Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school in the village of Sinegorye"

The lesson of the environment.

1 class

Topic. Whose beak is better?

Yurina Zukhra Tomievna,

primary school teacher

Sinegorye village - 2016.

Topic. Whose nose is better?

Target. The ability of children to distinguish birds by their beaks, to determine their belonging to an ecological group by type of food.



Acquaintance of children with the biodiversity of birds, the study of different types of beaks and paws.

To trace the relationship between the structure of the beak and paws and the method of obtaining food.

To form the ability to determine the ecological groups of birds, applying the knowledge gained.

Continue to consolidate basic ecological concepts: food chain, habitat conditions, habitat using the example of different ecological groups of birds.


Development of general educational skills: the ability to analyze; highlight the main, general, particular; apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practical work;

Development of the ability to draw conclusions; to ask questions; group objects according to a common feature.

Formation of the ability to reflect on their activities.


Raising interest in the diversity of the surrounding world, the desire to preserve its diversity.

To continue the formation of the foundations of ecological culture.

To develop the ability to work independently, in small groups, to achieve the goal.

Equipment, visual aids.


Cards with the image of birds (for three groups of children)

Devices: tweezers, clothespins, hairpins.

Food: seeds, nuts, berries.

Visual aid: insects, flies, caterpillars, mouse.

Cards divided into two parts: on the right are types of food for birds, on the left - a model of a bird's head without a beak.

Multimedia projector, screen.

Video story by V. Bianki "Whose nose is better?", video "Voices of birds".

Methods: problem-search, dictionary-visual.

Lesson stage

Teacher activity

Student activities

Organizing time

Creating an emotional situation

Please sit down.

Hello dear guys!

Today, you are my students! Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Gulnara Tomievna.

The most amazing thing in the world is human kindness.

Give each other a smile.

Rub your palms, convey your warmth and good mood.

Give smiles to your guests.

Thank you.

sit down


Motivation of cognitive activity.

Listening to the audio recording of "Voices of Birds"

I will ask you now to close your eyes and imagine what you will hear.

Open your eyes.

Guys, what did you hear?

And more precisely, what did the birds do?

Children, what birds do you know?

Thank you.

You know a lot of birds.

Guys, who are these birds? Name the signs by which birds can be identified.

Is it possible to identify a bird by each of these signs?


Let's choose the features of birds in contrast to another class of animals.

Who are the birds?

Thank you!

Children, what distinguishes birds from other animals?

What do only birds have that other animals don't?

That's right, birds have feathers - this is the main distinguishing feature of birds as a group of animals.

P. Make assumptions.

P.L. Update personal experience.

P.M. Allocate signs of birds (fly, sing, lay eggs, build nests)

P. They make assumptions, justify them. Give examples (e.g. insects fly too)

P. Make assumptions.

P. Allocate the main feature by which birds can be identified from other animals (feathers, beak)

Updating the necessary knowledge

Watch the video "Whose nose is better?".

Children, once the children's writer Vitaly Bianchi overheard the conversation of birds.

Let's listen and think about what they are?

So, children. What were the birds arguing about?


Children, why do you think birds have different beaks?

And what do you think, whose beak is better? Whose nose do you think could be the best?

Guys, what is the main question we will try to answer in the lesson?

Right. The topic of our lesson will sound like this (on the board: Whose beak is better?)

To answer the main question, what do we need to know today? What do you think?

That's right, the key points of today's lesson are that we will study with you what beaks are, how and what birds eat. (On the board: beak, food)

Watch the video "Whose nose is better?"

P. Makes assumptions (about noses, about beaks, who has a better beak))

P.L. Answers of children (different types, different food in birds)

Make assumptions (all beaks are good)

M. With the help of the teacher, they call the main question of the lesson (whose beak is better)

Read the writing on the board.

M. Formulate the educational task of the lesson about birds, the variety of beaks, the shape of the beaks, what they are for, what they eat)

Organization of cognitive activity

Comparison, reasoning

Consideration of devices, comparison, reasoning.

