There is probably not a single person in the world who would be able to raise children without relying on someone else’s experience, on pedagogical literature and the advice of psychologists and other parents. We studied all kinds of manuals on raising children and chose the most interesting books. They will help you talk with children, prevent bullying at school, and find a common language with difficult children. And most importantly, they will help shape the character of a strong, smart and happy child!

Leisure ideas / What book to read

Women's happiness - what is it? Most will answer that for any woman the main thing is to love and be loved. But is this really so? It's time to admit that our lives are not limited to love alone. We, no less than men, long to find ourselves, achieve success in what we love and fully develop. We have created for you a selection of delightful books, the authors of which showed the diversity of female characters, reflecting the dreams of representatives of the fair half of humanity. And what about love? Of course, we can’t go anywhere without her!

Leisure ideas / What book to read

April will surprise us with a variety of genres. Readers can expect a translation of the world-famous novel that inspired Tolkien to create his iconic works. Detective stories will remain the most fashionable books of the season. Read about these and other literary novelties of the month in our April review.

Leisure ideas / What book to read

Looking for something to read this spring? Then don't miss the release of exciting bestsellers. In our selection you will find detective stories, horror, humorous books and so on. Let these books brighten up your last cool days before the onset of true spring!

Leisure ideas / What book to read

Spring has arrived. Hurray-hurray-hurray! And she brought new and exciting books with her. Among the bestsellers were not only new items, but also reissues of long-known hits. You simply cannot skip them, because there will be no abbreviations in these versions of the books!

Leisure ideas / What book to read

In this list you will find charming children's books; after meeting their characters, your little ones will have the most fabulous dreams! We chose not only the works of world-famous classics (loved by children from all countries), but also new bestsellers, including domestic authors.

Leisure ideas / What book to read

In our selection you will find 15 works that allow you to expand the boundaries of consciousness. These fascinating books explain how the human mind works, contain practical techniques for strengthening memory, and allow us to take our self-development a step higher.

Leisure ideas / What book to read

Whatever they say, the vast majority like to read. We have studied all kinds of resources that provide their users with the opportunity to enjoy exciting books by reading them online for free and without registration. In our selection you will find services with catalogs of not only fiction, but also scientific literature.

Leisure ideas / What book to read

When acquaintance with book characters develops into genuine interest, a desire arises to learn about new adventures of your favorite characters. Thus, reader recognition encourages authors to create cycles of wonderful works. Today we will talk about popular series that are worthy of the attention of children and teenagers.

Leisure ideas / What book to read

Many writers have tried to depict all the difficulties associated with wealth. Of particular interest are stories about people who escaped from the clutches of poverty into a world of prosperity. In our selection you will find fascinating books dedicated to such characters.

Leisure ideas / What book to read

In February 2019, novels in the detective genre will be in particular demand (judging by the preliminary ratings of publishers). However, other books were also included in the lists of the most anticipated works of the month, including a biographical work about the life of one of the most scandalous artists, whose paintings are now worth millions of dollars!

Leisure ideas / What book to read

Books are a source of knowledge, they teach life and help cope with problems, developing children's imagination. However, all children are individuals with completely different hobbies, which means they cannot be pushed into some generally accepted framework by imposing a school curriculum. It is better to slowly but thoughtfully read one interesting book than to hastily devoured dozens of “recommended readings.” Still, it doesn’t hurt to help your child choose literature. In our selection you will find unusual and exciting works that can instill in your child a love of reading.

Leisure ideas / What book to read

These creations have stood the test of time, captivating entire generations of readers around the world with their fascinating stories. Imbued with the wisdom of the authors, they carry their message through the centuries, finding a response in the hearts of new fans. We studied lists of popular books that (according to leading publishers and literary critics) every person should read at least once in their life. In our article you will find 40 classic literary works of various genres.

Healthy eating questions and answers

Publishing house "Alpina".

A book that you can start reading from any page. Simply because it contains more than 500 answers to questions that cover all areas of nutrition. You open it, look for a question that bothers you, read the answer, learn something new, and apply it in life. The authors did their best: the book contains hundreds of scientific facts and references to research, while explaining the basics of nutrition, a balanced diet, diets and stereotypes in a clear and accessible way.

