Very often in our dreams we meet our loved ones or acquaintances who have long left this mortal world. We can watch them, talk and even follow them... Another option for such a “grave” dream is coffins. Yes, friends, we often see them in a variety of interpretations: closed, open, empty, with dead people... In this article we are interested in the latest variation of such dreams. So let's find out with the dead.

Dreams with the dead in coffins have completely different meanings. In some cases this is some kind of warning, and in others it is a solution to certain psychological problems. Let's look at this in more detail.

with the dead. Gustav Miller

Pictures like these frighten many of us. After such dreams, we begin to think that the dead have come for us. But it’s complete nonsense! After all, this isn’t a zombie apocalypse with the walking dead! So, what does the scientist Miller tell us about this - with the dead according to his dream book?

  1. If you saw your loved one in a coffin, then this dream is nothing more than a warning. Expect life's trials, try to endure certain troubles in the family and at work. Note that the dream does not indicate to us human losses!
  2. If the dead man in the coffin suddenly speaks, then expect bad news. If you hear a deceased friend, the news will come from the corresponding circle of acquaintances, if a deceased relative - from your relatives, and so on.
  3. If in your dream a coffin with a deceased person unexpectedly falls, this is a pretty good sign. Any danger that threatens you will be overcome with a bang.
  4. If an elderly person is in a coffin (it doesn’t matter who exactly), then this, unfortunately, is a literal prediction. Prepare for an impending serious illness or death... By the way, Miller gives this interpretation a completely justified comment. He says that such dreams very often haunt pensioners, since they often think about their death, about a will for their relatives, about funeral expenses... That is why this dream can be called more projection than prophetic!

Why do you dream about coffins with dead people? David Loff
  1. A dead man in a coffin foreshadows troubles in the life of the person whom you, in fact, saw there. If a stranger or a person who has long since died in real life lies in a coffin, then Loff considers such a dream a “dummy.” Don't bother with this.
  2. If you see the skeleton of a deceased person in a wooden box, expect a replenishment of your financial reserves!
  3. If the deceased rose from the coffin and headed in your direction, do not be afraid! It’s not the walking dead who decided to have dinner with you, but just an ordinary guest from the outside who will visit you very soon.
  4. What do you think is the purpose of standing next to someone’s private home or in the entrance of a high-rise building? This dream is somewhat unusual, because there is no dead person in it as such! But there is an indirect hint that someone died in this house. In general, friends, according to David Loff, only those people who have recently attended a funeral see such dreams. But if this was seen by a person who has had nothing to do with mourning ceremonies for a long time, then the dream speaks of his spiritual poverty. Engage in self-development.

Dreams in which deceased people visit us can hardly be called pleasant. Such dreams frighten us and make us think about the meaning of what we saw. And if the image of a dead man in a coffin penetrates our dreams, such visions can frighten even the most persistent pragmatists. How negative do dreams about untimely departed people carry? Why do you dream of a dead man in a coffin? What does this eerie dream portend?

Answers to such questions can be found in every dream book, since dreams about deceased people are common and appear to every person at least once in their life.

When starting to interpret a gloomy dream, you should pay attention to the features and details, and also take into account what emotions the dream with a dead person aroused in you.

However, one must remember that if tragic events have recently occurred in the dreamer’s life, and he has lost someone close to him, then this may be directly reflected in his night visions.

In itself, the image of an unfamiliar dead person seen in a dream does not bode well, although it is unpleasant. Most often, information about upcoming changes is transmitted through such an image.

If you had a dream in which a person you know died, this may mean that in reality your relationship with him has changed not for the better.

What do dream books say?

  • The deceased lies peacefully in a coffin - to the resolution of material difficulties;
  • A dead man rising from a coffin - wait for a guest;
  • A conversation with a dead person lying in a coffin is a bad sign: a misfortune will happen;
  • A crying dead man in a coffin means a quarrel with a loved one;
  • The dead man suddenly came to life - expect news, news, a parcel, a letter;
  • Seeing yourself in a coffin is fortunate;
  • A dead child in a coffin means an addition to the family;
  • Dreaming about deceased relatives is a good omen. It means a long and happy life.
The most unfavorable dream involving a deceased person should be considered the image of the deceased calling for him. This dream always carries negativity and promises the dreamer illness or even death.

