The heart is considered by many to be the main organ. Of course, the body cannot live without the liver, kidneys, and stomach, but only cardiac arrest causes instant death. Therefore, life is very difficult for a dog with a heart condition. It requires your constant care and guardianship and immediate assistance in critical situations.


Heart failure

This term refers to a condition when the heart is unable to fulfill its direct “responsibility”, that is, to supply organs and systems with fresh arterial blood. Naturally, it is impossible to ignore or not notice heart failure in a pet for a long time. This could end very badly.


Heart failure in dogs is a consequence of various heart diseases. It is important to understand that the occurrence of heart disease does not immediately lead to the development of heart failure. For a sufficiently long period of time, heart disease can be asymptomatic, without affecting the general condition of the animal. This is called the compensation stage.

And only when the body’s compensatory mechanisms are exhausted and various symptoms of heart failure in the animal begin to appear, the most common of which are presented below.

Healthy and modified heart

In principle, it can be noted that heart failure in dogs is an age-related pathology. As a rule, the age of patients is over 7 years. Therefore, you need to especially monitor your elderly pet, provide assistance to it, and regularly show it to a veterinarian-cardiologist.


Heart failure is characterized by a slow, increasing development of symptoms, the main of which are:

  • exercise intolerance;
  • cough;
  • shortness of breath, even at rest;
  • pallor of the mucous membranes;
  • fainting.

In severe forms of heart failure, ascites may develop - abdominal dropsy and pulmonary edema. In Dobermans, unfortunately, dilated cardiomyopathy can develop asymptomatically and end in sudden death.


Unfortunately, heart disease in animals is incurable. If a dog shows symptoms of heart failure, it requires help and lifelong treatment. It is aimed at reducing the severity of symptoms and improving the animal’s quality of life.

The main groups of drugs used to treat heart failure:

  1. Diuretics. They are used in the vast majority of cases, and the smallest dose that has an effect is selected. Diuretics help remove excess fluid and prevent the development of congestion in the lungs.
  2. Antiarrhythmics. They are also used for treatment quite often when there are disturbances in heart rhythm and pumping function of the heart.
  3. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. They are used in complex treatment to reduce the pathological accumulation of fluid in the body.
  4. Inotropic drugs, that is, drugs that increase the contractility of the heart muscle. They are expensive, but significantly improve the quality of life of animals even at the most severe stages of heart disease.
  5. Omega 3-6 fatty acids. They are a food additive that, when used over a long period of time, has an antiarrhythmic effect and increases life expectancy. They are the only vitamins that actually work for the heart.

Heart attack

It is one of the most common misconceptions that dogs are susceptible to heart attacks.

The fact is that a heart attack in a dog can only develop against the background of atherosclerosis. But it practically never occurs in dogs. Therefore, pulmonary edema is recognized as the main critical condition that can occur in acute heart failure. It poses a direct threat to life in the absence of adequate treatment.

Provoking factors

The cause of the development of a critical condition in the form of pulmonary edema may be prolonged neglect of heart failure and all those diseases that cause it. This also occurs when the heart is so pathologically altered that it cannot perform its function without supportive drug therapy. In such cases, acute pulmonary edema occurs due to the overflow of arterial vessels, capillaries and veins with blood, which cannot always be stopped. For more information about heart attack or pulmonary edema, watch the video below.


  • General depressed state of the animal;
  • shallow rapid breathing with an open mouth;
  • severe shortness of breath;
  • cyanosis of the mucous membranes, that is, they quickly turn white and then turn blue;
  • decrease in body temperature;
  • in severe cases, discharge from the mouth and nasopharynx may be observed in the form of a foamy liquid with bloody inclusions.

The appearance of such symptoms indicates an extremely serious condition of your animal, which requires immediate resuscitation. In addition to pulmonary edema, severe heart patients may develop hydropericardium, an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the heart sac. And hydrothorax is the accumulation of fluid in the chest cavity.

Ambulance for a four-legged friend

You must be aware that the conditions described pose a direct threat to the life of your pet. Therefore, you will be required to be efficient and have some composure in your actions. For a long time, have you observed shortness of breath, exercise intolerance, coughing in your animal, and now your dog’s condition has sharply worsened? The first aid will be an injection of furosemide at the rate of 0.2 ml per 1 kg of weight. Then, of course, the pet is urgently taken to the veterinary clinic.