Who is the book for? For everyone who has been on a diet at least once in their life, lost a couple of kilograms, and then gained twice as much.

Why do we do this

Publishing house "Alpina".

A global bestseller that has helped tens of thousands of people become happier, it has finally arrived here. The book teaches you to be your true self and not be afraid of it. It contains 76 effective strategies for adults, teenagers and children. It is these strategies, identified by psychologists, that allow you to understand what you really want from life, understand your goals in business and relationships, and also help in raising children and self-realization.

Who is the book for? For those who feel that they are not living their own lives.


Publishing house "Eksmo".

This is not an ordinary book, rather an intellectual simulator. Yes, yes, you can train not only in the gym, but also while sitting on the couch with a book in your hands. It's simple. "KenKen" is a Japanese brain training system that is becoming more and more popular all over the world. In front of you is a grid with numbers and icons for the four arithmetic operations. It is necessary to fill the grid so that the rows and columns contain a complete set of numbers, but they are not repeated in either the rows or columns. However, in the block circled with a bold line, numbers may be repeated. But most importantly, through arithmetic operations you need to get the number indicated in the upper left corner of the block. Usually tasks are completed against time. The most dexterous and trained can solve such problems in a minute.

What is this all for? For clarity of thinking, for mental acuity and self-confidence. And for wisdom. It’s not for nothing that kenken is translated from Japanese as “wise squared.”

Who is the book for? For everyone who doesn't want to lose mental clarity

100 ways to change your life

Publishing house "MYTH".

A motivational book with inspiring stories, original techniques and a solid dose of motivation to dramatically change your life for the better, turning it 180 degrees. Don't believe this is possible? Easily. After all, the author of the book, Larisa Parfentyeva, herself went through this, quitting her unloved job and starting her life from scratch. Now it's your turn.

Who is the book for? For anyone looking for an answer to the questions “Where to start?” and “How to move to a new level?”

The art of breathing

Publishing house "MYTH".

Personal growth helps you change your life circumstances, get rid of stereotypical thinking, start living meaningfully, and awaken your creativity. All this should contribute to prosperity and success. Books on how to properly engage in self-development.

Why is it useful to engage in self-development? Because, according to psychologists, personal growth helps us change, which means change life circumstances, get rid of thinking stereotypes, start living meaningfully, awaken creativity in ourselves and increase physical and spiritual energy, which will ultimately lead to prosperity and success . Self-development involves three processes: physical activity, healthy eating and mental self-regulation. We read about how to do this correctly in the best books on a given topic.

1. Brian Tracy “Get out of your comfort zone. 21 methods to increase personal effectiveness"

According to many psychologists, this is book No. 1 on self-development (see “”). Written by a famous expert in the field of achievement psychology, published in a total circulation of more than 1.2 million copies, translated into 40 languages, it helps to find the answer to the question of what to do in order to achieve high status and even happiness. Although there are actually several answers, here are some of them: constantly learn; value time, and therefore make daily to-do lists; fully concentrate on solving the task at hand and bring what you start to the end; learn to clearly state your goals on paper.

2. Vadim Zeland “Reality Transurfing”

Transurfing is an esoteric teaching about how to control reality. According to the author of the book, the world is multivariate, and a person who has realized his desires and controls his attitude towards the world is able to independently choose the desired development of events. But for this purpose and positive thinking. Here are a few rules by following which you can learn to manage reality: live as your own soul dictates, listen to your heart, do not succumb to the influence of others and do not accept the imposed goals of others, do not fight with anyone or anything, including yourself, and take what life offers, not be afraid, but act, and calmly and persistently move towards it. The author shows in detail how to apply all this in practice with examples.

3. Andre Kukla “Mental traps. Stupid things that reasonable people do to ruin their lives."

A well-known Canadian psychologist and philosopher, the professor explains why one should not violate the biblical commandment: for everything there is a time. Because in this case we fall into so-called mental traps. Their danger is that they prevent us from living calmly, joyfully and productively, because they force us to behave ineffectively and illogically. And the author counted eleven such unique obstacles on our way. Here is one of them: - when we continue to do things that have lost all meaning (live in a marriage, maintain unnecessary relationships, do a job we don’t like, watch a boring movie or finish reading a stupid book), because we were once told that any task is necessary bring to a conclusion. The list of mental traps also includes amplification, fixation, reversion, anticipation, delay and other interesting concepts that you want to understand in order to better understand yourself.

