Professional calorie blocker PBK-20, is not a medicine. This is a dietary supplement, the main component of which is pumpkin seeds, plus a whole set of vitamins A, B, C, E and D necessary for the body. As well as minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, selenium, potassium, copper, iron, phosphorus, zinc, manganese. To this should be added various amino acids, alkaloids, etc.

Beneficial features

Since fiber is made from pumpkin seeds, and one of their positive properties is associated with the fight against helminthic infestations, PBC-20 helps get rid of worms for adults and children. Due to its properties, fiber reduces bile stagnation and stimulates its secretion. At the same time, it is able to absorb excess bile. It helps lower blood sugar levels, which is very useful for diabetes.

Reducing sugar levels, in turn, leads to a decrease in the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

Thanks to its vitamin and mineral composition, it has a positive effect on the circulatory system, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. This leads to faster metabolism and faster fat burning. Amino acids with vitamins and minerals in fiber help increase immunity and restore hormonal levels.

Fiber helps restore beneficial intestinal microflora, as it is a good food for it.

Principle of operation

PKB-20, once in the body, works in several directions. The first is that, due to its properties, fiber absorbs moisture and increases in volume by more than 10 times. As a result of this, the feeling of fullness occurs much earlier, which leads to a decrease in the amount eaten.

In addition, fiber absorbs various harmful toxins in the stomach, removing them from the body, thereby cleansing the gastrointestinal tract. Since fiber has a low calorie content, the body spends more calories to digest it than is contained in this product.

I would like to dwell separately on the vitamin and mineral content. One of the reasons for overeating lies in the fact that the body does not receive enough of the necessary minerals. The body cell becomes hungry, and the brain gives a command for additional food intake beyond our desire.

The vitamins and minerals in PBC-20 are easily absorbed by the body, saturating the cell, reducing the feeling of hunger and excessive appetite.

Where to buy and how much it costs

Professional calorie blocker is not sold in pharmacies. It can be purchased in most CIS countries directly from the manufacturer. The price for residents of the Russian Federation is approximately 1340 rubles per 1 package. The company offers a various system of discounts, thanks to which the cost is reduced to 990 rubles. Delivery costs must be added to the cost of the product.

The average delivery cost is 350 rubles. The weight of one package is 100 grams.

To order and get a brief overview, you need to go to one of the manufacturer’s websites: http://pbk-20.rf/ or Here you can find a brief description and recommendations for use. You can also familiarize yourself with the proposed weight loss diets based on your body type.

Instructions for use

Following the instructions, the biological supplement must be taken 30 minutes before meals. A single dose, which is 15 grams, must be diluted in a glass of liquid. As a liquid, you can choose water, yogurt, juice, milk, or another drink to taste.

Half an hour is enough for the fiber to swell and take up a significant part of the stomach. This will partially dull the feeling of hunger, and you will not want to eat much. The calorie blocker must be used at least 3 times a day. The minimum daily dose should be at least 25 grams.

According to the instructions for use, a single dose is 17% of the body's daily requirement for fiber. It is also recommended to adhere to some restrictions in food intake while taking the blocker. Reduce consumption of fatty and carbohydrate foods. The average course of use of the product is 1 month.

If necessary, the course of treatment can be continued without taking a break.


In addition to the usual precautions, such as individual intolerance to the product, an allergic reaction to certain components, pregnancy, breastfeeding, this product should not be used by people with gastrointestinal problems.

This is first of all:

  • gastritis;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • disruption of normal intestinal patency;
  • low acidity;
  • acute intestinal infection;

Also, it should be noted that when taking PBC-20, you will need to drink an additional 2 glasses of clean water per day.

Harm and benefit

No particular harm was observed from using this professional calorie blocker. Sometimes there have been cases of exacerbation of certain gastrointestinal diseases, such as ulcers and gastritis. And also, a certain discomfort in people who have suffered these diseases.

This is due to certain properties of the fiber used. Swelling with water and various liquids in the stomach, it increases in volume, moves through the gastrointestinal tract like a brush, taking with it various residues of toxins. This can be very irritating to old wounds. Therefore, be sure to consult your doctors before taking it.