Organization of work in groups using equipment

Practical work

Frontal work Relationship illustration with diagram

Classification of birds by groups

I suggest that you consider three beak shapes (three beak diagrams are posted on the board).

Beak numbered one, two and three. What is he? What are the features?

Let's look at the features of the beak under number 1. What can we say about it? What is he?

You gave the correct characteristics of the beak under number 1 - it is thin, sharp.

Consider beak number 2. What can be said about it in contrast to the first?

Good! He is fat and short.

Beak number 3?

That's right, unlike the previous two, a characteristic feature of this beak is that it is bent down.

Children, we have determined the shape of the beak.

And now I will show you the device, and you have to guess what kind of beak they look like.

What's in my hand? (Tweezers) What kind of beak do tweezers look like? Why?

True, but the beak under number 1 is thin, sharp, but it can be of different lengths: both long and short.

I show the second device, what is it? (Pin).

What beak does she look like? Why?

That's right, the characteristic features of the beak under number 2 are thick, short.

The third device is a hairpin. What beak shape does it look like? Why?

That's right, the beak at number 3 is bent down.

Children, we have considered the shape of the beak. Now let's try to find food.

As food will be (I demonstrate):

1 - pumpkin seeds (in a glass)

2 - insects (artificial)

3 - and a mouse (rat) toy).

So, in order to determine which beak goes with which food, you should work in a group.

Before we start this group work, let's remember the rules of group work.

How do we work in a group?



Well done!

And now we will be divided into three groups. I ask for 1 gr. go to the 1st table, 2gr - to the 2nd, and the 3rd group - to the 3rd table.

The signal to start work will be the voices of birds.

We take our places. I distribute equipment.

So kids, are you ready? (Bird calls sound)

We determine that it is convenient to take with each beak.

You can not take it with your hands, only with devices.

Decide who will be responsible.

The signal for the end of work has sounded, please sit down.

Beak diagrams and pictures of food (mouse, pumpkin seeds, fly) appear on the screen.

So, a question for the first group. What do you feed birds with a beak number 2? Why? (on screen answer)

Second group. What do you feed a bird with a beak number 3?


Third group. What do you feed a bird with a beak number 1?


Well done boys! We have examined the shapes of beaks, We have selected food for birds.

And now we will try to distribute specific birds according to the shape of the beak.

In which group do we place the woodpecker? Why?

A bird with such a beak? Why? (Dubonos)

Merlin? Why?

Wagtail? Why?

Falcon? Why?

Martin? Why?

Sparrow? Why?

Bullfinch? Why?

Owl? Why?

Children, when we talked about the shapes of the beak, picked up food. Let's see what the birds of the first group eat?

What do you think this group of birds could be called? Are there any other opinions?

Yes, guys, in science, such a group of birds has a name: INSECTIORS (a card is posted on the board).

Let's remember what they fed the birds with beak number 2?

Children, what do you think this group of birds will be called?

In science, such birds are called HERBIVORUS (a card on the board), they feed on plants and fruits.

What does the third group of birds eat?

There are suggestions: what will we call it? Such a group of birds in science is called PREDATORY (card on the board). They feed not only on rodents, but also on other birds and small animals.

But, and now I will ask you to rest with me.

P. Consider illustrations, determine the features of the beak.

P.M. Children speak their mind (small, thin, sharp)

P.M. Children compare and express their opinion (fat, small, short)

P.M. Children compare and express their opinion (curved down, sharp, small, but sizes vary)

P.M. Children examine, name the device, compare and express their opinion (the tweezers are similar to the shape of the beak under No. 1, besides it is thin, sharp, small)

P.M. Children examine, name the device, compare and express their opinion (the clothespin is similar to the shape of the beak under No. 2, it is small, short, thick)

P.M. Children examine, name the device, compare and express their opinion (the clothespin is similar to the shape of the beak under No. 3, besides it is bent down)

P. Consider food (seeds, insects, mouse(rat)

P. Children remember and name the rules for working in a group (we discuss together, listen to the opinion of another, respectfully, boldly express our opinion)

The class is divided into three groups, each group takes its place.