There they must administer oxygen therapy, prescribe diuretics and drugs to enhance the contractility of the heart muscle. When transporting the core, try to provide it with the most comfortable position and an influx of fresh air.

Video “Heart failure in dogs”

A video covering the problem being considered today and talking about the symptoms and treatment of the disease awaits you further.

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Every year, the alarming picture of the incidence of cardiovascular pathologies in the world only tends to further deteriorate. This misfortune did not spare our pets either. So the diagnosis of “a heart attack in a dog” no longer surprises anyone today.

This pathology occurs (albeit very rarely) among all breeds of dogs, “gravitating” towards older animals. There is more or less accurate information about genetic and hereditary predisposition, but in-depth research has not been conducted in this area. As a rule, an “attack” refers to the visible manifestations of myocardial infarction. This is a severe pathology in which necrosis of part of the heart muscle occurs.

Oddly enough, in recent years (as in humans), dogs often suffer from atherosclerosis and the accumulation of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels. All these factors cause interruptions in blood supply and nutrition to a vital organ, which causes signs of a heart attack in a dog. It is important to understand here that this happens extremely rarely in relatively young and healthy dogs, but in them a heart attack can occur due to a disease of the endocrine glands.

Let us immediately note that if you do not have veterinary skills, you are not a doctor/nurse, then do not try to “inject” something yourself or otherwise “provide help” to your pet. In this case, you may be the direct cause of his death.

Read also: Microsporia - an overview of fungal disease in dogs

Symptoms, diagnosis and therapy

Immediate symptoms of a heart attack in a dog may include the following clinical signs:

  • Difficult, rapid and shallow breathing.
  • Head tilt. The dog can sit like this for several minutes, and in severe cases, its mouth is open.
  • Arrhythmia.
  • Visible signs of pain: the dog squeals, tries to take a comfortable position.
  • Attacks of sudden fear, the so-called “panic attack”.
  • “Rigidity” of the forelimbs, they do not bend, and occasionally the pet’s legs are completely amputated. Sometimes the dog will fall on his front left paw, which is a classic sign of heart failure.
  • Sudden death of a dog from a heart attack. This happens extremely rarely, and is typical only for really old animals.

So, what to do when you see this disappointing clinical picture? Call the vet immediately, of course. We repeat once again - do not try to do something yourself! You will only make the process worse. So, sometimes you can hear that a dog having a heart attack should be wrapped in a wet, cold sheet... Official science does not know how this technique can help a sick dog, but his stress will definitely increase.

Thus, the first aid for a dog having a heart attack is to call the veterinarian. If you were on the street at that moment, and your dog became ill during a walk, do not drag him back to the apartment, but immediately try to take him to the clinic. The faster you do this, the higher the chances of a successful outcome of the case.

Read also: Streptoderma or skin inflammation in dogs (symptoms and treatment)

At the clinic, the doctor will be able to relieve a dog’s heart attack using all the necessary medications. As a rule, an animal can be helped by simply using sedatives to relieve panic, pain and fear. To determine what kind of heart pathology you are dealing with, a specialist will take an ECG. Ultrasound and X-ray examination of the chest is also indicated.

Depending on the test results, treatment will be prescribed. The veterinarian will also prescribe the medications that you will need to give your pet daily at home. Sometimes it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention, but in practice, many pathologies of the cardiovascular system in dogs can be treated well with medications.

After stopping the attack, the animal should live in comfortable and calm conditions, away from stress factors. Do not give your dog food in the first hours after the incident. Water can be offered in required quantities. Remember that an anxious and frightened dog after a trip to the veterinarian may be frightened, and therefore its behavior during this period will differ significantly from the norm. In the first two or three days, carefully monitor the animal, and in case of the slightest suspicion, call the veterinarian again.

This state of health of pets today no longer surprises anyone, because heart and vascular diseases in the modern world tend to increase not only among people, but also among animals. Heart attacks occur in dogs of absolutely all breeds, with a predisposition in older dogs. The signs of the disease should be well known to the owners so that the latter can recognize them and provide timely help to the dog. So, let's arm ourselves with valuable information.

Briefly about pathology

A heart attack is a severe pathology of death of part of the heart muscle - myocardial infarction. In the world of new technologies and rapid progress, oddly enough, both people and animals very often suffer from atherosclerosis and the formation of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels. These circumstances provoke disruptions in the blood supply and nutrition of the heart, which causes an attack in the animal.

