The issue of choosing the color of the front door in the art of Feng Shui is highlighted for a reason. Much attention is paid to this topic when creating a favorable atmosphere in the home, because the front door is a conductor of vitality inside the house.

Negative, aggressive energy (sha), passive energy (xi qi), and positive energy (shen qi) accumulates at the threshold of the house. Which one will go inside depends on how well the front door is designed. The free movement of energy is hampered by incorrect color and many other factors, correcting which together, you will get a stunning energetic result.

Secret arrows

Secret arrows (poison arrows or killer arrows) are obstacles to the free circulation of vital energy and its penetration into the living space, the targeted action of the destructive energy of sha qi. Even if you choose the right color and shape that attracts well-being, poisonous arrows will “scare away” it.

Killer arrows outside the room have the following incarnations:

  • Direct road leading to your house, T-shaped or V-shaped intersections, dead-end location;
  • Sharp corners - spiers, outbuildings, elongated building, fence battlements, etc.;
  • Traces of progress located near the house: telephone lines, cables, antennas and satellite dishes, lamp posts, power lines and poles, railways;
  • Narrow staircase;
  • The apartment is located next to the stairs on the lower or upper floor;
  • Trees opposite the entrance. Dried or diseased plants exude particular negativity.

But there are many ways to smooth out the negative merger of secret arrows. If you have a private home, neutralize sha qi with symbols representing the Red Phoenix. It is presented in the form of landscape figures that create a barrier: a small fountain, a bush with lush vegetation, a decorative slide. In addition to the energy benefits, you will revitalize your garden plot.

If there is a straight path leading to your front door, giving room for malicious sha energy to maneuver, correct this by making the path winding, decorating it with flowers, stones, or simply earthen mounds.

You can redirect sha qi outside by using a special bagua mirror or a regular one. It will collect poisonous arrows and take them away from your home, preventing the shen qi from being destroyed. However, hang such a mirror carefully so as not to point it into your neighbors' house.

It is difficult or even impossible for apartment owners to use these effective techniques. In this case, try creating a barrier in the form of a threshold that rises a couple of centimeters above the floor level.

Use a small souvenir or an image of two crossed swords or a cannon for decoration. These are powerful symbols that can both protect and destroy the life-giving Shen Qi. Therefore, when using them, be careful and do not overdo it.

The illuminated space around the front door helps improve the flow of qi energy. To do this, hang a beautiful lantern above the entrance that will brightly illuminate it.

Correct Feng Shui for the entrance to the house

It is believed that according to Feng Shui, the front door should be made of solid material, expressing strength and massiveness. Glass and even glass or transparent inserts are considered an unsuccessful material, because of the transparency of which the life energy of Shen Qi does not linger for a long time in such a living space. To improve this negative aspect, hang curtains or decorate the nearest window sills with flowers.

It’s good if the entrance door swings open into a bright hallway or hall, letting good energy in. If you have the opposite situation, then it can only be corrected by re-hanging the hinges so that the door opens into the living space. It is undesirable for stairs and restroom doors to be located opposite the entrance. If the hallway resembles a dark, dusty closet, then the warmth and light that shan qi emits is repelled.

To correct the negative, hang talismans in the hallway that bring good luck. They are made in the shape of a horseshoe, or in the form of a pendant from tubes of 7, 8 and 9 pieces.

As for the size, the best option is a medium-sized door, with the condition that the tallest member of the family can comfortably pass through it. At the same time, it should be larger than other openings in the house. If the basic conditions are met, then you can rest assured that goodness and positivity will flow unhindered into your home.

The meaning of the location of the front door and its shape according to Feng Shui

An important role in the life of the residents of the house is played by the location oriented towards any part of the world. If you are building a house, take note of this information and position the entrance according to Feng Shui requirements.

