Suffixes and endings

(1) -ae (-nae) : whisper, whispering
(2) -ael: great
(3) -aer / -aera: singer, song, sound, singing
(4) -aias/-aia: husband/wife
(5) -ah / -aha: wand, wand
(6) -aith / -aira: house
(7) -al / -ala (-la; -lae; -llae) : harmony
(8) -ali: shadow
(9) -am / -ama: strider
(10) -an / -ana (-a; -ani; -uanna) : create, creator, maker
(11) -ar / -ara (-ra) : male / female
(12) -ari (-ri) : spring
(13) -aro (-ro) : summer
(14) -as (-ash; -sah) : bow
(15) -ath: by, of, with (I think it's clear)
(16) -avel: sword
(17) -brar (-abrar; -ibrar) : craft, artisan
(18) -dar (-adar; -odar) : peace
(19) -deth (-eath; -eth) : eternal
(20) -dre: charm, bewitching
(21) -drim (-drimme; -udrim) : flight, flying
(22) -dul: lawn, clearing
(23) -ean: riding, rider
(24) -el (ele/-ela) : hawk
(25) -emar: honor
(26) -en: autumn
(27) -er (-erl; -ern) : winter
(28) -ess (-esti) : Elvish
(29) -evar: flute
(30) -fel (-afel; -efel) : lake
(31) -hal (-ahal; -ihal) : pale, weak
(32) -har (-ihar; -uhar) : wisdom, wise
(33) -hel (-ahel; -ihel) : sadness, tears, sad
(34) -ian / ianna (-ia; -ii; -ion) : lord / lady
(35) -iat: fire
(36) -ik: strength, power, strong, powerful
(37) -il (-iel; -ila; -lie) : gift giving
(38) -im: debt
(39) -in (-inar; -ine) : kin, brother/sister
(40) -ir (-ira; -ire) : twilight
(41) -is (-iss; -ist) : scroll
(42) -ith (-lath; -lith; -lyth) : child, young
(43) -kash (-ashk; -okash) : fate
(44) -ki: emptiness
(45) -lan / -lanna (-lean; -olan / -ola) : son/daughter
(46) -lam (-ilam; -ulam) : fair
(47) -lar (-lirr) : radiance, shining
(48) -las: wild
(49) -lian / -lia: master, mistress
(50) -lis (-elis; -lys) : breeze
(51) -lon (-ellon) : leader, ruler
(52) -lyn (-llinn; -lihn) : bolt, beam
(53) -mah / -ma (-mahs) : mage
(54) -mil (-imil; -umil) : commitment, promise, promise
(55) -mus: ally, companion
(56) -nal (-inal; -onal) : distant
(57) -nes: heart
(58) -nin (-nine; -nyn) : rite, ritual
(59) -nis (-anis) : dawn
(60) -on/onna: to keep, guardian
(61) -or (oro): flower
(62) -oth (-othi) : gate
(63) -que: lost, forgotten
(64) -quis: limb, part of something, branch
(65) -rah(-rae; -raee) : beast
(66) -rad(-rahd) : leaf
(67) -rail/-ria (-aral; -ral; -ryl) : hunt, hunter
(68) -ran (-re; -reen) : confinement, shackles, chains
(69) -reth (-rath) : secret
(70) -ro (-ri; -ron) : way, journey, walking, wanderer
(71) -ruil (-aruil; -eruil) : noble
(72) -sal (-isal; -sali) : honey, honey, sweet, tender
(73) -san: drink, drink, wine
(74) -sar (-asar; -isar) : task, search, seeker
(75) -sel (-asel; -isel) : mountain
(76) -sha (-she; -shor) : ocean
(77) -spar: fist
(78) -tae (-itae) : lover, love
(79) -tas (-itas) : wall, guardianship, fence
(80) -ten (-iten) : spinner; spinner
(81) -thal / -tha (-ethal / -etha) : cure, cure, healer
(82) -thar (-ethar; -ithar) : friend
(83) -ther (-ather; -thir) : armor, protection, patronage
(84) -thi (-ethil; -thil) : wing, winged
(85) -thus/-thas (-aethus/-aethas) : harp, harpist
(86) -ti (-eti;-til) : eye
(87) -tril / -tria (-atri; -atril / -atria) : dance, dancer
(88) -ual (-lua) : saint
(89) -uath (-luth; -uth) : spear
(90) -us /-ua: relative, kindred
(91) -van/-vanna: thicket, forest
(92) -var / -vara (-avar / -avara) :father / mother
(93) -vain (-avain) : spirit
(94) -via (-avia) : luck
(95) -vin (-avin) : storm
(96) -wyn: music, musician
(97) -ya: helmet
(98) -yr/-yn: messenger
(99) -yth: people, person
(100) -zair / -zara (-azair / -ezara) : lightning