4. Vladimir Levi “Cure for Laziness”

The book by the famous psychotherapist and psychologist captures you from the first lines. Written with humor and imbued with energy, it really helps you heal yourself and help your loved ones overcome this monster. The author fascinatingly talks about all types of laziness inherent in adults and children, gives clear medical and psychological recommendations, including for cases when a child does not listen and does not want to study. It’s worth reading this book to find out how to get rid of boredom and depressive moods, learn to get joy from every day you live and... stop being a workaholic.

5. Valery Sinelnikov “Love your illness”

Psychologist and psychotherapist Valery Sinelnikov has long been known as the author of original psychological techniques, thanks to which many people were able to get rid of illnesses, achieve prosperity and simply learn to enjoy life. The title of the book itself suggests that the proposed approach to healing is non-trivial. The author shows what negative emotions lead to, teaches how to interact with your subconscious in order to find good health, peace of mind and joy of existence. Unique exercises are also given here.

6. Robin Sharma "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari"

The best-selling book tells the amazing story of successful lawyer Julian Mantle, who managed to overcome a spiritual crisis with the help of Tibetan culture. Having immersed himself in a world that was not familiar to him, he learned simple and wise rules and learned to live in accordance with them: think positively, follow his calling, believe in the power of his mind, value time - our greatest wealth, value relationships with loved ones, but the most important thing is to live here and now.

Robin Sharma, like the hero of his book, also began his professional career as a lawyer, but soon realized that his calling was not this, but to, by creating his own concept of self-improvement, help us become better, more successful and happier.

7. Tal Ben-Shahar “The Perfectionist Paradox”

An American psychologist who has been studying the topic of happiness for many years has come to the conclusion that what prevents people from being happy is a tendency toward perfectionism. Of course, the desire to do everything perfectly cannot but arouse respect, but the main thing is not to go to extremes. Because then the problems begin. A perfectionist, with all his desire for perfection, is distinguished by conservative and inflexible thinking, afraid of making a mistake and becoming an object of criticism. Happiness, in his opinion, is a pure, uncomplicated flow of positive emotions, which is fundamentally wrong. Allow yourself to admit failures and accept negative emotions, because this is part of our life. Become an optimalist, that is, a positive perfectionist who enjoys not the result, but the very process of achieving it, does not look for shortcomings, but focuses on the merits, is not afraid of mistakes and listens to criticism, knows that happiness cannot be felt and realized without trials .

8. Sharon Melnik “Stress Resistance”

In our time, the importance of this book cannot be overestimated. Most of us experience constant mental and emotional pressure. Meanwhile, a stress-resilience expert from Harvard offers 100 techniques to help achieve calm and equanimity. With their help, you can not only maintain composure and a sober mind in difficult situations, acquiring psychological stability, but also learn to see not only negative aspects in stressful situations, but also new opportunities. According to the author, there are only three ways to get out of stress: you need to change your attitude towards the problem, your physical reaction to the problem or the problem.

9. Daniel J. Amen “Fitness for the brain, or how to become smarter”

To feel good and look great, we run in the morning, walk a lot or work out in the gym. To enjoy our reflection in the mirror, we make masks, peeling and choose creams meticulously. But doesn't the brain require the same constant and diligent care? How demanding it is! Meanwhile, it is often as if we are deliberately doing everything in order to cause irreparable harm to him. We don’t get enough sleep, we overexert ourselves at work, we live in a state of stress, we don’t eat right, we consume gallons of mentally stimulating drinks. As a result, we predictably get exhaustion of the nervous system and depression, failures in career and personal life.

Fortunately, you can still get out of this “bottom” with the help of a unique brain healing system developed by Dr. Amen. It includes a responsible attitude towards your own nutrition, and taking vitamins, and physical activity, and mental gymnastics. This book can change your life for the better.

