It happens that some adult dogs begin to shit at home, most often at night or when they are left at home alone. It is very important to figure out what caused the dog’s behavior. Perhaps, due to physiological characteristics, the dog cannot withstand a large interval between walks, for example, when walking twice a day. Try walking your pet three or four times a day. If a dog trained to walk outside suddenly starts peeing at home, the pet may be sick. Have your dog examined by a veterinarian. If there are no health problems, the cause of this behavior may be stress or you are leaving the dog alone for too long. In any case, it is important to find out the reason for this behavior.

As soon as the dog wants to relieve itself, immediately give the command “Ugh” or “No” in a stern voice. Do not scream or hit the animal under any circumstances if you catch it in the process. But at the same time, you need to make it clear to the dog that such behavior is unacceptable in the house. Be stern, decisive and confident and let your dog know that you have him under control. You can scold, but only immediately after the crime, that is, if you caught your pet at the “crime scene”. React immediately when your dog sits near the door, brings you a leash, or asks to go outside.

There are cases where a dog shits at home on the bed or near the bed - this is how your pet shows its leadership, marks its territory or shows its resentment, that is, it takes revenge on you for something. In this case, you can try to “talk” to the animal in the language of aromas and use the following simple technique. Lubricate your hands with some aromatic substance and pet the dog. If your scent is on your pet's fur, it means to him that you have power over him. You can also purchase special sprays at the pet store that “kill” odors. And you definitely need to punish the dog for such tricks, since such behavior can turn into a bad habit.

If your pet cannot stand loneliness, punishing it is of no avail. The following technique may help in this situation. First, dress as if you were going out, but don't go out. Next time, close the door and come back immediately. And so gradually increase the time you are absent. You can purchase a special cage and leave the animal in it while you are away. Lay down a soft rug, put a few toys in it, but the main thing is to choose the right size crate and do not leave the dog in it for a long time.

For puppies, puddles left on the floor or rug are the norm. However, when a similar situation arises due to an adult dog, this quite naturally causes anxiety among the owners. A conflict arises that the owners can resolve by understanding the causes of the problem and the weaknesses of their pet.

Natural reasons why a dog often pees

There may be completely natural reasons for this situation. Of course, illnesses also happen, but we’ll talk about them later. In any case, there is a problem and it should be analyzed.

First of all, understand that dogs are driven by instinct. Males perceive the smell of urine as an indicator of their self-worth. A dog may pee at an unexpected moment due to fear, threat, stress or pain. If this is the case, then no treatment is needed; you can only slightly adjust your pet’s behavioral instinct.

Behavioral features

When frequent urination is based on behavior, then kicking and screaming will not help the matter, but will only make the situation worse. Treatment will also be a waste of time and money. In this case, you need to carefully raise the dog, be patient, but at the same time be persistent.

Males love to mark territory. As a rule, they pee in the corners to do this. If you carry out sterilization, it will reduce the sexual instinct and help cope with the problem.

Presence of deviations

Incontinence is difficult to treat, since all abnormalities, acquired or congenital, are associated with contraction of weakened urethral muscles. In such a situation, urine will leak, even despite the use of medications or some other aids.

What to do then? First of all, it is advised to contact a veterinarian. If pathology is detected early, it is still treatable. However, the problems may not be curable. However, this does not mean that they cannot be controlled.

Age characteristics

Answer to the question “Why does a dog pee?” may also be related to her age. The fact is that smooth muscles can weaken with old age. And in such a situation, you can support the animal with the help of medications.

Young girls also have this problem. Estrus plays a role here. When the time comes for the first “hunt”, nagging pain appears. And this leads to the desire to empty the bladder. This way you can get rid of excess pressure. It is important here not to scold the dog, because he understands the problem, but cannot cope with it. Instead, take her for walks more often.

It is also possible that the dog drinks a lot of water, which is why it is not able to endure it until walking time. The big cause for concern here is precisely this exorbitant thirst. It may indicate some health problems.

Occurrence of diseases

The dog often urinates also due to various diseases. They may be associated with inflammation, which is difficult to detect even with examination. However, something needs to be done. How to be?

Write down the dog's diet and routine. How do you walk her? What does your pet face? How much water does he drink? All this matters for the veterinarian, whom you will most likely want to call to your home. The more information he has, the faster and better the help.


