The golden youth of the times of the Brezhnev Politburo, unlike the current inhabitants of Rublyovka, managed to love, walk and suffer without washing dirty linen in the “Kremlin hut”. Their amorous secrets have not yet leaked to the people. The only exception is Galina BREZHNEVA. And so Express Newspaper managed to find out about the stormy romances of other representatives of high society in the 70s. After much persuasion, Victoria FILIPPOVA, the granddaughter of Leonid Ilyich, spoke about them. As it turned out, the children and grandchildren of the elderly party elite were no worse than the heroes of the Brazilian TV series. For example, Victoria’s own fiancé was seduced by her mother’s friend, but the young Soviet princess was not at a loss and stole her suitor from the daughter of Kirill MAZUROV, the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus. And in the family of Alexei KOSYGIN, free morals generally reigned - as many as two love triangles coexisted in it! Or here’s a riddle: BREZHNEV’s granddaughter and ANDROPOV’s daughter were simultaneously the wives of... Mikhail FILIPPOV.

This is the second time Victoria has spoken frankly to our newspaper. In her first exclusive interview (No. 30, 31, 2003), she revealed the secrets of her mother and famous grandfather.

Svetlana ORLOVA,

Photo from the Brezhnev family archive

The granddaughter of Leonid Ilyich never bore his famous surname. At first she was Milaeva, like her father, a circus performer. And when she got married, she became Filippova. A year and a half ago, in her first interview with Express Gazeta, Victoria talked a little about her second husband, Gennady Varakut. But which family her first husband was from, where he studied and what he worked for, she flatly refused to say. I only declassified his first and last name.

And a funny situation turned out: both enviable brides of the 70s - Victoria, the granddaughter of General Secretary Brezhnev, and Irina, the daughter of the Chairman of the KGB of the USSR Andropov - jumped out to marry Mikhail Filippov. But for a long time it remained unclear: either it was one person, or the sons-in-law of two major figures in the era of “stagnation”, ironically, turned out to be not only namesakes, but also namesakes.

It is known about Irina that she is the former wife of a private in those years, and now a famous actor. Having divorced Andropov's daughter, he married actress Natalya Gundareva. If this is the same person, then it turned out that Mikhail Filippov, the current husband of Natalya Gundareva, managed to be the son-in-law of two general secretaries! Of course, this version seemed unlikely. But in this case, it seemed strange, why was Victoria dark?

In order to find out what really happened, I called Brezhnev’s granddaughter. - Victoria, it’s time to tell the whole truth: did you take Irina’s husband away from you, or did she take her away from you? - I asked either jokingly or seriously. Brezhnev’s granddaughter, like a year and a half ago, lives in Pavlovsky Posad. Still rarely visits Moscow. But she still agreed to go to the editorial office and tell the truth about this mysterious story. And about much more...

Brezhnev saved Gundareva

My grandparents, Leonid Ilyich and Victoria Petrovna, never indicated who to be friends with and who not to be friends with. That’s why our youth company took shape spontaneously,” recalls Vika. - The children of party leaders rested in some elite sanatoriums, were treated in the Kremlin hospital, and shopped in special stores. And finally, our children went to the same kindergarten, where we, their parents, met at matinees. Willy-nilly, they communicated and made friends among themselves. This is how I became close to the children of Alexei Kosygin, Chairman of the Council of Ministers, the daughters of Romanov, secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the CPSU, and the son of Rashidov, the leader of Uzbekistan. But with the children of Yuri Andropov, things did not go beyond simple acquaintance.

According to Vika, Andropov’s children were like “ugly ducklings” in the Kremlin aviary. True, they were not destined to grow into beautiful swans.

Somehow it just so happened that all the golden youth were a match for their high position, they were all nice and sociable,” recalls Victoria. - But Yuri Vladimirovich’s children were the ugliest of all of us. They were unlucky: the eldest Igor and the youngest Irina were born facing their father. They were reserved and shunned our youth company. Andropov's children, as a rule, rested with their dad at the dacha, and not in a social circle. At first, I didn’t even understand why they were acting so aloof.

The reason for the strange behavior of the children of the KGB chief was explained to young Vika by her grandmother. “Victoria Petrovna told me that in 1956 Tatyana Filippovna, the wife of Yuri Vladimirovich, suffered severe stress,” says Victoria. - At that time, Andropov worked as ambassador to Hungary. And it fell to his lot to suppress the anti-communist rebellion in Budapest. The rebels dealt mercilessly with the communists. And one day Tatyana Filippovna saw human heads on the stakes of the fence around the Soviet embassy. Since then, she began to have serious mental problems. And when there is a mentally ill person in the house, it is very difficult to live in it. Yuri Vladimirovich worked a lot, and besides, with his sick wife, he had to take care of the children himself. He was a stern man, and therefore it is not surprising that he established strict rules in the house. Yuri Vladimirovich kept them strictly - he did not allow any cars, rags, or trips abroad. But harsh family discipline did not benefit them. Igor started drinking shamelessly early. And Ira, already in her student years, turned into a monstrously severe neurasthenic. She was chronically depressed and always had handfuls of pills in her bag. One day I met her at the clinic and was horrified: her hands were just shaking! That day, for some reason, she ran out of medicine, and, as luck would have it, she had an attack on the way to the doctor.