Specific details to pay attention to

General view of the coffin

  • It is unfortunate to dream of an open coffin with a dead person. You will not be able to influence the development of events in any way. All you have to do is accept the inevitable;
  • A coffin without a lid - everything you planned will come true;
  • A closed coffin with a deceased person in a dream is a symbol that you are trying to forget some unpleasant event. However, this effort will be fruitless.

Dead man in a coffin

  • An unfamiliar dead person in a coffin dreams of radical life changes. Perhaps you decide to change your occupation or break off a boring relationship;
  • A living dead man rising from a coffin dreams of a visit from guests;
  • A dead man turning over in his grave symbolizes positive developments in current affairs. However, you should not relax, otherwise there is a risk of reducing all your efforts to nothing;
  • A dead person lying in a coffin in your home - such a dream predicts a serious illness or conflicts with loved ones;
  • A dead man lies in a coffin with his eyes open - this dream symbolizes a major acquisition.

Number of coffins with the deceased

  • Two coffins with dead people in a dream are harbingers of difficult choices that you have to make in real life;
  • If you dream of many coffins with dead people, then a large number of problems will appear that will not be so easy to get rid of.

According to spiritualists, dead people often try to convey to us some important information that is transmitted through sleep. The souls of the deceased speak to the dreamer, causing in him one or another emotional response or a desire to analyze the words, deeds, and actions of the deceased.

It is an unfavorable sign that predicts obstacles and losses on the way to the goal. If a deceased person familiar to the dreamer lies in a coffin, then such a dream indicates that the deceased is trying to say something, to warn against something. Next, let’s take a closer look at why a dead man in a coffin dreams.

Interpretation according to different dream books

    Dream Interpretation of Grishina

    Seeing a dead man in a coffin in a dream - this is the personification of the dreamer’s fear, melancholy and depression, his confused state of mind. Carrying it yourself in your arms (or shoulders) portends profit and financial well-being. Putting together a coffin with your own hands speaks of advancement on the career ladder and success in education.

    Lying in a coffin means that a person misses getting an education, his student years. This also suggests that the dreamer does not have enough information to solve any problem. In this case, you should not be proud, but it is better to seek advice from a more knowledgeable, experienced person.

    To be a dead person in a dream, over whom friends and relatives cry, indicates the emergence of obstacles on the way to the intended goal. Seeing a closed coffin being buried in the ground means an incident that the dreamer is trying to forget, but cannot.

    Digging up someone else's grave in a dream, opening a coffin with a deceased person predicts the speedy disclosure of any secret, secret. The dreamer must remember that everything secret sooner or later becomes public property, so you will have to prepare for the disclosure of some of your secrets both morally and financially.

    Dream Interpretation of Sheminskaya

    Seeing an iconic living person in a coffin as a deceased person, portends good luck to the dreamer and good relations with the dreamed subject. For young people in love, such a dream foreshadows their imminent entry into marriage.

    Married people the dream predicts success in business and receiving a profitable, advantageous offer. Being in the place of the deceased himself means that in reality the dreamer will be able to successfully complete the work he began long ago.

    Dream Interpretation of Felomena

    I dreamed of an unfamiliar dead man in a coffin - this is a harbinger of financial profit, improvement of financial situation. If a deceased person cries in a coffin, then this calls on the dreamer to exercise caution and prudence, because events will soon happen that will cut the ground from under his feet.

    Seeing an open coffin without a lid with a deceased person means that great misfortunes await the dreamer in reality. Losing the coffin lid or breaking it means that a person’s plans will be successfully realized.

    Closed coffin indicates failure, the dreamer's hidden excitement. The living dead speaks of an unexpected, unplanned arrival of guests. It is also possible to increase a person’s income, receive a bonus or other monetary award.

    If a dead person is in a dream came to life right in the coffin, this portends receiving positive emotions - meeting old friends, happy holiday and so on. Seeing a dead man turning over in his grave means the development of current affairs, receiving an unexpected surge of strength, inspiration in creative achievements.

