Hello again, dear lovers of culinary art! Do you know how to cook tasty and fluffy rice? It may not be strange, but for many, even experienced housewives, this becomes a problem.

I also had difficulties until I learned some secrets on how to cook rice in a pan with water. Today I will share the most useful tips with you.

To cook rice correctly, you need to take into account all the nuances - from the choice of grains to the duration of cooking.

You can cook it in different ways, it all depends on its purpose - for a side dish or for porridge. You can use a slow cooker, a saucepan, a frying pan or a double boiler.
The use of this culture began in ancient times. It is known that its homeland was Asia.

In Russia, rice began to be used in the 19th century.

How long to cook and how to do it depends on the type of grain:

  1. Long grain should cook for about 20 minutes. In this case, take two water per glass of rice. It does not stick together, it is served with fish, meat or used for salads.
  2. Cook medium grain for 15 minutes. Water is taken in a ratio of 1 to 2.25. In this case, you will need to pre-soak for 15 minutes. It is suitable for pilaf, pickle and porridge.
  3. Round grain must be cooked for 15 minutes. A glass of rice is poured with 2.5 glasses of water. It is used for casseroles and sushi.

Cereals are also divided according to processing methods. There is polished or white rice, brown or unpolished, and also.

It matters what kind of container you cook the rice in so that it doesn’t burn.

Preparing the rice

In order for the product to turn out crumbly, it is important to prepare it correctly.

Here's how it happens:

  1. The package is opened and foreign impurities are sampled.
  2. Rice is washed under running water at least five times. This will also reduce the amount of starchy components.
  3. If necessary, the grains are pre-soaked.
  4. The product can then be placed in a sieve to remove excess liquid.

Soaking makes the rice fluffy so it doesn't stick together. Long jasmine grains can be scalded with boiling water and then rinsed with cold water.
I hope you enjoy the following recommendations:

  1. You can't over-salt the dish. To make rice as a side dish for 4 people, just one teaspoon of salt is enough.
  2. If the rice turns out like porridge, it can be used for...
  3. Do not stir the rice while cooking.
  4. If the cereal is not cooked enough, you can add half a glass of water and cook for another 5 minutes.
  5. Use seasonings to add color to the stew. Turmeric is suitable for creating a yellow tint. The shade of ruby ​​will be obtained if you add beet juice; curry will also make the product more yellowish.
  6. To prevent the grains from sticking together during cooking, add just a little vegetable oil.

How to make fluffy rice?

Consider a traditional recipe. To prepare it you will need 200 grams of cereal, half a liter of water and a little salt.

The cooking time will take 50-60 minutes.
The cooking process consists of the following steps:

  • Pour cold water into a thick-walled saucepan. Its quantity should be twice as much as rice;
  • put on fire and wait until it boils;
  • add the cereal and cook for 20-30 minutes depending on the type of product;
  • Drain the rice in a colander and rinse with hot water.

Many people use rice in bags. It takes approximately 15 minutes to prepare.

How to cook fluffy rice

Cooking methods depend on the type of rice.


To prepare this type of rice, you need to take a glass of cereal, two glasses of water, and a teaspoon of salt.
Prepare like this:

  1. Two glasses of water are poured into a thick bowl.
  2. After boiling, the water needs to be salted.
  3. Then add the washed and clean cereal.
  4. After this, wait until the mixture boils and turn off the heat.
  5. The dishes should be covered with a lid and not removed from the heat. In about 40 minutes you will get a crumbly product.


To prepare, take a glass of rice, 2.5 glasses of water and salt.

To prepare crumbly food, follow these steps:

  1. Pour 2.5 cups of water into a thick-walled bowl.
  2. After boiling, add salt.
  3. The cereal is pre-soaked for 50-60 minutes.
  4. Then the cereal is poured in and when boiling, the heat should be reduced.
  5. After turning off, let the dish stand with the lid closed for 15 minutes.

