In the meantime, Governor Boris Dubrovsky inspected the “construction site of the year” - modern educational center No. 2

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The building of a new school at the intersection of the street. Sculptor Golovnitsky and st. Beivel in the Parkovy microdistrict sparkles in the sun with new windows. The first fifteen classes have already been recruited here. This is 430 children.

The huge building with an area of ​​33 thousand square meters is designed for 1.2 thousand students.

However, officials do not use the usual term “school”. In a new way it is called “Educational Center No. 2 of Chelyabinsk”.


While the huge corridors are empty: the echo reflects from the freshly painted walls and wanders through the nooks and crannies. Kids need to be careful and not run too far from their classrooms during breaks, otherwise they won’t be able to make it in time for the bell. Because the building is very big.

They promise to fill the educational center with modern sports equipment. So that you don’t just run around between lessons with your tongue hanging out, but train your muscles.

The first fifteen classes are the letters of the Russian alphabet from A to P, excluding E. However, there will be second, fourth, and eleventh classes. They promise to take all children who are geographically part of Parkovy, including microdistricts 51 and 47.

For now, the kids are studying in all the surrounding schools. For example, No. 3, 4. 22, 95, 152 - throughout the Kurchatovsky district. School No. 152 is seriously overloaded: instead of the required thousand people, twice as many people are studying. That’s why there is a third shift in the lesson schedule.

And President Vladimir Putin set the task: to transfer schooling throughout the country to one shift. And the new building in “Parkov” in Chelyabinsk is one of the fulfillments of an important assignment.


There are more and more residents in Parkovy and the surrounding new microdistricts. Therefore, the Capital Construction Department of the Chelyabinsk Administration has developed a comprehensive general education program. Planning projects with land plots for 11 schools and 30 kindergartens have already been formed.

For example, on the Krasnopolskaya site, in microdistrict No. 55, a plot of land has already been allocated for the construction of a school for 1.5 thousand students. This is 300 more places than the school built in Parkovy! Work is underway on a specific project linked to a specific point in the microdistrict.

Of course, we focus on primary school, it is very important that all graduates of kindergartens in the microdistrict go to study at their place of residence, says the Minister of Education of the Chelyabinsk Region Aleksandr Kuznetsov. - Well, those who are already studying in other schools will be able to transfer here if they wish. I think that in a year or two the classes will be fully staffed.

The construction of the school on Beyvelya is financed from three sources - federal, regional and city and local budgets. A large share is the regional treasury, and a third of these costs (170 million rubles) is compensated by the federal treasury. The total estimate is 750 million rubles.


Of course, the director knows most about the new school. Yuri Terin speaks about her with undisguised pride:

All the talk that we won't have fourth graders is stupid rumors. There will be all classes, all parallels. From June 6, enrollment will open for grades 2-11, and we intend to accept all Parkovoy children. There are also requests from other parts of the city. We invite non-locals to apply again from August 1st. Then the picture will be clear for all the students here. They are a priority.

The building itself has already been built. But the bidding for equipment has not yet ended.

We purchase the most modern contents for offices. The profiles of education in high school are technological, socio-economic, natural science, therefore the appropriate equipment for the educational process is purchased. Electronic boards, multimedia equipment - we will have everything.


But with the bell from the last lesson, the school will not close “on the stick”. After classes - clubs, sections, creative groups.

For example, training in 3D modeling and engineering graphics. Sports - volleyball, handball, sports dancing.

The school has two gyms - for elementary school children and older children. There is a media center, a school TV studio and a library with a co-working room.

Translated into words familiar to parents, coworking is a space for common activities. Drawing, sculpting, reading aloud. Look, in a modern way: “In educational center No. 2 there is a co-working area.” It sounds!

The layout of the building allows the primary school to be separated from the middle and senior levels. For children who will go to after-school care, classrooms with sleeping rooms will be prepared. According to modern educational standards, kids need to rest after a school day.

Since the new educational center is positioned as a full-time school, there is no way without hot lunches. Is the dining room ready?

Certainly! The dining room has a capacity of 450 seats. For middle and senior levels, the hot food distribution line is located in the hall so that children can choose dishes. Hot lunches will be served for children.


Will all these benefits be free for parents or will they have to shell out money?