10. Harry Lorraine “Supermemory. Development of phenomenal memory"

The book includes two psychological bestsellers by Harry Lorraine, the famous brain researcher. The unique system for developing mental abilities that he developed allows you to use not 10 percent of the brain’s resources, as is usually the case, but all 90! Having mastered this system, you will notice not only increased observation, sharpened attention, increased ability to concentrate, but also a phenomenal improvement in memory, imagination, and creative potential. Moreover, the proposed method is relatively simple and accessible, and it is not for nothing that the author called it “a method for the lazy.”

The first part of the book is devoted to the basic techniques and methods of memorizing large amounts of information. The second is to apply the acquired skills in everyday life.

The first ones haven't had their turn yet. But it's time to do the latter!

It often happens that a fan of reading deliberately abandons his favorite pastime, frightened by the volume of “obligatory classics” - Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Galswary...

Of course, reading the classics is a plus. Overcoming huge volumes is a small feat, but it is. However, sometimes it is much more pleasant to pick up a small book, devour it in one or two evenings and get a lot of well-deserved pleasure.

Especially for you, we have compiled a top list of books that can be read in one sitting. The volume of proposed works ranges from mini-stories to full-fledged, laconic novels. Important: no stories! Only large prose, which its talented (and sometimes brilliant) authors managed to squeeze into capacious volumes. Classics, modern prose, and even experimental avant-garde works await you.

The number of pages indicated varies depending on the edition of the book or reader configuration.

Are you ready to dive into the wonderful world of word magic? Then - go ahead!

Daniel Wallace "Ray in Reverse"

Number of pages: ≈ 220.
How is a typical story constructed? Quite simply: it started like this and ended like that. How is Wallace's tragicomedy constructed? Not so simple, but more interesting: at the end there was such and such, before that there was such and such, and even earlier such and such. And believe me, reading from the end is no worse than reading from the beginning. The intrigue never goes away.

So, Ray. Ray died and went to heaven - to a support group for those who cannot resolve the issue with the last words in life. This is a very useful therapy for those who have eternal life ahead of them, although Ray doesn't think so. His life was not very bright, but not too boring either. Just right. A happy childhood and a beloved grandfather, who did die one day. Cheerful youth and great love. An adored collection of buttons and a meeting with a celebrity. Cancer and death. And yet, what did Ray say in the last moments of his life that he can’t get rid of in heaven?

George Orwell "Animal Farm"

Number of pages: ≈ 140.
The brilliant satirical dystopia of the author of “1984” (“Big Brother is watching you,” remember?) could not find a publisher for a long time due to its blatant parallels with the Soviet Union. The pig leaders in this book looked suspiciously like the leaders of the USSR, Stalin and Trotsky. In general, political reasons did not play into the hands of the author and his amazing book. Fortunately, the story soon changed.

So, Animal Farm. A farm where animals together overthrew the oppression of people and generally drove out bipeds from their land. The solution of important issues was entrusted to the most intelligent four-legged animals - pigs. From now on, the poor, long-oppressed cattle worked only for themselves and for themselves. The farm prospered, the creatures triumphed, and the rules of Animal Farm guaranteed peace. Until the new leadership got a taste of power...

Pascal Brückner "My Little Husband"

Number of pages: ≈ 192.
The mini-fairy tale for adults from one of the most provocative writers in France was a great success. Moderately phantasmagorical, moderately erotic, moderately tragic. Ideal proportion of all components. The essence of the story is this: once upon a time there was one man in the world. More like a little man. Charming but short man. And he happened to fall in love with a stately, tall, powerful woman. They got married and began raising children in order to become a full-fledged family with all the ensuing consequences.

With one small amendment: the more children a couple had and the older they became, the less selfless the husband and father became. At some point he became smaller than a pupa! Of course, respecting the head of a family as tall as a finger is very problematic... Now the children are dipping their father into a bowl of soup, and the wife is driving him out of bed. What will be next?!

Richard Brautigan "Trout Fishing in America"

Number of pages: ≈ 115.
A literary critic once said that Richard Brautigan is a man who is not at home in this world. If you read his books, you understand that this is so. Such a charming surreal could only be written by a person not from this world. A very small work consists of very short and not always connected chapters, which are united by a common hero (yes, a full-fledged hero!): the magazine “Trout Fishing in America”.