Adanedel is a human elf, a nickname given to Turin in Nargothrond.
Adunakhor is one of the kings of Numeron during the darkening.
Agarvaen son of Umarth is the name taken by Turin in Nargothrond.
Amandil is the lord of Akuidia in Numeron, Elendil's father, friend of the Elves during the darkening of Numeron.
Amariye is the beloved of Finrod-Felagund of the Vanyar clan in Aman.
Amlakh is one of the grandsons of Marah, the son of Imlakh.
Amras is one of the sons of Feanor, the twin of Amrod.
Amrod is one of the sons of Feanor, the twin of Amras.
Anarion - son of Elendil, leader of the remnants of the faithful from Numeron, founder of Gondor.
Angrim - Gorlim's father, is no longer known.
Angrod is the son of Finarfin.
Annael is a Green Elf woman who raised Tuor.
Annuminas is the chief city of Arnor, the kingdom of Elendil.
Apanovar - Afterborn, one of the names of people given by the elves.
Ar-Pharazon is the twenty-fourth king of Numeron, the son of Hamalchis.
Ar-Hamilzor is the twenty-second king of Numeron.
Ar-Sikaltora is the twenty-first king of Numeron.
Ar-Zimrofel is the daughter of Tar-Palantir, wife of Ar-Pharazon.
Aradan is the name of Malach in the language of the elves.
Aragorn is the son of Arathorn, the 39th descendant of Isildur in a straight line.
Arathan is one of the sons of Isildur.
Arathorn is the 38th descendant of Isildur in a straight line.
Aredel Ar-Feiniel is the daughter of Fingolfin, the White Lady of the Noldor.
Arien is a girl from the Maiar who controls the movement of the Sun.
Arminas is one of two elves who come to Norgothrond with Ulmo's warning.
Arthal is one of the nine servants of Barahir.
Aegnor is the son of Finarfin.
Aerin is a relative of Turin, whom he took to wife Brodda.
Balan is the son of Beor.
Balandil is the youngest son of Isildur.
Baragund is the son of Bregolas.
Barahir is the son of Bregor.
Baranduin is a river in Eriador.
Bauglir is one of the names of Morgoth.
Belagund is the son of Bregolas.
Beren is the son of Barahir.
Darin is one of the seven Dwarf fathers and ruler of Khazad-dum.
Daeron - elf minstrel, chief keeper of knowledge in Doriath, invented the runes.
Dayruin is one of the nine servants of Barahir.
Denethor is an elf from the clan of Nandor, the son of Lenwe.
Dior Aranel or Dior Eluhil - Heir of Thingol, son of Beren and Lúthien.
Feanor is the son of Finwe, King of the Noldor, the most powerful of the elves of the Noldor, the creator of the Silmarils.
Feanturi - the lords of the spirits, the brothers Mandos and Lorien (Namo and Irmo).
Felagund - Cave-Hewer, Finrod's name.
Finarfin is one of the three sons of Finwe, Lord of the Noldor.
Fingolfin is one of the three sons of Finwe, Lord of the Noldor.
Fingon is the son of Fingolfin.
Finrod is the son of Finarfin.
Finwe is the lord of the Noldor who brought his people to Valinor.
Funduilos is the daughter of King Orodreth, ruler of Norgothrond.
Galadriel is the daughter of Finarfin.
Galdor is the son of Hador.
Galmir is the son of Guilin.
Hamalchid is the son of Ar-Hamilzor.
Gildor is one of the nine servants of Barahir.
Gloredel is the daughter of Hador Goldhead.
Gorlim the Unfortunate is one of Barahir's nine servants who betrayed Barahir's hideout.
Gorthaur is the name of Sauron in the Sindar language.
Gundor is the son of Hador.
Gwindor is the son of Guilin.
Gandalf, Olorin, Mithrandir - the wisest of the Maiar, one of the Istari.
Hador Lorindol is the son of Hatol.
Haleth is the daughter of Haldad.
Haldad is the leader of Haladin.
Haldan is the son of Haldar.
Haldar is the son of Haldad.
Haldir is the son of Halmir.
Halmir is the leader of Haladin after Haldad, Haleth, Haldan.
Khandir is the youngest son of Haldir, the leader of Haladin.
Haret is Halmir's daughter.
Hataldir is one of the nine servants of Barahir.
Hatol is the son of Magor.
Him is the son of Mim.
Hungor is Brandir's kinsman.
Huor is the son of Galdor.
Hurin Talion is the son of Galdor.
Ibun is the son of Mim.
Idril Celebrindal (Silverfoot) is the daughter of Turgon.
Imlaha is the father of Amlach, and is not known for anything else.
Indis the Beautiful is the second wife of Finwe, from the Vanyar clan.
Yngve - High King of the Elves, leader of the Vanyar
Ineilbet is the daughter of Lindorie.r Irmo is the real name of Lorien.
Isildur is the son of Elendil.
Caranthir the Swarthy is one of Feanor's sons.
Celeberi is an offspring of Galatilion on Tol Eress.
Celeborn is Thingol's kinsman, beloved of Galadriel.
Celebrimbor - son of Curufin, leader of the elves of Eregion.
Cirion is one of the sons of Isildur.
Colegorm the Handsome is one of the sons of Feanor.
Comments - Queen of the Earth, the name of Yavanna in the language of the Eldar.
Komlost - Hollowhand, the name taken by Beren after his return from Angband.
Curufin the Craftsman is one of the sons of Feanor.
Curufinwe is the name given by Feanor's father.
Luthien is the daughter of Turin and Melian.
Lalaith - The Laughing One, daughter of Hurin and Morwen.
Leithian is the name of Lúthien in the language of the Noldor.
Lembas is the road bread of the elves.
Lenwe, an elf from Olve's detachment, went south and took many of Olve's detachment with him. Chief Nandora.
Lindorie is Erendur's sister.
Lomion is a Child of Twilight, Maeglin's name given to him by his mother.
Lorgan - one of the leaders of the Eastern-speaking people, held Tuor captive for three years.
Lorien (Irmo) - one of the eight powerful Valar, commanding dreams and visions.
Maglor the Great Singer is one of the sons of Feanor.
Magor is the son of Malach Aradan.
Mahtan is the most famous blacksmith among the Noldor, a student of Aule.
Malach Aradan is the son of Marah.
Malinalda is one of the names of Laurelin.
Mandos (Namo) - one of the eight powerful Valar, commanding the houses of the dead, legislator of the Valar. Mandos is also the name of the place where Namo lives.