To properly help with cystitis, you need to get tested. One of the main ones is a standard laboratory urine test. Incontinence may indicate cystitis, and if there is extensive inflammation, urine may leak occasionally. A puppy or an adult dog sometimes defecates even while sleeping.

Why does cystitis occur? It usually develops due to hypothermia. To cure a dog, antibiotics are used. Within a few days after the start of therapy, progress is usually noticeable. If the owners do not act, the problem gets worse: first the dog urinates blood, and then becomes unable to relieve itself. Most likely, a full course of treatment will be required - “to the bitter end.” If treatment is stopped hastily after symptoms disappear, relapses are possible.


When a dog urinates due to polydipsia, he drinks a lot of water. The daily norm is exceeded several times, so frequent urination is not surprising. If this happens to a female, pyometra may be present. You need to do an ultrasound, but treating it yourself is very dangerous.

Polydipsia is also a symptom. The constant desire to drink water is not the main problem. The main problem is the cause: diabetes, kidney failure, genitourinary infection and the like. Therefore, veterinarian intervention is needed as soon as possible.


Spinal injury This could also be the reason why your dog is urinating more often. The nerve endings or spinal canal are damaged, and complete relief from the problem is unlikely. If this breed of dog also has a long spine, then the likelihood of a problem increases even more. In particular, dachshunds belong to the main risk group.

Childbirth is also a painful process that can affect the development of the problem. Nerves can become pinched and then weakness in the limbs begins, and the appearance becomes painful. It is even likely that the dog will abandon its own puppy. The veterinarian must conduct a comprehensive examination and determine the method of treatment based on the data obtained. The doctor will probably suggest surgery. However, it is better if tests and treatment are done first.


There is also a congenital disease that causes frequent urination. It's called ectopia, and is diagnosed at a young age using anamnesis. The problem is most often observed in females with sphincter disorders; hormonal medications help. This happens more often in spayed or neutered dogs because they lack of hormones.

In some cases, tricyclic antidepressants may be effective. They help relax the bladder muscles, causing the sphincter to contract. These drugs have a strong effect, but can also cause side effects. That is why competent advice and the correct dosage are needed.

If a puppy pees

When a small puppy urinates, keep in mind that he will only be able to control this process by 3-4 months of age. The owner needs to explain everything correctly and prompt him.

On the other hand, if a puppy urinates, it does not happen by accident. A congenital pathology could have formed, which can be treated through surgery.

Raising a dog is a responsible process. Even with the right approach, sometimes unpleasant moments happen. For example, a dog may urinate on the carpet or other place in the apartment. In this article you will learn how to stop your dog from peeing at home, as well as the main reasons why this occurs.

There may be several reasons why a dog pees in the wrong place or marks in the house. Many believe that in most cases this happens due to the pet’s disobedience, so they try to wean it through punishment. This is not entirely true. A dog may mark or shit in an apartment for other reasons, for example due to health problems or due to its age. Before punishing your dog or trying to break a bad habit in another way, you must determine the cause.

Lack of attention

If the dog is often left alone, then in this way it can attract the attention of the owner. This problem occurs especially often in puppies, which require a lot of attention due to their activity. Fortunately, solving this problem is not difficult: you just need to devote more time to your pet, play with it, and walk in the fresh air.


A more serious and permanent reason why a dog pees on the bed is various types of illnesses. First of all, this concerns the pathology of the urinary system. Inflammation of the bladder, pyelonephritis, infectious diseases of various localizations - all this can lead to incontinence.

If the nervous system is damaged, similar symptoms may also occur. This is due to a violation of the innervation of the bladder; the dog may simply not feel the urge to urinate, and may not understand that it needs to go to the toilet.


The age factor also plays a role in urinary disorders. The risk group includes not only puppies, but also adult pets. General exhaustion and atrophic changes can lead to the development of incontinence. In such cases, the pet often urinates on itself while sleeping.

Video “Why does a dog pee at home”

From this video you will learn why the dog started peeing at home and how to wean it off.

Weaning methods

Means of combating the habit of peeing in a dog vary greatly depending on the condition and age of the pet.

