Educational area

"Reading fiction." Integrated lesson.

Middle group.

Theme “The Three Little Pigs” (translation by S. Mikhalkov)

Goal: to introduce children to S. Mikhalkov’s fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”.

Teach children to understand the emotional figurative content of a fairy tale, its idea, to build simple models of a fairy tale;

To develop the ability of children to enter into the image of the heroes of a fairy tale;

Develop children's figurative speech: the ability to select a definition, comparison for a given word; lead children to understand the meaning of phraseological units;

To consolidate the ability to establish the spatial arrangement of parts relative to each other during construction;

Foster a love for Russian folk tales.



Educational area

"Reading fiction." Integrated lesson.

Middle group.

Theme “The Three Little Pigs” (translation by S. Mikhalkov)

Goal: to introduce children to S. Mikhalkov’s fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”.


Teach children to understand the emotional figurative content of a fairy tale, its idea, to build simple models of a fairy tale;

To develop the ability of children to enter into the image of the heroes of a fairy tale;

- develop children's figurative speech: the ability to select a definition, comparison for a given word; lead children to understand the meaning of phraseological units;

Strengthen the skillestablish the spatial arrangement of parts relative to each other during design;

- cultivate a love for Russian folk tales.

Vocabulary work: enrich and activate the vocabulary - brick, straw, hardworking, lazy, quitters, tirelessly, carelessly

Integration of educational areas: cognitive development,artistic and aesthetic development,speech development.

Equipment: visual teaching aid “The Three Little Pigs”, flat figures of piglets, colored circles: green, orange, yellow, gray large circle; wooden construction set, pieces of material, paper, musical accompaniment, easel.


Children enter the group and say “Greetings”:

Hello, golden sun!

Hello, blue sky!

Hello, free breeze!

Hello, little oak tree!

We live in the same region -

I greet you all

Pedagogical educational situation.

Educator: “Children, look, Stepashka came to visit us and brought a fairy tale with him. Do you want to hear this tale? Sit back and get ready to listen. I will tell you a fairy tale called “The Three Little Pigs,” written by Sergei Mikhalkov.

The teacher tells a fairy tale with illustrations (visual didactic aid “The Three Little Pigs”)

After telling the story, the teacher talks with the children:

What is the name of the fairy tale?

Who are the heroes in this fairy tale?

How were the brothers similar? What are they? How is Naf-Naf different from his brothers? (the noses were like.... The tails were like.....)

How did Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf work? How can you say this? (carelessly, they didn’t try at all). The teacher suggests repeating the last phrase 2 times.

What kind of houses did they build? Were the houses strong?

How did Naf-Naf work? How else can you say this? (worked hard, tirelessly) Children repeat this expression.

What kind of house did Naf-Naf build? Was the house strong?

Look at this illustration? What episode is depicted from the fairy tale?

(piglets run away from the wolf)

How can you say it differently? Why are they running away? (rush, rush)

What song did the piglets Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf sing? Let's sing together.


Guys, let's imagine that we are piglets Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf. How did the piglets have fun? (music accompaniment is turned on) They jumped through puddles, tore leaves from trees.

The teacher turns on music with a wolf howling and offers to hide from the wolf in the group.

Guys. Stepashka brought not only a fairy tale, but also colored mugs. What color are the mugs? The teacher suggests replacing the fairy tale characters with colored circles. He asks: “What color will each hero of the fairy tale be? Why exactly this color? (children choose circles based on the color of the piglets’ shirts and choose a large gray circle for the wolf)

Problematic situation.

Children, which houses turned out to be the weakest and most unreliable in the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs”? Piggy proposes to build Nif-Nifa and Nauf-Nufa strong houses. What can we build houses from? Maybe made of fabric?

(children try to build with fabric) Why doesn’t it work? Or maybe from paper? Why doesn't it work either? (children's answers)

The teacher leads the children to what can be built from a wooden construction set. Listens to the children's answers (because it is stable, strong, solid, you can put parts on top of each other if you blow on it and it will not fall).

