, putting his hands behind his head.

- I think there is no great danger. Won't it hurt her? Of course, it’s a concussion, but there are three waves above us. Is it just a direct hit? And, you see, I tied her up. As if he had a presentiment...

I looked at him with interest.

He lay with his head thrown back on his hands behind the back of his head, and looked with tender care at the weak green sprout curling under the ceiling. He simply forgot, apparently, that a shell could fall on us, explode in the dugout, and bury us alive underground. No, he was only thinking about the pale green branch stretching under the ceiling of our hut. He was only worried about her.

And often now, when I meet demanding, very busy, dry at first glance, seemingly unfriendly people at the front and in the rear, I remember the technician-quartermaster Tarasnikov and his green branch. Let the fire roar overhead, let the dank dampness of the earth penetrate into the very bones, all the same - as long as the timid, shy green sprout survives, if only it reaches the sun, the desired exit.

And it seems to me that each of us has our own treasured green branch. For her sake, we are ready to endure all the ordeals and hardships of the wartime, because we know for sure: there, behind the exit, hung today with a damp raincoat, the sun will certainly greet, warm and give new strength to our branch that has reached out, grown and saved by us.