Manwe Sulimo is the mightiest and most holy Valar, the High King of Arda, who commands the winds and birds.
Marah is the leader of the most numerous tribe of people who came to Beleriand.
Mardil the Faithful is the commander of Ernul, the last king of Gondor from the house of Isildur.
Maedhros the High is one of the sons of Feanor.
Maeglin is the son of Eol and Aredel.
Melendil is the son of Anarion.
Melian - Maiyar, who served Van and Este in Middle-earth before leaving. Queen of Doriath.
Melkor - originally the most powerful of Ainur, brother of Manwe, according to the plan of Ilúvatar, embarked on the path of evil and lost his power along the way.
Miriel Serinde is the first wife of Finwe, the mother of Feanor.
Miriel is the daughter of Tar-Palantir.
Mormegil is one of the names of Turin.
Morwen Elodwen is the daughter of Baragund, the wife of Hurin.
Namo is the real name of Mandos.
Nathan - Offended, the name taken by Turin after leaving Doriath.
Nerdanel is the daughter of Mahtan, the wife of Feanor.
Nessa - Valier, wife of Tulkas, patroness of deer.
Nienna is Feanturi's sister, Valier, who mourns every wound inflicted on Arda by Melkor.
Nienor - Sadness, daughter of Hurin and Morwen.
Niniel is the Weeping Girl, the name given by Turin to Nienor.
Oyolosse - Always snow-white, one of the names of Taniquetil.
Olwe is the brother of Elwe, chief of the Teleri in Valinor.
Orodreth is the son of Finarfin.
Orome is one of the eight powerful Valar, patron of animals, Lord of the forests.
Osse - Maiyar, vassal of Ulmo, commands the seas washing the shores of Middle Earth.
Yavanna - giving fruits, Valier, the wife of Aule, patronizes everything that grows out of the Earth.
Radagast is one of the Istari, a friend of all animals and birds.
Radruin is one of the nine servants of Barahir.
Ragnor is one of the nine servants of Barahir.
Rana - Wayward, the name of the Moon in the language of the Noldor.
Rian is the daughter of Belagund, the wife of Huor.
Rumil is an elf from Tirion who first invented writing.
Sauron (Gortaur the Cruel) - was at first among the Mayar Aule, the most powerful of the servants of Morgoth.
Saeros - an elf from the Nandor clan, lived in Doriath, made a quarrel with Turin and died.
Sirdan - elf, shipmaster, leader of Philatrim, elves of the Falas.
Tar-Apkalimon is the fourteenth king of Numeron.
Tar-Atanamir is the thirteenth king of Numeron.
Tar-Hirnatan the Shipbuilder is the twelfth king of Numeron.
Tar-Minastir is the eleventh king of Numeron.
Tar-Palantir is the twenty-third king of Numenor, son of Ar-Hamilzor.
Tauron - Lord of the Forests, the name of Orome in the Sindar language.
Telemnhal is the twenty-third king of Gondor from the line of Isildur.
Tilion - Mayar, a hunter from the Orome squad who controls the movement of the moon.
Thingol - King of Doriath, see also Elwe and Eru Thingol.
Tintalle - Incendiary, one of the names of Varda.
Tinuviel - Daughter of Twilight, a name given by Beren Lúthien.
Tirion is the city of the elves in Valinor, on the top of Tuna.
Thorondor is the king of the eagles of Manwe, the mightiest of all birds.
Thranduil is the king of the elves who lived in Blackwood.
Tulkas is one of the eight powerful Valar, the strongest and greatest in deeds of valor.
Tuor is the son of Huor.
Tour Haret - Tomb of the Lady, or Haud-en-Arwenin in the language of Sindar, the tomb of Haleth.
Turambar - Master of Fate, a name taken by Turin in Brethil.
Turgon is the son of Fingolfin, the lord of Gondolin.
Turin Glaurung's Doom is the son of Hurin and Morwen.
Uphlang the Black is one of the leaders of the Swarthy people.
Winen - Lady of the Seas, Mayar, wife of Osse, patronizes all life in the seas.
Uldor the accursed is the son of Uflang.
Ulfast is the son of Uphlang.
Ulmo is one of the eight powerful Valar, lord of all the waters of Ard.
Urtel is one of the nine servants of Barahir.
Vayre - Valier, weaver, Namo's wife.
Valandil is one of the kings of Arnor, the heir of Isildur.
Vana - Forever Young, Valier, wife of Orome, younger sister of Yavanna.
Vanyar - Beautiful Elves, one of the three kinds of Elves who came to Valinor in the days of the Trees.
Varda - Star Lady, Valier, wife of Manwe, mistress of the stars.
Voronwe is an elf sailor from Gondolin, the messenger of Turgon.
Edrahil is an elf from Norgothrond.
Edurad is the son of Dior and Nimloth.
Eilinel - Gorlim's wife
Ecthelion - Turgon's warlord who killed Gothmog.
Elendil is the son of Amandil.
Elendur is one of the sons of Isildur.
Elentari - Queen of the Stars, the name of Varda in the language of the elves.
Elenwe is the wife of Turgon.
Ellerina - Crowned with Stars, one of the names of Taniquetil.
Elurad is the son of Dior and Nimloth.
Elurin is the son of Dior and Nimloth.
Eldamar - Home of the Elves, a bay on the west coast of Aman.
Elfing is the daughter of Dior and Nimloth.
Elrond - the son of Erendil and Elwing, chose the fate of the Eldar.
Elros Tar-Maniatyur - the son of Erendil and Elwing, chose the fate of Edain.
Elwe Singello - leader of the Teleri, remained in Beleriand, he is Eru Thingol; Singello - Greymantle, king of the Twilight Elves.
Elwing the Fair is the daughter of Dior and Nimloth.
Emeldir is Beren's mother.
Engvar - Subject to disease, one of the names of people given by the elves.
Eol was an elf of Nan Elmoth, of the line of Thingol.
Eonwe - chief among the Maiar, servant of Varda and Yavanna,
standard-bearer and herald of Manwe.
Erendil the Magnificent is the son of Tuor and Idril.
Erendur is the seventh king of Arnor after Valendil.
Ernil is the penultimate king of Gondor.
Ernur - the son of Ernil, the last king of Gondor from the house of Isildur, died in a duel with Sauron.
Eru Thingol - King Greymantle, see Thingol.
Erwen is Olve's daughter, Finarfin's wife.
Este the Merciful - Valier, wife of Irmo, delivering from
wounds and fatigue.