M. Work in groups:

Determine which beak and what is convenient to take (tweezers, clothespin, hairpin)

They make a conclusion.

P.L. express and justify their opinion (seeds, etc. it was convenient to capture them with such a beak)

(mouse, p.h. it was convenient to capture them with such a beak)

(with a fly, it was convenient to grab them with such a beak)

P. Compare, distribute. Justify your answer:

First, p.h. her beak is thin, narrow.

In the third, p.h. the beak is bent down.

First, p.h. he has a thin, narrow beak.

Secondly, p.h. the beak is short, thick.

Secondly, p.h. the beak is short, thick.

In the third, p.h. the beak is bent down.

P.L. Children's answers:








In the morning the gander got up on its paws,

Ready to charge.

Turned left, right.

Did the squat well.

He brushed his feathers with his beak.

And quietly sat down at the desk.

Thanks, have a seat!

Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson

Working with a card

Organization of independent work

Checking work with the standard, self-assessment

And now, guys, we will check how attentive you were in the lesson.

You have an envelope on your desks. Take out a card and a pencil. Set the envelope aside on the edge of the table.

Children, look carefully at the card (birds without a beak and food).

What did you see?

Yes, birds do not have beaks.

Your task is to consider the food that each bird eats and draw the beak that is typical for this group of birds.

Guys, put down the pencils.

Let's check the performance of independent work with the standard. (on the screen: the head of a woodpecker and a fly, a bullfinch and seeds, an eagle and a mouse)

Look at the sample of the correct execution of this task, compare with your card.

If done correctly, with a simple pencil in the lower right corner, put yourself a plus (the teacher checks).

I went through and saw that each task was completed correctly. Well done!

Put the cards aside, please.

P.M. The children look at the card.

Children's answers (birds do not have a beak)

M. L. Examine, analyze, finish drawing the beak, (if the child finds it difficult to draw correctly, then the teacher provides assistance)

L. They look, compare, evaluate themselves.


Working with a proverb

And now, guys, let's explain the meaning of the proverb.

Each bird is fed with its beak.

What do you think is the meaning of this proverb?

Correctly! Children, can we now answer with you the main question of the lesson, whose nose is better?

Yes, each bird has its own beak.

And now I ask you to think about this question:

Where in life can you apply the knowledge gained and discovered today in the lesson?

Also, guys, gardeners place feeders with certain food for insectivorous birds so that they exterminate harmful insects.

M. Listen to the proverb, explain its meaning (each bird has its own beak in order to get the right food)

M. Answer the question (each bird has its own nose with something good)

L. Determine the personal meaning of the study of the topic. Opportunities for the practical application of new knowledge (we know how to feed the birds; in biology lessons)

Reflection of learning activities in the classroom.


I ask you now to evaluate the success of your work in the lesson.

Take emoticons out of the envelope, select the one you need and pick it up.

Let's show emoticons - the result of our work to the jury members.

Please put emoticons and accessories in your envelope. The card is yours to remember.

The lesson is over. Thank you for the lesson.

April 1st is World Bird Day. In honor of this holiday, the Moscow Zoological Museum of Moscow State University invites everyone to get acquainted with the life of birds.

Having appeared in America at the end of the 19th century, Bird Day quickly gained popularity: in Europe it began to be celebrated as early as 1906.

In honor of this date, on April 2, Sunday, lectures by ornithologists, educational games and master classes will be held at the Moscow Museum.

On this day, all museum events will be free! You can take part in them by purchasing a regular entrance ticket. Here is their list.

AT 13:00 ornithologist Evgeny Alexandrovich Koblik will give a lecture on migratory birds.
AT 14:30 a lecture on flying animals will begin. It will be about how our neighbors on the planet adapted to the flight.

Oksana Vashchuk

Educational games await the youngest visitors on this day.