Children sit at tables in pairs. Wooden construction set on the tables

I propose to build houses and choose a pig and place it in your house.

The teacher invites the pair to sit down at the table and build their own house together.

Where will we start building a house? (foundation, walls, roof).

Children design and then come to the table and choose which pig they built a house for.



What fairy tale did Stepashka bring us?

What heroes were in this fairy tale?

How did Naf-Naf work? (He was the hardest worker in this tale, he worked tirelessly)

How did Nif-Nif and Nuf-Nuf work? (they worked carelessly, didn’t try. They were lazy)

What did we build houses from? Why?

Stepashka really liked being in the group and wants to stay with us. Stepashka stays in the group until the end of the day.

GCD summary. Reading fiction to children 4-5 years old

Moiseeva Natalya Valentinovna, teacher, secondary school No. 1464 (preschool department)
Target: Read the Russian folk tale “Geese and Swans” to the children and analyze the work with the children.
Tasks: Form an emotional and figurative perception of the work.
Develop sensitivity to expressive means of artistic speech.
Develop children's creative imagination and speech.
Materials: Sheets of paper, a book with illustrations, colored pencils.
Purpose: The material is intended for children 4-5 years old.
Purpose: The material will be useful to educators and parents of children 4-5 years of age.
Reading literature plays a huge role in the development of speech in preschoolers. It is important to introduce children to the beauty of their native word from an early age. Fiction opens and explains to a child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships, develops the child’s thinking and imagination, and enriches his emotions.
The perception of a literary work will be complete if the child is prepared for it, therefore the main task of adults is to instill in children a love of the literary word and respect for the book.
Children aged 4-5 years old need to focus their attention on figurative words and expressions, epithets and comparisons.
After listening to a fairy tale, a child of this age should be able to answer questions about its content. Correctly posed questions force the child to think, reflect, and come to the right conclusions.
GCD move
Educator:-Guys, do you like fairy tales? (children’s answers)
What fairy tales do you know? (children’s answers)
What fairy tales about animals do you know? (children’s answers)
In fairy tales, various extraordinary events happen not only to animals. In fairy tales there are magical creatures: Baba Yaga and all sorts of forest monsters. Listen to the Russian folk tale "Geese and Swans". (Reading a fairy tale)
Educator:-Did you like the fairy tale? (children's answers)
Physical education minute
Let's imagine that we are an apple tree, which with its branches shelters a girl from geese-swans. Our hands are branches. (We raise our hands to the top and stand on tiptoes, then lower our hands down and squat down. Repeat several times).
Who is this tale about? (children's answers)
Tell me, why is the fairy tale called “Geese and Swans”? 9children's answers)
Who did the geese-swans help in the fairy tale? (children's answers)
Remember who was the first person the girl asked for help? (children's answers)
Who was the second person the girl asked for help? (children's answers)
Who's third? (children's answers)
Why do you think neither the sand, nor the apple tree, nor the river helped the girl at the beginning? (children's assumptions)
Tell us how the fairy tale ended? (children's story)
Who is the main character in the fairy tale, the girl or the geese and swans? (children's answers)
Who would you call good fairy tale heroes? Why? (children's answers)
Who are the evil heroes in the fairy tale? (children's answers)
Guys, have you noticed how beautifully the field is described in the fairy tale (She ran out into CLEAN field...), and the river ( Dairy river jelly shore...)?
Guys, would you like to draw this fairy tale? (children's answers)
Let's try it together. (Children draw; if one of the children is at a loss and doesn't know what to draw, I help him choose a plot with leading questions: who did the girl meet at the beginning? (answer), correctly, a stove. What did the stove offer the girl?( answer), right, pies. Some of you can draw a stove and pies. Who else did the girl meet on the way? (answer), right, an apple tree, you can draw an apple tree. Who else did the girl meet? (answer) right, maybe a river draw.)
Guys, here is a book with illustrations for the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”. You can look at the pictures again and maybe one of you will draw something different.
(Children draw illustrations for the fairy tale “Geese and Swans” with colored pencils.)
At the end of the activity, we organize an exhibition of children's works and ask the children to tell a fairy tale based on the drawings.
Look at the drawings we came up with.