And just imagine: an ugly, lanky girl, and also a neurasthenic person. Her condition, of course, left an imprint on her interactions with people. She met her future husband, Mikhail Filippov, at some party. He was a very delicate, intelligent and extremely reserved person. We saw each other at various events, he did not utter a single extra word during our meetings. It was rumored that Irina herself destroyed the family with her endless scenes of jealousy. She was sure that since her husband was an actor, he would definitely cheat on her. She was terribly jealous of him. Unreasonably at first. And then, probably, she just annoyed him with her suspicions.

According to Victoria, Yuri Vladimirovich once confided in Leonid Ilyich. He said that Irina once asked her father to let his agents find out if her husband had a mistress. The intelligence services completed the task and reported to the patron that Mikhail Filippov was having an affair with one of the theater actresses. Yuri Vladimirovich pondered for a long time whether he should tell his daughter the truth. I decided not to hand over my son-in-law; I was afraid that my daughter’s damaged psyche would not withstand such a blow. He lied to Irina that her husband was pure.

In this conversation, Yuri Vladimirovich also mentioned the name of Filippov’s girlfriend, then already a popular artist Natalya Gundareva. But Leonid Ilyich only sympathized with Andropov. And he himself did not dare to pursue his son-in-law’s mistress without the highest consent. And Irina, apparently, somehow became convinced of her husband’s infidelity and nevertheless filed for divorce.

“I think Filippov got cold feet,” says Leonid Ilyich’s granddaughter. - After all, Andropov was not distinguished by his breadth of soul and forgiveness. Leaving the family of the head of the secret service with such a scandal was a risky business. And Misha began to restore relations with his ex-wife. He managed to convince Irina to get back together. She again went to her father for advice. And she told him an almost anecdotal phrase: “Dad, won’t it be immoral if I marry my husband again?” Andropov waved his hands: “Of course, daughter, that’s good!” True, there were rumors that Filippov did not break off relations with his theatrical passion. I have no doubt - from the very beginning he cheated on Irina with Natalya Gundareva. And Irina’s divorce from Filippov was indicative: he left the family immediately after the death of Yuri Vladimirovich, because the actor had nothing to fear.

Calculating son-in-law

So was the artist Mikhail Filippov your husband?

“I married his namesake,” says Victoria. - My first husband was not an actor, but he was one of the most handsome guys in Moscow. They met by chance. Then Vika was listed as a student at the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University. I studied through the roof and skipped classes. And when it came time to take the exam, the teachers didn’t really notice that she was the granddaughter of the Secretary General. She was expelled from the university for poor academic performance. One day she and her friend went to their favorite perfume store “Lilac” on Kalininsky Prospekt. They noticed a handsome young man at the counter.

It was impossible not to notice him. The brunette is 1 m 90 cm tall! He also paid attention to us. When we left the store, we found that the handsome guy was waiting for us on the street. He came up, introduced himself as Mikhail Filippov, and exchanged phone numbers. A day later he called, we met for a little while and quickly decided to get married,” Vika recalls.

Filippov was three years older than Vika. It was almost like a princess and the swineherd story. Misha's mother worked as a taxi driver and raised her son without a husband. They lived poorly. Mikhail understood that he could only rely on himself. He studied diligently and entered the finance and credit department of the Plekhanov Moscow Institute of National Economy. And, as Victoria realized later, he began to look for a profitable bride. “We had already started dating when I found out that before me Misha met with Lena Mazurova, the daughter of the first secretary of the Communist Party of Belarus,” says Victoria. - Although I was pretty, Lena was more beautiful than me. And she really liked Misha. She hoped that their romance would end with a wedding. But Filippov considered it more suitable for himself to marry Brezhnev’s granddaughter. Lena was offended by me for a long time. Leonid Ilyich liked his granddaughter’s new friend. Misha, a handsome, simple guy, knew how to put people at ease; the smile never left his face. Already married to Victoria, he entered the Vneshtorg Academy. True, Victoria assures that he was “admitted.” Soon after the wedding, their daughter Galina was born. They lived together for five years.

Something broad and merchant-like awoke in Misha. He became dizzy from permissiveness, he began to drink a lot, and after drinking, he liked to speculate on his relationship with Brezhnev. Misha’s “jumps” could not but affect our family relationships,” Victoria says with undisguised regret. “I was a young fool, I hid his bad behavior from my grandfather. True, the special services knew about his spree, but for the time being they did not “knock” Leonid Ilyich. Therefore, when I said that I was divorcing Misha, in my grandfather’s eyes I was the one to blame. Besides, by this time I was getting ready to marry someone else - Gena Varakuta. I met him at GITIS, where I entered the department of theater criticism. He was a singer and graduated from the musical theater department. It was true love!

For Leonid Ilyich it was a disaster. For two years he could not come to terms with my divorce. Gena was summoned to the KGB and offered to transfer to Leningrad. We lived apart for a year. And only after this probationary period did Leonid Ilyich allow us to get married. Gena was accepted into the house when another year and a half had passed. (End to follow) * Irina ANDROPOVA After her divorce from Mikhail Filippov, she never married again. After graduating from the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University, she worked as an editor at the Molodaya Gvardiya publishing house. According to the recollections of former colleagues, Andropov’s daughter dressed very modestly and was extremely reserved. I was not friends with any of my colleagues. One day she invited her publishing comrades to visit. Everyone was surprised: the daughter of the Chairman of the KGB of the USSR lived in a small one-room apartment with modest furnishings. * Later, Irina Yuryevna went to work at the magazine “Soviet Music”, where she worked for a long time as deputy editor-in-chief.