Due to vaccination, puppies under 4 months should not be allowed to walk outside the home, it is dangerous for them. Therefore, puppies cannot go to the toilet outside; they need to be trained to use the litter box. If you have a puppy in the house, to teach him to go to the toilet, follow the following algorithm:

  1. You need to act approximately 30 minutes after your pet has eaten or drunk. This time is enough for food and water to reach the large intestine and bladder.
  2. After 30 minutes, carefully watch the puppy, do not take your eyes off him, he must not be left alone.
  3. As soon as the pet begins to walk or hide behind the sofa or bed, immediately transfer it to a tray or a special diaper.
  4. If the puppy does not want to do its business and runs away from the territory, gently catch it and return it back. In this case, you cannot use brute force or aggression, or shout at the animal.
  5. The puppy will not be able to endure it for long, but it is impossible to predict in advance how many minutes it will take. After your pet has urinated, you need to remove the bedding or wash the tray. If a diaper was used as bedding, you can cut a piece and place it in the tray. This way, the puppy will understand by the smell of urine where the toilet is.

After this, you need to reward the dog, give it something tasty and pet it. Going to the toilet should be associated with joy, not fear. You need to start raising a puppy immediately after he gets into the house. If you miss the right moment, it can become a big problem in the future.

It is not always possible to train a puppy to use the toilet quickly, so it will take some time to remove puddles from the bed or wash the floor more often.

Weaning an adult pet is somewhat more difficult. The tactics of behavior depend on the reason that caused the violation. If the cause is a disease, then conventional methods will not work. Before you try to stop your dog from peeing, you need to cure the disease.

If the cause is a behavioral disorder, then special medications can be used. They exist in 2 main types: repelling and attracting. You need to spray the area where the dog is peeing or marking (bed, behind the bed, under the table) with a repellent spray. For this purpose, you can also use a folk recipe in the form of vinegar. The tray itself must be treated with attracting drugs.

If an animal goes to the toilet in an enclosure, then you need to let it out more often. The same advice applies to pets who are not litter trained but are rarely allowed outside.

Correct punishments

You need to be careful with punishments and aggression in this matter. A dog cannot understand cause and effect when you punish it. The animal will understand everything differently, and will decide that in order to avoid punishment, it needs to hide better. In the future, the dog may shit in more distant places, and the owner will spend a long time looking for the source of the unpleasant odor.

Correctly punishing is better with lack of attention. You can let your pet know that he has done something bad by not reacting to him for a while.

How and where your four-legged friend came into the house depends on how he needs to be taught to cope with his physiological needs only on the street.

A dog that was bought from a breeder

This is the most ideal option. If the future owner was not lazy, found out the best nurseries and the names of responsible breeders, and then bought a puppy from them, then he would greatly ease the problem of toilet training.

As a rule, good breeders keep puppies for up to 1.5 -2.5 months, and during this time they teach the puppies to wear a diaper or newspaper. The breeder is also helped in this matter by the mother dog herself. Therefore, the owner who bought the baby can only take a closer look, talk with the breeder, and then arrange a similar toilet at home.

If the puppies are accustomed to walking on a newspaper or diaper, then in the new house you need to cover the space where the baby will live with newspapers. To prevent the new resident from defecating on the carpet, it is better to remove the carpets.

It is better if there are a lot of newspapers spread out. This won’t last long, it’s just that at first the puppy is not very well oriented, so he won’t be able to remember and run to the right place.

When the baby gets used to it and starts doing his business only on newspapers (and after the breeder this happens quickly), the newspapers need to be removed little by little. In the end, only one newspaper should remain, which is spread closer to the front door.

When the little pet gets used to this newspaper, the newspaper should be removed completely. At this time, the owner needs to be extremely careful. While looking for a newspaper, the puppy will feel uncomfortable - squeal, spin around the front door, and look for a newspaper. At this time, you need to pick up the puppy and quickly take him outside. Just don’t do it nervously or in a panic; actions should be quick but calm.

Once your pet is outside, he will not immediately understand why he was taken out. Most often, it happens that he forgets about what he wanted, and on the street he just starts playing. There is no need to rush to bring it back; he must pour out everything that has accumulated. If he did this, the puppy must be praised and given a piece of treat.

The owner should be prepared for the fact that such runs outside will be very frequent at first. This is easy to explain - with newspapers, the puppy had no need to endure, so he could relieve his need at any moment. Therefore, he should be given the street at any moment. But this is only at first.

Once the baby understands that writing can only be done on the street, and not in the apartment, it will be possible to reduce exposure to the street. An adult dog can miraculously endure 10 hours, so there can be only 2 walks (walks should be long and full). But while the animal is growing, it needs to be given more walks.

If it happens that the puppy cannot stand it and pees at home, you cannot punish him for this, you can only slightly change the tone of your voice, showing your dissatisfaction.