Summary of a lesson on fiction in the middle group. Reading the work of A. Barto “Tamara and I”

Integrated areas.

  • “Reading fiction”, “Communication”,
  • “Socialization”, “Safety”, “Physical education”, “Cognition”, “Artistic creativity”, “Music”.

Playful, communicative, cognitive, motor, productive.

Target: introduce children to a new work, teach them to finish a poetic text after the teacher.

Software tasks:

  1. Develop grammatically correct speech.
  2. To develop in children the ability to evaluate the actions of heroes.
  3. Cultivate a sense of humor and courage.

Methods and techniques: game, visual, verbal, joint pronunciation and finishing of the text, individual work.

Vocabulary work:
A bunch of straw, ash, a wandering tailor, a bean, a compress, a red cross, orderlies, poultices.

Illustrations for the story “Tamara and I”, doll - Dunno, straw, bean, coal, box, pictures for didactic games depicting grass, stove, vegetable garden, typesetting canvas, “Doctor” set, easel, colored pencils and workbooks for each child.

Progress of educational activities

- Children, do you know who I met today when I was going to work?
(Children suggest different options)

- Imagine, Dunno was near our kindergarten. He was sad. I asked him what happened, and he told me this story...Do you want to listen?
The teacher invites the children to sit on the carpet and listen to Dunno’s story.
A surprise moment - Dunno (the doll) himself appears and greets the children.

Dialogue between the teacher and Dunno
- Dear Dunno, since you have come to visit us, please tell us your story.

The teacher speaks on behalf of Dunno
- Of course, I’ll tell you. I was visiting my grandmother and found many interesting and unfamiliar objects. I wanted to ask my grandmother, but she went to the hospital. Can you guys help me?

Our children will be happy to help you, Dunno!
During the game, children remember the previous work, and the teacher leads the children to a new topic.
(Dunno shows items from the box)

- What is this item?
This is a straw

Where did she come from?
Who will tell Dunno?
Children, if desired, go out and put pictures on the typesetting canvas.
(a straw is a dried stalk of grass, and grass grows in a field)

What is this item?
- This is a bean.

Where can I find it?
Children name the object: “A bean is a vegetable, it grows in a vegetable garden.”

Then the children are asked to match the pictures, where does the bean grow? (pictures - garden bed and vegetable garden). All items are familiar to children from the previous lesson. Dunno takes the coal in her hands and screams: “Ay, Ay, it hurts!”

Educator: What are you, Dunno! Don't you know that coal is a very dangerous object?
The children explain to Dunno why the coal is dangerous. Different versions of children are heard.

Where did he come from?
- From the oven

The teacher invites 2-3 children to continue selecting pictures - “Where is this object from?” Individual work at the easel.

Poor Dunno! Children urgently need to treat Dunno’s finger (one child is invited to treat Dunno).
- Dunno is a toy and can be treated in the game “Hospital”. Who do you think can truly treat children?
(Children give different answers - mother, doctor, grandmother)

Can children treat children, use real medicine?
(children express their opinions, find it difficult to answer)
I know two girls who treated boys. Would you like me to read you about them? The work of A. Barto “Tamara and I”. And Dunno will stay with us and listen to everything carefully.

Reading a work with vocabulary work and finishing words.

Physical education lesson “Walking in pairs” ( Children jump to fast music, and walk calmly in pairs during slow music)

I invite everyone to visit the doctor (Children sit at tables. The teacher puts on a doctor’s cap.)
Aren't you afraid of the doctor? Well done! This means that you are brave guys and will tell the doctor everything now. Did everyone listen carefully to the poem?
What were the girls' names? What they were doing? What kind of character were they?
Who are the nurses? What is the red cross, compress, poultice?
How interesting! What smart kids you are! If I suddenly forget something, then you tell me. Agreed?