The ideal form corresponds to the five elements of the elements:

  • Fire - south. Any symbol of fire or wood will give cheerfulness of spirit and body to the inhabitants of the southern door;
  • Water - north. To increase the cleansing properties of water, the element of which dominates when the door is located in the north, use water symbols in its decor, and to strengthen the spirit - personifications of the element of metal;
  • Tree - east, southeast. A tree as a symbol gives the opportunity for personal and professional growth. To activate this feature, use its symbolism when designing, and any of the water talismans will be suitable for updating;
  • Earth - southwest, northeast. If the door is decorated with an element that personifies this element, then the inhabitants of this living space will experience reliability and stability;
  • Metal – northwest, west. The symbol of such an element decorating the entrance will give the residents strength of spirit and health. You can supplement it with the symbolism of the living element of fire.

As for the shape of the door and the elements decorating it, they also directly depend on the element of the element that corresponds to it. Illustrative examples are shown in the figure below.

Door on the south side

The southern landmark of the front door has a beneficial effect on people who crave fame and universal recognition. However, such violence can disrupt family relationships. The symbolism of Water will help smooth out the irrepressible energy.

Door on the southwest side

The southwest has a beneficial effect on the positive energy of the mother. This arrangement brings harmony and peace to the family. But it can upset the female and male balance and turn a woman into the head of the family. To moderate the excesses of the feminine aura, introduce woody colors and symbolism into the interior.

Door on the southeast side

Family peace, mutual understanding and financial well-being - this is what the southeastern direction contributes to. However, don't expect instant results. The feng shui principle of gradualism applies here.

Door on the east side

The eastern compass direction has a beneficial effect on the ambitions of young families and helps to translate their goals into the desired reality. Keep in mind that it is this direction that brings good luck to businessmen in all their affairs.

Door on the north side

The measured and calm course of life and family relationships will be ensured by the energy entering the northern door. However, such calm can develop into indifference and apathy. To avoid this, hang a beautiful crystal in the hallway.

Door on the northeast side

Households living behind a door facing northeast are sensitive to external influences. This has a beneficial effect on those who are at the learning stage or are constantly engaged in self-improvement.

Door on the northwest side

The Northwestern landmark favorably influences the head of the family or its eldest male member. Such energy strengthens his authority and gives wisdom.

Front door color

Having dealt with the secret arrows and concepts of what an ideal front door should be according to Feng Shui, it’s time to take care of the color, which directly affects the lives of the residents of the house. Choose what color the front door should be based on the compass direction in which it is located. Colored entrance doors will improve the flow of incoming positive qi energy and decorate the house.

Door facing south

If the entrance faces the south side of the world, then it is better to paint the canvas in any shade of red or green. These are favorable colors, foreshadowing good luck in business for residents. If you are not satisfied with this palette, then use an alternative - yellow and brown tones. It is strictly not recommended to use black and gray colors.

West facing door

According to Feng Shui, the western or northwestern entrance door is decorated in metallic shades. For a southwest entrance door, brown is a good color. You can add bronze tones to it. However, beware of red, blue and black colors.

Door facing east

Green, blue and black colors are an excellent solution for entrance doors in the eastern and south-eastern directions. For the northeast, shades of brown, red or orange are suitable. A bad choice is white.

Door facing north

Cool and restrained colors: white, black and blue are suitable for the northern direction. They will appear as a “trap” for positive energy. However, avoid brown and green tones.

By carefully analyzing the parameters of the front door, you can understand how correct it is considered according to Feng Shui and eliminate these inconsistencies. The most effective thing you can do is change the color of your front door according to Feng Shui. To fully understand the intricacies of front door design, watch the attached video.

The front door is associated with any movement, be it the penetration of positive qi or negative sha, pleasant, long-awaited guests or enemies of the apartment residents. This is the path through which destructive spirits can enter the room or the beneficial influence of Heaven can enter. Therefore, on the one hand, the door should serve as reliable protection, and on the other, it should be located and decorated in such a way as to attract qi into the house, and with it happiness, success, longevity and prosperity.

The main door (meaning the front entrance door, the one that is most often used, as opposed to the rear, “back” door) must be fixed strictly vertically, on reliable, serviceable, non-creaking hinges.

Its dimensions most often correspond to certain building standards. If you decide to replace it with a door of a different shape or size, remember the following feng shui rule: the size of the door should correspond to the size of the apartment, in particular, the room that is hidden behind this door.