The benefits of use greatly outweigh the harm. This is, first of all, the restoration of normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, by ridding it of toxins and waste. , restoration of beneficial intestinal microflora, burning additional calories. And of course, this means losing extra pounds.


before and after taking the drug

The professional calorie blocker PBK-20 shows good effectiveness. It does not lead to rapid weight loss, like some dubious drugs; weight loss occurs according to optimal physiological norms. When used correctly, weight loss is 3 – 5 kg per month.

With faster weight loss, the body will not have time to rebuild, which will lead to the effect of saggy skin. For better results, you need to further adjust your diet and exercise.

It should be noted that PBC - 20 does not give a long-term effect. If you don't change your diet and lifestyle, this means physical activity. The excess weight will return again.

The choice of methods for losing weight is simply huge, so very often doubts arise about which one to choose for your case.

Diet course

Recently, doctors have been strongly recommending PBK 20; instructions are attached and describe everything that anyone who wants to lose weight quickly and effectively should know. By purchasing PBC 20, instructions for use and consultation with a nutritionist allow you to become 10 - 12 kilograms lighter in just 2 - 3 weeks. However, it is advisable to take a full diet course, which lasts 1 month and reduces weight to 15 kilograms. The numbers seem unrealistic, however, as real reviews report, it is possible to achieve such results, without dietary restrictions and in the absence of increased physical activity on the body. If you follow all the recommendations, then excess weight will never return to its previous places, and you will be able to update your wardrobe by 2 - 3 sizes or more.

Specialist consultation

Before taking PBC 20, you need to consult a doctor, because only a qualified specialist will point out existing contraindications and side effects. You should not engage in superficial self-medication, since such a purchase is extremely undesirable for diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, impaired lipid metabolism and increased sensitivity of the body. For such clinical pictures, the process of losing weight is less noticeable, and is complemented by unpleasant changes in general well-being, exacerbation of chronic diagnoses and lack of positive weight correction. Doctors advise choosing another method of losing weight, especially since there are plenty of them in modern dietetics. Side effects after such use are rare and are represented by skin rash, hyperemia, itching and general discomfort. It is advisable to avoid such anomalies and ailments in every possible way.

The process of losing weight with PBC-20

If the calorie blocker PBK 20 is nevertheless approved for use, the instructions indicate that the powder must be drunk before each meal. So, the drug has a single release form - a white powder for oral use in diluted form. To prepare a single dose, it is recommended to dissolve a tablespoon of the medicine in a glass of water, mix thoroughly until completely dissolved in water, and drink half an hour before your next meal, without drinking or eating food. This time is enough for a lump to form in the stomach, suppressing appetite and ensuring early satiety of the body. When a person starts eating, he realizes that there is no desire to eat at all, so he eats about half of the usual portion. This is how the natural process of losing weight occurs, while excess calories are not retained, but are immediately eliminated in full.

Using a calorie blocker

The instructions for taking PBK 20 indicate that you are allowed to take 3 single servings per day before each meal, but it is not advisable to eat late in the evening. Positive changes in appearance will be obvious within a few days, and a habit of lack of appetite will develop. If you do not disrupt your usual daily routine, eat right and use PBK 20 to lose weight, then the result will remain forever, and a slim figure will become the norm. The annotation states that cases of overdose are completely excluded, but it is still not recommended to constantly increase daily doses or violate the prescribed rules. Such an unauthorized approach will not speed up the desired dietary effect, but it can still harm your health. Why rush, because in a month the reflection will become miniature, and the figure will be graceful and attractive.

Result from the drug

This innovative drug is used not only for weight loss, but also for the purpose of treatment and healing of the body. Thanks to the unique components, metabolism is normalized, digestive problems disappear, harmful cholesterol is removed from the blood, vascular permeability increases, the functioning of the bile ducts is regulated, and free radicals disappear. This is an effective prevention of many diseases that tend to be chronic with frequent relapses. Such a prescription is also appropriate for replacement, antibiotic and hormonal therapy, and the end result will only please you with its stability. So doctors strongly recommend this progressive drug; they are convinced that, when used correctly, it is a panacea for many diseases, as well as the secret of eternal beauty, slimness and grace.

What interesting things await you in the article?