- Look at the picture. Which girl do you think is Tamara and which is Tanya? What they were doing? Why did the boy get hurt? (sawed and hammered nails). What safety rules should you remember when working with tools? What color is the floor and wall in the room? (white, like a doctor's coat). I suggest you color the wall with colored pencils so that the heroes will not be so sad, so that they will not be afraid of doctors and become brave.

- Now look at the little pictures at the bottom of the page. These pictures tell us what we talked about today in class and what works we have already read. Tell Dunno what these pictures are about? What are the names of the works?
(The children say that one picture is not colored and is not familiar to them. The teacher says that in the next lesson she will read to the children about a kid who could count to ten)

Entertainment for children of the middle group “Children’s Friend – Victor Dragunsky”

Target: introducing children to the works of Viktor Dragunsky


  • educational: to teach children, using the example of stories from the stories of V. Dragunsky, to be friends, to be kind, to help comrades; enrich children's vocabulary with words: driver, pilot, astronaut;
  • developing: develop dexterity, attention, thinking, memory, fine motor skills, consolidate the skill of designing according to a model;
  • educational: to cultivate interest in reading.

Preliminary work: reading stories from the series “Deniska’s Stories”: “The Enchanted Letter”, “It is Alive and Glowing”, “Puss in Boots”, “Motorcycle Racing along a Sheer Wall”, “Chicky Kryk”, “Adventure”.

Equipment and materials: illustrations for stories, blanks for applique, illustrations of types of transport and people driving transport, 2 pairs of large boots, 2 hats, the game “Miracle Crosses”, the “Firefly” scheme, the game “Multi-colored ropes”.


— Victor Dragunsky was born in a large city in the USA - New York. After living briefly with his parents abroad, he returned to Russia. Little Vitya had a dream - to become an actor. For many years he served in the theater, acted in films and even worked in the circus (shows an illustration of V. Dragunsky in a clown costume).

— Simultaneously with his work in the theater, Viktor Dragunsky wrote humorous stories, short sketches and even circus clowneries. But most of all his readers remembered Deniska’s Stories. The main character of these stories was his son Denis and his friends. The plots of some funny stories did not even have to be invented; the author took them directly from life (shows an illustration of V. Dragunsky with his son Denis)

— “Deniska’s stories” are fun, funny adventures, funny stories that teach us to be kind, responsible, and help our comrades. And sometimes they are just perky!

— Try to remember: in the story “He’s Alive and Glowing,” Deniska exchanged Mishka’s expensive father’s gift: a dump truck for a box containing a small... (firefly) (children's answers)

Design based on the model "Firefly"

from elements of the game “Miracle Crosses”

- Please remember the name of the story in which the children made a carnival costume from their father’s rubber boots, their mother’s straw hat and their neighbor’s collar ponytail? ("Puss in Boots") (children's answers)

Relay "Puss in Boots"

Children are divided into two teams. The first participants from each team put on large boots and hats, run to the landmark, return to the team, and pass the boots and hat to the next participant.

— Deniska’s friends, like all boys, were interested in transport. Therefore, Viktor Dragunsky wrote many stories in which the guys get to know each other, ride and travel on different types of transport.

— In the story “Motorcycle Racing on a Sheer Wall,” the “champion of the world and its environs” in cycling became acquainted with a new type of transport: a bicycle with a motor and took it for a ride without asking. But he didn’t specify how to stop, so he rode until he felt dizzy, and until the owner of the bicycle with the motor stopped and slapped him on the back of the head. (Shows an illustration for the story “Motorcycle racing along a sheer wall”).

— In the story “An Amazing Day,” the guys came up with the idea of ​​making a real spaceship out of a pot-bellied barrel, a samovar, pieces of iron, nails, ropes and paint. And they even came up with a name for it: “Vostok-3”. (Shows an illustration to the story).