    A large number of dead people in coffins indicates that soon the dreamer’s life will change dramatically, but in which direction is still unknown. Two coffins with the dead indicate a difficult choice between two options in reality. Perhaps such a choice is related to the sphere of romantic relationships.

    Carrying a coffin with a dead person yourself promises the sleeper, successful completion of any undertaking. But nothing comes easy, and to achieve results you need to put in effort and time.

    Family dream book

    Seeing a coffin with a dead person in the house portends an unsuccessful marriage, family destruction, unhappy, even tragic love. See yourself in the place of a dead man warns of serious illnesses or a breakdown in relationships with loved ones, perhaps even a cessation of communication for many years.

    Carrying a coffin on your shoulders means that the dreamer is “driven” at work, that he is very tired due to many responsibilities and tasks. Such a work schedule can negatively affect the health of the sleeper.

    Gypsy dream book

    Dreaming with a dead man in a coffin predicts a person long life and good health, prolongation of youth. A dead man revived in a coffin foreshadows the appearance of many troubles in the sleeper’s personal and family life.

    English dream book

    Open coffin with a dead man portends great misfortunes, sorrows and sorrows in life. The dream book indicates that such troubles cannot be avoided and you will have to come to terms with your own.

    See cheap, wooden, a poorly put together coffin indicates poverty, the plight of the dreamer. If the coffin is expensive, luxurious, made of gold, then this predicts success and wealth, a happy occasion that will “come” from another country.

    Dream Interpretation of Zhou-Gong

    Seeing a living dead person in a dream - this means that soon the dreamer will receive guests in his home. Also, such a dream indicates the dreamer’s imminent move, a change of scenery. Seeing a beautiful, luxurious coffin being buried in the ground means a calm, measured life, as well as making some kind of profit.

    Seeing a dead man rise from the coffin and start a conversation with the people present at the funeral, portends some misfortune, a black streak in life. In dreams, you should not start a conversation with the dead, otherwise you can incur numerous troubles and trials.

    Seeing yourself in the place of a dead man in a coffin means a happy outcome and success in your personal life. A dead child in a coffin indicates an addition to the family, as well as an imminent wedding.

    Modern dream book

    Seeing a dead man risen speaks of impending danger, of an insult inflicted on a vengeful person who will certainly strike back. The dreamer may also be in danger of getting into an accident or being attacked by criminals.

    Crying Dead means an upcoming quarrel with relatives, a loud family scandal. The conflict will have many unpleasant consequences, even negatively affecting the dreamer’s state of mind.

    Corpse with open eyes in a coffin predicts monetary profit from an unexpected direction- it will be a rather pleasant and profitable surprise. In addition, the dream indicates purchasing new things in the house or receiving expensive gifts from someone.

    Dead man falling out of a coffin indicates the dreamer's longing for loved ones who passed away early, due to the reluctance to let them go, to say goodbye to them.

Deceased relatives

A dream with a deceased relative has several meanings: on the one hand, the dream foreshadows troubles and problems, loss of material resources, on the other hand, it is a warning about the impending danger to the dreamer’s life and, on the third, it reflects the sleeper’s longing for the deceased, the unwillingness to let go of the deceased person.

You dream about grandparents before some important event in life; you should pay attention to the environment and the financial side of the matter. Seeing a deceased mother or deceased father in a dream warns of health problems– the dreamer needs to undergo a medical examination in the near future.

A deceased brother or sister in a dream indicates that a loved one in reality needs the support and help of the sleeping person. A dead friend or girlfriend means that the dreamer needs to listen to someone’s advice in reality and follow it.

In a dream, resurrecting a dead relative means that in reality some person has a bad, harmful influence on the dreamer. During this period of life, it is better for the sleeping person not to start any enterprises, not to enter into new romantic relationships and not to invest large sums of money in dubious matters.

A dream in which a dead relative lies in a coffin speaks of the injustice that the dreamer has encountered in his life. This also indicates possible deception, even fraud on the part of an acquaintance.