Long grain and round grain

For a glass of this or that cereal you will need 2 glasses of water.

The preparation procedure includes the following steps:

  1. Rinse the cereal at least 5 times.
  2. Pour cold water into the bowl.
  3. Place on the fire and wait until it boils.
  4. The cereal can be soaked for 20 minutes.
  5. Salt boiling water and add rice.
  6. The mixture should come to a boil again.
  7. After the cereal boils, reduce the heat or turn it off completely.
  8. The grain will absorb water and become fully cooked.

How to cook rice in a slow cooker

Simply cook the cereal in a slow cooker. It must be washed, put in a bowl and pour boiling water in a ratio of 3 to 5.

Then you need to add oil and salt and set the cereal mode. You need to cook until the end of the program.
You can also cook a delicious steamed dish in a slow cooker. For example, these could be rice hedgehogs. In this case, the double boiler mode is used, and the product is infused for 5 minutes with the lid closed.

Cooking in a frying pan

You can cook a delicious dish in a frying pan. To do this you will need 200 grams of cereal, 400 grams of water and vegetable oil.
This is how you should cook it:

  • the grains are washed and, if necessary, soaked;
  • sunflower oil is poured into the frying pan and heated;
  • then the cereal is poured in and fried;
  • After frying, add water and seasonings and cover with a lid. You need to simmer for 20-40 minutes.

Steamer recipe

For 200 grams of rice, you need to take enough water to cover the top grains by 5-6 cm.
You need to prepare it like this:

  • rinse and sort the cereal;
  • pour water into the steamer bowl;
  • put all the ingredients and put on a special mode.

Microwave dish

It’s easy to prepare delicious food in the microwave. First you need to sort and wash 200 grams of rice, then put it in a special bowl with a lid.

Pour water and add salt. Set it on for 20 minutes.

Features of cooking rice with milk

You can prepare a delicious product with milk. To prepare, you will need a glass of rice, half a liter of milk, butter, salt and sugar.
Here's what to do:

  • rinse the cereal, pour a glass of water, put it on the fire and wait until the moisture is absorbed;
  • pour ¾ cup of milk and boil, and then leave on low heat;
  • As it thickens, add milk in small portions. Add salt and sugar. Then put in the butter.

You can add nuts, raisins and fruits to the porridge.

If you know some valuable advice, write it in the comments. See you again, dear readers!

Rice is one of the most common foods. It is used in the preparation of many dishes. The most popular culinary creation using this grain is pilaf. Very often it is necessary to boil rice so that it is crumbly and tasty. Despite its simplicity, this is not so easy to do. It all depends on several conditions, from the choice of grains to the cooking technology. How to cook rice so that it is crumbly? Let's talk about this.


One of the most important rules for preparing fluffy rice is the choice of the starting product. There are many varieties of cereals that differ from each other and are intended for specific dishes.

If you choose the wrong variety, then boiled rice will not turn out fluffy in any case, despite your excellent culinary abilities. Some types of this cereal cook well, having increased stickiness. They will not make a crumbly side dish. Therefore, this fact is worth paying attention to.


Let's look at a few of the most popular varieties that are most often found in our kitchens. Traditional short-grain rice is a classic among cereals. In earlier times, housewives, not spoiled by great abundance, used only it. This variety absorbs water well and sticks together well. It will not make fluffy rice, the recipe for which we will consider further.

The medium-grain variety should also not be chosen if you want a good side dish that won't clump. It can be used to make risotto or added to soup. It also absorbs water well and does not clump. The best option for preparing a crumbly side dish is long-grain cereal. It does not boil soft and does not absorb water as quickly as previous varieties.

A few tricks

In addition to choosing the most suitable variety, you also need to know a few subtleties of preparation. The first is pre-washing the cereal. This must be done several times until the drained water becomes clear. This will rid the cereal of excess starch and stickiness. An even better idea is to soak the rice in cold water a few hours before cooking. Water should be poured twice as much as the volume of cereal. Rice is placed only in boiling water. After boiling, cover the pan with a lid and do not open until the end of cooking.