A door that is too large (wide and low, or consisting of two leaves that open simultaneously) has a suppressive effect on the flow of qi, scares away and intimidates everyone who wants to enter the apartment. It is also believed that such a door is a gap through which part of the qi will leave the house, a signal of the danger of financial difficulties in the family.

On the contrary, a disproportionately small entrance door will impede the access of qi, and the microclimate in the family will change for the worse: squabbles, quarrels and petty grievances will become frequent guests here.

The material from which the door itself, and especially the door jambs, is made must be durable, without cracks, scratches, or other defects. The doorposts of the front door are a symbol of the well-being of the family, a support in case of troubles and troubles, therefore, rickety, shaky, cracked doorframes indicate that the family has lost protection and support and is in danger.

A solid wooden or metal door is preferable; be sure to cover the glass door with fabric curtains, blinds, or apply a pattern to the glass surfaces, that is, make the door opaque so that the chi does not mistake it for a window.

Pay special attention to the door design. Any ornament or pattern on its surface must be symmetrical, preserving the harmony of yin and yang. This remark also applies to the size of the door leaves and the ratio of materials used for its design.

In order to invite positive energy into the house and accumulate it, you need to paint the door in the correct color, which depends on its location in relation to the cardinal points.

If the door is directed to the west or southwest, then Feng Shui experts advise painting it white, beige, silver or brown.
If the door is directed to the north, then it is blue or black.

If the door is directed to the northeast or southwest, then it is better to paint it brown or yellow.
If the door is facing east, then the most suitable colors for it will be black, green or blue.
The door facing south should be painted green or red.

In order to invite Qi energy into your home, you need to use not only colors, but also elemental elements. For example, for a door that is directed to the south, you can use decor in the form of triangular elements, and for a door that is directed to the southwest or west - rounded elements.

You can determine in which direction the interior doors in our apartment are located by resorting to bagua.

We will give the directions in which the doors of our house are oriented and their meanings, as well as what needs to be done to improve the life situation.





The design of this door requires the presence of black and blue colors, patterns in the form of wavy lines. To improve the career area, you need to use this door more often.

The design of this door requires lighting (or a small flashlight), red color and triangle patterns. To improve the glory zone, you need to use this door more often.

The design of this door requires the presence of metal parts; they must be in good working order and polished to a shine. To improve the children's area (relationships with parents, health, success, mood) you need to use this door more often.

The design of this door requires the presence of floral patterns and trees. This door can also be decorated with a wooden pattern or covered with film. To improve the family area, you need to use it more often, and also monitor the serviceability of this door (eliminate deficiencies and update the protective coating).


The design of this door requires paired trim pieces that should be placed symmetrically on both sides of the door, as well as paired handles or latch handles that operate simultaneously, symbolizing agreement and unanimity. To improve the love zone, you need to use this door more often, wash it and wipe off the dust, and prevent rust from appearing on the metal elements.


Relationships with management, success on business trips and other travel

To improve this area, you need to use this door more often, eliminate all faults and maintain its appearance.



The design of this door should be dominated by earthy elements. To improve this area, you need to use this door more often, eliminate all faults and maintain its appearance.


The design of this door should be dominated by the elements of Water and Wood. To improve the finance area, you need to use this door more often, eliminate all faults and maintain its appearance.

The best direction, shape of decoration and color of the front door

Direction and design of the front door

Abundance and good luck will be brought by the front door, which is located with the outer side to your favorable direction, depending on the number of gua. This direction, as well as the recommended form of decoration and color of the door, are indicated in the table. In addition, a door facing southeast will always contribute to material wealth.

The front door should hold the energy of well-being inside the house

The function of the front door is not only to let in qi energy, but also to keep it inside the home. Therefore, so that energy does not dissipate, but, on the contrary, accumulates in the apartment, the door must be powerful, durable, but in no case glass or transparent, and open into the house. If the front door opens outwards, simply rehang it by placing the hinges on the other side (Fig. 34).


If there are windows on one side or the other of the door, then the energy that penetrates through the door will quickly flow away. Therefore, these windows should either be sealed completely or protected by hanging lace curtains on them and placing cacti on the window sills.

If the door consists of two leaves, then the larger leaf should be open and the other should be fixed.