* After the death of her father and divorce from her husband, Irina Andropova became seriously ill. When Yeltsin came to power, she was deregistered at the Medical Center under the Russian government. At that time she was a disabled person of the second group. Irina Yuryevna asked for help from Alexander Korzhakov, then the head of Boris Yeltsin’s Security Service. He helped her regain her lost privilege. * Now Irina Yuryevna is 59 years old, she is a pensioner. She lives alone in an apartment on Bolshaya Dragomilovskaya Street. Her son Dmitry, a bank employee, lives on Plyushchikha. * Igor ANDROPOV graduated from MGIMO. The peak of his career was his appointment as ambassador to Greece. There he drank harder than usual after learning about his wife’s infidelity. He was recalled to Moscow for drunkenness. Returning, he married actress Lyudmila Chursina. But he soon divorced and remarried his first wife. Before his retirement, he worked as an ambassador-at-large.


* Mikhail FILIPOV, husband of Brezhnev’s granddaughter, worked in the USSR Ministry of Foreign Trade. In 1989, he left government service and created the joint Soviet-Maltese enterprise Greenfield. Now he is the chairman of the board of Greenfieldbank CJSC. Married, has a son in his second marriage. According to rumors, when his 30-year-old daughter Galina fell ill several years ago, he refused Victoria’s request for financial assistance. Victoria herself neither confirmed nor denied this fact, saying only that she would not like to talk about this topic.

Read in the next issue of “EG”:

* Shchelokov’s son chose a woman 20 years older than himself over Leonid Ilyich’s granddaughter. * There were two love triangles in the Kosygin family. The prime minister's son-in-law seduced his son's wife. * The personal life of Brezhnev’s grandchildren was destroyed by Gorbachev. The Secretary General shamelessly deprived them of their jobs.

Not much has passed since the death of L. I. Brezhnev. His entire rather long life, including very controversial family circumstances, is now known in detail and reliably, which cannot be said about such awareness of the people in Soviet times. And in order to understand why the family of the once strongest person in the USSR had such a sad end, why Brezhnev’s granddaughter Victoria abandoned her daughter, how the latter ended up in Kashchenko, left there and became homeless, etc., it is worth studying the biographies more deeply his wife, daughter and, of course, his favorites.


Brezhnev's wife, Victoria Petrovna, was Denisova before her marriage. However, there is also an opinion that her real name is Goldberg. Victoria Petrovna Brezhneva was born in December 1907 in Belgorod, Kursk province. She and her husband had two, Yuri, about whom for some reason they talk very little both then and today, and, of course, Galina, who became famous as a lover of the circus and diamonds.

Brezhnev was considered the first Soviet politician of the Western type. His white-toothed smile, funny dimples on his cheeks, and respectable clothes made women go crazy about him. They say that the Secretary General himself was partial to the fair sex. But nevertheless, all his life he was married to one and only one. Only his wife, Victoria Brezhneva, shared his sorrows and joys, his ups and his illness.

Brezhnev's wife

The biography of this woman was a mystery to many during the Soviet years. She always remained in the background. Victoria Petrovna Brezhneva silently bore on her shoulders the evil fate and misfortunes that befell the family. She, who was never interested in her husband’s political or state affairs, did not interfere in them. She had enough of the constant worries with the children. And the Secretary General himself tried not to delve into household affairs. They say that at the slightest opportunity he went hunting, where, judging by the words of people close to him, his second home was located in Zavidovo. As a rule, the leader of the USSR left there on Friday afternoon and returned on Sunday evening.

In recent years, as his entourage believed, his family, including Victoria Petrovna Brezhneva herself, were happy about such trips. The wife believed that constant family troubles were the cause of her husband’s developing illness. They say that the only one whom the Secretary General loved was Brezhnev’s granddaughter, Victoria. In general, there were difficult relationships in the family of the first person in the country. But Galina Brezhneva caused him the biggest trouble. The daughter of Victoria Brezhneva, who enjoyed all the benefits, led a very wild life, so her mother had to hide a lot from her husband.

"Headache" of the Secretary General

It would seem that from birth Galina was destined to become happy. She had a loving mother, her father was a high-ranking official, prosperity reigned in the house, all doors opened for her. However, Galina’s difficult character did not allow Brezhnev to live in peace. At twenty-two, his daughter ran away with a circus performer. The strong man Milaev was much older than her. Galina easily exchanged her carefree life for the unknown, leaving with him. They say my father was going crazy. He tried to find the prodigal Galina, but she returned only a year later. When the father saw his daughter and son-in-law, as well as his granddaughter, he forgave them and even recognized Milaev. After the circus performer, she had many relationships, including extramarital ones. Galina had several husbands and a lot of lovers. But her wild life came to an end after the death of her father.

The new government did not like her, they even tried to confiscate Galina’s car, dacha, jewelry, and gifts from her father, but she managed to win the trial. Brezhnev's daughter rented out a dacha to live on this money. Many thrift stores in the capital sold things that once belonged to her father. Galina drank a lot, she died at the age of sixty-nine in the hospital, completely alone. Even Brezhnev’s granddaughter Victoria, whose biography also had many sad moments, was not present at his deathbed.

Childhood favorite

The story of a granddaughter, in which General Secretary Leonid Ilyich could well be called worthy of a real novel. Victoria Brezhneva, whose photo often appeared on the covers of magazines, was not only the heiress of a noble name, but also an enviable bride. The most prestigious suitors in the capital secretly wanted to ask for her hand in marriage. It would seem that she is guaranteed a serene and happy life until old age. But fate had its own way.