Cooking time is usually about 12 minutes. We keep the heat to a minimum so that the cereal simmers and steams. Turn off the finished rice and leave it in the pan for another 10-15 minutes so that the dish, as they say, finishes cooking. You can then supplement it with other ingredients and seasonings. If you don't know how to cook rice so that it is fluffy, then use these tips.

Selection of cookware

Another important point is the choice of dishes. At first glance it may seem that this is not the main thing. Of course, you can cook rice in any container, but there is still a difference. It is better to take a pan with a thick bottom and walls for cooking. Cast iron containers are ideal for this.

Rice should not stick to the bottom or walls. The lid of the pan should fit tightly and not allow steam to escape. Rice is not just boiled, but steamed. Many modern housewives use the help of miracle technology. This is also a quick cooking option. But still, the old method, in our opinion, is the best.

Classic recipe

How to cook fluffy rice? Here is the simplest recipe. Take a glass of rice, two glasses of water, two tablespoons of vegetable oil and salt. Before boiling rice, it must be thoroughly washed or soaked in water in advance. Boil water separately. Choose a suitable container, preferably with a thick bottom. Place the pan on the fire and pour oil into it.

Then put the rice there and fry it for about 3 minutes. This will give it a golden color. After this, pour boiling water into the pan and add salt. Mix everything, close the lid and cook the rice until cooked. The fire should be minimal. When the water is absorbed, the delicious fluffy rice will be ready.

Another easy way

If you need cereal without adding other ingredients, then cook it according to the following recipe. Before cooking fluffy rice, rinse it thoroughly. Then fill with water so that there is about two fingers more of the cereal. Now set it aside for one and a half to two hours. During this time, the rice will swell and absorb almost all the moisture. Next, add a little water, about one finger's worth, and let the cereal cook. Make the fire small. After 10 minutes, all the liquid will evaporate and you will be left with crumbly rice.

Fragrant dish

The fluffy rice, the recipe for which is given in this article, should also be tasty. This is especially true when making a side dish. Let's prepare it in the following way. First, fill the cereal with water and set it aside for about 15 minutes. Then you need to put the rice on a sieve and let all the liquid drain. It should stay dry. Take a large frying pan, heat it up and put rice on it. Dry the cereal, stirring constantly. It should dry completely. In a separate pan, boil water, the volume of which is twice the volume of rice. Then add salt and all the necessary spices (herbs and seasonings that will add aroma and taste to the dish).

Next, add the rice to the water and bring to a boil. After this, reduce the heat to low and close the lid. In 10 minutes the dish will be ready. If you don’t know how to cook rice so that it is crumbly and at the same time tasty and aromatic, then use this recipe. Surely it will be a discovery for you.

Simple and tasty

This is another way to prepare crumbly cereal. Before boiling rice, it must be washed. This rule remains the same for any cooking method. Then put it in boiling water and wait for it to boil again. Next, place the cereal on a sieve and rinse. Now you need to pour cold water into the pan and place the rice in it. It will be ready in 7-10 minutes. The side dish turns out tasty and crumbly. At the end of cooking, you can flavor it with butter and sprinkle with herbs.

Rice with vegetable broth

To make the rice more flavorful, you can use meat or vegetable broth instead of water. First, wash the cereal and fill it with water. Then put a pan of water on the fire and put vegetables in it (carrots, onions, various roots, etc.). When the broth is cooked, it must be strained. Place the rice in a colander and fill it with broth. Let it cook for ten to twelve minutes. The pan should be tightly closed with a lid. Don't forget to add salt to taste. This can be done at the end of cooking.

You can also cook fluffy rice using modern technology. This will take less time, but the result will be almost the same. To prepare, take two cups of rice, salt to taste, a little garlic, a little olive oil and 4 cups of water.