Probably every woman dreams of ideal body proportions. But when extra pounds prevent you from putting on your favorite dress or tight jeans, naturally you want to get rid of excess weight. Few people prefer to change their usual lifestyle, go on a strict diet, or try to find time to go to the gym. In this case, you can use a product that will restore slimness and self-confidence PBK-20 (professional calorie blocker), instructions for use, price and reviews from customers who have lost weight will be given below.

The drug PBK-20 consists only of natural ingredients and, in addition to its main purpose, has a beneficial effect on the human body. PBK-20 will help not only burn extra pounds without making any adjustments to the daily diet, but also cleanse the body of toxins and excess water, and activate the metabolic process. In addition, under the influence of the universal complex PBK-20 for weight loss, the function of the digestive system improves, beneficial intestinal microflora is normalized and the concentration of cholesterol in the blood decreases.

Since the weight loss product PBK-20 has a natural plant base, it is quickly absorbed by the body and helps to lose weight even for those who have difficulty losing excess weight . Thanks to its composition, the intestines are cleansed, fat from food is broken down, metabolism is accelerated, and the absorption of vitamins and minerals is improved.

Composition of the drug, instructions for use and contraindications stated by the manufacturers of PBK-20


The main component that makes up the calorie blocker is pumpkin seed fiber. They are insoluble dietary fiber. Once in the stomach, fiber swells, causing a feeling of fullness. In addition, this component adsorbs all toxins, salts and heavy metals accumulated in the body.

Pumpkin seed fiber contains many beneficial vitamins; B, B1, B2, and vitamin C, as well as calcium, iron, phosphorus and magnesium, healthy oils with phytosterols and unsaturated fatty acids.

It also has diuretic properties and has a beneficial effect on the kidneys and bladder.

Complex for weight loss PBK-20 has a good effect on the functioning of the biliary tract, preventing stagnation of bile, stimulates the excretory system, normalizes insulin secretion, reduces cholesterol and blood sugar. PBK-20 can also be used as an effective anthelmintic and will benefit allergies, poor lipid metabolism, hypertension and diabetes.

Instructions for use - how to take PBK-20 powder correctly?

Professional calorie blocker (PBK-20) can be used as a supplement to diet and regular physical activity. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it may be the only way to lose weight, as it prevents weight gain even when eating high-calorie foods.

Manufacturers of PBC-20 claim that to achieve maximum effect, you must first determine your body type and then select the correct dosage.

  1. Hourglass type. With this type of figure, weight gain occurs evenly in both the lower and upper parts of the body. The calorie blocker will help remove existing excess fat and create the figure of your dreams.
  2. Apple type. The main problem area is the abdominal area. With proper use of the drug PBC-20, the stomach will gradually become flat.
  3. The “Pear” type has the main problem areas in the hips and buttocks. A full course of taking PBC-20 will eliminate fat accumulations in the breeches area, give a good anti-cellulite effect, and normalize metabolism.

What does PBK-20 look like?

Professional calorie blocker (PBK-20) is a white powdery substance that must be diluted in warm water before use. To achieve the desired results, the drug should be used three times a day, 30 minutes before meals, approximately 5 grams at a time. For better effects and to avoid side effects, when taking PBC-20, you should drink plenty of fluids every day.

Results after using a professional calorie blocker

PBC-20 is the biggest ally in the fight against excess weight. Typically, significant results are visible already on the 14th day of taking the drug.

So what is its role? First of all, it improves metabolism and, accordingly, accelerates the burning of fat tissue, since metabolic processes proceed much faster. In addition, fiber effectively suppresses appetite, which helps you stick to your diet, adds energy needed for regular workouts, and all this leads to effective and fast weight loss without the “Wow!” effect.

The weight loss product PBK-20, reviews of which are now increasingly appearing online, will help you get into shape, lose extra pounds, and when properly combined with it, also improve your health with a natural, harmless remedy.

When making a decision to buy or not to buy this or that product, we often look for real reviews about PBK-20 for weight loss or about another drug. Of course, like any weight loss product, a professional calorie blocker is not a panacea and cannot suit everyone, so PBK-20 also has negative reviews, but for the most part, people who purchased and used the drug are quite satisfied with its effect. Here are some real reviews about PBK-20 from our readers.

Calorie blocker (PBK-20) real customer reviews

Alina, 21

Weight up to 92 kg after 65 kg

Every year our course went to the sea in Crimea! And I didn’t like going to the beach with the guys, because I was very embarrassed about my shape. Until I found out about PBK-20, which helped me lose weight by the summer.

