Everyone knows that black color visually makes the figure slimmer, and white color makes the figure look fuller. But your color scheme in clothes is not limited to these colors. Other colors also have visual deception properties. Let us analyze by what laws and principles we see something that is not what actually is, in order to make this effect work for ourselves.

1 Light things seem more voluminous than dark things.

The apogee of this statement is precisely black and white. This visual deception is associated with the ability of a colored object to reflect or absorb light rays.

White things reflect the maximum number of light waves that diverge in different directions. As a result, the boundary between white and another color is blurred, making objects appear larger than they actually are.

Black color absorbs light rays, so its boundaries appear sharper than those of a white object, and, therefore, it will appear smaller than it really is.

Gray reflects half as much light rays as white, and the same number of times more than black. Its boundaries are not as pronounced as those of black, not as blurred as those of white, but at the same time it loses contrast with the environment. Therefore, this color will be slimming during the day (not like black, but still) and plump in the late evening or at night.

Each color has dark, light and medium shades. They also obey the laws of greater or lesser reflection. Light shades of any color will increase dimensions in relation to dark shades.

The expanding and contracting effect is useful for masking figure flaws.

For women who feel fuller than they would like, it is better to use dark or medium colors.

For thin people, light and medium ones are more suitable.

In addition, you can disguise slightly plump parts of the figure and excessively thin ones by combining dark and light, while remaining in the same range.

2 Shiny fabrics, even dark ones, make you look fat

It is logical to assume that a mirror surface reflects light much more than a white canvas. The halo of light draws you a couple of centimeters.

Therefore, if you want to look slimmer, then don't choose a black sparkly dress. Black, in this case, does not compensate for its shine. If you absolutely love glitter, use it in your accessories.
But for thin people, shiny fabrics are an excellent aid for correction.
And if you have a pear-shaped figure, then a shiny top will suit you.

3 Cool shades are more slimming than warm ones

Yellow, red, orange. They selectively reflect waves in their short range. You can’t say about them like white – it reflects light waves of all sizes ( see physics of color) But these colors are also capable of expanding objects.

Blue green, blue, purple. In addition to the fact that these colors at their highest brightness are darker than the brightest warm ones, even when diluted with white they give less of an expansion effect than warm shades. This means that a light blue color will be less plumping than a light warm pink.

So, if you have a choice between warm dark and cold dark, with the main requirement of hiding excess weight, then choose a cool shade.

4 The brighter the color, the more plumping it is.

Intense shades blind the eye, and this effect causes blurring of boundaries. Even bright blue: cold and not light, will make you wider than a gray blue of the same lightness.

Let's summarize

According to the data presented, it turns out that for overweight people, dark, not bright, cool colors will be ideal. It’s like in food: everything that doesn’t taste good is healthy. But I think we shouldn’t go to such extremes.
It is worth knowing that vertical stripes, no matter what color, are slimming, even if it is a blouse peeking out from under a cardigan.
And dark things should always be diluted with bright accessories.

I suggest the following combinations for your consideration:

Color combination for obese people

Black blue color

Alternative to black: deep black-blue color. This color is already different from the achromatic one: it is more fresh, rich, piquant. Suitable for both office and banquet. Combine it with light rich colors.
Such as purple, burgundy, gold, green, calm azure, brown, lilac, medium beige.

Malachite color

Rich, luxurious, exotic color is the perfect solution for a full figure. Your shape will become appetizing and attractive in it. Malachite is universal: an everyday and festive color, combined with the color of pink orchid, crimson, sand, pale green, aqua, café au lait, light lilac, and light beige.

Cherry color

Feminine and erotic. Soft and exciting. He will not leave anyone indifferent. Conquer hearts by showing all your feminine nature. Your round shapes will become an asset in this color.
Cherry color is combined with lilac, raspberry, camel, green blue, gray blue, royal blue, lilac, light brown.