This condition is uncommon in young and healthy individuals, but can occur through disease of the endocrine glands. The pathology is serious, so if the dog owner does not have veterinary skills, he should not provide assistance to the animal himself. In such a situation, it can cause the death of a family friend.

Signs of the disease

A heart attack in a pet develops against the background of difficult, rapid and shallow breathing. The dog tilts its head and can sit in this position for several minutes. In addition, the mouth can be open to facilitate breathing. He has an arrhythmia and symptoms of pain: the dog squeals, trying to get into a comfortable position. A heart attack in animals is accompanied by a panic attack and the inability to bend the front legs. The dog may collapse on its left front limb (a classic sign of heart failure). Well, in the worst case, if the dog is old and weakened, he may die immediately.

We provide first aid

We remind you that if you do not have any medical skills, do not try to save a sick animal. You will worsen his condition and complicate the specialist’s actions. Many people advise wrapping your dog in a cold, wet sheet in case of a heart attack. Official veterinary medicine does not know how such a step can help the pet, but it knows for sure that the degree of stress will increase.

The meaning of first aid here is to urgently call the veterinarian. If during the attack you were on a walk with a family friend, then do not drag him back into the house, but immediately go to the clinic. This will increase your pet's chance of survival.

In the animal clinic, the doctor, using all the necessary medications, will relieve a heart attack for your pet. Usually in such cases one cannot do without sedatives, which eliminate panic, pain and fear in the pet.

In order to determine the type of pathology, the specialist does an electrocardiogram of the heart, ultrasound and chest x-ray. Based on the research results, he prescribes adequate therapy.

Not often, but to save the dog, doctors have to resort to the last resort - surgery. Although in most cases, heart pathology is well controlled with medications. The treatment process does not end after returning home. At home, the pet owner must continue its rehabilitation with the help of medications suggested by a specialist.

About home care

A heart attack is extremely stressful for an animal. Eliminating the consequences of this condition requires special care and attention from the owners. Create a comfortable and calm living environment for your dog in a clean and spacious kennel, avoiding humidity and drafts. Monitor your pet's food intake and fluid intake. His diet should be dietary and balanced. This is especially true for pets prone to obesity and diabetes.

Take your dog for a routine veterinary examination once every three months. Observe the behavior of your four-legged friend and, in case of the slightest suspicion, immediately contact a veterinarian.

Take care of your pets!

Heart attack is one of the five most common illnesses among people. But our four-legged friends are not immune from it, and every year the number of animals with this pathology is steadily increasing. And although the disease that occurs in dogs is less studied than the human disease, experts have still managed to figure out the mechanisms of its development and offer suitable diagnostics and therapy. If a pet is prone to developing this disease, then the owner should know how a heart attack manifests itself in dogs and what to do in this case.

Before a critical situation arises, pathological changes develop in the animal’s body for quite a long time. Initially, atherosclerotic plaques consisting of bad cholesterol begin to form. They, attaching to the vascular walls, layer on top of each other, narrowing the lumen, which leads to poor circulation.

The pathology progresses, the size of the plaques increases to such a size that any, even small, impact can cause rupture of the vessel walls. In the damaged area, blood clotting occurs and a blood clot forms, clogging the lumen of the vessel. Blood cannot move normally, which causes a heart attack.

Among the main causes of heart attack in dogs, experts note the following:

Regardless of what triggered the development of a heart attack, the disease has a number of symptoms.

Symptoms of the disease

Despite the fact that dogs are increasingly suffering from heart attacks, this pathology cannot be classified as a common disease. This makes diagnosis somewhat difficult at the initial stage.

  1. The mucous membranes turn blue - a similar phenomenon is called cyanosis, which occurs against the background of a severe oxygen deficiency in the blood. Blue discoloration can affect the gums, palate, and whites of the eyes.
  2. Breathing is disrupted, becomes rapid, heavy, and shortness of breath occurs.
  3. The pet becomes inactive - most of the time it lies on its side, rarely gets up, only when necessary. Avoids physical activity in every possible way, refuses to play and does not show joy when invited to go for a walk. Even a short walk causes severe fatigue.
  4. The disorder affects the musculoskeletal system - the dog moves unsteadily and staggers.
  5. Coordination of movement is lost.
  6. Loss of consciousness is possible - occurs if blood pressure drops sharply to critical levels.
  7. The patient may experience severe pain in the area of ​​the elbow of the left paw - because of this, the dog may show aggression, whine, squeal, and behave restlessly.
  8. The pet's sleep becomes restless; he often wakes up, startling.