However, the rest of the characters are not bored either. They make love, travel, philosophize, admire the world and get into trouble. It is worth noting that Brautigan's prose is not the easiest reading. He writes airily and quickly, but in a very intricate manner. Definitely not for everyone. And if you happen to be such a fan, be sure to read another mini-book by Brautigan - “In Watermelon Sugar.”

Stephen Chbosky "The Perks of Being a Wallflower"

Number of pages:≈ 288 (reduced book format + large font).
Stephen is clearly not shy about admitting to being a fan of Selinger's The Catcher in the Rye. After all, his story has the same leitmotif - the stages of growing up of one boy who is about to become a young man. The story about his life is presented in a very unusual way, through the hero’s letters to a certain friend whom he had never met. Moreover, these letters do not have a return address.

The hero simply, sincerely and frankly talks about everything that happens to him in high school. New friends and a girlfriend who could become something more. Parties. Parents. Brother and sister. New favorite teacher. New favorite books. And a mystery that runs like a red thread through the entire narrative, giving no rest to either the author, the hero, or the reader...

Sue Townsend "The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole"

Number of pages: ≈ 320.
British writer Sue Townsend is an amazing person and creator. She wrote several amazing tragicomic books, after which she became completely blind. However, she did not break down, but continued to study literature with the help of her assistants. “The Secret Diary” is an extremely short and even abrupt narrative from the perspective of one boy, whose mother went on a trip with a new lover, leaving the boy with his loser dad.

Dad is constantly covered in dirt and depression, while the boy suffers from a huge pimple and unrequited love for a beautiful girl. In general, this is a rather complicated story about how a family falls apart, and a child loses himself while the parents are exclusively occupied with their own problems and experiences. Please note that the text is even shorter than the approximate number of pages - often it takes up half a page.

Erlend Lu "Doppler"

Number of pages: ≈ 192.
The most famous Norwegian author (however, now detective writer Jo Nesbø can also compete for this title) has always written succinctly, concisely and sharply. Behind the deceptive simplicity and ease lies a harsh tragedy. "Doppler" is no exception. The main idea of ​​the book is the confrontation between civilized culture and wild forest life. On the one hand, Mr. Doppler is wealthy, successful and prosperous. He has a house, a car, a wife, a daughter and a baby son. Everything an ordinary person needs.

On the other hand, he is desperately drawn to the forest, to the open space, away from taxes, a washing machine, TV and politics. His dream: to live in a tent, eat what you get yourself, look at the sky and urinate from the hill, looking at the hated city. At one point he did just that. He also made a friend - a calf calf, whose mother became Doppler's dinner. And then a new dream appeared: to build a totem and drink skim milk...

Salman Rushdie "Harun and the Sea of ​​Stories"

Number of pages: ≈ 176.
Salman Rushdie is a respected British author of Indian origin. It is logical to assume that India occupies a special place in his work. At least in this book for sure. Harun is such a Little Prince with an oriental flavor. His dad had always been a master liar, whose funny and absurd stories lifted the spirits of everyone who heard them. But, alas, one day he lost his eloquence...

Frustrated, Harun, in search of his father’s gift, wandered into an amazing fairy-tale land, in no way inferior to “1001 Nights” (in the chaste version), where he made new friends and even defeated the enemies of the Sea of ​​Stories. A mind-blowing journey! Whether it’s a parable, or a fairy tale, or a paradoxical humoresque - it’s not so important. The main thing is that it is impossible to tear yourself away from the book.

Truman Capote " Breakfast at Tiffany's»

Number of pages:≈ 160.
Only the lazy have not heard of Holly Golightly. The frivolous and openly selfish American woman was simply bound to become the object of universal censure. However, instead, Holly became a symbol of the youth of her time and a charming trendsetter. The fame of the book was strengthened by his starring role. Actually, it was this story that made Truman Capote exactly the kind of writer that hordes of fans around the world know him as.

He colorfully, but sincerely and extremely vitally painted the image of a girl who is attracted by rich society, luxurious, generous men, shopping and, of course, a girl’s best friend - diamonds. Holly is like a living metaphor for New York, a city at once vicious and childishly naive, which is ready to provide its residents with a lot of opportunities and no less disappointments.

