One of the tasks that society sets for the modern education system is the education of a cultural personality, the formation of not only material, but also spiritual needs. This task has become relevant in connection with the revision in modern society. The formation of the cultural needs of the new generation is carried out by becoming familiar with the best examples, with the artistic values ​​accumulated by human civilization throughout its existence. In addition, children need to be introduced to the history of culture.

Literature is interested in natural and social phenomena, social issues, psychological and spiritual problems of the individual, and much more that exists in the real world. The system of genres reflects certain aspects of reality through dramatization, epic storytelling or lyrical immersion.

The classification of literature can be carried out by dividing it into fiction, scientific, educational, historical and reference. In addition to those listed, there are many other types of literature and new ones are constantly emerging.

In turn, fiction as an art form is divided into the following genres: epic, lyricism and drama. The epic includes such genres as epic, novel, short story, story, short story, etc. Lyrics include poem, ballad, rhyme, etc. Drama - tragedy, comedy, etc.

Epic is one of the three main literary genres, reflecting real life through narration, description and reasoning.

Lyrics are the main type of fiction, reflecting reality through a variety of personal experiences. The main form of lyrics is poetic.

Drama, along with epic and lyric poetry, is the main type of literature, which is represented by works created in the form of dialogues and intended, as a rule, for performance on stage.

Literature as an art form is a historical phenomenon; all its components and individual elements are in permanent interaction. Literature is a living and moving process, an artistic system of images that is sensitive to everything, even the slightest changes, that occur in real life.


Literature ( lat. lit(t)eratura, literally - written, from lit(t)era - letter) - in a broad sense, this is a collection of any written texts.

The material embodiment of literary works is a set of various images and concepts recorded by the author in words and phrases. Literature is one of the subject arts, in which the word is the main means of figurative reflection of life and fantasy. With the help of images, fiction recreates entire eras.

Such “participation” is necessary for a complete and deeper understanding of what is written: for example, the reader worries about Tatyana in “Eugene Onegin”, tries to understand the reasons for Katerina’s actions in “The Thunderstorm” and the complex spiritual world of Natasha Rostova in “War and Peace”, the tragedy of Grigory Melekhov in "Quiet Don".

It is our perception and experience of the destinies of the heroes that indicates that literature is an art, the art of words.

Fiction as the art of words

Fiction(from Latin “letter”) is a type of art in which the word is the main means of figurative reflection of life.

Art is the reproduction of life in artistic images. Art is one of the most important factors in the spiritual life of humanity; it stimulates creative activity and enriches a person’s life with emotional experiences and reflections.

Kinds of art

  1. Spatial types of art: painting, sculpture and architecture, art photography. They are called “spatial” because the objects they depict are perceived by a person in a motionless form, as if frozen in space.
  2. Temporary arts: music, singing, dance, pantomime and fiction. They are called temporary because, unlike the static form of image characteristic of spatial arts, they reproduce life in its temporal development.
  3. Synthetic types of art: theater, cinema. They combine elements of both spatial and temporal types (the action takes place both in space and in time).

The same law applies in different types of art: meaningless material is organized by the artist into a life-like form that expresses a certain ideological and aesthetic content. At the same time, each type of art uses “its own” material: music - sound, painting - paints, architecture - stone, wood, metal, etc. Literature works with words, therefore it is able not to be limited in depiction, revealing the internal and external world a person, his subtlest experiences. This is its main difference from other forms of art. The divine essence of the word was proclaimed in the Bible (Gospel of John). The word is the main element of literature; it creates a connection between the material and the spiritual.

The German philosopher Hegel called the word the most plastic material. Indeed, through the means of words one can reproduce what is depicted by any other form of art. Thus, poetry, in its methods of sound organization, approaches music, prosaic verbal images can create the illusion of a plastic image, etc. In addition, the word makes it possible to depict human speech. Words can describe a sound, color, smell, convey a mood, “tell” a melody, “draw” a picture. The verbal image can compete with the pictorial and musical. And yet it has its limits - literature uses only words.

In prehistoric times, literature existed in oral form. With the advent of writing, a new stage in the development of literature began, although folklore does not lose its importance as the basis of literature to this day. In many literary works one can find echoes of the “origins” of literature (in the works of N.S. Leskov, I.S. Turgenev, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, etc.).

It is hardly possible to exaggerate the influence of literature on the formation of personality. The art of words has long become part of the social and cultural environment in which every person develops. Literature preserves and transmits universal spiritual values ​​from generation to generation, addressing directly the human consciousness, since the material carrier of imagery in literature is the word. The relationship between the word, or more precisely, speech and thinking, has been studied for a long time and is beyond doubt: the word is the result of thought and its instrument. With the help of words, we not only express what we think: the thought process itself has a verbal (verbal) basis and is not possible without speech. And if a word forms a thought, then the art of words can influence the way of thinking. In the history of literature one can find many examples confirming this. Often the art of words was directly used as a powerful ideological weapon, literary works became an instrument of agitation and propaganda (for example, works of Soviet literature). Of course, these are extreme manifestations, but even in the case when literature does not directly pretend to be an agitator and mentor, it conveys to a person ideas about certain norms, rules, and finally, offers him a certain way of seeing the world, forms his attitude to the information that a person receives daily.

Basic functions of fiction :

  • educational function;
  • heuristic (cognitive) function (study of the surrounding world);
  • aesthetic function (cultivating a sense of beauty);
  • communicative function.

Literature as a form of art. The place of literature among other arts.

The abstract was completed by 1st year student P. A. Khorunzhaya

Krasnoyarsk State University

Faculty of Philology and Journalism

Department of Journalism

Krasnoyarsk 2006


Literature works with words - its main difference from other arts. The meaning of the word was given in the Gospel - a divine idea of ​​the essence of the word. The word is the main element of literature, the connection between the material and the spiritual. A word is perceived as the sum of the meanings that culture has given it. Through the word it is carried out with the general in world culture. Visual culture is that which can be perceived visually. Verbal culture - more consistent with human needs - the word, the work of thought, the formation of personality (the world of spiritual entities). There are areas of culture that do not require serious attention (Hollywood films do not require much internal commitment). There is literature at depth that requires a deep relationship and experience. Works of literature are a deep awakening of a person’s inner strengths in various ways, because... literature has material.

Literature as the art of words.

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