Let's not forget about slender girls who could use a few extra pounds. Fortunately, they have a choice.
First: these are light warm shades, combine them with bright accessories, add shine.
Second: use shiny fabrics: patent leather, materials with sequins, satin, fabrics with lurex.
Third: bright light clothes.

Color combination for thin people

Silver peony or beige pink.

This color was proposed by Panton as one of the fashion leaders for the spring-summer 2011 season. Delicate, mysterious, filled with the inner strength of a blooming flower. It is more intended for leisure than for the office, although it will not mind everyday wear.
Beige pink is combined with warm pink, orange red, orange sorbet, the color of fresh greenery, aquamarine, denim blue, coffee with milk, bright lilac, light gray colors.

Light grey-green color

Discreet, sophisticated. Looks good on satin fabrics. It is intended for both the office and for a holiday or relaxation. Combine it with glitter and you will look like a rare tropical fish that accidentally found its way into a gray city.
Gray green color is combined with megento pink, red, yellow orange, olive, blue green, old gold, pink purple, pale gold colors.

Fuchsia color

Bright, fast, bold. He always stands out from the crowd. Fuchsia does not irritate the eyes and is perfect for everyday work, but at a holiday it will be a special pearl.
Combine fuchsia with soft pink, hot pink, light yellow, light green, blue, blue, coffee with milk, bright lilac, gray flowers.

Illusion of clothing pattern.

In the article " which color makes you look fat and which color makes you look slim?"We became acquainted with the optical illusion of color. But this is only its simplest manifestation. More complex, varied, whimsical, providing enormous material for experiments and adjustments of the figure - this is drawing. What is a drawing if not a combination of colors in different forms? The combinations are bright, contrasting, gradient, barely noticeable in a certain sequence. Some can make even light shades look slim, while others can make dark shades look slim, but deceive in a big way. There are so many designs that it seems impossible to sort out their illusory effects. But we will try anyway.

To begin with, I want you to look at a girl in different clothes. She really loves dresses with patterns. By European standards, she cannot be called thin, so the optical illusion of the fabric pattern on her is more noticeable.

Drawings on fabric

Striped dresses

1) Horizontal stripe

The fashion for horizontal stripes is quite stable, perhaps because the ideal of a thin woman has never left the pedestal, although this causes indignation among the sensible part of the population.

Horizontal stripes make you look fat. She looks perfect on a thin figure. It can visually expand parts of the body that seem thin or disproportionately small to you. For example, not big shoulders or small breasts, etc.

To its credit, the horizontal stripes are attractive. Her charm lies in the fact that she contrasts with the vertical features of the body: arms, legs, due to this, stripes, legs, and graceful arms attract attention.

The more contrasting the stripes, the more pronounced the effect, so black and white stripes equal to each other will be extreme in their kind - they expand to the maximum.

The thinner the stripes, the more visible the visual deception of the wide colors is. If they are white stripes, the expansion effect will remain. If they are dark, and the thin ones are not in contrast, then the drawing will be slimming.

Slightly contrasting stripes of different widths may not manifest themselves in any way on a cold, not bright shade.

2) Vertical stripe

This drawing is slimming. The lines follow the structure of the body. The amount of its border, in the form of a line, becomes larger. The eye fixes boundaries that are convenient for it, which are closer to each other than they actually are. It's like looking at eye level. Therefore, any presence of such lines, even a scarf, makes you slimmer.

Even if you have a light dress with beige vertical stripes, this effect will work.

If the stripes are bright, against the same background, then the deception can be reduced to zero.

A vertically organized pattern, even on light-colored fabric, will help you look slimmer.

Another interesting property of a vertical stripe: against this background, wrinkles in the fabric are not visible.

3) Oblique lines

They bring dynamism to clothing, drawing the eye away from the edges of the figure. This is not to say that oblique lines are slimming; we can say that they are distracting. Therefore, they are suitable for girls with any figure.