Unfortunately, quite often death is the only sign of a heart attack in an animal. The pet dies suddenly, and the owner is unable to provide any help. The disease is quite insidious, so you should carefully monitor your pet and seek medical help if there are any alarming signs.

The condition is further complicated by the fact that it does not have clearly defined signs unique to a heart attack. For example, the initial symptoms resemble the development of pulmonary failure. And the appearance of shortness of breath and cyanosis of mucous tissues are often perceived as signs of bronchial asthma and other ailments of the respiratory system.

Many heart diseases are accompanied by fainting, an unsteady gait, and a sharp increase in blood pressure, so in some cases it is not always possible to find out that the dog is having a heart attack, and not manifestations of heart disease, cardiomyopathy or other heart disease.

Experts confirm that the pet owner cannot independently diagnose a heart attack, since the clinical picture is quite vague.


Only a specialist with experience and knowledge in the field of cardiology can diagnose a heart attack in an animal. It is advisable to contact a veterinary clinic where doctors with a narrow specialization - cardiologists who deal with diseases of the heart muscle - see.

When a pet is admitted to a veterinary hospital, a comprehensive examination is prescribed, which includes the following laboratory and instrumental diagnostic techniques:

  • blood and urine collection for general analysis;
  • electrocardiography;
  • echocardiography;
  • control over pressure changes;
  • chest x-ray;
  • ultrasonography.

Veterinarians consider angiography to be the most informative method of examining the heart. However, the procedure is carried out under anesthesia, which is extremely dangerous in case of problems in the cardiovascular area.

In case of a heart attack, differential diagnosis is required to distinguish the disease from other heart pathologies that have a similar clinical picture.

Treatment and first aid

First of all, the owner should know what to do if the pet experiences primary signs of a heart attack. This is especially true for animals with heart disease or older dogs.

First of all, it is recommended to give the dog Cardamine - 3 drops or Corvalol - 10-15 drops, the product is poured into the mouth. The dosage is calculated based on the patient’s body weight. If your pet has difficulty breathing, you can give him a cotton swab with a few drops of aromatic oil or salt to sniff.

This is the only thing a person can do for his pet on his own; all other actions can only worsen his condition. Therefore, it is recommended to take the animal to the veterinarian's office as quickly as possible. It is best if the patient is left in a hospital setting, which will provide more comprehensive treatment of the heart attack.

Therapeutic effects include taking medications:

  • antianginal drugs, for example, Nitroglycerin - these drugs increase the absorption of oxygen by heart cells;
  • means that support the activity of the heart muscle - Adrenaline, Caffeine, etc.;
  • drugs that have an antithrombotic effect - sodium Heparin, Heparin, Fraxiparin, etc.

Additionally, the doctor prescribes vitamin and mineral complexes that support the functioning of the sick animal’s body. Unfortunately, it is practically impossible to cure a pet with a large heart attack. But if therapy is started on time, the animal has a chance to survive the illness and return to normal life.

Treatment also includes mandatory nutritional correction. The diet consists of a number of restrictions and the addition of certain foods:

  • All food containing large amounts of fat should be removed from the dog’s diet;
  • lactic acid products are beneficial;
  • you should select food that contains all the necessary elements; with natural feeding, the veterinarian should recommend additional supplements;
  • The animal's menu should not include sweet or baked foods.

A pet who has had a heart attack needs special care. The owner will have to reconsider the existing regime and pay more attention to the pet:

  1. If a heart attack occurs in a working dog participating in hunting or sporting events, it is important to significantly reduce its physical activity.
  2. When it comes to an animal involved in breeding, at first it is advisable to exclude the possibility of mating, and later - to breed the dog only if it is in excellent health.
  3. In this case, the pet requires periodic consultations with a veterinarian and preventive examinations.
  4. Experts advise from time to time counting the number of heart beats per minute; they do this by touching the dog’s chest. It is advisable to record the data in a special diary, indicating the date, time and data received.

Normally, the rate of contractions of the heart muscle in representatives of large breeds is 70-100 beats per minute, in small dogs - 100-130.