Kissing a dead person means parting with your fears and phobias, losing doubts and becoming more self-confident. Going somewhere for the deceased means depression, serious illness and even your own death. Seeing several dead relatives at once indicates instability of a person’s nervous system and the development of mental illness.

A dream in which the dreamer takes something from the hands of a deceased person portends a long life.

Revived dead man

A dead person rising from a coffin in a dream is a favorable sign, foreshadowing the receipt of money and the solution to many of the dreamer’s material problems. Seeing a coffin with a living dead floating on the water predicts receiving not just a large, but a huge amount of money.

If a dead person jumps out of a coffin, then this is, on the contrary, portends poverty and lower social status. It is possible that the dreamer will lose his job or be left without a livelihood, so it is worth preparing for difficult times.

A crying dead man indicates troubles, quarrels and minor losses of money. If the risen dead man swears and curses those around him, this means that the sleeper feels some kind of guilt towards the deceased person for mistakes that he is no longer able to correct.

Seeing a deceased person move but not rise from the coffin warns of the death of the dreamer himself or his loved one. If a dead person comes to life and turns over in his grave, this indicates the return of old debts and the fulfillment of promises.

The deceased talks to the dreamer in his sleep - this means that in reality the sleeper neglects any advice or information received. Perhaps the person is afraid to admit to himself the revealed truth.

Lots of dead people

Many dead people in coffins are a sign of the end of some phase in one’s life, in particular, romantic relationships. For young free people, such a plot means tying the knot. For married couples, the dream foretells a comfortable life, prosperity, and for older people - receiving news from relatives.

Dead people in coffins in a church mean obstacles and misfortunes, as well as getting into an accident, an accident. The dream also speaks of hard, but low-paid work that a person will have to do.

If many dead people from coffins unexpectedly come to life, this prophesies the arrival of distant relatives. Seeing a large number of closed coffins is a sign of tragic events in life.

Tsvetkov’s dream book deciphers what a dead person dreams about as a warning about the imminent death of one of his comrades. Especially if the dead man appeared in a black suit. Deceased relatives disturb the living in dreams only to warn against future problems. Coins seen in a dream before the eyes of a deceased person indicate that someone is using the person sleeping in reality for the purpose of profit. The deceased father appears to the dreamer to warn about problems with the children. Seeing a corpse means a change in weather; if it lies in a coffin, it means a sudden visit from guests.

I often dream about my late husband. In my dreams, we meet him, at home, as if I’m having a party and in the crowd of people I see a familiar face, but I can’t figure out who it is... then he goes and lies down on my bed drunk like that... I go to him I come up and see my husband Sergei, he begins to tell me something like that “everyone there” knows about me... then a bright light appears behind my back, something similar to heaven and a girl is waiting for him there and calling . he goes with her. And another dream is similar. My friend and I are walking through the park and I see a guy coming towards me (again, I don’t recognize him right away)... then I look into his face and see my Seryozha, who has gained a lot of weight, so calm, holding a cigarette in his hands... then we leave together with him. I ask him why he won’t come home, and he tells me, well, you’re calm now, okay, why do you need me??? As I understood in my dream, he works at his previous job and lives there... why such dreams?

Miller explains in detail why the dead man dreams. He considers such a dream a warning of impending misfortune. A deceased father foretells a losing trade for those sleeping. The deceased mother warns that someone close to her will get sick. Dead sisters and brothers, other relatives promise a person material losses. A dead person who comes to life in a dream indicates a negative influence on the sleeping person from his closest comrade. He will try to involve dreams in a dubious event, which will then inevitably fail. A deceased person who gets out of his grave indicates that in reality no one will help a person at the right time.