Jeff Noon "Automatic Alice"

Number of pages:≈ 223.
You've probably read Lewis Carroll's world-famous stories "Alice in Wonderland" and "Alice Through the Looking Glass." Noon came up with his own version of the popular story, which at the same time can be considered a kind of continuation. Alice Noona enters a magical world through an ancient clock while chasing her feisty parrot.

In this world, people have crossed beyond recognition with animals and a variety of objects, becoming bizarre mutants. Also, the world has thrown a whole bunch of mysteries at Alice and her mechanical sister that need to be solved before returning home. But we still need to come back somehow! A nice bonus of the book - the Cheshire Cat did not disappoint.

Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt "Oscar and the Pink Lady"

Number of pages: ≈ 160.
It's very easy to write a disgusting speculative book:
- more snot;
- more childhood suffering;
- more religion.
To write a non-disgusting and non-speculative book with the same parameters, you need... to be Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt. Because he is a master in his field! The short story tells the story of a boy who has just a few days left to live - he is dying from terminal cancer. Parents experience a terrible feeling of guilt before their dying son, and therefore are simply unable to visit the child.

But an old (but incredibly cheerful!) grandmother Rosa comes to him, who tells wonderful stories from her wrestling past and encourages him to confess his love to a girl from another hospital ward. Dying is very scary, but... When you live every day like ten years, surrounded by loving people and telling all this in letters to God, it’s a little better than just falling asleep and not waking up. Why, it’s much better!

Fleur Yeggy "Happy Unlucky Years"

Number of pages:≈ 192.
A typical warm lamp book about the small world of a private school for girls. Under the cover of aristocratic decency, real passions are hidden, seething like a cauldron on a fire. At the same time, the text turned out to be surprisingly chaste, capacious and memorable. No physiological details, no gut wrenches or sexual perversions. And yet... Truly - happy, unhappy years.

The time when, perhaps, the most important things are implanted in a person. Determining his entire future life. Will every girl be able to pass such a test without breaking down? The main character turned out to be a tough nut to crack. She grew, matured, changed. But her friend, who lived her school years relatively calmly, apparently was never able to adapt to the big strange world of adults...

The period of human learning is not limited to the years spent at a school desk. To achieve success at work, in your personal life and in communicating with other people, it is worth it. The book has always been considered the best teacher. What to read for self-development? Here is a selection of 40 fiction and popular science works that are worthy of becoming a reference book for a modern person.

Classics: 9 fiction books for all times

  1. Antoine de Saint-Exupery. "A little prince". The fairy tale written by a French pilot for children should be read, first of all, by adults. The work teaches you to truly love and be friends, and also makes you look at the world of adults through the eyes of a child.
  2. Bulgakov Mikhail. "Master and Margarita". A difficult-to-understand mystical novel in which two storylines are intertwined - the events taking place in Moscow in the 30s of the last century, and the last days of the life of Jesus Christ.
  3. Gabriel Garcia Marquez. "One Hundred Years of Solitude." The work is a parable by a Spanish author, leading to the idea of ​​how important it is to value and cherish family ties in a world of people doomed to loneliness.
  4. Green Alexander. "Scarlet Sails". A romantic story about a naive girl Assol, waiting for a prince on a white ship with scarlet sails. People don’t understand her and people shun her, but one fine day they will see that dreams come true, if you really believe.
  5. Dostoevsky Fyodor. "Crime and Punishment". A socio-psychological novel that conveys the feelings of a student who killed an old woman for profit. Fear and remorse force him to admit guilt, demanding fair retribution.
  6. Orwell George. "1984". The most famous dystopia in the literature of the 20th century, describing a world where a totalitarian regime reigns. The story in the novel is fictional, but the author was able to analyze it so deeply and describe it in detail that it seems realistic.
  7. Tolstoy Lev. "War and Peace". The era of romanticism in the Russian Empire was a period of tender feelings and passionate confessions, balls and duels, as well as the war going on with Napoleonic France. One of the best works of Russian literature captivates not only with the intricacies of the plot and vivid descriptions of battle scenes, but above all with the philosophical reflections of the author.
  8. Erich Maria Remarque. "Three Comrades" The novel takes place in Germany in the 1920s. But the hardships of the post-war period are only the background in the work against which an inspiring story of love and friendship unfolds.
  9. Hemingway Ernest. "A Farewell to Arms!". The best book about the First World War, which makes you realize the value of human life, as well as love, which in moments of closeness to death seems like a mirage.