Everything is absolutely free for parents, everything is on a budget basis.

By the way, the staff of teachers is almost complete. 70 teachers have already confirmed their desire to work, and several more applications are being considered.

There are just over three months left until September 1st. There is an open construction site around the building. Temporary fencing, crushed stone and stone instead of asphalt. Will they have time to clean up the mess by September 1?

“They will have time,” says the director. - We’ll plant trees and plant flower beds. There will be a permanent fencing, lighting and video surveillance system.


The governor personally supervises the large construction project. During the next visit, the issue of functioning of the school as a cultural and leisure center for residents of Parkovy was raised.

This is not my first time at a construction site, and I remain convinced that the educational center should become a kind of point of attraction for residents of the area. The school will have an auditorium with 100 seats and a magnificent assembly hall. We need to use these opportunities as usefully as possible,” noted Boris Dubrovsky.

We are working on the issue. There is already an agreement to open sections of Chelyabinsk sports schools on the basis of the educational center, which are under the jurisdiction of the regional Ministry of Sports, said the Minister of Education Aleksandr Kuznetsov.

In addition, the school receives a license for additional education in all areas of sports education, creative, artistic, and choreographic areas. The need is great - the school administration talked about this with parents.

The work of the halls and equipment at the school will be scheduled by the hour, right down to the outdoor sports ground. And classes will be not only for children, but also for adults, in the evening hours.

After the opening of the educational center on September 1, I will come in the evening and see how many people will train and study,” the governor promised.

By the way, in order to satisfy the need of residents of new microdistricts in the north-west of Chelyabinsk for active leisure, the city authorities are purchasing and renting new premises from developers. For example, a building with an area of ​​500 sq. m on the street Sculptor Golovnitsky, 2a.

In the new microdistrict "Newton" the city is ready to rent a building with an area of ​​2.5 thousand square meters. m for the branch of the Children's Art School named after. Krupskaya.


Governor Boris Dubrovsky:

Schools that meet modern requirements - with large gyms, an auditorium, and a media center - should work not only in the first half of the day, but also in the evening. Such facilities should also function as family leisure centers. The microdistrict is young, mostly young families with small children live here. The future of Chelyabinsk and the Chelyabinsk region is growing here. Therefore, I would like to see serious investments to turn the school into the cultural center of the region. I was pleased to hear that there is still a need for the construction of schools in the Parkovy microdistrict. It is clear that this is a challenge and a serious investment, but it is all the more important to invest in the future. A growing area is a growing city.

School director Yuri Terin gave his first interview as the head of the educational center and told AiF-Chelyabinsk all the details of the unique educational project.

The opening of a school is always a joyful, exciting and large-scale event. Especially when we are talking about modern realities, and even in a new populous area. According to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Chelyabinsk Region, this year there will be one more school in the region. The long-awaited event will take place in the Parkovy microdistrict on September 1, 2017. Regional Governor Boris Dubrovsky repeatedly spoke about the significance and importance of the construction. Nothing on a larger scale has ever been built in our region. The school should become not only an educational institution, but also a cultural and sports center of a large microdistrict.


The director of educational center No. 2 of the city of Chelyabinsk, Yuri Andreevich Terin, answered in an exclusive interview with AiF-Chelyabinsk about what the new school will be like, how construction is going, and other most pressing questions from park residents.

Yuri Andreevich received the journalist in a small office, which is temporarily located on the second floor of a kindergarten on Krasnopolsky Prospekt. Every now and then the conversation was interrupted by the trill of telephone calls. Residents of the microdistrict were interested in many things: from the curtain to the assembly hall to the organization of extended day groups, as well as the possibility of filling vacant positions - there were many questions, and it was clear that work was in full swing here.

Maria Shumakova, AiF-Chelyabinsk: Will you be in time for X-Day? Will the school open its doors on September 1st?

Yuri Terin: This is not even discussed. By September 1, everything will be ready for the start of the new school year. I’ll tell you more - the task has been set to have the school ready by August 1st. Currently, painting of the premises and installation of doors has begun.

The school area will be separated from the surrounding area by fences and hedges. Photo Maria Shumakova

- What will it be like, a new school?

It is worth saying that this project - an educational center - unites a kindergarten and a school.