You almost always get fluffy rice in a slow cooker. As usual, rinse the cereal until the water is clear. Then put it in the multicooker bowl, add chopped garlic, water and salt. We set the buckwheat cooking mode and wait for the process to complete. At the end, add olive oil and mix everything. It turns out fluffy rice in a slow cooker is delicious.


Using all the above tips and recommendations, you can prepare exactly the dish you had in mind. Choose the right variety of rice, the right utensils and follow the technology, then the process of creating a culinary masterpiece will not be difficult.

Now you know how to cook rice so that it is fluffy. Wash the grains well, soak them if you have time, and use seasonings to add flavor to the dish. Use these recipes to prepare side dishes and they will decorate any dish of meat, vegetables or fish.

May 31, 2018

How to cook rice so that the result is a wonderful fluffy rice porridge? Of course, some people like to eat mush, but more often they still have to cook crumbly rice cereal. Rice porridge is not only filling, but also very healthy. It is full of fiber, but we must not forget about vitamins and various micro- and macroelements. And this porridge is also useful for children. By boiling it in milk, adding raisins or other berries/fruits, you can get an excellent breakfast that will fill you up for a long time.

But in addition to the main dish, rice can be added to other dishes, thereby improving their taste. Meatballs, pilaf, cabbage rolls, cutlets, soups, salads and other side dishes. And there are many types of cereals. They also differ in color (white, brown or brown), in shape (long-grain, round), polished and unpolished, peeled and unpeeled, steamed and not steamed. And each has its own characteristics.

How to cook fluffy rice?

  1. To prepare fluffy rice, the first step is rinse the rice. You may be thinking that this is a pointless waste of time, you are mistaken. Rice is rich in starch, which releases into the water during cooking. As a result of cooking, the starch is “brewed”, gluten is formed, which glues the grains together. But by washing the cereal, you get rid of this starch. Round rice contains more complex carbohydrates than long grain rice. Therefore, it needs to be washed more.
  2. To thoroughly remove starch from grains, first soak them in cold boiled water for 10-20 minutes. Stir and place in a colander to drain. Rinse again with cold water. Each time the water becomes clearer. And it is clean, clear water after soaking that indicates that the starch has been washed out as much as possible.
  3. Now about the amount of water. For 1 cup of cereal you will need 2 cups of water (for long grain rice) and 3 cups (for round rice). Although some recommend a ratio of one and a half volumes of water to one volume of cereal. After washing, pour the rice into boiling and salted water, do not stir. This can damage the grains, and also lead to the fact that the starch directly from the grains themselves comes out into the water, and this will lead to gluing.
  4. After the rice has been added, reduce the flame to low. Be sure to cover with a lid to prevent steam from escaping; do not stir until the end of cooking. Cooking time is approximately 20-25 minutes. Look at the remaining water. It is not necessary to wait until the liquid is completely absorbed. Let's allow a small balance. If you close the lid tightly, wrap the pan with a towel, and turn off the heat, the cereal itself will reach an ideal state. The main thing is that the porridge is already soft and ready. Then, under the influence of steam, the grains will become even tastier. The porridge definitely needs to sit with the lid closed.

How to cook rice for sushi and rolls?

How to cook sushi rice so that they keep their shape and are tasty? For half a glass of rice (you can take special for sushi or round), salt to taste, and vinegar in a volume of only 2 tablespoons. What kind of vinegar should I use? Apple, wine or rice. It depends on which one you have in your kitchen or which one you like best. Now directly about the cooking process itself.

  1. Just like normal sushi rice rinse thoroughly. Use cold water so as not to “cook” the starch. As soon as the starch is washed off from the grains, pour cold water over them for about 30 minutes so that the grains swell. Use a sieve to drain all the water from the “soaked” rice. The colander's holes are too large for this purpose; some grains may slip through.
  2. Boil a glass of water in a saucepan, add the cereal, close the lid tightly so that not a single cubic millimeter of steam leaves the pan. Reduce heat to low. For 15-20 minutes, let the contents of the stewpan (or pan, whichever is more convenient for you to cook) steam and cook. Remove spoons and spatulas. Don't interfere with anything.
  3. You can stir only after adding vinegar and fine salt. And add it once the cereal is completely ready. Let the rice cool. Only after it has cooled down and use it to make sushi.