Man has always sought to overcome the boundary of conventionality and look into another, for most of us, a fictional world. Some succeeded, but in the future came the desire to combine the fantasy world with the real world. One of the steps on the way to such a goal is the habit of people to give names to everything. The same thing happened with the fantasy world. But who was the first, and why is this phenomenon becoming mainstream?

The Amazing World of Tolkien

Yes, it was this writer who became the reason that many people were able to lift the veil of secrecy and learn a little more about the creatures that, according to Tolkien himself, have inhabited our planet since time immemorial. Undoubtedly, many people knew about elves, trolls and gnomes even before the release of the famous book by JRR Tolkien, because these creatures are clearly or not present in English folklore. But it was Tolkien who gave almost exhaustive information about such a race as elves. In his works, many names are mentioned that the writer awarded these creatures. In addition, they all have a certain meaning in one of the elven languages, which were also developed by the writer. Therefore, almost all female elven names that now exist originate precisely from the works of this brilliant writer.

Name Generator

Although we should not forget the fact that now there are many generators of elvish names, the principle of which is quite simple. They give out parts of the complex names of characters, including female ones, that were inherent in the races in Tolkien's fantasy world. At the same time, there is no pattern or sequence, and therefore invented names can be quite ridiculous. You can use them, probably, only in a parodic sense. Perhaps it's time to figure out why beautiful female elven names are really needed.

Who needs it and why

Probably everyone will agree not only that Tolkien created an amazing world, but also that his idea outgrew its creator many times over. Who are the elves, what are the female elven names, not only those who have read the book know. Moreover, it is much easier for a modern person to describe what this very elf looks like, his manners and behavior, than to explain the essence of many everyday phenomena that surround us in the real, not fictional world.

First of all, this has become possible thanks to modern computer games. By the way, hence the first need to come up with female elven names. They are used as nicknames in these same games.

Many believe that such borrowed names and titles have truly magical properties and will protect their carrier or give him the powers that a literary character possesses. Perhaps not all. The magical skills of the elves are unlikely to be passed on to the child along with the name. However, the masculinity, wisdom and strength of the elves, their readiness for self-sacrifice and the desire to learn can still be counted on.

How New Elvish Names Are Formed

The female names that Tolkien created are singular and individual. But if you want to create something completely new, it is enough to use the elven language dictionary, which the writer also created. In addition, you will need rules according to which new female elvish names can be formed. Their structure differs from men's in its ending.

Thus, in order to come up with a name, it is necessary to add the ending "e" to the Elvish word that suits you in meaning and meaning. For example, to the word "brightest", which in the language of the elves sounds like "ankalim", we add the aforementioned ending and get a new name - Ankalime.

Another ending "yel" in translation from the language of the elves means "daughter". Thus, female elven names can be invented ad infinitum:

  • Anariel - Daughter of the sun.
  • Tauriel - Daughter of the forest.
  • Eleniel - Daughter of the stars.

Another way to form new names is a combination of two consonant words. You again take them from the language of the elves. Such names will characterize their carriers in the best possible way. In a similar way, by the way, the Indians called their children, so you can take advantage of their experience and try to create elven names. Female compound names in this case will sound as follows. Laurindie - Heart of Gold, or Lotanaria - Solar Flower.

Elvish female names. List of popular names according to Tolkien

  1. Amarië is a Vanyar elf mentioned in the Song of Leithian. She could not follow her lover to Middle-earth, but he never forgot her and could not marry another. With her lover, she was able to connect only after death.
  2. Anaire is an elf who did not want to go into exile with her husband, despite love and common children. She stayed in Valinor with her close friend Earwen.
  3. Aredhel is a beautiful elf whose name means light and purity. She received it for having an unusual light skin, which she also tried to emphasize with the help of light clothes.
  4. Arwen is the wife of Aragorn, King of Elessar. Translated from Sindarin (one of the Elvish languages), her name means "noble maiden".
  5. Galadriel is the lord of Lothlorien, who ruled the country with her husband Celeborn.
  6. Idril - literally her name is translated as "sparkling splendor." A beautiful blonde elf from the Vanyar.
  7. Iminie is one of the elves who awakened first.
  8. Celebrian is the daughter of Galadriel and Celeborn. Her name is translated from Sindarin as "silver queen".
  9. Luthien Tinuviel is an elf who fell in love with a mortal. This story has become one of the greatest among the tales of the Ancient of Days.

Instead of concluding...

The language that Tolkien invented contains Elvish female names. Their value must be taken into account when choosing, because it will have an impact on the future fate of a person, regardless of whether we want it or not. As they say, its navigation largely depends on the name of the ship. Therefore, in pursuit of an unusual name, you should not forget about it.

Elves are mythical creatures from Celtic and Scandinavian legends. They are mentioned in the works of Shakespeare, Goethe, Kipling. Large-scale interest in these characters arose after the release of John Tolkien's books. Today, fantasy fans give elvish names to their children, use them as a unique and original nickname.

Rules for compiling an elvish name, according to the works of Tolkien

J. Tolkien was a linguist, a professor at Oxford University, who invented artificial languages ​​for the characters in his books. The writer considered euphony to be the main criterion for creating a dialect. In his stories, all Elvish names are single, filled with deep meaning.

During their lifetime, these fabulous creatures could have up to four names. The first two were given by the parents. My father came up with an option similar to his name. The mother often foresaw the fate of the children. The elf received the name from the parent when he reached the age of one hundred. It carried predictions of the future.

A well-aimed nickname or honorific title was given to an elf by those around him. The fourth name he chose himself. The nickname was awarded for special talents, distinctive features of appearance. Characters encountered in Tolkien's Legendarium:

  • Onotimo - "computer", a scientist of the Noldor clan;
  • Ambarussa - "red-headed";
  • Karnistir - "red-faced";
  • Mablung - "heavy hand";
  • Miriel Serinde - "precious wife-embroiderer".

The complexity of composing names according to Tolkien is in the existence of several Elvish languages. Quenya is more ancient, Sindarin is modern, Goldgreen and Noldorin are less common. Within each there are dialects.

Therefore, the same name can sound different. For example, Endalotta (Quenya "elven flower") is called Eddelos in Sindarin, and Quendingoldo ("teacher of wisdom") is Pengolod.

Compound variants of names are more common than monosyllabic ones. For example, Galadriel consists of: galad (radiance) and riel (royal maiden). To make the word sound more beautiful, connecting elements are often inserted between syllables, letters are changed. Thus, the name Feanor ("spirit of fire") is a compromise between Faenor in Sindarin and Feanaro in Quenya.

Male Elf Names in Tolkien's Books

The elves in Tolkien's stories are brave warriors endowed with knowledge and wisdom. They are immortal, they die only as a result of a serious injury or deep anguish. The table shows the Elvish names that appeared in Tolkien's works with translation.