— One day Deniska with her parents and friend Mishka went out of town by train. And they were so interested in the view from the window that they stuck their heads out the window, and then their shoulders, and found themselves waist-deep on the street. To prevent trouble from happening and the boys from falling out of the window, Deniskin’s dad came up with the idea of ​​performing tricks with tearing off his finger, rubbing a coin into his elbow and pulling it out of Mishka’s nose, and with the loss of his mother’s new hat. It was much more interesting than looking out the window! (“Chicky – kick”) (Shows an illustration to the story)

Teachers of the highest qualification category. MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 93" Ryazan.

Program content:

  1. Teach children to create images of living beings using plastic expressive means, navigate the group space, and build role-playing dialogue.
  2. Reinforce the names of Russian folk tales in children’s speech "Teremok" , words in accordance with the chosen role and heroes of the fairy tale.
  3. Develop the ability to coordinate actions with other children - the heroes of a fairy tale, develop auditory attention, imagination, and interest in performing arts.
  4. To foster friendly relationships, goodwill, and a desire to help in younger preschoolers.

Previous work:

Reading Russian folk tales with the participation of animals.

Reading a Russian folk tale "Teremok" .

Examination of illustrations with images of a tower and animals.

Building a tower from cubes and playing with the building in class.


Masks, chest, forest scenery.


There are many fairy tales in the world,
Children love fairy tales.
Everyone wants to visit them
And play a little!

You want? You are ready? Then close your eyes, I will say the magic words and we will find ourselves in a fairytale forest.

Exercise "Hello forest"

Hello forest, dense forest, (we spread our arms wide to the sides)
Full of fairy tales and miracles! (turns left and right with arms outstretched)
What are you making noise about?
On a dark, stormy night? (Hands raised up. We perform rocking movements left and right.)

Who is hiding in your wilderness?
What kind of animal? What bird? (Children peer into the distance, holding a rounded palm above their eyebrows, while turning to the right and left.)
Open everything, don’t hide it, (We spread our arms wide to the sides.)
You see, we are our own! (Press both palms to your chest.)

We just entered the forest,
Mosquitoes appeared.
Hands up, clap above your head,
Hands down, clap another.

Ahead from behind a bush
The sly fox is watching.
We'll outwit the fox
Let's run on our toes.

The bunny jumps quickly into the field,
It's a lot of fun in the wild.
We imitate the bunny
Fidgets are naughty girls.

But the game is over, now it’s time for us to go to the fairy tale.
There is a chest on the stump.

Educator - Guys, look at what a beautiful chest we found! But how to open it? It’s very interesting what’s there... Look, there’s something written on it. Let me read it! “Name the magic, kind words, the chest will open!”

Educator - Guys, do you know the magic words? (Hello, goodbye, please, thank you, thank you)

Teacher - Well done, you did a great job! Look, the chest is opening!

Educator - What is this lying here? (I take out masks)

Let's look at them and say, what fairy tale are these heroes from? (from a Russian folk tale "Teremok" ) .

Educator: Remember, guys, how we read it and told it to you?

Let's play out this fairy tale today?

Educator: Oh, guys, there’s something else in the chest! Yes, these are riddles, so whoever guesses the fastest will wear the mask of the hero of the fairy tale.

Little white one jumps and jumps through the forest,
one snowball at a time.


Jumps on the ground, swims on the water. (Frog)
Who walks around angry and hungry in the cold winter. (Wolf)

Red-haired cheat, cunning and dexterous,
I got into the barn and counted the chickens.


In winter he sleeps, in summer he stirs up the hives. (Bear)
Who's lurking under the floor, afraid of cats? (Mouse)

Educator: Well done, we are opening the door to a fairy tale

We find ourselves in a magical world.

(Together with the teacher, the children stage a fairy tale).

All the children walk in a circle and say:

Suddenly across the field, field, a mouse runs
She stopped at the door and knocked.

Mouse: - I'm a little mouse,

I'm wandering through the forest
I'm looking for a little house.
I'm looking but I can't find it.
Knock Knock! Let me go!

Educator: - Nobody responded. The house turned out to be vacant.


Oh, what a mess it is here!

Let me put things in order!