Entrance door material

The most reliable from a Feng Shui point of view is a thick wooden door. A metal door is extremely undesirable because it blocks the flow of qi and therefore limits financial opportunities. But this does not mean that metal doors should be abandoned. Such a door must be upholstered in wood or covered with decorative panels without glass.

Beware of placing living plants outside, directly in front of the front door (in the center), since the nature of trees and any vegetation is yin, and it will interfere with the penetration of yang into the room and send additional flows of yin inside the apartment, disrupting the order of qi movement throughout the apartment.

The fact is that a house or apartment, in accordance with the yin-yang theory, is conventionally divided into two parts, the nature of which is opposite. That part of the apartment that is close to the front door has the power and properties of yang. Energy lives here, so qi enters the house through the front door. In the external areas of the apartment (entrance hall, office, kitchen, dining room, living room) there is a lively movement, here family members get together, receive and treat guests.

The interior of the apartment, farthest from the entrance, belongs to yin. Peace, silence, and an intimate atmosphere should reign here; it is most convenient and correct from the point of view of Feng Shui to place bedrooms in this part of the apartment.

Do not pile up old things or various rubbish in front of the entrance to the apartment (in the corridor or on the landing), do not place cabinets or cabinets that will hide the front door from view. Disorder and clutter will create sha, scare away qi, and negative energy will easily penetrate your apartment.

On the contrary, make the entrance to the apartment attractive. Lay a beautiful, bright rug in front of the door and hang a “wind chime.” Keep the door and surrounding stairwell area clean. Figures or images of animals (tiger and dragon) at the entrance will protect your apartment from negative influences; formidable guards will easily cope with the flow of sha.

The front door should not lead to a dead end or a labyrinth of corridors, since qi will not be able to circulate freely in such conditions, and its movement to the door leading to the apartment will be significantly hampered. In a dead end, qi will stagnate, accumulate, fade without reaching the goal, or degenerate into negative sha.

A door facing a narrow, dark corridor can cause financial difficulties. It is highly undesirable for there to be a staircase or an elevator opposite the door; the qi here will move too quickly and may simply not notice the entrance to your apartment and go down to the floor below (go up to the top floor).

In this and similar cases, you will not be able to change anything in the layout of the space; you can only try to attract qi to your door. To do this, Feng Shui advises hanging a bell or “wind chime” above the door, which will jingle every time the door opens or air moves, luring qi, inviting you to enter, increasing the flow of life-giving energy.

The bell is usually mounted above the door from the inside, because the front door opens inwards, and it is better to hang the “wind chime” outside, directly in front of the door or in several places along the long corridor leading to your front door.

The mentioned means of attracting qi can also be used inside the apartment, directing the flow of qi in the direction you need. It is noteworthy that “wind music” not only controls the flow of qi, but also becomes a maxim. The sound it makes reminds you of the presence of qi next to you, gives you hope for the best, awakens pleasant memories, and improves your mood.

Wind chime pendants and bells can be made from various materials:

Metal, bamboo, ceramics. When hanging them inside rooms, remember that each element corresponds to a certain direction, and therefore to a zone of your apartment. Metal sound is especially effective in the areas of children, career and teachers, bamboo - in the areas of fame, wealth and family. Metal destroys wood, so it is not recommended to hang “wind chimes” with metal pendants in areas that correlate with wood (in the areas of family and wealth). An elemental conflict can cause significant harm to a family, in a particular case leading to ruin and family quarrels.

“Wind music” can be hung even where there is no breeze, in an area that needs to attract additional beneficial energy. You yourself will be able to produce sound by touching the “wind music” with your hand or head and creating an air flow with your movement. Children especially like this activity. You can offer a similar game to your guests to attract and increase qi.

It is believed that bells help maintain the health of family members; their sound, heard from the dining room and calling everyone to the table, symbolizes the wealth of the inhabitants of the house and the abundance on the table. Even the sound of music coming from a TV, tape recorder, live sound (playing musical instruments, singing, children's laughter) increases the amount of qi in the apartment. Place musical instruments and equipment in areas of the room that you want to activate, and use them regularly.