  1. Amdir Hope - Looking up Elf King during the Second Age
  2. Aikanar - Evil fire
  3. Ambarato - Tall, noble
  4. Angamaite - Ironhand
  5. Arakano - Noble Chief
  6. Voronwë - Steadfast Navigator, Sindarin form of the name Bronweg
  7. Daeron - Great, great Loremaster in Doriath
  8. Cutalion - Mighty Bow
  9. Malgalad - Golden Light
  10. Maeglin - A sharp look. Became servant of Morgt, Black Enemy of the World
  11. Thingol (Singollo) - A gray robe. Sindar King of Doriath
  12. Turukano - Brave Lord
  13. Elladan - Human Elf
  14. Elrond - Stardome half-elf, chose the lot of the elves, lord of Rivendell
  15. Elwing - Star Spray

Other famous heroes of the epic:

  • Celeborn, lord of Lorien, last of those who left Middle-earth;
  • Haldir, head of the guards of Lorien;
  • Oropher, king of the Sindar elves;
  • Thranduil, king of Mirkwood;
  • Mablung, an eminent general of the Sindar;
  • Lenwe, leader of Nandor.

All these names belonged to honest and brave characters. Tolkien also met elves, described in a negative light. These are Saeros, distinguished by excessive arrogance, and Salgan, the cowardly prince of Gondolin.

Elvish female names

The name, according to the writer, carries the divine principle, the power of the ancestors, and influences fate. Despite their valor and wisdom, many of the elves from Tolkien's novels have a tragic life. Therefore, when choosing, it is worth considering not only its meaning, but also the history of the heroines.

1 Anaire most holy wife of the High King of the Noldor
2 Aredel (Ar-Feiniel) noble elf (White Lady) became the wife of Eol against her will, was subsequently killed by him
3 Arwen noble maiden wife of Aragorn, lord of Gondor and Arnor, Liv Tyler played the role in the movie saga
4 Artanis noble
5 Galadriel Virgin adorned with a radiant crown Elf Queen, the heroine of Cate Blanchett in the movie saga
6 Itharilde in Quenya or Idril in Sindarin Sparkling splendor The only daughter of the King of Gondolin
7 indis Wife, bride second wife of the High King of the Noldor Finwe, grandmother of Galadriel
8 Irime Beautiful daughter of Finwe
9 Celebrian Silver Queen daughter of Galadriel, was captured by the orcs, rescued from captivity, sailed to the West
10 Lúthien enchantress daughter of King Doriath, fell in love with a mortal
11 Nimlot White flower Killed at the Battle of Menegrote
12 Earwen sea ​​maiden mother of Galadriel, cousin of Lúthien

In Tolkien's legendarium there were heroines:

  • Enelie and Tatie, the spouses of the first awakened elves;
  • Elenwë, the golden-haired wife of Turgon, died while crossing the Helcaraxe;
  • Nerdanel, daughter of the blacksmith Makhtan, talented sculptor, wife of Feandor, mother of his 7 children.

Parents came up with unique elven names for their children, which were not repeated in further history. It's easy to do it yourself.

How to correctly compose an elvish name for a child

The easiest option is to take a beautiful word from the Sindarin or Quenya language, add an ending to it. It is permissible to remove, change or add a vowel. For example, Legolas is formed from laeg (green) and las (leaf), the compound form is corrected for the beauty of sound.

Rules for male names

The endings -ion or -on indicate a relationship or a corresponding quality. For example, Inglorion is the son of Inglor, Anarion is the son of the sun (anar is the sun), Ancalimon is the brightest. The prefix ar in the name means the owner's royal origin: Arathornion is a descendant of King Arathorn.

It is easy to form a beautiful name if you add -ndil or abbreviated -dil (translated as “friend”) to the root of a noun. Get:

  • Valandil (friend of all the Valar);
  • Earendil (friend of the sea);
  • Taurendil (friend of the forest);
  • Mardil (friend of the Motherland), etc.

They also use the addition -atan, which means "man" in Quenya. For example: Aratan is a person of royal origin. The second part of the word -tir means "observing": Minastir - "looking from the tower", Palantir from "palan", far - far-sighted.

The endings of male names: -mo or -o, -tan often indicate the owner's occupation. For example, Siriamo ("sailor") is derived from syria, "ship". The addition -ndur is translated as "servant": Isildur is the servant of the Moon, Elendur is the servant of the elves.

Elvish families came up with a "signature" feature for the names of children. For example, the descendants of Fingolfin were called nicknames with the component "kano", which means "commander, chief": Turukano, Findekano, Arakano. Finwe's offspring had similar names with unique prefixes: Nolofinwe ("wise Finwe"), Curufinwe (skillful Finwe), Nelyafinwe ("third Finwe").

To independently create names according to the above scheme, you can use the following words of the Elvish language:

  1. Maethor - maetor - warrior
  2. Magol - Magol - sword
  3. Sador - sador - faithful
  4. Dorn - dorn - stubborn strong
  5. Hall - hull - worthy
  6. Cann - cann - brave
  7. Gelir - gelir - joyful, cheerful
  8. Bein - bein - beautiful
  9. Beleg - beleg - great
  10. Neth - nat - young
  11. Ech - eh - arrow, spear
  12. Hir - hir - lord, lord
  13. Mirima - free
  14. Aglar - aglar - glory
  15. Mor - mor - black
  16. Taure, tavar - taure, tavar - forest
  17. Saila - sayla - wise

To the root or element of the noun you like, you can add the ending -ve, denoting "personality", "person": Elenwe (from "elen", star), Aranwe (from "aran", king), etc.

Secrets of the formation of female elven names

Eloquent adjectives with the last letter -a can easily be turned into a beautiful name for a girl by replacing the ending with -e. For example:

  1. Irime - desirable, beautiful;
  2. Ancalime - the brightest;
  3. Mirime - free;
  4. Arkuene - noble.

Additions to the first word -iel means "daughter". It is not always used to indicate kinship, often acting as a metaphor or translated as "virgin". Meanings of other endings:

Nis, -dis - "woman, wife, bride";

Rien - "shining";

Tar, -tari - intended for queens.