Now it’s worth talking about how to cook rice for rolls

  1. Take a glass of cereal and a glass and a half of water, 2 tablespoons of vinegar (preferably, of course, rice vinegar, but you can also use fruit vinegar). For this volume of rice, take a teaspoon of salt, and a tablespoon of sugar.
  2. The preparation is standard. Rinse until the water is clear. But instead of soaking the cereal, you need to spread it on a paper towel and let it dry for about an hour. Place the rice in cold water, the flame under the saucepan is medium. Don't forget the lid. Cover tightly. If there are signs of boiling, reduce the heat to minimum without touching the lid. The cooking process will continue for another 13 minutes. After this time, extinguish the flame, do not lift the lid and let stand for another 10-15 minutes, so that the steam will swell even more.
  3. In a separate bowl, mix sugar, salt and vinegar. Pour the resulting liquid into a saucepan with cooked rice. To ensure that the marinade is evenly distributed throughout the cereal, take a spatula. Do not mix. It is necessary to turn over carefully. Otherwise, there is a high risk of compromising the integrity of the grains. The rolls are prepared after the rice has completely cooled.

Rice is a favorite side dish for many, because it goes well with meat, vegetables, and fish. This ancient cereal crop is popular to this day. A long time ago, rice won the hearts of the Asian people, and about 300 years ago it became an integral part of our national culinary tradition.

How healthy is rice! It contains vitamin E, PP, B vitamins, as well as minerals necessary for humans: phosphorus, copper, iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, selenium, manganese, zinc. Those who have not yet appreciated the taste of rice probably simply do not know how to cook it correctly. After all, a delicious side dish of rice is fluffy rice!

How to cook fluffy rice - it's all about the varieties

In order to cook tasty and fluffy rice, it is important not only to prepare it in a special way, but also to choose the appropriate type of rice for this. Completely different varieties of rice are used for different dishes. They differ in processing method, cooking time, beneficial properties, and even color and shape.

  • Short grain rice is not suitable for making fluffy rice as it absorbs water very quickly and clumps very much during cooking. It is best used for making sushi, puddings or casseroles.
  • It is also better not to take medium grain rice in our case. It contains a lot of starch, unlike long-grain rice, and it also absorbs water strongly, making it sticky. It is used for cooking soups or risotto.
  • Long grain rice is ideal for preparing fluffy rice. Its long, thin grains will not stick together when cooked. It is long-grain rice that is used to prepare a crumbly side dish for meat, fish, and vegetables.

How to cook fluffy rice correctly

First, remember the most important rule! Before cooking rice, be sure to rinse it several times until the water is clear. This way, you will wash away excess starch, dust and husks from the rice. After this, take the time to soak the rice for 20-30 minutes in cold water. After this procedure, the rice will be saturated with water, which means it will be easier to cook it crumbly.

How to cook fluffy rice, method No. 1

  1. Rinse the rice thoroughly until the water becomes clear.
  2. Pour cold water over the rice and leave it like that for 1 hour. The water will be almost completely absorbed.
  3. Now add a little more water and cook the rice over low heat for 5-7 minutes without stirring.

This way, the rice will cook quickly, remain crumbly and will not burn to the bottom of the pan.

How to cook fluffy rice, method No. 2

  1. Rinse the rice and soak it in cold water for 15 minutes.
  2. Then place the rice in a sieve, take your time and let the water drain completely.
  3. Now you need a frying pan. Warm it up and place the prepared rice there.
  4. Stir the rice until the water has completely evaporated.
  5. It’s good if you prepared broth from any vegetables in advance.
  6. Vegetables should be removed from the broth and dried rice should be placed in it.
  7. Let everything boil, reduce the heat and cook the rice for another 10 minutes under the lid.