If we talk separately about the school, its area is about 33 thousand square meters. m. The area of ​​the allocated plot is about 3 hectares. The educational institution is designed for 1175 students. The school building is L-shaped. The administrative block contains premises for general school purposes: a security room, a cloakroom, two gyms (18*30 m) with locker rooms, showers and toilets on the 1st and 3rd floors, a kitchen and a dining room with 402 seats on the 1st floor, as well as a medical center block; on the 2nd floor there is an assembly hall for 250 students with artistic dressing rooms and a media room for 100 students, in which it is planned to conduct video lessons and video lectures by teachers of the educational center and universities of Chelyabinsk. On the 4th floor there is a library with a spacious reading room and a co-working area. There is a separate physical therapy room with locker rooms, integrated with the gym. There are also support service rooms, an art class, 3 computer classes, a server room, a teacher's room, and an administrative office.

The 3-storey block houses classrooms for primary schools, as well as play and active recreation areas for after-school groups.

Communication between floors via stairs, some of which lead to the street. The internal space of the building is delimited by vertical and horizontal barriers into separate enclosed spaces.

There is information that the uniqueness of the school will also be in its inclusiveness, that is, joint education with children with disabilities is provided.

That's right, the school will be equipped with some special equipment for people with disabilities. For those with limited mobility, there are ramps and stairs from the courtyard leading to security areas and elevators. Some of the equipment is aimed at students with disabilities (wireless assistant call system, mnemonic diagram, single support handrails, anti-slip coatings, induction portable panel, etc.).

- What is active recreation in a modern school?

Active recreation - game rooms and outdoor areas for games and active recreation during breaks and sports activities: mini-golf, monkey bars, construction sets, chess, checkers, soft-stuffed modules, tennis tables, outdoor games, etc. Being proactive about change is necessary and healthy.

- What else is provided for students’ active recreation?

Horizontal bars, wall bars, children's and teenagers' play complexes, labyrinths and much more. There is a stadium with a circular running track and an obstacle course. The school area will be separated from the surrounding area by fences and hedges. Playgrounds for students are expected to have a sand surface, and sports grounds - with a special rubber coating. The landscaping project provides for the installation of lawns with sowing of grass, as well as the planting of shrubs and trees (linden, lilac, brilliant cotoneaster).

364 first graders is not the limit

- How many people have already expressed a desire to study in such a wonderful center?

The kindergarten, which has been operating since July last year, has accepted 287 children. This structural unit of the educational center has a swimming pool, an art studio, music and sports halls, a games room, and a Lego center. Hot lunches for group pupils are delivered using two elevators, and not by stairs, as before.

To date, 364 applications have been accepted for the first class of the educational center. The reception continues. Within the stated time frame, we will accept everyone who is registered and belongs to the new school according to their registration. There was not a single refusal. We try not to create artificial excitement. We accept documents until eight in the evening to make it convenient for everyone. I am generally for a civilized approach. All information about admission to the school is published on the website. According to the requirements of the law on personal data, student data is anonymized. The website only shows the serial number of those enrolled.

Indeed, a very ambitious start. After all, it is already clear that there will be more than 12 first grades. How is this possible?

This is a long-awaited school for such a large microdistrict as Parkovy. We understand this, so we try to meet the expectations of residents.

- How do you plan to organize the educational process: two shifts, 6 school days?

No, training is planned in one shift. From 1st to 7th grade there is a five-day school week, from 8th to 11th grade there is a six-day week.

- What is the school curriculum in primary school? Is there a choice?

Two educational programs are planned - “School of Russia” and “Prospective Primary School”. The law does not require that the educational program be agreed upon with parents. The educational program is approved in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard by the educational institution independently. But nevertheless, we take into account the opinions of parents. I think this is a civilized approach.

- Are there special requirements for teachers too?

In modern society, an order has been created for a graduate who is socially developed, physically healthy, and able to easily and quickly adapt to the information space. The teaching staff must meet the requirements of modern education: integration of programs, the use of interdisciplinary technologies, a high level of interpersonal relationships - for our teachers these are not empty words. To date, about 70 people have already confirmed their agreement to work in the new educational center.

A painful question from parents about after-school and extracurricular activities. Where should the student go and what should he do after school?