My grandmother died three weeks ago... and when my brother and I stood near her coffin, I told him this, sasha, I have a feeling that she will get up right now, she lies there with a smile. I’m dreaming the same thing: I’m telling him this and I’m sitting alone in a room with a coffin, for some reason at my boyfriend’s house. I look at her, she’s lying with her hand, I’m sitting and looking, I think I’ve gone crazy... then I’m sitting, she turns her head. I I ran out of the room and said this to my boyfriend’s mother... I told you she’s alive. He tells me Len, calm down, you’re having a nervous breakdown, I’m standing there crying, I started going into her room again, she’s sitting in a coffin and looking, she says.. .lenochka come here... and I cried so much, shook in my sleep, screamed... tell me what is this for?? :Bad:

Seeing a dead person or a dead person in a dream - As the living dream of dead people, it will be a big nuisance or weakness. Another meaning: long life. If you happen to talk to a deceased person in a dream, then there will be some news soon. Dreaming of a dead person means it will rain; to a quarrel, and more to a change in the weather. The dead are dreamed of in snowstorms and rain. The deceased - rain, snow, and from the family - must be remembered. Dead is not good. If you dream of deceased parents: mother or father (or both together), then this is an accurate sign - there will be something bad in the family - either with a person or with cattle. Parents from the other world let their children know that something bad will happen. I dreamed about my mother dying - there will be some kind of grief. In a dream, a dead person says: my clothes are torn, then I need to give clothes to someone poor - he will stop dreaming. The deceased calls you with him or says: I will take you, then you will die. And when he drives me away, he says: don’t follow me, you will live.

According to the dream book, why a Dead Man (dying) is dreamed of are images that express various aspects of negativity, stereotypes of regressive behavior or specific pathologies associated with dying. deprivation of a person's vitality. A dead man can be a symbol of dead desires due to prohibitions, taboos, the inability to realize them, and therefore, an image of abandonment of oneself (as if killing oneself). If you see a person living in the form of a dead man, this is evidence of aggression and an attempt to remove this person from your path. The image of deceased parents indicates the fear of losing protection. If a positive authoritative person is seen, who in fact is no longer in the world, but is seen as alive, this image can be identified with providence, the voice of another, which is how the dream book interprets this dream.

Seeing a Dead person in a dream promises peace and perfect happiness; kissing the dead signifies long life; giving it as a gift is a sign of loss and damage; seeing him lying in a coffin portends illness; to see a person dead, alive and well, means boredom, sadness and loss of litigation; to see a person who has already died dead another time foreshadows the death of one of the relatives or friends; talking to the dead is a prediction to change your behavior and improve; being dead yourself signifies the nobleman's commitment, wealth and long life; to be buried alive, according to some writers, foreshadows sudden death, while according to others it only means a change in condition; Seeing the dead come alive portends confusion in affairs, harm and damage.

Deceased person - Seeing a dead person in a dream - fortunately, a dead person in a coffin - to material profit, a person who has come to life - to news, a letter that has risen from the coffin - to a guest from the side standing by the deceased - to a great misfortune that cries - to abuse, quarrels, that crumbled into dust is a sign of prosperity; opening the coffin and talking to the deceased is unlucky. Kissing a dead person means health and longevity, if in fact he is alive, but if he is dead, then it means a change in the weather. Talking to a dead person who was your friend in life means to arrange your affairs well and behave with dignity. Seeing yourself dead in a dream means in reality experiencing an unprecedented surge of strength and inspiration, approaching the peak of success. To see deceased relatives, friends or loved ones - to fulfill secret desires, to receive help in a difficult situation. Taking something from a deceased person in a dream means fortunately, wealth; welcoming him means doing a good deed; someone who is eager to see him is a sign that he is poorly remembered. Everything a dead person says in a dream is true. If you dream of dead people alive, this is a sign of great trouble or weakness. Whoever sees a living person dead in a dream will live a long time and be freed from grief.

If in a dream a dead person falls out of a coffin, then in reality in the near future you will only feel negative emotions. Perhaps you will begin to yearn for a person who has passed on to another world or a previously broken relationship.

And whoever sees a living person dead in a dream will live long and be freed from grief. Seeing your death or death or the process of death in reality in a dream means that some internal character trait in a person will die and this will be for the better for the sleeping person. It is also important in what form the deceased is dreamed of; if he lies neatly in a coffin, it means wealth and a good life, but if the dead man is lying around somewhere, it means unexpected danger. The presence of dirt on the coffin or on the person himself speaks of gossip and wicked actions of people around him in life.