"Whose beak is better"
What shapes and sizes are not the beaks of birds! Long and short, narrow and wide, straight and crooked, sharp and blunt, strong and brittle. Why such diversity? For what? Whose beak is like a sieve, and whose holds insects like tweezers?

"Housing problem"
The “visiting card” of a bird is not only a beak, but also a nest. When you see real nests from a museum collection, try to guess the owner by the shape of the nest, its location, or the materials from which it is made.

"You can see a bird in flight"
During this game, you will learn a lot about the structure of feathers and their purpose. They are different: wide and dense (they are needed for flight), small and soft (these retain heat). Birds also have decorative feathers to help find a partner. Having dealt with feathers, try to recognize the birds by their silhouette - every ornithologist should master this skill.

"Birds of Russia"
How well do you know the birds that live in Russia? Arctic deserts, tundra and taiga, mixed and broad-leaved forests, steppes, semi-deserts - all this is a list of natural areas of our country.

Quiz "I Know You"
The youngest visitors are waiting for special simple questions, riddles and tasks about feathered animals.

In addition, there will be creative workshops for children, where they can make a moving paper toy. And those who are not yet very good at scissors and glue can draw a bird with a pencil, felt-tip pens and their own palms.

You can walk through the halls in the company of a guide or refer to a special game guide.

Zoological Museum of Lomonosov Moscow State University
Where? Bolshaya Nikitskaya, 2. Okhotny Ryad, Teatralnaya, Arbatskaya, Borovitskaya metro stations
When? April 2
How? 300 rub. for an adult, 100 rubles. for kids. Children under 7 years old - free entry.

Reading time: 04:05

Mukholov-Tonkonos sat on a branch and looked around. As soon as a fly or a butterfly flies by, he immediately chases after it, catches it and swallows it. Then again he sits on a branch and again waits, looks out. He saw a grosbeak nearby and began to complain to him about his bitter life.

It is very tiring for me, - he says, - to get food for myself. You work and work all day long, you don’t know any rest, you don’t know peace, but you still live from hand to mouth. Think for yourself: how many midges you need to catch in order to be full. And I can’t peck at grains: my nose is too thin.

Yes, your nose is no good! Dubonos said. - Is it my business! I bite their cherry pit like a shell. You sit still and peck at the berries. Here's a nose for you.

Klest-Krestos heard him and said:

You, Dubonos, have a very simple nose, like Sparrow's, only thicker. Look at my intricate nose! I shell seeds from cones for them all year round. Like this.

Klest deftly pryed the scale of a fir cone with a crooked nose and took out a seed.

That's right, - said Mukholov, - your nose is cunningly arranged!

You don't understand anything in your noses! - croaked from the swamp Bekas-Long-nosed. A good nose should be straight and long, so that it is convenient for them to get boogers out of the mud. Look at my nose!

The birds looked down, and there a nose sticking out of the reeds was long, like a pencil, and thin, like a match.

Ah, - said Mukholov, - I wish I had such a nose!

Mukholov looked and saw two wonderful noses in front of him: one looks up, the other looks down, and both are thin as a needle.

My nose is looking up for that, - said Shilonos, - so that they can hook any small living creatures in the water.

And my nose looks down for that, - said Curlew-Serponos, - so that they can carry worms and insects from the grass.

Well, - said Mukholov, - you can't imagine better than your noses!

Yes, you, apparently, have not seen real noses! - Shrokonos grunted from a puddle. Look what real noses are: wow!

All the birds burst out laughing, right in the nose of Shirokonos!

Well, a shovel!

But it’s convenient for them to alkalize water! - said Shirokonos irritably and hastily tumbled his head into the puddle again.

Pay attention to my nose! - whispered from the tree a modest gray Nightjar-Setnonos. - I have it tiny, but it serves me both as a net and a throat. Midges, mosquitoes, butterflies in droves fall into my mesh-throat when I fly above the ground at night.

Is that how it is? Mukholov was surprised.

That's how! - said the Kozodoi-Setkonos, but as the pharynx gaped, - all the birds shied away from him.

Here's the lucky one! Mukholov said. - I grab one midge at a time, and he catches them in hundreds at once!