Be careful: too contrasting oblique stripes can distract attention so much that people will not remember your face.

Soft in contrast, light oblique stripes will fit well into any wardrobe.

4) Cage drawing

This drawing makes you look fat. And the larger the cell, the warmer the shade and the richer the color, the more the space expands. But how attractive it is, how beautifully the colors can intertwine in it!

To negate this effect, you should stick to dark shades of fabric with barely visible stripes, preferably thin ones.

You can also choose a pattern with pronounced vertical lines and thinner horizontal ones.

Having a hanging scarf, an unbuttoned coat or sweater will also visually limit expansion.

But for slim and thin people, this is an excellent way out of the situation.

Floral drawing

5) Medium sized flowers

Beautiful, bright, colorful dresses. What better way to decorate a woman than spring. However, they also make you look fatter. Another plus to the wardrobe of slender girls.

But if you look closely, light dresses with a very frequent light pattern are more fattening than dark ones with a sparse pattern. And the presence of an unbuttoned blouse, coat, or scarf will add those very vertical stripes that work wonders.

I would like to note that a medium-sized pattern should not be worn by fragile girls; against its background they will look distinctly small.

6) Large flowers

Usually bright spots - large flowers “come forward” and undoubtedly make the person look fuller, but at the same time they also distort the proportions of the figure. Distortion can be very skillful when disadvantages become advantages. Or it can ruin the whole image.

This color is suitable for large women if they have disproportionately small places in their figure (chest, shoulders, hips, etc.) It is desirable that the flower goes there. If the drawing is in full space, it will stick out grotesquely.

A special effect is obtained in the combination of a bright flower and dark fabric.

7) Small flower

A small flower expands, but in this case a lot will depend on the overall shade of the material. Light and bright ones will plump up significantly. The same will happen if the pattern is highly contrasting. Dark, cool shades of fabric with a subtle pattern will not make significant changes to your figure.

This pattern is not advisable for large and plump girls, as it will emphasize massiveness.

Illusion of clothing pattern. Part two

This article is a continuation first part, where we have already looked at some of the patterns on the fabric and their features. I repeat: there are a lot of drawings and they all distort your figure in one way or another. The question is how to make each effect work for itself. So that in no case does it spoil the figure, but, on the contrary, makes it even more attractive. And all this is really possible, knowing the features and laws of optical illusion of the drawing.

When starting to study clothing designs, you should familiarize yourself with more simple action of color, which plays a huge role in the distortion of forms, and in the article we will resort to this knowledge more than once.

Remember, beauty is knowledge and its practical application. And increasing them with each new “drop” you strive for perfect, inimitable femininity, which has been worshiped by both men and women for many centuries.

Clothes drawings

This design stands at a distance from seasonal fashion; its fickleness does not affect its popularity. Polka dots are as classic as black, white or gray. Polka dot dresses can always be found on sale at any time of the year.

The variety of polka dot colors is also amazing: some greatly expand visually, others, on the contrary, slim, there are even those that practically do not distort the figure. What does this depend on?

Visually enlarge:

1) Dark peas on a white background.

2) Frequent small peas on a light background

3) Very large peas

4) White polka dots on a bright, warm fabric (for example, white polka dots on red, yellow or orange fabric)

5) Glitter peas

Slightly change the figure:

1) Dark polka dots on light fabric arranged vertically

2) Frequent white peas on a black background

3) Medium, infrequent peas on a medium-light color of a cold shade (for example, white peas on a sea-green background)

4) Dark peas on a color of medium lightness.

Visually narrow:

1) Vertically arranged light, medium-sized peas on a dark background

2) Rare, closer to small, white peas on a black background

3) Rare medium peas in light shades, but not white (it is important that there is less contrast) on a not bright background of a medium or dark shade, preferably a cool color (for example, yellow-orange peas against a denim-colored background)

4) Dark peas, on a dark background

When a shade fades into a lighter, brighter, or completely different color. This is how volume, richness of colors, and... figure modeling are achieved.