I'll put everything in its place!

Educator: - The mouse entered the little house and began to live there, light the stove, and wash the floors.

Children walk in a circle.

Children: - There is a teremok in the field, a teremok.
He is not short, not high, not high.
Suddenly a frog runs across the field.
She stopped at the door and said:

Frog: -

Knock-Knock. Who lives in a little house, who lives in a low one?

Mouse: - I, little mouse! And who are you?

Frog: - River, midges and grass!

Warm rain, qua-qua-qua!

I'm a frog, I'm a frog,

Look what it's like! Let me into the little mansion!

Mouse: - Come in!

Educator: - And they began to live together: the mouse cleans the house, and the frog bakes pancakes.

Children walk in a circle.

Children: - There is a teremok in the field, a teremok.
He is not short, not high, not high.
Suddenly a bunny runs across the field.

Hare: - What a glorious little house?

Growing up in the middle of the forest?

The prince hare could live here

with his princess.

I'll plant a vegetable garden next to it on the lawn.

Who lives there in the mansion, tell Bunny.

Animals: - I am a little mouse!

I am a frog frog! And who are you?

Hare: - Oh, I’m a runaway bunny! Can I live with you?

Animals: - Come in!

Educator: - And the three of them began to live together: the little mouse cleans the mansion, the frog bakes pancakes, the running bunny makes everyone happy.

Children walk in a circle.

Children: - There is a teremok in the field, a teremok.
He is not short, not high, not high.
Suddenly, a little fox runs across the field.
She stopped at the door and knocked:

Fox: - Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in a little house, who lives in a low one?

Animals: - I am a little mouse!

I am a frog frog!

I am a runaway bunny! And who are you?

Fox: - I am a fox, I am a sister,
I walk silently.
Early in the morning out of habit
I went hunting.

Let me into the little mansion!

Animals: - Come in!

Educator: - And the four of them began to live: the mouse-norushka cleans the mansion, the frog-frog bakes pancakes, the little bunny makes everyone happy, and the little fox-sister cooks cabbage soup and porridge.

Children walk in a circle.

Children: - There is a teremok in the field, a teremok.
He is not short, not high, not high.
Suddenly, a wolf runs across the field.
He stopped at the door and knocked:

Wolf: - Knock, knock, knock. Who lives in a little house, who lives in a low one?

Animals: - I am a little mouse!

I am a frog frog!

I am a runaway bunny!

I am a fox-sister! And who are you?

Wolf: - I am the Gray Wolf,

Gray tail and side.

Can I live with you?

I have no one to be friends with in the forest.

Animals: - Come in!

Educator: - And the five of them began to live: the mouse-norushka cleans the mansion, the frog-frog bakes pancakes, the bunny-runner amuses everyone, the little fox-sister cooks cabbage soup and porridge, and the top-gray barrel guards the mansion.

Children walk in a circle.

Children: - There is a teremok in the field, a teremok.
He is not short, not high, not high.
Suddenly, across the field, across the field, a bear is walking.
He stopped at the door and roared:

Bear: - I climbed into the hive for honey,
I worked so hard that I got tired.
Angry bees have bitten
Nose, ears, and eyes!

I can't find peace
My nose is on fire!
Teremochek? What's happened?
Who lives in the little house? (knocking)

Does anyone live in a low place?
Animals: - I am a little mouse!
- I am a frog frog!
- I am a runaway bunny!

I am a fox-sister!
- I am a gray barrel top! And who are you?
Bear: - Bear-bear!
The door should be unlocked!

Animals: - And we don’t have any more space.
Bear: - I’ll climb onto the roof.

Educator: - And he climbed. Then the tower shook and fell apart.

A problematic question is posed to children: "What to do? What should we do?

It is necessary to make children want to build a new tower.

Finger gymnastics "Building Teremok"

Knock-knock, knock-knock!

The hammer sounded. (Children hit each other with their fists)

We will build a tower

With a high porch (raise hands)

With large windows (bend the raised arms at the elbows and place one on top of the other "window" )

With carved shutters (spread arms to the sides)

Knock-knock, knock-knock!