Yes, the birds agreed, you won’t get lost with such a mouth!

Hey you little one! called the Sack Pelican from the lake. - They caught a midge and are happy. And there is no way to reserve something for yourself. I'll catch a fish - and put it in my bag, catch it again - and put it back again.

The fat Pelican raised his nose, and under his nose was a bag full of fish.

That's the nose! - exclaimed Mukholov, - a whole pantry! You can't think of anything more convenient!

You must not have seen my nose yet,” said the Woodpecker. - Here, enjoy!

And what about admiring him? Mukholov asked. - The most ordinary nose: straight, not very long, without mesh and without bag. It takes a long time to get food for lunch with such a nose, but don’t even think about stocks.

You can't just think about food, - said the Woodpecker-Dolbonos. - We, forest workers, need to have a tool with us for carpentry and joinery work. We not only get food for ourselves, but also hollow out a tree: we arrange a dwelling, both for ourselves and for other birds. Here is my chisel!

Miracles! Mukholov said. “I've seen so many noses today, but I can't decide which one is better. Here's what, brothers: you all get close. I will look at you and choose the best nose.

Dubonos, Krestonos, Dolgonos, Shilonos, Shirokonos, Setkonos, Meshkonos and Dolbonos lined up in front of Flycatcher-Tonkonos.

But then a gray Hook-Hawk fell from above, grabbed Mukholov and took him to dinner.

And the rest of the birds frightened scattered in different directions.

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The Tonkonos Flycatcher sat on a branch and looked around.

As soon as a fly or a butterfly appears, he will immediately fly on his wings, catch it and swallow it. Then he sits on the branch again and waits, looks out.

I saw a grosbeak nearby and began to cry to him about his bitter life.

To me, - he says, - it is very tiring to get food for myself. You work all day, you work, you know neither rest nor rest. And you live from hand to mouth. Think for yourself: how many midges you need to catch in order to be full! But I can't peck the grain: my nose is too weak.

Yes, your nose is no good, - said the grosbeak, - your nose is weak. Is it my business! I bite a cherry stone like a shell to them. You sit in your place, peck berries and click. Krak! - and you're done. Krak! - and you're done. Here's a nose for you.

Heard his crossbill-crusader and says:

You, grosbeak, have a very simple nose, like a sparrow's, only thicker. Look, what an intricate nose I have: a cross. I shell seeds from cones for them all year round. Like this.

Klest deftly pryed the scale of a fir cone with a crooked nose and took out a seed.

That's right, - said Mukholov, - your nose is cunningly arranged.

You don't understand anything in your noses! - weevil snipe croaked from the swamp. - A good nose should be straight and long, so that it would be convenient for them to get boogers out of the mud. Look at my nose.

The birds looked down, and there a nose sticks out of the reeds, long as a pencil, and thin as a match.

Ah, - said the flycatcher, - I wish I had such a nose!

And he saw the flycatchers in front of him with two wonderful noses: one looks up, the other looks down, and both are thin, like an awl.

My nose looks up for that, - said the awl-nosed, - so that in the water they can hook all small living creatures.

And my nose looks down for that, - said the sickle-curlew, - so that they can drag worms out of the grass.

Well, - said the flycatcher, - you can't imagine better noses.

Yes, you, apparently, have not seen real noses, - the broad-nosed grunted from a puddle. - Look what real noses are: wow!

All the birds burst out laughing right into the nose of the broad-nosed one:

Well, a shovel!

But it’s convenient for them to alkalize water! - the broad-nosed one said irritably and quickly tumbled his head into the puddle again.

He took a full nose of water, emerged and let's click: let the water pass through the edges of the nose, as through a frequent comb. The water came out, but the boogers that were in it, all remained in the mouth.

Pay attention to my nose, - a modest gray nightjar-setkonos whispered from the tree. - I have it tiny, but wonderful: midges, mosquitoes, butterflies in droves fall into my throat when I fly above the ground at night, my mouth gaping and my mustache spread with a net.