Dim, cold, darker colors visually reduce volume. Bright, light, warm shades expand. Make sure that narrowing shades go to areas that are fuller than you would like, and plumping colors to thin areas.

For example, women with a wide top and a narrow bottom are contraindicated in dresses with a gradient from a light top to a dark bottom.

A corner is nothing more than two oblique lines converging at one point. And as you remember from first part, oblique lines do not distort the figure, but distract from it. This is all thanks to the introduction of dynamics. And since the two lines tend to reunite, reducing the distance between them, their priority will be the narrowing effect. They don’t just make you look slimmer, but force your eye to constantly scan from the beginning of the triangle to its end, which can distract from studying the figure.

The sharper and longer the angle, the more slimming it is.

For the visual deception of reduction, the horizontal or vertical location of the angle does not matter. They do not form new boundaries (like, for example, a vertical stripe), but conceal the volume of the figure.

A large obtuse angle reduces the dynamics and can even make you fat.

A frequent, obtuse, contrasting or variegated angle can also add volume rather than reduce it.

A classic leopard print dress with small, oblong, dark brown spots on a light brown background. The spots are organized vertically, and there are lighter and darker vertical stripes on the background. Most often, the contrast between the spots and the background is not great.

We can say with confidence: the leopard print of the dress is slimming.

The pronounced effect will vary depending on the size of the spots and their contrast with the background. A larger or more contrasting pattern will be less slimming.

Tiger dresses also have the effect of reducing volume, since tiger stripes are more reminiscent of a long, sharp angle, which we discussed above.

Contrasting large pattern

By contrast we mean a large difference between the properties of color. So the highest contrast between light and dark is black and white. This is a very bright and discreet combination, but very dangerous in terms of distortion of the figure.

Firstly, no more white or dark on the opposite background attracts attention, so both successful and unsuccessful correction will be visible.

It is worth knowing that white lace or a frequent ornament on a dark background greatly expands the space. If the white pattern is placed horizontally along the hem of the dress, the hem will appear wider than it actually is. For women with wide hips or legs, this will give an even greater increase in volume.

A vertically positioned white design framed by a black background makes the figure appear slimmer.

The placement of the openwork pattern on the sides increases the volume.

Black openwork on white expands less than white on black, but relative to plain black it makes it look fatter.

Abstract drawing of a dress

Drawing limited spots

Small spots limited in area with a clear contour, organized vertically, are slimming.

If the background is light, the pattern is warm and large enough, then an expansion effect is observed.

The pattern of spots is plump and very contrasting, close to large-scale.

But in any case, this pattern has more to do with the narrowing of the figure than a blurred one, since clearly defined spots, in turn, make it possible to draw the contours of the figure more clearly.

Drawing blurry spots

Many women and men want to be slim, but without bothering themselves with fitness and dieting.

Clothes will help you look slimmer. There is a set of rules that help you adjust the volume of your figure, including rules for choosing colors that visually make you look fuller and slim.

Surely many people know that dark colors visually make an object smaller, and light colors do the opposite. This rule is also known in painting. It should also be taken into account when creating clothing sets.

The rule here is the following. If there is any problem with your figure, for example, a part of the body that is overweight. It needs to be disguised by wearing something of darker colors.

Conversely, if it is necessary to make a part of the body visually wider, you should use light and bright colors of clothing that visually expand the figure.

How can this be implemented?

Let's imagine that you are a woman with full hips that should be visually reduced. You should be guided by the following rule - dark colors - to the bottom of the waist and light colors - to the top of the waist.

If you have wide shoulders and narrow hips, you need to use darker shades on top and lighter, brighter colors on the bottom.

If you have a rectangle-type figure, in this case there is a need to emphasize the waistline and the smoothness of the figure line. To do this, you should not use black color, which “turns off” the volume and makes the figure flat. It is best to use bright and light shades.