Irina, 29

Weight up to 75 kg / Weight after 57 kg

Many will understand me: at this age you want to be attractive, but how, with a weight of 90 kg? I lost 18 kg without much effort! And I continue to lose weight! All PBK-20!

Inga, 23

Weight up to 97 kg / Weight after 69 kg

Incredible result, I'm shocked. Minus 25 kilos in 4 months! Stomach problems did not allow me to fast, I tried a lot, but only natural and effective PBK-20 helped me lose weight! Thank you!

Weight loss product PBK-20 - reviews from doctors

Olga Semyonovna Makinskaya

Dietitian of the highest category
A professional calorie blocker has the unique property of accelerating metabolic processes in the body thanks to a well-chosen composition. Just one serving of PBC-20 can adjust metabolism so that all food eaten by a person is completely broken down and spent on the body’s needs or excreted, rather than being stored in the form of subcutaneous fatty tissue and liver glycogen. This cycle of natural processes is associated with the release of a large amount of energy, so a person feels cheerful and energized without overeating.

Zhdanov Mikhail Petrovich

Nutritionist, nutritionist of the highest category

It is far from easy to lose weight even by 3-4 kg, as everyone who has tried to lose excess weight in different ways probably knows about this. However, scientists have developed a unique remedy that allows you to lose 20 kg in 1 month, and such weight loss will not harm human health. PBK-20 is a universal remedy that consists of natural ingredients that promote rapid weight loss and restoration of metabolic processes in the body. The benefits and effectiveness of PBK-20 have been proven by numerous studies, the results of which cannot be doubted.

Fortunately, negative reviews from doctors about PBK-20 are even more rare than negative reviews from customers who have lost weight. On the official website of the drug PBK-20, real reviews from doctors are also always present.

How much does PBK-20 cost for weight loss?

The cost of the drug in Russia is from 990 rubles,
Price in Ukraine – 320-389 UAH.

How to lose weight with PBK 20: reviews from doctors, real reviews from people. Find out where to buy a professional calorie blocker, how to take it correctly and what contraindications there are.

Hello! My name is Irina Pedchenko. I want to tell my personal story of struggling with enormous weight, which became my worst enemy, and which I eventually defeated.
I'm only 26 years old. Although I am not very tall – 163 cm – until recently I weighed under 90 kg. Imagine this mountain! Nothing was just going right in my life.

With a honors diploma from the Faculty of Economics, I could not find a decent job: until the interview stage everything went well, but the employer always found an excuse to refuse me as soon as we met in person. There is nothing to say about the love front. All the men I know, who respect me for my cheerful character and interesting communication, did not even allow romantic thoughts in my direction.

Professional calorie blocker 20 (pbk 20)

My closest person is my mother. She could no longer watch how I, her only child, grew gloomy and every day closer to deep depression. One day she brought me a box labeled “PBK-20” and, in response to my objections, told me not to argue and to start taking the drug.

What is PBC 20 for weight loss

I learned that “professional calorie blocker 20” is not a medicine, but a dietary supplement based on pumpkin seed fiber.

Where to buy and how much does calorie blocker PBK 20 cost (price)

The cost of PBK 20 is about a thousand rubles, but the effect is priceless!

What to do when PBK 20 runs out? My mother thought of everything. She decided to order the first box on the website from an official representative, having previously tortured him with requests to show him a certificate for the product and a sales permit. It is impossible to buy this life-saving remedy at the pharmacy.

Go to the manufacturer's website


At first, I collected reviews from doctors on the topic of a calorie blocker. I was interested in what the doctors said, just seeing the composition of the PBK 20 capsules. And here is the opinion of the experts:
Pumpkin fiber. A famous folk remedy for removing toxins, enhancing intestinal motility and even eliminating constipation.

A range of vitamins and minerals. Calorie blocker pbk 20 heals the body, restoring the most important functions.

Natural sorbents. Substances designed to “attract” waste to themselves and leave the body with them naturally – through the intestines.

How to take (instructions for use)

If you take PBC 20 three times a day half an hour before meals, your appetite decreases and your cravings for sweets decrease. At least, this is what happened to me and those whose reviews I heard and read.