The hammer fell silent. (hands down)

Our little mansion is ready! (join hands above head "roof" )

Educator: They built a new little house, beautiful, spacious, better than the previous one! Look what! (shows the decoration of the mansion).

Then all the children stand in a circle, and the fairy tale ends with the words:

There is a teremok, teremok in the field,
He is very, very tall, oh, tall.
You can't live here without fun,
Friends live in the mansion!

Educator: Well done, I really liked it. The guys were artists! And, guys, you showed me a fairy tale! The artists and spectators were great! Let's clap from the bottom of our hearts!

Educator: Now it’s time for us to go home, close your eyes, I’ll read the magic words.

Well, now you are at home, in the group. And because you told a wonderful story today, I have a treat for you.

Reflection. - What animals did we meet in the fairy tale today?

Which of the heroes came to the little house after the frog?

How many heroes were there?

Summary of a lesson on fiction in the middle group “Literary quiz”

Program content:

Using various techniques, help children remember the names and contents of familiar literary works.
Continue to teach how to navigate the genre diversity of literature (fairy tales, stories, poems).
Dictionary: illustration.
Develop a sense of rhyme.
Cultivate an interest in fiction.


Books, illustrations, audio recordings of calm music, colored pencils, paper circles, sweetened water.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, today we are going on a journey through the most interesting world of literature. We are waiting for a flight on a magic carpet, three stops - in a fairy-tale kingdom, in the land of stories and in the world of poetry. Make yourself comfortable, let's go. (Music sounds).

"Fairytale Kingdom"

What is the difference between a fairy tale and a short story? (Children's answers)
Things happen in fairy tales that don't happen in real life. Animals can talk, people use magic objects. What magical objects do you know? (Children's answers) Baba Yaga's broom and mortar, a magic ball, a magic wand, running boots, a flying carpet, an invisible hat, Koscheev's death in an egg, etc.

Didactic game “Guess the fairy tale”

The grandmother loved the girl very much.
I gave her a red cap.
The girl forgot her name.
Well, tell me her name.
(Little Red Riding Hood)

Mixed with sour cream,
It's cold at the window,
Round side, ruddy side

My father had a strange boy,
Unusual - wooden.
But the father loved his son.
What a weird one
Wooden man
On land and under water
Looking for a golden key?
He sticks his long nose everywhere.
Who is this?

Cinderella's feet
fell down by accident.
She was not simple,
and crystal...

She is the most important mystery of all,
Even though she lived in the cellar:
Pull the turnip out of the garden
Helped my grandparents.
(Mouse from the Russian folk tale "Turnip")

We were waiting for mother with milk,
And they let the wolf into the house.
Who were these
Small children?
(kids from the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids”)

Near the forest, on the edge
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs.
Three beds, three pillows.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?
(Three Bears)

The nose is round, with a snout,
It’s convenient for them to rummage in the ground,
Small crochet tail
Instead of shoes - hooves.
Three of them - and to what extent?
Friendly brothers look alike.
Guess without a hint
Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?
(Three piglets)

Treats small children
Heals birds and animals
He looks through his glasses
Good doctor...

Didactic game “Whose words are these?”

Children are asked to name the hero of the fairy tale, who owns the phrase and the name of the fairy tale itself.

“I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother”
(Kolobok from the fairy tale “Kolobok”)

“Don’t sit on the stump, don’t eat the pie”
(Masha from the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear”)

“Stove, mother, hide us!”
(Sister from the fairy tale “Geese-Swans”)

“Who found the spikelet? Who carried the grain to the mill? Who kneaded the dough?
Did you carry firewood? Did you heat the stove? Who baked the pies?
(Cockerel from the fairy tale “Spikelet”)

“I don’t have a mustache, but whiskers, not paws, not teeth,
and zubishchi - I’m not afraid of anyone!”
(Hare from the fairy tale “The Boasting Hare”)

“As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, pieces will go down the back streets!”
(Fox from the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”)

Dynamic pause “The fairy tale will give us a rest”

A fairy tale will give us a rest.
Let's take a rest and hit the road again!
Malvina advises us:
- The waist will become an aspen,
If we bend over
Left and right ten times.
Here are the Thumbelina words:
- So that your back is straight,
Get up on your toes
It's like you're reaching for flowers.
One two three four five.
Little Red Riding Hood's advice:
- If you jump, run,
You will live for many years.
One two three four five.
Say it again:
One two three four five.