If the only flaw in your figure is your tummy, then dark colors will not work; they will only emphasize it. It is best to focus the eyes of others on slender legs, accentuating them with bright tights or shoes.

If you want to emphasize your wasp waist, you can use a darker strap on a light dress. So, the waist area will be highlighted with a line, which will visually make it narrower.

There are colors that visually plump up your figure and you should always remember them. Such colors are white, yellow, orange, bright red, all shiny shades, purple, pink. They are suitable only for slender girls or thin girls who would like to add additional volume to their figure.

Surely many of you have heard that dark colors make you look slim, while light colors, on the contrary, add extra centimeters to your figure. Let's try to figure out whether this is so and if so, why.

A girl dressed in light clothes, no matter how thin she may be, seems a little fuller. This is actually true, and this pattern is associated with the ability of white (and other light shades) to reflect a greater number of light waves. This results in a blurring of the lines between white clothing and other surrounding color backgrounds, making the outfit appear larger than it actually is.

Black has the opposite characteristics. On the contrary, it perfectly absorbs light waves (which is why we, as a rule, try not to wear black clothes in hot summer weather, as they “attract” the sun’s rays). Thanks to this ability of dark colors, the edges become visually clearer compared to white, and you will look smaller, and therefore slimmer.

Gray color is quite universal in this regard. Due to the fact that it consists of an equal proportion of black and white colors, its ability to reflect light rays is approximately in the middle. The boundaries of gray are not as defined as darker shades, but they are not as blurry as white. It is also important to note the fact that the gray shade, despite its versatility, is closely related to the environment. So, it will make you slim during the daytime, but at the same time it will increase your figure in volume in the late evening or at night.

All of the above rules, in principle, also apply to the saturation of shades of other colors, because they also obey the laws of lesser or greater reflection of light. Therefore, light shades will in any case increase your volume compared to dark ones (for example, dark blue and heavenly for blue, emerald and mint for green, etc.).

Thanks to knowledge of these simple basics, you can adjust your figure depending on its type. So, for example, for girls with a pear body type, the ideal option would be the standard clothing option for many schoolchildren and office workers: a light top and a dark bottom. This will help to visually widen rather narrow shoulders and at the same time “remove” extra centimeters from the hips.

Let's look at certain colors in more detail.

  • Green, purple and other cool colors

The advantage of cool colors for overweight ladies is that even their light shades (pale blue, lilac, etc.) give a significantly smaller expansion effect compared to warm ones.

  • Blue black

This shade is a great alternative to boring black. It, having the same ability to hide the real volumes of your figure, is still fresher and richer.

  • Burgundy

A woman in a dress the color of ripe cherry is unlikely to leave the men around her indifferent. At the same time, she will appear much slimmer and brighter.

  • Red, orange and yellow

Like most warm colors and shades, they have the ability to expand items, which means curvy girls should avoid using them in their wardrobe.

Let us also note the fact that not only the color itself matters, but also its saturation, because intense shades dazzle, which causes a blurring of boundaries. This means that bright green (even though it is not light and cold) will hide your shape less than its muted shade.

Therefore, in order to look slimmer, we recommend that you use dark, cool, but not bright shades.

Women's fashionable clothing that plumps and disfigures the figure
Exclusive! For those who like to dress stylishly and beautifully.

Take a closer look at these photos. Why do you think the same woman on the right looks more impressive and slimmer? What things in the photo on the left are spoiling? (answer below)

Some people think that having a model appearance, it’s easy to choose a wardrobe, because absolutely anyone will look great on such a figure... Is this true? It turns out that there are things that can ruin even a slim figure. Just look at these photos of Keira Knightley. Take a closer look: on the right and on the left - it’s her too! Do you still think that there are no bad clothes for a model figure?
And what can we say about figures that are far from ideal...
Today we will tell you what things look ugly and spoil even a slender female figure. Check if you have the following 10 things in your wardrobe:

1. Short trousers (capris, breeches, afghani, etc.) Perhaps capri pants look good on flat-hipped beauties whose legs grow from the ears. However, shortened trousers turn an ordinary woman into a “bun”, completely depriving her of femininity and attractiveness. Such trousers look especially awkward on short women with a plump figure. Instead of elongating the silhouette, they “split” it, focusing on the hips and buttocks.
And if these women ever saw what they look like from behind, cropped trousers would definitely be number 1 on their list of the worst things to wear.