If you need to find out why you dream of a dead man in a coffin, then such a dream has several meanings and it depends on the general background against which the actions took place, if the light, green grass, sun and clean water are all good signs that promise only good signs. When there is dirt, cold or twilight around, then the meaning of such a dream cannot be foreseen for anything good. Here are some basic meanings of sleeping with a dead person:

So, for example, kissing a dead person in a dream means that the sleeping person will live a long time, provided that in fact the “dead person” is alive and quite healthy. But under the opposite conditions - to a change in weather. Communicating with a deceased person who was a close friend during life means good luck in business and decent behavior under any circumstances. Moreover, if there is blood on the body, then in life this dream is directly related to blood relatives.

Seeing yourself dead in a coffin actually means experiencing an unprecedented surge of strength and energy, feeling inspired, i.e., being at the peak of your luck. When you dream of deceased friends, relatives or just close people who actually existed, then this means the fulfillment of secret desires, or the opportunity to get help in a difficult situation. To take something from a dead person means to be happy in life and to material benefits. If a person has died and dreams of being greeted, it means doing a noble and kind deed. It is very important to remember what a dead person says in a dream, because it is all true. When a dead person is alive in a dream, it means trouble or weakness, illness.

I dreamed of a coffin with a dead person- such a dream, of course, is very creepy, however, it does not promise anything negative. For example, if the deceased rose from the coffin, then wait for the arrival of a friend or relative from afar. Unlucky dreams are those in which you communicated with the deceased. If the deceased was lying in a coffin and crying at the same time, then in life there will be a squabble or quarrel, which could end in serious mental disorder. A dead man lying calmly in a dream foreshadows material profits in reality.

What does it mean if you dreamed of a dead man in a coffin? How to interpret such a dream?

Dreams associated with the dead have a very strong impact on a person’s feelings and thoughts. Such a dream can have several meanings, it will depend on the general background accompanying the actions. For example, if there is light around, green grass, clean water and sun, then such signs are good, they promise only good omens. And if there is cold, dirt and twilight all around, then such a dream will not bode well. The main meanings of sleeping with a dead person:

    just seeing a dead person in a dream in a bright atmosphere with greenery and trees - expect happiness; dreamed of coffins with dead people in the same circumstances- in reality there will be a monetary profit; if a dead man comes to life in a dream, wait for news or news. A bright dream background promises good news, but darkness, dirt and cloudy weather do not foretell good news; the deceased, rising from the coffin, prophesies the arrival of distant guests; if the deceased stands, looks at you and remains silent, expect great grief; opening the coffin and talking to the deceased promises misfortune; if in a dream the deceased crumbles into ashes for any reason, expect prosperity in reality.

What to expect if in a dream you saw a dead person lying in a coffin? Interpretation of dreams.

For example, if in a dream you kiss a dead person, you will live for a long time, only if in reality the deceased person you dreamed of is alive and well. However, if conditions are reversed, then expect a change in weather. Conducting a conversation with a deceased person who was your close friend in life means that you will be lucky in business, and in any circumstances you will show worthy behavior. If in a dream there is blood on the body, then in reality it will be directly related to your blood relatives.

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If in a dream you saw yourself dead in a coffin, then in reality you will experience a great surge of energy and strength, you will feel inspired, that is, you will find yourself at the peak of luck. If you dreamed about dead relatives, friends, or just good acquaintances who are not actually alive, then your secret dreams will come true, or you will receive help in an extremely difficult situation. Taking something from a dead person means you will be happy in life and financially secure.

What does a dream in which a dead man appears in a coffin portend?

If you see a living person dead in a dream, then he will live a long time and get rid of his grief. Dreaming of death or death means that one of the internal traits will die, but this will have a positive effect on the dreamer. If the deceased lies neatly in the coffin, this portends a good life and wealth, and if the dead person is simply lying around somewhere, beware of unexpected danger.

A dirty coffin indicates wicked deeds and gossip that surround you in life. It is also important to consider the feelings you experienced in the dream. In case of fear, you may be injured in life, and in case of joyful emotions, you will be emotionally devastated. A poster for the deceased in a dream - in reality there will be a good mood, shame symbolizes a comfortable living environment.