How to cook fluffy rice, method No. 3

This method is called the army method. Here, whatever rice they give you, it should be cooked crumbly. Moreover, the rice turns out really tasty and doesn’t stick together at all! So here's how to do it:

  1. Rinse the rice thoroughly until the water runs clear.
  2. Now pour the rice into the already boiling water.
  3. As soon as the rice boils, place it in a sieve and rinse in clean cold water.
  4. Let the water drain completely. Place the rice in cold water again, put it on the stove and cook the rice until tender, without stirring.

As you understand, cooking rice can be divided into the immersion method and the soaking method. The first one is, of course, easier. But don’t be lazy and try at least once to cook rice using the second method, the result will please your whole family. And finally, we remind you that the proportions of rice and water are approximately 1:2. Wash the rice every time, follow our rules, and the rice will turn out fluffy.

Even more interesting

How to cook rice so that it is fluffy step by step video recipe

We have also prepared a video for you to fully understand the step-by-step cooking process.

Hello everyone, I very often come across questions that people write on social networks, what is the recipe for delicious fluffy rice as a side dish for meat?

Dear readers, I will now tell you one recipe with which you can prepare delicious, fluffy rice, without any problems, in a short time. I promise, if you try to cook it this way at least once, you will never even try it any other way.

The recipe is so simple that we need the bare minimum of ingredients, read about them below.


1. Rice – 1 glass

2. Vegetable oil for frying

3. Salt to taste

4. Pepper to taste

Cooking method:

1. First of all, wash the rice under cold running water. It is important to get rid of dust and dirt that may have gotten into the packaging during packaging. We also need to wash off the excess starch, this will relieve it of excess stickiness.

2. Heat the frying pan to the optimal temperature, pour in vegetable oil. Use only the best quality oil, otherwise the rice may end up with a bunch of unnecessary odors. And this, as we know, will spoil the taste of the main dish.

3. Fry the specified amount of rice in a frying pan for 3-4 minutes. Thanks to this action, we will finally get rid of excess starch and strengthen the crumbly properties of the finished rice.

5. Add salt and pepper to taste. Cover with a lid and cook over low heat for 20-25 minutes. This is a standard amount of seasonings; you don’t need to add anything else, otherwise you will end up with a different dish than boiled fluffy rice.

6. Check if there is water in the frying pan. If there is, wait until it boils completely. We check without opening the lid. If you don't have a glass lid, you'll have to open it.

7. Our rice is completely ready, it turned out crumbly and very tasty. Such properties were achieved thanks to pre-roasting the beans, as I mentioned above.

For many housewives, the secret of preparing fluffy and tasty rice remains unsolved. Boiled rice is included in many dishes; it can be eaten as a side dish for meat or fish. How to cook it correctly so that you get not boiled porridge, but perfectly steamed grains of rice?

Why can't I cook rice properly?

The culprit behind the fact that instead of a crumbly dish you end up with a whole flatbread is the starch contained in the cereal. The more it is, the higher the likelihood of getting mush porridge instead of a tasty lunch.

Cooking secrets:

To make the rice crumbly and tasty, you should use the proven advice of famous chefs.

1. Selection of capacity. Rice cereals should not be cooked in an enamel-lined pan.
2. The ratio of liquid to rice should be 1:1. This is the best option: during the allotted cooking time, the cereal will have time to absorb all the water and not boil over.
3. Rinse the ingredient at least 3 times until the water becomes clear and clean.
4. During cooking, stirring the dish is strictly prohibited.

Types of rice are classified:

1. by grain type: oblong, medium-grained and round;
2. according to the method of grain processing: polished, steamed and unpolished;
3. by color.

Methods of cooking rice

Each variety of rice is rich in microelements important for the human body. Its health benefits have been proven even by scientists.