Clothes that make you look fat: cropped trousers

Stylist tip: you will look slimmer if you don’t tuck your blouse into your trousers, but wear it untucked.

2. Leggings or skinny pants Young girls believe that such clothes make their legs more seductive. Alas! Firstly, tight trousers visually add a few extra pounds to your hips. Secondly, they interfere with blood supply and literally disfigure the figure, severely deforming the legs. And if yours also have a low waistline, then gradually fat begins to be deposited on the stomach above the trousers. As a result, even thin girls develop a fat fold on the abdomen and a “breeches” effect on the hips.

In the photo: a girl’s figure after 4 months of wearing tight trousers with a low waistline

3. Short blouse Many people not only wear skinny jeans, but also complement them with a short blouse, T-shirt or sweater. Not only does it look untidy, it also plumps up a woman’s figure. Make sure that your blouses always cover your trousers by at least 3cm.

In the photo: cropped blouses look ugly not only on a full figure, but also on a thin one.

4. Skirt with asymmetrical hem In asymmetrical skirts and dresses of the “mullet” style (the so-called skirts whose length is shorter in the front and longer in the back), even slender legs look like a “wheel”, because the knees are almost always visually in the center of the oval. What can we say about imperfect legs... If this style attracts you so much, then give preference not to a skirt, but to a blouse with an asymmetrical hem - rounded hips are better than legs.

A skirt with an asymmetrical hem visually makes the figure unbalanced and the legs look crooked.

5. Fashionable peplum A piece of clothing that emphasizes the waist and adds a few “loin” kilograms to you. Do you want to emphasize your thin waist? Wear a belt that matches your trousers or skirt.

Baska makes you look fatter. Pictured is Kim Kardashian

6. Dress with gathers Numerous gathers at the waistline or on the chest look unfeminine and greatly plump the figure. However, if you cannot refuse folds in clothes, then at least choose flowing plain fabrics.

A dress that makes you look fat. Pictured is Jennifer Aniston


7. Shapeless sweater or cardigan They say that cardigans hide full hips and therefore make you look slim. Not true! In fact, a long sweater makes the figure baggy and puts visual emphasis on the place where it ends, i.e. just on the full hips, which makes this, already problematic, part of the female figure seem even fuller.
Do not believe? Look at the photo:

Things that make you look fat: a thick jacket, thick tights, ankle boots, a shapeless tote bag

Stylist tip: replace the cardigan with a slightly fitted one

8. Low boots Look at the photo above again. Need I say that ankle boots make your legs look much shorter? Therefore, wear them only with trousers.

9. Burl coat This coat is gaining popularity every year. But you need to choose a mouth guard with great care, because such a fashionable coat makes your figure look bigger and shorter. In addition, the fabric plays an important role - the material determines whether the mouthguard will fit beautifully around the figure or bulge like a bell.
On thin and tall people, an elongated cap made of fine wool looks beautiful, but short fat women in such coats become completely enormous.

Coat-kapa - only for slender girls!

Stylist's tip: if your figure allows you to wear a mouth guard, complement the look with long gloves, as in the photo above on the right - it looks very fashionable and elegant.