The fairy tale gave us a rest! Have you rested? On the road again! (Children repeat the movements described)

"Land of Stories"

What is the difference between a story and a fairy tale? (Children's answers) The stories talk about what really happened.

Didactic game “Which story is the illustration for”

“Bone” by L. Tolstoy
“Who said “meow”? V. Suteev
“Together it’s cramped, but apart it’s boring” K. Ushinsky
“Like an ant rushing home” by V. Bianchi
“Fox Bread” M. Prishvin

"World of Poems"

How are poems different from stories? Poems are written in a column. Like this. (Display of poems in a book) And stories are written down on a line. Like this. (Showing prose in the book). And in the verses, some of the last words are consonant.

And then the bunnies called:
- Can you send me some gloves?

The last words in these verses are consonant: bunnies and gloves. What words are similar in the following verses?

And then the monkeys called:
- Please send me books!

(Children's answers)

Monkeys and books. Do you know what work these lines are from? (Children's answers) From the poem "Telephone". Who is the author of this poem? (Children's answers) Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

Didactic game “Give me a word”

The girl began to put the kitten to bed.
- Here's under your back
Soft... featherbed.

On top of the feather bed
A clean… sheet.
Here's to your ears
(“Mustachioed and Striped” by S. Marshak)

My cheerful, ringing ball,
Where did you rush...jump?
I smacked you with my palm.
You jumped and stomped loudly.
(“Ball” by S. Marshak)

Masha put on her mitten.
- Oh, where am I pointing... what's going on?
There is no finger, it’s gone,
I didn’t get into my little house!
(“Where is my finger” N. Sakonskaya)

If the Christmas tree had legs,
She would run along... the path.
She would dance
Together with us,
She would knock... her heels.
(“Christmas tree” by E. Trutnev)

Tanyusha has a lot to do,
Tanyusha has a lot to do,
In the morning I helped my brother -
He's been eating candy since morning.
(“The Assistant” by A. Barto)

Mom is sleeping, she is tired...
Well, I didn’t play...
I don't start a top
And I sat down and... I sat.
(“Let’s sit in silence” by E. Blaginin)

Snow was falling on the threshold
The cat made himself... a pie.
In the meantime, I sculpted and baked,
The pie flowed away in a trickle!
(“Pie” by P. Voronko)

And then the bear called
Yes, how I started, how I started... roar.
(“Telephone” by K. I. Chukovsky)

Finger gymnastics “We counted on our fingers”

(based on a poem by I. Tokmakova)

We counted on our fingers
And they laughed terribly:
Are these fingers?
They're just boys!

Here's a big, funny fat man,
Likes to brag just like that.
How are you? - ask him.
He will jump up and shout: - Wow!

The index beckons,
Will threaten, show the way,
And then it gets stuck in your nose:
You need to rest somewhere!

Middle finger - angry boy.
Click on the forehead - there will be a bump,
Click on the ball - the ball will burst,
Click - and the mosquito faints.

Nameless until the morning
Selects names:
Maybe Petya? Or Vova?
Or Alla Pugacheva?
Thumb Boy? Karabas?
Everything has happened a thousand times!
I'm tired, it's time to sleep,
I'd better choose in the morning!

And the little finger is my favorite!
I'll take him to the menagerie,
I'll buy him a popsicle -
I love very little ones!

Children are invited to draw different faces on small paper circles and stick them with sweet water on their fingers. You can go as a “guest”: touch the other fingers one by one with your thumb.