Beautiful elvish words that will help when composing a name:

  1. Alf - alpha - swan
  2. Alkar - alkar - radiance
  3. Aiwe - quince - bird
  4. Ninque - ninque - white
  5. Tinwe - tinwe - spark
  6. Tindome, tindum - tindome, tindum - starry dusk
  7. Uruite - uruite - ardent, fiery
  8. Kua - kue - dove

How to make an elvish name for the game

In modern culture, elves have become characters in comics, role-playing games: board and computer. The rules for creating names in universes of fantasy worlds have been simplified. They are formed from separate components: prefixes, suffixes. To form original names, you can use the options from the table.

prefixes Sufixes
Ael knight ael great
Air law air singer who sings
An arm am tramp
Ang shine as onion
Ar gold Ali shadow
arm silver an creator
Aza life, living avel sword
Bael protection, protector dar peace
Cael archer, arrow ean rider
Cor legend, legendary el hawk
Dho falcon emar honour
Du crescent evar flute
Air spicy har wise
Ev deer ian lord
Fis light coloured iat the fire
fir gloomy, dark ik force
Ha free im brother
Ka the Dragon in duty
Kan eagle lar shining
Keth wind las wild
Kor black lian master
Lue mystery, riddle lan a son
Ly wolf lon ruler
Na ancient lyn Ray
Nu hope mah magician
Py sapphire nes heart
Re bear nis dawn
Rid a spear or flower
Ru dream on the keeper
Sel tall rail hunter
Si dream ruil noble
Sha sun ro wanderer
sum water sar looking for
Ta a fox sha ocean
Tahl blade thar friend
Tho true thal healer
Thro sage, wisdom thi wing, winged
Uth wizard wine friend
Ver peace yr messenger
Za royal zair lightning

A connecting element can be inserted between parts of words: a, al, ar, e, el, I, is, o, re, ri, ro, si, sin, son.

In the elven world, once masterfully invented by J. R. R. Tolkien, it is possible to believe and fall in love at first sight. The history of the birth of this world, realistic images of heroes, the diverse gamut of the language of fabulous races - everything is so thought out that it seems as if elves really once existed on earth. They were stunningly beautiful, proud and possessed great knowledge that people would never reach.

In various fantasy epics, you can often find a story in which a person was fascinated and in love with an elf. Beautiful elves bore female elven names, unusual for human hearing. And each name was not just a set of sounds. At one time, Tolkien came up with the Elvish language: its spelling, sound and rules of use. It should be noted that this language is not one, it is divided into many dialects: Sindarin, Quenya, Common Eldar, Black and others. Many fans of Tolkien's work seriously study the Elvish language, since most of the names of the elves consist of various parts of the Elvish words.

Elvish female names ending in "-e"

The rules for naming are very simple. Elvish female names are compiled according to the algorithm: elvish word (adjective or noun) + suffix + ending. So, the female name should end with “-e”, while the male name ends with “-on”. For example, the female name Ancalime, which means "The Brightest" or the name Mirime, means "Free": Mirim + e. And others Irime (beautiful), Laurindie (golden heart), Eldalote (elven flower), Ainulindale (Ainur music), etc.

Elvish names ending in "-iel"

Female elvish names are not limited to only one ending. There are a huge number of suffixes and endings that can be added to an Elvish word. The ending “-iel”, which means daughter, is very common among the majestic people. For example, female elven names ending in "-iel": Eariel (daughter of the sea), Isiliel (daughter of the moon), Tinuviel (daughter of twilight), Lairiel (daughter of summer) and so on.

Among other things, female elven names can be formed from one or more words without suffixes and endings, for example: Arwen (Ar + ven - a noble maiden), Idril (sparkling shine), Luthien (enchantress), Nimlot (white flower), Earwen (sea maiden) and others.

When choosing a name, remember that in the history of the elves the same name was never given twice. There is only one Arwen, only one Tinuviel, only one Lúthien. Each name is unique and one of a kind. If you do not have enough imagination to come up with your own elven name, then special programs - name generators will help you.


Elvish runes served as the main type of writing among the elves. With their help, accumulated knowledge, history and songs were recorded, spells were created, etc. A transcription is provided for elven runes for language learners, which will help you pronounce words correctly.

The most common language is the Sindarin dialect, and therefore Elvish runes of this dialect can be found everywhere. If you remember, in the film "The Lord of the Rings" the image of the inscription on the ring is given in black, which takes its roots from Elvish, but was used by the forces of evil (Sauron and other creatures of Mordor).

Runes not only denote a certain sound, but are also magical symbols like. Therefore, their meaning is also mystical in nature. We must thank Tolkien for the diversity of the Elvish world, since it is he who is the founder of many Elvish (and not only) dialects.

Originally born in the water, to live in the depths of the world's oceans, elves have changed a lot under the influence of a new environment. By the will of their god Haurvatat, they emerged from the waters to subdue the land. In the course of their development, they have changed greatly from their original form thanks to the help of Amerat and the sidhe. The ancestors of modern elves still live in the depths of the sea and are known as newts or ocean elves. Modern land elves have several varieties, but let's leave the details for now, focusing on the common features that unite the entire elven race.


The corporeal shell of the elves outwardly resembles a human, but this is only an external resemblance. Elves have a more flexible bone structure, which is characteristic of human children. Due to this bone structure, elves are less prone to bone injuries and fractures, this makes their bodies flexible and plastic. The main negative effect of such a structure of the skeleton is the inability to critical loads. This doesn't make them weaker or less resilient, it's just that their bodies are incapable of the "miracles" of lifting and holding weights.

The next features of elves are their breathing and metabolism. In one breath, they can renew up to 80% of the oxygen in their lungs, the reserves of one breath last for up to ten minutes. Unlike humans, elves control their heart and can increase or decrease its rhythm at will. In a calm state, the rhythm of the elven heart is 100 beats per minute. With a decrease in heart rate, oxygen consumption drops, metabolism slows down. Accordingly, with an increase in heart rate, metabolism and oxygen consumption increase. If the metabolism is reduced to 0, the elf does not die, but falls into a coma. In the case of favorable external conditions (cold climate, safe place), he can stay in this state indefinitely. Thanks to this apparatus, elves are well adapted to cold climates and are immune to colds. It is worth noting that elves have a well-developed heart, in the absence of physical damage, they never suffer from cardiovascular diseases until old age.