As a child, Victoria did not need anything. Of course, she was the granddaughter, and the beloved one, of Leonid Ilyich himself. But she was sorely lacking ordinary maternal warmth. And even despite the fact that Victoria Petrovna’s grandparents doted on their Vitus, she missed her parents.

Galina and her husband constantly disappeared on tour. Brezhnev's daughter got a job as a make-up artist in a circus troupe so that she and her husband could travel around the world. She brought expensive gifts for her girl, Victoria played with dolls that other Soviet children could not even dream of, but apparently this was not happiness. The girl wanted to go for walks with her parents, to be with her mom and dad more often, but they clearly had no time for her.

Apparently, this is the reason that Victoria was unsure of herself, which affected her later life. The men she loved often betrayed her, they did not even hide their desire to spend her grandfather’s money, and even deceived her and robbed her. She missed human warmth so much! Apparently that’s why she became attached to her teacher from GITIS, Raisa Logvinova, and was friends with her even after graduation. “Soul-person”, this is exactly what Victoria Brezhneva was, according to this woman.


Galina’s daughter, after graduating from school, first entered the pedagogical institute, but soon transferred to GITIS. She studied at the Faculty of Theater Studies, already being a young mother. Brezhnev's granddaughter Victoria met her future husband by chance. He was also a student. Of course, this was not the choice that grandfather dreamed of for his favorite, but he had to come to terms with it. The wedding took place. Soon, Victoria Brezhneva, whose biography was supposed to be “stellar,” gave birth to a daughter. She was named after the daughter of the Secretary General Galina. It must be said that the grandfather, although he did everything for his favorite, nevertheless, dissatisfied with her choice, did not even give the newlyweds an apartment, and therefore they all lived together in Brezhnev’s house.


Victoria loved her husband Misha very much. At first everything was fine for them. But when Mikhail became the son-in-law of the first man of a huge country, he began a dizzying career. And soon big money appeared. As a result, Misha began to take walks. Obviously, Victoria Brezhneva knew about this. Out of desperation, she began to accept the advances of Gennady Varakuta, a GITIS student who came to Moscow from Kyiv.

When in 1977 Leonid Ilyich found out that his married granddaughter was having a whirlwind affair, he was terribly angry and instructed Andropov to quickly sort it out. Varakuta was expelled from the institute within 24 hours, allegedly because drugs were found in his nightstand. He was sent to Leningrad, but Victoria Brezhneva went after him. And already in 1978, having divorced Mikhail Filippov, she married again.

After the death of Leonid Ilyich

When their famous husband, father and grandfather passed away, misfortunes began to haunt the family. Immediately everyone found themselves unemployed. The widow of the Secretary General, Victoria Brezhneva, was evicted from her dacha. Moreover, her personal pension was even taken away from her. Galina also began to go on binge drinking, which was greatly facilitated by the conviction of her husband Yu. Churbanov, which happened in 1988.

Brezhnev’s granddaughter Victoria did not escape a bitter fate. Her husband, left without work, tried to start a business. Victoria tried to dissuade him in every possible way. But he didn’t listen and as a result went broke, losing a lot of money. Discord began in the family, and Gennady Varakuta left his wife and connected his life with Baibakov’s daughter.


Victoria Brezhneva was very worried not only about her husband, but also about her mother. She struggled with the latter’s drunkenness in every possible way, tried to treat her, but Galina, running away from the hospital, insisted that she would still drink. As a result, the relationship between mother and daughter completely broke down. And after the death of Galina Leonidovna, who died at the end of June 1998 in one of the capital’s special hospitals, Victoria had to exchange two apartments located in Granatovy Lane and on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. She was sorely lacking in means of subsistence. Victoria Brezhneva herself did not work, and her daughter Galina began to have health problems.

Victim of deception

Soon Victoria Brezhneva sold her grandfather's famous dacha. But it all ended sadly. As her ex-husband Mikhail Filippov said, the granddaughter of the secretary general fell for the bait that swindlers threw at her. Someone, seemingly a famous businessman, who pretended to be her close friend, deceived the woman and robbed her. At one time, he was the owner of the Peking restaurant, known in certain circles as Kostya Pekingsky, who was later killed. It was he who persuaded Victoria to conclude a complex and at the same time incomprehensible purchase and sale transaction. The granddaughter of Leonid Ilyich, who had unlimited trust in the swindler, at his direction, wrote down in the documents not the real, but the symbolic cost of her insanely expensive apartment.

But the deceiver, having paid her only part of the money, promised to give her the rest later and even gave a receipt, which, however, had no legal effect. So, Victoria was left without money and the apartment that her mother, Galina Brezhneva, left her. The daughter of Victoria Brezhneva, whose biography is also shocking in its tragedy, along with her parent, lost their home.

The story of the "star great-granddaughter"

Those who have seen her will agree that she has a very strange appearance. It must be said that the daughter of Victoria Brezhneva was loved by her famous great-grandfather even more than her mother. From an early age she grew up in luxury and love. Unlike her mother, she was not deprived of parental love. People surrounding the family, looking at little Galochka, were touched and believed that the girl was destined for a happy and prosperous future. But how wrong they were...