So, you are convinced that qi can be attracted into the house, its movement can be stimulated, accelerated or slowed down, and the route of its movement can be easily changed. Walk through all the rooms and make sure that the qi will feel good here and will be able to move freely and in the right direction inside the apartment.

The door leading to the apartment should open inward, not outward, so as not to repel qi. At the same time, you need to monitor whether the door opens freely, completely, does it allow you to look around the hallway and enter the apartment without interference? After all, it is also very important for the flow of qi to look around, to determine the direction of movement before it begins to walk through the rooms.

An open door should leave the right (in relation to the person entering) corner of the hallway free. It corresponds to the teachers’ zone, so if guests entering the apartment leave their things on a table or shelf in this part of the hallway, then you can always count on the help and support of these people.

The qi that enters the apartment should feel calm and confident; nothing should hamper its progress through the rooms or scare it away.

One of the most important aspects in creating a favorable atmosphere for your home or apartment is Feng Shui of the front door. The importance of this door lies in the fact that it acts as the main conductor of energy entering your living space.

Feng Shui of the front door

Where the door to the house is located, what color and shape it has, what material it is made of, and where it opens, determines what kind of energy will enter your home - negative or positive, and will be further distributed in it.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, it is believed that any energy accumulates and is distributed right in front of the house, and its flows are activated by people who enter or leave the house. To prevent negative sha from entering the house and create conditions for good qi, let's figure out what the feng shui of the front door should be?

Unfavorable Feng Shui of the front door

bad feng shui front door

Firstly, should not be directed at your front door. These can be corners of buildings, lamp posts, power lines, satellite dishes and any other sharp and straight objects. Even a lonely tree standing opposite is considered a “secret arrow”, especially bad if it is dry or rotting. You can cut down the tree, if not, paint it red. However, it should be noted that several trees in front of the outer door are allowed in Feng Shui.

INo secondly, There should be no obstacles in front of the main door, otherwise there will be nowhere for energy to accumulate. You can fix this by making good lighting in front of the front door and changing the color of the door to the color of its direction.

Third, if the door is at the foot or goes to the elevator, this is also unfavorable feng shui. The situation can be improved by raising the threshold one or two centimeters higher, so that you have to step over this barrier when entering the house.

Fourthly, if the front door is at the top of the stairs, then it is also bad feng shui. Due to this arrangement of the stairs and doors, the money of the owners of the house will “fly away” from them without stopping.

Correction tools, in particular mirrors, will help you cope with such unfavorable Feng Shui of the front door. Either octagonal or

Entrance door: dimensions, material, where it should open

good feng shui front door

In Feng Shui, it is believed that the outer door of a house must be solid, massive and strong enough. It should not be made of glass, there should not be glass inserts in the doors and all kinds of windows on the sides of the door. Otherwise, good energy will not linger in the house. To prevent it, hang curtains on such windows or place potted flowers on the windowsill.

Good Feng Shui is considered when the front door opens into the house into a well-lit hall or spacious hallway. If this happens and your door opens outward, then try to reposition the hinges so that it opens inside the house. It is not very good when the main door of the house opens towards the toilet, stairs (especially if the stairs are double), a solid wall or into a small dark room.

As for the size of the external door, it should not be too large or small. The best option is a medium door, but it should be larger than that and have such a height that the tallest member of the family can easily pass through the doorway. This will ensure that all conditions are met for the unhindered penetration of good energy into the room.

Which direction of the world is the front door facing?

The location of the front door according to compass directions plays an important role in the life of the inhabitants of the house. For example:

North-west direction

The father of the family or the eldest man in the family is well suited. This location of the front door will bring him honor and respect in the family.

North door direction

Will bring peace and a measured lifestyle. You just need to pay attention to ensure that this does not turn into apathy and indifference to each other. If you suddenly begin to notice this, you can hang a crystal in the hallway or paint the door brown or its shades.

Northeast direction of the front door

Exposes the inhabitants of the house to external forces. This location is more suitable for young people receiving education and striving for self-improvement.

East direction

Very successful for young people who are promoting their careers and realizing their desires. It's also good for businessmen.


If the front door faces southeast, this will promote peace and harmony in the family, as well as financial well-being. Not immediately, but gradually. Be patient.