Elves are the first creatures to have what is called cold or "lunar" vision, which allows them to see by the light of the moon and stars as well as other races see by the light of the sun. Daytime vision among elves is developed much worse and is similar to night vision of other races. You can read more about these features of light perception in the corresponding article.

Like most other creatures, elves need sleep. By controlling their metabolism, elves can regulate how long they sleep. Most elves slow their heart rate down to 10 beats, allowing the body to rest faster and improve the quality of sleep. An outside observer may decide that the elf is dead, since in this state he practically does not breathe. It is very difficult to wake up from such a dream, the awakened elf will be lethargic and inactive until he restores his heart rate. If necessary, elves are capable of normal or light sleep, during which more time is required to restore the body. It is worth remembering that when the metabolism slows down, the recovery from wounds and diseases slows down, so it is not recommended for the sick and injured to slow down the metabolism. Elvish longevity is the result of a harmonious combination of a developed body restoration system and a high vitality.

In the course of their life, elves consume a lot of liquid and little fiber. Compared to a human, an elf needs half as much protein and carbohydrate food, but the need for fluid increases proportionately (see elven metabolism). Elves do not digest solid food well, it can be digested for up to several days and cause indigestion. The best foods are: cereals, soups, stews, soft fruits and vegetables, mushrooms, blood, wine, milk, etc. Meat is better digested boiled or raw, fried meat is contraindicated.

As for the system of reproduction and maturation, it is close to the human one. All elf nations mix easily and can produce viable non-sterile offspring. The child receives the main signs of the mother, the influence of the father is less significant and is expressed in appearance, and not in physiology. The gestation period for elves depends on nationality and ranges from 10 to 26 months, repeated births are possible after the body is completely restored, which takes about ten times longer than bearing a child. In most cases, one child is born, twins are very rare, but also happen. A newborn elf differs little from a human child, the periods of body growth, puberty, social adaptation and aging depend on a particular nation. Unlike humans, elves begin to experience the negative effects of aging only towards advanced age. Aging is expressed in heart defects and weakening of vitality. During this life span, elves are prone to deep melancholy and cease physical activity almost completely. Death itself comes from cardiac arrest. During the next slowdown in the heart rate, the elf falls asleep and does not wake up again.


All land elves hail from northern Amroth. Despite the fact that in the process of their settlement they acquired their own national characteristics in appearance, the Amrot type is fundamental. The growth of elves ranges from 1.7 to 2.2 meters, while women (on average) are half a head shorter than men. Elves do not tend to be corpulent, as food requirements are quite modest for their size and there is no need for large fat reserves. Because of their skeletal structure, even the strongest elves have less broad shoulders than humans of similar height and strength, and tend to be wiry and lean. Elves are known for their slender and well-proportioned bodies, women have relatively small breasts, as their newborns develop more slowly and are less demanding on nutrition than human children. The structure of the skull differs little from the human one, the main difference is the narrower bones of the jaw and cheekbones, the external auditory canal is wider and continues up the temporal bone. As for the face itself, due to the small amount of subcutaneous fat, its features seem sharp and sharp, some consider elves "bony". The elves have an original structure of the ears, in length they go beyond the temporal bone and reach the bone of the crown, tapering to a pointed leaf-like shape. From the point of view of the perception of sounds, due to the large number of receptors and nerve endings, this structure of the ears is more perfect than the human one. A typical elven eye color is blue, less often turquoise. Initially, the elves just did not have hair, having perfectly smooth skin. Hair on the head appeared already after the intervention of Amerat and the sidhe, as a by-product of their "transformation" into land creatures. Typical hair colors have become: shades of chestnut, black and shades of red. Old elves have white, gray and other light shades.

Elvish physiological type


water, life, earth, metal, air, fire

Basic characteristics

  • Agility +2 - elemental
  • Intelligence +1
  • Health -1


  • feature (moon vision)
  • advantage (elven metabolism)

Elven history



The most numerous nation of elves, living in the vast coastal territories of Amroth and the nearby islands. The largest diasporas live in Alveron, Lirkona and Kunbarad. The Amroths also make up the majority of the population of the independent principalities in the southeast of Annan. In the lands of the people, the Amroth live mainly in Astaldor, Ivelia and Ta-Kemt. The Amroths are known for their idealism and their uncompromising attitude, which they stick to no matter what.


The Amroths add the name of their house to personal names: Nargos Oris, Vales of Klaaran, and so on.

Male names

Aridir, Ariliz, Kaldir, Ether, Angot, Kargos, Iver, Thoron, Tilver, Nargos, Dregoth, Feradir, Largos, Korron, Daeron, Culver, Galleon, Berenir, Kurundir.

Women's names

Ailil, Aliat, Luile, Faile, Kailene, Shaliat, Gaille, Moirae, Nairae, Amarae.

great houses

Amroth-Daerin, Oris, Amrin, Arak, Laile.

small houses

Niar ("Diamondsong"), Eileen ("Brothers in Arms"), Claaran ("Royal Rose"), Dolian ("Masters of the Hunt"), Miveline ("Emerald Blades of the Overlord"), Raerrik ("Heirs of the Mighty Unicorn") , Zathaar ("King's Friends"), Eldun ("Children of the Oak Grove"), Tilian ("Masters of Ancient Magic"), Korlien ("Legendary Masters").


  • Agility +2 (racial)
  • Health -1 (racial)
  • Intelligence +1 (racial)
  • Sociability +1 (national)

Racial features

  • feature (moon vision)
  • advantage (elven metabolism)

National features

  • flaw (Amroth idealism)
  • optional gift (sense of water)

Player Bonus

1, -3 for each stage above 3rd


The first Aldars were the elves, who decided to get rid of the dependence of all the elves on large sources of water and chose the patronage of Amerat along with Khairvatat. They began to revere Amerat, even above their father Khaurvatat, and received a special blessing from her, giving them good health, longevity and fertility. Abandoning the civilization of the elven port cities, they replaced it with the simple pleasures that nature bestows. Later, elves, tired of endless civil and world wars, began to replenish the ranks of the Aldar. They hid in the forests, forming small communities leading an isolated lifestyle. Many young Aldar, weighed down by the slowness and regularity of their existence, leave to serve elven lords, but usually return to their native settlements if they live to adulthood. The Aldar have permanent and mobile settlements in the forest regions of Amroth and Lyrkon. They can also be found serving in the security forces of most surface elven states, but most amroth are uncomfortable on the surface.