10. Large bag Voluminous

“Some people apparently don’t understand what they put on themselves in the morning,” lamented the famous mother Bridget Jones. Honestly, looking at some of the girls, it’s hard to disagree with her. The Stylish Little Thing website is sure: you are not one of those people, and you carefully approach the choice of what is worthy of making yours. However, we continue to protect you from accidental mistakes and give you advice in the field of fashion and beauty. Today we want to talk to you about clothes that make you look fat.

So, we present to you the top 10 fails committed by young ladies, as a result of which they add a size or two to themselves. However, if your goal is to look fuller, then we sincerely envy you and also suggest you listen to our recommendations.

Clothes that make you look fat: TOP 10

1. Huge baggy sweaters. For some reason, many overweight women intensively wrap their folds in things several sizes larger, and thereby visually add another 5-7 kg to themselves. If a fragile miniature girl will look touching in such a large jumper, then a lady with curves will only aggravate the problem of excess weight.

2. A tight-fitting knit dress or turtleneck. No, such an outfit will not have a slimming effect, contrary to the belief of many. Quite the contrary, it will expose all the unevenness of the figure. In general, such clothes look good only on a completely flawless silhouette.

Tight shiny fabric is also absolutely contraindicated.

3. Tapered trousers or jeans. Thanks to this shape of the trousers, your silhouette takes on the shape of a triangle, which only emphasizes its massiveness. In addition, they visually widen the hips.

4. Blouses, sweaters, shirts, decorated with ruffles, frills, lace, pockets and other clever decorations in the chest area.

5. Jeans that are so fashionable these days have artificial abrasions on the hips and buttocks. Due to the contrasting transition from dark to, your hips look even more massive in them.

6. Blazers and jackets with belts . In general, a tight waist creates an undesirable effect due to the sharp division of the figure in half.

7. Blouses or dresses with wide sleeves. In them you risk looking like a giant bat.

8. Trousers, dresses, jackets - any clothing that has protruding pockets on the sides makes you look fat. They will visually expand you by several centimeters.

9. Miniature handbags . There is no more comical sight than a stately lady with a tiny bag barely sticking out from under her arm.

10. Chunky shoes and ankle strap shoes. Such shoes will only emphasize the fullness of your calves.

So, if your plans do not include getting better, these 10 points should become taboo for you. Moreover, you should learn some principles, like the multiplication table, in order to avoid accidentally replenishing your wardrobe with clothes that make you look fat.

Principles of slimness:

— If you don’t know yet, then remember: horizontal stripes are contraindicated for those who don’t want to add a couple of kilograms. If you have just the opposite goal, feel free to use them!

— White, and light-colored clothes in general, make you look fat – this is also a well-known fact, but many continue to neglect it. Give up light things in favor of dark ones if you don’t want to look like a big white cloud.

This does not mean at all that you should dress up as a black crow - it is enough to make dark colors the base in your outfit.

— Bright large flowers and geometric shapes on clothes also make you look fat – they visually make your figure heavier.

— Contrast of colors works in favor of completeness , matching in the outfit.

— Knitted items, especially those made from thick threads and large knits, are not the best option for overweight women.

— Many of us like to wear comfortable sweatpants around the house, for walks or shopping. . But this is also just one of the things that visually adds weight to us - you must admit, most of these models fit a little baggy.

Opt for leggings or low-waist styles.

- Avoid wide belts , which contrast in color with the general concept of the outfit - they visually shorten the figure and thereby make it even fuller.

— When choosing clothes, pay attention that it is not overloaded with a large number of seams, darts, folds that will catch your eye - the more such details, the fuller you look in it.

- Avoid bulky jewelry , jewelry, belt buckles - they will only add massiveness to you.

And the most important principle that should guide you: you should like her! And you like it not only when it hangs on a mannequin, but when it comes with you.

Clothes that make you look fat are unlikely to evoke positivity in your soul, so listen, first of all, to your emotions.

However, having adopted all our rules, never forget: neither white clothes nor horizontal stripes are as fattening as late dinners. Keep in shape!

It's easy to be stylish!— Website for women Stylish Thing