The “southern” door will help people who strive for recognition or fame. You just need to be careful here, as this can lead to troubles in the family. You can “damp down” the energy of this fiery direction by adding symbols of Water.

Which direction is better to choose?

yellow front door

The most favorable direction of the front door for a mother in Feng Shui is considered to be southwest. This direction will bring harmony to the relationships of the residents of the house. However, care must be taken to ensure that the mother does not become the head of the family. To neutralize this situation, you can add symbols or colors of the Wood element.

The western direction is perfect for a family with small children. They will be creatively developed. Also, this direction for the front door is associated with romance and pleasure. In order not to overdo it here, you can bring a little stability using the elements of the Earth.

The color of the front door relative to the cardinal directions

Color According to Feng Shui, the front door plays an important role in creating a favorable environment in the house. To create this most harmonious atmosphere, you need to choose a shade for the outer door in accordance with its direction relative to the cardinal points.

West and northwest

Main color: white, golden, silver. Additional: Yellow, brown. Not suitable: red, blue, black.

the shape of the front door in accordance with the elements and cardinal directions


Main color: blue, black, white. Not suitable: brown, yellow, green.

Northeast or southwest

Main color: brown, yellow. Additional: red, orange. Not suitable: green, white.

East or southeast

Main color: green, black, blue. Not suitable: white.


Main color: Red Green. Additional: yellow, brown. Not suitable: blue, black.

Choosing a door shape

Form Doors are best selected according to the five elements. Look in the picture for the correspondence between the shape of the door, the cardinal direction and the five elements.

  • East, southeast- tree
  • North - water
  • South is fire
  • Southwest, northeast- Earth
  • North-west, west- metal

Where should the front door not be facing?

green front door

To places with predominant Yin energy, places of pain and sorrow (church, temple, monastery, hospital, cemetery, prison, etc.). You can neutralize negative energy by painting your exterior door red. If such buildings or objects are located on the side of your house, then you can paint the wall “facing” in the direction of such an object red.

Towards the fork in the road. This can lead to discord between household members. In this case, it is better to move the main entrance.

It is not advisable for the outer door to “look” at a mountain or hill. This usually leads to financial problems. In this case, too, only moving the entrance will help, and it is better so that these objects are behind you and provide help and support.

The front door must not be directed towards a bend in the road or the edge of an overpass. This is a very dangerous “secret arrow” that can lead to problems with money and health for the residents of the house.

It’s bad when the main entrance “looks” towards a narrow passage between buildings. This will threaten the accumulation of finances for household members and may lead to loss of health.

It is also unfavorable when, according to Feng Shui, there is a garbage dump opposite your front door or your garbage is piled in front of the main entrance. This also leads to problems with money and career. It is better to keep trash out of sight and as far as possible from the main entrance.

The front door of the house The front door is the main entrance and exit for the flow of chi energy. In an ideal situation, qi is accumulated and distributed in the space in front of the house, and its flow is activated by the movement of people entering and leaving.

In ancient China, the front door was called the “mouth of the house,” through which all positive and negative energy passes.

First of all, you should make sure that the “secret arrows” that we already talked about earlier are not directed at the front door. To do this, stand in front of the door and look around. Notice any sharp corners, gutters, satellite dishes, lamp posts or spiers that direct the flow of negative sha energy towards the front door.

Obstacles on the way to the front door worsen feng shui. If there is not enough space in front of the door for chi to accumulate, this can be corrected by painting the door the color of the direction it faces, or by hanging a lantern above it to well illuminate the area in front of the door.

The location of the front door at the foot of the stairs is considered unfavorable for the health of family members. A simple way to avoid negative impacts is to raise the threshold 1-2 centimeters so that you have to step over it when entering the house. The same remedy can be used if the door opens to an elevator, since this also impedes the free movement of qi.

If the front door is located at the top of the stairs, then residents may find that money does not stay with them for a long time. In such cases, it is recommended to hang a medium-sized round or octagonal mirror above the door to reflect negative energy.

Entrance door direction

The sector of the house where the front door is located, as well as the direction in which it faces, is associated with the head of the family. Traditionally, in the Chinese family, the head of the family has always been the eldest man. These days, of course, this is not always the case, so you need to think and decide whether the destination meets your needs and your partner's desires.