Method one: classic

To prepare rice according to the classic recipe, you need:

1. Rinse the cereal with running water at least 3 times to wash away the gluten and starch;
2. Pour rice into a saucepan and pour boiling water in a 1:1 ratio;
3. Add salt to taste and a teaspoon of vegetable oil;
4. Close the lid and cook over low heat until done.

Delicious rice goes well with any dish. This is a dietary product that can be consumed by anyone who is watching their figure.

Method two: pilaf in a frying pan

Cooking pilaf in a frying pan does not take much time. The result is a delicious dish that can be served even at the holiday table.

A recipe with a photo will allow you to repeat all the manipulations with utmost precision. Now let's see what is included in this pilaf and how we will use the ingredients for cooking.


1. Any meat – 500 grams;
2. Round rice – 2 cups;
3. Onion – 1 head;
4. Medium carrots – 1 piece;
5. Water - 3 glasses;
6. Garlic – 1-2 cloves;
7. Vegetable oil – 3 tablespoons;
8. Spices


1. Rinse the meat thoroughly, dry with a towel and cut into medium-sized cubes.

2. Rinse rice groats 3-7 times. Allow the liquid to drain.

3. Peel and peel the onion. Finely chop the onion, chop the carrot into strips (gritting is not recommended).

4. Pour vegetable oil into a large frying pan with a lid. Add meat and fry over high heat until golden brown.

5. Add the onion and fry, uncovered, for 10-15 minutes over medium heat. Season to taste.

6. Having brought the meat and vegetables to half-cookedness, add rice to them. Distribute it evenly among the dishes.

7. Pour in the prepared water in a thin stream. Add whole garlic cloves.

8. Cover the semi-finished product with a lid. Do not open it until the end of cooking.

9. Cook the pilaf over high heat for the first 10 minutes, then turn down the heat for 10 minutes. Turn off the stove and wait another 10 minutes for the rice to finish cooking.

A delicious dish made from simple ingredients is ready. It is incredibly tasty and aromatic.

Method three: preparing rice for sushi

There is nothing difficult about making sushi and rolls at home. The main thing is to choose the right rice and cook it until cooked. Let's find out step by step how to do this without complications.

1. Before you start cooking, you should correctly measure the required amount of cereal. A kilogram of rice yields 15-17 servings. You need to build on this figure.

2. Rice for sushi should be washed in plenty of water. To do this, pour it into a container, fill it with cold water, mix and rub it with your hands. Afterwards, the cloudy water is drained, the floating grains of rice are removed and the procedure is repeated. Then the cleaned grains are placed in a colander and soaked for 15 minutes in clean water.

3. To cook rice cereal for Japanese food, take a thick-walled pan, transfer the ingredient into it, add water, close the lid and place on low heat.

4. When the water boils, increase the heating power to the maximum mark for 2 minutes. Turn off the heat and cover the container with a clean towel. Leave for 15 minutes and begin preparing the obligatory dressing for the rice.

5. Mix 120 ml of rice vinegar with 6 tablespoons of sugar and 1.5 tablespoons of salt. Dilute with a little water and bring to a boil. Pour the sauce over the cooked rice and combine the ingredients with a wooden flat spoon.

Method four: a miracle from a slow cooker

For those who have a multicooker at home, cooking rice will not have the slightest difficulty. The device comes with a special measuring cup so that housewives can accurately calculate the amount of components.

1. Rice is poured into the bowl of the device at the rate of 1 measuring container of cereal per 3 measuring containers of liquid. Salt and, if necessary, vegetable oil are added to them.

2. Each manufacturer indicates a certain mode in which rice is cooked in the best way, regardless of the variety. The component is covered with a lid and cooked at the specified temperature for the specified time.

3. The product prepared in a slow cooker does not lose its nutritional and medicinal properties, it turns out crumbly and appetizing, as in the photo from culinary magazines.

That's all for me, thank you for your attention, we look forward to your recommendations, suggestions, and wishes.