In the world of psychology: 10 books that change people

  1. Napoleon Hill. "Think and get rich". The bestseller, first published in America back in 1937, has been reprinted 42 times and remains among the best-selling. The author of the articles advises those who want to become successful and rich to take 13 specific steps and get what they want.
  2. Allen Carr. "An easy way to quit smoking." A legendary book in which the author described a technique that he himself developed and, with its help, quit smoking. The method changed all the usual ideas of smokers that only the strong willed can say goodbye to cigarettes forever. It is based on unobtrusive psychotherapy, which the reader does not even notice.
  3. Brian Tracy. "Get out of your comfort zone." This is a practical guide from a famous business coach. From the book you can learn about 21 methods for increasing personal effectiveness. Implementing the rules proposed by the author in life will allow you to better manage your time and yourself.
  4. Miller Sharon. "Stress resistance". The reason for many failures in business and personal sphere is the inability to adequately respond to crisis situations. The book will teach you not only how to calmly experience stressful conditions, but also how to make them useful.
  5. Ekman Paul. “The psychology of lying, deceive me if you can.” How to avoid becoming a victim of psychological manipulation? What words and gestures betray lies? The answers to these questions will be of interest to everyone - from a housewife to a politician.
  6. Keith Ferrazzi. "Never eat alone." A collection of articles on networking - an effective communication technique that allows you to quickly establish friendly connections and, through them, solve life problems.
  7. Robert Sutton. “Don’t work with c***s.” Quirks, egoists, manipulators, hooligans - there are many people who interfere with productive work. But the main thing is that you have to coexist with them. How to deal with destructive team members? Which of them can be changed, and which one is better to part with?
  8. Covey Stephen. "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People." In his book, the successful entrepreneur and motivational speaker takes readers into the intricacies of self-improvement. The author teaches how to set goals correctly and lists the skills characteristic of a leader.
  9. Cialdini Robert. "Psychology of influence". The popular science work that made the American scientist famous opens the door to the complex world of interpersonal relationships. The book is worth reading for those who want to better understand others and their motives, and learn to influence people.
  10. Frankl Victor. “Say “Yes!” to life. A revelation book written for those who have lost their life guidelines and lost faith in their abilities. The work is based on the personal observations and experiences of Victor, a psychotherapist who went through the Nazi death camps.

Ten books for self-development for men and women

Most men would like to see themselves as successful, determined and attractive. What topics are of interest to representatives of the stronger sex? Memoirs and biographies of famous people are not only entertaining, but also educational. You can get useful information for yourself from manuals on imageology, psychology of personal and professional growth.

  • Barbara de Angelis. "Secrets about women that every man should know."
  • Waldschmidt Dan. "Be the best version of yourself!"
  • Gray John. "Men are from Mars, women are from Venus".
  • Larssen Eric. "On the limit".
  • Machiavelli Niccolo. "Sovereign".
  • Rand Ayn. "Atlas Shrugged".
  • Seelig Tina. "Make yourself".
  • Flusser Alan. "To a real man."
  • Humes James. "Secrets of great speakers."

Women care about what clothes they need to wear to look stylish and attractive. In addition to fashion, they are interested in the basics of healthy eating and cooking, raising children and relationships with men. Modern ladies are no strangers to problems of professional growth.

  • Blumenthal Brett. “A year lived right.”
  • Brodsky Danielle. "Diary of a Business Woman."
  • Grace Natalya. “Work, money and love. A Guide to Self-Realization."
  • Goodman Amy. “We put this on, we throw this away.”
  • Lowndes Leil. “How to make anyone fall in love with you.”
  • Tim Gunn. "Fashion Bible".
  • Fat Natalya. "Duel with treason."
  • Harvey Steve. "You don't know anything about men."

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