Risk group

Just like humans, dogs may be predisposed to heart disease, and the statistics back this up. More often than others, heart attacks are diagnosed in the following groups of animals:

  1. Representatives of large breeds. Newfoundlands, St. Bernards, Caucasian Shepherds and other large animals suffer from necrosis of the heart muscle due to the fact that physical activity is not given to them correctly. Excessive activity negatively affects the functioning of the heart.
  2. Representatives of decorative breeds. In these little ones, the frequent development of heart disease is associated with excessive emotionality. They experience stress more acutely than other dogs; in some individuals, mental disorders can occur even due to too harsh a sound. When frightened, the dog's heart beats faster, which leads to rapid wear and tear over time.

Of course, heart attacks occur more often in older animals; naturally, this is associated with the worse condition of the blood vessels, heart and body as a whole.

As dog owners and breeders say, these animals have a heart filled with love. They live next to a person, adapt to his rhythm and are able to give their life for him without hesitation. It is not surprising that the disease in such a heart develops almost human-like - serious, insidious, requiring mandatory treatment.

Myocardial infarction in dogs is death (ischemic necrosis) of the myocardium (part of the heart muscle) as a result of a discrepancy in coronary blood flow (ischemia).

Causes of heart attack in dogs

In dogs, the most common cause of myocardial infarction is age-related hormonal imbalances. Much less common are metabolic disorders, due to which the walls of blood vessels thicken due to fatty deposits. That is, myocardial infarction in dogs is a rare diagnosis. It is confirmed, as a rule, only at an autopsy after death.

A heart attack in a dog can also be caused by a blockage of a coronary artery by an embolus (a substance circulating in the blood) or a blood clot. Vasculitis (inflammation of blood vessels) caused by congenital vascular abnormalities or bacterial endocarditis can also cause a heart attack.


Signs of a heart attack are not specific and can appear in many other diseases. Among these symptoms:

  • cyanosis (blueness) of the mucous membranes,
  • dyspnea,
  • unsteady, sluggish gait,
  • refusal to get up and reluctance to move
  • the dog has pain behind the sternum, but the nature of this pain is not always possible to determine
  • During the acute period, the animal has severe pain in the left elbow area. The pain can last up to several days and cannot be relieved with nitroglycerin. The dog is excited with fear
  • You may notice arrhythmia and tachycardia, and with the development of heart failure, a decrease in blood pressure

Myocardial infarction can be suspected by a cardiologist during examination using a special examination using an electro- and echocardiograph. However, first you need to exclude heart pathologies, which are more common and are accompanied by similar clinical signs.

This is dilated or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, various arrhythmias (extrasystoles and blockades) diseases, the cause of which is disruption of the heart valves and other heart pathologies.

The best way to diagnose myocardial infarction is angiography. However, it requires putting the animal under anesthesia, and this is dangerous for.

At the first signs of acute heart failure, you should contact a veterinarian, or better yet, a specialist - a cardiologist. Delay can cost your pet's life. The correct diagnosis can be made only on the basis of the necessary heart tests (ECG, ECHO), blood pressure measurements, and blood tests.

Periods of a heart attack

In veterinary medicine, five periods of myocardial infarction are clinically distinguished:

  1. pre-infarction or prodromal lasts from several hours to a month, although it may be absent;
  2. the most acute period begins with the onset of severe myocardial ischemia and lasts until signs of necrosis appear;
  3. the acute period is characterized by the formation of necrosis and progression within two to fourteen days;
  4. the subacute period is the completion of scar formation, replacement of granulation tissue with necrotic tissue. It can last up to eight weeks from the onset of the disease;
  5. The post-infarction period is characterized by thickening of the scar, and the myocardium adapts to the new working conditions as much as possible within six months from the onset of the infarction


Self-medication in such a situation is dangerous for the animal’s life. It is urgent to call a veterinarian at home or take the dog to. Before that, the animal is left in peace and quiet.

In most cases, the dog quickly copes with a myocardial infarction because its heart has many collateral vessels. Instead of damaged areas, they quickly take on the load.

  • Antianginal drugs are widely used in veterinary medicine to relieve shock and speedy recovery.
  • Heparin is administered to prevent thromboembolic complications
  • Vitamin therapy and diet are also necessary
  • Nutrition should be based on easily digestible lactic acid and carbohydrate fortified feeds
  • Fats, sweets and spices are excluded from the animal’s diet.

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