Just a puppy

It does not always happen that a pet is taken from reputable breeders. It happens that a fluffy ball enters the house simply from the street. Then the question arises - how to stop a puppy from crapping at home. In this case, the baby will have to be toilet trained from scratch. That is, he must first be taught to relieve himself on a newspaper (diaper).

Here, as in the situation above, you should remove the carpets and spread newspapers throughout the room. After the puppy has eaten or drunk, you should carefully monitor the baby for 5-10 minutes. As soon as he starts to sit down, you urgently need to put him on a newspaper. For all the “tricks” done in the right place, the dog child should be praised.

When he perfectly understands why newspapers are there and begins to go only to them, the owner can begin the second stage - accustoming the naughty boy to the street, as was written above.

If the puppy is healthy, then he will definitely master this procedure, just don’t rush him. The owner should be patient and just be attentive to the baby.

Street dog

A situation often occurs when villagers move to live in the city or old wooden houses in the city are demolished, providing the owners with new apartments in a high-rise building. In such cases, the owners simply release (read “throw away”) their four-legged friends, who have lived in their yards for a long time, faithfully doing their job. Those who take their pets with them are at a loss - they don’t know how to stop a dog from crapping at home. In fact, everything is solvable.

If the animal was kept in an enclosure, then you should simply walk it at the time when it was released from the enclosure for a walk. As a rule, if the enclosure was properly maintained, that is, the pet was walked, then it is accustomed to endure it until the time of walking (it does not shit in its enclosure). Therefore, in a city apartment, they first provide walking at the same time, and only after the animal understands that walking is provided to him, and the dog can fulfill his needs on the street (they understand this very quickly), only after that can the time of walks be determined, which is convenient for the owner.

If the pet was on a chain (not being walked), then, most likely, he relieved his needs not far from the booth, that is, at the time when he needed it. This means that he is not accustomed to endure. In this case, it’s worth just watching him carefully for a while. If the dog begins to worry, gets up, does not lie down, but tries to find a place for himself, sniffs at corners or furniture, you should immediately take him outside and wait until he does all his business.

After this has happened, you should give the most delicious treat. It won't be bad if the dog does this several times during a walk. Each time the pet must be rewarded, only in this way will he understand that this should be done here.

But it may happen that upon arriving at a new apartment, a furry tenant will mark his new home without any particular need (more often than not, male dogs are guilty of this). The owner often simply does not know what to do in this case. At this time, you need to give a sharp command “No!”, “You can’t!” and take the pet out. It is better to immediately lead him to a tree or post that has already been marked by other dogs. When the animal leaves its mark on the same post, praise it. In this case, you need to praise especially brightly so that the praise outweighs the desire to sniff further. There is nothing wrong with such sniffing, but the pet will be distracted by the marks and may not learn the lesson - why you brought him there.

If at home the male dog again has a desire to raise his paw, you should say “No!” more sharply and take him out again, showing him the place where he can do this.

A dog that hasn't been walked

There are cases when an animal comes into the house from another owner. It’s good if the previous owner followed the rules of walking, then there are no questions about the toilet, but it happens (especially this happens with small dogs) that they are allowed to defecate at home. Old people very often get tiny pets, which, as it seems to the owners, do not need to be walked with. Dogs are trained to go to the litter box, or even just cleaned up after them, without worrying too much about training. It often happens that old people leave before their pets, and the crumbs go to new owners who are not at all accustomed to walking.

In this case, you should act with adults as with puppies. If the dog is trained to use the tray, then the tray is first moved closer to the front door, and then removed completely. Next, you should carefully observe the dog's behavior. If the pet begins to worry and look for its “toilet”, then it needs to be taken outside and wait until all the “toilet” matters are done there.

It is important to consider one point here. Animals that have not been walked may experience stress from the street. With such a dog, training will take longer.

At first, the owner should not immediately accustom the bitch or dog to the street; it is important that the baby gets over the stress of the change of residence, gets used to the new owner, stops being afraid of him, and learns to trust him.

After this, it is important to ensure that such an animal is not afraid of the street, so you will first have to walk in quiet places where there are not many people, few dogs and cars (as far as possible). Of course, every “pee” on the street, even if the owner has not yet trained him to use the toilet, should be accompanied by praise.

The entire time the dog is adapting, it should have a tray where it can walk freely.