If the front door faces northwest, it is considered a good direction for the father and the eldest man in the family. It will promote such qualities as leadership and dignity of this family member, trust and respect for him from other residents.

A door facing north creates a tranquil lifestyle for the occupants of the house. However, there is a possibility that calmness will turn into lethargy and apathy and eventually develop into mutual alienation. If you are concerned about this, the qualities of the opposing element can be introduced to activate other characteristics of the chi energy. Add a little earth element to the water element, for example by painting your door brown or ocher yellow or hanging a small crystal in your hallway.

In the Northeast, energies are quite volatile, and residents of houses whose front doors face in this direction are likely to be actively exposed to external forces. But if other feng shui readings are favorable, this direction is perfect for young people seeking to expand their knowledge and education.

The eastern direction is also favorable for young people, especially if they are just starting their career and dream of realizing their ideas and aspirations. It promises a bright future for those involved in business and commercial transactions.

The southeastern direction of the front door is favorable for those who want to improve their financial situation. Progress will be slow but sure, and peace and prosperity will reign in the family.

A door that faces south promotes active life and social activities, helping those who strive for recognition and even fame. However, in such a situation, you should act carefully, since indulging your own whims can create a tense atmosphere and lead to quarrels in the family. If necessary, moderate the fire by adding water element symbols to this direction.

If the front door faces southwest, this is considered most favorable for the mother of the family. The southwest direction promotes strong and harmonious family relationships, although there is a danger that the mother's personality will become too dominant and intrusive, destroying the overall harmony. To soften this effect, you can introduce colors or symbols associated with the tree.

A door that faces west is good for families with small children, it provides the best opportunity for their rapid creative development. This direction is also associated with romantic feelings and pleasure. However, you need to make sure that your hobbies do not lead to excessive expenses. Here you can add a little stability given by the earth element.

Shape and color of the front door

Having established the direction of the main door of the house, you should choose a color or shade that matches this direction in order to support the qualities of a particular element. For example, if you want to emphasize the stability quality of a southwest facing door, you can paint it red; if the inhabitants of the house are more in need of family harmony, you can choose brown or yellow. If circumstances change, the door can always be repainted using elements of the spawn cycle.

If the door faces west or north-west, then the qualities of the main element - metal can be enhanced with a white, golden or silver shade, and yellow or brown can be used for support. Do not use red, blue and black colors.

A north facing door can be painted blue, black or white as per your choice. Avoid brown, yellow and green colors.

If the door faces northeast or southwest, brown or yellow should be used as the main color, and red or orange as a secondary color. Green and white colors are not recommended.

For a door facing east or southeast, the best colors are green, black or blue, but not white.

A door facing south can be painted red or green; blue and black cannot be used. To a lesser extent, yellow and brown should be avoided.

In addition, forms associated with the basic five elements can be used to improve the quality of the chi passing through the front door (picture below).

Door shape according to five elements:

a) water (north),
b) tree (east, southeast),
c) fire (south),
d) land (southwest, northeast),
e) metal (northwest, west).

If the front door faces north, use water symbols to enhance its cleansing properties and metal symbols for strength and support.

If the front door faces the east and southeast, you can use tree symbols to activate opportunities for growth and development and water symbols to purify and renew.

If the front door faces south, the symbols of fire will add liveliness and good spirits to the inhabitants of the house. Additionally, you can use tree element symbols.

If the front door faces southwest and northeast, the symbols of the earth element emphasize its stability. As additional symbols, you can use the symbols of the fire element.

If the front door faces west and northwest, the metal symbols will give it strength and strength. Additionally, you can use the symbols of the earth element.

Entrance door style

Since the front door is intended to protect the house, it should be solid and durable, but in no case glass. In addition, it should be the largest in the house to ensure maximum flow of qi energy into the living spaces. It should be taller than the tallest member of the family. In this case, no one will experience inconvenience when entering the house or going outside.

It's good if the front door opens into the house. If it opens outward, it is better to outweigh it by placing the hinges on the other side. This is what Feng Shui masters think.