Instead of a prosperous carefree life, Victoria Brezhneva's daughter Galina learned from her own experience what poverty, illness, hunger, a psychiatric hospital and, finally, betrayal of the closest and dearest person - her mother - were.

Childhood and youth

Victoria Brezhneva gave birth to her on March fourteenth, 1973 in Moscow. Her father was Mikhail Filippov, who became a banker thanks to his wife’s grandfather. When Galochka was only five years old, her parents separated. Victoria got married again. Her stepfather, Gennady Varakuta, treated the girl quite well. According to relatives, he raised her as if she were his own daughter.

But Victoria Brezhneva lived with her new husband in harmony and love for only a few years. After some time, problems began in the second family, followed by another divorce.

But the great-granddaughter of Leonid Ilyich was always surrounded by care and affection. She was constantly looked after by her nanny. Nina Ivanovna was always there. Victoria sent her daughter to an elite Moscow school with an English bias. And after graduation, Galya entered the Faculty of Philology at Moscow State University. According to both classmates and fellow students, she was a capricious and wayward young lady.


After receiving higher education, Galina, under the patronage of her stepfather, got a job as a secretary in one of the Moscow companies. But the girl quickly got tired of answering phone calls, maintaining documentation and making coffee for her boss. She went to work without much enthusiasm, and when layoffs began, she quit of her own free will. She was twenty-five years old then.

The girl’s biography changed dramatically when her mother, Victoria Brezhneva, found her a groom with the help of a wedding agency. Oleg Dubinsky - that was the name of the young man - worked as an engineer and, in the opinion of Leonid Ilyich’s granddaughter Victoria, was perfect for the position of her son-in-law. Galina did not particularly resist her mother’s will, and therefore agreed to get married. The wedding of Leonid Ilyich’s great-granddaughter, which took place in 1998, was celebrated without much luxury.

Mother and daughter

But life for the young people did not improve at all. And one day, having finally parted with Oleg, Galina Filippova returned back to her mother. As a result of life's ups and downs, the woman began to drink slowly, which Victoria Evgenievna did not like.

To cure her daughter of her addiction, her mother sent her for treatment to the hospital. Kashchenko. This is how Galina, at not quite twenty-eight years old, found herself in an institution for the mentally ill for the first time. And while she was there for compulsory treatment, Victoria Brezhneva, having become entangled in real estate transactions, lost two very expensive apartments that belonged to her. And finding herself without a roof over her head, Leonid Ilyich’s granddaughter went to live with her lover in the Moscow region.


During the entire time that Galya was in the hospital, her mother never visited her. After leaving the clinic, the great-granddaughter of Leonid Ilyich, finding herself of no use to anyone and left without a roof over her head, began to wander. For a whole year, the once prosperous girl wandered around the Moscow gateways, trying to get herself something to eat from garbage cans. In the summer months, she spent the night behind the garages next to the Tretyakov Gallery, and in the winter, Galina slept in wooden houses located in the courtyards, intended for children's games. And all this time Victoria never took an interest in her.

The appearance was changed beyond recognition. Emaciated, practically without teeth and with a shaved head, she in no way resembled the spoiled young lady she had once been.


This went on for several years. One day, homeless Galina wandered into the entrance of her ex-husband’s building to warm herself. The mother-in-law, who did not recognize her “star” daughter-in-law in the homeless woman sleeping on the floor, called an ambulance. And again the paramedics took Galya to Kashchenko. There, at first, none of the medical staff believed that this was Brezhnev’s great-granddaughter. And only after she asked to call her nanny so that she could confirm her identity, the attitude towards the young woman changed. And although the medical staff treated her quite well, it was not possible to leave her in the hospital. The head of the clinic helped her with her placement in a boarding school for mental patients. Brezhnev’s great-granddaughter spent seven whole years here.

Help came unexpectedly

During all the time that Galya was homeless or in a mental hospital, her mother, Victoria, did not remember her daughter. The woman wrote to her, begging her to take her home, but all requests remained unanswered. Galina’s father, Mikhail Filippov, who currently lives in Malta, also did not want to help. After his divorce from Victoria, he married again, and the fate of the child from his first marriage did not bother him. The only person who remembered Gala was her very old nanny. Only from her did Victoria Brezhneva’s daughter from time to time receive parcels with gifts and letters. And it is unknown how the fate of Brezhnev’s great-granddaughter would have developed further if circus performers Natalya and Alexander Milaev had not found out about her misadventures. and Victoria’s brother had been living in the United States for many years, and therefore had no idea what a sad fate befell their niece. Today Galina lives in the Moscow region, in a one-room apartment, which was bought for her by someone from her grandfather’s circle.


Victoria Evgenievna Brezhneva, the granddaughter of the Secretary General, believes that she did not betray her daughter. She herself lives, living from bread to water, trying to earn money through translations. As for Galina, her mother is desperate to re-educate her, and therefore prefers to stay away. Today no one can judge who is right and who is wrong, but there are constantly rumors in society about some kind of curse over the Brezhnev family...

She was called Brezhnev's favorite granddaughter. Being born into the family of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee seemed to guarantee a comfortable life and a happy destiny. But it turned out differently... Victoria Filippova died on January 5, 2018 at the age of 65 from cancer. The granddaughter of the Secretary General lived modestly and did not tell anyone that she had the last stage of the disease. Before the New Year, she asked to bring her daughter Galya, with whom she had not spoken for a long time, and said that she wanted to make peace with her. And it turned out that she said goodbye... Meanwhile, the death of Brezhnev’s granddaughter gave rise to an unexpected scandal, as family friends told us about.