In this case, the pet requires special attention and reverent attitude.

Just a dog

Nowadays, many people simply pick up abandoned dogs of any age from the street and leave them to live in their apartment. This is a very good thing, but not everyone knows how to stop an adult dog from littering the house.

If a puppy is selected, then it is trained in the same way as the puppy that was bought (described above).

If an adult animal is selected, it can be trained in two ways:

  • monitor behavior and withdraw when anxiety manifests itself;
  • train with a cloth.

The first method sometimes does not work simply because the dog may not show feelings of anxiety. She simply “sits down” when she needs to. This can happen anywhere and the animal will not feel guilty, because before there was life on the street and needs were met where they wanted and when they needed it. And no one said that this cannot be done.

Therefore, you can connect the second method here. When the dog has done its “wet job” in front of the owner, the owner should show in his tone how dissatisfied he is. In this case, you should wipe the urine with a rag and leave it in a certain place, in full view of the pet. (It would be better if the rag was different, but with the smell of urine).

Next time the pet will pee on a rag. You can rinse the rag, but let the smell remain. You won't have to endure this for long. If on the first day the dog “wet” the cloth 3-4 times, it’s already good, it means that she understood where she should go.

The next day, early in the morning, you should get up quickly (preferably before your ward), take a rag in a bag and go outside with your dog. After waking up, the dog will do its business outside. But if the pet is “thinking,” you need to take out this rag with the smell of urine and throw it on the ground. He will do his business on a rag.

The method may not be very pleasant, but a good owner does not have disgust towards his pet.

The “whims” of your own dog

It happens that your own favorite, smart and obedient, for no apparent reason begins to urinate at home. Owners most often attribute this to whims. But everything is not so simple; in such cases, you need to figure out why the dog craps at home. The reasons may be the following:

  • the pet is not healthy (a disease such as cystitis, for example, brings not only inconvenience to the owner, but also suffering to the dog);
  • consequence of drugs;
  • the pet couldn’t wait to go for a walk (late walk);
  • the dog ate something and then drank a lot of water (if the “occurrences” are one-time);
  • a new adult pet has appeared in the house (most often, males begin to mark their territory, showing the newcomer who is boss);
  • disrespect for the owner (happens when the owner behaves incorrectly towards the pet);
  • The pet wants to attract attention in this way.

In these cases, you should not think about how to wean your dog from peeing at home, you should carefully review the points and eradicate these reasons, the “peeing” will stop by itself.


If your dog starts peeing at home, you should show it where to do it.

The following rules should always be followed:

  • if your pet begins to pee at home, you cannot shout at him (this will not solve the problem, the animal will simply hide, be afraid and pee even more);
  • You should never beat a pet if it starts peeing at home (if a pet who knows the street well can pee at home, only the owner is to blame, so it doesn’t deserve beating);
  • the owner should always strictly follow the regime, regardless of the weather, mood and desire;
  • Patience and encouragement for the dog to do the right thing should always be rewarded.

If you fulfill these requirements, then the owner will never have a question about what to do with the dog, and the four-legged friend will never upset his owner.

Puddles on carpets are not surprising unless they are left by a small puppy. However, if you experience urinary incontinence in dogs, you may wonder if there is a problem. Naturally, conflict situations are possible when the pet defiantly relieves itself. But these are relationship problems.


Natural causes

Urinary incontinence in dogs is a sign of a problem. And they arise not only in old age. It should be understood that a pet is an emotional creature that lives guided by its instincts. In male dogs, the smell of urine is an indicator of dignity.

A pet can often pee for the following reasons: fear, stress, pain, threat, etc. In such a situation, treatment is not required. Simple adjustment needed

Behavioral features

If urinary incontinence in dogs is due to behavioral characteristics, kicking and screaming will not help the matter. Even treatment won't help. In such situations, you need to raise your pet, showing your patience and perseverance.

Males are capable of marking territory in this way. The dog most often pees in the corners. In such a situation, treatment involves sterilization, which will reduce the sexual instinct.

Age characteristics

Why does my dog ​​pee often? This may be due to age-related characteristics, with weakening of smooth muscles. What to do in such a situation? Treatment will need to be maintained with medication.

The reasons why a dog begins to pee frequently may be due to being in heat. Quite often, a similar problem makes itself felt during the first “hunt” in young girls. Due to the presence of nagging pain, they often try to “empty” the bladder. Due to this, you can get rid of additional pressure.