We didn’t wonder for long whether these pills help you lose weight or whether their fictitious effectiveness is just another scam for gullible fools. By the end of the first month, I lost the first five kilograms, which has never happened before! Moreover, it turned out that the fat burner works not only for weight loss. Any overweight person is well acquainted with constant swelling of the legs. That’s how I knew each other – before, but not now.

Professional calorie blocker pbk 20 removes excess fluid, waste, toxins from the body, and allows you to look at yourself differently. Now I don’t have to scold myself for night gluttony - I just no longer have the desire to eat stress with pies and sweets. And I left the notorious heaviness in my stomach in the past, like a bad dream.
Now I weigh 68 kilograms, and it turns out I have a figure! I got a job in my specialty and no longer catch myself with contemptuous glances. It costs a lot!

The instructions for use for the wonderful capsules are very detailed and understandable.

Everything is clearly stated:

  • the description of the drug will be clear even to the dull;
  • it is indicated in detail what is included in the composition;
  • what are the side effects, contraindications;
  • when and how to take it correctly;
  • official website address.


Almost everyone can take a calorie blocker for weight loss: only those with ulcers and people with acute intestinal diseases have contraindications.

I decided to give answers to the most frequently asked questions girls asked me:

  1. Is it possible to buy the calorie blocker pbk-20 at the pharmacy? No. Order the drug from an official representative.
  2. Does the drug contain narcotic additives? Of course not! Contains only pumpkin fiber, a complex of vitamins and minerals and natural sorbents.
  3. Can a calorie blocker be used for hypothyroidism? Can. Contraindications are only peptic ulcers and acute intestinal diseases.
  4. How long does one box of PBK 20 last? It all depends on several factors: the amount of excess weight, the desired result of losing weight and your appetite.
  5. How many calories does it block? Unfortunately, I myself could not find the answer to this question. But judging by the fact that fat is burned, excess calories are blocked perfectly!

Real reviews from people

I have had the problem of excess weight for a long time, I wasn’t too thin even as a child, I took after my mother. Somehow I kept myself in shape while studying at the institute, went in for sports and, at the very least, followed a diet. But after the first birth, she began to gain weight by leaps and bounds. The situation was aggravated by the inability to follow a diet and constantly engage in physical education while caring for a small child. By the time I went back to work, my weight had increased by 40 kilograms. Once, while actively searching for a means to lose weight, I watched a program by Andrei Malakhov, the main character of which was a girl who, taking the drug PBK-20, managed to lose several tens of kilograms without exhausting herself with diets and special physical training. I looked at her photos before and after taking this PBC 20 - without a doubt, it was the same person. So, that means losing weight is possible! I didn’t think twice, the program convinced me, and I ordered PBK-20 on the official website, as advised. A few days later I received a parcel with my order. I read the description in detail, which explained in detail how to take it. I first consulted with a nutritionist, we chose a treatment regimen - and I began to take this medicine immediately after meals: 1 teaspoon during breakfast, 1.5 after lunch and 0.5 after dinner. Although the manufacturer recommends slightly changing your usual diet by taking PBC 20, I did not do this, I just limited myself a little in food, but so that it did not cause discomfort. The result became noticeable very quickly - after 10 days I lost almost 6 kilograms! Continuing to take this remedy, I completely returned my weight to normal within 4 months, losing 52 kilograms. I have never looked so wonderful before! I can confidently recommend PBK-20 to anyone suffering from excess weight - it really works! Shuleyko Anna Grigorievna, I am 34 years old. I live in St. Petersburg and work as an accountant at a large enterprise.