In accordance with SanPiN, the school can provide supervision and care in extended day groups if the following conditions are created:

  • afternoon snacks and outings for all students;
  • afternoon snack, walks and naps for first year children;
  • Extension for primary school students will be a paid service.

In the afternoon, the school will work on all areas of additional education - 3D modeling, prototyping, engineering graphics, robotics, light engineering, design, clothing modeling, dance sports, team sports, volleyball, basketball, handball, skiing, sports tourism, gymnastics , local history. So that every child can choose what they like and do it in the afternoon. It will be free. In addition, the school will have a school television and publishing center, a fitness and choreography room.

The face of the school

-Tell us about admission to grades 2-10?

It is planned to enroll in grades 2-9 on a general basis, and in grade 10 in general education without individual selection, taking into account the place of residence in the assigned territory. Admission to grade 10 for education with specialized training is carried out through individual selection. All information is posted on our website.

- Is the list of specialized classes final?

The profiles of education in grades 10-11 in the draft curriculum provide for the following:

The purpose of specialized training is to adapt students to the professional environment. A new educational project “TEMP - how to:” has been developed in the Chelyabinsk region. “Technology + Science + Mathematics = Educational Priorities”, aimed at training qualified personnel for the regional economy. Our specialized training in this direction will allow us to solve the problems outlined in the Development Strategy of the Southern Urals until 2020.

At the level of basic general education, pre-profile in-depth study of individual subjects is assumed in accordance with specialized training: mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, foreign language.

With all the enormous load that has fallen on your shoulders, tell us how your working day usually begins?

Every working day of the head of an educational center is busy and varied. It begins with visiting a school under construction and solving emerging problems. Every morning I log into the site to answer questions from visitors. This is stated in my job description. The website is the face of the school on the Internet. And I want it to be blissful and worthy. I invite everyone who has questions to communicate on the site. I would like to note that I have nothing to do with groups on social networks. This is an initiative of Parkovoy residents. I am not responsible for the information in them. And for the site, as they say, I vouch for it, I answer with my head.

- It is clear that you are a person with extensive experience. Tell us a little about yourself.

I have been working in education for more than 30 years, including more than 20 years in leadership positions in educational organizations. Including 9 years as the head of gymnasium No. 26. In 2011, he was appointed head of the Education Department of the Sovetsky District of the Administration of Chelyabinsk. I have awards - “Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation”, “Excellence in Education”, Laureate of the Prize of the Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region. Since October 2016, he has been appointed director of the Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution “Educational Center No. 2 of Chelyabinsk.”

“We bought another picture”

The developer of Parkovy-2 revamped the compaction project, but residents didn’t like it either

It was not possible to reach an agreement: residents of Parkovy-2 were not satisfied with the new option Nail Fattakhov / website

In the Chelyabinsk microdistrict Parkovy-2, a meeting of residents was held, at which the developer, APRI Fly Planning, presented a new option for compacting the territory. At a public hearing held on May 11, park residents spoke out sharply against the appearance of new neighbors. The construction company was given several days to rework the project taking into account the opinions of residents.

The new diagram was hung on the fence of the sports ground for public study 10 minutes before the start of the meeting. Local residents immediately flocked to the art object.

“The end to the public hearings has not yet been set,” began Chelyabinsk City Duma deputy Alexander Pavlyuchenko, who moderated the public hearings on May 11. “We are not happy that residents have so many complaints about the project. We cannot approve it and are giving it a chance to finalize the project. There are three global blocks on which a lot of controversy arises: parking, kindergartens and groups for the temporary stay of children. But I’ll say right away that our meeting is unofficial. We came to you to once again hear your opinion and understand how satisfied you are with the new project. The decision will be made on June 2 at the commission (in the City Duma - editor's note)."

Nail Fattakhov / website

Then the designer began to present the project. “We removed one residential building from the project,” said a representative of the designer. — The total area of ​​the apartments was reduced (it became 190 thousand square meters), and the number of residents of the microdistrict decreased accordingly — 7,254 people. Taking this into account, the microdistrict needs 435 places in kindergartens. We worked with this. Many opposed local temporary stay groups. Therefore, we increased the kindergarten project in the northern part to 200 places, in the southern part - to 150 places. The remaining number will be closed only by a temporary group and a kindergarten for 60 places in the annex to the house.”