The funeral was made into an exclusive

Vika, the granddaughter of Leonid Ilyich, was born into the family of Galina Brezhneva and her first husband, circus artist Yevgeny Milaev, who had two children from his previous marriage, Natasha and Alexander Milaev, Igor Shchelokov, the son of the former Soviet Minister of Internal Affairs and friend, told KP Brezhnev family Nikolai Shchelokov. - Vicky’s brother and sister decided not to tell anyone about her death. They buried her quietly. None of my friends knew that she had died. And I would certainly come to say goodbye to Vitusya.

“I’m outraged by what happened,” actress Victoria Lazic told KP. - I was friends with Galina Brezhneva, I have great respect for the family of Leonid Ilyich and his granddaughter Victoria. I and many of my friends would definitely come to the funeral. But the Milaevs, by their silence, actually forbade everyone who loved Brezhnev and his family from seeing off his granddaughter on their last journey! I was shocked when I saw the funeral service in the church on TV. There are only three people at the coffin - Sasha and Natasha Milaev and Victoria’s own daughter Galochka. Excuse me, only homeless people or criminals are buried this way! The Milaevs gave this exclusive farewell to the TV channel, not for free, of course. They called the television and asked to help them with the funeral. We found out after the fact - everything is buried! These are the new realities of our time, when even death can be sold. I have no questions for Victoria’s daughter Galina, she is inadequate, she has not yet recovered from alcohol syndrome. These same Milaevs sold an interview with Galina Brezhneva to the BBC many years ago, making her a laughing stock when she drunkenly danced the cancan on the table. Victoria was offended by her mother and did not speak to them for many years.

The BBC channel then went to Alexander Milaev, says Igor Shchelokov. “They gave him and his sister a thousand dollars, bought a box of champagne and without warning came to Galina Leonidovna’s home. Then the Milaevs left, supposedly they had business to do. Galina Leonidovna had a drink with the reporters during the meeting, and then another. And then they start filming the drunk woman. Naturally, after this, Victoria did not communicate with her brother and sister for a long time.

“I drank, and very hard.”

Shortly before her death, Victoria Filippova gave an interview, which after her funeral was shown in the “Let Them Talk” program. The granddaughter of the Secretary General spoke about her relationship with her grandfather, family problems and why she sent her mother Galina Brezhnev and her daughter Galya to a mental hospital.

From the time I was seven months old, I lived with my grandparents at the dacha,” said Victoria Evgenievna. - Grandfather was a very affectionate person. If he had not held this difficult post and had not devoted all his time to work, he would have constantly taken care of his grandchildren... I don’t like it when they say “the last days of Leonid Ilyich.” He just fell asleep - and he was gone. And the day before was cheerful, like on all other days. I remember how on that last evening he wanted to listen to the record, I sat down on the bed next to him, and we listened to songs of the war years for a very long time. I kissed him good night and he went to bed. This morning he didn't wake up...

The girl was actually raised by her grandmother, the wife of the Secretary General, Victoria Brezhneva. Vika's mother was busy organizing her hectic personal life. Galina Brezhneva lived with Vika's father, circus performer Evgeny Milaev, for five years and divorced because of his infidelity. Then followed a series of whirlwind romances - with magician Igor Kio, ballet star Maris Liepa...

Mom had real relationships and feelings with two men - my dad and Liepa. Mom was an ideal wife for my father: she cooked and cleaned herself. There was not a single housekeeper then. She did all the housework herself, because my father ordered it so,” Filippova said in a television interview. - Mom was a smart woman until she started drinking. This happened early, when she began a relationship with Maris Liepa, she began to drink alcohol. He didn't like it very much. Things didn’t work out for them because Maris Eduardovich had no intention of leaving the family.

Then mom drank. She drank very hard. Something had to be done about this, otherwise it would have ended badly. I sent her to a mental hospital - I couldn’t let her die under the fence. She didn't want to live with me. They called me to the house where she lived and said: take her away from here or we will evict her. She wasn’t alone for a day: all the time her friends were in the apartment, who flew in from everywhere, and there were strangers from the street... That’s why they disappeared, the jewelry was stolen...

When asked if she loved her mother Galina Brezhneva, Victoria Filippova replied: “I loved my childhood idea of ​​her. My mother and I were strangers; we rarely saw each other. I had a different life."

“Under Gorbachev, our family was persecuted”

While her grandfather was alive, Victoria’s life flowed well. The problems began after Brezhnev's death. The granddaughter of the Secretary General told how her family was persecuted under Gorbachev. It was at this time that Victoria became a victim of “black realtors” and lost her real estate and money.

She exchanged her apartment for two small ones: for herself and her daughter, but did not receive her share of the money,” Filippova said. - It was Gorbachev's time. And no one stood up. Why were we, our grandchildren, poisoned? We were not involved in politics, we did not rob the country. They poisoned us, and with us, our children. My Galya was not accepted into the Komsomol, we were thrown out of all clinics, everywhere. In the end, I was laid off and kicked out of Goskomizdat. When Boris Nikolayevich (Yeltsin - Ed.) came, it became easier...

Victoria's daughter Galina drank herself to death and became homeless: in the summer she spent the night on playgrounds, in the winter - in hallways. Several years ago, Victoria sent her daughter to a psychiatric clinic. Exactly the same as she did with her mother Galina Brezhneva.