Immediately after studying at the technical school, I began to develop a disease in the female line; the gynecologist referred me for a consultation with an endocrinologist, who prescribed hormonal therapy. As a result of treatment, the disease subsided, but a hormonal imbalance occurred, which led to an increase in body weight by 37 kilograms. I tried to lose weight by taking newfangled cocktails, as well as other drugs that were approved by the Ministry of Health, but there was no point, I just wasted my money. It has always been important to me what doctors say, so when my attending physician at my next appointment advised me to take the fiber-based carbohydrate blocker PBK-20, I became interested. But, before following her advice, I decided to read about this drug on the Internet. I wanted to know what doctors’ reviews of PBK-20 are and whether there are any negative reviews. The opinion of the experts was unanimous - everyone recognized the high effectiveness of the drug, the positive effect on the functioning of the body and the complete absence of contraindications, because these are neither tablets nor dietary supplements, but the most natural product based on fiber. With the help of Pbk 20, all the excess fat that was spoiling my figure disappeared without a trace in just 3 months. Amazingly, there were no stretch marks left on the skin. I became slim and cheerful again, and was able to find a job that I like! For those who don’t know how to lose excess weight, I with a clear conscience recommend using PBK-20 - it really helps you lose weight! An annotation is attached to the drug, it describes in detail how to use it correctly. The cost of the drug is not so high and is fully compensated by its high efficiency. So – order and lose weight for your health! Polina Semichkina, I am 23 years old, I live in Krasnodar and work as a consultant in the MTS cellular communication salon.

Are you also puzzled by the topic of losing weight? Then you probably had time to study all the commercially available drugs for easy and safe weight loss. There really are a lot of them, from the most harmless supplements containing plant extracts and fiber to serious medications containing sibutramine.

If you do not have a medical education, then it is better to contact a professional nutritionist to choose exactly what will be the most suitable option.

Today we want to talk in more detail about such a drug as the calorie blocker "PBK-20". Reviews about it can so far only be found on the official website, and even there are not too many of them. And since attention to such drugs will only grow in the run-up to the New Year holidays, it is necessary that everyone has enough information.

From the history of drug development

This information is available on the official website through which the drug is sold. On behalf of experts in the field of dietetics and weight loss, it is said that all previous experience in the production and use of weight loss drugs was used in the development of a completely new product, which has become a universal solution for all people. Whatever the reason behind the fact that excess weight appears, the PBC-20 calorie blocker will help you. The reviews that we can find fully confirm this, but to what extent we can trust them, let’s figure it out together.

About the drug

Let’s leave what doctors are like until last, while we get acquainted with the information provided by the manufacturer. So, this is a revolutionary tool. Taking it allows you to give up diets, dubious pills and teas for weight loss. That is, in front of you is another magical remedy that makes it possible to eat cakes and lose weight. But that's not all that the PBC-20 calorie blocker provides. Reviews give us hope that it will be possible not only to lose weight, but also to maintain a figure in ideal condition, and at the same time not deny yourself either cakes or donuts. Plus, the drug is completely natural and safe for health. It’s tempting, but what provides such a fantastic result?

Medicine from the inside

This is the first snag. It is not so easy to find information about what the PBC-20 calorie blocker consists of. Reviews talk a lot about the complete safety of the drug and good health after its use, but that’s where all the data ends. You can read that taking the drug completely compensates for the body’s need for fiber and pectin, that is, according to the manufacturers, the capsule is analogous to a basket of vegetables and fruits, as well as a plate of sprouted seeds. Of course, plant fiber is an important component of dietary nutrition, but taking it does not guarantee weight loss without following a low-calorie diet.

Composition of the drug

The most complete information that could be found suggests that it contains pumpkin fiber, as well as a number of vitamins, namely A, E and C, and a complex of minerals. A logical question arises: “And if we take separately pumpkin fiber, which costs only 200 rubles, and any available complex of vitamins and minerals, for example, Duovit, the price of which is about 150 rubles, won’t we get a complete analogue of this original drug?” . Of course, the manufacturer does not answer this question. But it is still doubtful whether such absolutely useful components can give the promised effect, namely weight loss, regardless of the amount of food entering the body. Maybe we still don’t know everything about the professional calorie blocker 20 - “PBK-20”? Go ahead.

Properties of the drug

The list is truly impressive. Reading it for the first time, you involuntarily begin to believe that you have found the real elixir of youth and health. Professional calorie blocker 20 - "PBK-20" allows you to reduce cholesterol levels and completely get rid of toxins. In addition, stool returns to normal quite quickly, because constipation very often becomes a harbinger of excess weight gain. But that's not all. By taking this drug, you will significantly improve your metabolism. The drug also allows you to lower blood pressure and improve kidney function, normalizes the motility of the biliary tract and helps eliminate all worms living in the body.