Treatment is not required in this situation. You just need to go for walks with your girl more often. What you shouldn’t do is scold. She realizes that constantly wiping up puddles does not make you feel good. But she is unable to improve.

Perhaps the dog simply drinks a lot of water and cannot wait to go outside. But the need for large amounts of water can also indicate the presence of diseases.

Presence of deviations

True incontinence is very difficult to treat. This is due to the presence of congenital or acquired abnormalities, which are accompanied by weakness of the contractile muscles of the urethra. In such a situation, urine leaks regularly. Treatment will not completely eliminate this problem.

What to do in such a situation? It is important to contact a veterinarian immediately. If you “catch” the pathology at a very early stage, it can be cured. Incurable problems can be controlled in most cases.

Occurrence of diseases

Why did the dog start peeing often? This may indicate that some illness has occurred. And most often they are inflammatory in nature. It is difficult to determine the causes even if you undergo a clinical examination. What to do in such a situation?

Start writing down all the characteristic features of the keeping, describe the diet and nature of walks, tell us about the events that the pet has encountered, how much water it drinks. The more information the veterinarian is given, the faster the causes will be found.


Treatment involves the need for tests. A laboratory urine test can help in many situations. In some dogs, the causes of incontinence are hidden in the presence of cystitis. In case of extensive inflammation, urine begins to leak constantly. Also, a puppy or adult pet may defecate while sleeping.

The causes of cystitis mainly lie in hypothermia. Treatment involves taking antibiotics. Once therapy is started, clinical progress can be seen within a few days. If you do nothing, your puppy or adult pet will begin to urinate blood. Gradually, he will not be able to relieve himself at all.

It is imperative to carry out a full course of treatment. It is not recommended to stop treatment even if the symptoms have completely disappeared. Relapse is possible. The symptoms of cystitis will be discussed in more detail in the video.


The dog begins to pee frequently due to polydipsia. In such a situation, she drinks a lot of water, exceeding several times the daily norm. If the female drinks a lot of water, you should think about the presence of pyometra. In such a situation, an ultrasound is required. It is not recommended to treat your pet on your own.

Polydipsia is a formidable symptom. And his main problem is not that the dog constantly requires water and pees more often. Polydipsia indicates the possibility of diabetes, genitourinary infection, kidney failure and other serious diseases. And if your dog is noticed to be drinking a lot of water, contact your veterinarian immediately.


The dog is able to pee more often due to spinal injuries. This case is accompanied by damage to the nerve endings or the spinal canal. It is difficult to completely get rid of the problem. Most often it occurs in dogs that have an elongated spine, such as dachshunds.

During labor or after the puppy is born, your dog may experience pinched nerves. This disease is accompanied by weakness in the limbs, a sickly appearance, and abandonment of one’s puppy. The veterinarian will determine how to treat the dog when he conducts a comprehensive examination.

If your veterinarian suggests surgery, tests and treatment are recommended first.


A puppy or dog can suffer from increased urination due to the presence of ectopia. This is a congenital disease. Quite often observed in females. The disease is diagnosed at a young age. The diagnosis is based on anamnesis.

If any problems arise during the diagnosis, a visual examination and urography are performed. The disease can be corrected through surgery.

Treatment should begin first by identifying the problem (drinking a lot of water, whining, blood in the urine, etc.).

If the pathology was caused by disturbances in the contractility of the sphincter, hormonal drugs should be used. A similar problem occurs quite often in spayed or neutered pets. It is associated with a lack of hormones.

If there are other problems, medications that are part of the group of tricyclic antidepressants may be effective. They are aimed at relaxing the bladder muscles. However, this also causes the sphincter to contract. This is exactly what is required.

The above remedies have a potent effect. Side effects often occur after taking them. It is recommended to use after consultation with a doctor. It is he who must choose the exact dosage.

If a puppy pees

If a small puppy urinates frequently, know that he will learn to control this process when he is 3-4 months old. The period will depend on how correctly the owner is able to explain what the puppy should do. We need to suggest where he should relieve himself.

It should be understood that it is extremely rare for a puppy to start urinating just like that. In many situations, this is accompanied by the presence of congenital pathologies. And the puppy will be able to return to normal life only after surgical intervention.

Video "Reasons"

Does your dog drink a lot of water, pee often, or experience pain when he relieves himself? The video talks about the reasons why bitches have problems with frequent urination.

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