Aldar names consist of a personal name, a suffix, and a clan name. Hunters and warriors add the suffix "Thor" to their name, while druids add "Mara". Suffixes are written with a hyphen after the name. Clan chiefs also add the suffix "El" to their names: Ruun-Tor Telugalad, Tel-Mara Kanfin, Galad-El-Tor Eriith.

Male names

Arlen, Ruun, Tel, Calvin, Elvin, Dolin, Rumis, Firman, Firsan, Edwin, Kael, Kuun, Galad, Enlad, Ruarin, Irchel.

Women's names

Eileen, Maylin, Nimrin, Dailin, Tia, Elvi, Tyra, Airi, Laylin, Luala, Sufel, Ria, Myra, Azari, Eivin.


Niblak: Telugalad ("Children of the Tree"), Kan-Fiin ("Firehawks"), Kamai ("Dragon Slayers"), Hough ("Free Folk"), Trathar ("Tree Keepers"), Fir-Raal ("Nightfallers") hunters"), Eriit ("Furious Boars"), Fir-Aera ("Singers of the Night"), Saan ("Forest Makers"). Amroth: Loral ("Sleepers"), Siin-Amerat ("Children of Amerat")


  • Strength +1 (national)
  • Agility +2 (racial)
  • Charisma -1 (national)
  • Empathy +2 (national)

Racial features

  • feature (moon vision)
  • homebody flaw ["wild" forests and groves]

National features

  • flaw (poor)

Player Bonus

2, -3 for each stage above 3rd


Ambassador of Alvers

The Alvers are a nation formed as a result of the mixing of the indigenous Amroth population of the island of Alveron with refugees from the repressions of Lot (the old Amroth aristocracy of the Sidhe and their descendants). As a result of this mixing, today, almost every Alver has the blood of one of the seven original sidhe. Their permanent monarch - Alver, did a lot for the development of his country, turning it into a pearl of elven civilization. Some of his reforms were revolutionary and made it possible to make a qualitative leap in the development of science, culture and magic. Thanks to his efforts, the Alveri are the most educated and culturally developed nation in the entire Cosmos. The Alvers are reluctant to leave Alveron, outside of it live mainly invited experts and those objectionable to Alver.


The Alver use a combination of a personal name and the name of their house, typical of elves.

Male names

Elassar, Halrond, Rilnar, Landil, Elihaar

Women's names


great houses


  • Agility +2 (racial)
  • Intelligence +2 (racial and national)
  • Charisma +1 (national)

Racial features

  • feature (moon vision)
  • advantage (elven metabolism)

National features

  • advantage (educated)
  • flaw (xenophobia)
  • optional gift (sense of water)

Player Bonus

0, -3 for each stage above 3rd


Aran prince

Initially convicts, the Arans underwent an amazing metamorphosis in the process of their formation as a nation. For centuries, arans have been waging a merciless war with dragons, trying to expand their habitat. Due to the constant epidemics caused by the bioweapons of the green dragons, the arans were subjected to a kind of natural selection, which ensured the survival of the elves with the strongest immunity. The constant fight against epidemics forced the arans to develop medicine to such a level that it works miracles comparable to magic.


The arans use a combination of a personal name and the name of their house, typical of elves.

Male names

Nifelfin, Valandil, Finalfin, Halmaras, Terias, Kremium, Tadan, Moldil, Amladan, Tordret, Torfin, Mordret

Women's names
great houses


  • Agility +2 (racial)
  • Health +1 (racial and national)
  • Intelligence +1 (racial)
  • Will +1 (national)
  • Sociability -1 (national)

Racial features

  • feature (moon vision)
  • advantage (elven metabolism)

National features

  • advantage (immunity)
  • advantage (vaccination)
  • optional benefit or gift (soul stealer)
  • optional gift (sense of water) (House Morion only)
  • optional disadvantage (soul hunger) only for arans or their half-breeds with a soul power of 2 or higher

Player Bonus

1, -3 for each stage above 3rd



Underdark elves who live in the southwest of the Underdark in tunnels created by the goddess Xylrae. The Xyltar are notorious for their cunning, with their entire culture built on an art of intrigue. Like the arans, the xyltars have made great strides in the field of alchemy, but they are primarily interested in poisons and drugs, which are among their main exports.

The Xyltars do not have a single ruler, but there is a so-called. House Rating. To understand what status this or that aristocratic House currently has, only the Xyltars themselves can. The seeming chaos of Xiltar society is a delicate web of pacts, alliances, traditions, intrigues, and betrayals. Power is shared between the great and small Houses, as well as the temples of Xylrae and her children. Trading houses, houses of mercenaries, schools of magicians and warriors have some influence.

Xyltar society is dominated by matriarchal ways, with the more favored Xylrae priestesses and matriarchs ruling over the aristocratic elf houses. Despite the dominant role of women, male xyltars, contrary to rumors, are not second-class creatures and traditionally hold positions in "state" organizations: the House of Shadows (the head of intelligence is considered the high priest of Gelas), the Magic Academy (the head is appointed by the high priestess of Xylrae) . A characteristic feature of all Xyltars is a penchant for intrigue, often turning into outright treachery.


The Xyltars use a combination of a personal name and the name of their house, typical of elves.

Male names

Shireylin, Baylin, Sargonar, Dra "gar, Vaetar, Kratil, Zherigar

Women's names

Ashlyn, Litiri, Maz "liya, Ionia, Maelia, Maera, Rillae, Xia

noble houses


  • Agility +2
  • Intelligence +1
  • Will +1
  • Sociability +1

Racial features

  • feature (moon vision)
  • advantage (