Both marriages were unhappy

Victoria Filippova (Milaeva) was born into the family of the daughter of USSR Secretary General Galina Brezhneva and circus artist Evgeniy Milaev. They named her in honor of her grandmother, Leonid Ilyich’s wife Victoria Brezhneva. When the girl was five years old, her parents separated. Her stepfather later was Yuri Churbanov (Colonel General of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs).

After school, Victoria studied at Moscow State University, but transferred to GITIS. The first husband is Mikhail Filippov, a former employee of Vneshtorg. The marriage produced a daughter, Galya. Second husband - Gennady Varakuta, KGB lieutenant general.

Victoria was a housewife, then worked at Goskomizdat. During Gorbachev's times, she was left without work. To support herself, she began to exchange apartments with an additional payment. I fell for the bait of “black realtors” and was left without housing. Her only daughter Galya was a wanderer. For the last ten years, Victoria has lived in Pavlovsky Posad in the house of her common-law husband Dmitry.

My daughter was admitted to a psychiatric clinic. Several years ago, Galya left the hospital. A Moscow deputy helped her get an apartment in Moscow after seeing a television report about her miserable situation. Shortly before her death, Victoria Evgenievna finally began to communicate with her daughter. Her daughter found out that her mother had cancer six months ago. It turned out that Victoria Evgenievna was diagnosed with cancer late; she knew that she was doomed, but she held on steadfastly.

She was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.

The person who will be discussed in this article is a woman with an incredibly tragic fate. Being the favorite of her famous great-grandfather, she grew up in love and luxury from an early age. Those around her, looking at Galochka, were convinced that she was destined for a happy future. They had no idea how wrong they were. Instead of a prosperous life, Brezhnev’s great-granddaughter was destined to learn from her own experience what betrayal of her own mother, poverty and a psychiatric hospital were.

Childhood and adolescence

Galina Mikhailovna Filippova was born in Moscow on March 14, 1973. Her mother was the granddaughter of USSR Secretary General Leonid Brezhnev, Victoria Evgenievna Milaeva. The baby's father was banker Mikhail Filippov. When the girl was 5 years old, her parents divorced. Soon she had a stepfather, Gennady Varakuta. He treated the girl very well and raised her as if she were his real daughter. For some time, Victoria lived with her new husband in love and harmony, but years later they began to have problems that led to divorce.

Brezhnev's great-granddaughter Galina was surrounded by care and affection from early childhood. At home, her personal nanny Nina Ivanovna looked after her. Galya studied at an elite Moscow school with an English bias, after graduating she entered the philological department of Moscow State University. Her classmates and classmates remembered her as a capricious and capricious young lady.

Work days

After receiving a diploma of higher education, her stepfather got Galina to work as a secretary in one of the Moscow companies. The girl quickly got tired of answering phone calls, maintaining documentation and making coffee for her boss. She went to work without much zeal, and when the company started cutting staff, she quit.

Personal life

Until the age of 25, Brezhnev’s great-granddaughter remained unmarried. The girl's biography changed after her mother found her a groom through a wedding agency. The young man’s name was Oleg Dubinsky, he worked as an engineer and, according to Victoria Evgenievna, was quite suitable for her daughter. Galina did not resist her mother’s will and agreed to get married. The wedding of Leonid Ilyich’s great-granddaughter took place in 1998 and took place without much luxury.

The young couple's life together did not work out from the very beginning, and a year after the wedding they filed for divorce. But the relationship between Galina and Oleg did not end there. Soon after the separation, they reconciled and lived for another 4 years in a civil marriage. Unfortunately, the woman never managed to know maternal happiness. Tired of regular quarrels, the couple decided to finally break up. After this, Brezhnev’s great-granddaughter Galina was left alone. From her marriage to Dubinsky, she only received a stamp in her passport. Oleg was much luckier: living together with a close relative of the former Secretary General of the USSR brought him a promotion, a dacha and a personal car.

First treatment in a psychiatric hospital

Having finally separated from her husband, Galya Filippova returned to her mother. Because of life's ups and downs, she began to drink, which Victoria Evgenievna really did not like. To rid her daughter of her addiction, her mother sent her for treatment to the Kashchenko Psychiatric Hospital. So Galya, at the age of 28, found herself in an institution for the mentally ill for the first time. While she was undergoing treatment, Victoria Evgenievna became entangled in real estate transactions and was left without two expensive apartments that belonged to her. Finding herself without a roof over her head, she went to live with her fiancé in the Moscow region. During the entire time that Galya was being treated, her mother never visited her.

Homeless life

After leaving the hospital, Leonid Ilyich’s great-granddaughter turned out to be of no use to anyone. Left without an apartment, she began to wander. For almost a year, Filippova wandered around the Moscow gateways, getting food for herself in garbage cans. In the summer she lived behind garages not far from the Tretyakov Gallery. In winter, Galina spent the night in wooden houses for children located in the courtyards.

Second time in Kashchenko

The woman's appearance changed beyond recognition. Emaciated, without teeth, with her head shaved bald (to prevent lice), she bore little resemblance to the spoiled girl she once was. At 33 years old, homeless Galina went to warm herself in the entrance of her ex-husband’s house. The mother-in-law did not recognize her daughter-in-law in the homeless woman sleeping on the staircase and called an ambulance for her. The arriving paramedics again took the woman to Kashchenko.