Nail Fattakhov / website

But they didn’t let the designer finish; they immediately started bombarding him with questions.

— Why the second stage if everyone is against it? Why are you doing it? - the residents pressed.

“Because the land plot allows it,” explained the architect.

“We, the owners, don’t allow it.” Get off our land! — people became incensed.

Nail Fattakhov / website

In 2016, urban planning standards changed: instead of 22 meters per person, there are now 26 meters. At least ten people can live in a small studio apartment. But only one will count. This made it possible to squeeze several more houses into the already existing microdistrict. Building objects on a site with ready-made infrastructure is much cheaper than developing an open field, extending networks there and luring buyers. And everything is already here. Therefore, the developer’s logic is quite understandable. But residents are not satisfied with such an initiative, especially since even without compaction the developer has a lot of questions.

The houses of the first stage have not been completed. Instead of the promised park there is a pile of earth from which a stump from a New Year tree sticks out.

“I rented an apartment in this building, which was the last to be built,” one of the residents pointed her finger at the diagram. “And I took this particular house so as not to live on a construction site.” But now it turns out that I again need to live on a construction site for two years: there will be special equipment, they will drive piles, there will be noise and dust. I do not agree to live in such conditions. I liked what Mitelman (Vice Speaker of the City Duma Ilya Mitelman - Ed.) said at the public hearing: now complete what you promised, your houses here are not completed, there are no kindergartens. Make roads, I killed all the traffic in my car. And then think about the second stage.

Nail Fattakhov / website

Roads are another problem for Parkovy-2. To get to the microdistrict, you need to overcome an inconvenient left turn from the highway. During rush hours there is a traffic jam here. There is another road that leads from Tatishcheva Street, it goes behind the cardio center and “Metran”. But a few hundred meters before Parkovy-2, the asphalt ends and a dirty mess begins, which can only be overcome by an SUV. It would be a logical decision to complete this road, but no one has been doing this for several years.

In the microdistrict itself, Peter Sumin Street looks more like a tank training ground than a dirt road.

“Only one house has been removed in the project, but they still don’t go through parking lots, children’s playgrounds will still be demolished, and the territory of the kindergarten will be shifted. “I can’t imagine how today children play on the playground, and tomorrow it will be razed to the ground,” says Daria Korchagina, a resident of Parkovoy-2. “I don’t understand how they will fulfill their promises to plant trees and preserve children’s playgrounds.” The developer assures that these sites will not make the area any less comfortable. There will be more parking, and there will be fewer trees that have already been planted. Venues may disappear. Besides, we have nowhere to park anyway. In the evening you can drive around the house for a long time looking for where to leave the car. And there will be even more cars. There are suspicions that the kindergarten will never happen. The administration will say that there is no money.

Nail Fattakhov / website

In addition, residents complained about other oddities in the neighborhood. Residents of the houses did not receive rights to the land underneath them, since according to the documents the microdistrict is one large plot. And how can we build the same kindergartens if there is an encumbrance on this site, and at the same time shared construction is being carried out here? Residents of Parkovoy-2 are preparing for the courts to get the required meters of land under their high-rise buildings.

According to the executive director of APRI Fly Planing, Natalya Markina, the scandalous public discussion only benefited the project. Buyers have become interested in new homes.

“There are a lot of people willing. After the first public hearings, ten people called us with a question: when can we buy an apartment,” said Natalya Markina. “We estimate that about 30 people are already ready to buy new homes, and the calls continue to come in.”

Nail Fattakhov / website

As for the complaints of local residents, the developer suggests parking cars in the underground parking lot or at the nearest GSK.

The sons of the head of the Chelyabinsk regional court Minin and Deputy Minister Gusak entered the business of a famous deputy

“There will be four new houses instead of five,” says Markina. — There is a possibility of building underground parking. Before the improvement is completed, it will be possible to build a parking lot next to the new houses and place a sports ground on its roof. We are already collecting applications. A special section has appeared on the site. If we understand that there are enough people willing to buy underground parking spaces, then it will be built. Indeed, the house accommodates two playgrounds, but there is a surplus of territory elsewhere, so the equipment will be moved there. As for the kindergarten, the city administration is ready to include construction in the 2018 program, but we need to have time to approve the project and demarcate the territory.”