Doctors' conclusions

Of course, nutritionists monitor the appearance of new drugs on the market and analyze their effectiveness. The calorie blocker "PBK-20" is no exception. Its composition has been criticized, since it is certainly beneficial for the body, but cannot provide the effect that the manufacturer promises.

According to leading nutritionists, this is another useless drug that offers a cure for all existing diseases. An impressive list can impress anyone, and therefore, most people will purchase this product without hesitation. Not everyone will analyze the composition. However, it is worth doing this, because against the backdrop of such a list of health problems that the drug treats, even weight loss looks like nothing more than a pleasant addition. Can fiber and vitamins provide such effectiveness? Doctors are sure no. Reviews on the official website say the opposite.

Effect of active ingredients on the body

We will look in more detail at how exactly the PBC-20 calorie blocker works. Reviews from doctors warn people against blindly trusting the manufacturer. It is impossible to lose weight without changing your usual lifestyle, which is most often the reason for the appearance of extra pounds. However, a person is designed in such a way that it is easier for him to believe in a magic pill than to make real efforts.

So, first, we have already described the difficulties that a person faces when trying to find out what the effect of such a product as the calorie blocker “PBK-20” is based on. The exact composition is not specified, but manufacturers repeatedly refer to the benefits of fiber for health and figure. Based on this, we conclude that the effect of the drug is based on the properties of dietary fiber. Let's look separately at their effects on the body.

Alimentary fiber

You should not delude yourself and believe that you can continue to lie on the couch, and a professional calorie blocker 20 - "PBK-20" - will provide you with an ideal figure. Reviews from doctors confirm that insoluble dietary fiber does not interfere with the absorption of calories; they act in a completely different way. These coarse plant fibers, entering the stomach, absorb a lot of liquid and increase in volume. That is, you instantly feel full, and if you consider that these fibers are insoluble, you can assume that it will last much longer than usual. That is, you can eat very little and add volume with such a miracle remedy as the professional calorie blocker 20 - "PBK-20". Reviews from nutritionists confirm that such drugs can help you stick to a low-calorie diet, eat less and not feel hungry, but you can choose a similar source of these essential fibers, the price of which is much lower.

What other properties does dietary fiber have? They prolong the feeling of fullness, and also mix with other foods and slightly reduce the rate of absorption of nutrients. However, the effect of dietary fiber on body weight should not be overestimated; it is quite moderate. But there is no talk of losing weight without any effort or dieting at all. That is why it is worth questioning the information disseminated by the manufacturer about such a product as the calorie blocker "PBK-20". Reviews from nutritionists tell us that without changing your food habits (eating without a regimen, an abundance of sweets, fatty and heavy foods), it is impossible to start losing weight. Therefore, you should not believe the advertising that by simply drinking a capsule once a day, you will turn into an inch.

Instructions for use

Based on all that has been said, we can conclude that the calorie blocker PBK-20 is not at all so effective. Reviews from gynecologists indicate that very often women turn to them with a request to prescribe some kind of drug in order to stabilize weight, which has begun to increase due to age-related reasons. However, none of them recommend this drug, since it is only an auxiliary one. This is exactly how the PBK-20 calorie blocker should be perceived. Its composition is not something radically new, but the cost is greatly inflated; there are many similar drugs in pharmacies, the price of which is much lower. An example is “MCC” (microcrystalline cellulose) and some others.

So, you buy a cardboard box that says: PBK-20 calorie blocker. How to take this medicine can be found in the package insert. The package contains 100 g of powder. How much dietary fiber there is remains a mystery; there is no information on the website; perhaps it is indicated on the packaging itself.

Now you need to decide on the dosage regimen. It is very simple, you should take 15 g in three doses, that is, usually in the morning, lunch and evening. So it is recommended to take it, which means that the course is at least one month. Considering that the package will only last you a week, we can conclude that the cost of the course is impressive.

Where can I buy

It is not sold through pharmacies or stores. That is, in order to purchase this revolutionary product, you need to place an order on the website. The purchase is paid after receiving the parcel at the post office. The cost of one package is about 1200 rubles. However, be sure to consult with a therapist and nutritionist before ordering the PBC-20 calorie blocker. Reviews from gynecologists tell us that there are many other means that are no less effective, but much more accessible. In addition, you can replace the drug with a large amount of fresh vegetables, sprouted wheat grains or other sources of dietary fiber.