At first, none of the doctors believed that Galina Filippova standing in front of them was Brezhnev’s great-granddaughter. Only after she gave the head of the department her nanny’s phone number and she recognized her as her pupil, did the attitude towards the woman change. It was clear that she had nothing to do in a psychiatric hospital, but the doctors understood that the unfortunate woman had nowhere to go, so they allowed her to stay with them for a while. Galya swept, washed floors, and helped serve lunches. All the medical staff treated her well, but no one could keep the woman in the hospital permanently. In order not to condemn the unfortunate woman to a homeless life, the manager helped her register for disability and placed her in a boarding school for mentally ill people.

For the second time, Brezhnev’s great-granddaughter Galina spent 7 years in a mental hospital. The biography of this woman became known to the public only 2 years ago, when presenter Andrei Malakhov spoke about her in his program “Let Them Talk.” During all the time that Galya was homeless and in a mental hospital, her mother did not remember her. The woman wrote letters to her and begged her to take her home, but all her requests remained unanswered. Her own father, banker Mikhail Filippov, who lives in Malta, also did not want to help his daughter. After breaking up with Victoria, the man married again, and the fate of his daughter from his first marriage worried him little. The only person who remembered Gala was her old nanny. From her, the great-granddaughter of the Secretary General of the USSR occasionally received letters and parcels with gifts.

Unexpected help

It is unknown how Galina Filippova’s fate would have developed if circus performers Alexander and Natalya Milaev, Victoria Evgenievna’s half-brother and sister, had not found out about her misadventures. They lived in the USA for many years and had no idea what fate befell their niece. Returning to Russia, the Milaevs decided to help Galina. They ensured that Brezhnev’s great-granddaughter underwent psychiatric examinations, as a result of which she was declared fully sane and capable. Relatives helped the woman obtain new documents and began to look for kind people who could provide her with housing.

Expensive gift

In order for her niece to have her own apartment, Natalya Milaeva agreed to appear on television, where she spoke about Galina’s tragic life to the whole country. Her efforts were crowned with success: wealthy people were found who were touched by the story of Brezhnev’s great-granddaughter. They bought Filippova a one-room apartment in Zvenigorod, near Moscow, where she moved in 2014. The problem for the woman remains finding a job, because she doesn’t know how to do anything. However, as Galina said in one of her few interviews, she is ready to work even as a cleaner, because the pension of 14 thousand rubles, which the state pays her, is only enough to pay for utilities, cigarettes and coffee.

Many people are interested in how old Brezhnev’s great-granddaughter is now? In the spring of 2015, Galina turned 42 years old. She is still young enough to arrange her personal life. However, Filippova herself is in no hurry to look for a husband. She values ​​her apartment and is afraid that her new husband will leave her homeless again. Galina is glad that her life has improved, and now she knows for sure that this world is not without good people.

The half-brother and sister failed to save the woman from the disease. Victoria Filippova died on New Year's holidays. She did not talk about the fact that she had cancer, and therefore none of her relatives could help her.

During the New Year holidays, the granddaughter of the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Leonid Brezhnev, Victoria Filippova, died at the age of 66. Shortly before her death, the woman gave a frank interview to Dmitry Borisov. For a long time, Victoria Evgenievna refused to communicate with journalists, but made an exception for the program “Let Them Talk.” She told what she had previously preferred to keep secret.

Victoria Filippova said that she had a neutral relationship with her mother Galina. As she noted, her mother took virtually no part in her upbringing. The granddaughter of the Secretary General did not feel sorry for her parent, who ended up in a nursing home at the end of her life. The woman said that it was not easy with her - her mother refused to live under the supervision of her daughter. There were people in her apartment all the time - friends, acquaintances and even strangers.

Victoria Filippova, Brezhnev's granddaughter // frame from the Let Them Talk program

“She drank very heavily, something had to be done about it. I couldn’t let her die under the fence,” said Victoria Evgenievna.

Dmitry Borisov asked where the jewels that were legendary in the USSR had gone. “All this was stolen, there were dishonest people. It wasn’t a deposit - it was a box, not a deposit,” the woman said.

Victoria Evgenievna noted that my mother was an ideal wife only with her first husband, acrobat Evgeny Milaev. Also, the daughter was aware of her mother’s novels - a loud relationship with ballet dancer Maris Liepa did not end in a wedding only because the man did not plan to leave the family for Brezhneva. “Everything worked out for her only with my father, everyone was surprised, she was an ideal wife - not a single housekeeper, because he ordered it so,” said the granddaughter of the Secretary General.

Dmitry Borisov also touched upon the topic of Victoria Evgenievna’s difficult relationship with her own daughter, Galina. The great-granddaughter of Leonid Ilyich was forced to exchange a large apartment in the center, but later the girl ended up in a psychiatric hospital.

“My mother decided to put me there, but I left without registration, without an apartment,” Galina said.

Victoria Evgenievna’s daughter came to the program with her aunt Natalya and uncle Alexander Milaev. They said that Victoria never complained about her health. Her death was announced by the common-law husband of Brezhnev’s granddaughter Dmitry.

“She told me in December, we wrote an SMS on the 31st to congratulate her on the New Year. It didn't happen all of a sudden, she looked very bad. I hoped that she would get better, I gave her five thousand for the New Year,” Galina noted.

But the woman did not have time to report whether she had time to make peace with her mother. Dmitry Borisov promised to devote another episode of the “Let Them Talk” program to this topic in the near future.

Let them say - Last confession: Brezhnev's granddaughter died