Nail Fattakhov / website

Deputy of the Chelyabinsk City Duma Alexander Pavlyuchenko was pleased with the activity of the residents of the microdistrict, even despite the aggression.

“It’s very good that residents are uniting,” said Alexander Pavlyuchenko. — About 10 years ago, people did not participate in the development of adjacent territories. And protests arose even when houses began to be built. Now public hearings are a working tool in decision-making. The city administration listens to people's opinions. On the one hand, we cannot but give the developer the opportunity to develop his land plot; it is private property. We are between a rock and a hard place. The developer has the right to build here, but there are also design standards and the opinions of residents. The final decision will be made by the head of the city, but either the developers or residents can appeal it in court.”

Nail Fattakhov / website

The presentation of the new project lasted for an hour, but the reworked version was not liked by the parkers.

“We bought another picture,” the residents said as they went home.


From the very beginning, VK groups were created by concerned residents and some realtors, with...

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👨‍👨‍👧‍👧🏢🌳🏢🌲🏦 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🏦🌲🏢🌳🏢👩‍👩‍👦‍👦

So, the area is almost ready, almost all the houses have been completed, many have already managed to celebrate more than one year of living in the microdistrict and get to know each other in person.

From the very beginning, VK groups were created by concerned residents and some realtors, with the help of which you already seem to live in the area, in a house, in a yard, but you are not there yet;)📢📣

But you see and know everything)

The houses are simple, panel houses, with basic finishing, thin walls, sometimes with ventilated seams and slab joints, and leaking roofs, but the apartments in them are the most long-awaited and already so beloved. 🏩🏩

Often in the daily news feed flashes news about the possible arrangement of furniture, the option of repairing loggias - people share their joy, and this is a big shortage in our time.👼🏼

Whatever happens in our area, it is not surprising that we are a frequent news source on the main portal of the city 👀

It was in our new area that a negligent salesperson gave birth to a child and hid it behind a shield. In the morning, several floors of the entrance can be flooded with a couple of liters of blood, while the glass of the entrance door is often broken. At night, strange individuals ask to use the intercom, and irresponsible neighbors do repairs or listen to music for the whole area throughout the year 🎼🎭🎧🎤🎹.

And in our area there are many dogs that their owners do not clean up after, and in many enterprises some areas may be paralyzed for some time, since the group in our area finds out during the working day who should clean up after the dog and when).

Oh, how do they park here... 😹🤖👹💀

And the other day they shot with a traumatic gun at opponents who didn’t understand 🔫💣

And they can burn the car, and if they don’t burn it, they will drain the gasoline and puncture the wheels! 🔥

Have you thought about it?!

Fun is promised 😜

That's not all) 👆🏻

We also recently rescued a dog from an apartment that was locked for 5 days, and then the whole yard fed it, watching and worrying about its fate 🐶

And it is here that the key, document, or animal found will be returned to the owner.

We will help you revive your battery and start your car.

They will pull a mother and child out of a stuck elevator.

They will give you a discount on service, car wash and parking.

They will gather everyone together for a community cleanup and a picnic)🍢🍺

All residents of the house will be called together to discuss an important issue, and you will see your new neighbors for the first time)👪👩‍👩‍👧‍👧

For a purely nominal fee, they will help you carry out minor repairs at home)

In groups they will always tell you the latest important news: recalculations, submission of testimony, documents - they will help and explain popularly ✍🏻

They will give a lift to passengers waiting for a minibus at the bus stop 🚗🚘

And what sunsets are there... And sunrises?! 🌙🌞🌅🌇🌄

What about rainbows?! 🌈

And while there are no new neighborhoods around yet, you can hear birds from early morning 🕊🕊

They organize a club based on interests: football, skiing, bicycles, backgammon. 🚴🏻⛷ ⛹🏼🎲

In a word, there are a lot of caring, open people here, they are nearby)

And, of course, there are incidents of a criminal nature, but in a harsh city there are several harsh areas where this also happens with a certain frequency(

But our area is new, and we are trying to keep it that way 😇👌🏻

Are you still thinking about moving to Parkovy2?