If there are windows on either side of the front door, then the qi energy, having entered the house through the door, can freely exit through them, bypassing the house. In this case, you will be protected by lace curtains on the windows or potted plants on the windowsill.

Where does the front door open?

Ideally, the front door should be hung from the side closest to the wall of the house or apartment and open towards this wall. This creates a sense of space and promotes good feng shui for the hallway. If the door is hung on the opposite side, the person entering momentarily finds himself in a confined space and experiences a feeling of inconvenience.

If the front door is located opposite the back door (that is, the “back door”), this creates a powerful flow of qi, which, passing through the house, practically does not stop in it. To correct the situation, barriers in the form of mirrors, screens or decorative grilles should be installed on the path of qi movement.

If it is difficult to erect a physical barrier between the front door and the “back door”, then you can improve the situation by hanging a curtain in front of the second door. Moreover, it does not have to be a heavy velvet curtain; it is too expensive for a corridor; an ordinary muslin curtain, which has an attractive appearance, will do.

Entering any building, be it your home, your friends' house or even a work space, you immediately feel how harmonious the interior is. If, upon entering, you are immediately confronted by the corner of a wall or the edge of a large closet, you will almost certainly instantly be in a bad mood. Such negative effects can be mitigated by using a decorative screen, plants or ornament.



The hallway is not the center of family life, so a neutral yin-yang balance should be maintained here in both design and lighting.

If the hallway is very bright and angular, this can be softened with pastel colors and curtains or reduced brightness of the light. If the hallway is too dark, use more saturated colors, increase the lighting and hang pictures or photographs in rectangular frames on the walls.

You can use rugs to attract beneficial qi energy. Choose a color that matches the direction of the front door: for the south - red, for the southwest - brown, etc., as well as additional colors: in the south - green, in the southwest - red.

You can also use wall decorations, dim lamps, hanging pots with climbing plants, if space allows.

In general, hallways are more likely to cause problems in office spaces than in homes. But if you have a large apartment or a separate house, you should pay attention to this.

In both hallways and corridors, you need to maintain cleanliness and yin-yang balance, using a relatively neutral tone of wallpaper or wall upholstery.

Poor location options:

  1. The entrance door is opposite the toilet room. In this case, all the energy entering the house will flow “down the toilet,” because the bathroom is a place of purification. In such an apartment, people feel constantly tired and inactive. And there is no need to talk about financial well-being.
  2. If you already live in such an apartment, the situation can be corrected. To do this, between the bathroom and the entrance you need to hang a Chinese talisman - a wind chime. It will reflect energy flows, dispersing them throughout the surrounding space in the right directions.
  3. In private houses, it is undesirable for the main entrance and the spare entrance to be located opposite each other. Then the Qi entering the space will not stay long: it will rush from the front door like a whirlwind and go into the backyard.

The front door is the gate of Qi, as it is called in Eastern philosophy.

Location by cardinal directions

Much will depend on which side of the world the entrance to the home is located.

What does this affect:

  1. North - life in the house will be calm, but can sometimes “slow down”, turning residents into apathetic and indifferent individuals. To neutralize this effect, you can change the color of the front door to brown, or hang a crystal above the entrance.
  2. Northwest. In this case, the man in the family will always dominate, because active male energy predominates in the house. Family members will honor and respect him.
  3. Northeast. An ideal option for young people who are just beginning to mature, explore and search for themselves, learn life and grow spiritually. For active and inquisitive individuals.
  4. East. An option for careerists and ambitious, goal-oriented individuals who strive to achieve a lot. In business and work, things will always go well.
  5. Southeast - . If the door is located on this side, the family will always have wealth, and you won’t have to hear about material problems. If you are just planning to buy an apartment, strive to choose exactly these options.
  6. South. This place activates social energy. A good option for sociable people who want to be the center of attention and gain the authority of others. This space needs to be supplemented with elements of the water element so that there are no conflicts in the family.
  7. Southwest is the sector of love. If the door is in this place, harmony and mutual understanding will always reign in the family. And if a single person lives in an apartment, he will very quickly find his other half.
  8. West is an ideal option for families with small children. Energy is aimed at their rapid growth and development, the disclosure of mental abilities and creative potential.

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